When did the Monster Hunter series "jump the shark" in your elite opinion?

When did the Monster Hunter series "jump the shark" in your elite opinion?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Peaked at Generations
    Jumped at world
    Rise is trying to swim back
    MH7 will be generations 2.0 as monster hunter is hitting its 20th anniversary next year and they wont frick it up as much as they did with world.

    • 12 months ago

      >MH7 will be generations 2.0
      you fricking wish
      its going to be world 2.0 with even less monsters

    • 12 months ago

      >Rise is trying to swim back
      By being a devil may cry clone instead of monster hunter?

    • 12 months ago

      Lmao Rise it's the worse game in the entire franchise followed by frontier

    • 12 months ago

      When they decided that you can access your item box during quests.
      When they decided that potions should start healing you before the animation is finished. (very slow moving during potion drinking is fine if you ask me)
      When they decided that you can fast travel on the map.
      When they decided that small monsters aren't even going to be a nuisance anymore (except vespoids, props to that they did a good job in world)

      >rise trying to swim back
      >the zoomer bait action-packed combat system that requires almost zero thoughts or strategy
      Rise is trying to swim throught the fricking ocean with it's myriad of problems.

      • 12 months ago

        I had literally never heard "action packed" used as something negative

      • 12 months ago

        When they decided to give you are gigantic inventory and not much you need gathering on the map
        When they decided to power creep the ever loving frick out of the player and they now have to make the most spastic monsters that can kill in two hits just so the game posses a chalange

      • 12 months ago

        You could've just said World, anon

      • 12 months ago

        the dust exists
        the max potion exists
        who fricking drinks pots

        • 12 months ago

          i'm not using dust or max post to heal off like 15-20% of missing healthbar

    • 12 months ago

      Secondaries are seething at this post.

      • 12 months ago

        Monster Hunter has secondaries?

        • 12 months ago

          yeah these threads are full of them, and that includes the post you replied to

    • 12 months ago

      rise is just as bad as world. nu-mh is unplayable zoomer shit. its unreal how much better the older games are

    • 12 months ago

      correct post.

    • 12 months ago

      Stop forcing this.
      Rise was Portable 5th

      • 12 months ago

        That's like saying World was MH4 console edition but we all know it's 5.

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, it's 5.
          >World: 5
          >Iceborne: 5U
          >Rise: 5P
          >Sunbreak: 5PU
          It's standard Capcom milking. There's like 4 versions of SF4.

          • 12 months ago

            >>Rise: 6
            : 6U
            Just to fix things up.
            What you people don't seem to understand is that Rise has nothing in common with P3rd.

            • 12 months ago

              It feels really bad to use fricking Twitter screencaps, but Cunningham's Law is irrefutable.

              • 12 months ago

                Risesisters? Is this true? Are we second fiddle to WorldGAWDs?

              • 12 months ago

                I don't think you understand what cunningham's law is

              • 12 months ago

                >"The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer."
                You: posted false information
                Me: corrected you, as I am driven by the compulsion to correct morons on the internet
                So which hill do you want to die on, that I didn't use the bait half of the concept properly, or that Rise is 6 when a literal capcom source declares otherwise?

              • 12 months ago

                That would imply a random twitter post is correct which it most certainly wasn't.

              • 12 months ago

                >or that Rise is 6 when a literal capcom source declares otherwise?
                Anon, he's on capcom us's creator program.
                He's not an actual capcom employee

                >Most certainly
                Ah, my mistake. I should've known better that some random frickoff anon with no source is clearly more reliable than a capcom affiliate. Carry on.

              • 12 months ago

                content creators are not employees anon

              • 12 months ago

                You can just admit you're desperate to be right and save us all the time you know.
                >a capcom affiliate.
                He literally does not have any information that we aren't privvy to, he's stating his own opinion no matter how wrong it is.

                That source of yours is looking mighty more reliable.

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                You can just admit you're desperate to be right and save us all the time you know.
                >a capcom affiliate.
                He literally does not have any information that we aren't privvy to, he's stating his own opinion no matter how wrong it is.

              • 12 months ago

                >or that Rise is 6 when a literal capcom source declares otherwise?
                Anon, he's on capcom us's creator program.
                He's not an actual capcom employee

    • 12 months ago

      >Rise is trying to swim back
      Rise is the idiotic little cripple cousin.

    • 12 months ago

      You’re kidding, right? World was an incredible blockbuster by capcom standards. There won’t be a course correction. They won’t be, “swimming back”. You delusional child. MH6 will be World 2 with something new. Like swimming.

      • 12 months ago

        someone has to post delusional anime poster making calculations that world will flop

    • 12 months ago

      Hope you're right

    • 12 months ago

      My 17 years of hunting tell me you are a Black person. I spit on your nostalgia, you were never a real fan.

      • 12 months ago

        You sound new or ill. People can have differences of opinion.

        • 12 months ago

          The only thing that’s ill in here are my sick hammer skills.
          As for disagreements, contrarians don’t have ‘differences of opinion’ with other people, since they simply mirror the current gestalt. Their thoughts on any given topic have the gravitas of that of a parrot’s regarding what type of cracker is best and exist to be clobbered (by me) like a baby seal for their wrongness.

    • 12 months ago

      >Rise is trying to swim back
      You haven't played MH before so your opinion is useless, try to be less obvious next time. This (You) is the equivalent of a low rank supply potion, you should be better than that.

    • 12 months ago

      correct, but worth noting their attempt was horrible because Rise is shit

    • 12 months ago

      >Jumped at world
      >Rise is trying to swim back

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Tsujimoto disagrees.

    • 12 months ago

      Started with the first game and its definitely Tri.

      nu fans aren't allowed to have opinions.

    • 12 months ago

      peaked at world
      jumped at rise
      we'll see if it can swim back

      • 12 months ago

        >peaked at world
        I honestly don't understand people who believe this. I mean, if it's your first game sure but under any other circumstance I can't see anyone saying World was the peak.

        • 12 months ago

          I agree, I can see World being considered good, even great, but not peak.

    • 12 months ago

      Died at 4
      Gens killed it
      World buried it
      Rise fricked the corpse
      I know 40% of the board are 3dsbabs that cant accept this fact

      • 12 months ago

        >Died twice
        Just like fire emblem
        On the 3ds too

  2. 12 months ago

    When it released on the Wii

  3. 12 months ago

    Not having to stop moving to heal

  4. 12 months ago

    It was downhill with XX and Hunter arts

  5. 12 months ago

    4U and generations were already worse than what came before them.
    Worlds buried it entirely.

  6. 12 months ago

    Monster Hunter World was seriously the last time I had as much fun with the game and just people in general
    it was "streamlined" but it actually worked and so many people played it as their first game

    all for Rise to shit on it and go back to its shitty Nintendo-core mechanics of garbage stiff animations and shitty grinding

    • 12 months ago

      For me it’s the fact that you can’t choose which missions you join from a list. You have to choose a mission and hope someone else is doing it so you can join it.

    • 12 months ago

      >back to its shitty Nintendo-core mechanics of garbage stiff animations and shitty grinding
      >stiff animations
      You're kidding right?
      Have you seen the animations in world? It's the most stuttery shit ever and they still haven't fixed barroth's charge animation.

    • 12 months ago

      >stiff animations
      you actually haven't even played it

  7. 12 months ago

    I wasn't a fan of hunter arts.

  8. 12 months ago

    Honestly, 4. I started feeling like moving around the maps was way more of a chore once they decided to make every map into 2's snowy mountains and make me spend the start of every quest climbing shit before I get to do any fighting or gathering, also mounting is still not gone.

    • 12 months ago

      I just want to say 2’s snowy mountains is so much worse than 4U’s worst maps its really not even a fair comparison. FU’s maps truly did hate the player, 4U is just annoying at worst

  9. 12 months ago

    Eh, who cares? Sunbreak lets me execute a Dance of Death with a terrifying monster, that's all MH was really about anyway.

    Also, I brought cats for once and I noticed that the monsters literally never ever target my cats. Is this the case?

    • 12 months ago

      >Also, I brought cats for once and I noticed that the monsters literally never ever target my cats. Is this the case?
      some cats have abilities to act as tanks or taunt the monster
      so no, its not the case

    • 12 months ago

      >that's all MH was really about anyway.

      • 12 months ago

        He's right though.
        Every game that wasn't world was just about heading to the monster and killing it.

        • 12 months ago

          lmao, ok

          • 12 months ago

            It's still true.
            Unless you was doing gathering missions which you wouldn't do for hunting a monster anyway, you would just run to the monster to fight.
            World slowed it down with tracking and Rise slowed it down with Spiribirds. Probably why people just flat out ignored the Spiribirds in the end or used a mod for a rainbow one every hunt.

            • 12 months ago

              i dont know how you keep spouting this nonsense like world is different and not just running up and killing the monster the same way as in mh4 for example or how thats not different from dos hunting

              • 12 months ago

                I never said World is different, I said slower.
                Not sure what the frick you read but different is not what I said at all.

              • 12 months ago

                >Every game that wasn't world was just about heading to the monster and killing it.
                how is world not just about that?
                how is dos just about that?
                how is this not meaning world is different?
                and I am not even going back to the original "death dance" post in the reply chain

              • 12 months ago

                That's not what I said stop hearing what you only what to hear.
                I simply said wold had you needing to track the monster so it was slower that just running to the monster purely sue to the fact that monsters were not always in he same spot.
                In Rise, this also applies but you have constant vision on the map and are slowed down by spiribird collection if you wanted full hp.
                I'm not even trying to start anything here since I'm not even saying it was a bad thing either.

              • 12 months ago

                >That's not what I said stop hearing what you only what to hear.
                That's all they can do. Hell the guy is probably going to call you a tendie for being less harsh on Rise.

              • 12 months ago

                Rise has its own share of problems, I already mentioned spiribirds.
                There are an absurd amount of skills you can get, some which screw over other skills like earplugs and wind resist, because who the frick would use those when defiance does so much more on top of that.
                Wirebugs are used for too much and don't feel like a natural extension of the weapon's moveset for the most part, but I'm not so fussed on those because wirebugs will never be a thing that stays for any length of time outside of Rise/Sunbreak.
                I'd mention Rampage but the MH Team probably realised it was shit and ditched them for Sunbreak.
                I can be hard on every monster hunter game if I wanted to but I really do like the series as a whole.

              • 12 months ago

                again, you wrote
                >Every game that wasn't world was just about heading to the monster and killing it.
                and not this
                >I simply said wold had you needing to track the monster so it was slower that just running to the monster purely sue to the fact that monsters were not always in he same spot.
                so no, you didnt simply say frickall. try to write down your whole fricking thoughts in your first post when you decide to reply so people wouldnt have to guess around what is the point you are trying to make, moron

                also world is the fricking same, monsters have the same preset starting points and wander around similar like in 4. scoutflies are only useful to figure out those easier, they arent necessary. speed is fricking irrelevant. even your second point is wrong

              • 12 months ago

                >again, you wrote every game that wasn't world was just about heading to the monster and killing it.
                When I actually wrote
                >World slowed it down with tracking and Rise slowed it down with Spiribirds.
                Anon, I don't know what to tell you, other than I know what I typed and somehow you misread.

              • 12 months ago

                dont you understand still that in your first post you wrote nothing about the speed and you only started blabbering about it in the next. that is why i've been asking you to explain why you think world is different than the rest
                yes, I suppose I misread something that wasnt even there yet

              • 12 months ago

                In that case you might have mistook me for another Anon then.

  10. 12 months ago

    Played rise recently online because I like helping players out
    Guy I helped tried to use traps on elder dragons. Then thought astalos was one because he has fast attacks.
    He was essentially very new to the game but still playing master rank quest somehow?
    When did it become so easy to get into g rank?

    • 12 months ago

      g rank has always been easy to get into but rise in particular was extremely easy to do since the base game's difficulty is on par with 3p. It does a new thing now as well where if you clear village you skip all of low rank which expedites it some as well.

    • 12 months ago

      When pc gamers discovered cheating

    • 12 months ago

      >When did it become so easy to get into g rank?
      In general or what?
      Because anyone could just get carried into g rank in any g rank game.
      But if you're talking about solo then the answer is world that added the broken defender gear to the game specifically for players to bum rush it to G rank.

