When did Steam sales become so shit?

When did Steam sales become so shit?

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    ubisoft games are literally 80% off right now

    • 4 months ago

      and their base prices are still 60+ dollars, so their sales are still garbage anon.
      lets pretend for a second their games aren't dogshit live service copy pasted just trashfires. what would i even -consider- buying off the ubisoft page right now? old prince of persia games are priced reasonably. watch dogs 1 is priced reasonably. for honour i guess. ac2.
      they are trying to sell you a SEVEN YEAR OLD MONOPOLY GAME at only 60% off for frick sake. they're trying to sell you games that are more than 10 years old for still over £4 when for that price you can get something infinitely better made by an indie in the last 2 years. 6 year old games for nearly £10?
      now admittedly, half the problem here is actually with their games being so dogshit they're not even worth that rather than the pricing because ubisoft are floundering and desperately need money.
      they have the fricking crew on their sale page and it's not even available to purchase anymore because they're clowns incapable of even removing games they've literally shut down from their advertising page lol

      • 4 months ago

        >they are trying to sell you a SEVEN YEAR OLD MONOPOLY GAME at only 60% off for frick sake.
        That's because it's only 15$ normally so that sale drops the price to 6$.
        6$ for digitial monopoly is a great deal even if the game came out a decade ago. Just because it's an old game doesn't automatically mean it should be sold for pennies.

        • 4 months ago

          >6$ for digitial monopoly is a great deal even if the game came out a decade ago. Just because it's an old game doesn't automatically mean it should be sold for pennies.
          You understand the market as little as publishers do.
          Yes, it does, your game does not have inherent value in a vacuum. It's value is determined by the rest of the market directly around it. Whatever you are trying to charge, the consumer will automatically weigh up against WHAT ELSE they can get on the same marketplace for that value. If kotor was worth £1.74, any game worse than kotor is worth no more than £1.74, period. Koei tecmo make this moron israelite mistake constantly on half their shit. Bladestorm nightmare is not worth £50, it will never be worth £50, even on a 75% off sale which they eventually started doing, it is STILL not worth that price for a fricking 10 year old mid musou game. Compare that to say bamco who have a sale going on now. Code vein for £5.99? Yeah, now that's a sale price. Why would I ever fricking buy bladestorm over that?
          You wouldn't, nobody would, thus the correct thing to do in the market is to price in relation to the rest of the fricking market based on age and quality.

          • 4 months ago

            Yes anon, I'm sure you, some random dipshit on shitposting on Ganker, know more about the video game publishing market than the publishers themselves.
            Taste is subjective. You might thikn KOTOR is the best game ever so if it's 5$ then no game ever should be more than 5$ because it's not better than KOTOR - or whatever the frick your moronic argument is - but that's not how the real world works.

            Outside of outliers, the majority of people buying Monopoly aren't going to be the same people buying CoD or KOTOR or Code Vein, so what does the value or quality of CoD ot KOTOR or Code Vein mean to the person buying Monopoly?

            • 4 months ago

              >Yes anon, I'm sure you, some random dipshit on shitposting on Ganker, know more about the video game publishing market than the publishers themselves.
              Unironically yes, half this board would, because the industry is staffed to the brim with incompetent morons as is proven at every single turn.
              >Outside of outliers, the majority of people buying Monopoly aren't going to be the same people buying CoD or KOTOR or Code Vein, so what does the value or quality of CoD ot KOTOR or Code Vein mean to the person buying Monopoly?
              moronic statement that doesn't understand half the pc market at all. There is massive overlap, because pc players play significantly more kinds of different shit than the moron audience the industry is constantly trying to chase that they never manage to capture because they only play the same fricking 2 games for eternity.
              Kotor is not specifically relevant, it's just the example because its the first game that comes to mind I know is a) good, b) old and c) has both proper pricing and proper sale values from old steam. I am sorry it doesn't matter what delusional world you put yourself in, 10 year old digital games are not worth more than a couple of bucks period, for any of them.

              • 4 months ago

                Either you are a 12 years old idiot or a 35 years old moron.
                The market doesn't work like that.
                As the other anon wrote: market has a so called interchangeable goods mechanism. Means that if video games are expensive you can substitute with something else.
                This also applies inside one category.
                In terms of video games, people who buy each and every year the latest FIFA or NFL game, they WON'T buy Loop Hero or Tetris or GTA because for them it is not interchangeable.
                For FIFA another soccer game could be an actual substitute.
                Now, how many substitutes are there for Monopoly? Because for Monopoly it is not KOTOR or CoD or whatever.
                If you want to play Monopoly you have to buy Monopoly. So it's price won't be dependent on how much Palworld or BG3 costs.

