What's your favourite RTS unit? Also will RTS have a comeback someday?

What's your favourite RTS unit? Also will RTS have a comeback someday?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >will RTS have a comeback someday?
    Probably, but it will be some kind of indie resurrection where an indie game does something totally new, instead of old school RTS coming back.

    • 8 months ago

      No it won't, Indie will still feed on rats and breadcrumbs. The starting shot will probably be when Microsoft aquires Blizzard and resurrects Starcraft 3.

      • 8 months ago

        No. RTS games are all the same now. Microsoft isn't gonna change that by coming up with something new. If they were capable of that, they wouldn't need to be buying up every studio on the planet.

    • 8 months ago

      dorf RTS with its light logistics system seems pretty interesting, the other ideas they have floating around also seem nice

    • 8 months ago

      As technology and tools advance, driven and talented autists will be able to create what was only 10 years ago considered AAA on their own. Great example being the Astartes video project.

    • 8 months ago

      Really hoping Factorio's expansion will introduce more RTS elements; you can already do a hell of a lot with the Spidertron in vanilla, but expanding that concept to different units would be amazing.
      Get the automation part done by hand in the early game, only to unleash full-scale RTS warfare at endgame. What a dream.

    • 8 months ago

      they better make Halo Wars 3

    • 8 months ago


      rts are hard as frick to make. there are a few indie rts games and they super buggy and lacking in content. it's not happening

  2. 8 months ago

    God I love Tiberian Sun so fricking much.

    >What's your favourite RTS unit?
    You just posted it. And also the Disruptor.
    >Also will RTS have a comeback someday?
    I hope so. But Zoomers are moronic unfortunately.

    • 8 months ago

      >But Zoomers are moronic unfortunately.
      This. Can vouch for this as a zoomer.
      To this day I am still stuck on AoE2's Saladin campaign despite having 90 hours on the game and stuck on the Dr Mobius mission in C&C despite having 15 hours in the game.
      And I am too moronic for Civ as well.

    • 8 months ago

      I remember playing this multiplayer and realising how absurdly strong attack ground with disruptors was, you could level multiple buildings in like 3 seconds with that. Heli-dropping disruptors in the middle of a base could mean an instant game over for them.

  3. 8 months ago

    >Also will RTS have a comeback someday?
    The RTS concept has to be reworked to keep people entertained. I am pretty sure Tempest Rising will die a quick death.

    • 8 months ago

      >Also will RTS have a comeback someday?
      No, the industry and the most vocal parts of the genre's playerbase have been irreversibly mindbroken by the design philosophy of Star/Warcraft and the lure of chasing that esports dragon
      They must be designed to be as sterile a game environment as possible because variance and fluctuation in interactions is perceived as antithetical to strategy
      Your only hope for anything that feels like a comeback is a small indie dev trying to make something original which means more often than not it will end up janky and shit if it ever leaves an early access stage at all and isn't barraged by negative reviews because it isn't designed like a Blizzard RTS
      Add onto the fact that you cant effectively port an RTS onto console without it either feeling like absolute shit to control or having it be dumbed down dogshit like halo wars means devs are even less likely to bother trying to make an RTS game much less a decent one that doesn't fit the safe mold to ensure sales

      >Also will RTS have a comeback someday?
      Incredibly unlikely this genre needs innovation and its fans hate innovation with passion. So the industry tries to make the next starcraft or age of empires clone and the rtsgays hate it because it's not exactly the same thing and the cycle continues.

      Horrible takes

      RTS games declined because rising game development costs meant that a genre that only works well on PC and requires a lot of launch content to be developed for it has a harder time making a profit and devs/publishers are discouraged from spending a lot on it.

      RTS games don't have less innovation between series and sequels than what other popular genres have
      RTS games have no issue with "turning too competitive focused" either. Even SC2 has a stupid amount of high quality single player and casual friendly content, far more than what older RTS games had

      RTS games simply no longer get a big variety of big budget releases. The genre is just not as financially viable with how the gaming market is now.

      • 8 months ago

        an impressively ignorant post

        • 8 months ago

          elaborate or shut the frick up

          there is no "RTS games moved to focus only on competitive scene that caused the fall of RTS games" phenomenon, this shit literally never happened and I have no idea why the frick do people here keep spamming this same shit.

          my only theory is that you got mad that these games ALSO have a high skill competitive scene that you are shit at and the games not having that at all would make you feel better which is why you are advocating for them not having them

          • 8 months ago

            Because it did obviously happen and you're either stupid or insane to think how you do. Shit like Iron Harvest and Gray Goo didn't fail because of it's fricking name, they were shit because they felt shit to play because they were designed to work for 1v1 ladder first and everything else second but 1v1 MP players are a minority in every strategy game there is. At no point did any unit in those games fulfill a thematic fantasy or feel enjoyable to use.

            • 8 months ago

              anon, Gray Goo literally tried to be an oldschool CnC throwback in every fricking aspect including controls or the cinematics where probably most of it's budget went.
              the game is just fricking unremarkable with none of the designs, graphics, music etc. standing out, but that's already an issue with the game just being lower budget overall for it's time, not being able to attract as many and as high level devs.

              also, games like Stormgate trying to focus on multiplayer is a symptom of RTS games having a hard time in the market and trying out different routes recently, not what caused the decline of the genre.

            • 8 months ago

              >Shit like Iron Harvest and Gray Goo didn't fail because of it's fricking name, they were shit because they felt shit to play because they were designed to work for 1v1 ladder first
              Iron Harvest failed because they made a game about cool mechs fighting and instead the gameplay is focused on infantry running around the map and capturing sites

              • 8 months ago

                The mechs just felt like Tanks+ to me and not a unique type of unit.

              • 8 months ago

                they're weak as shit too, I have no idea why you'd use any Polanian mech except the biggest one. Only the biggest gigamechs dealt somewhat decent damage and survive more than 3 anti-vehicle shots.
                >mortar mechs are good though!
                I can get 3 infantry teams that will do their job better and faster AND they can capture shit too.

              • 8 months ago

                Polanias best mech was to first one with the sniper PZM-7 "Smialy". You stack 3 or five of them and flank the enemy or you snipe them out of range as the enemy unit AI does not react to getting shot out of their range. But i must admit that Polania was the most balanced faction. Each Mech had a good purpose.

              • 8 months ago

                >You stack 3 or five of them
                see that's the problem, stacking 3 or 5 of them requires you to skip infantry and map control. And if a competent player puts 2-3 anti-vehicle teams against your 5 stack, you still won't get to accomplish much, you ceded map control, and you lost more resources because Smialy dies in 2-3 shots unless stuff changed a lot since launch

              • 8 months ago

                Doesn't Smialy outrange the anti-tank squads? And you had 5 of them to one-shot any infantry squad. And sure you need also Infantry.

              • 8 months ago

                Polanias best mech was to first one with the sniper PZM-7 "Smialy". You stack 3 or five of them and flank the enemy or you snipe them out of range as the enemy unit AI does not react to getting shot out of their range. But i must admit that Polania was the most balanced faction. Each Mech had a good purpose.

                Only ruskies had no reason to build mechs, when their power armor melee infantry is an all purpose rape squad.

              • 8 months ago

                Depends, the Smialy can counter them if there are 3-5 of them as they are fast as frick.
                Ruskies had the walking fortress which was absurde as it had MG against infantry and a big as cannon against anything else. It was a no-brainer allround mech.

              • 8 months ago

                No, it failed because it had barebones pathfinding, non existing Unit AI and combat boiled down to either Rock-Paper-Scissors or only using the Allrounder Mechs.

                Everything else was exceptional, from the unit design to the Campaign and the Cutscenes which were a blast from the past so to say.

              • 8 months ago

                >exceptional unit design
                >infantry function identically for all factions
                >only thing different is unit portrait
                >most mechs are useless and hard countered by a gust of wind
                >not to mention all the mech designs are ripped from some polacks paintings, at most you can admire the animations and they're not exactly impressive

              • 8 months ago

                >are ripped from some polacks paintings
                they ARE the mechs from those paintings.

              • 8 months ago

                There are Mechs that counter Infantry and these are especially good.

                The Painter is Jakub Rozalski had he was completely involved in the process of making this. Even the story and characters are based on his works. The game would not exist without him. So ripped is just wrong, moron.

          • 8 months ago

            yeah you have no idea what the frick you're talking about because you pay minimal attention to what RTS games have released in the past two decades
            take your drivel back to l*ddit

            • 8 months ago

              again, elaborate or shut the frick up with these no-argument replies

              • 8 months ago

                there's nothing to elaborate on, every single one of your points is blatantly wrong for well known reasons given in the posts you originally replied to
                the fact that you argue against them show that you're a moronic homosexual that is why the genre stays in the shithole its in

              • 8 months ago

                >I have no argument but you are just wrong
                amazing post anon

                please keep explaining it to me how SC2 totally has less effort put into making casual content than what older RTS games had that "prioritized single player over esports", or how fleshed out multiplayer modes totally weren't a staple of the genre since fricking SC1, AoE1 or CnC1

              • 8 months ago

                hes moronic gay who posts that in every rts thread then gets destroyed, ignore him

              • 8 months ago

                more evidence you're a fricking moronic newbie who has no idea what you're on about
                all the classic games that grew into having decent multiplayer games were designed as functioning games first with multiplayer being an afterthought in design
                that is not how RTS games today are designed and its why they fail to create any interesting design because from the start the game is meant to be sterile and "balanced" in order to ape what shareholders see as successful
                hence you need to go back and fricking have a nice day because your opinions are worse than worthless they're actively damaging to the thing you allegedly love

          • 8 months ago

            SC2 ladder was routinely sabotaged by balancing the game based on what the pros were doing. Made pvp awful as it was full of stupid shit like constant queen micromanagement.

            The only thing that kept SC2 alive was arcade.

            • 8 months ago

              SC2 has the most fleshed out single player campaings and pretty fleshed out casual coop modes, along with the most fleshed out custom game scene in the genre

              saying that the devs only cared about competitive scene (which was also part of the series since it's inception) is so fricking objectively wrong.

              Also you keep b***hing about the game requiring micromanagement but I bet you don't even play games like Halo Wars1-2 either that require little APM

              • 8 months ago

                Coop commanders wasn't added until LotV. For the first 5 years of the game the only thing to do after campaign was arcade or tryhard in ladder.

                So take your "objectivity" and shove it up your ass.

      • 8 months ago

        RTS games only became cheaper and cheaper to make. The shift to consoles hurt RTS for sure, but that's not the reason they died. They died because of game design. The classic RTS gameplay has some serious flaws which were never adequately addressed by developers, they just kept making the same thing, so people moved onto other more interesting game genres

        • 8 months ago

          If that's the case why are SC2, broodwar, AoE and so on still popular today?

          • 8 months ago

            Custom games
            Custom games

          • 8 months ago

            That supports my point, people have no interest in the new RTS games being made, because they fail to improve upon the old. So the diehards keep playing the old games. SC2 is an exception there because it's an exceptionally well made game even if it doesn't really offer anything new

  4. 8 months ago

    >pic related

    • 8 months ago

      I miss RA2.

    • 8 months ago

      Nobody's here but us trees!

  5. 8 months ago

    The Titan is cool but it's just so damn slow if you're not playing with gamespeed cranked up.

  6. 8 months ago

    Just the best RTS artillery unit coming through.

    • 8 months ago

      Ground Control was so cool and I doubt we'll ever see its like again

      Good shit

  7. 8 months ago

    More games need to let you go full gypsy on enemy units

  8. 8 months ago

    The Dragon Knight from Warlords Battlecry 3.
    >only melee cavalry in the game that can attack flying units
    >extra resistance against the most common element
    >affordable, can be massed to become the main unit of your army
    >yet, all the hallmarks of the high elf faction: high combat skill, fast, good armor, strong against psychological effects
    Love these guys.

  9. 8 months ago

    >Also will RTS have a comeback someday?
    No, it already peaked, nothing will surpass Starcraft 1, WC3, and AOE2, best you'll get to see in your lifetime is Starcraft 3 with Blizz pumping oodles of money into marketing to keep the playerbase afloat for its first year or two

  10. 8 months ago

    [menacing noises]

    • 8 months ago

      Imagine being this menacing and then a mobile space station just floats above. When it stops within viewing distance spontaneously your skin begins to peel from your flesh as you've been doused with lethal radiation and you cook to death.

