What's your favorite light gun and light gun games?

What's your favorite light gun and light gun games? I know Virtua Cop 2 is considered a better game but I like the simplicity of the first game more.

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  1. 1 month ago

    Duck Hunt

  2. 1 month ago

    Dreamcast gun is my favourite. It looks goofy but feels nice and weighty with the VMU in it and having a full d-pad and buttons within thumbs reach is great

    • 1 month ago

      I'm grateful to have a gdemu so I can easily load the Japan version of THOTD2. Thanks Dylan and Eric for giving Bernard cold feet on his own light gun. Anyway I like that the vibration pack can be attached to it, I was playing thotd2 with my niece the other week and she was shocked every time it went off.

      • 1 month ago

        Why the Japan version

        • 1 month ago

          The US version of the game is programmed to not work with the official Dreamcast light gun, all US light gun games are like this which is really gay. It's Dylan and Eric's fault.

    • 1 month ago

      Lightgun thread let me in! I recently got a GunCon 1. Thinking of getting a GunCon 2 for my PS2 and if I ever get a MiSTer it should work there too. I also want to get a Dreamcast one. Just not sure if I get the genuine one or a third party. None of these are region specific too right? I just get whichever is the cleanest and less cummed on and start shooting yeah?

      • 1 month ago

        Soo even though I'm yuropoor I'm getting a Japanese Godcast and gonna be using an ODE to play US games. What's my Dreamcast gun situation gonna be in that case? Do I have to get the MadCatz or are there patched game isos or something that remove the region lock. Anon over here did say the MadCatz one sucks.

        Buy the official gun and play the Japanese version of HoTD 2 and the PAL version of Confidential Mission. Not sure about the Death Crimson games but the Japanese versions should be fine

        • 1 month ago

          >the PAL version

          Ugh, do I really have to? Perhaps PAL releases are not garbage on the Dreamcast, unlike other consoles?

          • 1 month ago

            PAL Confidential Mission has a 60hz toggle like most PAL Dreamcast games, PAL HoTD 2 is one of the few exceptions and only runs at 60hz while using VGA
            There's no reason to import a Japanese Dreamcast if you're a yuropoor using an ODE (unless you really like the orange swirl) PAL Dreamcast will play games from all regions at the correct refresh rate

            • 1 month ago

              Japanese Godcast is already in the mail and will be here soon. Is the 60hz toggle only for VGA, or is it game dependent? Because I'll be using RGB SCART.

              • 1 month ago

                You can play PAL Confidential Mission at 60hz on RGB SCART, it's how I played it
                Here's a list of PAL Dreamcast games to avoid
                Dreamcast was very good at supporting PAL60

              • 1 month ago

                Sounds cool. I checked prices for the genuine gun and they're kinda fricked but oh well. I hope I get a clean unit that lasts.

  3. 1 month ago

    I like the Yoba one since it has a lot of features and works with lots of games,

    When it comes to games, I'd say Virtua Cop 2, Poilce 24/7, vampire Night and Resident Evil Dead Aim

  4. 1 month ago

    point blank is far and away my favorite light gun game. house of the dead series would be #2.

  5. 1 month ago

    Guncon1 has the perfect form imo

  6. 1 month ago

    Is latency the only reason light guns don't work on LCDs?

    • 1 month ago

      Guncon 1 was the peak of home light guns. Namco arcade gun is the best in general.

      No, the screen draw is completely different. A raster scan can be thought of as an electron beam that sweeps left to right for a line, then moves down to the next line and sweeps left to right again. Light guns pick up on the trailing edge of this beam of light to know exactly how far through the beam travel they are. In order to get a light gun working on an LCD, you'd need an LCD capable of refreshing tens of thousands of times a second, instead of the embarrassing 480hz which is about the maximum you can buy these days.

      • 1 month ago

        >all light guns work the same way
        >all that word salad
        You need to go back

        • 1 month ago

          Yes, all light guns work the same way. I'm sorry you're too stupid to understand.

          • 1 month ago

            You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

        • 1 month ago

          You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

          Illiterate and projecting

          • 1 month ago

            Why are you zoomies like this? So desperate for attention that you'll spew the most ridiculous bullshit and then throw a tantrum when someone calls you out.
            You don't know what your talking about kiddo. You obviously learned everything you "know" about the subject from a youtube made by some other clueless kid. Just frick off back to tiktok already.