    • 12 months ago

      Breh. We've had people sleepwalk their way through G-rank since online 3U
      You'd get kids with 0 active skills on their entire set and the worst clownsuits possible. They'd join lobbies and post their urgents quest with "pls help pls pls"

      • 12 months ago

        And ignoring the fact you are doing rotations and gets pissy when you don't do it or leaves.
        Or triple carts, whichever comes first.

  11. 12 months ago

    I WOULD play that switch one that isn’t rise. Generations…? But I can’t find many people playing it online. Maybe the game doesn’t show groups above my hr which is like 2 or something

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, in general lobbies are dead unless you're in G rank.

      • 12 months ago

        I see. I guess I can try making a room and hoping people will join at my low rank.

    • 12 months ago

      Host lobbies yourself and write a basic description in the lobby titles.
      "Low rank - please downrank gear" etc.
      There's boatload of players who just enjoy helping newbies and for GU in particular you really only need to be 2 to have multiplayer fun

      • 12 months ago

        GU player here. NO ONE reads the lobby info.

  12. 12 months ago

    I remember when I used to play 3 on wii.

    I never ate before a mission. I didn’t carve my enemies. Man I was a dumb kid.

  13. 12 months ago

    Generations is the correct answer, but Rise is the first game that doesn't feel like Monster Hunter. If wirebugs or something similar is in MH6, then I'm not buying it.

    • 12 months ago

      >but Rise is the first game that doesn't feel like Monster Hunter.
      I feel like people who say this haven't played world.

      • 12 months ago

        World is absolutely casualized bullshit, but it's still Monster Hunter at its core. As poorly designed as gen 4 mounting and Iceborne clutch claw are, they don't warp every aspect of the hunt. Sure, successful mounts, wallbangs, and tenderizing can speed up your clears, but you are by no means required to use them.

        Rise on the other hand completely revolves around wirebugs. They control every aspect of the game: basic mobility, the weapon's core moveset, the special moves, and even air teching when sent flying like it's an anime fighter. You cannot play the game without the mechanic and it's more than likely that every game going forward will tied to some stupid gimmick. This series has now fallen into the dreaded "gimmick trap" when all people really want from a sequel is new mons, new maps, new gear, and prettier graphics.

        • 12 months ago

          >but it's still Monster Hunter at its core.
          It's really not. Even tracking the monster itself is completely different to any other game and when playing the story you often have to deal with tracking nonsense while every other game just allowed you to rush straight to the monster.
          Not to mention in the base game the slinger was used for a lot of different things like activating environmental traps and whatnot and every hunt in iceborne requires tenderising if you want to finish it in the average time because health values are bloated compared to the damage output but I digress.
          At its core world with scoutflies that tell you where everything is, no hub quests, unkillable monsters like Zorah a story with unskippable cutscenes, mantles, log in bonuses, seasonal events and raids feels more like some kind of MMO than it does monster hunter.
          In general I probably hate the slinger the most since it changed how throwing items works completely.

          >Rise on the other hand completely revolves around wirebugs.
          Not really, outside maps that use it to change areas as of Sunbreak you never need to even see wirebugs since you can now initiate wall runs without bugging into it.
          That's why you can just play Rise like any other MH game. I honestly can't think of a single time I had to use a bug in a hunt to get my times down to the average

          • 12 months ago

            I never played any MH game other than World and everything you say it sucks in World is everything I dislike about it
            >unkillable monsters like Zorah a story with unskippable cutscenes, mantles, log in bonuses, seasonal events and raids
            These are so shitty and make what could be a genuine 10/10 worst than it should. I want to play the older titles, but they're either stuck on Nintendo plataforms that are too shitty to emulate like the 3DS and Wii U, or are so old there's 1/10 of the moveset.

            • 12 months ago

              >I want to play the older titles, but they're either stuck on Nintendo plataforms that are too shitty to emulate like the 3DS and Wii U, or are so old there's 1/10 of the moveset.
              PSP and 3ds emulation is fine just play them you baby

            • 12 months ago

              As someone who also started with World and then went back...
              4U isn't that different from World in terms of core gameplay, you can start with that. Especially if you play some of the more modern weapons, Charge Blade is almost 1:1.
              3U is when the lack of QoL starts to become annoying imo: there are no inventory presets, you have to manually deposit and restock after every single hunt. But it's also my favourite gameplay-wise (weapon movesets aren't bloated, monsters are perfectly readable). Well, water combat aside.
              I didn't go further back than that.

            • 12 months ago

              You can emulate MHGU for the switch with juzu or ryujinx, patch the resolution and fps and off you go. I'm doing that right now and it's such a good game, extremely soulful.

  14. 12 months ago

    when they took attacks off the analog stick

  15. 12 months ago

    She won

  16. 12 months ago

    Just found out that Rise sold 13 million.

    That’s very impressive for a game that doesn’t look the best.

    • 12 months ago

      You're only just now realising that some people value gameplay over graphics?

      • 12 months ago

        But the gameplay isn’t the best either

        • 12 months ago

          A bad MH still has vastly better gameplay than most games outside of the series.

  17. 12 months ago

    3G is where they started removing the hunter sim features

    • 12 months ago

      Anon, they didn't have any hunter sim features period until world.

      • 12 months ago

        >Seasons that affected the ability to find monsters and their strength
        >Having to go out and gather all your resources since you weren't given everything

        • 12 months ago

          Seasons were literally in one game and you could buy your resources in every game.

  18. 12 months ago

    It jumped the shark at the egg carrying quest in MH1, its been downhill ever since.

    • 12 months ago

      >they keep adding it

    • 12 months ago

      God I remember the fishing missions in 3. Wtf was that about

    • 12 months ago

      I always fricking dreaded doing powderstone quests with all the bullfango and ioprey, especially solo. every goddamn time I would be right on the very border of zoning, an ioprey hanging out in the middle of fricking africa would fling itself straight onto me like a heat-seeking missile and send me flying into a load screen.

  19. 12 months ago

    Peaked at 4U, everything about that game was fricking amazing: gameplay, characters, atmosphere, artstyle, music, monsters, it even had a decently engaging story which is SHOCKING for a MH game. 4U is what we all think MH is, but it actually exists and is a game you can play.

    GU just rehashed 4U, added more content but made it more soulless. World was a huge step forward in a lot of ways but killed a lot of magic and atmosphere the game had to make the game more approachable to normies. Rise feels like they took World and tries to walk a few steps back and recapture the soul of MH games of old, but only partially succeeded. Also it is a very experimental game in terms of mechanics, arguably the least "monster hunter" combat out of all MH games up to date, it honestly feels like a spin off game almost.

    • 12 months ago

      I dont want to hear about how rehash is bad in a posts that defends the rehash that is 4u. The game that couldn't even design its own G-rank hub and opened the floodgates for all that gen 1 and 2 cancer to return.
      Not reading the rest of that garbabge.

      • 12 months ago

        >he doesn't like Khezu, Dromes or Tigrex

      • 12 months ago

        Go ahead, say the same thing about Freedom 2 and Freedom Unite then

      • 12 months ago

        Where did I say rehash is BAD? It's Monster Hunter, they rehash things all the time, it's part of the ride buddy. GU simply didn't have the same magic 4U had. It felt more like an all stars game focused entirely on gameplay and well... that's basically what it was supposed to be anyway. Also I hated the 30fps lock, made the game feel worse to play than 4U, which for a game that was supposed to be all gameplay no nonsense that is a REALLY big problem.

        Maybe if they made the game run at 60FPS on the Switch port I'd rate it differently, but that was also a huge letdown.

      • 12 months ago

        >World reusing monsters
        Aww, you're sweet.
        >4U reusing monsters
        Hello? Human resources?!

        • 12 months ago

          To be fair, GU would be a better comparison. Its 90% lazy rehashing of older monsters everyone pretends to hate when it comes to 4U, which does it way less.

          And then you have people who will shit on 4U for having less “content” AND shit on it for rehashing like 5 old monsters even though it basically modernized mons like kut ku, khezu etc

          • 12 months ago

            Maybe it's just me, but I've never seen anyone shit on 4U for having less content than GU. That's a level of stupid that I doubt even worldsperms are capable of

            • 12 months ago

              That's because gen wars weren't really a thing before World for obvious reasons.

              • 12 months ago

                There were always people talking about how their favorite game was the last good one. Even 3U had “Tri was the beginning of the end, 3U killed the series.” I feel like even FU hasnt been able to beat the accusations of being too casual at this point

            • 12 months ago

              If anything people shit on 4U for having too many gen 1/2 monster ports or crappy recolours.

          • 12 months ago

            >rehashing like 5 old monsters
            >All of them include their shit recolor subs (except brute, that's actually good)
            >>>>>5 monsters
            >walking on a wall on occasion and otherwise being completely unchanged is >>>>>>>>>>>""""""""""""""""modernized""""""""""""""""

            • 12 months ago

              >the sub that was widely criticized for being significantly easier than the original
              Brute sucked dick until Iceborne.

              • 12 months ago

                Brute Tigrex is in IB easier than regular.

              • 12 months ago

                Brute's cool for actually fighting in an entirely different way instead of being the same monster with one new move and maybe farting a different element.

            • 12 months ago


  20. 12 months ago

    Tri was the first time they just made shit "easier" in they put in new, better, free, recoveries. And we've been on that slope ever since. Deviljho was fukken rad tho, and rewarding you with an early upgraded powercharm for messing his face up the first time you saw him was a good idea.

    • 12 months ago

      Nah man.. the farm was the first easier addition. My bro got MHF before me, when previously we had played MH1 for a couple years. The farm was frickin mindblowing.

      • 12 months ago

        I would still file the farm under convenience, as the only difference in how I played F2 and then 2ndG vs MH1 was I spent less time grabbing a few items that I would have grabbed regardless, it didn't fundamentally change how you interacted with monsters the way the recovery changes did.

        • 12 months ago

          I hear ya. I barely played Tri so dont much remember. Wife, bro, and I played together on PSPs until mid p3rd and we werent having as much fun because p3rd wasnt fully translated yet.

    • 12 months ago

      >Tri was the first time they just made shit "easier" in they put in new, better, free, recoveries.
      No? In fact monsters became way more aggressive in tri and they could inflict blights.

      • 12 months ago

        The frick do you mean no, the recovery animations changed and the only thing more aggressive about them was how hard they could vomit yellow juice.

  21. 12 months ago

    Removal of paintballs to track the monster.

  22. 12 months ago

    i'm so lost, what comes after shara ishvalda? i dont know what to do

    • 12 months ago

      You're now gated by leveling your Glands.

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          Have you unlocked your Guiding Lands yet? It should happen after Shara.

          • 12 months ago

            yes but i don't really understand the whole system

            • 12 months ago

              Go to guiding lands, kill shit to level up regions that have shit you may want for augments, fight stiggy, fight rajang, fight safi after those two, fight alatreon, fight fatalis, destroy ruinerg with safi/ala/fatalis gear at 100 because the morons at capcom thought it was a good idea to make him the MR 100 quest but leave them all at MR 24

              • 12 months ago

                So, I just pick a random armor set/weapon and start augmenting? Is that it?

              • 12 months ago

                No you pick your best gear to augment, shit's expensive.

    • 12 months ago

      Carried shitters will tell you to find people to carry you through the Fatalis farm.

      If you plan to play the postgame properly, then your goal is to grind the guiding lands with people until you hit HR100 and slay Ruiner Nerg to unlock tempered elders. You will run into new monsters and variants at higher levels. Fight Rajang, Stygian Zinogre, and Frostfang Barioth (event quests) as you go and participate in Safi'jiiva sieges when you feel ready. Grind tempered elders in the guiding lands for materials and in the event quests for decos.

      When your gear is upgraded, then you can go after the big five. Furious Rajang is the easiest of the bunch, but his tempered event quest is great for farming decos. Raging Brachy's armor is some of the best in the game and his weapons are on par with Safi. Farm his ass and build Raging Brachy/Teostra mix. Master Rank Kulve Taroth is needed to upgrade your kjarr weapons. Unlike the high rank version, MR Kulve Taroth's elemental hitzones are dogshit. Bring raw and work fast - it's a DPS race before she leaves. Look up guides for Alatreon and Fatalis as they have their own mechanics that I won't go into detail in this post.

