

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    Why are Custodes a playable faction?
    Aren't they all supposed to be on Earth, guarding the throne? Isn't that the point?
    This "Oh, some of them frick off to do battle in the middle of nowhere and that's ok" is how we ended up with tournaments with more Custodes than there are in canon. It's moronic. Just play Space Marines if you have to be daddy's special boys.

    • 2 months ago

      This is sadly true. I like the idea of custodes, but they shouldn't be a playable faction.

      • 2 months ago

        But it lets GW sell price hiked toy soldiers anon, that's what the entire lore and setting is for.

    • 2 months ago

      After Bobby G came back and regained the title of Lord Regent of the Imperium, and after speaking with the Emperor, he declared to the Custodes that their 10,000 year vigil of being useless nudists in the palace was over and they had to actually go out and do something useful for once in their lives.

      • 2 months ago

        Even beyond that, "blooding" them is a worthwhile pursuit if they're going to guard the fricking Golden Throne. Why spend all those resources on glorified parade troops if they don't have any real combat experience?

        • 2 months ago

          Because that was the original frickibg point of them. They were the sons of Imperial high nobility given the cushiest, most prestigious job possible to dodge going to a real war. Over time that morphed into the powerwank homosexualry we have today, but they originally WERE just noble fops on parade

          • 2 months ago

            >but they originally WERE just noble fops on parade
            Do you have a source on that? The oldest bit of lore I remember about Custodes was I think in late 2e or early 4e and they were already presented as incredibly skilled superhuman warriors tasked with protecting Terra and going on super secret missions to do His (alleged) will and find more candidates to be turned into the next generation of Custodes. Don't quote me on that though, it's been a while since I've been actively interested in 40k lore, and the Custodes in particular were never a faction I was really interested in.

            • 2 months ago

              frick, I meant "late 2e or early 3e"

    • 2 months ago

      Are custodes like marines in that it's difficult, but they can make more? Or are there only a certain amount of them and every loss is a permanent one?

      • 2 months ago

        They're making more. It's just "difficult and bespoke" handwave woo-woo fluff that doesn't go into detail.

    • 2 months ago

      >This "Oh, some of them frick off to do battle in the middle of nowhere and that's ok" is how we ended up with tournaments with more Custodes than there are in canon. I
      There's 10x as many custodes in canon than there are ultramarines so that's a very stupid complaint. codex-compliant space marine chapters are capped at 1000 which the vast majority still follow. Even noncompliant ones like Blood Angels are still around that number (the entire population of Baaal, the ONE planet they recruit from is also only 122,000 mutants living on an irradiated shithole.
      Of all the complaints this one is very stupid. Most Space Marine chapters have fewer than 100 suits of Terminator armor. If there's a tournament and there's more than 100 termies from the attendees are you gonna be mad? If there's 10 Dark Angels players and they end up with more Deathwing than the actual Deathwing has will you whine?

      the average 40k tournament has like 40 farseers for crying out loud, eldar are a dying race

      • 2 months ago

        >the average 40k tournament has like 40 farseers for crying out loud, eldar are a dying race
        >Anon doesn't understand scale, the post

        • 2 months ago

          There's only a thousand marines in a chapter. There's also only a thousand Avatars of Khaine in the entire galaxy since he was sundered into only a thousand shards (and many have been lost so it's even less)

          40k is a space fantasy series, more importantly it's written by fricking britbongs so the scale is absolutely miniscule because British authors are moronic and don't understand what it's like to live in a country not the size of a shoebox. Helm's Deep to Minas Tirth is only 200 miles. Every grand fable of Arthurian myth is the equivalent of playing around in your fricking backyard once you remember how small Wales is. Bongs are moronic.

          • 2 months ago

            Based quads but you kinda need a better example than Helm's Deep to Minas Tirith (even if I agree with your point in general).

            Rohan/the area it's now in used to be part of Gondor. And 200 miles isn't much more than Paris to Brussels, for example.

            A better example is how a Guard regiment smaller than a division is often enough to take a world.

            Or Siege of Terra having less non-Astartes involved than Stalingrad.