                This is Economics 101.
                Get a book in the subject and educate yourself.

              • 4 months ago

                MBA isn't a real degree, economics is also not a science. Nice try though.

          • 4 months ago

            You're correct anon. The misunderstanding of market value and supply/demand is prelevant across the gaming industry.

            This is how you end up with morons trying to sell their old PS2 games for full price and complaining that GameStop undercut them. Gamers believe games should be priced at the value of it's contents (which is flawed because its just code at the end of the day) rather than what the market demands

      • 4 months ago

        >there are no more 80% sales on steam
        >post lists of 80% discount games available right now
        like pottery

        • 4 months ago

          Ubisoft is a cancer and I refuse to buy their games.

    • 4 months ago

      You'll have to pay me to install Ubishit Connect

    • 4 months ago

      >all online trash
      >requires their shit launcher
      >they'll take down their servers effectively nulling your purchase
      Unless the games are f2p Ubisoft games are not worth buying

    • 4 months ago

      I refuse to play anything that requires a third party launcher. They're fricking cancer and do nothing but increase the odds of the game not functioning because of whatever bullshit integration there is. When Dark Souls removed GFWL it was such a breath of fresh air. If there's a game I really want to play with another launcher, I just pirate it.

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      not even gonna get them even if they're 105% off

    • 4 months ago

      And still none of them are worth buying.

    • 4 months ago

      call me when The Division becomes offline and i can play single player

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Ubishit doesn't use steam API for any of their games anymore. You get none of steam's functionality like cloud saves or achievements. all it is handled through their launcher. which is basically just funneling you to another store. and to make matters worse their eula says they can just close your account for any reason, including not logging in for a time. Absolutely no thank you.

  2. 4 months ago

    when PC became mainstream

  3. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      >noo you cant just expect the thing to go down to it's worth, you should buy it at whatever they ask because it's indietrash!!!
      enjoy dying in my wishlist

      • 4 months ago

        sucking off indie devs was one of the worse things to happen to vidya
        >you WILL pay $35 for my mid-tier indie game and you will NOT pirate it

        meanwhile EGS sales
        >free game every week
        >60% off everything
        >Tim gives you an extra 30% off with a reusable coupon
        >get 10% of every dollar you spend back in cashback credits

        i hate EGS but damn does it have good dealios
        i actually managed to get rimworld for $20, dev who does the aforementioned

      • 4 months ago

        >triple A shit is better than indie

        • 4 months ago

          There's a lot more shitty indie titles compared to AAA ones.

          • 4 months ago

            that's a weird cope
            you realize 1000 indie games still cost less to make than a single AAA, right? if a thousand indie games are shit per 1 AAA game, it's still a net gain, especially when you consider the individual ratios of good:bad per type. the fact that those ratios are nearly identical despite an additional 3-4 zeroes in USD added to the production cost on AAA compared to indie is absolutely pathetic. lots of indie games suck too, but it's less pathetic when they suck, you expect a low budget piece of shit to suck.

          • 4 months ago

            no fricking shit moron. You just need 100$-200$ to publish an asset flip instead of a studio working on a game for 1-4 years.

            Thanks for stating the obvious

  4. 4 months ago

    Because you ran out of old games and bargain bin indies to buy a decade ago and now you are expecting releases from half a year ago to get a 75% off.

    • 4 months ago

      >zoomer child that never got to experience flash sales
      I feel sorry for you

      • 4 months ago

        Flash sales come back...I miss you...

        • 4 months ago

          flash sales were kinda bad when you think about it
          >oh boy I want to buy fallout 3
          >man I have to wait until the last day because it may show up on a flash sale
          and every time you bought a game on day 1 and it showed up on a flash sale after you would feel bad

          • 4 months ago

            >oh wow i can buy this game right now for 50% off like a moron
            >or i can have some self control and get it for 80%+ off at a much more reasonable price
            seems good to me anon

            • 4 months ago

              >is sleeping or working when the flash sale happens and you miss it, making you not buy the game at all

              • 4 months ago

                set an alarm to wake up and check the sales for 2 seconds before sleeping each 8 hours.
                take a bathroom break at work and check when they roll over for 2 seconds.
                it's not that hard. i am not buying the games at all in the first place for shit prices, it has nothing to do with it "feeling bad" that it might go on sale later. if the game is 3 dollars at base discount and goes on flash sale for 2 dollars, nobody fricking cares do they? they do not feel like they missed out. they only feel like they missed out if they know they by default were getting scammed at the base sale price and prefer to not have to face the fact they were knowingly paying scam prices under the guise of a "sale"

              • 4 months ago

                >t. didnt experience flash sales

              • 4 months ago

                They were every 6 hours. Do you sleep for 13 hours?

