when and why did you stop playing League??

when and why did you stop playing League??

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  1. 2 years ago

    Tons of awesome characters trapped in a shitty game.

    • 2 years ago

      All the character designs and Ratatatat74 porn in the world can't save a shit game.

      What makes League of Legends bad? I always see people talk about how the game is shit but never in any specific way.

      • 2 years ago

        imagine the worst game you can think of but 10000x worse than that
        it's worse than even that

      • 2 years ago

        Railroaded ASShomosexualS that pretends to be non-linear and competitive. The new pre-season update is an example of this, now even the junglers get hand holded with "optimal pathing" because the game doesn't evolve naturally, but artificially.
        If DotA 2 wasn't a legacy game with legacy mechanics I would play that instead.

        • 2 years ago

          so... was league of legends a good game when it had none of that like the first year?

          • 2 years ago

            First 3 seasons of LoL was great. Riot just slowly started forcing the meta and it got unbearable in season 4

          • 2 years ago

            Yes but you could see the writing on the wall even then. The moment they decided to nerf flash instead of just removing it the wheels were already turning in Tryndamere's stupid fricking head on how to drive the game into the ground.

        • 2 years ago

          >legacy mechanics
          it's funny because this is why I don't play league. you get so much less info from the UI than dota.

      • 2 years ago

        The moment-to-moment gameplay isn't really that exciting and gets boring if you play on your own for ages
        If you play with randoms they're likely to accuse you of being a Black personhomosexualisraelite attempting to genocide their people if you make one minor mistake like accidentally killing one of their minions (15 gold)
        If you play with randoms one of them is likely to frick up early and become a whiney pissbaby for the next hour
        Making one mistake early can actually ruin your impact on the game for the next hour
        The game updates every 2 weeks and if you want to be good at it you'll have to read a laundry list of patch notes and keep up with the meta as if it was a second job
        They completely overhaul major systems of the game at least once every year
        It's a 10 player game and you're only one person, so your impact on the outcome of the game is limited
        While each person has a limited impact, you're still likely to have a lot of games where one person is either obscenely bad (boosted) or obscenely good (boosting/smurfing) and ruins the outcome of the game
        It's mostly played by Chinks and Koreans so you might have a mixed opinion regarding that
        Latest character designs have either been "lol so quirky" girlbosses or "omg he's so hot" shirtless fujobait guys

      • 2 years ago

        I'm this guy

        God help me I haven't.
        I've been playing regularly with friends for nearly 10 years. Like at least 3 days a week we play a few games. Usually 7 days a week there are at least a few people on to play with.
        At this point I'm convinced it's inertia. None of us is good enough to crack plat unless we play a shitload in a season. We always just play norms and not 5v5 ranked. We've occasionally tried other games but few games besides shooters have 5 or more members on a team, and half my friends are shit at shooters. Hell I have one friend who I'm pretty sure doesn't even like video games but plays TFT and league non-stop.

        I hate the game so much but I value the social interaction too much to stop unless everyone does.

        , so I'm at least actively playing the shit game I hate

        It's bad for a lot of reasons, but it's mostly bad because it's a waste of time. You'll say "but all video games are a waste of time" but this one is worse.
        Games can be settled before they begin. If your team pics a bad composition of champions and the enemy doesn't, you WILL lose. If you have a shitty player and the enemy team doesn't, you can sometimes compensate but usually not. The whole game is really down to gaining small, then progressively larger advantages until you can just win. But in order to make the game "exciting" to watch there are enough catch up mechanics that a bad mistake can completely reverse that trend, no matter how far ahead you were.
        Games are either a complete steamroll and end at 15 minutes when someone surrenders, or drag on for 35 minutes or more as each team tries to get a big enough advantage they can finally win. What's worse is that sometimes you get trapped in a game that is a sure loss or nearly a sure loss because someone on your team thinks they can sweat out a hard win, so it's an unsatisfactory 40 minutes of being ground down until you finally lose.