    • 2 months ago

      >Aren't they all supposed to be on Earth, guarding the throne?
      No, they've always had secrets agents gathering info throught the galaxy just like the Secret Service they're based on. Those were older "retired" Custodes out of their armour working pretty much like Inquisitors.

      Then when the Great Rift was about to open, the Emperor began pushing them to get out until the big daemonic attack against the Palace forced them to reveal their forces and later join the Indomitus Crusade.

      Read pic related for more info about how it all went down including the return of the Sisters of Silence.

      • 2 months ago

        >retired Custode, travelling in secret to learn of threats to the Imperium
        >nine foot tall muscleman in a trenchcoat, hat, and dark glasses
        >"Greetings fellow normal humans. Heresy, am I right?"

        • 2 months ago

          I like that it implies that the civilian population in 40k is a lot more fricked and weird than we think. 9 foot tall guys in a trench coat can blend in we assume that people see minor nobles/ rich on palaquins or with cybernetic limbs to tower over others, bizzare large bodies mutants. Or maybe considering how many poor/ homeless there would be on a hive world the custodians just crawl on all fours and beg and everyone just ignores the mutant beggars

          • 2 months ago

            >Power armor sabatons with heels
            This is something I didn't know I needed

            • 2 months ago

              You're in luck, because they made her into a mini that is faithful to the art.

              • 2 months ago

                Regular 40k one or one of those upscaled ones like Inquisitor had?

                I need to know what size of jar to buy with it

              • 2 months ago

                It's a regular scaled mini with a small scenic base. I have one but never bothered to assemble it. I think you can still buy it from the website.

              • 2 months ago

                >I need to know what size of jar to buy with it

              • 2 months ago

                You know exactly what kind of heresy it is.

              • 2 months ago

                I don't get it, doesn't he just want to display the model?

      • 2 months ago

        > No, they've always had secrets agents gathering info throught the galaxy
        Shut the frick up with your nu-hammer lore you plebbitor

    • 2 months ago

      GW has gone full corporate, they are digging through all the past lore and trying to figure out how to make models of it and sell it.

      We got the primarchs, the customer, and the squats. Wouldn't be surprised of the Sensei are brought back with that Star Child plot getting pushed in the lore.

      • 2 months ago

        Supply meets demand.

    • 2 months ago

      because nu41k is a garbage setting that makes no sense in the context of the wh40k setting, and trying to reconcile the two is a fool's errand

      • 2 months ago

        40k setting was always fluid, subject to change and never made sense.
        Just like scripture.

    • 2 months ago

      That won't work. Some people have to be the most special boys, which is why grey knights exist, but they're not special enough either.

      • 2 months ago

        If there's no end to needing a more special special boy faction, what's next?

        • 2 months ago

          Sensei lol

          • 2 months ago


            • 2 months ago

              Grey Knights
              >Super special astartes chapter born from the Emperors geneseed, unique silver armour like classical medieval knights but power armour, they're all psykers, their identity is a secret to everyone but the high lords and inquisiton, have to kill allies who see them, totally immune to chaos somehow thats never really explained, the 666th chapter
              This wasn't special enough so now we have Custodes
              >smaller armies than astartes because they're that elite, unqiue gold power armour, the Emperors own companions, each personally crafted by him to be an ideal philosopher king warrior warlord who can think for himself while also totally loyal to the Emperor and never doubting life long service to a corpse a chair (they also know the Emperor is a corpse on a chair), totally immune to chaos
              This isn't special enough so we'll get the Sensei
              >The literal bio-logical sons of the Emperor, immortals, part of a secret society to ressurrect the Emperor via the star child with the help of the Illumanti, the illumanti is planning to betray the sensei and use them as a sacrifce to accomplish this, even fewer in number than custodes

              • 2 months ago

                Actually would be cool to see sensi idk

              • 2 months ago

                I'm open to the biological children of the Emperor (or alleged children) exsiting somewhere like the men of iron via blackstone fortress, and having bizzare innate powers due to their genetic heritage, real kwisatz haderach stuff

                >The literal bio-logical sons of the Emperor
                Uh chud, that's kinda microaggressive and sexist.

