When did the franchise lost the magic for you? Was it an exact moment you remember?

When did the franchise lost the magic for you? Was it an exact moment you remember?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    >When did the franchise lost the magic
    it didn't you just turned into an adult kids still have fun with it

    • 10 months ago

      >When did the franchise lost the magic for you?

    • 10 months ago

      Gen 5. Going back the games themselves are good but something just felt... off. Something beyond the large amount of bad designs. I can't really explain it.

      I recently dug out my Sega Genesis games. Aside from Sonic most of games I had are considered among the worst. Lots of licensed crap. Young kids don't know they're playing bad games.

  2. 10 months ago

    For me it was Black and White. I just remember at the time that I had a hard time getting invested in the new Pokemon but more importantly it’s when I lost connection to a lot of the people that I traded and battled with.

  3. 10 months ago

    >” Battle Frontier project has started!”

    • 10 months ago

      Yep, that was the moment I knew Pokemon had changed for the worse, because no matter what cool/interesting things would come from any future game, you knew they would be cutting corners and not making games as good as they could be.

    • 10 months ago

      The real Battle Frontier project was the mental warfare TPC has put Pokemon fans under since Gen VI.

    • 10 months ago

      The Sun/Moon showed up and the entire Mega gimmick was unceremoniously dropped in spite of TPCI still having it heavily featured in every spinoff like Smash Bros, Pokken, Unite, Masters, Go, and Mystery Dungeon.

    • 10 months ago

      I want to say gen 6 but specifically this Like fricking hell, I think I might just have a severe case of stockholm syndrome.

    • 10 months ago

      Still mad

    • 10 months ago

      tpbp. Came to post it

    • 10 months ago

      They didn't have a Battle Frontier to lazily copy and paste like they did for HG/SS, so we got the Maison instead. The real problem started in Gen 4 with HG/SS but nobody seems to have noticed.

      • 10 months ago

        Literally nobody expected more than a battle tower in hgss, so them copying the bf from platinum was just seen as a fun bonus.

        • 10 months ago

          >Literally nobody expected more than a battle tower in hgss
          That's pathetic.

          • 10 months ago

            GSC didn't have one, so no one expected one in the remake. It's not that unreasonable.

            • 10 months ago

              Crystal had a battle tower

            • 10 months ago

              The whole point of a remake is to bring an old game up to modern standards. They just did it in the most lazy way possible.

              • 10 months ago

                So the added new shit, but you still complained. And you people wonder why no one listens to you...

              • 10 months ago

                That's the thing, they didn't add new shit, they just ported over Platinum content instead of making something new.

              • 10 months ago

                New from GSC, obviously you sperg pedant.

              • 10 months ago

                The Battle Maison was new from Ruby and Sapphire, moronic consoomer.

    • 10 months ago

      Has to be this, the final blow

    • 10 months ago

      Has to be this, the final blow

      The real Battle Frontier project was the mental warfare TPC has put Pokemon fans under since Gen VI.

      I want to say gen 6 but specifically this Like fricking hell, I think I might just have a severe case of stockholm syndrome.

      Still mad

      tpbp. Came to post it

      >Gen 4 copies that gen's battle facility
      >everyone praises it
      >Gen 6 does the same
      >everyone spergs out over it
      Not defending Gen 6 for doing it but there's no way you morons were actually happy to play through the same entire Frontier twice in a row in a game that came out like a year later.

      • 10 months ago

        Nobody actually played through the frontier, as a kid (and really, even as an adult) completing that shit is near impossible. That's why people like it so much, because it provides seemingly infinite singleplayer content to motivate you to keep improving your team and engaging with every other system in the game.
        People didnt like Gen 6 doing it because the Maison just wasn't very interesting, there was no real tangible feeling of progression with it so it didn't feel like a proper goal to work towards, and it was much easier so everyone finished it in XY and just got the same thing again.
        I expect most people, upon the release of HGSS, had MAYBE 1-2 silver prints from the Pt battle frontier, so it was less so a matter of playing through the whole thing again and more a matter of "my hub for this infinite content has changed from Sinnoh to Johto" (though personally I stuck with Platinum since I enjoyed the other things like contests and what not, even if I still preferred emerald for having all that and better implemented secret bases)

        • 10 months ago

          Nah. There's no way to spin HG/SS copypasting the Platinum Frontier as anything other than classic Gamefreak laziness. What was stopping them from at the very least whipping up a handful of new Frontier Brains? Laziness. Stop defending it.

          • 10 months ago

            You're right, it is lazy, it's just that HGSS had a bunch of unique content anyway so pasting that in just means you have even more content on top of that old content (though I do think HGSS kinda get overrated, at least based on my personal tastes, I sorta just like Platinum more).
            ORAS of course does have lots of content RS didnt have too, but literally all of it just comes down to "catch pokemon", which is the element of the series the games have laser focused on since the jump to 3D, giving up on singleplayer battling challenges and other activities with progression systems to do with your pokemon, and also the element that is the least interesting to do more than once.

            • 10 months ago

              >HGSS had a bunch of unique content anyway
              Not really. It has some shitty minigames that didn't hold up. Not much else.

      • 10 months ago

        Nobody actually played through the frontier, as a kid (and really, even as an adult) completing that shit is near impossible. That's why people like it so much, because it provides seemingly infinite singleplayer content to motivate you to keep improving your team and engaging with every other system in the game.
        People didnt like Gen 6 doing it because the Maison just wasn't very interesting, there was no real tangible feeling of progression with it so it didn't feel like a proper goal to work towards, and it was much easier so everyone finished it in XY and just got the same thing again.
        I expect most people, upon the release of HGSS, had MAYBE 1-2 silver prints from the Pt battle frontier, so it was less so a matter of playing through the whole thing again and more a matter of "my hub for this infinite content has changed from Sinnoh to Johto" (though personally I stuck with Platinum since I enjoyed the other things like contests and what not, even if I still preferred emerald for having all that and better implemented secret bases)

        The well on this board is so thoroughly poisoned I can't tell if you're really that dense, or just taking the piss. Assuming the former, the reason why people didn't mind HG/SS reusing the frontier is because it was an add on to ALL the other things HG/SS provided. The frontier wasn't expected, so its inclusion is a nice bonus. As for why the frontier got praise and the maison didn't, easy, the frontier had battle format gimmicks that spiced things up, while the maison was just a glorified tower, something most were already sick of by ruby/sapphire.
        No, everyone didn't hard grind every single facility until they got gold ranking (nor do they have to for it to be justified), but almost everyone DID have a favorite facility that they liked to play/did end up getting gold in, and that alone is enough to justify its inclusion, it offers something for just about anyone.

        • 10 months ago

          >almost everyone DID have a favorite facility that they liked to play/did end up getting gold in
          No, no shot. Like 1% of players even bother with battle facilities in general, and even less of those get gold in any of them. You're insane. They stopped putting it in because no one fricking played it.

          • 10 months ago

            > 1% of players even bother with battle facilities in general
            I just KNOW you've got some proof of those numbers brother


            • 10 months ago

              Yeah, they dropped it and sales numbers went up. No one gave a shit, no one cares. No one liked battle facilities. If you ask the average pokemom fan, they probably don't even know what a battle facility is. You are an extreme niche minority, get over it.

              • 10 months ago

                That proves nothing.

              • 10 months ago

                Ok, cope.

              • 10 months ago

                Concession status: accepted and confirmed, better luck next thread shitstur-kun, maybe you'll have a soijak by then

              • 10 months ago

                Lol cope more. Nah, when your reply is just "nuh uh!!" then there's nothing to argue against, so you're just gunna get told to cope, which you clearly are.

          • 10 months ago

            You have zero metrics for that claim.
            >n-neither do y-
            tens of hundreds of thousands of posts, videos, etc of people engaging with, discussing, and/or demanding the frontier for well over a decade say otherwise.

            • 10 months ago

              All from the same 4 spergs obsessed with it and spamming about it.

              • 10 months ago

                Even when I was younger it felt like the most important part of Emerald to me, like the ultimate final challenge to work towards that I would never complete, and justified the entire rest of the game even if I could never get even most of the silver medals.
                Literally everything, from secret bases, to contests, to random television events, they all worked because I kept playing because there was one goal left, so it always felt like, even if it had nothing to do with my frontier team, I was somehow not wasting my time and working towards something.
                Same thing in Platinum.
                I don't give a shit if most people dont care about them, because I did, and even if I didnt interact with it much, it was literally what made the games for me. Of course none of this matters because they cut both battle facilities and all other side content I would interact with, leaving nothing but the tired core catching loop, which I have never had any interest in because I like the idea of training up an elite team of bros, and not having a box full of shitmon.
                Reality is I don't want a pokemon game so much as a pokemon world simulator to play on my own forever, but obviously that is a very bad idea to ever make if you want to keep selling a new game every year.

                Also sales went up due to marketing and the fact that the people who got out of Pokemon as they hit high school due to social pressure got back into it in college when social pressure for that sort of thing relaxes, pokemon go doing even more to make it "socially acceptable" to play / buy, and then the switch's explosive success went even further.