      • 12 months ago

        that's.. alot of work
        yeah i think im gonna uninstall this now

        • 12 months ago

          Imean you CAN do that. You beat the story and you're in the postgame. Go ahead and take a break and come back when you've got the MonHun itch. The grind to MR100 isn't nearly as long as it seems since you can stay in the guiding lands and quickly rapid fire through monsters without loading screens.

        • 12 months ago

          Get used to it, pal. Rise has the same kind of endgame grind.
          It's not going away anytime soon.

          • 12 months ago

            and that's bad thing?

            • 12 months ago

              That other anon seemed to think it was.
              I was just telling him to either get used to it or probably find another game series.

          • 12 months ago

            The problem was never the grind, the problem was how long it takes and gl grinding was also kind of specific in how you had to do it.
            Rise you can just hunt like normal.

      • 12 months ago

        >Alatreon and Fatalis as they have their own mechanics
        And are the shittiest fights in the game, you go in with very specific gear and beat them in under 30 minutes or you're not beating them. God damn I miss when this franchise was about learning the moveset and being able to beat the monster with skill, sure your gear would need to be useable for your rank but I don't remember havibg to change the element of my weapon mid fight or stacking divine blessing.

        • 12 months ago

          you don't have to switch weapons though do you? as long as you break the horns which arguably takes skill

        • 12 months ago

          Lmao way to fricking out yourself as a poser. Fatalis in FU was exactly the same.

    • 12 months ago

      Basically what the other anon said, if you're a solo player then lmao, should've picked the game that isn't designed like a MMO, but outside of Safi being a waste of time if you're not in a group you can still play the rest of the game. Do yourself a favor and cheat Guiding Land levels, either immiedietly or when you reach level 7 in a zone naturally if you want a more "organic" way

    • 12 months ago

      I picked World back up and finished it about a year back, same position as where you are. iirc you could just jump straight in and fight Alatreon and Fatalis but what I did was Angry Rajang/Brachydios -> Angry Nergigante -> Alatreon -> Fatalis.

      • 12 months ago

        What gear did you have?

        • 12 months ago

          I'm pretty sure it was just the usual crit/atk up clownsuit

    • 12 months ago

      pit sexo

    • 12 months ago

      Do Guiding Lands to get some more endgame monsters to fight and gear up to fight Safi/Alatreon/Fatalis

  23. 12 months ago

    MHFU is still my favorite
    MH3U was awesome
    MH4U is actual peak
    Monster Hunter World tried to be really ambitious with the whole open-ended world feel; but they shit the bed when it came to actual content and then they also ret-conned the way monsters are hunted and harvested to be more PC friendly, as if fricking PETA gays play this game or something.
    Everything went downhill faster than a greased up snowboard after that.

  24. 12 months ago

    Any tips for MH4U?

    • 12 months ago

      Cherish it. As long as you can.

  25. 12 months ago

    Rise's gameplay is the best by far but... at what cost? every other aspect of the game is a downgrade from World. I blame the switch exclusivity deal. Old portable-only titles had special charm to them. Switch games are all unequivocally ugly by nature.

    • 12 months ago

      >Old portable-only titles had special charm to them.

    • 12 months ago

      >every other aspect of the game is a downgrade from World. I blame the switch exclusivity deal
      Monsters are faster, more aggressive, and actually attempt to hit the player this time
      Weapon designs are actually complete
      Maps aren't horrid to fight on anymore and the worst you can say is you dont like how they look
      Endemic life more useful in this one somehow.

      Downgrade my ass. Visual fidelity is one thing, but the other systems are no downgrade.

      • 12 months ago

        >Endemic life more useful
        They act more like items than life, if that's what you mean.

      • 12 months ago

        You will NEVER be in the same area as two monsters and have both of them gunning to attack you again. It's far more egregious in Rise than even in World, where you could have both attack you, but in Rise it's literally impossible.

        • 12 months ago

          Fights in any 1 room maps still have monsters behave the way they used to so it's literally just some toggle behind the scenes

          • 12 months ago

            >1 room maps
            I have never liked these. I will never like these. You will never convince me these are good. And if any of them were good, it was despite the 1 room map, not at all because of it. And if the fight was in a normal map it would have been superior.

      • 12 months ago

        >Monsters are faster, more aggressive, and actually attempt to hit the player this time
        What a fricking lie. Rajang is pissbaby difficulty in Rise compared to World. Everyone but tendies acknowledged the fact that Rise was toned down in Monster difficulty.
        >Weapon designs are actually complete
        Some weapons are exactly the same minus wirebug skills no one uses like Hammer. Some weapons are not even the same weapon anymore like HH.
        >Maps aren't horrid to fight on anymore and the worst you can say is you dont like how they look
        Shit opinion. World manages to be more vertical and have more memorable biomes than the game that lets you fly with wirebugs.
        >Endemic life more useful in this one somehow.
        >collect glowing bugs that point directly to your mark so you can maybe take one more hipcheck is engaging and useful
        >no tracking
        >much fewer instances of endemic monsters used in upgrading gear
        >less endemic monsters period because switch handicap
        >fewer status effects
        Rise was an all around downgrade compared to World. It was carried across the finish-line by slopgobbling tendie apologists excusing its many flaws solely so they can bing wahoo on the go.

        • 12 months ago

          >Rajang is pissbaby difficulty in Rise compared to World.
          I never played Rise. What did they do to him? Iceborne Rajang was perfect.

          • 12 months ago

            Turnaround uppercut is a bit slower and the jumping bodyslam isn't OHKO central anymore, doesn't buttfrick you through guard anymore either
            Furious is pretty much a different fight altogether, some moves got swapped out for new shit and he has different way patterns than in Iceborne
            I don't really have any strong opinion on this though you gays make way too big of a deal of minor changes. The real downgrade was to Rajang's music.

          • 12 months ago

            He chains attacks significantly less often and stands around much more often. It was to the point that at launch people legitimately though Rajang's AI was bugged and was trying to execute attacks that were removed. But nope, Rise devs just made him a joke. Dumb zoomer edits and longsword cheese aside, just watch how many more opinions the monke leaves in this video.

            • 12 months ago

              >HR monster stands around more than G Rank monster
              No shit. Next you'll tell me he has less HP
              Rajang being GQ lv140 tier spastic has never been the default

              • 12 months ago

                >Rajang didn't have a HR version in MHW
                What's the next excuse for why they neutered the monkey, gayatha Christie?

            • 12 months ago

              >guard point
              >guard point
              >guard point
              I hate gen 5 long sword so fricking much

        • 12 months ago

          >can't make a post without questioning facts and consolewarring with childish nicknames.

        • 12 months ago

          >Some weapons are exactly the same
          He's talking about the physical appearance. Boned weps, etc.

          • 12 months ago

            The World monsters that returned still didn't get all of their weapons redone in Rise, I dunno what's up with that shit they need to hire more equipment modelers or something

            • 12 months ago

              Those ARE their weapons now 🙂

              • 12 months ago

                Tobi got a bunch of new designs, I don't think they did much for Pukei or Anjanath but even Anja's unique weapons are pretty much bone + scales so I might just not have paid attention
                The real test will be if they bring back some of the elders that got super fricked out of weapon designs like Namielle or Xenojiva

              • 12 months ago

                Namielle didn't deserve to get her weapons shafted like that

        • 12 months ago

          >>no tracking
          >>much fewer instances of endemic monsters used in upgrading gear
          >>less endemic monsters period because switch handicap
          These are all good things though. I just want to hunt some big monsters. They also should go back to simple flat maps with big space to fight on.

          • 12 months ago

            That's fine if that's your preference but we don't need to pretend like these features were not part of the MH formula prior and that MH games were boss rushs until World. Rise factually removed/diminshed the importance of mechanics that were part of the series' identity.

    • 12 months ago

      >every other aspect of the game is a downgrade from World
      Okay so there's graphics... And that's about it.

  26. 12 months ago

    Risebaby here. I just got World from the Steam sale, now tell me what other MH games I should play and on what systems.

    • 12 months ago

      If you have a 3DS you need to play 4U,Tri multiplayer just got resurrected and you can play that either on the wii or emulate. Also generations is amazing and has infinite content , you dont need a shitty switch so just emulate or get the english patch for the 3ds version.

  27. 12 months ago

    Wirebugs were a mistake

    • 12 months ago

      Wirebugs were a mistake
      Tenderize was a mistake
      Dogs are cool but being mogged by cats in every way except being mounts is kinda lame

      • 12 months ago

        Tenderize wasn't so bad when the claw was integrated with the weapon's moveset. Hammer really got the best use out of it

      • 12 months ago

        Simple solution: Palicos stay, they are too iconic. Everybody gets a dog or other thematic mount they can use just like a palamute.

        I will honestly be surprised if they don't do it exactly like this in the next game. Mounts for map travel are a 100% successful experiment that everybody loves, they should become a new staple.

  28. 12 months ago

    The beginning of the end for anime bullshit was when Dos introduced charging for the GS

  29. 12 months ago

    i hate the guiding lands

  30. 12 months ago

    for myself and a lot of people in this thread it was probably Generations. It was literally 4U but worse, and since Nintendo flatlined the 3DS GU came out much later on the switch. To this day I haven’t even touched it because G left such a bad taste. It was the first monhun game i bought where I couldn’t even sink 10 hours into it, it was that bad

  31. 12 months ago

    Tri was the last time monster hunter actually felt like monster hunter. The actual hunting has been on the decline so much so that 99% of the monsters just get bullied by absolutely overpowered hunters.

    • 12 months ago

      Can i ask why Tri specifically? I played 3U offline and aside from like 2 monsters i found it very difficult to bully that roster. Dont get me started with the frenzied brachy urgent in 4U

      • 12 months ago

        The big thing is that the ammount of monsters who got absolutely bullied started increasing. Sure everyone can point the frenzied brachy, or 140 rajang in 4U, but the further you go in game releases the hunter becomes stronger and stronger, to the point that monsters genuinely couldnt keep up. I comes to a point where there is a power creep struggle between hunters and monsters where the only way a monster can do anything is if it throws oneshot attacks everywhere. The general speed of the game also increased dramatically, comparing MHFU to Rise is like comparing night and day in a lot of cases for example. 3U is my favorite MH game, but I would have liked it more if it had Tri's harsher more toned down aesthetic. Im not good with words and am not an oldgay, started playing MH way later so take what i say as absolute complete bias.

        • 12 months ago

          It's more so because Tri's fights were all extremely fun to fight. What came after that simply wasn't all that fun to fight, that's why gameplay peaked with Tri imo. The likes of Brachy, whether easy or hard was an annoying fight because after every attack it would move around, repositioning itself, which removed openings after an attack. As the series went on, it was less of a back and forth between you and the monsters but slog waiting for the monster to do multiple attacks before you could get a chance to attack it, whether it be because you needed to dodge or because the monsters reposition so you can't get to them.

  32. 12 months ago

    i want big flat areas again, i hate ledges

    • 12 months ago

      Pathetic. You will never play GS

  33. 12 months ago

    It's hard to really point to one moment as it has been incremental and it entirely depends on what you value(d) the series for to determine the point of no return.
    The portable versions largely removed the need for gathering as both monetary and material costs across the board had been reduced. Sure, there was a lot of tedium to the console versions of the game (gathering basic materials that couldn't be bought or obtained from your farm, or the ludicrous amount of earth crystals needed for ancient weapons) but it was extremely satisfying and rewarding getting that new or upgraded weapon and feeling stronger as you had to put real effort in.
    Many would say Tri as it's a departure from what was then the norm. It tried to do a lot of things, some good, some bad. Whilst this version was rather devoid of content, it was the most satisfying MH I have played because the gameplay felt superb.
    MHP3rd would ultimately be my answer to your question; it's where the monster design philosophy took a different turn from the rest of the series. Monsters' movesets became annoying to make fights "harder" with excess tracking and actually requiring dodging or evading as simply knowing the monster and it's moveset wasn't enough to get out of danger. It simply wasn't fun.
    MH3U continued the trend of making fights unpleasant by making them "harder". How didn't love to fight the recolours that had multiple parts that most weapons would bounce off of? Very fun!
    MH4U had verticality that ruined the maps, and mounting that ruined the pacing of fights. I pretty much checked out here.