      • 8 months ago

        You are supposed to use science vessels irradiates against defilers, which are 1000 more dangerous than lurkers

    • 8 months ago

      *comes out of the ground*
      *spits at you*
      *buries itself and leaves*

    • 8 months ago

      How exactly do lurker spines work?

      • 8 months ago

        Same way a duck penis does.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago


        How you like my groove, Daggoth?

    • 8 months ago

      love these homies

  11. 8 months ago

    Lately it has to be some of the BAR units

    Every unit in this game shoots an actual proyectile, which makes a crater and impacts wherever they land. So big tanks=big holes and splash damage

    RTS haven't gone away, but aren't the hot stuff right now. I think they're in a fine spot for people who like them. BAR is free so whoever wants to try something good can do so right now

    • 8 months ago

      Why do people shill this garbage? Both TA and SupCom fricking shit on it in every possible way.

    • 8 months ago

      BAR sucks ass though

    • 8 months ago

      >I think they're in a fine spot for people who like them.
      are you moronic? there hasnt been a major RTS release worth talking about in over a decade

      • 8 months ago

        Deserts of kharak?

        • 8 months ago

          is trash (and ruined the lore of homeworld)

      • 8 months ago

        AoE 4?

        • 8 months ago

          >Let's make AoE2 again but ugly, slower, with bad music, worse campaigns and less intuitive gameplay
          At least the servers work

    • 8 months ago

      For me it's the Sumo

      • 8 months ago

        Sumos are cute actually
        For me is the Tzar. Its kinda bad to be honest for 8v8 frontal assaults when there's just too much concentrated firepower for their slow ass. But when the big shell fires and hits a clustered bunch of units it's more about the terror damage it does.

  12. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      I can hear it

      • 8 months ago

        For me it's


        • 8 months ago

          afaik its a first video game with professional orchestra music, it definitely sounded a lot better compared to everything else from that era

          • 8 months ago

            It's also very unique in the fact that it's a more traditional orchestra music, rather than the themes that other games have. I'm not really saying it's right or wrong. For example starcraft creates a faction identity by having different themes for each faction, but at the same time a grand orchestra really sets the theme for the grand scale of the war that is going on screen
            fricking love jeremy soule

      • 8 months ago

        For me it's


        >when you played TA for hundreds of hours but it was on a ripped copy without music
        feels strange man

        • 8 months ago

          There's a ton of good ones out there in all kinds of great games, but if I really have to pick one I'd probably go with the ACU from TA/Supcom. It's just the concept of a massive walking tank that can build an empire that's just so cool

          jesus christ man I'm so sorry

        • 8 months ago

          You are not alone, had a ripped copy with no music as well

      • 8 months ago

        jeremy soule's back catalog is impressive

  13. 8 months ago

    Not for a very long time. People are getting dumber by the year.

  14. 8 months ago

    Fricking pulverize everything with 'uge hammers

    • 8 months ago

      I miss DaW2

      • 8 months ago

        play it then

    • 8 months ago

      >yoinks them with Tome of Subjugation
      just as planned

    • 8 months ago

      I see your tier 3 unit and raise you a tier 1
      >Counters set-up teams
      >Counters jump infantry
      >Light counters vehicles
      >Tanky as hell and good piercing damage
      >Power-melee bayonets
      >Squad leaders die last, so at least 3 will always survive out of 7
      >Can go invisible and hide invisible explosives
      If they didn't drain power supplies to reinforce, they would be too powerful for mortal minds.

  15. 8 months ago

    >luv me gauss cannons
    >luv me flak
    >luv me autocannons
    Simple as

  16. 8 months ago

    Placing Basilisks around the map. It's a building but it counts because it's just too fun/good

  17. 8 months ago

    Favorite unit gotta be Flash Gitz (Dawn of War: Dark Crusade). Actually elite shootas for the greenies with chad lines and giant, rapid fire guns with bullets bigger than a twin size mattress.

    • 8 months ago

      Hot take: Orks were always a better shooty faction than melee.

      • 8 months ago

        A fully kitted out Nobz squad is still pretty good.
        And those looted tanks are fricking inaccurate as hell

  18. 8 months ago

    what's going on with storm gate or whatever the frick the game made by ex blizzard people is called? is it going to be doa?

    • 8 months ago

      Its gonna be like that wannabe left 4 dead game that came out last year iirc:
      From the creators of (insert genre defining game that was a success) to get morons to buy it, actually it was a game created by a team almost composed from people that had little to no experience making said genre, except 2 or 4 actual veterans making those games, so the game becomes pure shit,which is what is gonna happen to stormgate, also why anyone would be interested in a sc3 reeskin that looks literally the same if you already have large experience playing a game that came out 15+ years ago and is still great?

  19. 8 months ago

    marine in broodwar, handcannoneer in aoe2, riflemen in coh2, space marine squad in dow1. i like my basic infantry with guns.

  20. 8 months ago

    >instantly fills your yang pool past what the game can display
    Broken Battle Realms build was so fun

  21. 8 months ago

    Not until they allow more 'campy' and slow playstyles in RTS games.

    • 8 months ago

      There's no way for classic RTS to ever evolve beyond APM and optimized build order and the purists will always invent a new term for games that don't have these elements

      • 8 months ago

        It's actually extremely easy SC is the only one that has difficulties with it because it's build orders go for so long relative to the game length and even basic builds can end games before they're even over. An all-in for a C&C game means actually crippling yourself rather than sacrificing 4 potential workers.

      • 8 months ago

        Terrans in Starcraft could force a stalemate followed by a slow moving forward of their lines seven or eight years ago. No idea if it's still that way.

    • 8 months ago

      This kinda playstyle ended up being the basis for stuff like Age of Darkness, They are Billions and Conan Unconquered IMO.
      Very turtle and base building heavy games.

  22. 8 months ago

    >Favorite unit
    For me, it's the Armored Hoplite from Rome Total War. It would be the Aventuros from Medieval 2 if pikes in it worked properly though
    >Will RTS have a comeback someday
    I hope so, but probably not. The average person legitimately does not have the attention span to actually play RTS, and the ones who do try to play it like it's the esports garbage they see on twitch, and only care about APM and timings. On that note, I fricking hate people who give a shit about APM when 99% of the time, it's just the dumb Black person playing selecting a worker unit and opening the build menu over and over just to bloat his APM, and that other 1% is just him switching between units and right clicking during fights

  23. 8 months ago

    >Will RTS come back
    do people like Age of Empires 4? It seems like it was mostly successful but no one ever talks about it

    • 8 months ago

      Played it quite a bit a launch. AoE2-like enough to have made it, but the balance between the factions was shit and didn't get fixed in a month+, so the game was doomed to obscurity.

    • 8 months ago

      Fricking soulless nu-Lelic piece of shit game shouldn't even be mentioned here.

    • 8 months ago

      There is no better feeling than making this fricker work, especially when you combine it with 2HS/Champs to shred anti-cav. Second favorite is the Ratha, but the Bengali midgame is absolute shite and the Ratha fails as both a cav archer and a knight, so I've been playing other factions. Tatar 19 pop archers is absolute kino.

      AoE4 players like AoE4. It didn't siphon off from AoE2, but it got a dedicated crowd of people who wanted something AoE2-adjacent.
      It's not good, but it has players, and they're now selling an expansion pack.

      Not until they allow more 'campy' and slow playstyles in RTS games.

      They do. You genuinely just suck and don't want to improve.

    • 8 months ago

      Aoe4 is bad because civ are designed and balanced with a build in mind
      X should be better at Y so we buffed their unit
      meaning that you always want to do the same things that uses your civ advantage, which is fricking boring.

    • 8 months ago

      Not bad but the hardware requirements and the price tag filter a lot of potential players.

    • 8 months ago

      >do people like Age of Empires 4?
      Some people do, there's a relatively small but stable community around it.

      The issue is the game was 4 years in the making and used a Diablo-level mainstream IP to generate... basically no sales at all, as far as AAA leagues are concerned.

    • 8 months ago

      aoe4 is good

  24. 8 months ago

    >Also will RTS have a comeback someday?
    No, the industry and the most vocal parts of the genre's playerbase have been irreversibly mindbroken by the design philosophy of Star/Warcraft and the lure of chasing that esports dragon
    They must be designed to be as sterile a game environment as possible because variance and fluctuation in interactions is perceived as antithetical to strategy
    Your only hope for anything that feels like a comeback is a small indie dev trying to make something original which means more often than not it will end up janky and shit if it ever leaves an early access stage at all and isn't barraged by negative reviews because it isn't designed like a Blizzard RTS
    Add onto the fact that you cant effectively port an RTS onto console without it either feeling like absolute shit to control or having it be dumbed down dogshit like halo wars means devs are even less likely to bother trying to make an RTS game much less a decent one that doesn't fit the safe mold to ensure sales

    • 8 months ago

      >and the lure of chasing that esports dragon
      Except this entire upcoming generation of RTS has almost unilaterally admitted to going after casual play first.

      • 8 months ago

        guess we'll have to wait and see then

      • 8 months ago

        the only upcoming RTS game that isn't fitting the pre established mold is Homeworld and that's monkey pawed by Gearbox smearing itself all over it

        • 8 months ago

          Tempest rising has shown mostly campaign
          Dorf has made no attempts to even try and pretend it's a tight competitive experience
          Sanctuary is trying to fit in some wacky shit with its weather and terrain while being another supcom, a team game by default
          Stormgate has made a big deal about it's coop mode since everyone liked sc2 coop
          Hell, Zerospace is putting frickin mass effect companions in as a big feature to shill the SP to oversocialized normalgays.
          The 2010s were publishers trying to ape esports success, the 2020s devs are going to fail for different reasons if they do but almost certainly not because of a 1v1 ladder match focus.

    • 8 months ago

      I hate when people say rts can't work on console when C&C3+ kanes wrath work great on Xbox with the radial interface. Yes micro is harder but everything else works like a charm

      • 8 months ago

        If you make an RTS with consoles in mind you're making a game with intrinsic limitations in mind as well, like the controls, no modding, shit interface and overall gay shit. It will never be updated, improved and built upon.

        So frick that and frick you. Frick Iron Harvest, frick Halo Wars and frick any other bullshit you can think of.

  25. 8 months ago

    >Also will RTS have a comeback someday?
    Incredibly unlikely this genre needs innovation and its fans hate innovation with passion. So the industry tries to make the next starcraft or age of empires clone and the rtsgays hate it because it's not exactly the same thing and the cycle continues.

  26. 8 months ago

    why isn't this shit on steam

    • 8 months ago

      nvm didn't realize it was freeware

    • 8 months ago

      one day maybe if they do a Red alert 2/Tiberian Sun remake
      tought dunno how much the Red Alert/Tiberian Dawn one sold

      • 8 months ago

        >Red Alert/Tiberian Dawn one sold
        enough that they put up with post launch support costs like patching. EA is really weird in that regard in that they can be pretty relaxed when it comes to small budget niche stuff like indies or nostalgia ridden remasters like the ra1/td1 remaster. But absolute corporate hatchet men when it comes to big budget AAA

        Biggest issue stopping tiberian sun and re2 remaster is that they lost the source codes for both of them

      • 8 months ago

        >Red Alert/Tiberian Dawn one sold
        enough that they put up with post launch support costs like patching. EA is really weird in that regard in that they can be pretty relaxed when it comes to small budget niche stuff like indies or nostalgia ridden remasters like the ra1/td1 remaster. But absolute corporate hatchet men when it comes to big budget AAA

        Biggest issue stopping tiberian sun and re2 remaster is that they lost the source codes for both of them

        Petroglyph is up for it, but EA owns the rights in the end.

  27. 8 months ago

    My beloved

    • 8 months ago

      >luv me gauss cannons
      >luv me flak
      >luv me autocannons
      Simple as

      Akkan was my main but Kol was close second. Good to see my TEC bros

      • 8 months ago

        This, Akkan just made the early colonization game so much easier while still being more than capable of dealing with early groups of frigates. Second one was always a Kol, love the Battlestar Galactica look.

