When did mind flayers become a hive mind? I don't remember that from the early editions.

When did mind flayers become a hive mind? I don't remember that from the early editions. In fact I'm sure I remember mind flayers pursuing their own objectives, becoming liches etc. etc.

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  1. 10 months ago

    BG3 is going to rape this board for like the next year holy shit larian why did you do this.
    anyways iunno check the wiki or something it usually has a references section. go do some reading

    • 10 months ago

      >BG3 is going to rape this board for like the next year holy shit larian why did you do this.
      I dont think it will be a year, theres quite a few releases to come out yet (like the cyberpunk expansion).

      God save us if theres big DLC for the game somehow though.

      • 10 months ago

        first DLC should be just some straight romances

        • 10 months ago

          No matter your gender there are 4 straight romances (wyll, gale, halsin, astarion for women or laezelle, shadowheart, karlach or minthara for men)
          I wouldnt mind seeing more of them expanded to be as detailed as shadowhearts though.

          • 10 months ago

            Every companion is romance-able by any other character. Karlach got added specifically because all of the female companions were panned as dogshit during Early Access.

            Wyll is without a doubt the best male companion to romance with Gale at the bottom of the rankings.

            Karlach is the absolute top tier woman with Minthara at the bottom (and it's a fierce competition for last place).

            • 10 months ago

              >Karlach is the absolute top tier woman with Minthara at the bottom (and it's a fierce competition for last place).
              You are very clearly a RAGING homosexual.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm a switch hitter, which is why I've plowed every relationship in the game. I'm not rating them on hotness. Lol. Lmao, even.

                >Wyll is without a doubt the best male companion to romance with Gale at the bottom of the rankings.
                what the absolute frick did you just say? wyll over gale? wyll over astarion? wyll over halsin sure BUT WYLL OVER GALE AND ASTARION????????????

                Gale is an absolute turd circling the toilet and that's before you take into account having to buy magic items for him to consume. So bottom tier he's practically competing with the women.

                I like Astarion quite a bit (nothing wrong with a good himbo). But Wyll's romance storyline is better.

              • 10 months ago

                >having to buy magic items for him to consume
                I only needed to feed him like 3 before he got cured. They were all shitty ones I found that I wasn't going to use anyway.

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm not rating them on hotness
                You clearly arent rating them based on usefulness, personality or how well they integrate into the story either.

              • 10 months ago

                Why would any of those besides personality matter to their romance ranking?

              • 10 months ago

                Someone who having a good storyline outside the romance can also make their romance more interesting, because its multiple facets of the same character being explored.

              • 10 months ago

                >Gale is an absolute turd circling the toilet
                Gale is a cute little dork you little ass. what's the beef?
                >and that's before you take into account having to buy magic items for him to consume
                you only need 3 and you get two free options right at the start of the game. if you free the kid you get a consumable locket and if you beat the harpies there's a ring of color spray in the nest. you can give gale rain dancer as a last item which is dirt cheap and literally useless and not have to ever think about the mechanic ever again. do you really give a shit about giving away a locket of a cantrip you'll never use, a ring of a level 1 spell that's completely useless, and a staff with a shittier version of a free cleric/druid spell?
                Maybe wyll is better but I haven't run his story yet and he seems like he fits as a respected compainion and friend instead of romance option.

                >I'm not rating them on hotness
                You clearly arent rating them based on usefulness, personality or how well they integrate into the story either.

                Maybe he's like a weird bottom and that's why his rankings are completely bonkers

              • 10 months ago

                >Maybe he's like a weird bottom and that's why his rankings are completely bonkers
                I would have thought the assertive drow appeals to people who like being dominated. Although I guess you did specify "weird" bottom.

            • 10 months ago

              >Wyll is without a doubt the best male companion to romance with Gale at the bottom of the rankings.
              what the absolute frick did you just say? wyll over gale? wyll over astarion? wyll over halsin sure BUT WYLL OVER GALE AND ASTARION????????????

            • 10 months ago

              >Every companion is romance-able by any other character.
              correct, which means you have enough straight options depending on your gender.

              • 10 months ago

                It also means gays are coming from you at every angle

            • 10 months ago

              >Gale at the bottom of the rankings.
              The frick you say

            • 10 months ago

              Not gonna lie before I dropped the game I killed Astarion

  2. 10 months ago

    I don't remember Githyanki being frog people either, is that nu-lore from 5e or did Larian come up with it? Either way it's fricking stupid.

    • 10 months ago

      Apparently its from "a guide to the astral plane" from 1996.

    • 10 months ago

      Sometime after TSR was sold out from under Gygax. I think Elder Brains were a thing in 2e.

      They're a humanoid slave race that followed their rebel leader, Gith, to her secret astral plane hideout, where she promptly became their new tyrant and started to eat the souls of any that could pose a threat to her power. It's implied that in order to advance to 15th level, a Githyanki would need to kill and replace Gith, much like becoming the grandmmaster assassin at 15th level requires bumping off the new leader, or becoming a 15th level druid involved defeating the current Grand Druid.

      • 10 months ago

        So Gith is the one that lead the revolution but not the one you described later that was one of the later queens who became a lich and is now doing the shit you describe

  3. 10 months ago

    The elder brains have a limited range - and limited control of individuals, especially at the long side of their range.

  4. 10 months ago

    Yes but also no. I hope this clarifies things to the greatest extent possible.

    The yes part is that it was mentioned in one of the older sources about Illithids that they had a hive mind when in proximity to each other as a result of being "natively telepathic" if I remember correctly. But it noted that Illithids were typically solitary because it turns out they're all buttholes.

    Later source material makes them almost exclusively solitary and doesn't mention the hive mind thing.

  5. 10 months ago

    Would you fricking morons take it to Ganker. This is a thread about mind flayers.

  6. 10 months ago

    >When did mind flayers become a hive mind?
    They've always been a hive mind. Pursuing their own objectives, becoming liches have always been the exception.

    • 10 months ago

      Incorrect. Read the Illthadia.

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