What's your opinion on giving gender stat bonuses?

What's your opinion on giving gender stat bonuses?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Are women really more dextrous than men?

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      As sensbile as race bonuses.

      No. Check olympics. They do get a plus on perception and charisima.

  2. 1 month ago

    +2 to acrobatics if they come from a divorce.

  3. 1 month ago

    >+1 Dexterity
    >+1 Constitution

    But seriously, eh, it's okay, Morrowind did it fine I suppose. Just don't make it a parody.

  4. 1 month ago

    Morrowind and Oblivion did this well because it was different per race and showed both the cultural and biological differences across the range. Unless you're willing to go that deep though it looks shallow and may unintentionally make it look like you're stirring shit.

    By all means give your Human women -2 Str or whatever but if you're going full weird races make sure your Spider girls can rip their men in half.

    • 1 month ago

      There you go, i tried, adjust accordingly as specified by

      >Woman [-16cp]
      -2 STR [-20], -2 Fatigue Points [-6], Period (quirk level Lunacy) [-1], Social stigma (woman) [-5], Social regard (woman) [5], Hard to kill 1 [2], Empathy (Sensitive l, Unconscious Only -20%) [4], Talent 1: Womanly inclinations (Carousing, Current affairs: people, Dancing, Housekeeping, Psychology, Teaching) [5]

    • 1 month ago

      It tends to be underutilized as a game mechanic. If a game is trying to be more simulationist and also has stat differences between different races or species, then having it between men and women would also be suitable.

      brings up a good point that it probably wouldn't be universal across races though.
      And beyond even that, there's probably more interesting things you can do that simply having a flat bonus/penalty to a couple attributes and calling it a day. Not only are there options for things like stat caps instead of an initial penalty, but the penalties and bonuses can be as specific as you like.
      Doubly so if it's a fantasy game and the bonuses don't need to reflect actual reality, and women are just all blessed by Artemis to be great archers.

  5. 1 month ago

    >+1 Charisma
    Feel like that should be on the female, they usually get help and favors for much less than men. If you want to be a witty c**t put intelligence or wisdom

  6. 1 month ago

    Should be men get +6 STR, +2 Con, +2 DEX, +2 WiS, + 2 INT
    Women get +4 CHA

    • 1 month ago

      >Women are more charismatic
      Can you think of a single woman whose a great speaker?

      >Men have higher wisdom
      >Ruins their life so they can get their dick wet
      Or for the perception aspect
      >More likely to be colour blinde
      >Worse ability to differentiate between colours

      • 1 month ago

        >can you think of a single woman who's a great speaker?
        are you stupid? oratory skill is a terrible example if your goal is to show women have less charisma. unless you exclusively appreciate masculine oratory styles bc you only understand coercive aesthetics and just don't understand women, good female writers and leaders usually speak with more eloquence and humility and as much gravitas as male speakers.
        admittedly it's hard to get a good read because historically there just aren't as many women who get to that position and develop the skills. but there are tons of great female speakers... I think you're mistaking authority and clout with skill, taste and awareness

  7. 1 month ago

    It’s just not interesting and nobody actually wants it. This board will argue over what’s “realistic” to the point of ridiculousness (see


    ) and never once discuss if it would add anything but their vision of “realism” to the game, because the point is never to justify it for actual use, only to indirectly gripe that women can be equal to men in any way even in fiction.

  8. 1 month ago

    Depends on setting, game tone, and general environment.
    I’d be down for it, but sadly most people I’ve seen just want women to be depowered in a practical crunch sense, and can’t hack it if there are things where women have a higher stat than men.

    Reasonably, you could argue women have more con, due to better immune systems and a meat chassis designed around providing for itself, a second small organisms homeostatic and metabolic needs inside itself, and a couple on the outside that might require either milk or maintainance.
    You could also argue a higher wis, due to aural sensitivity to tones being finer, and for higher CHA due to a more in depth lean into social networking and conflict than men tend to ever reach.

    But this is almost guaranteed to cause major seethe by people that are probably fatties, and would lose a straight up jog or fight to a moderately healthy woman, so their opinions are discarded.

    • 1 month ago

      Best response.

    • 1 month ago

      >Depends on setting, game tone, and general environment
      The number of threads that wouldn't be created if OP's around the world thought of this...

    • 1 month ago

      male: strength +5
      female: intelligence +3 charisma +2 constitution +2

      nvm this is a good response

      None. A female adventurer that's already made it to level 1 or whatnot is going to have the stats to back it up. Players will naturally create the weaknesses they should have if appropriate anyway.

      From a mechanical standpoint gender stats isn't very smart. People will optimize the fun out of anything and if you can get an extra stat here they will play a female character.

      good point, in-fiction and in practice a lot of gendered differences (like 'in most societies women are taught to be less competitive than men') are going to be external and irrelevant to the premise of the game; that you are an adventurer, for example.

  9. 1 month ago

    I know working on D&D-ish Arcanum homebrew for my campaign, and want to give men +1 str and con, and to women +1 bea and dex. However, I consider


    this one too.

    Maybe I even go full random in order, but with modifications to the stat rolls depebding on sex, age, background and race.

  10. 1 month ago

    The main reason to do it is to annoy people. Many of those people deserve to be annoyed.
    So it's petty, but understandable.
    In most games such bonuses are so small they will make no real difference and are trivial to ignore anyway.

  11. 1 month ago

    None. A female adventurer that's already made it to level 1 or whatnot is going to have the stats to back it up. Players will naturally create the weaknesses they should have if appropriate anyway.