  28. 8 months ago



  29. 8 months ago

    Can I have some shoes?

    • 8 months ago

      >do not hurt me
      >ow! i will work
      >you change your mind often
      >why must it be so far?
      >i like my new shoes
      These little guys must have the highest concentration of good quotes in a game where almost every unit is quotable.

  30. 8 months ago

    Aw shit homie you done posted it already

  31. 8 months ago

    I just love the entire concept of these fricking ghouls teleporting in from nowhere and forcibly removing people, vehicles and even entire buildings from the timeline by deleting them before they were built/born, and the fact the victims are caught in some sort of stasis for a little while, completely conscious as they fade away. Absolutely horrifying.

    • 8 months ago

      I always thought he just moves everything to space

  32. 8 months ago

    I love doing sea or air landins in RTS games.

    >use nukes to clear landing zone
    >drop units in

    • 8 months ago

      Amen brother, No game gave me that feeling as much as SupCom did.
      Try out LOUD AI if you haven't already, much larger battles.

  33. 8 months ago

    Prism tank. Even more so a prism tank in Yuri's tank bunker.

  34. 8 months ago

    >Also will RTS have a comeback someday?
    i hope not. traditional rts games were cancer and the fantasy they delivered on was shaky at best

  35. 8 months ago

    too many nofun tryhard Black folk and devs are blind to their real audience

    • 8 months ago

      The real audience wants fun power fantasy campaigns to play through.

  36. 8 months ago

    Everyone knows that the best kind of RTS is the one where the devs made a campaign and made the units specifically for the missions, and then just going "Oh i guess we should add a multiplayer mode as well, throw everything in there" without a thought for balance or ebin competitive e-sports

    • 8 months ago

      It is known.

    • 8 months ago

      this "le wacky broken balance is fun" doesn't work in reality

      you will quickly figure out what's OP, then you will either use only that and ignore literally everything making the game more boring, or you have to make up rules for not using them (aka just making your own balance patches)

      • 8 months ago

        Warcraft 3 proves you wrong. It is possible to make a game where everything is viable if it is designed competently enough.

        • 8 months ago

          Nobody uses dryads, sorceresses, banshees or wind walkers.

          • 8 months ago

            >Nobody uses dryads, sorceresses, banshees or wind walkers.
            as expected you are clueless homosexual

          • 8 months ago

            What, sorc is the backbone of human armies. I don't know what you're smoking, but slow spam can absolutely smoke you early game, a single sorc can ruin your day and dryad massing is incredibly fricking strong.

        • 8 months ago

          anon, WC3 had a stupid amount of effort put into it's balancing, with it still getting balance patches 20 years after it's release.
          like literally, it is the RTS with the most amount of effort put into it's balancing, more than what SC1/2 had

          It's the exact opposite of an example where devs just make wacky OP shit with little care for balancing the game

          • 8 months ago

            WC3 TFT was pretty much fine out of the box, the tweaks were very small. It was RoC that was an unbalanced mess. And I don't see what sort of a point are you trying to make? Devs got better as they continued to support the game so they improved it? How is that exactly an argument against competent design? They laid a solid foundation and built upon it. Warcraft made blizzard.

            • 8 months ago

              >Warcraft made blizzard
              WoW killed blizzard

              • 8 months ago

                No, wow killed itself, a victim of its own success.

                I replied to you claiming that the best RTS games are the ones made and I quote "without a thought for balance"

                I literally replied that broken balance doesn't work in reality because if you figure out that something is OP then you will either just use only that, leading to less variety, or intentionally ignore using it at which point you just applied your own balance patch

                you replied that but WC3 proves me wrong, but it did not, WC3 was always a game with a lot of effort put into balancing it's units

                I wasn't making that claim and I'm not the guy you were talking with originally.

            • 8 months ago

              I replied to you claiming that the best RTS games are the ones made and I quote "without a thought for balance"

              I literally replied that broken balance doesn't work in reality because if you figure out that something is OP then you will either just use only that, leading to less variety, or intentionally ignore using it at which point you just applied your own balance patch

              you replied that but WC3 proves me wrong, but it did not, WC3 was always a game with a lot of effort put into balancing it's units

  37. 8 months ago

    I would love it, but i fear they would panders to e-sport homosexuals too much.

  38. 8 months ago

    There's another reason why making a new RTS game is unappealing to backers.
    RTS games are somewhat unique in that the pillars of the genre, as in the old classics, never really faded away.
    I know it got remade twice but AoE2 is still AoE2. and SC2 has been kicking for 13 years now, Broodwar never stopped being popular either.
    FPS doesn't have this. Quake is dead, CoD is only relevant to it's latest title.
    Sports games, by design tho, are the same. Even fighting games which still see the older games played are influenced by new releases.

    • 8 months ago

      the reason is consolgays cant play them

      • 8 months ago

        This is also a factor yes for big AAA pubs but there are PC centric pubs.
        Hooded Horse has a fricking throbbing erection for smaller, more niche strategy games for example.

        • 8 months ago

          Hooded Horse is an underrated publisher. They've been putting out some great stuff lately.

  39. 8 months ago
  40. 8 months ago

    Frick off. It's literally the dullest, most soulless game that was quite literally designed by and for e-sports c**ts.

    Look at the major AoE names. All of them still play 2, or even 1. Nobody plays 4 despite how hard they pushed for 4. Even 3 is a better game. Hell, 3 is a good game overall.

    • 8 months ago

      >game that was quite literally designed by and for e-sports c**ts.
      you people are getting ridiculous with these accusations
      how in the frick is it more designed for e-sports than any other AoE
      If anything it had far less multiplayer features than what AoE2/3DE had

  41. 8 months ago

    Probably a split between Whirlwind artillery tank from DoW 1 and the drone cruiser from Homeworld. I love highly specialized units that are incredibly effective in their chosen roles. Honourable mention for the salvage frigate from Homeworld as well, you can't not love those little shits that can steal literally anything. And the Flak 88 gun in Sudden Strike, that thing could kill anything.

  42. 8 months ago

    Morning Glory.

    • 8 months ago

      >dropping a fat nuke general cannon shot right into the GLA player amassing angry mobs
      >everyone drops to 0 frames and the USA player disconnects

  43. 8 months ago

    Z A P


  44. 8 months ago

    total Nod death

    • 8 months ago

      Tiberian Sun's atmosphere and unit design is 10/10

      • 8 months ago

        I want a remaster but that's such a goddamn monkey's paw because they'd inevitably change shit, misunderstand the atmosphere and design, or frick it up somehow.

        • 8 months ago

          The C&C+RA1 remake was loyal to its core, wasn't it?

          • 8 months ago

            Wouldn't know, I only got into the series with TibSun and RA2 so I missed out on the originals and never got around to going back and playing them.

  45. 8 months ago

    these mf'ers always did it for me.

    • 8 months ago

      Good choice my boy, oh yes.

  46. 8 months ago


  47. 8 months ago

    Learned to love and fear them on the IG conquest mission. Having your doods pinball around from just 3 cannons firing at them was a nightmare.

  48. 8 months ago

    Seems like I'm the only one who played Populous:the beginning

    Anyway i think budget to profit ratio is a big problem for RTS games.

    Also gameplay. Normies don't want to micromanage everything.
    I had an idea where your buildings would just automatically produce units for you which meant you still needed to be conscious of your economy but game designers and the (moronic) RTS fans are so sunk into the idea of pressing hotkeys and clicking with the mouse as much as possible as a measure of how good they're playing.
    I'm an RTS fan and after spending some time away from the genre and coming back to it to see most of the gameplay look like busywork makes me rethink the staples of the genre.

    • 8 months ago

      Played that, but it was ages ago. Fireball throwing dudes in balloons was the shit.

    • 8 months ago

      >populous the beginning
      Started to replay it along community campaign with Multiverse launcher
      Such a blast

      • 8 months ago

        this game has custom campaigns?

        • 8 months ago

          yeah you go download the launcher here :
          then once done you go download the campaign on the campaign tab of the website and they will install on the launcher immediatly

          • 8 months ago

            haven't played the game yet actually, this might finally get me interested

            • 8 months ago

              well enjoy then , and believe me , when the website tell you a campaign is difficult they arent laughing , some are fricking brutal

    • 8 months ago

      I last played it in like 2000, and besides liked Close Combat 2 better as RTSs go

    • 8 months ago

      I was surprised to see AoEIV actually had less automation than Dawn of War, which came out all the way back in 2004 and had the same developer
      Overwatch production is completely gone and unit stances are back to AoEII levels

    • 8 months ago

      >I had an idea where your buildings would just automatically produce units for you which meant you still needed to be conscious of your economy
      I'd instead considered something where units can manage themselves somewhat if left idle.
      >Order a squad to a point on the map.
      >Forget about them for a minute.
      >They automatically seek good cover within a half-screen range.
      >Keep ignoring them because you're a normalgay building a pretty simcity base.
      >They begin constructing sandbags and digging in without being ordered to.
      >An enemy squad comes past and they take injuries.
      >A medic unit you've also been ignoring that's nearby automatically moves to the squad and starts patching them up.
      >A tank shows up and you don't notice because you're slow even for a normie and distracted reading the flavor text in every tooltip.
      >Squad and medic have no anti-tank weapons so they begin falling back towards the nearest anti-tank unit on the map.
      Basically the longer a unit has gone without being clicked on the more it begins automatically coordinating with nearby units and reacting to things, to the point a poor player could just build units, order them to the general vicinity of where they want them, and let them handle themselves from there on out.
      Able to be toggled at the click of a button on a per-unit or mapwide basis OFC so people who can keep up and know what they're doing don't need to deal with squads acting on their own when it isn't wanted.
      Perhaps with an additional system to set general orders the units will take into account: a 'hold this position' marker will make the squad run to the medic at that marker location instead of vice versa, for example, and make the units there less likely to retreat when outnumbered or facing something they're not equipped for, instead rallying other nearby units to that position. Or an 'avoid this point' so they don't run past spots where you know the enemy has shit.

      • 8 months ago

        you can almost get a taste of this in multiplayer games like Hell let loose, in that as a commander or squad lead you can be like "squad attack here" and because it's other players they all take care of themselves to achieve a common goal, but following your general direction.

        I understand it's completely different, but I too have had your idea and this is the closest real tangible thing I've ever found.

        • 8 months ago

          That's neat, but the entire point here isn't the system itself, but a way to make the RTS genre more accessible in entry-level play (Without it being intrusive to or dumbing down things for more advanced players) so that it's less alienating to normalgays and thus more profitable/viable for companies to make RTS games.

          • 8 months ago

            Make low APM turtling a really good strategy. Base defenses should be powerful if invested in and should deter cheesy rushes from even higher skilled players.
            The pros can still rush/cheese/harass eachother and circlejerk their 2 minute matches while noobs can turtle and amass huge armies that they A+click into eachother for some phat fights

            • 8 months ago

              The issue here goes beyond RTS games and game design as a whole and into actual battle tactics.
              Initiative wins fights and being a raiding sack of shit that prevents the enemy from ever getting comfortable or establishing themselves is and always will be a preferred tactic.
              This isn't an issue that can be fixed easily because it's a basic principle of conflict across literally everything, be it sports, combat or vidya.

            • 8 months ago

              The idea is to provide entry level players a set of training wheels that can slowly be taken off as they learn the game and improve in skill, not changing the balance of the genre to pander to their playstyle. This is also why I mention the automation ramping up slowly as units are left idle rather than turning it on full bore immediately at a button click. So they still need to learn to respond to changes on the battlefield, but it narrows how MANY units they need to manage at a given time to the most recently produced/moved ones rather than all of them.
              Also occurs to me it'd probably tend to steer them away from the 'select mapwide, move-attack' kinda shit because that would turn automation timers back to zero for every unit, which would hopefully organically get them thinking more in the terms of 'What do I need to use to deal with this' as they should be rather than just throwing everything they have at everything they see.