              • 4 months ago

                They were definitely every 8 hours and if you scrolled down the home page you could see the previous 8 hours of games "ending soon".
                I don't know why everybody forgot about this.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah 8 hours whatever, point stands. And the last day had all the flash sales for the whole period.

          • 4 months ago

            This is why Flash Sales were good. It turned the sale itself into a game you played and could be good at or bad at. That drove engagement. Valve has been chasing that high ever since with their stupid point shop front page “games” and only rarely do they actually recapture the magic of “Steam itself is the game I am playing”.

            • 4 months ago

              I've always wondered what kind of idiot buys hundreds of games at once and never plays any of them. Now I know.

              • 4 months ago

                During the golden age of Steam sales, that was everyone. You’d have $90 in a shopping cart and come away with like 60 new games, of which you only ever made time to play like 5. It’s why everyone memes about their backlog. You see a game marked down from $60 to $2, but only for 6 hours, you don’t spend too much time thinking about whether or not you actually want that game before buying it.

                Now it’s like
                >complete a discovery queue every day during the sale to earn time-limited stickers for your stupid profile page
                And it’s never been the same. During the flash sale period, you were checking Steam every few hours during the Summer Sale. Nowadays you open your wishlist, scroll through, see if anything is steeper than 50% off, realize it’s not, and close the store page. It’s not an event anymore, it’s just shopping.

              • 4 months ago

                It's either Refund Policy or Flash Sales, according to Valve. I'll rather be able to give a Frick You to developers and leave a bad review than pay less for games.

              • 4 months ago

                I don’t even think Valve has said the refund policy is why they stopped doing Flash Sales. I think they said the first year they rolled out refunds, they preemptively stopped Flash Sales to avoid a potential headache, and what they saw was that the revenue they generated during the sale didn’t actually go down. People still have what they have to spend, they just get fewer new titles for that money. That’s a win for Valve. The only reason to discount something more steeply is to get people to spend more money than they were planning to spend, if that isn’t happening it’s just giving shit away for nothing. So they never brought them back.

                And there’s a sense in which it’s better for the consumer. I mean do I really WANT to be psychologically manipulated into spending $80 on games when I’m only going to play one or two of them? Isn’t it better to just spend $15 during the summer sale, get one game, and be done? Sure I “own less” but I’ve spent less money for the same amount of actual gameplay.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                I still do that. Most of it is done on fanatical now though.

            • 4 months ago

              >stupid point shop front page “games” and only rarely do they actually recapture the magic
              What? No. The Points Store is to tease buyers into getting their games on Steam. "Look how you can make your profile and chat your own" type of reasoning and if I had to guess this actually works. Lots of homosexuals on my Friends list with all sorts of shenanigans in their profile.

    • 4 months ago

      after the one with coal

      shut the frick up moron, we're still seeing 3, 4, 5, 6+ even year old games on steam with base prices of 49.99 that only ever go on sale for 50 or 60% off at most, it is indefensibly moronic to pretend otherwise
      and these games are fricking WORSE than shit you could grab for 3 dollars on flash sales years ago

    • 4 months ago

      You fricking liar, in the past games only two to three years old were given discounts of 80-90 percent and even newer games were commonly at least 50 percent off. Now with steam sales you have a 7 year old remaster of a now 13 year old game never put below 50 percent.

    • 4 months ago

      I expect DS3 not still be sold for 59.99
      The Dark Souls Season Pass still goes for 24,99 outside of sales and they contain some of the worst DS2 content.

      • 4 months ago

        steam doesn't set prices, witcher 3, jedi fallen order, doom eternal and kcd are some examples where the base price is below $60
        the japs are simply worse at pricing their games

      • 4 months ago

        Blame Elden Ring' success for that.

      • 4 months ago

        Bandai has gotten actively worse about it ever since Elden Ring came out. They stopped putting Dark Souls games on sale for a year and a half after ER.

      • 4 months ago

        be glad you get a sale.

    • 4 months ago

      It's a moronic myth for "everything bad now" idiots and this anon is right
      Sales are just the same as they ever were. You are just a no-game b***h who doesn't show interest in more than a handful of titles. Pic related, sales going on right now.

      • 4 months ago

        >wow look old ass games
        The most surprising thing here is MK11. Otherwise: LOL

        • 4 months ago

          >n-no t-those don't count because I say so
          Have some games less than a year old then. Eat shit AND die, blackpilled moron.

      • 4 months ago

        Nah you are fricking moronic, I bought space marine + all DLCs for 5 bucks 10 years ago, now even with the highest discounts it doesn't go below 9.

        • 4 months ago

          Because they've been raising the price, idiot moron. Not because the discount is worse.
          Blame your cum slurping dev/publisher, dimwitted child.