    • 12 months ago

      What i’m getting from this post is that grinding good, and trying to expand on MH’s core gameplay with verticality and making monster less easy to flash cheese is le bad. You might enjoy WoW classic. Seriously, its a game where that extreme satisfaction in getting a new weapon is the whole gameplay loop, bo annoying verticality or monster movesets to track

      • 12 months ago

        There definitely is some nostalgia about the gathering elements of the old console games, true, not general grinding however. Whilst the grind for ores and sundries was memorable, it's definitely best it stays as just memories, I admit.
        You're clearly being disingenuous and arguing in bad faith if you really believe that I didn't like or want MH to expand on the core gameplay when I said that Tri is pretty much my favourite game in the series because the gameplay was so spectacular. There's nothing wrong with trying to expand on the core gameplay but that doesn't mean I have to like each and every addition.

  34. 12 months ago

    >When did the Monster Hunter series "jump the shark" in your elite opinion?

  35. 12 months ago

    Dunno, my first was World and while it was good the cutscenes and obnoxious map design did hold it back.

  36. 12 months ago

    So how hard it rise+sunbreak compared to world+iceborne? I kinda want to buy it I feel like it will be too arcady.

    • 12 months ago

      Rise and Sunbreak are both a cake walk if you're experienced till you hit the anomaly endgame. Then monsters will scale more and more while you get more skills and further upgrades to your weapons. Endgame is very grindy just as warning.

      • 12 months ago

        sounds like world, thanks

    • 12 months ago

      Well the monsters are faster in Sunbreak.
      Comparing basic hunter movement between both games shows that World monsters are on the slower side.
      As a general example imagine a monster attack in World where you clear it by walking to the left or right while having your weapon unsheathed. That same attack in Sunbreak would require you to roll since the monsters have better aim.

      Both games can be broken sideways if you want to however.

  37. 12 months ago

    Rise is for moronic babies. Literally any other monster hunter game is worth playing more.

  38. 12 months ago

    It hasn't the games are still fun.

  39. 12 months ago

    Definitely 4th gen. P3rd and 3U were steps in the wrong direction, but it all went to shit with 4U and Generations.

  40. 12 months ago

    >there are people who think Rise is MH6
    Count the number dragon heads on the logo.

    • 12 months ago

      Oh so it's actually 8 and GU is 6.
      Got it.

    • 12 months ago

      >world is now MH 4.

      • 12 months ago

        World has 5 dragons. Two on the top, and three on the bottom.

        • 12 months ago

          World had four anon.
          The point at the bottom isn't a head. If we went by that logic 4 had five

          • 12 months ago

            You can clearly see its wings, anon. Also the point isn't its head, the face in the middle is. It's an elder dragon

            • 12 months ago

              Anon, there is no face in the middle. The whole thing is just the tails of the four converging to the point.
              There are four dragons.

              • 12 months ago

                You're blind as frick dude. Bottom middle. An eight year old can point this out.

              • 12 months ago

                >Anon, there is no face in the middle. The whole thing is just the tails of the four converging to the point
                How did you even make it to this site if you can't read?

              • 12 months ago

                NTA but the whole faces thing was moronic anyway since the logos like that were never a thing until MH2 and that had another two heads under the title.
                Then you have MH4 that had five heads.

              • 12 months ago

                Four heads. Whatever's in the middle isn't a dragon. By all means, post MH1 and Dos.

              • 12 months ago

                >Whatever's in the middle isn't a dragon
                And neither is rathalos or the "dragon" at the bottom of the world logo but people still think they are because of these nonsense patterns pushed by secondaries.
                >post MH1 and Dos.
                And, how will that help you exactly? It's still not a dragon.

              • 12 months ago

                Rathalos was advertised as a dragon you mong. Don't be a smartass.

              • 12 months ago

                >Rathalos was advertised as a dragon you mong
                No, no it wasn't.

              • 12 months ago

                >front cover depicts someone fighting what looks like a dragon
                >the same dragon appears resting on the title
                Literally the reason you bought the game in 2004. Don't bullshit.

              • 12 months ago

                NTA but how it's advertised doesn't mean shit. It's factually not a dragon in game and by design.

              • 12 months ago

                You're blind as frick dude. Bottom middle. An eight year old can point this out.

                >four dragons converge to make the fifth dragon
                >the core plot of the base game involves finding out why monsters converge on one continent

              • 12 months ago

                Anon, there is no fifth dragon and it wouldn't make sense in relation to the game since there are 7 in the base game

              • 12 months ago

                >and it wouldn't make sense in relation to the game since there are 7 in the base game
                >Monster Hunter 5
                >5 dragons on the logo
                What's in the game doesn't matter. The number of dragons simply correspond to its numerical entry and nothing more.

                I'm losing brain cells explaining this to you.

              • 12 months ago

                >The number of dragons simply correspond to its numerical entry and nothing more.
                Which would make it MH4 since there are 4 dragons.
                But it's clearly not 4 meaning this pattern is just wishful thinking.

              • 12 months ago

                It's not Capcom's fault you rolled off the rag the wrong way and can't see the fifth one. I'm sorry, anon, but you may be moronic as well.

        • 12 months ago

          It's as much of a head as this is on Tri's. If you count that point then the whole thing is fricked.

          • 12 months ago

            Not him, but you're a complete moron.

    • 12 months ago

      That's not a metric and apparently new entries will not be numbered either.

  41. 12 months ago

    has anybody been playing on the tri private server fan project thing that was released not long ago?

    • 12 months ago

      Should I? Doesn't Tri have missing weapons?

      • 12 months ago

        Bug Spear and Charge Blade are not in Tri

        • 12 months ago

          Also DB's, GL, and HH.

          • 12 months ago

            I only mentioned weapons that zoomers would care about.
            Forgot the DBs

        • 12 months ago

          insect glaive and charge blade WERE POST GEN 3 WEAPONS YOU STUPID FRICKING moron c**t

          • 12 months ago

            Bro please he asked me what weapons aren't in Tri.
            CB and Bug Spear were not in tri.
            Don't yell at me:( what did I do wrong

          • 12 months ago

            He was being thorough. Don't trash him for that.

      • 12 months ago

        Indeed, it doesn't have DB, HH, GL, Bow and it has its own unique system for bowguns.
        It's a pretty barebones game overall, not many mons etc so that's why people often recommend to just play 3U.
        But it has a different feel to it, you can just call it nostalgia I guess but surely some people would be interested in that.

  42. 12 months ago

    >black diablos does her charge
    >b***h drifts right into my dodge direction

    • 12 months ago

      Why didn't you just block it?

      • 12 months ago

        kinda hard to do with glaive, jumping away can succeed unless I graze the fricking wings, then I get fricked anyway

    • 12 months ago

      >unironically getting hit by black Diablos
      It's even worse if you're playing the world version.

    • 12 months ago

      Just roll through it shitter

  43. 12 months ago

    >people talking about how rise is a cakewalk
    >still gets assblasted fighting against magnmalo using cb

    • 12 months ago

      >using CB
      Stop using your bugs on anything but Wireshield, moron.

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          Use the normal Big Boom. Besides, Little Boom after a guard is still the elder kino strat

    • 12 months ago

      Is rise your first game?

      • 12 months ago

        Nah I've played p3rd and world. For those games I just played using Swaxe and Glaive(for world).

        • 12 months ago

          >I've played p3rd and world
          No wonder you're having trouble, those are the two easiest games in the series.

  44. 12 months ago

    Rise. World had some problems with casualization and builds becoming too powerful but Rise, rather than try to reign things in, just doubled down on overpowered moves, didn't fix ranged builds trivializing the game, they didn't fix LS until the damage was already done, they reworked HH just to nerf it after the demo into an even worse version of what it was originally. This is without mentioning the quality of monster fights. Magnamalo is one of the worst flagships in the franchise.

    Rise is still fun but we're drifting further and further from Monster Hunter.

  45. 12 months ago

    P3rd. Specifically Zinogre

    • 12 months ago

      Bakana... this monster turns with more than 30 degrees at a time! This ruins everything!

  46. 12 months ago

    Goddamn you homosexuals have some godawful opinions thankfully I learned to never listen to any of you.

  47. 12 months ago

    Don't really care, m8. Having fun replaying World after some 200 hours in Rise. Wanted to go back and see how different it feels. World's Gunlance sounds so chunky.

    I hope MH7 releases soon enough. With AC6 coming in a month or so, ER DLC whenever. I want to know when I'll get to play MH7 and DD2.

  48. 12 months ago

    When it got banished to handheld only. Tendies ruin every single discussion about it with their bizarre fixation, but it started life as a console game and it's most successful iteration was a console/PC game.
    Rise was absolute hot garbage coming from world. Low quality models, animations, meme bugs, the weird invasion thing whatever the frick that was, lower difficulty overall, the cringey voice acting, the dead world; monsters are just NPCs in an arena whereas in world there was at least the appearance of behaviour and ecological niches.
    >But muh world causal
    >Le snoy fanboy has arrived
    I've been playing since the OG game, world was the best since MHFU. So what if there's some QOL changes? Do you REALLY want your pic axe to break again, or bug net to break? Does it really add anything to the experience other than having to go back to town and buy another one?
    Quit seething, quit consolegayging and focus on the actual game.

    • 12 months ago

      >muh tendies
      >muh grafix
      Opinion discarded

      • 12 months ago

        Point proven

        >Tendies ruin every single discussion about it with their bizarre fixation
        >then all of this
        >Quit seething, quit consolegayging and focus on the actual game.

        yes because it's always fricking bings causing it. I don't think snoys even really give a shit about it since it was never exclusive in the first place.

        • 12 months ago

          eric- the singular most obsessed bane of MH threads, sales threads, and threads dedicated to non-Sony platforms- almost single-handedly carries flame threads with endless shitting on Nintendo, Rise, prior portable entries if they were on Nintendo consoles, and basically anything that isn't World so far as I've seen. You've gotta be willfully ignorant not to have noticed the utter caricature of fanboyism ruin these threads.

    • 12 months ago

      >Tendies ruin every single discussion about it with their bizarre fixation
      >then all of this
      >Quit seething, quit consolegayging and focus on the actual game.

    • 12 months ago

      least cognitively dissonant monster hunter poster

    • 12 months ago

      >When it got banished to handheld only. Tendies ruin every single discussion about it with their bizarre fixation, but it started life as a console game and it's most successful iteration was a console/PC game.
      You wrote all of this bullshit only to show that you started with world in the first lines

      • 12 months ago

        Are you a moron? The first game was released on PS2.

        • 12 months ago

          And you didn't play it.

          • 12 months ago

            Haha okay dude. You believe what you like but I definitely remember fighting that fricking Monoblos.

            • 12 months ago

              Yes, in 2012.

              • 12 months ago

                On Freedom, no less. Anon is a portablegay like everyone else.

            • 12 months ago

              >Jarvis, google “MH1 village final boss”

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah and do you know what the first portable MH was?
          MH Freedom
          ON THE PSP.

          You're saying that tendies ruined it when it went portable as if the 3ds games were the first portable titles and psp games weren't the ones that launched it into popularity.

          For frick sake man, if you want people to believe this whole "tendies are the console war menace" shtick don't let your console warring get in the way of your narrative.

          • 12 months ago

            He already sucked off Freedom Unite in his first post while berating handhelds, it's obvious he's a console warring troglodyte.

            • 12 months ago

              I honestly don't understand why these people have such a supreme hatred for Nintendo.
              Like, just shut the frick up and play the game. We wouldn't even have console warring in MH threads if they didn't have an irrational obsession.

              • 12 months ago

                There are anons who wanted to see Nintendo fall for some reasons with the WiiU flopping, shitposting how the Switch will be a disaster with its specs just to end up mindbroken with its later success.

              • 12 months ago

                I just want people to enjoy hunting, the consolewar homosexualry really gets in the way of actual discussion.
                And it's been going for YEARS.

    • 12 months ago

      >most successful iteration was a console/PC game.
      >quit consolegayging

    • 12 months ago

      >says handheld killed the series
      >praises Freedom Unite
      Every time

    • 12 months ago

      World is literally just ugly as sin and the new monsters sucked. Thats the long and short of why i never played it and probably never will

    • 12 months ago

      >When it got banished to handheld only. Tendies ruin every single discussion about it with their bizarre fixation, but it started life as a console game and it's most successful iteration was a console/PC game.
      Fricking homosexual.

  49. 12 months ago

    It was never good. It only appeals to autists and you can never please them.