              As neat as this sound you are describing a player driven RTS essentially morphing into a AI run simulation in real time.
              I don't think that's possible while also keeping it any kind of fun or engaging tbh.

              You wouldn't want it TOO advanced/efficient because if the automated units alone are more effective than they can be when used by a player of average skill there's little incentive to develop that skill instead of just relying completely on the automation. Perhaps I overstated things with 'a shit player can just build units, right click the minimap, and ignore them'.

      • 8 months ago

        As neat as this sound you are describing a player driven RTS essentially morphing into a AI run simulation in real time.
        I don't think that's possible while also keeping it any kind of fun or engaging tbh.

      • 8 months ago

        >AI uses over-engineered stance system
        >Player forgets to set "Don't engage enemy" stance and loses his infantry before the medics arrive
        >Medics get torn apart
        >Tanks arrive with no infantry support and get torn apart
        >Player complains online

        >Player goes too long without telling his infantry what to do
        >Runs back from an advantageous position on a resource to a nearby production building
        >Enemy reclaims territory
        >Player complains online

        >Player sets units to huddle on a set position
        >Manually sets them to the correct place
        >They don't engage the enemy because they don't know when it would be appropriate
        >Idle units do nothing until the enemy's deathball approaches
        >Player complains online

        >Player uses "General" unit with an AI that does everything for you so long as it's near an army it can command
        >General's AI weights are shown on Youtube
        >Other player plays, knowing how generals manage units
        >General loses
        >Player complains online

        • 8 months ago

          The problem is just in the community. Veterans will always drive away new players and then wonder why their favorite game hardly has a playerbase.

          • 8 months ago

            >Get the frick out of my vidiya board newbie!

          • 8 months ago

            You didn't read a thing, did you?
            Veterans make content that lets newer players know what they should be doing in a given scenario. They provide comprehensive breakdowns on factions, units, techs, etc. AoE2 is thriving, as usual, because veterans invested in keeping the game alive, even becoming devs for the game, and used third-party platforms to support it.

          • 8 months ago

            Not always.
            I kinda wonder if the almost universal push to limit player communication to avoid people being mean to one another is part of the problem because it also prevents veterans actually talking to and by extension teaching new players what's up

            • 8 months ago

              >Veterans actually talking to and by extension teaching
              Not once in my countless hours of AoE/Starcraft and Warcraft skirmishes has this ever happened to me even once. And I'm quite possibly the worst RTS player in the universe.
              I doubt the inevitable removing/limiting the chat will really do to much. Or perhaps I just got really unlucky.

        • 8 months ago

          >player loses
          >player complains
          no fricking shit, it's been that way since zoomers got adopted and parented by apple engineers and designers

          • 8 months ago

            Complicating things won't make it easier for slow players to manage. It'll just make it more difficult to get the result you want.

        • 8 months ago

          Point taken. At the end of the day it's still RTS and the genre certainly isn't for everyone. And there's a LOT of morons out there who will complain online any time they face any kind of adversity rather than looking at what they did wrong and how to learn from that mistake.
          Still, one of the biggest barriers to us getting more of them with decent budgets is the learning curve looking more like a learning cliff. They're never gonna have the mass market appeal of many other genres, but that doesn't mean they can't have a broader appeal than they do now without ending up completely casualized in the process.

          You didn't read a thing, did you?
          Veterans make content that lets newer players know what they should be doing in a given scenario. They provide comprehensive breakdowns on factions, units, techs, etc. AoE2 is thriving, as usual, because veterans invested in keeping the game alive, even becoming devs for the game, and used third-party platforms to support it.

          Anon, people don't want to watch 40 hours of youtube and read an encyclopedia before launching the game. The only people who'll engage with that are the ones who are already invested in the genre.
          This kind of instruction should be built into the game itself, ideally in a way that teaches organically, not lazy ass infodump popups

          • 8 months ago

            >Still, one of the biggest barriers to us getting more of them with decent budgets is the learning curve looking more like a learning cliff.
            >Anon, people don't want to watch 40 hours of youtube and read an encyclopedia before launching the game.
            AoE2 can be learned quickly. It has a very well-designed tutorial made to prepare people for multiplayer, with supplementary material for anyone curious. SotL IS AoE2's biggest marketer, easily, so no, it's not an issue of it being too difficult to learn.

            • 8 months ago

              >just study 60 hours of SotL hidden game mechanics and spreadsheets so you can get a better understanding of when to engage with your crossbows!
              >how to survive to crossbows? Well just study 60 hours of SotL "first 15 minutes" editions for each race so you can get a better idea of how to advance from Dark Age to Castle and further...
              anon you picked a game with a frickyouhuge amount of content and hidden mechanics, just stop being so fricking autistic and understand people aren't like you

              • 8 months ago

                SotL's content was popular before he ever looked at MP. Just making civ overviews was enough so people could decide which civ they wanted to waffle about in low-elo unranked play with.
                You don't have to know any of that to start with the game, and it's easy to play casually. Learning the fundamentals, however, will make you a better player, and you have plenty of resources to learn with.

              • 8 months ago

                Long time AoE2 player here, what the frick is SotL?

              • 8 months ago

                Spirit of the Law. The guy who makes civ overview videos.

            • 8 months ago

              I'm talking about the genre as a whole, not a single instance. Besides which, a tutorial can't do everything, no matter how well designed. You don't go from attack-moving a couple units or a muderblob around the map to good situational awareness of multiple groups and the battlefield as a whole by playing a tutorial. That requires experience and for the game to be enjoyable at your level while you're getting that experience.
              Keep in mind I'm approaching this from the perspective of finding ways to make RTS games an appealing experience to people who may have never played one in their life before and making it easier for them to stick with it as their skill grows, assuming they're the type of person who will end up enjoying them if they give them the chance instead of being driven off in frustration early on.

              • 8 months ago

                >Besides which, a tutorial can't do everything, no matter how well designed. You don't go from attack-moving a couple units or a muderblob around the map to good situational awareness of multiple groups and the battlefield as a whole by playing a tutorial.
                That's what skirmishing and unranked are for.
                >That requires experience and for the game to be enjoyable at your level while you're getting that experience.
                No, you're thinking of how you "win". You can enjoy the game, even if you're on the losing side of a moronic slapfight.

              • 8 months ago

                >That's what skirmishing and unranked are for.
                Yes. I never said anything at all about multiplayer exclusively, much less ranked multiplayer.

                >You can enjoy the game, even if you're on the losing side of a moronic slapfight.
                Unfortunately this simply isn't true for a lot of people. They don't enjoy losing. Not much that can be done about that.
                Personally I usually see it as an opportunity to learn from whoever's kicking my ass, but pretty sure people like that are a minority.

              • 8 months ago

                >Unfortunately this simply isn't true for a lot of people. They don't enjoy losing. Not much that can be done about that.
                Then play with the dumber AI for a bit.

      • 8 months ago

        reminds me of Zero-K and BAR with a bit of Men of War
        honestly, Zero-K has most of these
        like you can set areas for fall back zones and set stance for units to retreat on given percent of HP
        there are also auto repair zones for engineers, units also try to juke out shots without autistic high APM micro, they try to not overkill enemy targets, like if there are three units that can kill a target with one shots, then only one will fire

        • 8 months ago

          Huh, never even heard of zero-K before.
          At a glance, looks like it's the kinda game full of experimental gameplay shit that I absolutely love but never seem to find anymore. Definitely gonna check it out, thanks anon.

          • 8 months ago

            sadly it has never been too popular and been on a decline in the past years especially with BAR being the new fancy thing out there nowadays
            but it's still a very good game, one of my favorite RTS games

            • 8 months ago

              I could give less of a shit how popular it is, I just love anything that tries something that hasn't already been done by a hundred other games before it.

            • 8 months ago

              I could give less of a shit how popular it is, I just love anything that tries something that hasn't already been done by a hundred other games before it.

              BAR is pretty good tho

      • 8 months ago

        You want to play Graviteam, but with base building instead of a turmbased campaign map.

        • 8 months ago

          People still thinking this is something I wanna play and not a half baked ideaguy about how to make RTS more accessible in a semi-decent way.
          Still, why can't I hold all these gamerecs.

    • 8 months ago

      Tooth and Tail has that system, just finished it.
      Total goyim death

    • 8 months ago

      I like that game.
      Also Battle Realms did a similar thing with Peasant alchemy.

  49. 8 months ago

    RTS is a shit anachronistic genre for morons that is rightfully dead and buried with RTT replacing it almost entirely.

    Sudden Strike, Dawn of War 2, Mech Commander, Company of Heroes, Total War battles > Starcraft, Supreme Commander, Warcraft, Red Alert and all other move-attack nobrain asiatic clicker dogshit.

  50. 8 months ago

    >What's your favourite RTS unit?

    • 8 months ago

      >not blademaster and his silly japanese accent

      • 8 months ago

        *dying peasant noises*

  51. 8 months ago

    Honestly how can you not love a manically cackling walking hiroshima.

    • 8 months ago

      Love those Black folk.

  52. 8 months ago

    >casually is the best TMD in the game

  53. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      >casually gets stuck on the stairs

  54. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Vince had the funnest units, but I liked that elite guard unit the most. An infantry unit with a charge attack.

  55. 8 months ago

    RTS threads prove how casual Ganker is
    And for me it's the baneling

  56. 8 months ago

    If you know you know.

  57. 8 months ago


  58. 8 months ago

    Yo since when did they make a sequel to the War Planets RTS?

  59. 8 months ago

    I love these little dudes.

  60. 8 months ago


  61. 8 months ago

    >will RTS have a comeback someday?

    • 8 months ago

      it's okay, but feels a bit sluggish and slow
      I also don't like losing control over units like how melee engagement works

    • 8 months ago


      More like hack-fraud-redcon to sell more plastic to manchildren.

      • 8 months ago

        They learn their mistake the first time, they just need to force it again, but doing so like they did with the primaris.

        • 8 months ago

          And they can still just frick themself. They and their gay ass heresy Marines they pumped out of the ass of a fricking Heretic. Anybody who buys into the "modernized" Marines, Sigmar or not, is a mouth breather not understanding they erode the fundamentals of their game. It shows they can just redcon everything they ever wrote or made and people still buy into it. This results in the last bit of meaning the hobby had is just replaced by empty consumerism.

    • 8 months ago

      >Helljumpers, in the tubes

      Played it, its shit

    • 8 months ago

      It sucks

    • 8 months ago

      this poor game is DoA, it's so fricking slow and the AI is braindead

    • 8 months ago

      I really wish devs would just make RTS games with KB+M in mind even if they want to release their games for consoles. Modern consoles support KB+M already, and they could still add pad controls like AoE2DE has, with the game doing some of the microing for you.

      Making RTS with controllers in mind from the getgo just ruins every longetivity they could have. Will check this game out since I'm desperate for good looking RTS games but I don't expect more than a single campaign playthrough from it.

      • 8 months ago

        I just wish they had copied HW2, but after playing the demo, I think the game is a disaster regardless of how it controls.

    • 8 months ago

      >Order faction is Stormcast, the most bland option they could go with. Even Lumineth would have been more interesting.
      >Destruction faction is Kruleboys instead of proper Orcs
      >Death faction is Nighthaunt. Not a bad choice but Ossiarchs would have been better
      >Chaos faction is Tzeentch, probably the only good decision in terms of faction choice
      >Set in Ghur, the ugliest and arguably one of the more boring Realms
      >Gameplay is screwy and made for consoles. Units in melee can't take any orders besides falling back, units feel slow and clunky, attacks don't feel responsive
      It's a bit disappointing all around.

  62. 8 months ago

    No, RTS is "dead". They don't have mass appeal and they can't leverage 3D graphics to dazzle casual consumers into thinking they're cool. Deal with it and enjoy your games.

  63. 8 months ago

    Black arrow go brrr

  64. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago


      Grandiose game. I hope we will never get a remake.

  65. 8 months ago

    A simple boy, cheap boy, but he gets the Job done.

    • 8 months ago

      is this coh2?

      • 8 months ago

        NTA but yeah

  66. 8 months ago

    Tough choice between Dwarf Guardians from bfme2 and Attack Trolls from the same
    God i loved that game, frick EA for making it unavailable forever

    • 8 months ago

      There is still BFME reforged that exist, a small community that try to keep the game available while giving a way to get the game for free.