              • 10 months ago

                Not reading that novel but you're proving my point anyways. That is a scant few people who are OBSESSED with it that post a shit ton about it. You say you love it and it was "the most important part of Emerald", and you write a fricking dissertation about it here. You're who I'm talking about. Just accept that almost no one is like you.

      • 10 months ago

        The difference is in HGSS the game was filled with contents up the ass, it almost felt 3 games in one. Oras on the other hand: add one improvement then remove two because we said so.

      • 10 months ago

        One more thing to consider: back then many couldn’t buy both Pt and HGSS, they had to pick one.
        I only bought HG in 2009 and having the BF in addition to all the contents there was the best thing ever. I didn’t buy Pt until 2017 when it was sold 20$ a piece sealed.. yes that was a thing.

    • 10 months ago

      I didn't even end up finishing ORAS.

    • 10 months ago

      this right here, plus the shitty interview they gave trying to justify it

      • 10 months ago

        >”kids have phones so we didn’t include it”
        Like seriously frick off

    • 10 months ago

      basically this, even megas had me worried but I was willing to give it a shot, new games look like shit as well...it's sad

    • 10 months ago

      Introduction of gimmicks that told me this wasn't Pokémon at all

      This too

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah that was the moment that made me realize they were mocking me.

    • 10 months ago

      This single statement represents Game Freak as a whole.

    • 10 months ago

      After seeing how fricking great HGSS was, I spent the following years replaying the GBA games to transfer stuff into the following games, just so that when the gen 3 came out, I could tackle the kino frontier with lots of teams available from the start

      I remember everyone being so adamant that the Battle Frontier would be DLC since the 3DS was now capable of it.
      After it became blatantly obvious that wasn't happening the next cope was a Delta Emerald version after Z.
      And then Z didn't happen either.

  4. 10 months ago

    masuda's statement at that e3. you know the one. that was when all the magic completely died for me. no joke

    • 10 months ago

      >”no plan for DLC”
      >DLC announced shortly after
      What did he mean by that?

  5. 10 months ago

    The Kalos league final.

    • 10 months ago

      The seething was pretty magical though

      • 10 months ago

        It was, and I thought it was fun in its own way, but it genuinely killed the magic for me.

  6. 10 months ago

    gen 5

  7. 10 months ago

    when I realized I wasn't feeling any hype during the SWSH leak season

  8. 10 months ago

    Gen 5. Initially skipped them because the designs were disgusting, and when I did finally play White on an emulator years later it was boring as frick. Pokemon ends at gen 4 for me

  9. 10 months ago

    SWSH. It's the first one I just abandoned my playthrough of after the 2nd gym because it was too shitty and phoned in

  10. 10 months ago

    Probably Sun and Moon oddly. The story heavy gameplay and then lazy follow up that was USUM was annoying, combined with the terrible quiz "endgame".

  11. 10 months ago

    After seeing how fricking great HGSS was, I spent the following years replaying the GBA games to transfer stuff into the following games, just so that when the gen 3 came out, I could tackle the kino frontier with lots of teams available from the start

    • 10 months ago

      has some insane person created a battle frontier mod for this game yet

      • 10 months ago

        The BDSP decompilation project is my final cope

    • 10 months ago

      Shit that's bad anon

  12. 10 months ago

    Hasn't really, but that's because I didn't grow up in the brand. I lived and experienced the world before they started pushing the yellow rat at kids and deluding them into thinking the colourful monsters would always be at their side.
    So I've been able to buy unto the premise of Pokémon still, some 24 years after getting exposed to it initially.

  13. 10 months ago

    Ultra Sun and Moon. I forgot it was coming out

  14. 10 months ago

    XY and SM were shit, but at least they were new games with entirely new regions and pokemon rosters.

  15. 10 months ago

    It wasn't one moment but rather a gradual decline. Gen 5 felt a bit weird but most of my issues with it were fixed in B/W2.

    Gen 6 was the first big downgrade that I noticed but the good online features and the community that came from it helped ease that blow. I also foolishly gave GF the benefit of the doubt by saying it was their first attempt at 3D and that the next games would be better.

    Gen 7 is where things really started to feel hollow. This was the first time where just playing the game felt like a chore at some points but I still liked the overall presentation of Alola and the characters.

    Gen 8 is when it hit rock bottom for me. GF's extreme dev cycles, prioritizing profits over quality and Dexit killed most of my interest in the series. Before gen 7 I still considered Pokemon to be my favourite vidya franchise ever, I'd play PO or Showdown constantly, play many of the spinoffs and eagerly look forward to the next big release but after Gen 8 I could barely even muster any hype for Gen 9 outside of liking some of the designs. I don't even play Showdown or watch Pokemon related videos anymore unless it's something major.

    • 10 months ago

      I give gen 6 a pass when it comes to these kind of questions because I see it as experimental like gen 1 was. The experience made it worth it, but it was a sign of trouble to come.

  16. 10 months ago

    >Ultra Sun/Moon
    couldnt even do the bare minimum of what makes a 3rd version of a pokemon game work/worth the money.
    when I cant confidently tell anyone interested in gen 7 to play these games you know there's something wrong

  17. 10 months ago

    There were really bad moments throughout gens 6 and 7, but this takes the cake.

    • 10 months ago

      This moment divided the fanbase in a way it will never recover from. The only reason we had hope after LG was that a traditional game was coming after, the E3 incident showed GameFreak was no longer fit for the series and only cared about pumping out games

  18. 10 months ago

    Black and White was the first time. Fugly ass "animated" graphics and the way too heavy edge lines turned me off instantly and the mons didn't help. Garbage games through and through. Got back into it with X/Y. No game from X/Y through to USUM captured that same gens 1-4 feeling, but I found something to enjoy from them at least, but they definitely declined as they went on.

    Then Sword and Shield came out and I dropped it again. Somehow those were even worse than BW.

    • 10 months ago

      >I didn't like shit, but shit painted gold was way better!

  19. 10 months ago

    When Gen 3 didn’t let you trade up from Gen 2 (the original Dexit) and Shudo left the anime.
    I only stick with this franchise for romhacks. PLA was decent.

  20. 10 months ago

    Frick off zoomer

    • 10 months ago

      >being able to recognize the name of the franchise
      Take a look in the mirror zoom zoom

      • 10 months ago

        Is this bait? cars was everywhere, stupid fricker
        It is not some obscure hidden gem or anything, have a nice day

        • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            I know you are, but what am I

  21. 10 months ago

    Something about ORAS, then Gen 7 I didn't even give the Ultra games a second look. Something had obviously changed.

  22. 10 months ago

    Gen 8 was the true and absolute end.

  23. 10 months ago

    ShSw. I finally realized that this franchise does not lend itself well to 3D environments. The completely empty world was so boring. Having these towns with a pokemon center, gym, 3-4 houses is so immersion breaking. It's different playing in 2D because your imagination can fill in the gaps. Even SM wasn't that bad imo since it was on 3DS. But in a 3D world on a console it just comes across as so lazy to me. What's the point of making these open worlds when they have nothing to put in them? They should scale down and just make bigger versions of the 2D games honestly, gamefreak is never going to be able to figure out open worlds. The fantasy we all had as kids of finally playing a real Pokemon game on consoles turned out to be so disappointing.

    • 10 months ago

      SWSH is just that fricking shit. It has nothing to do with being 2D or 3D

    • 10 months ago

      There was no issue with Phenac City or Pyrite Town. It's all in the presentation.

      • 10 months ago

        Pic related. Less then 20 NPCs, five buildings and still feels more like a living place than any more recent 3D title aside from Jublife in PLA I guess.

  24. 10 months ago

    When I realized I disliked more than 50% of the monster roster in Gen 4 and it’s only gotten worse.

  25. 10 months ago

    When Pokemania first ended.

  26. 10 months ago

    Gen 6 obviously
    Started playing since 1998. I haven't played anything after Sun.

  27. 10 months ago


  28. 10 months ago

    Diamond and Pearl killed it for me.
    >Ugly 2.5D aesthetic
    >Even worse designs than Hoenn
    >GTS killing the point of Pokemon
    >Male player character looked like a gay homosexual
    >Starters all suck
    The franchise has only declined since then. At least HGSS was a decent swansong, even if I prefer Crystal and Emerald.

    • 10 months ago

      >>GTS killing the point of Pokemon
      This whole franchise was born because Tajiri wanted to trade a rare Dragon Quest item to another guy and couldn't.

  29. 10 months ago

    When I realized Diamond and Pearl sucked

  30. 10 months ago

    i was losing it during swsh but bdsp announcement was a hard switch off. never buying another game

  31. 10 months ago

    Gen 7, with all rhe frickong cutscenes. I still liked XY and ORAS

  32. 10 months ago

    When I started playing SV, and the shills and shit eaters defended it.