            • 1 month ago

              Lightguns read CRT raster scans despite your ineffectual begging to differ.

  7. 1 month ago

    Police Trainer 2

    • 1 month ago

      Are you playing it via teknoparrot? Do most titles run well enough that it's worth signing up for their Patreon?

      • 1 month ago

        I wouldn't pay for Teknoparrot. Some games work, but you're just paying to beta test shit for them. When it works well, it'll be available free.

  8. 1 month ago

    Time Crisis Project Titan

    • 1 month ago

      For some reason all sorts of sites list Flying Tiger as the developer for some reason, even though all the credits are all Japanese people. I'm pretty sure Flying Tiger only did the localization.

  9. 1 month ago

    Ranking of lightguns I've used from best to worst:

    >GunCon 2
    God-tier form, accuracy, ergonomics, and functionality. The ultimate lightgun only valid complaint I can think for it is the AV splitter cable can be a b***h to find sometimes.
    >GunCon 1
    Also very nice lightgun but 2 has better shape and more buttons.
    >Virtua Gun/Stunner
    Very nice shaped lightgun and its accuracy honestly rivals the GunCon though the trigger on mine is getting a bit crusty.
    >Xbox MadCatz Blaster
    Very nice light gun, underrated if I'm being honest the accuracy is good and the force feedback is a very nice touch, shame it's only compatible with like three games and MAME support is hit-or-miss if not nonexistant from what I can tell.
    Fun to play around with though that trigger can wear your finger out after a while and accuracy is hit-or-miss compared to later light guns.
    >PS Move
    Not a big fan of it but it at-least has a gun attachment with a natural shape and acceptable build quality.
    >Wii Zapper
    Having the trigger on the left finger is awkward and the build quality feels kind of cheap and hollow. Not a fan would rather just use the Wiimote by itself or a third-party gun attachment.
    >Dreamcast MadCatz Blaster
    Shit shape, so-so accuracy, and the trigger feels clicky and satisfying to pull initially but it quickly digs into your finger and becomes unpleasant to use. I haven't been able to beat HotD2 because this piece of shit gives me a harder time than my other lightguns and the better quality ones from Japan are hard to come by and expensive. At-least it has an autofire function but the Xbox lightgun is a staggering improvement in every way.

    • 1 month ago

      theres a difference in accuracy between light guns?

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah. Some work differently, generally the ones that can hook directly into a sync signal are the best (guncon, xbox) saturn and dc guns tend to be susceptible to issues on certain screen types and lower brightness levels.

    • 1 month ago

      Soo even though I'm yuropoor I'm getting a Japanese Godcast and gonna be using an ODE to play US games. What's my Dreamcast gun situation gonna be in that case? Do I have to get the MadCatz or are there patched game isos or something that remove the region lock. Anon over here did say the MadCatz one sucks.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah. Some work differently, generally the ones that can hook directly into a sync signal are the best (guncon, xbox) saturn and dc guns tend to be susceptible to issues on certain screen types and lower brightness levels.

      how can you tell the difference in accuracy between guns?

  10. 1 month ago

    Dynamite Duke is fun

    • 1 month ago

      (For that era, impressive for a sega game)

  11. 1 month ago

    i don't like seeing light guns at the bar when real shootings happen immediately outside

  12. 1 month ago

    Is it worth getting a light gun on Xbox for House of the Dead 3? This one specifically.

    • 1 month ago

      These guns are really getting old it might be time for the gun4ir or sinden

    • 1 month ago

      Innox Beretta s are so cool

  13. 1 month ago

    I like the Pelican Super Jolt Gun because the slide moves having a bit of force feedback plus it has a bit of weight which gives it the feel very similar to the arcades. As for my favorite light gun game, it has to be Time Crisis 2 because it was very memorable at school with the two large screens for fast paced co-op action. I like Virtua Cop 2 more not just for Janet but also the variety with some destructible environmental objects and alternate paths.

  14. 1 month ago

    Easily Crossbow

  15. 1 month ago

    isn't it kinda strange these games aren't made anymore, you probably could make such a precise lightgun too and I'm not talking about laggy gyro shit

    • 1 month ago

      New gen consoles don't have any? I haven't been keeping up with anything past Gen 6. What's the best gun game console anyways? I would assume the Saturn or Dreamcast, since they're supposed to be the arcade port consoles, but I've never seen either of them irl even, let alone played their games.