      • 8 months ago

        Shit ive gotta look into this, bfme 1 and 2 were my favorite childhood games and started me on pc gaming just for them

        • 8 months ago

          I got this link from a similar RTS thread ages ago.

        • 8 months ago

          There is a french and a english website, i know the french have the installation/key cd/etc.. for the game, reforged is still in developpement but it want to be a big overhaul of the game, up to date graphism, new units, and more, but if you just want to game as it was you can download it there https://www.laterredumilieu.fr/tuto/bfme

          • 8 months ago

            I got this link from a similar RTS thread ages ago.

            Thank you so much fellas, cant wait to play war of the ring again

  67. 8 months ago

    New RTS games will always have trouble because they're competing with AoE2 and SC2.
    Imagine having to make a new game with 43+ factions, stellar balance, and art using a style that fell out of fashion 20+ years ago, before most online tutorials were made.

    • 8 months ago

      >43+ factions
      You say that as if the "factions" in AoE has the same asymmetry as Sc2. When in fact it's just copy-pasted with 5% here and 10% there in differences.

      • 8 months ago

        Zoomer spotted. Symmetrical faction design is ideal for games.

        • 8 months ago

          Symmetrical factions are fricking boring.
          Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Dawn of War, C&C Red Alert 2 and C&C Generals are all really fun RTSes that, in part, are fun because the factions are so different.
          t. Someone who gives zero fricks about multiplayer

          • 8 months ago

            >Symmetrical factions are fricking boring.
            >t. Someone who gives zero fricks about multiplayer
            How do you confidently type that like you aren't showing off the shit in your diaper?

            More content is nice, but copy-paste is lazy shit.
            Would rather have 5 factions that all have unique units than 50 that are 90% identical myself.

            >More content is nice, but copy-paste is lazy shit.
            And if you knew anything about AoE2 civ design, you'd know it's not "Copy-and-paste". They've diluted all of the "Special" features and differences you'd see in an asymmetric title down to the things that matter, so they can be easily communicated.
            You cannot compare Spanish with Bengalis or Khmer with Cumans. Even though the civs look similar, they have drastically different gameplans, builds, and progressions throughout a match.
            This surface level, "They're all the same" talk comes from genuine idiots who need sparkles to guide them through a product.

            • 8 months ago

              >How do you confidently type that like you aren't showing off the shit in your diaper?
              Because the roots of RTS are in their single player campaigns, and not the multiplayer.

              • 8 months ago

                >Because the roots of RTS are in their single player campaigns
                RTS is essentially just a control scheme and camera angle. It's not rooted in SP or MP, but SP campaigns are crippled by the opponent's inability to play the game. It only becomes a proper game when there are two players facing each other.

                Friendly reminder that the most consistently successful big-budget RTS-like series still chugging along in the current day is the one that throws balance completely out the window, goes all-in on factions being wildly different from each other, and frickall nobody plays the multiplayer.

                If nobody plays its multiplayer, then it's a failure as a game.

              • 8 months ago

                >If nobody plays its multiplayer, then it's a failure as a game.
                I find it incredibly funny that someone who calls others zoomers has the audacity to type a sentence like this. Holy shit I haven't seen a worse opinion in ages.

              • 8 months ago

                >If nobody plays its multiplayer, then it's a failure as a game.
                Wew lad, is that your genuine opinion or are you just baiting us?

                Honest truth. It's why Mahjong is still one of the best games around. People actually play it. Not just a few pre-made hands as "puzzles" you can look up the answers to in 5 minutes, but an actual game with strategy, counterplay, and a pseudo-religious layer of strategy that amounts to using hype itself as a weapon.

              • 8 months ago

                >If nobody plays its multiplayer, then it's a failure as a game.
                Wew lad, is that your genuine opinion or are you just baiting us?

            • 8 months ago

              Friendly reminder that the most consistently successful big-budget RTS-like series still chugging along in the current day is the one that throws balance completely out the window, goes all-in on factions being wildly different from each other, and frickall nobody plays the multiplayer.

              • 8 months ago

                The renaissance for the genre will come when everyone finally realizes that the real audience for RTS is autistic people painting maps, not sweaty nerds.

            • 8 months ago

              >And if you knew anything about AoE2 civ design
              Perfectly willing to concede that I absolutely do not. But I'm typically more interested in the individual units/buildings/play in terms of both visual and mechanical variety, not in the autistic meta spreadsheet stuff. Only time I care about that is when I get very, very into a game, and AOE2's large amount of what seem to me to be mostly interchangeable factions is one of the big things that prevented it from being such a game.

              • 8 months ago

                So, you refuse to open your eyes to the vast differences between factions because you're not already aware of their differences?
                Is this bait?

              • 8 months ago

                M8 I'm not saying it's a bad game, I'm saying it's not the type of faction design that appeals to me personally, and that prevents me from appreciating it on the level you clearly do.
                You know different people can have different taste, right?

              • 8 months ago

                That's fine. I misread you.

              • 8 months ago

                >Symmetrical factions are fricking boring.
                >t. Someone who gives zero fricks about multiplayer
                How do you confidently type that like you aren't showing off the shit in your diaper?
                >More content is nice, but copy-paste is lazy shit.
                And if you knew anything about AoE2 civ design, you'd know it's not "Copy-and-paste". They've diluted all of the "Special" features and differences you'd see in an asymmetric title down to the things that matter, so they can be easily communicated.
                You cannot compare Spanish with Bengalis or Khmer with Cumans. Even though the civs look similar, they have drastically different gameplans, builds, and progressions throughout a match.
                This surface level, "They're all the same" talk comes from genuine idiots who need sparkles to guide them through a product.

                I have nothing against civs that only do small but meaningful changes, but most AoE2 civs differences are so fricking underutilized because of the game's balance, the civs almost always just end up being about spamming the same generic units (mostly archers and knights) with only minimal changes in power spike timings.

                like I would be all over maining War Elephants and trashbows with persians, but in reality you will be just spamming knights with them
                it would be cool to make some Serjant/Donjon build with Sicilians, but again, in reality you will be just spamming knights.
                It would be cool to make a slow moving teutonic knight army, or swarm the enemy with karambit warriors zerg rush stlye, but shit doesn't work, you will just make knights/archers

                devs are affraid of meaningfully buffing anything that would shake the game's archer/knight oriented meta

              • 8 months ago

                but anon the intense micro involved with getting the most out of those units is so engaging!

              • 8 months ago

                >the civs almost always just end up being about spamming the same generic units (mostly archers and knights) with only minimal changes in power spike timings.
                And you have the other tools to reverse momentum. You want to spam power options if your opponent lets you get away with doing so, but if you play knight spam into Hindustanis, you'll be destroyed. If you try to run an archer-heavy comp when your enemy walled off and then made mangonels, you'll have a rough time.
                >like I would be all over maining War Elephants and trashbows with persians, but in reality you will be just spamming knights with them
                Yeah, because Persians are a cavalry civ with top-tier Paladins. War elephants and trashbows are supporting units you use to push in against archers and infantry, respectively.
                >it would be cool to make some Serjant/Donjon build with Sicilians, but again, in reality you will be just spamming knights.
                One of the recent meta-breakers was a Serjeant spam build. It's an easy escalator to 2k+, just playing Sicilians with their version of a Hoang.
                >It would be cool to make a slow moving teutonic knight army, or swarm the enemy with karambit warriors zerg rush stlye, but shit doesn't work
                Of course those don't work. Teutonic knights are a defensive option to stop Paladin and Champion charges, and Karambits are an aggressive trash-breaker. Both are better-off using barracks infantry to push.
                >devs are affraid of meaningfully buffing anything that would shake the game's archer/knight oriented meta
                You say that, but Hindustanis and Gurjaras were at the top of the ladder until recently, and Romans are currently the best civ in the game.

              • 8 months ago

                I won't reply individually to every point but will generally say this that's true to pretty much all your points

                a unit that is only viable very rarely is not a well designed/balanced unit, especially if it's clearly meant to fill a popular power fantasy role
                I don't care how "but there was this one moment where all the stars aligned and someone could actually make a couple War Elephants work", when this shit just isn't how overwhelming majority of your matches will play. You will pick into Persians and over 9/10 times you will be spamming knights. This is how most unique units or even basic militia line works in AoE2.

                having to evaluate your options is cool, but most of the time the situation doesn't even come close to you having to do this, because knights/archers are just so overwhelmingly better choices for most situations. This shit isn't good balance.

              • 8 months ago

                >a unit that is only viable very rarely is not a well designed/balanced unit, especially if it's clearly meant to fill a popular power fantasy role
                It's not that it's "rarely viable". It's that you actually have to pressure your opponent into making the choices that lead to that unit being used. If you want to use trashbows, rush with knights. If you want to use War Elephants, use light cav/cav archer or camels during the midgame. If you want to use teutonic knights, build a siege workshop. If you want to use Karambits, play M@A-skirm or rush with battle elephants and support with siege.
                >having to evaluate your options is cool, but most of the time the situation doesn't even come close to you having to do this, because knights/archers are just so overwhelmingly better choices for most situations.
                This is false. You do have to respond to things your opponent does, and you will have to condition their responses to win.

                > the combination of units is much better for them than unit spam.
                why the frick infantry civs in general shouldn't have this same option of militia line being viable to them midgame

                >but it would be bad unfair against this one civ
                then give that one civ a buff against infantry if this is an issue

                >why the frick infantry civs in general shouldn't have this same option of militia line being viable to them midgame
                Because the entire Malian civ is a Castle-age powerspike. Everything falls off in the lategame. That's their identity.
                >then give that one civ a buff against infantry if this is an issue
                Not just one. Anyone missing both Arb and Bracer now deals exactly 1 damage to FU Champs with your suggestion. Even being limited to 4 is palpable. Archers are the bespoke counter to infantry for anyone lacking hand cannoneers, and certain matchups get absolutely ruined by this.
                More importantly, this is just a dumb way to buff infantry. They have a momentum issue because longswords and unupgraded spears get crushed by knights, and their utility is unclear, not because they need even more resistance to archer fire.

              • 8 months ago

                I bet you are one of those apologists who keep saying how it's just impossible to buff militia because then they would break the game
                then the devs release like 6 fricking buffs through the course of the next couple of years and they are still fricking shit, rinse and repeat

              • 8 months ago

                >I bet you are one of those apologists who keep saying how it's just impossible to buff militia because then they would break the game
                Wrong. I also wanted buffs, just indirect ones to better suit their use as an offensive supporting unit.

              • 8 months ago

                Teutonic knights are also supposed to be used to smash defensive buildings, castles, etc.

              • 8 months ago

                They come out too late to be used against towers, and actually attacking a castle with infantry is such a hassle, especially once murder holes is researched, that you'll, in 95% of cases, be better off playing trebs instead.

              • 8 months ago

                It's what their bonuses are for, I don't personally prefer them. Incidentally, I believe they're supposed to be supported by siege weapons. They're really slow, but they're strong.

              • 8 months ago

                >It's what their bonuses are for
                None of their bonuses point me in the direction of Teutonic knights being used to fight enemy defensive structures. They have the same problem rams do, in that they get crushed by mangonels effortlessly, and can't take out units trying to kill them.
                >Incidentally, I believe they're supposed to be supported by siege weapons. They're really slow, but they're strong.
                It's the other way. They support siege weapons very well.

              • 8 months ago

                >it would be cool to make some Serjant/Donjon build with Sicilians, but again, in reality you will be just spamming knights.

                >He doesn't know about YouPudding upsetting the entire meta of the game overnight

              • 8 months ago

                AoE2 factions are certainly not interchangeable, albeit the differences are not as extreme as something like in WC3. No archer faction for instance plays the same. Some have better options from feudal starting onwards, other only really in the late game. Some have good infantry to complement them, others have better cav. Different economic bonuses, tanky archers, faster archers, cheap archers, good or bad defenses, good or bad water - there is a lot. Purely from a mechanical standpoint, they might seem the same, everyone gets most of the same buildings and most of the same unit types, and you can play them relatively the same. But if you really dig deeper, then there is a lot to uncover.