          • 4 months ago

            actual subhumans

  5. 4 months ago

    >100 games on wishlist
    >lowest sale percentage: 25
    >highest sale percentage: 70
    Sounds like a you problem

    • 4 months ago

      sale percentage: 70
      yeah that's the bleak shit i'm talking about

      • 4 months ago

        imagine being this fricking greedy/poor/entitled/all of the above

        • 4 months ago

          >n-no t-those don't count because I say so
          Have some games less than a year old then. Eat shit AND die, blackpilled moron.

          these aren't that much good either
          when we say "steam sales aren't much good anymore" we're not referring to some 10+ year old game nobody gave a shit about or the valve collection (everyone has that already)
          i mean when's the last time you've seen a popular AAA game go less than 50% less then a decade after release. most notable example i can think of is red dead redemption 2 becoming 20 bucks

          • 4 months ago

            >I'm going to ignore the mainstream as frick games depicted in the image, like cawadoody, far cry, tony hawk and atomic heart
            >I'm going to say game bad which, since it's entirely subjective, means I'm always right!
            You are not impressing anybody, lil moron. Your umbilical cord should have wrapped around your neck and strangled you when you were trying to come out of your c**t mother.

            • 4 months ago

              >cawadoody, far cry, tony hawk and atomic heart
              Outside of Atomic Heart, those should be more than 50%.

              • 4 months ago

                And they are. Noose, now.

          • 4 months ago

            He's literally me, bros.

          • 4 months ago

            Was it autism?

        • 4 months ago

          >game prices increased by x4 in past 10 years
          >average discount went from 60% to 25%
          >imagine being this fricking greedy/poor/entitled/all of the above
          Yeah, nah, I'll take 100% discount route then, thank you very much

          • 4 months ago

            >game prices increased by x4 in past 10 years
            games were 60 bucks TWENTY YEARS ago, and they're still 60 bucks now. meanwhile, your income should have increased significantly. if game prices actually kept up with inflation, you might have had a point, but they didn't.

    • 4 months ago

      >only 70
      tell 'em they're dreaming

  6. 4 months ago

    Probably because you like shit games.

  7. 4 months ago

    Probably because devs realized it results in a whole bunch of people only buying your game on sale, which isn't something you really want to encourage.

    • 4 months ago

      Then don't price your indie platformer at 30 dollars when it's worth 10

  8. 4 months ago

    When gabes 450million dollar superyacht broke it's main propellor shaft and they handed him the repair bill.

  9. 4 months ago

    have you missed the inflation
    should start asking why is 3$ mcslop meal costs 10$ now

    • 4 months ago

      try like 15-18

  10. 4 months ago

    Skill issue

    • 4 months ago

      The point of steam sales is to buy good games for a discounted price. If you removed all of the bad games from your image (because you shouldn't buy them regardless of how much they cost) then there would be almost no games with good discounts listed here.

      • 4 months ago

        that's a lot of trash


        with the exception of Andromeda there is not a single bad game on that list

        • 4 months ago

          >Wokelands 3
          >Ass creed
          >Soi wars
          >not bad

    • 4 months ago

      that's a lot of trash

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      I nominate this guy for
      >Ganker poster with the worst taste in video games award
      with a wish list too egregious to be fake.

    • 4 months ago

      Taste issue

  11. 4 months ago

    It wasn't instant so it's impossible to pinpoint the exact time. The reason it happened is that the industry learnt that when you can make infinite copies out of nothing, you don't need to have clearance sales to get rid of old stock like you do with physical copies. Digital-only games don't really age, especially now that you can't tell a brand new and a 5 year old game apart graphically.

  12. 4 months ago

    Because the Flash Sales casued a bunch of drama among developers and the customers.
    Devs hated it because people wouldn't buy the games that were on sale for -50%, hoping that they'd get down to -80-90% as a random flash sale, which resulted in lower sales overall compared to the previous years sales where they didn't have the Flash Sales.
    Customers hated it because if you didn't buy the game within that 6 hour window, like say if that window was when you were sleeping, you couldn't get the game for that -90% discount, and as a result just wouldn't buy the game even though it was -50% off the entire length of the sale, because they now felt cheated. Likewise customers would just wait to see if a game ended up on the flash sales and then determined that "eh it's not worth it at -60% if it can be potentially be on the next big salest even flash sales".

    That's why those flash sales only lasted the 2 big seasonal sales events that they did, and why they've never come back.

    Also there is a ton of stuff regularly on Steam that's on sale for -80% to -90% off, it's just not the latest AAA games like they were for that one glorious year

    • 4 months ago

      Flash sales had to go when refunds came in. What causes people to spew pure fricking headcanon like this

      • 4 months ago

        Flash sales ended years before refunds became a thing what the frick are you on about.