      • 1 month ago

        >What's the best gun game console anyways?
        PS2 easily when you consider it's backwards compatible with all the PS1 light gun games. Saturn and Dreamcast have a surprisingly low amount of light-gun games

    • 1 month ago

      >isn't it kinda strange these games aren't made anymore, you probably could make such a precise lightgun too
      They still are made, but it's more of an indie thing now. The problem is that arcades are pretty dead and the tech is languishing. Old guns were cheap. A diode, maybe a solenoid, and a lens. Because they were simple, that also made repair work simple. The newer stuff is all IR based, which has issues.

      Before the switch to IR, screens were getting bigger and bigger. You had cabs with 50"+ in the deluxe versions. With the switch to IR, minimum screen distance meant there was no point in bigger screens. Screens got smaller, and further away.

      You could absolutely make a precise lightgun now. There's consumer tech available to do it, I've proof of concepted it for about 800 bucks (production kits would be a minimum of 500 dollars, and require about 100k worth of investment). The problem is that nobody is interested. Nobody is interested in making new games, because the arcades that made them profitable no longer exist. Nobody is interested in making new guns, because it's too niche. Right now, all you can buy or build is junk.

      how can you tell the difference in accuracy between guns?

      It's pretty easy, does the shot go where you're aiming? This isn't a calibration thing. With non-sync guns, the gun doesn't actually know the timing at which the screen redraw starts. This introduces uncertainty into the timing window. The gun says "I clicked at 0ms, I saw white at 37ms" and the system has to interpret that. A sync gun says "I clicked at 0ms. The screen redraw started at 27ms. I saw white at 37ms, so the cursor is at 10ms, or about 2/3rds of the way down the screen."

      Early guns are pretty accurate at height, because the beam draws a line at a time, but they're not great at horizontal position, because the beam is moving so fast and even very small timing errors can move the cursor halfway across the screen. Think about it, you're drawing 320 dots left to right, 60 times a second.

      • 1 month ago

        I watched some youtuber talking about calibration, saying it varies from CRT to CRT, and that using the 240p test suite and setting brightness high helps a lot. Basically said first party guns are good, just need a good calibration method. Also said the genuine Dreamcast gun was shit, but I don't know if I should trust these people.

        • 1 month ago

          I mean, there are first party guns that are ass, like the Konami Hyperblaster. A whole bunch of games supported it until Namco came out with the guncon, which was miles better due to sync. There are mods to play hyperblaster games with the guncon, but they're literally just controller ID switching, which means the guncon essentially acts as a hyperblaster and the accuracy is just as dogshit in those games. Maybe one day someone will come along and properly put the guncon timing code in those older titles, but I guess with light guns being dead it's easier to just bind the cursor to a mouse and sidestep the issue.

      • 1 month ago

        what are the best guns for the ps1, ps2, saturn, dreamcast & nes/famicom?

  16. 1 month ago

    Sega master system for its superior light gun implementation

    • 1 month ago

      The best 8-bit light gun game

  17. 1 month ago

    Anyone used a wiimote as a light gun on pc? What was the experience like?

    • 1 month ago

      >Anyone used a wiimote as a light gun on pc? What was the experience like?
      About as good as using a wiimote on a wii, so intolerable.

      You can play basic games with an on-screen cursor with 2 point tracking. It's going to be slow, the pointer is going to drift an inch or two at random over a couple of minutes of play, but you can do it.

      what are the best guns for the ps1, ps2, saturn, dreamcast & nes/famicom?

      >ps1, ps2,
      Guncon 1. Guncon 2 has more buttons and is even a bit more accurate, but is inferior in terms of feeling in the hand.
      Here I don't know. I've only tried the official gun, which is awful, shaped for morons. If I really wanted to play DC games (which all run better on PC now, so what's the point), I'd probably try out the StarFire LightBlaster, which always looked a little better than the mad catz one.
      >& nes/famicom?
      Zapper is good, GUN is better but you'd probably be paying like 200 bucks for one now.

      • 1 month ago

        >guncon 1/2
        bit what about the konami-gun-compaitble only games?

        also Segaretro says the official Dreamcast gun and Madcatz one are the best and functional identical

        • 1 month ago

          >but what about the konami-gun-compatible only games?
          They can be patched to work with the guncon. Not well, but the Hyperblaster was ass to begin with.

          You might still need a Hyperblaster to play Police 24/7 though, I guess. I don't think anyone patched that. But you need an old chipset USB camera for that game too.