        You can and often will lose because of another player losing their lane. You can't even go and help because that would cripple your own lane and make things worse.
        Skill gaps exist even in ranked because smurfing and boosting are exceptionally common. Running into either is never fun.
        I have 10 years of experience and have had time to slowly understand each and every champion's kit. If you DON'T have this knowledge, at a bare minimum a basic idea of what every champion's skills do visually, then you are literally completely fricked when you run into them. There is NO visual or in game way to tell what a kit does in game. Even with 10 years of experience certain interactions, small changes or edge cases for champions I don't play often surprise me and lead to preventable kills.

        • 2 years ago

          That first part sums it up quite well. I was the guy rattling off plays and shots among my friends and I remember way too many games my friend just wanted to "have fun" and basically throw a match because he always picked a jungler that needed level 6 to even initiate a gank or play a top lane character who was hopelessly outmatched by a significantly more meta character.
          More often than not, my two other friends didn't frick up their lanes so I could babysit his stable of year 2 champs but goddamn was it almost a death sentence if he ever jungled.

      • 2 years ago

        its not bad, it just filters whiner shitters that ragequit

        • 2 years ago

          Wel uhh, keep addicted to league then I guess

  2. 2 years ago

    When they reworked items I lost interest. Game felt too cookie cutter after that

    • 2 years ago

      Addicted, realized it was all rigged, and realized I shouldn't be this angry. Also realized the games I did have fun in, win or lose, were barely there anymore. Good thing I ditched that shit; one of the best decisions of my life

  3. 2 years ago

    All the character designs and Ratatatat74 porn in the world can't save a shit game.

  4. 2 years ago

    Just got bored ultimately. Nothing balance wise was so egregious that it made the game bad. Just after playing the same map and the same game mode for 8 years, I was done.

    I'd still try a new MOBA though but it seems like that trend has passed.

  5. 2 years ago

    why does this character attract the most mentally unstable players?

  6. 2 years ago

    >the gameplay is just the exact same thing every match
    >the rotating game modes are the exact same 3 every rotation
    >battle pass shit is getting more israeli
    >prestige skins which are just golden versions of normal skins

    its just not worth playing

  7. 2 years ago

    After they nerfed the big fat fish champ to death, he was my favorite

    • 2 years ago


      When they swapped his W and R around is when I dropped playing my frogfu entirely. Ended up becoming an Ornn main after that, but then he got repeatedly nerfed into the ground, so then I moved over to maining Illaoi. She'll never be good, so at least she's safe from nerfs.

      • 2 years ago

        I hate how anyone that is good top / support ends up dumpstered by riot.
        It's fricking dumb that ADC / Tops are fine, but thr minute someone like panth gets played both places they get dumpstered.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't know about that, I just remember they reduced his model size by like 20% for no good reason and against the design of the character, being a big fat piece of shit, which made him unplayable

    • 2 years ago

      Did he at least remain somewhat the same? They destroyed my favorite for the sake of some dirty shotgun knee jokes.

      • 2 years ago

        I didn't play long enough to find out. I just logged in one day, found he'd been size-nerfed, and knew then and there that LoL wasn't the game for me any more, if that was the way Riot was going to be about the game.

  8. 2 years ago

    When they announced Nilah. I already hadn't played for a while, but the instant I saw "Yasuo 3.0: Cringey marvel-quipping diversity bait edition" I just knew there was no reason to ever go back.

    • 2 years ago

      the ghost of jag still lingers over riot games. next champion is going to be a black shuriman tank guy in the botlane and from that description alone you can already tell he is going to somehow be another annoying character like fricking akshan

      • 2 years ago

        Another shitskhan

        why are there western muttfornians working at big company they single handedly ruined the lore there is nothing to care about, unless you make money. Literally league is job for streamers.

  9. 2 years ago

    When it stopped being about personal skill and started being about group play

    back in the day of season 2 to 4 you can single handed carry the game ,, now a days you need to work with your teammate to achieve the winning

    • 2 years ago

      >When it stopped being about personal skill and started being about group play
      so day 1, you just ended up reaching a skill level where you weren't literally a professional who could carry other diamond level players

    • 2 years ago

      >cant single handedly carry the game
      >but can single handedly throw the game by feeding if i so feel like it
      thank you riot

      • 2 years ago

        This is why you should only play league if you have friends to play with and not take it too seriously.

