What's the point of this weird robot torso thing that Sephiroth rips aside to get to Jenova?

What's the point of this weird robot torso thing that Sephiroth rips aside to get to Jenova? Was it supposed to be a decoy or something? This has bugged me for almost 30 years, and I've never thought to ask until now.

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  1. 4 months ago
    Useless/Unused Party Members

    Ok i never thought about this but now that you said it it's bugging the shit out of me

  2. 4 months ago

    because it looks cool

  3. 4 months ago

    Rule of cool.
    FF7 had a lot of it. Purely a "I think this would look cool" thing.

  4. 4 months ago

    Can't tell.

  5. 4 months ago

    I've always wondered the same thing. I assume someone made it and they decided to stick it in the game somewhere because it looked cool.

  6. 4 months ago

    I haven't played the Nibelheim demo, so I don't know how far it goes, but I'm kind of hoping that it fleshes that scene out a bit.

    • 4 months ago

      The Nibelheim part of the demo stops after the Sephiroth walking into the fire scene.

  7. 4 months ago

    Hiding the real Jenova. Sepiroth is the only one able to see trough the deception thanks to his cells who react to the real thing.

    • 4 months ago

      What do you mean it's not even completely blocking Jenova you can just look around it.

  8. 4 months ago

    I mean it's gotta do something if its got power and fluids running through it.

  9. 4 months ago

    Doll to fool uninitiated scientists and staff who accidentally might enter the room. So they would think that this is jenova specimen and then leave without really seeing the specimen.

  10. 4 months ago

    I'd guess it's Hojo's idea of what Jenova is to him, and Sephiroth is rejecting it to embrace her real form.

  11. 4 months ago

    Probably a cybernetic body prototype that jenova could have ended up using to move out of its formol tube.

  12. 4 months ago

    What ia jenova? Is it controling sephiroth?

    • 4 months ago

      Supposedly, but the devs confirmed in some ultimania itw back then Sephiroth was in control the entire time, despite having zero motivation of his own.

    • 4 months ago

      It's been ages since I've played OG FFVII, so I really only remember the main beats at this point, but Jenova is kind of like a cross between Lavos from Chrono Trigger, Adam/Lilith from Evangelion, and maybe a little bit of "The Thing", and a pinch of the T-Virus in there too. In short: an extraterrestrial organism that parasitizes a planet's life force, and then converts it into a vessel to travel to another planet, and repeat the process.

      It crashlands the FFVII planet, creating the Great Northern Crater, and feeding on the planet's Lifestream, and also devastating the planet's Cetra population. The Cetra, along with the WEAPONs (essentially kaiju acting antibodies created by the planet to fight off major threats) seal up Jenova in the crater. Shinra later discovers the dormant Jenova, and bring it to Nibelheim for research, and its genetic material sort of acts as the main ingredient for all their genetic experiments like Soldier.

      One thing I like about Shinra is that they're like a combination of the Galactic Empire and Umbrella.

      • 4 months ago

        But then who made the Weapons

        • 4 months ago

          As I recall, they're just sort of spawned by the planet itself in its time of need. They're like white blood cells to fight off the planet's "infections".

  13. 4 months ago

    It’s a life support system

  14. 4 months ago

    Someone just needed to tell sephiroth that his mom wasn't actually that alien thing and he'd be fine

  15. 4 months ago

    What Sephiroth and the player sees in the FMV isn't what Jenova looks like. It's what it wanted Sephiroth to see.

  16. 4 months ago

    a termianl by which jenova communicates out of the jar with visitors, see the combination of wires and fluid for transmission of messages to and from the terminal, it has a microphone and a speaker

  17. 4 months ago

    Jenova getting fleshed out is probably what I'm most curious about with this whole update project.

    • 4 months ago

      There's nothing to flesh out. We learned its entire lifecycle in the original and Advent Children stated it again. It's literally just "The Thing". It lands on a planet, assimilates and consumes all life until there's nothing left, then crashes the now barren rock onto the next planet, rinse and repeat. I guess you could reveal what made Sephiroth special, since everything else that is infected with Jenovas cells is assimilated, but for some reason he wasn't. Maybe that's how Jenovas species reproduces? They use the "strongest" local lifeform to construct a new super-being to continue the cycle? Sephiroth in Advent Children said he was going to restart Jenova's lifecycle with himself after all...

  18. 4 months ago

    I think it's all some kind of elaborate life support system. Same with the weird artificial heart thing she's attached to and all the tubes and stuff in her room.

    • 4 months ago

      Being Jenova looks like constant pain

      • 4 months ago

        b***h came to the wrong planet

  19. 4 months ago

    Jenova pussy any good

  20. 4 months ago

    But isn't that one of the ancients that the Jenova virus infected?

  21. 4 months ago

    >Sephiroth's plan was to have meteor slam into the planet and kill all life, so he and his alien mommy gf could drink up all the lifestream and then leave the planet for dead

    I swear this is the same plot of Lost Planet 2. Replace Jenova with that humongous Over G Akrid

    • 4 months ago

      Seems like a common trope in Japanese games
      Wonder if it's a metaphor for America crashing into Japan

    • 4 months ago

      Sephiroth is dead.

      Picrel is the same as the "Jenova" ancient woman the Jenova parasite attached to.

      Sephiroth in Remake is the dead/real Sephiroth.

  22. 4 months ago

    Was Jenova originally supposed to be Parasite Eve? Like maybe they couldn't secure the rights to adapt it in 1995 and made their own take on the same rough concept. Jenova and Hojo are a lot like Eve and Klamp in PE right down to collaborating to make an Ultimate Being and I always thought it was weird they reused the same basic character archetypes all over again so soon.

    • 4 months ago

      VII, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Chrono Cross and Vagrant Story are probably all connected in terms of development and staffing in some way or another.

      • 4 months ago

        I fricking love PARASITE EVE

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