      • 4 months ago

        you're on Ganker. You can say the most moronic shit imaginable without repercussions.

      • 4 months ago

        Flash Sales were only a thing during the 2014 summer and winter sales.
        Steams refund policy went into place summer of 2015.

  13. 4 months ago

    When gamergate failed

  14. 4 months ago

    >When did Steam sales become so shit?
    Marxism unironically.

  15. 4 months ago

    gog has flash sales all the time and nobody give a shit

  16. 4 months ago

    Cause you already bought all the games with high discounts so the only stuff that's left for you are the games with lower discounts.

  17. 4 months ago

    Never pay more than twenty bucks for a video game.
    Maybe thirty if it's literally everything you ever wanted from a video game.

  18. 4 months ago

    I will actually make the argument that Steam sales were always a bad thing.
    Digital videogames should for countless reasons, be way cheaper than physical retail

    And while physical retail essentially blackmailing publishers for parity is part of this.
    Another part is the excuse that digital sales exist.
    But that's stupid and anti consumer. You shouldn't have to wait for a fricking sale just to get the real price that should have been the MSRP all along.

    Steam sales are part of why regular game prices are high to begin with.
    Sale prices shouldn't be sales. It should be the regular standard.

    • 4 months ago

      steam sales are determined by the publisher of that game
      if you don't like it don't buy shit from them

    • 4 months ago

      >Digital videogames should for countless reasons, be way cheaper than physical retail
      Not really. I mean there are marginal cost arguments but the marginal cost of a copy of a video game is like $0.00001. The plastic and paper is cheap as shit, and the retail overhead is minimal because games aren’t perishable and they’re easy to ship. Maybe in the days of cartridges, yeah, but since the advent of discs (or “carts” that are just mass-produced SD cards) the cost of a physical game is basically $0. What you’re paying for has always been the initial development cost amortization, not the marginal cost of obtaining the unit.

      • 4 months ago

        >I mean there are marginal cost arguments but the marginal cost of a copy of a video game is like $0.00001. The plastic and paper is cheap as shit, and the retail overhead is minimal because games aren’t perishable and they’re easy to ship.
        The manufacturing may be cheap, though you're still exaggerating.
        But what is not cheap are the logistics surrounding physical retail. Storage. Shipping.

        >the cost of a physical game is basically $0.
        No you're ignorant or delusional. Physical is absolutely a lot more expensive.

      • 4 months ago

        Not going to repeat what

        >I mean there are marginal cost arguments but the marginal cost of a copy of a video game is like $0.00001. The plastic and paper is cheap as shit, and the retail overhead is minimal because games aren’t perishable and they’re easy to ship.
        The manufacturing may be cheap, though you're still exaggerating.
        But what is not cheap are the logistics surrounding physical retail. Storage. Shipping.

        >the cost of a physical game is basically $0.
        No you're ignorant or delusional. Physical is absolutely a lot more expensive.

        obviously pointed iut but are you seriously going to ignore transferability? Go ahead and put your Steam copy of Dark Souls PTDE on ebay.

  19. 4 months ago

    My video game experience is the thing that makes me glad I was born in 1989.
    Not too early to play Atari garbage, and not too late.
    9 years old when Pokemon gen 1 hit NA.
    PS2/dreamcast/Xbox/gamecube where all battling when I was ~11 years old.
    Windows XP was my main OS learning PC.
    My Steam library is 19 years old.
    I still remember buying Dragon Age Origins for like $2 on an xmas sale 10+ years ago and playing it on my laptop on the floor of an empty room of a house I was moving out of.
    Even back then, the sales were usually on old games. I don't think it's changed much.
    A lot more games these days launch at lower prices. Early Access, among other factors, has led to far more $20 games than there used to be.

    • 4 months ago

      lucky c**t. frick you

  20. 4 months ago

    >buy this digital game for $60
    >no, digital copies are worthless
    >ok then buy it for $20, that's 67% off!
    >wow take my money
    steam has simply run out of garbage for morons to buy, never play, and can't resell

  21. 4 months ago

    Early sales and flash sales were just to grow their userbase.
    Once it was big enough they don't need to incentivise people to sign up anymore, now it's a balance between keeping people growing their own libraries and rooting themselves further to the point they cannot leave.

  22. 4 months ago

    Redditors cried about missing flash sales so valve quit doing them

  23. 4 months ago

    You need to "learn" how to pirate those games and then 10 years after when the game is like $10 you toss a thank you to the studio.

  24. 4 months ago

    fat gaben needs money to afford daily food

  25. 4 months ago

    Get a job poorgays.