          >functional identical
          What matters most is how the gun feels in the hand. I've got some great, highly accurate PC guns made by Act-Labs in the 90s, they're incredibly accurate, send their own flash signal through VGA passthrough, work near flawlessly. But both guns (raygun and arcade) are shaped incredibly poorly and they just fricking hurt to hold for more than 5 minutes.

          The DC gun I have both feels like shit to hold and feels like I'm aiming 5 feet lower than I'm looking due to the stupid VMU slot causing the iron sights to be a mile higher than the barrel.

          • 1 month ago

            is the Yoba accurate? It has a switch for Guncon/Justifier

  18. 1 month ago

    i asked this before but didnt get an answer so i'll try in this thread.

    has anyone tried the light guns that have dual saturn/ps1 compatibility? i know nyko made one that I see on ebay frequently. i'm curious if they are decent enough because it would be nice to have 1 gun that works for both.

    • 1 month ago

      They're on the same level as most other third party guns, spotty. They'll work, but not great. I'd rather just have 2 different guns, the stunner is a great home version of the guns for HotD and VC in the arcade, and the Guncon is a great home version of the Namco gun.

    • 1 month ago

      Anyone capable of offering an informed intelligent answer was probably too busy rolling their eyes to reply. There are a buttload of these things, so it's not like it's a simple question are whether "they" are "decent". There are also different incompatible light guns for the PS1, so it's more than a question of "both". And there's a whole bunch of other factors you haven't considered that may or may not be relevant to you. I'm afraid it's not quite as simple as you'd hoped.

      They're on the same level as most other third party guns, spotty. They'll work, but not great. I'd rather just have 2 different guns, the stunner is a great home version of the guns for HotD and VC in the arcade, and the Guncon is a great home version of the Namco gun.

      >They're on the same level as most other third party guns, spotty.
      Not at all They range from absolute garbage to vastly superior in many ways to "official" guns. The main problem is that finding one that has all the nice features and compatibility is probably going to be impossible. Also zoomer poorgay minimalism is cringe.

      • 1 month ago

        >And there's a whole bunch of other factors you haven't considered that may or may not be relevant to you. I'm afraid it's not quite as simple as you'd hoped.
        shit i guess i gotta look up some youtube reviews or something unless there's some wiki light gun database that i dont know about.

        • 1 month ago

          Your best bet is probably to have a look at what you could get your hands on and then read up on those. There wouldn't be much point in comparing dozens of guns you're never going to see. I'm not aware of any comprehensive databases. There are place with a few pics and a brief blurb but that's about it.

          Lightguns read CRT raster scans despite your ineffectual begging to differ.

          Just stop flapping your thumbs already. You're not going to fool anyone here into believe you're anything other than a clueless zoomie tapping words you heard on youtube.

  19. 1 month ago

    Anyone use this? I got two of them a few months back and the one I used worked well with Time Crisis 3.

  20. 1 month ago

    Anyone one know of the Simba gun for Famicoms (and clones) is any good?

  21. 1 month ago

    I like DRUG WARS

  22. 1 month ago

    Just spent a while getting my lightgun set up, so far I can play model 2, model 3, and Naomi/Atomiswave shit without any issues.

    Mame is still giving me trouble, because the mouse cursor is emulated it just really hates it for some reason. Works fine in the menu and I can see if it I hit tab, but it doesn't do shit in game and none of the buttons work.

    Might try and set up some newer stuff later. I think Teknoparrot is going to have issues because it's moronic and expects a specific "mouse" device, but hopefully Jconfig works.

    • 1 month ago

      You should use Demulshooter

      • 1 month ago

        I can't, it has the same issue with expecting a physical gun ID I don't have.

  23. 1 month ago

    Why is the Saturn lightgun such a peace of shit?
    Mine wasn't making good contact with the micro switch so I had to remove that shitty spring and put some felt pad on the trigger.
    And guess what happened with the plastic holes while unscrewing it? Most of them broke off.
    Meanwhile the used Guncon I got a while ago worked without a problem.

    • 1 month ago

      I've never had any issues with it, it's literally the exact same internal design as a guncon with the spring and microswitch. I actually had a guncon the other day with a broken microswitch, first time I've ever seen that shit, glad I tested it before wiring it up.

      Your gun was probably left out exposed to UV or something, making the plastic brittle. I kind of want to put a proper microswitch in my guncon, but I'm too lazy to open it back up again.

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