          • 8 months ago

            Guess what AoE2's campaigns are fun as well.
            I'm on the fence about symmetric or asymmetric faction design, but a well-made campaign is simply fun because it's well-made.

        • 8 months ago

          More content is nice, but copy-paste is lazy shit.
          Would rather have 5 factions that all have unique units than 50 that are 90% identical myself.

    • 8 months ago

      And SupcomFA shits all over both of them

      • 8 months ago

        I have never once seen a MP match for that game, and SupCom fanatics on /vst/ lose it when you suggest MP is a usable gauge for a game's quality.

  68. 8 months ago

    I liked CoH but I am so fricking sick of everything being CoH now.

  69. 8 months ago

    This guy. I'm not sure why the tanker is Russian in hw2 but still cool.
    Are there any other RTSs that have a PVE mode like skirmish? I'm ultra casual and don't really want to put 400 hours in mp to be able to play a game.

    • 8 months ago

      >Helljumpers, in the tubes

      Played it, its shit

      Very nice gentlemen, very nice. But I noticed you posted the wrong photo by accident

    • 8 months ago

      >I'm not sure why the tanker is Russian in hw2 but still cool.
      I can take a pretty good guess at it.

  70. 8 months ago

    The mecha from Metal Fatigue

  71. 8 months ago

    >What's your favourite RTS unit?
    pic rel
    >Also will RTS have a comeback someday?
    no ppl are too dumb for it these days

    • 8 months ago

      To this day I still have nightmares of their impossibly accurate shots.

      • 8 months ago

        >What's your favourite RTS unit?
        pic rel
        >Also will RTS have a comeback someday?
        no ppl are too dumb for it these days

        is that the artillery from TS that left a hole in the ground so you couldnt build there anymore?

        >shells literally unavoidable homing on your units
        >does enough damage to kill inf in 1 shot
        >can prevent you from building because of cratering
        Even after the nerfs in the Firestorm expansion they were on the best units in the game

        • 8 months ago

          Is that a TibSun reskin mod, or just someone's little art project?

          • 8 months ago

            Tiberian Odyssey IIRC

    • 8 months ago

      is that the artillery from TS that left a hole in the ground so you couldnt build there anymore?

      • 8 months ago


  72. 8 months ago

    I rather liked the Tempest Rising demo.
    Pathfinding could and did get a bit stinky on longer move orders but overall I felt it was a pretty solid C&C homage.

  73. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      >those tier 3 uef walkers with rocket pods
      >those anti-air launchers on the ex submarine

      They really been cutting content back even then, huh?

      • 8 months ago

        -The Cybran sACU has 3 torpedo launchers on its stomach called Dart01, Dart02, and Dart03, two engineering beam muzzles on its chest called Reclaim01 and Reclaim02, jetpack called Rez_Protocol with two exhaust bones connected to it, and that the AA gun is actually a tactical missile defense turret.
        -The UEF sACU has a jetpack that is visible when you upgrade it with the jammer, but that jetpack has an exhaust bone. The thing on its left shoulder opposite the engineering pod is a SAM launcher that is never used as a weapon.
        -The Aeon sACU's 'turbine' backpack also has an exhaust bone pointing downward and a tactical missile launcher muzzle on the top.
        -The Seraphim sACU has no unused bones.
        -The Cybran ACU has no unused bones, either, but it does have an unused personal shield mesh definition file in its file folder.
        -The UEF ACU has no unused bones.
        -The Aeon ACU has no unused bones.
        -The Seraphim ACU has an unused shield mesh its folder.
        -The UEF destroyer has bones for an additional AA turret on the rear platform, that has no skin, and is unused and invisible.
        -Most of you already know that the UEF atlantis has attach points for pop-out SAM launchers that were removed from the game, but it also has an additional two attach points the top-rear platform behind the loading doors that are also unused.

        • 8 months ago

          -The UEF battleship and nuclear sub both have unused torpedo launcher bones.
          -The UEF spy plane has an unused sonar buoy launcher bone, just look at its script file for developer commentary.
          -The Cybran mantis script has an iridium rocket launcher backpack commented out of its code.
          -The Cybran strategic bomber has TWO bomb dropping bones, the second is unused.
          -The UEF frigate has three unused vertical missile launcher bones on its stern.
          -The Aeon destroyer has a total of 9(!) torpedo/depth charge launching bones, 4 on each side and 1 on the back, and only 4 of the side ones are used.
          -The Aeon Frigate has an additional torpedo defence launcher bone that is not in used in FA.
          -The Aeon and Cybran sub hunters have two additional anti-torpedo launcher bones each that are not used.
          -The UEF titan siege assault bot still has Flayer SAM and a missile launcher weapon loaded in its script, even though the missile rack backpack was removed in the demo.
          -The two back ramps on the Seraphim quantum gate have no unit-traversable elevated platforms in their .bp files, and I have not been able to add any in.
          -The AdjacencyBuff definition file has a typo in it so that only T1 power generators (not hydrocarbon plants because it uses the same buff list as T2 power generators) can provide adjacency related fire rate bonuses. This can be fixed easily by simply adding the buff names to the respective buff lists.
          -The Novax station was originally supposed to have its two animations played on different events. Now they are both played on launching it's one satellite, but originally it would play one animation while building the satellite and one while launching it.
          -The Aeon AA gunship missile launcher bones are ACTUALLY supposed to be quantum fizz flak guns. This becomes apparent when comparing them to the Czar flak turrets, which are exactly the same. Changing the missiles to flak pulses might help with balancing it, too.

          • 8 months ago

            -The Aeon cruiser's two zealot missile turrets are set 'Turret = false', but have turret yaw and pitch coded in as if they were originally supposed to track targets like on the launchers on the Aeon carrier. When 'Turret = true', the firing tolerance must be increased by at least 50 degrees because the turrets have such a small swivel range.
            -The Czar missile launcher turrets, according to the Czar script, were originally supposed to be sonic pulse batteries. The even have turret yaw and pitch rates/ranges coded in the .bp, but 'Turret' is set to 'false'.
            -The Aeon Galactic colossus has two AttachSpecial bones under animation bone armor plates on its shoulders in addition to an unused 'Projectile' bone in its chest. More interestingly, however, is a now unusable script that was commented out by the devs that would have the galactic colossus's death explosion throw its bones (arms, chest, eye, tractor claws, etc.) all over the place, dismembering it. I added the script back in, however, and it doesn't work anymore, presumably because the file that handled this feature was removed.
            -The reason all anti-aircraft weapons are more accurate in Forged Alliance compared to vanilla Supcom is that all aircraft have larger, spherical hitboxes instead of their original small, box shaped hitboxes.
            -In 'luauihelpunitdescription.lua' there are help texts for units drl0102, the Cybran light naval unit 'Sleeper' spy sub, and dab2102, the Aeon tech 1 'Offering' gatling mortar station. Both of these units only exist in the Xbox 360 version of vanilla Supcom.

        • 8 months ago

          What the frick are you doing?

    • 8 months ago
  74. 8 months ago

    You can count on Osttruppen... No, really you can!

  75. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      I love the spider monkey like you wouldn't believe.

  76. 8 months ago

    >the amount of hoops i had to go through to make Total Annihilation work properly on my system

    i had games from 1990 start easier than this.

  77. 8 months ago

    Luv me arty doctrine
    Luv me spotters
    Simple as'

  78. 8 months ago
  79. 8 months ago

    TA commanders.

  80. 8 months ago

    RTS can't make a comeback because "RTS fans" don't agree on what they like and most of them won't play anything new. At best you'll get a good remake of an old game everyone has nostalgia for.

    • 8 months ago

      I want something like Dow Ultimate Apocalypse, big army of soldiers, tanks, big robots, base building, stupid and hilarous end game building/units.

      • 8 months ago

        >Dow Ultimate Apocalypse
        I guess Total War 40k filled that niche. Too bad Creative Assembly an heroed.

        • 8 months ago

          >Total War 40k
          Maybe it would have, but i really like the base building element, which the total wars don't have, but nonetheless a total war 40k would have been a dream.

        • 8 months ago

          >Total war 40k
          I could have seen CA making a 40k game but it wouldn't have been Total war.
          Total war is all about formation warfare, 40k is loose squads.

    • 8 months ago

      It's just that shit producers in pursuit of trends have completely forgotten their father's face.
      No one wants to just make a good, good game that you'll want to play over and over again. The industry has finally sunk into multiplayer cancer and the attempt to squeeze an extra penny from the player.

      • 8 months ago

        >It's just that shit producers in pursuit of trends have completely forgotten their father's face.
        The investor in black fled across the desert, and the Gankerirgin followed.

        • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        >The industry has finally sunk into multiplayer cancer
        where the frick did this actual shitty meme come from

  81. 8 months ago

    There's the big guy.
    Too bad they're not as epic in the game.

  82. 8 months ago

    I wish there more factions like the Zerg/Undead from blizzards games because it's cool as frick
    Ones that visual and mechanically "spread" across the map. Only other game I can think off that did something similar is Armies of Exigo and was straight up a warcraft clone.

  83. 8 months ago

    >Deletes your squads

  84. 8 months ago

    was fun sabotaging bases early game with laser cheese

  85. 8 months ago

    God I fricking loved the Men of War 2 Beta, setting up (dynamic) interlaced and supporting trench lines, dropping HMG's into overlapping fields of fire, units moving to actually do their job in the trench without ten billion bits of micro, the pathfinding making them USE the cover I gave them while they move up. AT troops crouchwalking in their trenches slowly towards the closest point to an enemy vehicle as it comes nearer only to pop up just when needed.

    Actually being able to use Field Guns and AT guns because they already come with their prime movers attached and ready to tow from the second you spawn them. The only thing I didn't like was that the invite and party system was buggy as frick. I can't fricking wait for the release man. It feels so good to finally enjoy one of these games online without something ruining it.

  86. 8 months ago

    Ex-RTS enjoyer here.

    No they won't come back. MOBA's ate the whole, are more focused on teams, and are infinitely easier to control and understand. There's a reason they died out and won't ever come back, a butterfly cannot turn back into a caterpillar.

    • 8 months ago

      >are more focused on teams
      Weird, that's not how the average MOBA player seems to see it.

  87. 8 months ago

    Love those lil homies. Extremely mobile, strong against tanks, have shields and can regenerate health, all for a relatively low cost.
    It's a shame Battle for Dune is not as well known as most CnC titles, though I can see why.
    >Also will RTS have a comeback someday?
    No AAA studio will dare to pick up the genre because it's pretty fricking hard and expensive to make a good RTS, not to mention scattered tastes of genre fans. However I've seen some small indie projects with potential, namely DORF(made with a heavily modified openRA) and Dust Front(I heard it was developed by a single guy for like 10 years).
    And if you want to frick around, there are always old obscure RTS that can be fun and unique in their own ways, plenty of cool mods, and people still make custom maps and campaigns for Warcraft 3

  88. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Is this modded TS

      • 8 months ago

        Yes, but I don't know what mod. Doesn't matter though, TS mods never get finished.

        • 8 months ago


  89. 8 months ago

    >our nucular missile is ready, general

  90. 8 months ago

    the nuke tank from C&C generals

  91. 8 months ago

    I had hoped the Tiberian Sun games would have gotten the same treatment as the C&C remasters.

    I doubt RTS will return unless the formulas sees some changes. Multiplayer just isn't fun and devs arent willing to focus fully on single player.

  92. 8 months ago

    RTS is an 'everything but the kitchen sink' genre where you, the player, handle everything, and that filters most people. Nowadays, both players and devs prefer games with tighter focus on fewer elements, which might alsobe more fleshed out than in a conventional RTS. These new genres include tower defense, idle games, factory management, or autobattlers.

  93. 8 months ago

    >spent much of my childhood just spamming swordsman in AoE2
    >they were the coolest because they had the most amount of upgrades and it was just cool to swarm the enemies using them

    >DE comes out and it looks great, finally decide to get into the game's multiplayer
    >turns out swordsman were always fricking horrible and are only ever used in rare ultra specific circumstances
    why are the devs so affraid of making these bad boys actually viable

    • 8 months ago

      >why are the devs so affraid of making these bad boys actually viable
      Because their only counters are gold units. An infantry meta would be difficult to penetrate.