  50. 12 months ago

    Anyone still play 3U these days on WiiU. I've been pretty slow with it, but it's quite fun. People mention the swimming is worse than Tri, but that complaints made it surprising how intuitive I found the combat underwater with most weapons. I'm kinda walling myself with resources by using most weapon types except for Hammer and the Bows, but it's still enjoyable to inch through.

    • 12 months ago

      I'd go back to it for my boy Nox but that requires plugging in my wii u

      • 12 months ago

        >g rank nox woth toxic poison

      • 12 months ago

        Plug that in every once in a while just in case, even if you don't play with it. I quqite like that you can play with just the tablet, but it's annoying to have to choose the setting from the options every time you start the game.

    • 12 months ago

      I replayed it extensively during the covid year. Still haven’t beat dire miralis but got halfway into G rank solo before dropping it for real life shit. Would love to go back and finish it if i ever get the chance.

      Duramboros is my favorite monster in the series. I fricking hate diablos and brachydios

  51. 12 months ago

    Hopes for the next entry
    >Random spawn location returns
    >Can't fast travel to camps except with farcaster
    >Subcamps exist but can only move between them from other camps
    >using resupply box to change weapons/items subtracts 5 minutes from the timer
    >monsters don't appear on map or on hud until seen or tracks are found
    >tracks are actual footprints and marks on terrain
    >paintball returns, causes monsters to leave infrequent trail of dripping paint
    >movement over terrain returns. monsters more inclined to follow and harass you when in these areas, forcing you into the open arenas
    >hunting helps are ok but rainbow birds are gone.
    >hot and cold drinks return

    Just some things to bring it back to hunting the monster down and making sure the player is actually prepared.

    • 12 months ago

      don't appear on map or on hud until seen or tracks are found
      Just frick off with the scoutfly shit on general.

    • 12 months ago

      >using resupply box to change weapons/items subtracts 5 minutes from the timer
      Honestly this would kinda suck since I like dropping into random hunts and usually want to swap weapon for whatever I land into.

      • 12 months ago

        It would be so much better if they went back to the old system and brought back provisions from GU. Going back to base camp to swap your switch skills is fine, but it would mean capcom wouldn't have to design around players having infinite max potions etc. I'll never understand how unbelievably stupid they were to drop such a great idea

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, I don't know why they didn't double down on that provision system. It was really cool. Base resupplies should have been a low/high rank thing but they should have pivoted to provisions for G-rank or something.

    • 12 months ago

      >Random spawn location returns
      There won't be a spawn at the start because...
      >Can't fast travel to camps except with farcaster
      MH6 will be full open world. Are you absolutely sure you want this?
      >Subcamps exist but can only move between them from other camps
      There will probably smaller warp points
      >using resupply box to change weapons/items subtracts 5 minutes from the timer
      What timer lol
      >monsters don't appear on map or on hud until seen or tracks are found
      Correct, because otherwise pulling up the map would bring up Walmart on a saturday
      >tracks are actual footprints and marks on terrain
      >paintball returns, causes monsters to leave infrequent trail of dripping paint
      >movement over terrain returns. monsters more inclined to follow and harass you when in these areas, forcing you into the open arenas
      Too big brain for Capcom
      >hunting helps are ok but rainbow birds are gone.
      Field buffs are returning. There will probably be some god tier spawn
      >hot and cold drinks return
      Correct. New items will be introduced to aid you in other conditions (sandstorms, falling ash, fog, thunderstorms, windstorms, miasma, effluvial, etc.)

      • 12 months ago

        NTA but
        >Can't fast travel
        >MH6 will be full open world. Are you absolutely sure you want this?
        Yes. If a map is big, but the distances aren't properly represented then the size of the playable area is nullified. I think no games, under ANY circumstances should use fast travel. If you want to get somewhere far away, it should be a sufficient challenge or atleast be reflected on your currencies/supplies.
        >inb4 but that would take a lot of time
        Yes, that's the point. If someone doesn't want that, then I don't think the concept of open-world should be for them.

        • 12 months ago

          good thing autistic trash like you will never be allowed into gamedev

        • 12 months ago

          You know who says shit like this? People who never played an open world game before.

          • 12 months ago

            An incorrect assumption.

            Go play Xenoblade without fast traveling I dare you

            I played X without using quick travel if that counts.

            I mostly agree with you but fast travel is acceptable in massive open world if you've already been to the location you're travelling to and have some some sort of undertaking that means the link between those two places is "safe".
            Really make the player earn that right.
            As for MoHun being open world. I think that Dragons Dogma 2 is likely to fill that gap.

            >Really make the player earn that right.
            This may also be acceptable. It depends on how strict we are with defining what fast travel is. Learning a spell that lets you open a portal or something could technically be considered fast travel.

            good thing autistic trash like you will never be allowed into gamedev

            Not every game that's created is meant for everyone.

            Best moronic opinion I've seen all day, congrats anon!

            Thanks anon.

            Look, this garnered a lot of replies and I get that this is unacceptable to many or even the majority of players. Atleast I know what makes me genuinely enjoy video games more, where the overwhelming posters on this site can't even formulate their own opinions on why they liked or disliked something.

        • 12 months ago

          I mostly agree with you but fast travel is acceptable in massive open world if you've already been to the location you're travelling to and have some some sort of undertaking that means the link between those two places is "safe".
          Really make the player earn that right.
          As for MoHun being open world. I think that Dragons Dogma 2 is likely to fill that gap.

        • 12 months ago

          Go play Xenoblade without fast traveling I dare you

          • 12 months ago

            I only played 2 and felt like I could walk everywhere. Granted, the maps in 2 were pretty small. How much bigger are the levels in 1?

            • 12 months ago

              Half of 1's world is a very linear set of wide areas and at times the story or major sidequests will send you from one end to the other

          • 12 months ago

            morons like him actually do that, waste additional 100 hours literally walking then complain about being burned out

        • 12 months ago

          Best moronic opinion I've seen all day, congrats anon!

    • 12 months ago

      Probably remove your personal box from being accessible at all, balance the guild supplies based on the number of party members as the excess of supplies is unnecessary. Making tools consumable again (Whetstone, Axes, and Fishing Rods) might be good. Make items a little less generous to encourage crafting and actually digging through the maps for resources instead of giving you everything you need. More quest variety and making capture quests plentiful. I'd say no default inclusion of things like Lifepowder in the supply box, but the MP focus is probably a notable aspect of why a lot of these things have been smoothed over to begin with. If they keep the owl, that's fine, but it should have to find the monster every time, and the tracking should be temporary. Maybe make the owl something you actively have to send out and only to one area at a time. Paintballs could find use in that case- or psychoserum. Tracking through footprints and the like is good, that would be nice to keep on if they can make it so that tells are reasonable. Hot and Cold drinks I can take or leave. Make Petalace removable-as well as all gear.

    • 12 months ago

      >bring back paintball
      >bring back running around for 5 minutes.

      cancer gameplay, rise got it right with monster locations always on minimap. I'm here to kill not run around

    • 12 months ago

      >Random spawn location returns
      Eh, don't care either way.
      >Can't fast travel to camps except with farcaster
      >Subcamps exist but can only move between them from other camps
      Makes sense.
      >using resupply box to change weapons/items subtracts 5 minutes from the timer
      They should remove resupply/change weapon entirely.
      >monsters don't appear on map or on hud until seen or tracks are found
      >tracks are actual footprints and marks on terrain
      >paintball returns, causes monsters to leave infrequent trail of dripping paint
      I'll just say I like the IDEA of tracking the monster, but they have to make it fun somehow. Even after 100+ hours.
      >movement over terrain returns. monsters more inclined to follow and harass you when in these areas, forcing you into the open arenas
      What do you mean?
      >hunting helps are ok but rainbow birds are gone.
      Those were pretty cool in World, but imo should be removed from standard quests. Standard quests = as vanilla as possible. Investigations = RNG elements on the map.
      >hot and cold drinks return
      The real issue is inventory size (and restocks, that as I said should be removed entirely). If you have 30 inventory slots and you can bring half your item box on a hunt with you, hot and cold drinks are just bloat.
      Imo they should reduce inventory size by a lot. Like 12 slots only, so you have to be very careful with your loadout.

      • 12 months ago

        over terrain returns. monsters more inclined to follow and harass you when in these areas, forcing you into the open arenas
        >What do you mean?
        In rise you aren't stuck to the ground and can wirebug and run up the cliffs, heading outside of the numbered zones and off the paths between. The extra exploration and ease of movement was a big improvement to me over previous titles.
        Monsters however rarely travel in this way, in future titles I'd hope they are more inclined to use these areas for ambushes and force you into the open zones.

        • 12 months ago

          Oh, I see what you mean. I can't say I'm a fan in that case. More mobility is not what I want from a Monster Hunter game.

          >>Imo they should reduce inventory size by a lot. Like 12 slots only, so you have to be very careful with your loadout.
          I could get behind that idea.

          Yeah, that's a huge issue with modern games in the series in my opinion. You only need to create one single loadout for every single encounter, you have more than enough slots for anything the game may throw at you.
          On top of reduced inventory size, they should also add more "passive stats but takes an inventory slot" items, like powercharm and armorcharm. Again, more choices for the player: "what should I take with me, another trap or a passive +6 fire resistance?"

          Just like hot and cold drinks, right now powercharm and armorcharm are just bloat. You have 30 slots, there's never a reason not to bring them with you.

          • 12 months ago

            Lol that's funny you bring that up, I was having a conversation just yesterday about how Rise's loadout slots for inventory are practically useless. I've used one loadout for the entire ~120 hours I've played the game because it just fits everything I want to use.

            • 12 months ago

              That's not just Rise. World and honestly even 4U was that way. In 4U I had one loadout for hunting, one loadout for gathering. That's it.

              Alternative idea: some items take more than one slot.
              Potions = 1 slot
              Mega Potions = 2 slots
              Max Potions = 5 slots

              So, your bag is still 30 slots. But if you want to bring stronger items with you, they take a higher % of your inventory. This way, even weaker items would have a reason to exist.
              Like, what's the point of barrel bombs and large barrel bombs, when mega barrel bombs are in the game? That's what everyone's going to use 100% of the time, the rest is just bloat.

              But if...
              Barrel bomb = 1 slot
              Large barrel bomb = 2 slots
              Mega barrel bomb = 3 slots
              Maybe bringing the "best" item isn't always the smartest choice.

              • 12 months ago

                I'll be honest, I was a complete shitter at MH until the new games came out. I got bored with them really quickly and found myself going back to 3U and XX, but I haven't played 4U again just yet.
                Regarding multiple slots, it sounds like a weight system might be what you're looking for, or some kind of point buy. It is funny though how a tiny herb takes up "as much space" as a barrel.

              • 12 months ago

                It would basically be a weight system, yeah. Maybe it would be a nightmare to balance or clunky to use, who knows. All I can say for sure is that we have way too many inventory slots. And free restocking makes this issue even worse.
                In World you can basically full heal twice with two max potions. Craft ten more on the fly. And if you somehow run out, just teleport to base for twelve more max potions. It's insane, it breaks the game completely.
                I can't believe they made this mistake in World... and again in Rise. It's maybe even worse in Rise because normal potions heal so fast, they are basically max potions lmao.

              • 12 months ago

                >>made this mistake
                Capcom made no mistake from their perspective. They just wanted the casual money to come flowing in. Can't be having your journos get upset and give your game bad numbers because you were too stupid to restock your inventory before starting a quest lol Personally, I never use the basecamps, it's way too cheap and ruins the difficulty (which is already toned down quite a bit from prior games).

              • 12 months ago

                >It's maybe even worse in Rise because normal potions heal so fast
                Monsters can actually hit you while you're healing now so not really. Max potions are still a problem though.

      • 12 months ago

        >>Imo they should reduce inventory size by a lot. Like 12 slots only, so you have to be very careful with your loadout.
        I could get behind that idea.