  26. 4 months ago

    Like a decade ago

  27. 4 months ago

    Cause valve became complacent and people reject the alternatives. Gamepass gives you access to tons of games for $10 a month. Epic has coupons making it significantly cheaper than steam on sale. I'm not a moron so I take advantage of both but you can't just buy all your games on steam and be confused as to why the pricing keeps getting worse and worse.

  28. 4 months ago

    What if you could sell or trade in your Steam games?

  29. 4 months ago

    it still happens but when you see a game go 90% off, it just means that the company is greedy, and tricking a % of players to pay $60 for a game that regularly goes on sale for $5.
    also use price trackers before buying anything.

  30. 4 months ago

    meanwhile EGS sales
    >free game every week
    >60% off everything
    >Tim gives you an extra 30% off with a reusable coupon
    >get 10% of every dollar you spend back in cashback credits

    • 4 months ago

      Steamies don't know what they're missing out on. It's hilarious.

    • 4 months ago

      But then I’d have to use EGS, which sucks. It doesn’t matter if Sweeney does it for cheaper, Piratebay does it even cheaper than that. I buy games on Steam because it affords me some level of convenience as an end-user above what I’d get just cracking the shit. EGS does not afford me any convenience above what I’d get just cracking the shit. It’s not “cheaper than Steam” it’s “more expensive than piracy”

      • 4 months ago

        the frick do you need a game launcher to do besides
        >keep track of owned games
        >download and install owned games

        • 4 months ago

          >keep games updated
          >cloud saves and cloud mod management to keep games syncronized across devices like my Steam Deck and desktop
          >input remapper and management without external programs, also synced between devices and the cloud
          >tech support forums
          >for many smaller games, server management/matchmaking
          >rolling back updates to prior builds or beta branches because steam’s depots archive every build of a game

          Granted not all games use all these features of Steam. But if a game isn’t getting regular updates, doesn’t support cloud saves, etc., I’m not buying it on Steam either, I’m pirating it and adding it as a shortcut.

          • 4 months ago

            >Again understandable for the games lacking cloud saves but most have them. moronic that they launched the store without them but if they fix an issue why should I care that it was an issue once upon a time?
            >Just add a game to steam if you need that which takes 2 seconds. You even mentioned doing that with pirated games anyway.
            >People seriously get their tech support on the garbage steam forums instead of pcgamingwiki?
            >Epic mandates cross play for all multiplayer titles on their store so another non-issue
            >Steam literally doesn't let you rollback updates and you have to do some frickery regardless with their titles to play older versions of games. You're thinking of GoG.

            Stick to the steam only meme if you want but you can't really be angry at ever increasingly bad sales when you're not willing to seek out alternatives.

            • 4 months ago

              No, those are valid points, but MY point is I already get that from Steam. I’m already using Steam, so the cost of using Steam is zero. Steam is my chosen solution to these problems over piracy.

              For EGS to do this for me I’d have to permanently keep a SECOND launcher running. I don’t want to do that. So I have to run the games externally to EGS itself which means they behave just like all other non-Steam games and therefore are no better than piracy. What you describe would work IF I could use EGS as my only launcher and library manager but it isn’t capable of being that.

              • 4 months ago

                I wouldn't mind keeping the EGS launcher if Timmy was a trustworthy guy like Gabe. Steam has its flaws, but personally I feel that they are so consumer-friendly that the future death of it (and you know what I'm talking about) will be the complete annihilation of the PC platform as we knew for so long and a genuinely blow to everyone's heart that grew up with it
                We will all be alive to witness it and there's no way out of it.

              • 4 months ago

                Gabe ain't any better than Tim though. He literally created a black market gambling market targeted towards kids. It's fricked up and I have zero respect for Valve as a company.

              • 4 months ago

                Are you talking about those Counter Strike crates or whatever? Or the hat economy? I never bothered with that shit, but I feel you. It's absolutely fricked up. I just think that whatever is in storage by the many other possible players in the industry is way, way worse than that.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah. If you're not familiar with it it's understandable why you think valve are the good guys but they're arguably one of the worst in the industry. It's really really bad.

                Check out this two art documentary a big cs YouTuber did about it. Epic doesn't even begin to compare. https://youtu.be/JT17l53Fkj0

              • 4 months ago

                I'll take a look. Thanks.

              • 4 months ago

                Frick, it's worse than I imagined. Valve making 100M in a month only with CS crates is mind-boggling stuff.

        • 4 months ago

          I get this for the games that lack cloud saves on EGS but there's no convenience factor difference for most titles between EGS and Steam. At that point just pirate your steam games too.