      • 8 months ago

        that's bullshit tho. A unit doesn't necessarily need a trash hard counter, it's enough if you have multiple units that counter it decently enough. Swordsman also have other weaknesses compared to cavalry, like being worse at raiding.

        you can't convince me that giving +1 pierce armor would break them when there is literally a civ with +3 FREE pierce armor to them and they still don't use swordsman over archers/knights.

        • 8 months ago

          >that's bullshit tho. A unit doesn't necessarily need a trash hard counter, it's enough if you have multiple units that counter it decently enough.
          Anon, how would a Spanish player deal with massed Burmese longswords if they had, say, +3 bonus damage against knights?
          >you can't convince me that giving +1 pierce armor would break them when there is literally a civ with +3 FREE pierce armor to them and they still don't use swordsman over archers/knights.
          Malian midgame longswords have always been a strong TC-buster. No one contests this. They just have the widest variety of options in the midgame, and the combination of units is much better for them than unit spam.

          • 8 months ago

            > the combination of units is much better for them than unit spam.
            why the frick infantry civs in general shouldn't have this same option of militia line being viable to them midgame

            >but it would be bad unfair against this one civ
            then give that one civ a buff against infantry if this is an issue

    • 8 months ago

      >interlacing in 2023

  94. 8 months ago

    Hyperion II from Empire Earth.
    Could walk over mountains and through the ocean and was both tanky and strong. If I got into lategame I spammed him and flanked the enemy.

  95. 8 months ago

    I love these warbly-voiced bastards

    • 8 months ago

      >Being here is but a PHaassseEE of our existance

  96. 8 months ago

    well where the frick is this?

    • 8 months ago

      >age of mythology with wokeified story
      Why would you want this?

      • 8 months ago

        it's supposedly the same game in AoE 3 engine and I liked AoE 3 as well so that's why.

        • 8 months ago

          In other words it isn't.

      • 8 months ago

        why the frick does this remake attract so many complaining alt-rightcel posters every frickign time

        I mean one of the protagonists of the game is already a nubian black woman and the egyptains already had a pretty dark skin tone. Are you literally paranoid that devs will remake the game faithfully or what?

        • 8 months ago

          Why are you bringing up random nonwhite characters that exist in the game?

    • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      after the trashpile were were given I have no excitement for it knowing there are still some of the same people working on it

      • 8 months ago

        You are talking about the Chinese expansion? we don't talk about that.

        • 8 months ago

          we can't not talk about that if anyone wants to talk about retold because the same people are involved thus there is no hope from anyone who has been paying attention

          • 8 months ago

            >same people are involved
            Is it though? the developers weren't named.

            • 8 months ago

              They were in some press release.
              Forgotten Empires (them) is doing the content.
              Tantalus (AoE3DE) is doing tech support for the engine.

              • 8 months ago

                >Forgotten Empires
                Isn't it worlds edge LLC who's incharge? I am worried if it is headed by forgotten empires though.

              • 8 months ago

                That's hard to believe how did Microsoft not terminate them because of how poorly the DLC was made and received.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago


  97. 8 months ago

    What's the one with the most fun campaign?

    Warzone 2100 looks kinda interesting

    • 8 months ago

      Down of War Winter Assault I HATE MISSION 4

  98. 8 months ago

    >claims to start an RTS thread
    >posts literally one of the worst RTS games I have EVER PLAYED. Even armies of Exigo was WAY more interesting.

  99. 8 months ago

    >whats that? you wanna scout every gold mine for enemies and tank every fight for just a lil mana?

  100. 8 months ago

    war 3 huntress

    love my nelves (i want to have sex with them)

  101. 8 months ago

    my favorite rts is pikmin. second favorite is warcraft 3. third favorite is starcraft.

  102. 8 months ago


  103. 8 months ago

    Why do you want RTSs to "have a comeback" just so it can get injected with the same bullshit that's in the more mainstream genres? Seeing what's happening to CRPGs is absolutely something I don't want for RTSs and I'm fine with them not being mainstream.

    • 8 months ago

      >why do you want new games instead of no games

      • 8 months ago

        New RTS games do come out, though. It just turns out the people who care enough about RTS games are the ones that search them out. Same with tactics based games and others.

  104. 8 months ago

    always bugged me that these things only had one cannon

  105. 8 months ago

    I'm the instrument of Kargoths will!

  106. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      >Dark Colony
      Mein Black person. Total Grey death.

  107. 8 months ago

    Siege Tanks in SC2

  108. 8 months ago

    >many fans of WBC series
    >none of you admit to cranking your dick to Balora

    • 8 months ago

      Wood elf general the Dryad was much better

  109. 8 months ago

    These nightmares.

  110. 8 months ago

    >Also will RTS have a comeback someday?
    As a SupCom fan, this looks pretty promising:

  111. 8 months ago


    >a minatour to lead the unit
    >8 hoplites
    >ctrl 1
    yeap, its gaming time

    • 8 months ago

      Minotaurs were so fun to use, throw a bunch at the enemy infantry and just watch them fly.

      • 8 months ago

        *enemy infantry bounces to death*

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      I really wish the mini heroes like perseus, etc were more useful and had better specials.

  112. 8 months ago

    It's a tie between Dreadlord and Lich.

  113. 8 months ago

    I genuinely believed that the future of RTS games was going to be a Real Time Tactics game in the vein of World in Conflict and/or Wargame series
    I felt like it was only a matter of time for someone to 'crack' the formula and it was going to be a huge hit like DOTA / LOL was
    I thought this because it seemed to me that the pure focus on combat with no base building made it much more streamlined, and the larger scale and variety of units possible added a lot of fun variety and replayability
    I guess it is still possible but
    >We never got a WiC sequel and WiC was too simple in its unit design to really take off
    >Wargame series too autistic and controls are too clunky for mass audience
    >Eugen are insanely incompetent and fricked up their own formula massively since WG:RD, having not released a sequel in 10 years, and the current spiritual successor Warno is just not very fun
    >All the other imitators (i.e. Regiments) are also horrible

    I guess Broken Arrow could still be 'it' but I think it's over, who knows

    • 8 months ago

      >pure focus on combat with no base building
      That's where things went wrong. RTS without base building isn't even an RTS game anymore. Total war is the closest thing to RTS successors right now although the building management is separate from the RTS battles.

      • 8 months ago

        Why didn't anyone copy TW in that regard other than mostly RPGs such as Age of Wonders and the like?

        • 8 months ago

          Because any RTS game is pretty much a niche centric game. even historic total war is missing more than hitting these days too.

          >age of wonders
          It caters to a different group of players. 4X games focus more on management than battles.

          • 8 months ago

            I used AoW as an example because of 4X building with a separate context for battles, a bunch of others in the genre just do battles automatically on the same map.

            • 8 months ago

              I don't know, some games are better that way due to their pacing and focus. I wouldn't have liked RTS battles in HoMM3.

    • 8 months ago

      eugen really could have had it all if they had made a really good wargame sequel after red dragon
      they were on a roll and had a cult classic hit
      if they had taken their time, gotten it right, and made a new wargame with a really good single player, custom map / game mode / mod tools, lots of new content, and made the controls work, i think it could have been huge
      eugen is moronic though so that didn't happen
      eugen fanboys are the biggest morons on the planet, only blizzdrones are worse
      imagine being abused by a company and giving them money when their last good product is 10 years old lmao

    • 8 months ago

      >I genuinely believed that the future of RTS games was going to be a Real Time Tactics game in the vein of World in Conflict and/or Wargame series
      The biggest weakness of RTS games is that controlling armies in real-time is difficult and imprecise
      Traditional RTS games mitigate this by giving you a base and allowing you to build units, which means you have a continous supply of a small amount of units to control, and micromanagement mistakes aren't the end of the game because you can always build more
      Anyone who thought that removing bases and switching the focus to pure micro was a good idea doesn't get RTS

      • 8 months ago

        this is just straight up wrong, you're moronic lol
        base-building, economy, and resource mechanics have never and were never about 'mitigating the imprecision of controlling armies'. name one game, name one developer, who ever said they did that. give one example of that being the case. prove that. you cant.
        you are straight up so moronic you should stop posting
        if anything, the RTT sub-genre makes controlling armies easier by not having to have you constantly cycle between base management, production building management, and army management / fighting.
        and, you imply there that you cant make more units in an RTT game. you imply that by saying 'traditional rts games mitigate this by allowing you to build units.'
        in WiC you have infinite units, they just are on cooldowns / have point costs. in the wargame series, units are not infinite but you can make trade-offs of how many / type of units to bring.
        did you even consider that? is your brain capable of even conceptualizing that? do you literally have the IQ capable of imagining an RTS game with no base building where the units are not hard-limited?
        jesus, what a moronic post.

        • 8 months ago

          I didn't say they did it intentionally, maybe they did or maybe they didn't, but that's why the RTS formula worked
          "Base management" in RTS games isn't really a thing, you don't need to micro your base much
          If you have a continuous supply of units then it's not an RTT game, it's just an RTS game

    • 8 months ago

      >I genuinely believed that the future of RTS games was going to be a Real Time Tactics game in the vein of World in Conflict and/or Wargame series
      The biggest weakness of RTS games is that controlling armies in real-time is difficult and imprecise
      Traditional RTS games mitigate this by giving you a base and allowing you to build units, which means you have a continous supply of a small amount of units to control, and micromanagement mistakes aren't the end of the game because you can always build more
      Anyone who thought that removing bases and switching the focus to pure micro was a good idea doesn't get RTS

      The mistake here is conflating 2 entirely different genres just because they have a similar camera and control scheme, RTTs are their own thing; they focus on the tactical level of war, where positioning, facing, small changes in terrain have a meaningful impact in the outcome of engagements.
      Their lineage comes from games like the Myth series, Close Combat, Men of war, Commandos etc.

      • 8 months ago

        There's no mistake or misunderstanding here, my post is very clear - I was saying that I believed at one point that the RTT sub-genre was going to become the most popular / most dominant form of strategy game, usurping the traditional base-building RTS
        I was wrong about that as I say, but there's no 'confusion' here, I know exactly what each genre is

      • 8 months ago

        Commandos and Men of War are completely different genres
        Men of War is what I'd call an RTT and suffers from the problems I talked about
        Commandos is basically a stealth game

        • 8 months ago

          Men of war gives you a steady stream of reinforcements, so you are wrong about that and Commandos is just a RTT with stealth focus.

  114. 8 months ago

    Mortar team in WC3
    >Yes I will bomb your base to shit and zeppelin away

  115. 8 months ago

    >Also will RTS have a comeback someday?
    too niche and too expensive
    it is possible to make a nice, trimmed down low budget one, but rts players wouldn't touch it
    they can keep playing C&C Generals or WC2 for the next 4 decades until death

    • 8 months ago

      top-down games are way cheaper to make than third of first person games

  116. 8 months ago

    oi c**t. nice castle you've got there

    • 8 months ago

      let it BURN

  117. 8 months ago

    Juggernauts couldn't keep up with the power of Nod artillery but still they looked cool as frick

  118. 8 months ago

    nobody mentioned dr yet?

    • 8 months ago

      This is what started it all for me. I think the factions/visual design was top notch. I enjoyed this game way more than SC. Get me some of them Triple Rail Hover Tanks!

  119. 8 months ago

    Tiberian Sun was peak design for Command and Conquer aesthetically

    • 8 months ago

      aesthetically, gameplay wise it was one of the weakest in the classic run.