  33. 10 months ago

    About the time BW came out

  34. 10 months ago

    One-two punch of Hoenn and Sinnoh both being underwhelming, mostly in terms of a lot of the new Pokemon and characters, the regions themselves are pretty cool.

    I actually got back into Pokemon in a big way because of the Unova games but then XY was just dogshit, SM was not enough of an improvement, and SS/SV are terrible and barely functional (but still not as bad as XY somehow).

    Legends Arceus is pretty good though.

  35. 10 months ago

    X and Y

  36. 10 months ago

    2013, Pokemon X

  37. 10 months ago

    This scan. I knew from this point forward that Pokemon was going to be nothing but gimmicks and soulless cashgrabs

    • 10 months ago

      This except the first time they revealed Lucario.

    • 10 months ago

      This. Never saw this specific scan because I intentionally kept myself in the dark the months before XY released, but when I heard my friends mentioning an evolution gimmick that was going to be in the games, I felt it. That it would all be downhill from there. It's crazy to think that before megas the last region was Unova. Could've stopped there.

    • 10 months ago

      Stfu, megas are kino.

    • 10 months ago



      When did the franchise lost the magic for you? Was it an exact moment you remember?

      >Was it an exact moment you remember?
      yeah, Dexit and the removal of Megas

  38. 10 months ago

    Do we gotta go through this every update? I hate pokemon too but I swear you homies have a Funeral every time pokemon moves this isnt a therapy board move on or learn to laugh at it

    • 10 months ago

      Sounds like you're the only one coping in this thread, anon

      • 10 months ago

        Coping about fricking what? Its the same threads every update. "The magic is lost" "when did you lose your innocence?" Its a game dude laugh at how bad it is or move on.

        • 10 months ago

          That would be cool, but everything is terrible, including the whole world dude to troons, politics and lgbt. nowhere to escape.

          • 10 months ago

            >noooo not my safe spaces! chuds, what do we do?!
            Rope. That’s your way out.

            • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                Escape Rope. Now.

              • 10 months ago

                I am neither a mutt nor white, why would I excape rope?

        • 10 months ago

          Then why haven't you, anon?

          • 10 months ago

            Im laughing at it dumb frick its a Train wreck and its hilarious

    • 10 months ago

      >this isnt a therapy board

      That's exactly what it is. It's a support group for battered wives.

    • 10 months ago

      Nobody is forcing you to enter these threads, frick off

  39. 10 months ago

    XY obviously

  40. 10 months ago

    First when Gen 5 came out. Then got back into it in 6th.
    Now I've lost it again when SV came out. What a piece if shit game that was.

  41. 10 months ago

    pokemon sun and moon bumped the glass, dexit shattered it, and SV made me not care about it anymore

  42. 10 months ago

    Unironically today.

  43. 10 months ago

    I felt the decline started with the 3DS games but they had their moments, and I think USUM is actually pretty good. Switchmon is unsalvageable trash and demonstrates the irrefutable fact that 99% of pokegays are genuinely braindead. The CONSOOOOM meme is schizoid hyperbole when used to describe any fandom BUT Pokemon. Pokegays will eat any pile of tightly coiled dogshit they find on the sidewalk if it has the logo on it. It’s over. Shitfreak knows they can get away with it, so they will. Forever.

  44. 10 months ago

    gen 5 when pokemon stop being japnese region

  45. 10 months ago

    when XY literally just started handing you gen 1 starters

  46. 10 months ago

    At the exact moment you lost interest in the series. It as nothing to do with the games "magic" or qualities. It has to do with you and the nostalgia you have for that period of your life.

    There's a reason most people either think it died after Gen2, Gen5 or Gen7. Each time the series went to a new console was a perfect natural time to stop.The reality is that the series never lost its magic. Your life did.

    • 10 months ago

      Then why I can play modded minecrafft with brionne just fine, pig shill

    • 10 months ago

      You’re moronic. The sharp decline of Pokémon’s quality has nothing to do with aging out, especially considering the number of mantoddlers who still eat this slop up.

    • 10 months ago

      I've played every mainline Mario game on release day since World and loved every one. It's not a nostalgia issue, it's a quality issue.

    • 10 months ago

      this is a cope from someone whose enjoyment of video games is performative and not intrinsic

    • 10 months ago

      even when i had lost interest in the games, i was still looking forward to new ones as (even in SS) i liked the designs
      SV was the first time i was dreading new reveals

      • 10 months ago

        >SV was the first time i was dreading new reveals
        Yup. I'm partial to the 3DS games even though the general opinion is they were the beginning of the decline (and while I love the 3DS era, I agree you can see a drop in quality from the DS games), and SwSh with the Dex Cut was landmark step backwards for the franchise and launch SwSh was pretty barebones but the DLC really elevated that game. With ScarVio, I think that was the moment that the decline in quality was too real, too much. I never wanted Pokemon to go open world and when it did, it killed the franchise for me.

        I like Legends: Arceus open areas with a well-done central hub town. I'm hoping the Black/White Legends rumors are true. I'd be open to a Legends sequel

        Pokemon needs new management.

  47. 10 months ago

    When Ultra Moon came out.
    Got it for my birthday, yet I barely played it for some reason. For some reason I just stopped caring.
    I mainly play gens 2-5 now

  48. 10 months ago

    About an hour ago

  49. 10 months ago

    Pearl when I realized
    >Wow, this is fricking boring
    On my second play through of it. I've seen what I have needed to see of the franchise with the three games I've played (1st, 3rd, 4th gens).

    • 10 months ago

      Same. I enjoyed Diamond enough for one playthrough but it was the first game I couldn't get through twice. Although there were bits I liked, everything I disliked about RSE just got worse, especially the lame world-ending pokégod plot.
      Never bought another pokémon game. I'll probably be playing gens 1-3 for the rest of my life.

  50. 10 months ago

    When I played Ultra Sun.

  51. 10 months ago


  52. 10 months ago

    XY and were the first signs for me. I beat it when it first came out in a weekend. I remember thinking “werent these games harder, or didnt they used to take longer”
    SwSh it was killed it for me. It was okay, but it wasnt fun. There is no point in playing a game that isnt fun

  53. 10 months ago

    I couldn't finish Platinum, got too bored towards the end. I like to replay Gen 1-3

  54. 10 months ago

    gen (4) 5. the game just started to go for a feel and look i hated instead of loved after gen 3 but 5 was when it hit like a truck that the games are just different now even if they pulled back a bit on the looks of it. weird long story and characters i dont care about.(still there) cyber looking ui. less grounded/more crazy and round designs.(still there) pixel tween graphics.(samey models now) then they started making literally unfinished games including still cutting features and i knew thats it for me. sm was when it shit the bed so hard for me that i stopped buying yeah. the frame lag bothered me so much like i still dont get why i couldnt turn off trainer models to make it easier on the system. it got so annoying i dropped the shit ass game. that was when i felt actually scammed and ashamed for buying it.

  55. 10 months ago

    The amount of samegayging ITT is hilarious. Every other reply to the OP doesn't increase the IP counter.

    The simple fact is the series never lost its "soul" or "magic". You're just hateful, bitter incelistic contrarians. Pokemon is doing better than ever nowadays.

    • 10 months ago

      I also just eat mc donalds all the time. they sell the most, so they must be the best hamburgers ever.

  56. 10 months ago

    Sun and Moon were the exact games when I knew that they knew that they could shit any slop out on a plate and people would eat it up.

  57. 10 months ago

    For whatever reason, Ultra S/M.
    I dunno why specifically, it might have been me expecting BW2 levels of difference rather than the most unchanged 'third' version they ever made.
    It was a complete snap to reality tho, not gradual at all just a total 180 from mindlessly consuming product to being extremely critical of the series and pirating that shit.

    • 10 months ago

      Basically everything this Anon said. It's literally just Sun and Moon, but the URS is pasted into a few scenes and Hau has a few extra Pokemon at one point. Also a different Legendary fight.

    • 10 months ago

      Is there even a difference in story in the early game? I couldn't tell

      • 10 months ago

        The Ultra Recon Squad are in the opening and they challenge you to some piss easy battles where they go "Wow, we really are shit at battling, huh?". Aside from that and some Totems being different, not really.

        • 10 months ago

          Ah I forgot about the recon squad

          • 10 months ago

            That'd be because they do literally nothing aside from pop in to say "We exist." for most of the game.

  58. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Be mad about it

      • 10 months ago

        He's so frickable

  59. 10 months ago

    Gen 3 was the first time
    I took a break in gen 4 but came back
    Gen 6 really is when the magic started to get lost
    I went full nihilist in gen 8

  60. 10 months ago

    For me it was when Scarlet and Violet came out. I was 22 and still a KHHV NEET. I had to stop caring so much of kids games.

  61. 10 months ago

    Pokemon no longer has soul. Billions must die.