    • 12 months ago

      >Random spawn location returns
      dont care i guess it spites TA autists so its good
      >Can't fast travel to camps except with farcaster
      >Subcamps exist but can only move between them from other camps
      dont care
      >using resupply box to change weapons/items subtracts 5 minutes from the timer
      disable changing weapons entirely to spite ranged Black folk
      you can get some extra stuff after one monster is down in multimonster hunts
      >monsters don't appear on map or on hud until seen or tracks are found
      >tracks are actual footprints and marks on terrain
      dont care
      >paintball returns, causes monsters to leave infrequent trail of dripping paint
      useless waste of time you will know the maps and monster paths anyways
      >movement over terrain returns. monsters more inclined to follow and harass you when in these areas, forcing you into the open arenas
      >hunting helps are ok but rainbow birds are gone
      you can remove the hunting helps too
      >hot and cold drinks return

      the most important part is no gimmick garbage like claw or bugs or mantles

    • 12 months ago

      >Random spawn location returns
      For monsters or hunters? Either way, it's a good idea.
      >Can't fast travel to camps except with farcaster
      >Subcamps exist but can only move between them from other camps
      Fast travel should be removed altogether. Farcasters are okay on small, arena maps but I think it was always a "get-out-of-jail-free" card on normal maps.
      >using resupply box to change weapons/items subtracts 5 minutes from the timer
      This is a good compromise, although accessing the box should be removed as a whole.
      >monsters don't appear on map or on hud until seen or tracks are found
      >tracks are actual footprints and marks on terrain
      >paintball returns, causes monsters to leave infrequent trail of dripping paint
      This is also a good idea, agreed.
      >movement over terrain returns. monsters more inclined to follow and harass you when in these areas, forcing you into the open arenas
      >hunting helps are ok but rainbow birds are gone.
      I am a bit conflicted with this. I think that hunting helpers should also be reworked into crafted tools or something, but the concept is solid.
      >hot and cold drinks return
      If someone told me back in the days that hot/cold drinks would be removed in a mainline game I would have called them crazy. Enviromental potions are essential to monster hunter.

      All in all, very solid ideas anon. Good on (You).

  52. 12 months ago

    World, they sold out to the 80IQ American audience.

  53. 12 months ago

    Peaked at MH3U
    Jumped (literally) at MH4U
    Gen, XX, Iceborne and Rise are all trying to inject life back into the series with new gimmicks when World got it right for a moment, then immediately ruined it all when all we wanna do is just hunt monsters, no bullshit unbalanced gimmicks standing in the way

    • 12 months ago

      While I do agree with you, I have also never understood why people who hate Wirebugs, Mantles, and Clutchclaws simply just don't use them. None of those are intrusive or necessary compared to the godawful mechanic that were Wystones.

      • 12 months ago

        because you're intentionally cutting your damage in half by not using the core mechanics that the fights were balanced around

        if you don't try mount spamming in 4U your hunt goes from like 7 min to 15 min easily

        I want a game where it's balanced around the core, gimmickless, main combat system and nothing else, no baby blankets, no stupid claw, no bing bugs, no gay overpowered styles or moves, just the core combat like it used to be

        • 12 months ago

          >oh no, the 15 minute hunt, I have to play MORE gameplay!!
          KWAB thanks for proving you're nothing but a metaslave

      • 12 months ago

        >None of those are intrusive or necessary compared to the godawful mechanic that were Wystones.
        The clutch claw was kind of in the same area. I mean, you could beat an Apex monster without a Wystone but it would be a bit longer in the same way as the claw.
        Not too sure why people hate silk binds though. They don't really change much unless you're already on a high tier of play.

      • 12 months ago

        Wystones weren't even intrusive since using them was almost entirely confined to an optional endgame system. There were what, two apex key quests?

        • 12 months ago

          Problem with the Wystones was you had to advance enough in the village quests to get it.
          I remember being in several rooms where people without Wystones or the one to stop bouncing off Apexes would join then get kicked several times.
          Also if for some reason everyone sucks a colossal amount of dicks and are are not able to snap the monster out of frenzy, you gotta wait for that shit to recharge or remember where the parts that are still super soft are.

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah, I know. I was there. But there was nothing inherently intrusive about wystone's implementation and I don't understand why you'd say they're problematic when they occupy a pretty small portion of the game. Meanwhile IB was balanced around CC and WEX (a skill you're absolutely going to have) was changed specifically to accommodate it.

        • 12 months ago

          Yes, but unlike 98% of MH players, I actually finish G Rank lol

    • 12 months ago

      clutch claw was a mistake, I liked nearly everything else iceborne did

    • 12 months ago

      >when World got it right for a moment
      By doing everything wrong and being the least MH MH game.

    • 12 months ago

      >no bullshit unbalanced gimmicks standing in the way
      The game was like 90% intrusive gimmick
      The slinger
      Far, far too many environmental traps

      • 12 months ago

        God I hate sliding so much it pisses me off that hammer becomes an unplayable piece of shit because the devs arbitrarily decided an incline triggers the slide while another doesn't. I only carry dung bombs with me nowadays to toss at monsters I know are in a problem zone.

        • 12 months ago

          Fricking tell me about it and you'd think that trying to turn the other way would stop it but no he still slides sideways until you lose your momentum.
          The worst part is that even though they cut down the amount of slopes in designated combat areas they're still in fricking rise!

          • 12 months ago

            They got a slightly better idea in rise by making the slopes primarily in the connecting areas but sometimes the fight moves there and it's like you're back in world
            The action just shouldn't be contextual, or at least limited to sheathed behaviour

          • 12 months ago

            You can stop holding the stick to stop the slide but that has issues too because stopping the slide has a ridiculous fricking delay and now you can't change your attack angle. It's so fricking infuriating.
            >Start sliding UP a slope

      • 12 months ago

        Just a very annoying visual mechanic. Has no impact on combat aside from Gears of War neck snap. Needs an option to turn them off, but Capcom won't do that, so they're unfortunately here to stay and will play a large role in MH6's colossal overworld.
        >The slinger
        An update to what many perceived as the old clunky throwing system. Huge quality of life update to climbing cliffs as most had a slinger bug nearby. Flash pod radius should have been nerfed instead of that atrocious cooldown system in Iceborne. Easy fix.
        >Far, far too many environmental traps
        That's fair. At least elder dragons were (mostly) immune to traps.
        You mean sieges. The modernized versions of those big elder dragon fights. No impact on gameplay until well into the postgame. Difficult fix as Capcom has no idea how to handle these behemoths after five generations. Expect another stupid giant monster gimmick in MH6.
        Most of them had little impact on the game, two of them were more better for traversing the map, and two of them were broken as frick during combat. Good concept, very questionable execution. Could be fixed in MH6 with proper balancing and playtesting.
        Bind sliding to a button and it's fine. The issue with sliding was that you would slide when you otherwise wouldn't want to, like running towards a monster. Easy fix.

        World's mechanics aren't bad on paper. Capcom just made a few mistakes here and there (slopes, flash pods, rocksteady/temporal mantles, neck snap). The daunting task of what to do with sieges remains, and will probably plague Dalamadur's eventual return.

        • 12 months ago

          >so they're unfortunately here to stay and will play a large role in MH6's colossal overworld.
          They're most likely going to get rid of them in favor of just showing the monster on the map by default.
          Also bold of you to assume mh6 will have larger maps when everyone hated world's maps for being too large.

          • 12 months ago

            They're not going to auto-highlight monsters you haven't spotted on the map in an open world game. You'll get a "X spotted in this area" at best.

            • 12 months ago

              >in an open world game
              What makes you think it'll be open world?

              • 12 months ago

                It'll be an open world micro-transaction laden live service game and I'll be happy because I'll finally be able to let go.

              • 12 months ago

                >mounts becoming part of the game between tailraiders and palamutes for fast maneuvering around a map (though a Chocobo mount would be funny for the inevitable next FF crossover)
                >guido lands basically being an infinite free-roam mode already
                >general vidya trend toward open world games
                >World generally being a soft-MMO already
                >me, being a doomposter
                I'm NTA tho.

  54. 12 months ago

    I like how modern tigrex doesn't try to hit you with his 2nd charge and gives you time go land a bigger attack on the third 🙂

    • 12 months ago

      Because gen 4 Tigrex was a fricking butthole that could 180 charge after any attack and make every opening a guessing game.

  55. 12 months ago

    World good Rise bad

  56. 12 months ago

    I think it either jumped at either MH4 or Gen but you could probably make up excuses for any point

    >Freedom for the seeds of deviating away from the simulation aspect that's been memed up thanks to the 3 hour Dos essay
    >Freedom 2 for cementing the series in its direction
    >Tri for having sharqs
    >Frontier for beating Gen to the punch during the Forward era (<2012) onward, despite having meager influence post-mortem would still be jumping the shark anyway
    >Portable 3rd for going down the path of having fursona-looking motherfrickers
    >3U for C4 dino
    >MH4's storytelling deviating from the village format dramatically, all mounting and uneven terrain hate starting from here, and introducing systems to pad out the endgame with even more RNG-reliant rewards
    >Generations for ridiculous super moves, evasions, and visual flair
    >World as a mechanics radical
    >Rise in general

    • 12 months ago

      >thanks to the 3 hour Dos essay
      I hate that, because of some moronic YouTuber we have people thinking that Dos was what MH was supposed to be instead of being the Zelda 2 of the franchise.

      • 12 months ago

        Prior to that happening, I vaguely recall reading something about the Japs thinking the game was far too tedious and grindy than it should've been, even if the director believed that 'nature is harsh'. Even Frontier gradually sidelined Dos's game feel anyway to put the grind elsewhere before becoming an i-frame fest.

        On the note of YouTubers, somehow I didn't mention Mazeron's video in passing for 3U, when that homie was the posterchild 'grandpa' for a while.

  57. 12 months ago

    GU was the last playable game, and even that was somewhat stretching it with those weapon arts, but it somewhat made up for it with a shitton of content.
    World was the first game that I didn't care for. Something about it just felt off. Same goes for Rise. Not even sure if I'm going to bother picking up the next game in the series, because apparently that shit just isn't meant for me anymore.

  58. 12 months ago

    Between infinite resupplies, increase in survivability abilities and armor skills, blanket buffs to mobility and a much higher armor budget allowing you to slot everything you could ever want
    Bowguns are no longer the "high risk high reward" option they were designed to be

    • 12 months ago

      The first ones I don't have a problem with since it lets you get more creative, but I agree about the bowguns. Sticky HBG was broken in World and pierce HBG/ elemental LBG in rise with comfort and attack skills is the game's easy mode. Gunning afflicted monsters is so mind numbing, it turns the game into a glorified fps. And it's not like 4u's hame runs, those at least needed teamwork and prep. I hope they rework the guns in the next game.

  59. 12 months ago

    >Longsword players on their way to pretend that they're not Capcom's speshul boy.

    • 12 months ago

      It was greatsword up until GU. I couldn't care less if long sword was whacked off for another generation.

      Insect glaive will be next to appeal to the french.

    • 12 months ago

      >rangedgays on their way to larp that they're playing the same game as us actual hunters

      • 12 months ago

        I had to

  60. 12 months ago

    If I see anyone call the next Monster Hunter MH7, I'll immediately assume he's trying to fit in too hard. You have my disgust

    • 12 months ago

      I find it frivolous and consolewarry.
      As a PC player I find you all annoying.

    • 12 months ago

      Would you prefer they call it MH 5?

      • 12 months ago

        Weak bait, in fact I'll just filter those words. I highly doubt anyone using that term will have something intelligent to say.

      • 12 months ago

        NTA, but yes. World and Rise played nothing like 4.

        • 12 months ago

          Eh, rise felt like an evolution of 4's verticality and mounting.

          • 12 months ago

            I like Rise a lot, but I think Wyvern Riding is fricking horrendous. Tenderize-level stupidity

            • 12 months ago

              Nah, especially since they made it optional with Sunbreak.
              The only problem is that the monsters will still ignore the hunter to attack other monsters, but that's an unfortunate leftover from world.

              • 12 months ago

                I hate this shit more than you know
                Oh shit, two monsters in the same area both attacking me? Time to play like a god or die in 3 seconds
                Two monsters? Guess I'll sharpen my weapon and get a free handicap from the resulting damage from this *totally cool* scripted fight.

              • 12 months ago

                >The only problem is that the monsters will still ignore the hunter to attack other monsters
                Some monsters just roar and then frick off if in World like Radobaan. In Risebreak if the riding/turd war is on CD for both monsters they'll evade each other.

          • 12 months ago

            I can agree in that sense, but not much else remains the same, especially with how crafting and gathering works. I know combat is the main focus and what people like to talk about, but all the background stuff got completely changed between 4 and World.