          >Again understandable for the games lacking cloud saves but most have them. moronic that they launched the store without them but if they fix an issue why should I care that it was an issue once upon a time?
          >Just add a game to steam if you need that which takes 2 seconds. You even mentioned doing that with pirated games anyway.
          >People seriously get their tech support on the garbage steam forums instead of pcgamingwiki?
          >Epic mandates cross play for all multiplayer titles on their store so another non-issue
          >Steam literally doesn't let you rollback updates and you have to do some frickery regardless with their titles to play older versions of games. You're thinking of GoG.

          Stick to the steam only meme if you want but you can't really be angry at ever increasingly bad sales when you're not willing to seek out alternatives.

          >the bare minimum is... le good!
          I went into it for the first time in a month to show you how shit it is and lo and behold, I got this error because it didn't like my VPN. Steam never does this, it opens basically instantly and not even just because it runs in the background. You can close it in task manager and open it again, and it still starts up within seconds.
          That's only one part of how good Steam is compared to EGS. Yeah, there's some bloat, but it's preferable to the empty, sad feeling you get browsing through the Epic Games Store.

      • 4 months ago

        I get this for the games that lack cloud saves on EGS but there's no convenience factor difference for most titles between EGS and Steam. At that point just pirate your steam games too.

        • 4 months ago

          steam JUSTWORKS
          it has a very popular multiplayer framework that a lot of indies use because it's conventient, it keeps shit updated, I already use steam anyway
          Epic struggles to fricking update my games, half the time can't even fricking load and usually the store can't even fricking open

          Pirating a game is an upgrade over buying it on EGS, even if it is free on EGS

      • 4 months ago

        I use Heroic Launcher. It just works, but then again, I'll hardly give much more money than the $10 I paid for some DLC because I think Timmy is a fricking weasel deep down and will rugpulled me in no time.

    • 4 months ago

      I refuse to use the EGS because I hate the name. "The Epic Games store". I am aware of the name of the company, but it just sounds like some edgy 12 year old shit. I know it's petty, but deal with it.

    • 4 months ago

      all i want on EGS is kingdom hearts but they want 60 for 1+2 and then another 60 for the other release
      i can get both physically for my PS5 back compat for like 10 bucks

  31. 4 months ago

    A lot of posters were born after steam was created. They have no idea what it used to be like.

    • 4 months ago

      >that pic
      I still instinctively use the phrase "Xbox hueg" in real life when comparing shit only to get confused looks.

  32. 4 months ago

    I literally just bought a game 80% off. And it's not a 15 year old game either.

  33. 4 months ago

    It's all the euros' fault.

  34. 4 months ago

    you already own all the games that are 85+ discounted

  35. 4 months ago

    PC gaming has become too expensive in general. 20 years ago $60 got you four new games AND all of valve's old games.

    • 4 months ago

      And ten years ago 10 bucks got you all of that. Regardless, I hated steam when it came out and made fun of anons who used it. In the end, it became what it is and I am not too annoyed with it anymore except when there is a forced update that adds more bloat.

      As far as epic, I already dislike steam and won't use anything else. At least I have some features on steam that I use all these years later like making fun of devs and getting banned by their interns.

    • 4 months ago

      >PC gaming has become too expensive in general
      Not really with how cheap games quickly get over time. You can get valve's entire collection for like a few bucks these days. There's so many games on pc who needs to buy modern AAA the moment they come out? Just wait a year or two.

  36. 4 months ago

    There are barely any games worth getting nowadays on sale. If a new game comes out that I'm interested in I'll just buy it directly. I got disposable income I don't need to wait for a sale.

  37. 4 months ago

    does steam even make the sales? I thought the devlopers/store handlers had to push the sales

    • 4 months ago

      Steam times the sales but publisher set how much % discount is. (source: me)

      There are barely any games worth getting nowadays on sale. If a new game comes out that I'm interested in I'll just buy it directly. I got disposable income I don't need to wait for a sale.

      I need to know what cartoon this was from.

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          Good guess but I found it with "disney smoking giant" https://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=0t141aYP5yg

      • 4 months ago

        Mickey and the Beanstalk

    • 4 months ago

      They do, but that's a concept that morons fail to grasp no matter how many times it's explained to them.

    • 4 months ago

      Steam only says when the big sales happen. It's up to the publishers or devs whether to partake and what the discount is. They'd be fricking rioting if valve dictated that for them.

      • 4 months ago

        well that's the reason steam sales are 'shit' then, wiener suckers wanting the 'discount' tag to try and get people to buy but it's 10% off of an 80$ purchase

  38. 4 months ago

    The new strategy, especially among Japanese publishers, is to make the game ridiculously expensive, usually 70$+, and then have huge discounts so it tricks the customers into thinking they're getting a good deal even though it never should have been that expensive at launch,

  39. 4 months ago

    >buying games

  40. 4 months ago

    I'd rather have refunds than sales that change daily and force you to check every couple hours cause of fomo. I'll never understand the sale nostalgia.