  62. 10 months ago

    >current gen game can't interact with other games
    >forced exp share
    >2nd remake
    >less features than the bare minimum

  63. 10 months ago

    Part 1: ORAS and its exclusion of Emerald content.
    Part 2: No Z version in any form to fix XY.
    Part 3: USUM not having enough changes to justify being an enhanced rerelease.
    Breaking Point: Dexcut announcement, ruining the only thing remaining that Pokémon had to stand out from other JRPGs with nothing worthwhile to compensate for this loss.
    Insult to Injury: Addition of woke staff and content.

    • 10 months ago

      Wow you're literally me.
      Down to every single thing.

    • 10 months ago

      What do you mean by woke content? I haven't been paying attention to this series in a while.

      • 10 months ago

        He pisses himself at the sight of melanin and hair dye.

    • 10 months ago

      Forgot one between Part 3 and Breaking Point: Announcement of Home, the ransomware that made Bank even more of a scam than it already was.

  64. 10 months ago

    Dexcut was the final straw. They said it was so they could spend more time on high quality animations and polishing the game, and it was a fricking lie. Worse, no one cared. It was my wake up call that these games were about to nosedive permanently, and so far I’ve been proven right every time.

  65. 10 months ago

    Gen 6.
    Lazy mediocrity all around.
    You can tell the exact point where they gave up as the pacing is incredible for the first two gyms and then it’s pretty much the conveyor belted blitz to the finish that would plague future games since the primary focus shifted towards casual players.
    The shift to full 3D games killed this franchise creatively. There will never again be passion behind this product.
    I gave gen 6 the benefit of the doubt and after a disappointing mainline game and a disappointing remake, I gave gen 7 a chance. I thought maybe gen 6 was Gamefreak finding their footing in full 3D and with a new console…

    And then Moon was an absolute tirefire.
    I dropped, never looked back and would go on to see each gen outlazy the other as Gamefreak would test the boundaries on how little they can initially keep out of games to force the player to eventually buy the rest.
    Gen 6 lost the magic. Gen 7 made me realize it’s never coming back.

    Never bought gen 8 or 9

    • 10 months ago

      > then it’s pretty much the conveyor belted blitz to the finish
      So…like gen 5? Where there’s literally only 1 route between every single gym?

      • 10 months ago

        Rent fricking free

  66. 10 months ago

    March 6, 2011

  67. 10 months ago

    October 12th, 2013. Almost 10 years ago, actually

  68. 10 months ago

    I liked generation six but that's when I started noticing the ever-growing issues in the franchise. I was hyped for Pokemon Sun but when it came I really didn't like it. It was the first time I wasn't motivated to play/beat a Pokemon game (I stopped playing once I got to pic related and didn't finish until months later). That's home I was finally able to articulate my dislike of where the franchise was going. The only Pokemon games I bought after that were Shining Pearl and Legends. The only games I really go back to are Emerald and Black 1 & 2.

  69. 10 months ago

    I played gens 1-4 from like the ages of 3-12.
    I completely feel off of Pokemon during gen 5, but picked up gen 6.

  70. 10 months ago

    When that moron kept posting Cynthia vore and I realized how insane and delusional people who have the need to insert their fetishes into my beloved piece of childhood media are

  71. 10 months ago

    It began to disappear with SWSH, and it completely vanished with SV. I didn't even finish that shit, it was like watching the rotting corpse of something you once liked.

  72. 10 months ago

    When ORAS decided to cut the Battle Frontier. That's effectively when the franchise died.
    Satoru Iwata was really the man who carried the franchise from the very start, tard wrangling Game Freak all those decades, and keeping them from blatantly cutting things if they found it ''too difficult''

  73. 10 months ago

    past gen 4
    gen 1-4 are true pokemon, arceus the last pokemon

  74. 10 months ago

    All gen 5 hate really just reads as sour grapes.
    >I skipped out on perhaps the best and most soulful generation when it was new, therefore retroactively, it sucks!
    Disregarding that homosexualry, it was a slow burn for me up until the point of no-return (natdex cut).
    Before that moment, X/Y was the first chink in the armor. It was exciting at the time being the first 3D game and it was great to see Pokemon start to crawl itself back into the mainstream. Also, the Kanto-pandering was welcome at the time. But looking back, it was by far the most forgettable generation and the first time I really felt the legendary-pokemon bloat, which is an issue that I don't think gets enough discussion.
    Then came Sun/Moon, which I was extremely hyped for, but ended up not completing for years due to the endless cutscenes and hand-holding. At this point, Pokemon became too mainstream again, with an endless sludge of corporate synergy bullshit for children and man-children. I was looking back and already missing gen 5 by this time, when it looked like the mainline games were perfecting the original formula while targeting a teen audience instead of children and man-children. We would never see this again.
    Then of course came SWSH which obliterated any hope I had left for the series. Never in my wildest dreams would I believe they would release a game that was that degree of shit. The paid DLC was salt in the wound. It's still the only mainline stuff I've never played because I refuse to spend fricking $100+ when we used to get full (better) experiences for $35. The fact that the game sold so well breaks my fricking mind.
    Finally, S/V... which marks somewhat of a return to form, actually. It's still shit in many aspects, but I actually had FUN playing the game, which is more than what can be said about the last three generations.

    I just want the soul back, bros...

    • 10 months ago

      >the best and most soulful generation

      • 10 months ago

        >t. pic related

        >the first time I really felt the legendary-pokemon bloat
        Can you please explain this one. XY only has 3 new legendaries (the aura trio) and 3 new mythicals (Diancie, Hoopa and Volcanion). And it can’t be that there’s legendary bloat in that there are too many legendaries to catch since you can only catch 4 legendaries in a single version (Xerneas/Yveltal, Zygarde, Mewtwo, one of the Kanto birds)

        Those are good points, anon. Really, this is more of a subjective thing for me, but gen 6 is just when I stopped caring about legendaries. None of them are very appealing design-wise or have interesting lore, from what I recall. Their inclusion in the game seems so superfluous, with Zygarde being the worst example (scrapped sequel fodder that they threw in because why not?). I'm also kinda throwing ORAS into this point, where legendaries are just given out like candy.
        Also this is the generation they really made the distinction between mythicals and legendaries, which I've always thought is just redundant and stupid.

        • 10 months ago

          Legendaries suck for so many reasons:
          >often banned in official formats
          >have no identity in Smogon (could be NU or Uber)
          >worst of all, are worthless in-game since they're OP end game rewards
          There should be some cool way to use legendaries, maybe like back-line bosses, kind of like what Dynamax was going for.

        • 10 months ago

          >None of them are very appealing design-wise or have interesting lore, from what I recall
          While I’m not the biggest fan of their designs they do have somewhat decent lore with being tied to the ultimate weapon and AZ.
          >with Zygarde being the worst example (scrapped sequel fodder that they threw in because why not?)
          It’s the same thing they did with Rayquaza, Giratina, and Kyurem except they got their games to expand their lore while Zygarde was relegated to the anime
          >I'm also kinda throwing ORAS into this point, where legendaries are just given out like candy
          I personally don’t have an issue with how many past legendaries are in newer games but more so how they implement them. Like instead of giving them some cool individual sidequest or dungeons they give them all the same copypasted room (Hoopa space, Ultrawormholes, and dynamax adventures)
          >Also this is the generation they really made the distinction between mythicals and legendaries, which I've always thought is just redundant and stupid
          That distinction always existed in Japan since gen 1 and it got adopted in the rest of the world in gen 5

    • 10 months ago

      >the first time I really felt the legendary-pokemon bloat
      Can you please explain this one. XY only has 3 new legendaries (the aura trio) and 3 new mythicals (Diancie, Hoopa and Volcanion). And it can’t be that there’s legendary bloat in that there are too many legendaries to catch since you can only catch 4 legendaries in a single version (Xerneas/Yveltal, Zygarde, Mewtwo, one of the Kanto birds)

    • 10 months ago

      I took one look at Gen 5 and saw that it took place in shartmerica and had Black person NPCs. That was enough to determine the game was not for me.

    • 10 months ago

      >Also, the Kanto-pandering was welcome at the time.
      Imagine if Z was the 20th Anniversary game instead of Sun and Moon.

      >the first time I really felt the legendary-pokemon bloat
      Can you please explain this one. XY only has 3 new legendaries (the aura trio) and 3 new mythicals (Diancie, Hoopa and Volcanion). And it can’t be that there’s legendary bloat in that there are too many legendaries to catch since you can only catch 4 legendaries in a single version (Xerneas/Yveltal, Zygarde, Mewtwo, one of the Kanto birds)

      I think he meant ORAS in particular, which I agree. Even if one can argue that it started as far back as Gen 4 in Platinum and HGSS, ORAS was where it really started to hit hard.
      Legendary Bloat, at least I assume given the term, is something you see in enhanced rereleases, remakes, and DLC where you're given a dumping ground to battle and catch the majority of past Legendary Pokémon, be it to keep them hyped up, for VGC, or because they still want to keep them artificially scarce in a 1-per-save file thing because they still refuse to let them breed. If Legendary Bloat meant the amount of new Legendary Pokémon, then that started in Gen 4 no question.