            • 12 months ago

              I don't mind the gathering changes all that much simply because I would always gather on my way in other MH games and don't get me started on the Earth Crystal grinding for rusty weapons.
              One tap mining and gathering is a godsend.

              • 12 months ago

                I won't lie that is absolutely convenient and objectively better, but part of me just misses pickaxes and making dedicated trips or detours on regular hunts to grab some ore or bugs. I also go between nu-MH and older titles often, so it's not that much of a bother. Honestly has kept me sane and appreciating some of World and Rise whereas I think I'd otherwise just be b***hing non-stop. It's just nice to actually play the game you feel like enjoying more at that time. I think console and genwar gays could really learn from this lol

              • 12 months ago

                >I think console and genwar gays could really learn from this lol
                That would require them playing and/or emulating Nintendo systems and they have an intense hatred for them.

              • 12 months ago

                >i am anti-fun!
                I'll never understand these types. Idort master race for life. Anyway, thread has made me feel like playing MH, might go start High Rank village in GU.

              • 12 months ago

                Something that I've noticed is that a lot of people who just condemn Nintendo had Wii U's and defend it.
                I'm guessing they just feel burned by it but don't want to accept it.

      • 12 months ago

        >anons are still in denial that Gen was Portable 4, GU was Portable 4G, World was MH5, and Rise was Portable 5
        Honestly, I don't even know what to tell them anymore.

        • 12 months ago

          >Gen was Portable 4,
          >portable 4
          >in an all portable generation
          moron. Gen was the first anniversary title.

          • 12 months ago

            It's more of a title at this rather than a literal portable version of the console game at this point. The spinoff title for MH6 could be a PS5 exclusive and people would still call it Portable 6. It sounds silly, but that's just how it is.

            • 12 months ago

              >It's more of a title at this rather than a literal portable version of the console game at this point
              The problem is that portable doesn't mean anything else. P3rd was your bog standard MH game.
              There aren't any design aspects to it that are in other titles people consider a "portable" game.

        • 12 months ago

          I don't know why people are acting as if "portable" is an actual thing in the MH series and not something they tacked on to show that P3rd wasn't just a regular port.
          Did some YouTuber try to push it?

          • 12 months ago

            What do you mean?

          • 12 months ago

            Freedom's Japanese name was literally Monster Hunter Portable my dude.

            • 12 months ago

              You know freedom was pretty much just a straight port right?

              • 12 months ago

                It really isn't, it has a lot of changes from the original game.

                Oh, and:

              • 12 months ago

                You know how Yian Garuga's entire concept was that he was a half-breed. He's half of a flagship monster in Freedom, which is what got him into Iceborne's flagship roster

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                It's headcannon. Garuga gets a suspiciously large amount of support from Capcom until you realize it was the new monster added in Freedom. It's even got its own theme. Don't you find that weird?

              • 12 months ago

                I was asking for a source on the "Yian Garuga's entire concept was that he was a half-breed" part. Also, elder dragons and other stronger monsters (Jho, Rajang etc.) usually get their own themes, nothing special there.

              • 12 months ago

                The source is to fricking look at it.

              • 12 months ago

                All I see is a scary-looking Yian Kut-Ku

              • 12 months ago

                I googled "yuan garuga cross breed" and it just came up with headcanon theories from amino and reddit, nothing concrete so yeah it's just headcanon

              • 12 months ago

                Discussions on Garuga's origins long predate Reddit. Google just loves fetching up reddit links.

              • 12 months ago

                Either way there's nothing official

              • 12 months ago

                It's one of Monster Hunter's greatest mysteries because Capcom never explained anything. They just went "You beat everything? Frick it, go fight this thing that looks like the purple offspring of a Kut-Ku and a Rathian and has moves from both" then called it a day.

          • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            >Portable (Freedom)
            >Portable 2nd (Freedom 2)
            >Portable 2nd G (Freedom Unite)
            >Portable 3rd
            >X/Cross (Generations) was designed by the Portable team
            >all of them including Rise are on portable platforms
            Gee, I wonder why people still call the later spinoffs Portables. Truly, a mystery we will take to our graves.

            • 12 months ago

              Let me explain
              This is just an enhanced port
              2nd (Freedom 2)
              This is a whole new game intended to be THE monster hunter after Dos experimented with new elements.
              2nd G (Freedom Unite)
              This is the G version.
              This was when the "portable team" came to be and what everyone thinks of when they think of the "portable" games.
              (Generations) was designed by the Portable team
              This was not designed by the "portable team".
              Ichinose was on gens but had MOSTLY members who made the main console games on it
              Ichihara was on Gens Ultimate with mostly new hires some of which went on to work on World like Yoshitake Suzuki who went from being a planner on GU to a full on designer for World. A lot of GU new bloods went on to World but putting them all in would bring me over the character limit but I'll say this too some new bloods that came on from world also went to rise like Ayaka Kishi who was a game designer for World and went to do quests in Rise.

              Basically, the portable team never really existed and it was just a meme made up to shitpost.

              • 12 months ago

                >doesn't mention GU
                >spergs about GU
                Anon, ask yourself. Why do you think he didn't mention GU in the first place?

                You're not nearly as smart as you think you are.

              • 12 months ago

                If you had any sense in that void you call a brain you would have realised that it was relevant to show that there is no distinction between main and portable teams with people going wherever they need to depending on the whims of the director.

              • 12 months ago

                Translation: sperg out

              • 12 months ago

                Whatever helps you get over the fact that your "portable" meme was never real.

  61. 12 months ago

    tbh I kinda like the approach the two teams have rn, one team goes full moron and the other reins it back in and streamline, taking turns. looking forward to see how they're going to maintain Rise's freedom of movement for MH6.

    • 12 months ago

      >one team goes full moron and the other reins it back in and streamline, taking turns.
      I don't think you thought about what this means.

      • 12 months ago

        how so

        • 12 months ago

          They both go 'full moron' imo.
          They are always adding new gimmicks into Monster Hunter ever since Tri.
          Honestly I find it nice that they can still freely experiment with the series with how long it has gone for.

  62. 12 months ago

    Does anyone happen to have that image of some guy seething about MonHun with the Tigrex with a Mustache? Ive been looking for it

  63. 12 months ago

    They should have brought all the old gathering halls for each village in Gen, missed opportunity if you ask me.

  64. 12 months ago

    kill all longsword users

  65. 12 months ago

    I did not like rise, how did they manage to make the game both ugly and boring at the same time?

  66. 12 months ago

    Frontier is actually excellent and feels like the definitive Gen 2 experience. Setting up a private server for yourself is trivial too.

  67. 12 months ago


  68. 12 months ago

    Is there a way to check monster ranking by number of coom art?
    I'm curious who the top ones are

  69. 12 months ago

    It then unjumped the shark in 3U, got even better in 4, got even better but gimmicky in X/XX, and then smartly changed significantly in Worldborne. Risebreak is also good but far too gimmicky.
    Can't wait to see the autismscreeching at being positive

    • 12 months ago

      >le I'm only being positive to own the chuds!!
      People like you think you're elevated, but you're even worse than genuine redditors who can only praise things due to their NPC programming and the ever-angry Gankertards who are also slave to conditioning.

      • 12 months ago

        That's 1

        • 12 months ago

          Get shit on, Black person. Been playing since FU and have enjoyed every entry.

          • 12 months ago


  70. 12 months ago

    When they released w*rld and million of morons subhumans like you shat over the franchise already dying from 4U metastasis
    have a nice day, you will never be a MH fan, not like anyone should be considering crapcum went full esg

  71. 12 months ago

    How long did it take rise to get pirated? A year like for other denuvo releases?

    • 12 months ago

      Instantly because it's a Switch game

      • 12 months ago

        next game won't be on switch

  72. 12 months ago

    4 and gen u are not bad games, but they introduced ungodly grind, overcomplicated gardening mechanics and added more heals. So they are start of the end for good mh games

    • 12 months ago

      >but they introduced ungodly grind
      tbh I'll never understand the complaint about a postgame grind existing cause it's literally there for people who were gonna play for 1000 hours anyways. The exact systems have some issues but further stronger versions of monsters in the postgame is generally a good thing.

    • 12 months ago

      >ungodly grind
      Relics are 100% optional and the entire game can be played without them.

      t. doesn't play with relics

      • 12 months ago

        4u is shit
        imagine making a game where a G2 dlc armor is better than anything else in the game or having to grind to get moron stones that are mandatory if you want to deal damage to endgame gimmick monsters

        • 12 months ago

          Wystones were dumb but you just had to do the questline the one time to get them, there wasn't any grinding for them

          • 12 months ago

            grind keys to unlock tiers with wystone quests
            grind keys to unlock further quests because obviously they aren't available immediately get fricked lol
            half the wystone quests are also aids so grind for gear to make them bearable
            all do you can play rajang hunter
            4U is trash

            • 12 months ago

              >4U is trash because of the minmax grind that only appears after 42752309879032 hours

            • 12 months ago

              You unlock the basic Wystones from doing the singleplayer Caravan quests not the key quests

              • 12 months ago

                one wystone from additional caravan key grind lol
                want functional layout? grind harder goyim
                btw wystones aren't even boosts just partial uncuckening :^)

              • 12 months ago

                Define "grind"

              • 12 months ago

                seems like he thinks that anything that requires you to play the game is a grind

              • 12 months ago

                Doing side quests isn't grind.

              • 12 months ago

                not when the loot you get from sidequests is literally required to play the game
                btw nothing else did that, only 4U aka second worst game

              • 12 months ago

                What are you even on about? The only grindy parts are farming materials and doing optional guild quests. Also every monhun has various unlocks from doing side quests. If you're so moronic that you tried to speedrun the game by only doing keys that's on you.

        • 12 months ago

          >wystone grind
          The wha?

          Also Star Knight was released months after launch and was inferior to mixed sets for many weapons. Edgemaster mix was better for general use, Baibai Kaiser was the better greatsword set, Chameleos already had everything you needed for status on a set that didn't care about damage, and many gunner sets blew it out of the water. Still a great full set though.

        • 12 months ago

          if you had ever played the game you would have known that star knight isn't at all the best armor in the game. A solid set until you get access to the endgame mixes, but that's all.

          • 12 months ago

            i played the game and only turbo minmaxed speedtroon Black person sets require anything but star knight

      • 12 months ago

        Relics were fun sidegrades when you found a good one, but I never did those guild quests to specifically look for them.
        I remember finding some REALLY good relic gear that made the seregios lbg even more fun.

    • 12 months ago

      also has some pretty bad maps, the sunken hollow running double time as the volcano for that gen sucked ass. area design peaked with 3rd gen

    • 12 months ago

      >but they introduced ungodly grind,
      The problem with grundy endgame content was never the grind especially in MH where grinding is just what you do.

  73. 12 months ago

    world for sure, but I liked the old zone transitions because you could abstract the distances between each zone, making the area feel much bigger in scale then it actually was. I also thought the flex was fine, in a game about looking for openings making so you would need to do so with the heals just made sense.
    the casualization of the game alongside the shift to being a GaaS title really turned me off the franchise and I've had over 2 thousands in hours in all the games combined since FU

    • 12 months ago

      Do you consider content updates or event quests a GaaS thing when that is far more attuned to paid features like battle passes and time limited content?

      • 12 months ago

        in the case of modern MH it's the combination of the content updates, events and all the MTX. while the game doesn't have a battle pass it still does have loads of cosmetic DLC. they update the game to pull people back in to hopefully sell more MTX, where the originals (at the least U versions) released content complete with minimal to no MTX at all.

        • 12 months ago

          If you had to pay for actual content or if the event quests no longer rewarded unique skins or weapons then I would agree with you. However the time it takes to make the content means that we would probably wait another few months to get the game and likely wouldn't also receive the quality of life changes, balance alterations or bug fixes. Supporting a game beyond it's release and without the expectation of players paying is better to me and is very different to how most other games treat post launch support.

    • 12 months ago

      >and I've had over 2 thousands in hours in all the games combined since FU
      so you didn't even play the series,nice to know

  74. 12 months ago

    Never it's the same shit every single time and I love it every single time.
    The only "bad" game was MH1 and even that has it's moment if you can stomach the absolutely moronic parts.