        Actually caring about trying to solo climb ranked is just torturing yourself. CAN you climb if you're good enough? Yes, but is it really worth your time? Is it really worth giving your 100% best every single game, just for nearly 40% of them to be completely pointless because you just happened to get the biggest moron on the game put on your team that feeds 12 deaths in 6 minutes?

        Your time and effort would be better spent in literally any 1v1 style comp game. Fighting games, RTS, etc. In those games only 1 thing decides if you win or lose, are you better than your opponent? If yes, then you win. No 9 random teammates to decide the game by themselves with your contribution barely mattering.

  10. 2 years ago

    gf stopped playing it so I went back to Dota.

  11. 2 years ago

    Stopped playing in 2019 after reaching platinum because ranked was causing me too much anxiety and stress

  12. 2 years ago

    Around the time when Aatrox was reworked, I don't feel enjoyment even after winning a game just tired.

  13. 2 years ago

    Dota 2 is better, but all mobas a huge waste of time.

  14. 2 years ago

    >season end of season 3
    >slogged my way up from bronze 5 up to gold promos
    >lost 2, won 2
    >final game was in last half hour before season ends
    >we're winning
    >top starts raging at jungle, can't remember why
    >top rage quits
    >lose game
    That was when I realized there's not much point in trying to enjoy a game that is going to be ruined 99% of the time by someone with more slobber on their chin than brain cells in their head. Just not worth playing to be honest

  15. 2 years ago

    I tried a couple of game with a friend who played it a couple years back and immediately uninstalled it, now I just jerk off to art of the girls.

  16. 2 years ago

    When I realized it was the same boring shit over and over

  17. 2 years ago

    shortly before Zoe was released
    game just got worse and worse in every aspect so i just said "frick it"
    call me when S4/5 legacy servers are a thing, i just want to play ARAM with the Targon's Brace line again

  18. 2 years ago

    God help me I haven't.
    I've been playing regularly with friends for nearly 10 years. Like at least 3 days a week we play a few games. Usually 7 days a week there are at least a few people on to play with.
    At this point I'm convinced it's inertia. None of us is good enough to crack plat unless we play a shitload in a season. We always just play norms and not 5v5 ranked. We've occasionally tried other games but few games besides shooters have 5 or more members on a team, and half my friends are shit at shooters. Hell I have one friend who I'm pretty sure doesn't even like video games but plays TFT and league non-stop.

    I hate the game so much but I value the social interaction too much to stop unless everyone does.

    • 2 years ago

      I've managed to crack through to some of my friends and get them to play party games like Golf It and Gang Beasts, but holy frick some of them are STILL trying to get to diamond after playing for TEN FRICKING YEARS. Fricking mid 20's men with girlfriends and cars and some of them even SWE FAANG jobs and they still are subject to this horrendous sunk-cost fallacy of getting good at League of Legends as if they'll become pro players one day. I know I shouldn't bash my friends for enjoying something but holy shit dudes... play anything else

      • 2 years ago

        For me, my friends aren't even pursuing rank. They just play as... Background noise? It's almost more an excuse to get together online and shoot the shit than it is about the game. Except the game demands more attention than that so conversations are mostly about the game itself, so it's not completely just a background task and gets in the way if the goal was just chilling.

        Like I said, it's almost more inertia of 10 years playing than any amount of active interest in the game.

        • 2 years ago

          When my and my friend group stopped playing league, it really settled in on how the game really was something that was tying us together because we mostly play significantly different games so it was a good tool to keep us constantly interacting.
          I understand the feeling. I was considering reinstalling just to play quick matches every now and again with them because don't play too many other games together.