    • 10 months ago

      >sour grapes for not playing a soulless nugen reboot on day one
      this is the most moronic thing i've ever read. i played bw on an emulator before they even released in the west and they were shit

      • 10 months ago

        mfw I lie on the interwebz

        • 10 months ago

          oh you were lying the whole time? i knew no one could be that moronic

      • 10 months ago

        oh you were lying the whole time? i knew no one could be that moronic

        How about instead of being a baiting homosexual you tell me why gen 5 isn't one of the best generations we've gotten?

        • 10 months ago

          the starters are ugly

    • 10 months ago

      S/V are 4~5/10 games without Area 0. The only redeemable thing about these games and you have to buy a dlc that doesn't even focus completely around it to get the full experience.

    • 10 months ago

      >bought and enjoyed scat toilet
      your opinion is shit

  75. 10 months ago

    Gen 8. Gen 7 was when the series was starting to lose its spark but SWSH/BDSP was when I realized the franchise already died as soon as it transitioned to 3D.

  76. 10 months ago

    gen 8

  77. 10 months ago

    With ruby and sapphire

  78. 10 months ago

    It was the Gen 4 remakes for me.
    Legends brought it back a bit, but then I had a gut feeling that it was a one-time thing and the games would just continue to go downhill.
    They did.

  79. 10 months ago

    Playing Sun and Moon for the first time. I was a diehard in the 90s, because I'm an oldgay, who kept coming back. HGSS/BW2 were the pinnacle for me and I stuck around for XY because I was convinced they were still headed in the correct direction. I ignored ORAS and was kind of hyped for some of the new shit they were trying in SM, but once I played it I just had lost all motivation to complete it. Nothing about that game captured my attention. Competitive was fun, sure, but I just watched it and it was a slog to complete the game. Between all the cutscenes, the emphasis on a shitty story, the lack of genuine routes or exploration and just slowly holding back some of the old content I couldn't feel as hyped. I skipped SWSH and I'm glad I did, though I did come back for PLA and SV because I thought they could recapture the magic. They didn't. I still beat both games, eventually, but I stopped playing once I did the postgame shit. There's nothing really interesting calling me back. I just want them to either go back to making a "traditional" 2D game that's as huge and expansive as BW2/HGSS or give up on trying to make the games into story driven fetchquests. I just want my Pokemon back, man.

    • 10 months ago

      >>I just want them to either go back to making a "traditional" 2D game that's as huge and expansive as BW2/HGSS or give up on trying to make the games into story driven fetchquests. I just want my Pokemon back, man.

      Deciding to go open world for Pokemon is a meme. It sounds really cool on paper, but it just can't be done in a way that would satisfy players. Game Freak isn't up to the task and, honestly, you can't create a satisfying experience that is both open world AND includes all of the Pokemon in a realistic and impressive looking world. I kind of feel like they need to go back to basics. Just give us a small dex, a huge world, no gimmicks, and try to create some depth that way. Then, slowly, you introduce new/old content through regular updates -- instead of making us wait forever for DLC packs

    • 10 months ago

      Good take. I pretty much agree with it all, except that I enjoyed S/V and I REALLY liked PLA. Best way for the series to go is to drop the mainline games and continue polishing on PLA's formula. I sincerely hope PLA isn't a one-off. There's too much soul for that.

    • 10 months ago

      Good take. I pretty much agree with it all, except that I enjoyed S/V and I REALLY liked PLA. Best way for the series to go is to drop the mainline games and continue polishing on PLA's formula. I sincerely hope PLA isn't a one-off. There's too much soul for that.

      Forgot to mention that dexcut is a non-issue in PLA. In mainline games, I'm always going to be wondering why they can't just throw the full natdex in.

      • 10 months ago

        >dexcut is a non-issue in PLA
        you are so fricking biased

  80. 10 months ago

    Sun and Moon. At that point I knew it was already over.

  81. 10 months ago

    It hasn't
    I started a new playthrough of pokemon red on my gameboy color today (choosing the based blue color palette) and I'm treating it like what its supposed to be:
    >catch monsters
    >conquer dungeons
    >build a strong party
    >have an adventure
    Its really fun if you just get into the right mindset and not look at it through the lens of the past 25 years. Its a nerdy traditional JRPG with a monster collecting flair.
    I'm SO FRICKING ready to catch my bro pikachu

    • 10 months ago

      based gen 1 appreciator

      • 10 months ago

        I started with pokemon by watching the first anime then I got stadium 1.
        Never had a gameboy as a kid until the Hoenn games so Sapphire was my first mainline, but I really have so much nostalgia for gen 1 shit in general even if I didn't experience Kanto itself in the games until I was a teenager and bought myself this copy of Red.

    • 10 months ago

      this. I'm not a genwunner (im more of a gen 4/5 fan) but its the simplicity that I missed. Things were already pretty complex with the gens i enjoy like held items, abilities, evs/ivs, etc. but there werent all these insane gimmicks like dynamaxing mega evolution terraforming or whatever the frick its called. at the end of the day I can still treat the games like a regular jrpg and have it feel like one too

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah that's the great thing about it really. Its a traditional RPG and the innovations it had for the genre are really basically the number of monster designs and type.
        Still makes for a complex enough battle system without it being overly complicated.
        In modern gens they have all this complex interworkings between mechanics but they don't even bother to show the player how to use everything in battle.
        Its still lil Joey and his 3 magikarps vs your super squad with your legendary bike captain

  82. 10 months ago

    SM. I genuinely dropped the game before finishing it because getting stopped every three seconds isn't fun.

  83. 10 months ago

    Gen 7th. I guess I didn't see all the flaws and decline in XY because I was heavily invested in competitive and didn't care so much about the lack of content. Although 4th gen was ok only because I played Diamond and HGSS and not DP which were shit (played them years later). I wanted to like SM/USUM but finishing the games was painful. SWSH were just bland and the DLC paywall for basic shit just finally killed it for me. I still play RS and BW with my brothers from time to time, though

  84. 10 months ago

    I fricking hate the damage formula, do you know how many mathematical factors you have to account for per TURN?
    >Base Attack is not accurate in-game unless you run 52 times in the grass and kill this one pokemon (after playing bike simulator)
    >Attack and Power Moves stacking
    >Defense halves Attack but STAB multiplies the move's power so that doesn't fricking matter
    >Also nature
    >Also item boost
    >Also weather
    >Also abilities
    >Also stat boosts
    >Also Ad-infinitum with bullshit gimmicks that add nothing but power tripping
    >There is a literal level 100 but it never gets used in game, meaning any autist just steamrolls these and only cares for them superficially for their homosexual tastes
    >Healing potions for some goddamn reason when there are moves that HEAL
    >Team modification is very limited and cryptic
    Pokémon is very flawed and can only be enjoyed with PKHex, but even then there is still the problem of npcs never scaling up to your level and versatility along with their shitty AI decision making
    And this is supposed to be a "simple fun game"
    God i now realize just how fraudulent is the praise this franchise gets, there's a reason furtroons and nostalgiasois bash on compgays, it's because they know the game for what it is!
    I fricking love Quagsire, SwSh fricking made him popular with the reddit troony crowd!
    I enjoyed clover more then the mainline games, thanks for the autism tho /vp/, the experience is worth it, much more fun then the actual gameplay.

    • 10 months ago

      I read this in the same way as this

  85. 10 months ago

    Sun and Moon.
    Even though XY were disappointing, it was Sun and Moon that just felt completely far removed in terms of general vibe from what I saw as pokemon, and the later games have doubled down on that path.

  86. 10 months ago

    It’s not a single event, just a slow-building malaise and weariness.
    4 straight gens of hideous, fat models with no real aesthetic fixes (save to Charizard); gen after gen of ugly, ugly new Pokémon; three games worth of stupid-looking, temporary gimmicks; beloved features being cut and never reintroduced; etc. Genuinely thinking genwunners are closer to the mark with every successive entry in this franchise

    • 10 months ago

      I am still firmly of the belief that the games were only getting better for the first 3 gens, and that the world didn't feel fully realized to me in the way I enjoy fantasy worlds until Gen 3, but beyond that like "old good new bad" isn't really wrong, while I enjoy Gen 4 and 5 as well the longer the franchise goes on the further from the aesthetics and general atmosphere that made you personally fall in love with it it travels. While I love Gen 3's world, there's no denying it is a fundamentally different world from the more grounded, urban vibes of gen 1 (though as someone who has only ever really lived in relatively remote rural villages I could never really connect with Gen 1's setting).
      I just think more and more of the things that made pokemon pokemon to me have been stripped away, the move from very 90s/00s era looking technology to smartphones and really over the top giant sci-fi machines that look like something out of a modern JRPG definitely hurts the worldbuiliding for me even if the franchise always had absurd technology, and all the various battle gimmicks kinda tear apart the grounding the battles had before. Felt like you could really imaging yourself in the pokemon world and all of these battles worked off very specific rules in universe that apply to everyone, but now we have all this various magical powerup bracelet nonsense and interdimensional robots and just generally a series that has absolutely zero care for it's own worldbuilding.
      Of course this is just worldbuilding, obviously since Gen 5 (albeit I do love the initial campaign of gen 5), the games have been weaker and weaker with ongoing / infinite content to keep you playing long after finishing. Nowadays I dont even bother with event mon because its too much effort to boot the game up, while previously I'd have had the game booted up every day anyway. Not even a matter of having less free time as an adult, since as an adult I have at least 50% more free time now than as a kid

      • 10 months ago

        I know a change with the times was inevitable, but the weird anachronism of nigh-magical supertechnology existing alongside 90's era grey brick computers was a big part of the series' charm to me.