    From a mechanical standpoint gender stats isn't very smart. People will optimize the fun out of anything and if you can get an extra stat here they will play a female character.

  12. 1 month ago

    Male: Strength, Wisdom
    Female: Dexterity, Charisma

    Optional: May reduce 1 gender-based bonus to increase Constitution, instead. Intelligence is not genetic.

    • 1 month ago

      >intelligence is not genetic
      So it's what, magical?

      • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          Bullshit, been proven many times intelligence is hereditary.

          • 1 month ago


            It's actually more or less 50/50 split of importance between the genetic and environmental/developmental factors according to the best and newest studies we currently have

      • 1 month ago

        It's over 50%-30% developed by all scientific measure.

    • 1 month ago

      >Intelligence is not genetic
      Decent bait.

  13. 1 month ago

    In some of my games, I usually represent any biological and supernatural differences between character options in some way or another.
    Biological differences between the sexes usually amounts to the males getting bonus physical strength (which also influences HP), and females getting bonus magical strength (which influences resisting magic, too).
    Most of the time, I just make my games without these considerations, because I'm just going to make girl characters anyway, and I have no intention to upload my games when they're done.

  14. 1 month ago


    It did not.

    • 1 month ago

      Then intelligence is obviously genetic..? It's not even coherent to claim otherwise. Your genes carry the body plan and brain structure which defines the cognitive abilities and limits you have, aka your intelligence.

  15. 1 month ago


    I dunno, would you be more charismatic than Oprah?

    I mean, I never watched her so I don't know how charismatic she is but she could probably get a bigger reaction from people than most guys could.

  16. 1 month ago


    eh, you currently sound a bit unhinged.

    But I'll take your word for it that off Ganker you can pull together an oration.

  17. 1 month ago

    In a simulationist game, having attribute ranges may be better than giving bonuses. Depends on the mechanics of the game system in question.

    In a high fantasy setting, some skinny elf twink possessing the strength of 10 men may be extraordinary, but it doesn't ruin immersion so long as there is a sufficient justification for the enhanced ability. Could be a magical item, a spell, martial arts training, a shapeshifting giant, some special bloodline or maybe he fell into a druid's potion making cauldron as a baby.

    insert /misc/ here

  18. 1 month ago

    Id change this table by giving men +1 to str and con and women +1 to dex and charisma.
    Historically, women are the embodiment of soft charismatic power. So It makes more sense for me, at least.

  19. 1 month ago


    It surprising you are able to post in Ganker with your debilitating moronation

  20. 1 month ago


    Most virgins are men. More men are suicidal than women. Is being a suicidal virgin a trait of someone with High Charisma?

    • 1 month ago

      >Most virgins are men. More men are suicidal than women.
      Sure. This is not indicative to how big overlap there is between the two groups, I'd even go as far as to postulate that not being a virgin increases, especially at young age, increases chance of suicide - suicides are often consequence of traumatic memories and getting diddled is without a doubt traumatizing.

  21. 1 month ago

    So are you just posting this every day until you catch a pemab&? Is this your attempt at sneaking in a shitposter general?

  22. 1 month ago

    I think additive rather than subtractive ones are fine, so long as their minor. I don't think people would enjoy men having a -5 to intelligence.

    I don't think there are no physical differences between men and women, but what people get caught up on is that these differences are overwhelming when they aren't. So if a male character gets +1 strength but they play a wizard, they're going to get overpowered by a female-barbarian who is investing their points into strength. And yeah- that just makes sense. A woman who goes to the gym is going to have more muscle mass than a man who does not, regardless of what the average differences are between men and women.

  23. 1 month ago

    Pretty lame. If you want to accurately portray differences you are better off letting them roll randomly with different dice to represent the way men are more prone to falling into extremes while women are more average.

  24. 1 month ago

    Only if sexual dimorphism is more blatant than humans'. My lizard women are bigger with dorsal spikes and dull colors, so they get a bonus in STR and CONS, while the male are smaller but have brighter colors and a crest to boot, giving them a DEX and CHA bonus.

  25. 1 month ago

    +1 Strength
    +1 Constitution
    +6 seduction roll
    +6 deception roll

    • 1 month ago

      >This anon
      +5 stupidity
      +10 give self buttsex roll

      • 1 month ago

        what's wrong with it? Women don't qualify for any of the commonly used stat points, so they get a bonus to certain actions instead.

        • 1 month ago

          Yes, you don't qualify for anything other than bonuses in moronation and homosexualry

        • 1 month ago

          >what's wrong with it?
          There's one guy in these threads who always seethes at anything they see as unfair to women. You're better off ignoring it if you're interested in legitimately discussing it.

          And in terms of bonuses, it's actually not that bad. +6 to deception would be extremely useful in a wide variety of social situations. Even within a dungeon crawl, that could apply to tricking monsters or similar diversions.
          Whether it's quite equal to a Constitution bonus is more questionable, though it's also a fairly small bonus in each case, and wouldn't really prevent someone from playing a female fighter.

          • 1 month ago

            >wwwwhhhhhaaaaaa! people are mean to moronic nogames who are asshurt women are playable in tabletop games.

  26. 1 month ago

    Not keen on it as it just leads to minmaxing

  27. 1 month ago

    I don't play games that require that level of realism.

  28. 1 month ago

    Men obviously have strength and constitution, women obviously have charisma and wisdom. Intelligence and dexterity are debatable.

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