      • 8 months ago

        Definitely weak for gameplay but they captured a very strong atmosphere in that game and I am baffled to this day that they did not continue to expand upon it. C&C 3 had no reason not to go 200% all in on this yet they abandoned it instead

        • 8 months ago

          >I am baffled to this day that they did not continue to expand upon it.
          Nobody liked it
          TS ended Westwood

          • 8 months ago

            Nobody liked this? Can I get some evidence for that

            • 8 months ago

              Now you're posting RA2, which people did like

              • 8 months ago

                both of these games were released around a similar time with similar visuals, specifically the lighting as shown in the two pics above

              • 8 months ago

                Tiberian Sun killed Westwood, the company got bought by EA and most of the employees left. RA2 was made by a different team
                Tiberian Sun sold well because it was the followup to C&C, but it caused a lot of problems for the studio (I can't recall what they were) and it wasn't recieved well, people preferred the modern military asethetic of C&C to the sci-fi channel one. The game was also full of terrible gameplay ideas

              • 8 months ago

                >, the company got bought by EA and most of the employees left. RA2 was made by a different team
                Fanfiction. Tibsun and RA 2 were published by EA after they were acquired by them in 1998.

              • 8 months ago

                TS was made by the original Westwood team that made C&C and RA
                RA2 was developed by a new team, with Dustin Browder, which would go onto become EA LA

              • 8 months ago

                >Tiberian Sun killed Westwood
                Nope. Command and conquer renegades ended Westwood.

              • 8 months ago

                >conflict of interest? no, i've got an interest in conflict

              • 8 months ago

                >conflict of interest? no, i've got an interest in conflict

                from what i understand this is pretty much true
                renegade was a huge bomb and it cost a shitload of money and that was the point at which EA basically stopped giving westwood total autonomy to do what they wanted
                EA started getting involved and meddling, which on one hand got us C&C Generals (EA dictated they wanted a modern war RTS game basically to capitalize on 9/11 and the Iraq War LOL), but on the other hand got the westwood guys so bothered they basically all left during / after Generals

              • 8 months ago


                from what i understand this is pretty much true
                renegade was a huge bomb and it cost a shitload of money and that was the point at which EA basically stopped giving westwood total autonomy to do what they wanted
                EA started getting involved and meddling, which on one hand got us C&C Generals (EA dictated they wanted a modern war RTS game basically to capitalize on 9/11 and the Iraq War LOL), but on the other hand got the westwood guys so bothered they basically all left during / after Generals

                Tiberian Sun, Renegade, and Westwood's terrible MMO killed the studio
                Westwood wasn't even around when Generals came out

              • 8 months ago

                >Westwood's terrible MMO
                They made an MMO?

              • 8 months ago

                I totally forgot about their planned MMO, you are totally right. There was also a bunch of other games Westwood did in addition to the mainline C&C games, which I think were middling in terms of sales as well.

                >Westwood's terrible MMO
                They made an MMO?

                It never came out, it was shitcanned
                Tib Sun was profitable though AFAIK, maybe a bit of a disappointment but it definitely sold well

              • 8 months ago

                Tiberian Sun sold well but it took way longer to make and cost way more than they expected to which made EA take over the company

              • 8 months ago

                I think this is partly true, but as I understand it the bigger deals for Westwood was Renegade being a total flop and their cancelled MMO. I think if TibSun was the worst they did they would have remained in the good graces of the higher ups for a lot longer at least

                >Tib Sun was profitable though AFAIK
                From Wikipedia:
                >In the United States, Tiberian Sun sold 419,533 copies by the end of 1999,[18] for revenues of $18.62 million.[19] This made it the region's sixth-best-selling and fourth-highest-grossing computer game of 1999.[19] It sold another 283,544 units ($8.08 million) in the country during 2000.[20] In the United Kingdom, it remained the sixth-best-selling computer game of all time by 2006.[21]

                That's worse than I remember, but ~700k+ copies is not so bad by the standards of the time. It probably topped a million eventually.
                That doesn't tell us how profitable it was though, that's just revenue

              • 8 months ago

                Tiberian Sun made EA take control over the studio
                Renegade made them close it

              • 8 months ago

                >Tib Sun was profitable though AFAIK
                From Wikipedia:
                >In the United States, Tiberian Sun sold 419,533 copies by the end of 1999,[18] for revenues of $18.62 million.[19] This made it the region's sixth-best-selling and fourth-highest-grossing computer game of 1999.[19] It sold another 283,544 units ($8.08 million) in the country during 2000.[20] In the United Kingdom, it remained the sixth-best-selling computer game of all time by 2006.[21]

          • 8 months ago

            >TS ended Westwood
            No. It's because EA wanted every single game of Westwood to be a hit. Westwood founders had a difference of opinion that without experimenting they will definitely fail and fail they did because of EA

            • 8 months ago

              Tiberian Sun didn't fail because of EA
              It was full of experimental ideas, they sucked

              • 8 months ago

                The point is they tuned those ideas much better in games like generals zero hour, for example, which couldn't have been possible without tibsun in the first place.

              • 8 months ago

                All of the shit ideas from TibSun were scrapped, not iterated on
                The engine itself was good though, which they reused for RA2

          • 8 months ago

            >tib sun
            what? only bad thing it had was the lack of polishing.

      • 8 months ago

        >gameplay wise it was one of the weakest in the classic run
        Sadly true. IIRC the game was very rushed and there's a lot of plot holes in the story and interesting cut content:

        Also it's crazy how much the games mechanics improved only after 3 years in Generals. One of the biggest leaps in gaming IMO

        • 8 months ago

          what plot holes are we talking about exactly ?
          been a while i played the campaign

          • 8 months ago

            I was actually thinking of inconsistencies. Like how in the GDI end Umagon is suddenly captured by Nod, or in the Nod campaign end, Jake McNeil captured by Nod (again). Or in the Firestorm Nod campaign one of the Nod generals says they have the Tacitus and the next mission you do is you steal the Tacitus from the Forgotten, as if the mission and the cutscene are played in wrong order.

            • 8 months ago

              true now that you mention it , guess they had to cut one or two missions

            • 8 months ago

              you know whats the worst of things like this for me in the whole serie ?

  120. 8 months ago

    I find it amazing that Warcraft 3 holds up even to this day. A once in a lifetime RTS.

    • 8 months ago

      Old Blizzard knew how to make games.

  121. 8 months ago

    Kirov reporting

  122. 8 months ago

    IFVs in all shapes and sizes. I love mechanized warfare so much it's unreal

  123. 8 months ago

    What if.
    Zombie RTS

    • 8 months ago

      That would be cool what if there were billions of them!

      • 8 months ago

        That's an anti-zombie game.
        I'm thinking pro-zombie

        • 8 months ago

          >humans in cities are the game's harvestable resource

    • 8 months ago

      got you covered senpai. It's going to be published by fricking MICROPROSE, from the grave.

      • 8 months ago

        how the frick? but why? They should just make xcom enemy defense remastered and earn millions of dollars safely instead

    • 8 months ago

      are you playing as the zombies or fighting against the zombies?

  124. 8 months ago

    I used to make .ini edit "mods" when TS came out and it was super fun. I was a kid so they weren't that great, but at the time it was pretty well known.

    LOL, I made my own MS Paint art for it and everything.

    I have fond memories of TS

  125. 8 months ago

    when will RTS unit ai become smart enough to not require constant tard wrangling?

  126. 8 months ago
  127. 8 months ago

    >spam click 200 horse archers in stronghold crusader
    >begin patrol next to the opponent's castle
    >build pretty gardens and moats around my home while everybody dies

  128. 8 months ago


  129. 8 months ago

    Will we see worthy strategies in our lifetime, brethren?
    I'm so eager to paint the map + enjoy the battle, it's just impossible.

    The closest thing to quench my thirst for a while is probably Starcraft in steam, and at least a little bit of casual co-op play.

  130. 8 months ago

    unit built
    >Honor Guard, ready for duty!
    >Honor Guard, deployed!
    left click
    >Stand ready kameraden
    >Achtung, prepare for orders
    move order
    >We are moving into enemy territory, mantain sound discipline
    >Move quickly, defensive fire only behind the enemy lines
    move order (under fire)
    >UP! MOVE!
    stop order
    >Hold position
    stop order (under fire)
    attack move order
    >Combat patrol, close ranks, double check your weapons
    >Get ready for fighting patrol, if contact is made, envelope and neutralize
    attack move order (under fire)
    order to capture point
    >We must push behind enemy lines, capture and hold the point
    >Enemy territory needs to be captured, ready the squad
    order to capture point (under fire)
    capturing a point
    >Once the position is captured, be ready for possible counterattack
    >When the point is captured, I want flank security established
    capturing a point (under fire)
    point captured
    >Capture complete, standing by.
    >Target secured, gruppe holding.
    point captured (under fire)
    Using the suppressive fire ability
    >Set the mg for sustained fire
    Using the suppressive fire ability (under fire)
    unit attack orders
    >Suppress and eliminate that squad
    >Concentrate all fire on that squad
    >Assault formation, target the enemy squad
    unit attack order (under fire)
    target eliminated
    >Kameraden, fall back to Battallion HQ
    retreat (under fire)
    squad reinforce
    >Gruppe back to full strength
    left click left click left click

    • 8 months ago

      lots of words for a shitty post

  131. 8 months ago

    Love this homie like you wouldn't believe

  132. 8 months ago

    I just liked the aesthetics of the game

    • 8 months ago

      >they never followed up on this
      it's a crime

  133. 8 months ago

    Expendable meatshield units are my favorite in general, bonus points if they're free to create/reinforce.

  134. 8 months ago

    *wrecks your moto push and kills all of your dismounted infantry singlehandedly*

    • 8 months ago

      did you really delete and repost over a missing *? you big fricking nerd

      • 8 months ago

        I just thought it looked weird without the second asterisk 🙁

  135. 8 months ago
  136. 8 months ago

    never played C&C games, which one is best?

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        For gameplay, Generals. For being a 20 year old game it feels very fresh and the themes are still current. Not much of a story in that game though. My personal favourite is Tiberian Sun though, the atmosphere in that game is unmatched.

        is this abandonware?

        • 8 months ago

          I don't think so?
          Doesn't a game need to be really damn old for it to be abandonware?

          • 8 months ago

            im asking cause i cant find it on any game shop

            • 8 months ago

              IIRC it was on Origin?

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah it's on Origin, included in the C&C collection. I just install it from the disc myself because frick Origin.

        • 8 months ago

          you can google for Tib Sun installs, pretty certain it's freeware

        • 8 months ago

          you can google for Tib Sun installs, pretty certain it's freeware

          Yep, C&C, RA and TibSun are freeware now


    • 8 months ago

      RA2 for goofy fast paced 2.5D
      Tiberium Wars for campaign and aesthetics
      Generals for realistic setting and diverse gameplay

    • 8 months ago

      For gameplay, Generals. For being a 20 year old game it feels very fresh and the themes are still current. Not much of a story in that game though. My personal favourite is Tiberian Sun though, the atmosphere in that game is unmatched.

  137. 8 months ago

    SC2 Marauders are cool as hell

    >Captcha: APMMSH

  138. 8 months ago

    RTS games are real PC games for people that actually care about games.
    That market has been systematically destroyed.
    There is no room left for anything that isn't casual console garbage, and the few exceptions left are endless content pits for youtubers to specialize in.

  139. 8 months ago

    >I love a crowd

    • 8 months ago


  140. 8 months ago

    Viper Hoverboat Mortar Mk3

  141. 8 months ago

    devanon here, I'm trying to capture that 90's C&C vibe, I only got one cutscene so far, I need to get better at blender. Music is on point imo. Terrytorial Disputes steampowered.com/app/2232650

    • 8 months ago

      this look pretty cool
      my only complain is that the healthbars look somewhat intrusive and amateurish

    • 8 months ago

      Looks really good, I really like the HUD.
      Good luck on your game devanon!

  142. 8 months ago

    What are some good singleplayer RTS games?

    • 8 months ago

      I enjoyed the Starship Troopers game.

  143. 8 months ago
  144. 8 months ago

    Man, there's so many good ones. Hydralisks are so versatile, Marines are so cheap. Shamans in WC3 are great, purge and bloodlust go so hard. Dryads for their magic immunity and slow poison, Goliaths for their strong AA, Vultures for their ability to fast respond between skirmishes and Spider Mines, the list goes on.

  145. 8 months ago
  146. 8 months ago

    For me it's the RA2 conscript. He's weak, he's sad, he wants to go home, but he's 100 bucks for a 2 pack and you can't go wrong at that price, flood the enemy with them and pray for no genetic mutators.

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