        • 10 months ago

          This was exactly what made gen 1 and 2 so appealing to me,

  87. 10 months ago

    When XY charged you a subscription fee for migrating, a mechanic that was previously free, I knew the end was in sight

  88. 10 months ago

    Sun and Moon. The games came out when I was in 8th grade, so it was pretty much the last year I was (somewhat) in the target demographic. My friends and I were so excited to start a new generation together since I became friends with them really late into Gen 6 well after the hacking scene took over. My best friend and I in particular wanted to play through our copies of Sun and Moon together to get each other the extra box legendaries and other potentially competitively viable exclusives. Come launch day and we were both quickly disappointed by the removal of Super Training, the cucked online features, the game's extreme slowness on original 3DS, etc. We both completed the games within the first two days it was out, but it was a very miserable experience. I haven't bought a Pokemon game since Sun and Moon and I definitely don't intend to buy another game anytime soon. The series has just become so warped from what it was before and I don't ever see it regaining whatever it lost pre gen-6 due to most of the key people either leaving or being reduced to creative consultant roles.

    But at least the older games exist and romhacks have the potential to not be shit.

  89. 10 months ago

    about a decade ago
    i just come here now to laugh at you morons lol

  90. 10 months ago

    >Be me
    >Playing Y version
    >Going through Ambrette Town
    >Notice that this is the best area in the game
    >Realize how little is actually there
    >Think about how the enjoyable part of the older games was distilled down to a science and replicated over and over while telling me that it is actually more fun than the older games while offering nothing interesting or new
    >Beat the game and realize it was all hype
    >Feel empty

  91. 10 months ago

    Gen 4. The towns for some reason were not hitting me the same. I was already mad that there 14 legendaries which meant 10% of the new pokemon were legendary. Then I really wanted Spiritomb but it required stupid bullshit and I was just done. I came back and played Black and White and liked it but I already had several issues that were building up.

  92. 10 months ago

    >When did the franchise lost the magic for you?
    Frick off Esl
    I quit playing during gen 5. Came back late gen 6 and still play. I do love competitive, but also I have a life outside it and take breaks quite often.

  93. 10 months ago

    Mega evolution/Fairy type

  94. 10 months ago

    Well I'm not a sperg so it was never magic. I enjoyed the games as a kid and I enjoy them now, that's all. The only reason things "lose the magic" to you is because you see your memories as magical, and the real world can never live up to magic, so it feels lost now. If you stop being a sperg about nostalgia, you'll be able to enjoy things again.

  95. 10 months ago

    Gen 5. The art style really threw me off

  96. 10 months ago

    The free Lati in ORAS. I knew things would never be the same after that happened. "Battle frontier project has started" was also just as bad.

    • 10 months ago

      >free Lati in ORAS
      why did they do it like that?
      At least make us battle the damn thing

      • 10 months ago

        It wasn't even remotely the first free legend or mythical you've gotten. Stop overreacting.

        • 10 months ago

          It was slapped in the middle of the single player campaign with no buildup. Not in postgame after you've achieved something. Just a free mega for you to steamroll everything with because you're the hecking chosen one.

      • 10 months ago

        it was to make sure morons had a way to fly out from anywhere and couldn't "accidentally" get themselves stuck in a place and put their game in a state where it was impossible to beat

        • 10 months ago

          They should have made it a mandatory catch, like the cover legendary in x/y

  97. 10 months ago

    I was a disillusioned believer till BDSP. There's no excuse for making something so terrible.

  98. 10 months ago

    The Lucario that abandoned its trainer to join you in XY was fricking gross. That game really was a 10 year old Ashnime fan's power fantasy.

    • 10 months ago

      Frick I had blocked out that memory.

      XY is so horrible. Honedge is the only good thing to come from it.

  99. 10 months ago

    When I first saw the gen 3 Pokedex on one of those ancient browsers in like 2004.

    Things like Volbeat, Illumise, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Surskit, Masquerain, Spoink and Grumpig looked very cookie-cutter, not like any previous Pokémon which always had some "striking" aspect to them even Rattata stood out for being bright purple (I know some of the ones I mentioned were purple, the point was the juxtaposition of a rat being purple and permanently angry). Then there was an objectively worse Meowth, an objectively worse Gyarados and whale simply because there hadn't been a whale before, it felt like it was just checking boxes.
    I came around and learned to love gen 3, but it's still the turning point when Pocket MONSTERS went from being yokai, tsukumogami with subtle social commentary - to being animals and replacing animals.

    • 10 months ago

      >looked very cookie-cutter, not like any previous Pokémon
      This is an oxymoron, dumbass.
      >objectively objectively objectively
      Go outside.

      • 10 months ago

        >This is an oxymoron, dumbass.
        No it's not, nice reading comprehension. Pokémon 151-251 were unique, exciting, monstrous and weird. After that many of them were just "there". Imagine seeing Swalot after Muk; Beautifly after Butterfree; Slaking after Snorlax. They're just worse designs, somehow all more "flat" and worse iterations of a similar concept. It was boring and annoying.

        >Go outside.
        I just got in from work, actually.

        Why are you even in this thread? Frick off, shill somewhere else.

        You've brought out a memory there when I first saw Wailmer. I was a bit confused and rationalised it as water snorlax.

        Look at Mudkip/Shroomish/Swalot's eye areas. They're all flat separated by just dots.
        Let's compare that to some of the previous ones: the only ones with similar "flat forehead dot eyes" are Quagsire, who is notably a goofy spaced-out creature, and Sudowoodo who is a varnished-like texture. It's like they ignored the subtler contextual information when finishing the designs. You can definitely tell that well over 200 were designed all together before RBY were finalized.

        I don't /hate/ them but they were recognizably /different/ to the previous Pokémon all the way back then.

        • 10 months ago

          This doesnt justify your oxymoron.

          • 10 months ago

            Alright, let me spell it out for you.
            I said the gen 3 Pokémon looked "cookie cutter" and "not like any previous Pokémon". This is not an oxymoron, what this means is
            >many gen 3 Pokémon are all the same cookie cutter type of aesthetic, they all look like they're from the exact same small area rather than across an entire region
            >Pokémon gens 1-2 never had an instance of a group of of Pokémon that are all the same cookie cutter, not even groups like Eevees, birds or dogs - they all looked unique and they don't even look like they exist in the natural world - hence them being MONSTERS that aren't quite natural
            What I'm saying is gen 3 arrived WITH ITS OWN cookie-cutter look, whereas before there was no such thing.

            >not like any previous Pokémon
            >Imagine seeing Swalot after Muk; Beautifly after Butterfree; Slaking after Snorlax
            These are directly contradictory, and yeah the first post was an oxymoron. Likely you just spat out a buzzword without thinking what it meant, and now you're grasping to justify it.

            >Likely you just spat out a buzzword without thinking what it meant, and now you're grasping to justify it.
            Why can't you people ever assume good faith?
            Just because Muk and Swalot are similar in concept, doesn't make them "the same cookie cutter". The concept was reused in a worse manner, that's it. What you think I'm talking about is Wiglett vs Diglett, when I'm actually talking about Slaking vs Snorlax - similar concept, just done worse.
            Even I can admit Sudowoodo from my beloved GSC is similar to Snorlax done worse (roadblock) but the Pokémon ITSELF is almost entirely different to Snorlax, which gives it merit, unlike Slaking, which is just another variation of "big sloth animal".

            • 10 months ago

              Oh ok, so regional identity bad. moron.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not even sure what you mean by that. I don't really like regional forms because again they make Pokémon into animals with subspecies.
                If you look at some real-life "monsters" there are regional differences - the nine-tailed fox is a famous Japanese yokai, but there are also tales of them in Korea. They may have a different name, but they're the same thing. By that token, England, Wales, Scotland, France and the Nordic countries have gnomes, elves, pixies, etc. Again, different names (depending on who is talking) but they're the same thing. These are an example of two different monsters that are regional, but they don't differ themselves between the areas they are present in.
                Having "Charmander but electric" is lazy. The real "regional Pokémon" is just different Pokémon that come from different places.

                >Why can't you people ever assume good faith?
                Because you engage in doublespeak, and when questioned on it you get revisionist about what you said. A good faith person might say "I guess I misspoke, here's what I meant to say" but you'd rather dance around and try to reconcile two contradictory statements.