          • 2 years ago

            Are you me? After we stopped playing league it was radio fricking silence, even though we've been close enough friends to know each other for 5 years and even travel. I'm trying to get them into TRPGs so we can "shoot the shit" again without playing that cancer

        • 2 years ago

          >Except the game demands more attention than that so conversations are mostly about the game itself
          Dude. I hate this. Either my friends aren't interested in talking to me (and each other!) or they're actually just too dumb or too sweaty to play casually while acting... casual. Makes me miss games like TF2 so much

  19. 2 years ago

    >played in college to take out my stress
    >just made it worse
    >formed bad habits for stressing over online games
    >quit the game
    >kept coming back now and then but could only get myself to play ARAM
    >quite for good for 4 more years
    >last year reinstalled it
    >suddenly I can play it casually without stressing
    >usually I'll play one or two matches every few days at most, but once I win one I don't feel like playing another

    You can start playing once you've grown to the point that it isn't bad for you.

  20. 2 years ago

    Its no longer league anymore

    • 2 years ago

      its kind of weird remembering shit like tft as 'that one auto battler flavor of the month that died out just as quickly as it came in popularity'

    • 2 years ago

      League was better when everyone looked like Crash Bandicoot characters

  21. 2 years ago

    Huh that's a league of legends character? At a glance I thought it was phantom assassin from dota

    • 2 years ago

      I stopped playing league mostly because my laptop couldn't keep the game up at 60 fps for whatever reason. It was around the time Pyke came out and then the chinese era of League began with all the anime boy heroes.
      It was a good time to leave I suppose, hardly any champ interested me for a long while and then they reworked Swain to be Lucius Malfoy.
      I have no regrets leaving, aside from having a game to play with my friends on the regular.
      Arcane was fun but I'll never be 100% on board with League after what they did to Swain.

      It's actually one of the older ones too

      i started playing when it came out and stopped after like 2 weeks. tower defense games are fricking boring, plain and simple

      >Tower defense
      Wrong genre, anon

  22. 2 years ago

    i started playing when it came out and stopped after like 2 weeks. tower defense games are fricking boring, plain and simple

  23. 2 years ago

    >Leaguesandbox got cease and desisted
    >despite being open source dunno if anyone will finish it.
    I just want to play old league again. Wish some anon could help

    • 2 years ago

      lmaoooo never fricking ever. you'll know riot is in dire straights if they announce 'classic league' or anything of the sort

    • 2 years ago

      they did the same to the dota 2 league arcade port.

  24. 2 years ago

    hots was such a better design

    • 2 years ago

      >late to the moba party by 8 years
      >after giving away dota for free
      >game is now in permanent maintaineance mode
      and yet, it wasnt

    • 2 years ago

      it did,
      I was happy that dota 2 basically stole its talents and uses some of its game modes for holidays.

    • 2 years ago

      Good morning Mr blizzard shill. Don't you have to maintain the other 5 "not shill threads" of overwatch 2?

  25. 2 years ago

    I only play ARAM and URF modes when it suits me.

  26. 2 years ago

    season 6 after getting permabanned for calling a Karma support a Black person for getting dumpstered by my full ap gragas support. Never went back

  27. 2 years ago

    the game itself was fun up until season 8, then powercreep slowly turned it into "play the top 30/160 champs or you are straight up trolling." this coupled with the playerbase being literal morons makes gameplay impossible in 90% of matches.

  28. 2 years ago

    >few years ago some anon claims to have server installer for old league alongside old client from pax 2011
    >oh sweet that would be cool
    >never uploads it

  29. 2 years ago

    I played like crazy for seasons 0-2 at season 3 i started playing less and less because of being bored but also lesser balance issues but wasnt able to just cut myself from game, but i seen and felt like RIOT balance team started shitting on tanks in favour of assasins and more and more promoting dash/flash instakill meta. At like season 6 I totally left league of legends once my 4/0/2 Full tank nautilus got killed by 0/6/0 khazix and 1/3/1 morgana under fricking my turret despite of me having full HP and landing all CC on them and noone of them died.

    Sometimes i watch patch notes and see whats new in LoL on page but oh god. It got even worse, like no more cool monster champions, but every new champ is either and edgelord, anime protagonist or coombait. Of course packed with dashes and flashes.