                They should include his biological daughters, who unlike the sons don't need to be a secret society because the Imperium is heckin accepting and wouldn't dare be sexist by oppressing them.

                The Emperor having daughters bing a way for GW eto side step the female space marine issue could be cool. The lazy way is to make the founders of the Sisters of Silence be his daughters to explain why they're blanks and can only have female blank children. But I like that their order predates the Emperor and the Age of Strife too much and the Emperor just being a weapon in the shape of a human too much.

              • 2 months ago

                >The literal bio-logical sons of the Emperor
                Uh chud, that's kinda microaggressive and sexist.

                They should include his biological daughters, who unlike the sons don't need to be a secret society because the Imperium is heckin accepting and wouldn't dare be sexist by oppressing them.

              • 2 months ago

                You're gonna be okay anon, the SJW living under your cupboard is only an hallucination. Going outside and talking to other people should cure it.

    • 2 months ago

      TTS series made them popular, people wanted to play as the main/second main character

    • 2 months ago

      >how we ended up with tournaments with more Custodes than there are in canon
      lol no. There are 10,000 Custodes. If anything you should be whinging about the First Founding Chapters. Theres only 1000 of each of them and yet they make up 95% of Marine armies. There's definitely been tournaments where there were more Deathwing models used than would exist in canon.

      • 2 months ago

        >only 1000
        Let us be realistic. This is horseshit.

        Whether it is the Ultramarines maintaining multiple chapters whose literal purpose it is to fill suits if the UM are ever under strength (yes they just change into differently painted armour). Whether it is the Dark Angels who never stopped being a Legion (Unforgiven, and ALL Unforgiven are in on it). Whether it is the Imperial Fists who will recombine into a Legion if the IF Master decrees it. Whether it is the Blood Angels successors who all follow orders of the BA Chapter Master by default. Whether it is the Space Wolves who actively don't give a frick about codex compliance.

        Every single First Founding ignores the codex rules. Including the smurfs.

    • 2 months ago

      Because they sold. And instead of updating deathwatch and grey knights to be hyper elite, the Custodes are mega easy to paint and collect.

      Custodes are the perfect gateway faction for new players, whereas GK and DW actually competed with other collections for space but required fewer models.

    • 2 months ago

      originally stuff like Grey knights and Custodes were supposed to be a rare elite choice you could take in Imperial armies.
      When they released Grey knights as an army they really crossed a line they shouldn't have

    • 2 months ago

      it is kind of weird that Space Marines are still called the Emperor's Angels when it feels like Custodes fill that role way more now

    • 2 months ago

      Because marinebloat got to the point where SM aren't good to recommend as a starting faction. You have to be like "yeah SM gets the best discount boxes, except when they don't because half the units in it are dogshit unusable, which ones? oh you just have to know it's only 100 datasheets in the codex, plus chapters".
      With custards a new player buys a Battleforece and has a decent 1000 point army, it's probably good units because custodes doesn't even have space in the codex for bad units, and then it funnels people directly into buying FW.

  2. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      Would give my left nut for a plastic acastus

      • 2 months ago
  3. 2 months ago

    I haven't kept up with the latest editions of 40k but it's my understanding that you've been able to take a Knight in a Custodes force since at least 8th edition.
    >b-but I want daddy GW to make custodes knight c-canon and release an official mod-
    Write some fluff for it and convert it yourself, this is a hobby for the creatively-inclined no matter how much GW wants to try and appeal to the "mindless consumerism slop enjoyer" appeal.

  4. 2 months ago

    Multiple factions should be 0-1 choices in other armies.

  5. 2 months ago

    I think I’ve killed enough of my friend’s custodes to warrant a black library novel

  6. 2 months ago

    I'd rather have the Hrud or the Men of Iron come back

    • 2 months ago

      The squats have you covered, just find some extra ironkin heads

  7. 2 months ago


    His stuff is so out of step that its more fanfiction at this point. Until any of this is mentioned in a codex its not canon
    >psychic archaotech
    that is an interesting idea the rest though, wo thought ' Amar Astarte' was a good idea. its the star wars thing where every fricking detail needs an answer that adds nothing

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