                >Because you engage in doublespeak, and when questioned on it you get revisionist about what you said.
                I don't think what I said was revisionist though; you decided I meant one thing and when I explained it you rationalized it as me changing position when I didn't. I am sorry if I confused you, but perhaps instead of shitting the bed and assuming I'm an evil Russian psyop agent, maybe just try talking about it instead?
                >A good faith person might say "I guess I misspoke, here's what I meant to say" but you'd rather dance around and try to reconcile two contradictory statements.
                Okay so how is what I said in

                Alright, let me spell it out for you.
                I said the gen 3 Pokémon looked "cookie cutter" and "not like any previous Pokémon". This is not an oxymoron, what this means is
                >many gen 3 Pokémon are all the same cookie cutter type of aesthetic, they all look like they're from the exact same small area rather than across an entire region
                >Pokémon gens 1-2 never had an instance of a group of of Pokémon that are all the same cookie cutter, not even groups like Eevees, birds or dogs - they all looked unique and they don't even look like they exist in the natural world - hence them being MONSTERS that aren't quite natural
                What I'm saying is gen 3 arrived WITH ITS OWN cookie-cutter look, whereas before there was no such thing.

                >Likely you just spat out a buzzword without thinking what it meant, and now you're grasping to justify it.
                Why can't you people ever assume good faith?
                Just because Muk and Swalot are similar in concept, doesn't make them "the same cookie cutter". The concept was reused in a worse manner, that's it. What you think I'm talking about is Wiglett vs Diglett, when I'm actually talking about Slaking vs Snorlax - similar concept, just done worse.
                Even I can admit Sudowoodo from my beloved GSC is similar to Snorlax done worse (roadblock) but the Pokémon ITSELF is almost entirely different to Snorlax, which gives it merit, unlike Slaking, which is just another variation of "big sloth animal".

                not clear? I was saying gen 3 created its own, new cookie-cutter look and I didn't like it. That's all. I'm happy to disagree, but you (it's not just you, many others) seem to have this thing where if it's an argument or perspective you disagree with, the fault must lie with the person making the argument - they're evil! they're twisted, they're trying to ruin the world! instead of "they're just wrong". I'm not calling YOU "evil", I just think you really want to win an argument or something.

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm not even sure what you mean by that. I don't really like regional forms
                For someone who demands others read, you sure can't. No one said regional forms you dumbfrick.

            • 10 months ago

              >Why can't you people ever assume good faith?
              Because you engage in doublespeak, and when questioned on it you get revisionist about what you said. A good faith person might say "I guess I misspoke, here's what I meant to say" but you'd rather dance around and try to reconcile two contradictory statements.

    • 10 months ago

      You've brought out a memory there when I first saw Wailmer. I was a bit confused and rationalised it as water snorlax.

    • 10 months ago

      I can see this point of view, its kinda funny and one of the reasons I do have to check my own biases a bit that while I knew about pokemon forever, I wasn't really interested in it UNTIL the Pokemon became basically replacements for animals within the setting, and then it felt like a fully realized fantasy world to me and I got invested. Because I like the world presented in gen 3 (and 4 to an extent) so much, the 3D era, which in many ways has been trying to correct towards a more gen 1 angle (in it's own kinda shitty modern exaggerated way), has felt so utterly alien to me / devoid of what made me like pokemon.
      Of course that being said I'm not here being like "color coded elemental animal good", I still think good pokemon designs need an element of fantasy to them to balance out the animal part, but this whole thing is why to me, I've never been a fan of anthro pokemon or very clearly human machine pokemon or any of that, because pokemon moving away from that kinda thing is what made me like it. So when people point out "nuh uh this new bad design is good because gen 1 did the same thing" it means nothing to me.

      • 10 months ago

        Well listen if you like that kind of thing that's totally cool; more power to you. I don't have a problem with that existing. I just have a problem with Pokémon becoming it, when what it had before was so much more unique.

        >which in many ways has been trying to correct towards a more gen 1 angle (in it's own kinda shitty modern exaggerated way)
        I disagree, it's been one direction the whole time AWAY from "unique supernatural monsters". Even though GSC is my favourite, Breeding was the death-knell of this.
        Let me explain: of course Pokémon are categorized into "species", but they put stuff like "Gengar" into that - how, Gengar is fricking dead, isn't it? You don't evolve into a different species when you die. But it applies somewhat if you look at Pokémon a bit like cryptids, which use "species" signifiers purely because we don't know anything about them. In that sense, were we to use Pokémon-style categorization with real life cryptids we'd get stuff like
        >enhanced beasts (Jersey Devil, Chupacabra, Bigfoot, Black Dogs)
        >haunted/living objects (Ghost trains, ghost cars)
        etc. Pokémon are a bit like that. They're some kind of supernatural phenomena that isn't /that/ supernatural, the entire point of catching them (Ghostbusters vibes) is that you can't recreate it, but they're obviously very powerful.
        And of course, the crux of the issue of breeding is that where the cartoon shouts constantly to love and respect your best buddy Pokémon, the games actively require you to run your own program of eugenics in order to win the tournaments held by the official company.

        • 10 months ago

          >Gengar is fricking dead, isn't it?

        • 10 months ago

          I mean that comes down to my original point, the kinda world you describe that you liked out of the series isn't really the kind of setting that connects as well with my personally. Pokemon shouldn't have become something it's not, and obviously I end up on the other side of that where i liked what it became (and then later un-became) more than what it was.
          The ideal world would have been some other series existing that appealed specifically to what I wanted, while pokemon continues to exist as the series you wanted, but that's not what really happened, or would have ever happened, and most pokemon clones tend to both be trying to recreate the weakest elements of the series while also refusing to let themselves have any identity beyond being a clone.
          I totally get what you mean though, I have a similar experience with a lot of other franchises I like such as Monster Hunter, and again, there's no real alternative for me to jump ship to after said series moves away from the elements that made me like it.

          • 10 months ago

            I'm in total agreement with you.
            Can you go into Monster Hunter? I'm actually a huge fan of that series, I think it's a good example of keeping its identity unlike Pokémon - though I'm not /big/ on the Rise monsters, they're a hell of a lot more respectful than Pokémon's equivalent. Monster Hunter monsters never became some commodity that you breed and kill and grind up en-masse and then have someone preachily turn to the camera and say "we must value all life!" they are natural, but they are MONSTERS first and foremost.

            • 10 months ago

              Its really just how portable team's game's dont give a rats ass about ecology, how the whole series loses it grounding more and more with magic and steampunk and really over the top silly moves and stuff, World made a decent attempt to give it's new monsters fully thought out ecology which was a step up from 4th gen and especially GU (but again, portable team, they do not care even a little bit), but I wasn't a fan of the designs much anyway. Also not a fan out how they make it so much easier to hit the monster and stuff now, but now it takes like ten times as many hits to do anything, just start to have my immersion weaken and things just feel more like a funny arcadey video game hit the thing a million times and dodge it's 3 different super moves.
              There's a lot more to it than that but in general the worldbuilding and combat have both sorta shifted in a direction that i'm not big on, though obviously nowhere near to the extent of pokemon.

    • 10 months ago

      >not like any previous Pokémon

      >This is an oxymoron, dumbass.
      No it's not, nice reading comprehension. Pokémon 151-251 were unique, exciting, monstrous and weird. After that many of them were just "there". Imagine seeing Swalot after Muk; Beautifly after Butterfree; Slaking after Snorlax. They're just worse designs, somehow all more "flat" and worse iterations of a similar concept. It was boring and annoying.

      >Go outside.
      I just got in from work, actually.

      Why are you even in this thread? Frick off, shill somewhere else.

      Look at Mudkip/Shroomish/Swalot's eye areas. They're all flat separated by just dots.
      Let's compare that to some of the previous ones: the only ones with similar "flat forehead dot eyes" are Quagsire, who is notably a goofy spaced-out creature, and Sudowoodo who is a varnished-like texture. It's like they ignored the subtler contextual information when finishing the designs. You can definitely tell that well over 200 were designed all together before RBY were finalized.

      I don't /hate/ them but they were recognizably /different/ to the previous Pokémon all the way back then.

      >Imagine seeing Swalot after Muk; Beautifly after Butterfree; Slaking after Snorlax
      These are directly contradictory, and yeah the first post was an oxymoron. Likely you just spat out a buzzword without thinking what it meant, and now you're grasping to justify it.

  100. 10 months ago

    The introduction of mega evolution.
    It just felt like such a transparent push of safe, marketable Pokes over new and interesting ideas.

  101. 10 months ago

    when I played XY and realised the only really fun part was doing the online stuff

  102. 10 months ago

    Prof. Kukui being the final challenge in Alola's Pokémon League.
    It felt like a giant let down this was how they wanted the game to end. Especially after how much of a slog the main story of Sun was. To me it was like the last straw after how much I tolerated how basic X and Y/Sun and Moon were.
    I dont even remember what his team was or what the battle theme sounded like.
    After this game, I just stuck to the TCG and never looked back.