  30. 2 years ago

    The core gameplay is hot ass and riot actively pushes in that direction rather than fix it. They want to pretend that league is some great action game first and an RPG like fifth so they minimize actual strategy in favor of 'outplays' and 'skillshots' which don't actually have any skill in them since there's no unified movement or camera mechanics to make any of it actually skillful. They intentionally downplay the effects of strategy by almost entirely removing hard counters, both champions and items, and simplify all tactics to boil down to deathballing with 4-5 people with whoever has the biggest gold lead winning.
    Its been more than a decade and they've still never solved the problem of 10% gold lead by 10 minutes is a 90% chance to win. If they were an actual action game it wouldn't matter because you could aim and dodge better than your enemies or if it were an actual strategy game you could optimize your teamcomp and positioning to push for later game or splitpushing. Instead its neither and half the game feels like shit to play against because god forbid you do literally anything to stop them from having their 'fun'.
    Grievous wounds nerf was final nail in the coffin though its been unfun for far longer.

  31. 2 years ago

    You can't start something that you never started doing in the first place.

  32. 2 years ago

    Is Ruination good?

  33. 2 years ago

    when it came out, I played the versus bots for a couple hours and had a few matches
    found nothing I liked about the game
    I had a better time with dota on wc3 tbh

  34. 2 years ago

    when I got bored of playing riven

  35. 2 years ago

    About 2-3 yars ago? I reinstalled it recently and played some ARAMs for about a week but uninstalled soon after, the game didn't change at all, it's still shit.

  36. 2 years ago

    Why would I ever start? ASShomosexualS is an inherently shit genre played only by overly competitive morons that hate fun.
    Even the characters are only good by Ganker standards.

  37. 2 years ago

    i just started and i find it pretty fun actually, the girls are hot and this shit is a goldmine for porn

    • 2 years ago

      Got into it thru friends
      Like the game and got kinda good

      Pretty girls kept me coming back

  38. 2 years ago

    Forget why I quit, but did so about 5 years ago.
    >redownload recently
    >spend a week playing games
    >somehow made no progress at all on unlocking any champs I want in that time
    >only shit I unlocked was a bunch of cash shop skins
    well frick this game then. The old RP/IP system was kino, but those israelites won't let you unlock shit anymore without paying

    • 2 years ago

      You get champs way faster now though, but they're random and craftable

  39. 2 years ago

    I turned on the game but I was greeted with BLM and troony shit so I turned it off.

    I tried other MOBAs but they were all pozzed as well. I think Smite had it worse.

    So I play Extraordinary Ones.

  40. 2 years ago

    a couple years ago. I had already seen the direction the game was going since season 5 but I kept playing because frens were only playing LoL.
    The game is engineered to make you angry. Matches rigged at champ select, loser's queues to force everyone at 50% winrate, EOMM forcing you into win/lose streaks that are all predetermined, Riot never taking action to punish griefers, match fixers but you are damn sure you are getting banned if you call them out in-game. The worst part is that a griefer has more negative impact in a game than a smurf going 10-0 has positive impact.

  41. 2 years ago

    3 weeks after they added Ahri

  42. 2 years ago

    I think I downloaded it once like 10 years ago, said "well this is fricking gay" and uninstalled.

  43. 2 years ago

    Stupid character designs that are way too fricking frustrating to play against.

  44. 2 years ago

    I remember skipping school to play League back in 2010 and 2011 all the damn time.

  45. 2 years ago

    because some dipshit didnt go to his lane and we didnt have a fricking jungler, said idiot fricked up the game and I kept calling him a moron, moron, idiot, dumb fricking son of a b***h, reminded him that thanks to buttholes like him this game is shit, advised to unisntall and told him to go frick him self several times.

    He had a stream whit 7 of his rat friends who then reported me and i got banned for 5 days, I stopped giving a frick about lol after that, i went on to play other moronic shit like escape from tarkov or kenshi.

  46. 2 years ago

    >Lore is cringe
    >Supporting gay stuff making every champ gay.
    >Takes too much effort to learn unless you're naturally good.
    >Not worth if you don't make money.
    >Everyone stopped playing it.

    If you wanna play this trash it's fine by me, but not even the lore is appealing anymore, Mutts really ruin everything do they too many cucks nowadays.

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