  75. 12 months ago

    It's crazy how similar the Souls series is to MH.
    >Demon's Souls & MH1
    The original games which nobody played.
    >Dark Souls & MHFU
    Worshipped by people STILL unable to adapt to newer, better entries.
    >DS2 & Tri
    Innovative games that get shit on for petty reasons (ADP & underwater combat).
    >Bloodborne & MH4U
    GOATs whose only tangible flaw is the postgame grind (Chalice dungeons & Guild Quests).
    >DS3 & MHGen
    "Best of" titles with more anime styled zoomer combat.
    >Sekiro & World
    Devs try to break free from their stale formulas before falling back on them with their next title.
    >Elden Ring & Rise
    Soulless goyslop with an artificial feeling.

    • 12 months ago

      Demon's Souls and MH1 are absolutely not similar in that regard.
      MH1 is a fricking turd that makes you wonder how this series ever took of and was literally played by no one.
      Several people loved and played Demons Souls which paved the hype and breakthrough with Dark Souls

      • 12 months ago

        >and was literally played by no one.
        it was played by japan, which was all the series needed to continue.

        • 12 months ago

          MHG only sold like 200k
          Which was fine for a pretty small game, but it didn't blow up even in Japan until the Freedom games on the PSP

    • 12 months ago

      I always connected gens 3 and 4 Monster Hunter with gens 3 and 4 Pokemon. Gen 3 had the water and tropical setting. Gen 4's locales focused on rock climbing through means og flashy new climbing animations, mounting, and the rock climb HM, and the mountains, Heaven's Mount/Speartip Crag and Mt. Coronet/Spear Pillar. The elders and legends both dab into mythology. Gore, Shagaru, Dalamadur are treated more like gods than the usual elders with the former two being bringers of calamity, while Dalamadur's weapons tell a tale that seems like it's straight out of the book of genesis. Sinnoh's legends are self explanatory, but it's interesting that both gen 4 installments have some sort of god of creation as their most powerful monster.

    • 12 months ago

      don't compare DaS2 with tri
      DaS2 has a different movement system, engine, animations, everything is fricking wrong

    • 12 months ago

      bloodborne doesn't hold a candle to DeS and DaS1

  76. 12 months ago

    There is an easy test for MonHun games. If the game's logo isn't an icon with the same amount of Dragon heads as its generation it is a SOULLESS spin-off

  77. 12 months ago

    never jumped

  78. 12 months ago

    I've never played MHGU before, don't own a switch, been playing it emulated, kinda fun

    • 12 months ago

      can you link the dl for it? I haven't been able to find it

      • 12 months ago

        Got mine from nxbrew, used the torrent link

  79. 12 months ago

    World was the best in the series. Holy frick Ganker has shit opinions.

  80. 12 months ago

    I could see MH6 adding skill trees to weapons as their version of styles and switch skills.
    How would you feel about that?

    • 12 months ago

      That's more convoluted than just letting you pick which variant of a move you want

      • 12 months ago

        Skill trees are common in western games now and main line MH is clearly taking cues from western AAA games, I don't think it would be especially difficult to understand.

        That depends. Could I spec for horizontal insect glaive jumps like in Gen?

        I figured they would be options letting you branch out into one of a few playstyles with both minor effects and major ones like new moves or mechanical changes for your weapon.

        • 12 months ago

          >Skill trees are common in western games now
          There's a reason why pretty much only western games use them outside of RPGs instead of just letting the player choose their style.

    • 12 months ago

      That depends. Could I spec for horizontal insect glaive jumps like in Gen?

    • 12 months ago

      >adding skill trees to weapons
      do you mean that i now need to create metatroony weapon because it has the only skill worth using?
      if you mean that fricking off yourself

  81. 12 months ago

    MH6 better have PvP

    • 12 months ago

      Fricking why? So Dual Blades and Insect Glaive can be the tryhard builds and everyone else can ignore it? Frick off back the Souls games.

      • 12 months ago

        >Fricking why

  82. 12 months ago

    >Rise had Yokai themed monsters
    >Sunbreak had western gothic monsters

    If the next game continues this trend, what theme of monsters would you want?

    • 12 months ago

      Modern cryptids.

    • 12 months ago

      Watch me jump the shark in one word:


      • 12 months ago

        Seltas we a very literal tank, nakarkos was a battleship (sometimes) and ahtal-ka had a metal gear.
        I would embrace more things like that.

        • 12 months ago

          No, I mean literal machine monsters like Cyber Dragon.

          • 12 months ago

            I feel like machines would undermine the idea since, you know, a humanoid would have to create it.
            That said, maybe a one off mechanical monster that goes haywire may work.

    • 12 months ago

      Just more animal monsters
      There's so many batshit critters in the world that there's a ton of potentially fun fights to be had

    • 12 months ago

      More bugs

    • 12 months ago

      simply just more out there stuff I'm tired of all these fricking lizards be they winged, with fur, on two legs, on four whatever.

      • 12 months ago

        >I'm tired of all these fricking lizards be they winged, with fur, on two legs, on four whatever.
        Stop playing world.

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah cool Nintenshart, I've excessively played every generation so far, including the fricking first one, Worlds poor display in model variation doesn't change how scalies make up 80% of all existing monsters.

          • 12 months ago

            Thanks for confirming you've never touched another MH game other than world.

            • 12 months ago

              Shut up moron

              NTA but literally only world has that kind of ratio mostly because 80% of its roster is a recolor.

              Actually compare the amount of everything with wyvern in the category compared to everything else not even counting the scaly elders and herbivores.

              • 12 months ago

                >Actually compare the amount of everything with wyvern in the category compared to everything else not even counting the scaly elders and herbivores.
                Okay? What's that going to prove exactly? Not every monster is in every game and then you have wyverns that don't fall into that lizard category like Nargacuga which is clearly a feline.

          • 12 months ago

            NTA but literally only world has that kind of ratio mostly because 80% of its roster is a recolor.

            • 12 months ago

              It's been like that way before world, Flying Wyverns is the most populated monster category by far
              The majority of Elder Dragons are lizards too
              I don't have a particular issue with it but yeah they make a lot of fricking dragons for these games.

      • 12 months ago

        4 had more out there stuff and all of its newcomers were garbage fights
        Capcom simply does not know how to make fun fights that aren't some variation of dragon

        • 12 months ago

          whats wrong with kecha wacha or najarala?

          • 12 months ago

            >or najarala?
            Too fricking big for any area you fight it in

          • 12 months ago

            Movesets that are 99% filler or time wasters (especially Najarala) and one move that actually does damage
            Najarala has a really shallow movepool and just chains the same sequences of time wasting actions over and over, and once you discover the legs are a weak spot the fight is basically over
            Tied too hard to specific map gimmicks and environments, zero future proofing
            The web floors/ceilings monsters like Nerscylla or Kecha Wacha require are mechanically detrimental to combt and act like chainable free knockdowns or pitfall traps

            4/4U monsters in general have problems with being way too easy to chain trip but so does World so I can only assume it's a deliberate design decision at this point

            • 12 months ago

              Monsters in World will flinch a lot more before they fall down compared to before but a lot of monsters also got special knockdowns added

            • 12 months ago

              >4/4U monsters in general have problems with being way too easy to chain trip
              Rajang (in the fricking village), Kushala (requires 2P and a relic weapon or Heroics). These are the only two notable ones. Unless if you include Gen and XX which get absolutely comedic with shit like (non hyper) Zinogre and Stonefist having comedically bad headlocks

        • 12 months ago

          Eh I liked the Nherscylas(?) and the Seltas Queens, the amphibians where also neat. The only real garbage was that lemur thing.

          >Actually compare the amount of everything with wyvern in the category compared to everything else not even counting the scaly elders and herbivores.
          Okay? What's that going to prove exactly? Not every monster is in every game and then you have wyverns that don't fall into that lizard category like Nargacuga which is clearly a feline.

          Nargacuga is a fricking flying wyvern, somebody watching me play MHFU the other day even commented "hey look another dragon (he doesn't care for MHs technical terms) but it's a cat!", in my initial complaint I already included things with fur for a reason.
          Also I was talking about the overall roster and what new monsters I want? As said, I have played atleast one per gen all the way and I don't look at the rosters of the mainline seperate, even though the spinoffs would scew it even more anyway because for every new fanged beast and crab you have like ten flying wyverns in Frontier.

          • 12 months ago

            >Nargacuga is a fricking flying wyvern
            Yes, are you illiterate?
            >simply just more out there stuff I'm tired of all these fricking lizards be they winged, with fur, on two legs, on four whatever.
            Nargacuga is a flying wyvern but clearly NOT a lizard, that's the point I'm making here.

            • 12 months ago

              You being pendantic about what I said doesn't change it's just one of many "dragon and lizard" monsters I'm tired off, or rather saturated with.

    • 12 months ago

      set it in far future and use manmade biomachines like in freedom wars

    • 12 months ago

      I'd like to see humanoid monsters, though it would probably be an annoying fight for hammers since their head would naturally be higher up the bigger they are.

  83. 12 months ago
  84. 12 months ago

    Is the 3ds the comfiest monhun machine? Slapped a grip on it and I've been enjoying 3U, 4U and patched XX so much. (not my pic btw)

    • 12 months ago

      I never had a 3DS, so for me, it was playing Freedom Unite on Vita with the camera mapped to the second analog.

    • 12 months ago

      >Is the 3ds the comfiest monhun machine?
      Frick no. The 3ds is the most uncomfortable piece of trash. Even with grips.

  85. 12 months ago

    Gen ultimate was the last Monster Hunter game. 5TH GEN was a mistake. It jumped the Shark with World and it's remained shit through sunbreak. They changed the fundamentals chasing the normalgay western audience

    • 12 months ago

      What fundamentals, anon?

    • 12 months ago

      >gen ultimate was the last Monster Hunter game.
      yeah I really love those MH fundamentals like adept dodging through everything with 0 skill or trivializing any difficulty with brave.
      Risebreak did the same shit with giving half the weapons in the game unga counters. Portable team sucks.

      • 12 months ago

        And rocksteady, temporal and evasion mantle aren't just as bad?
        Every modern MH game has some flavor of cancer

        • 12 months ago

          Don't bother arguing with worldbabbies.

        • 12 months ago

          So if we agree that every game has mechanic-ignoring cheese like that then we agree that World isn't any worse than its previous entries.

          • 12 months ago

            Every game having a specific cheese doesn't change the fact that World has multiple.

            • 12 months ago

              Third gen didn't have any cheese. 1st and 2nd technically didn't either but you could abuse the frick out of the AI and some monsters just croaked to some items.

              • 12 months ago

                >Third gen didn't have any cheese.
                Literally just standing under monsters and hitting them in the chest or legs is basically cheese in 3rd gen, you can dodge everything they throw at you on reaction and it's almost always some kind of weakspot, 3rd gen fights are basically all the same unless you go out of your way to break parts, and all the best weapons are either slime or poison so you do a ton of hitzone ignoring damage regardless of weapon type, 3rd gen was a travesty

              • 12 months ago

                3U is dogshit.

              • 12 months ago

                The other games avoid the slime/poison meta but the fights are still shit because the monster moveset and hitzone design encourage you to play really button mashy

              • 12 months ago

                >Third gen didn't have any cheese
                Switch axe's axe moveset is STILL paying for the sins of 3U's hack and slash stunlocks and insta stagger overhead. Why do you think it was gutted in MH4?

              • 12 months ago

                >Why do you think it was gutted in MH4?
                Because people for some reason believed SA was top tier in 3U when it was actually mid-low

              • 12 months ago

                But SA's stunlocks were the easiest in the game. Even a caveman could chug mega dash juice and mash A.

              • 12 months ago

                It also was irrelevant unless you literally only hunted Rathian

          • 12 months ago

            World has so much mechanic ignoring cheese that hunts become entirely about chaining together every form of cheese rather than actually interacting with the monster, and this is seemingly by design

        • 12 months ago

          Temporal doesn't recharge every 10 seconds

  86. 12 months ago

    The next monster hunter better bring back underwater.

  87. 12 months ago

    Sunbreak has the best roster of monsters and the probability of the next game being even close is minimal

    • 12 months ago

      Actually having the alpha/adult versions of monsters instead of having a bunch of the weaker versions with no followup would be a good start
      Also weird that nearly left out Brute Wyverns entirely

      • 12 months ago

        I was honestly burned out of all the brutes in Worldborne and I am glad they toned down on their presence this game.

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