  103. 10 months ago

    A combination of learning just how hard merch sales carry the brand, and Pokemon GO's massively undeserved success made me realize that pokemon (the game) is only for the purpose of expanding the empire of pokemon (the brand).
    You could argue that I should've seen the writing on the wall when X/Y was full of KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (aka the pokemon that will sell the most merch) pandering but I'm a dumb zoomie who didn't pay attention to that

  104. 10 months ago

    there's been considerable steps downward since XY but it was only until switchmon that seeing any new Pokemon Thing filled me with the same sense of malaise as seeing, like, an insurance commercial or a new star wars product. i actually hateplayed legends arceus and thought it was ok, but i never gave sv a chance and never will, even if it gets some incredible mods down the line. it simply doesn't look like pokemon

  105. 10 months ago

    When I was playing Platinum when I was younger, I resented the idea of content that was shown, but unable to be obtained like the Regis. Having these kinds of things present in the game, but locked away due to being promotional material for movies made it more of a commitment to engage with the everything the marketing machine had to offer, rather than a game where your skill and/or time and effort was the determining factor. I still played HGSS and enjoyed it and its side content, but didn't go through with Gen 5. The idea of the completely new Pokedex felt wrong when most of the other earlier Pokemon felt incredibly underutilized, and how things like the Pokeathlon actually made things beyond the highest BSTs viable in their own way. Seeing Gen 5 go through basically a gimmick with entirely new Pokemon and neutered side content like Musicals completely turned me off from the series, and opened me up to the marketing machine that is Pokemon.

  106. 10 months ago

    black and white.

    but even as a little kid i knew gen 3 was the beginning of the end in terms of bad designs

  107. 10 months ago

    Gen 2 designs were the first hit. Gen 6 megas were the final nail in the coffin

  108. 10 months ago


  109. 10 months ago

    For me it lost its magic when I was playing Diamond and getting annoyed it was the exact same shit as before, but also the game was massively slow.

    I gained the magic back in Heart Gold, and loved the shit out of it.

    The I was playing Pokemon White and stopped playing modern Pokemon because it just felt like a massive step down from Heart Gold. The bottom screen was devoted to some weird function instead of being a useful menu. Also it all just became overly obnoxious

  110. 10 months ago

    Gen 3.

  111. 10 months ago

    The experimentation with and implementation of open world mechanics in the Switch games

  112. 10 months ago

    When it became globalist garbage

    • 10 months ago

      It's a foreign franchise so, always? Why are you people all such fricking morons.

      • 10 months ago

        Emperor's New Clothes, Anon. Ever heard of it?

        • 10 months ago

          Yes and it's completely irrelevant to your statement.

          • 10 months ago

            I'm not that Anon so it wasn't my statement.
            My point was that you're exasperatedly going "why are you all such fricking morons?" because more and more people are noticing the quality drop and turning away from the games.
            In short, Game Freak has no clothes, and you are one of the last holdouts pretending you can see a suit. Why that is, I can't say, but that is the explanation for your arrival at a different conclusion to "all the morons" who have used their own thought process to determine when a company is taking the piss instead of shilling endlessly because of sunk-cost.

            • 10 months ago

              >noticing the quality drop
              Bruh he said when it became globalist. If you want to have a schizo argument with yourself go yell at a mirror or something. You aren't relevant.

  113. 10 months ago


    There were signs prior to this, but you could still give them the benefit of the doubt for one reason or another.
    However if you were paying attention you'd realize ORAS was purposely and unapologetically mediocre. It had "we genuinely no longer care" written all over it. And every thing after ORAS confirmed it except maybe Legends Arceus.

    • 10 months ago

      the whole battle frontier being missing but having the shitty maison from XY in the games was definitely a middle finger to people. gen 2 fans are lucky they got probably the best pokemon games ever made of their gen.

  114. 10 months ago

    I felt it in gen 8. Before, the fandom wasn't perfect by any means, but I think it wasn't that bad, but once dexit was announced, the fandom exploded. Everyone's just so hostile to each other now, and it's making me hate Pokemon more and more to be honest.

  115. 10 months ago

    t. OG THUG

  116. 10 months ago

    When they stopped making new Mystery Dungeon games. As soon as Spike Chunsoft makes one, then I'll say it has magic.

  117. 10 months ago

    Gen 8.

    Then the Rillaboom sweep is what finished it off.

  118. 10 months ago

    SwSh. I was pretty disillusioned with the series by then but I still wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt because it was coming out on a home console for the “first” time. Then Masuda announced Dexit and an even more underwhelming game than SM leaked. It was very pathetic.

  119. 10 months ago

    First it was DP, I disliked it so much that I skipped Gen 5 thinking it'd be the same shit (and when I played years later realized it wasn't at all and regretted skipping it when everyone else was playing it), but the pre XY era was generating so much I came back and indeed did have a blast. Then during all the Gen 7 promos the game was looking absolutely fantastic and was sure it'd be the greatest game yet, only to end up being the one that killed my love for good. It had so much potential yet ended up being so catastrophically bad, still makes me sad to think about honestly.

  120. 10 months ago

    Buying/playing Crystal as a kid. I thought it would have changed more, like how Yellow let you get all the starters and changed gym lineups. I felt scammed. The animations were fine but I didn't give two shits about the battle tower as a kid.

  121. 10 months ago

    Seeing how neutered Route 113 was in ORAS. Inferior music, gimped ash mechanic. I wish I could say my heart sank when I entered that route after looking forward to it since ORAS was announced, but I felt absolutely nothing—just a mental note never to hope for anything good from this series again. Not to say there hasn’t been anything good since then, but if it’s there, it was a pleasant surprise.

  122. 10 months ago

    Probably ORAS? I played it a fair bit and it was fun but didn't feel like a big step up from RSE in the same way that HGSS did. Music also didn't do anything special for me.
    I also remember thinking SuMo was underwhelming despite having enjoyed XY. I think I just didn't care about any of the characters.

  123. 10 months ago

    i'd say lgpe

  124. 10 months ago

    gen 9 was shit
    pokemon cards are overpriced
    pokemon direct today added nothing of value
    pokemon go decreased the shiny rate in 2022
    i can think of a couple reasons why i am not happy with the franchise.

  125. 10 months ago

    >Play RPGs for the dungeon crawling.
    >Series gradually gives up on having dungeons at all as it progresses.
    I'm not going to pretend Pokemon ever had amazing dungeons, but they used to feel "passable" at least. Then we started getting absolute farces like XY's Unknown Dungeon.

  126. 10 months ago

    Sword & Shield.
    >trailer reveals Pokémon turning giant
    >feels like they added this mechanic just to have a "WOW" factor for the trailer
    >get rid of Mega Evolutions
    >get rid of Z-Moves
    >can't collect all the Pokémon anymore

  127. 10 months ago

    Pokemon Go, frick that game

  128. 10 months ago

    The release of HeartGold and SoulSilver was basically the swan song for me

  129. 10 months ago

    Pokemon presents

  130. 10 months ago

    Gen 7

  131. 10 months ago

    It was X and Y for me. Those were the last games I really bought into the hype cycle and then pretty much everything about that game disappointed me. Sun and Moon soured me further and then the transition to 3D and Switch has been like a few great ideas overwhelmed by a majority of shit.

    Scarlet and Violet actually restored a tiny bit of hope that they are, very slowly, moving in the right direction, but it's still at a point where the glaring flaws outnumber the good parts. Ironically, Legends Arceus was probably the most fun I've had with Pokémon for a long time if for no other reason than it majorly switched up the formula and tried some off the wall new things. I don't care if it was essentially just a test run for Scarlet/Violets open world, I really hope they continue with that series. Overall I still like Pokémon, but I no longer hold it in high regard and news about it doesn't get me as hype anymore. They're like comfort games now, ones I like to play casually but will not go out of my way to get Day 1.

  132. 10 months ago


    This was the exact moment they jumped the shark. This is what led to the countless regional gimmicks, forms, and evolutions.

  133. 10 months ago

    x and y was moron dogshit

  134. 10 months ago

    XY was the last time I had fun with Pokemon. I don't even like XY that much but I have fond memories of the online.
    After being disappointed with ORAS I got a little annoyed and then SM was the final straw, such boring ass games.

  135. 10 months ago

    Sword and Shield. Shit was so boring, corporate and bland and signalled the fact that we're never going to get a classic experience ever again. Home console mainline Pokémon games and open world gaming "design" were a mistake.

  136. 10 months ago

    Scarlet/Violet. I thought SwSh with the DLC was pretty decent

    • 10 months ago

      what's your opinion on dynamax adventures? how does it compare to actual battle facilities?

  137. 10 months ago

    I think I gave up on hope around SWSH. That was the time when we got that double whammy of "Gamefreak can't do shit on consoles" and "Nat Dex is gone.", a lot of the new designs looking like shit, and Corocoro leaks basically disappearing.
    With Gens 6 and 7 they had some flaws but I could still see some heart in there.

  138. 10 months ago

    When Sun/Moon got announced, and it's just further gone downhill with every new game, new design, new mechanic, etc.

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