  41. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      is this in reference to anything in particular

      • 4 months ago

        There used to be a bait image with Bloodborne shopped into the cart.
        Also, I remember people having to edit GTA V in before the PC port was announced.

  42. 4 months ago

    On top of huge discounts they also used to give away free games out the ass.
    I remember I got a Valve Complete Pack from some event way back in 2011 or 2012.

  43. 4 months ago

    You guys realize that when Steam make sales it hurt their margin or that of the developers?

    What was strange was getting so many sales in the first place, players ended up never buying game until a sales.
    While it serve big studio right to lose money after wasting so much on advertisement
    Indy developers will get nowhere if their game are on sales half of the time.

    That's why some developers never had sales.
    Because, after all what matter is to pay for their actual production price, not scam people into buying Season pass when your DLC aren't worth a fraction of the game's price.

  44. 4 months ago

    when everyone but Ganker trannies realized that digital goods don't depreciate in value

  45. 4 months ago

    >/r/pcmasterrace brags about how many games pc gets
    >turns out its all bottom tier shovelware absolute fricking garbage china tier
    >/r/pcmasterrace brags about how cheap pc gaming is
    >all the 'sales' are just $1 off a piece of shit indie "game", everyone slops up the shit because they think having 10,000 "games" they will never play is something to brag about on the tinernet
    >/r/pcmasterrace talks shit about consoles drm
    >literally each drm slop from valve and actually defend it

  46. 4 months ago

    Terrible thread everyone

    • 4 months ago

      At least you didn't pay for it.

  47. 4 months ago

    i miss flash sales

  48. 4 months ago

    When they acquired critical mass and established a de-facto monopoly on digital games distributions.
    Companies do this all the time. Operate at a loss or near a loss, acquire a ton of users and pull the rug from under them.

  49. 4 months ago

    This thread is
    >UGH sales are DEAD
    >hey look this is 90% off

    • 4 months ago

      it doesn't count when the game is shit, thanks for playing

  50. 4 months ago

    when they ended most publisher bundles

  51. 4 months ago

    When they started doing sales every 2-3 months.
    When there was only 1-2 big sales each year, people had wait a long time for discounts. Many people would still buy games at full price rather than wait 6-12 months. As they started doing sales more and more frequently, customers stopped buying games at full price because they realized they could just wait a couple months and get a big discount. Developers saw this in their numbers and stopped offering such big discounts.
    Many also stopped decreasing the normal price of games as they aged. That way when it goes on sale for -50%, customers still feel like they're getting a deal, but they're still making $30 instead of $15, for example.

    • 4 months ago

      Another factor is early access and GaaS. As the active development lifespan of games grows to 5-10+ years there is less incentive for devs to offer big discounts.
      Back in the day it was more common for development on games to essentially end when the game released. Maybe you'd get 1-2 years of patches and work on dlc/expansions.

    • 4 months ago

      >Many also stopped decreasing the normal price of games as they aged
      This. Games used to drop in price extremely quickly AND there were massive sales on top of that. Discounts, percentage wise, are still the same as they were a decade ago. But the base price of games never drops, some companies have started INCREASING the base price even: https://screenrant.com/ea-increase-prices-steam-games/

      • 4 months ago

        nintendo got away with it for 30+ years everyone else just realized they can do it too

      • 4 months ago

        You have to wonder if literally anybody has paid $60 for dark souls 3 in the past 5 years. Surely they'd at least sell some copies of the game if they just lowered the base price.

        • 4 months ago

          They don't lower prices precisely because games are keep being sold. Check Steam ranking chart for platinum/gold/etc. earners. List is full of ancient games.

        • 4 months ago

          a lot of people definitely have, one example is my gf
          Had to stop her from getting the DLC full price as well

          If something is popular enough, you can just say "frick it" because people will buy it anyway

  52. 4 months ago

    As a 30 year old boomer I remember when PC games cost half as much as console games did on launch

    I only ever bought gameboy advance games at the flea market because they cost more than a brand new pc game

    Now they are also 70 at launch with 90 dollar digital deluxe crap. Frick you zoomers

  53. 4 months ago

    Nevermind worse Steam sales, what I miss is good, cheap bundles.

  54. 4 months ago

    You are wrong, you just need to wait longer. Patience goes a long way. There no games that has come out the last three years that are worth full price (60 dollars)

  55. 4 months ago

    I still empty out my wallet whenever there is a sale regardless

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