When did you realize Kingdom Hearts was a good series?

When did you realize Kingdom Hearts was a good series?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 12 months ago

    Kids love it, teens hate it because it's cringe, adults love it.

  2. 12 months ago

    Sora is built for BRC (Big Riku wiener)

    • 12 months ago

      have a nice day fujo

    • 12 months ago

      this game made me gay as frick
      kh has lots of cute boys
      combat is also fairly tight, easy, and fun

    • 12 months ago
  3. 12 months ago

    When I was 7.

  4. 12 months ago

    It's not a great series.
    It's a great game with disappinting sequals.

    • 12 months ago

      CoM and KH2 are good games and 358/2 days had a qenuinely emotional ending.

      • 12 months ago

        CoM is not good even by GBA standards and the remake is even worse.

  5. 12 months ago

    1 was good, 2 was okay, 3 is irredimable

  6. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      That's the series in a nutshell for me.

      • 12 months ago

        And it will stay that way forever. Just like Ass Creed, answers will be teased and never given, forever. So buy the next game goyim!

        • 12 months ago

          Kingdom Hearts 3 is a good ending point. I don't care about the black box and I'm happy Sora died over some pussy.
          Plus, Ventus and Roxas are characters that are 100% unrelated to each other.

  7. 12 months ago

    >Kingdom hearts
    Yeah that was great
    >Everything afterwards
    Nope, except 2, and even then I have my share of gripes against it.

    • 12 months ago

      KH2 could've been the PS2's magnum opus if it had just kept all of KH1's strong points in addition to the things it improved upon.

  8. 12 months ago

    When I played through them all
    Even the worst game (DDD) is still a competent action RPG at the end of the day

  9. 12 months ago

    Most of them are fun but the first game is still the best one. There's been nothing like it since.

  10. 12 months ago

    >When did you realize Kingdom Hearts was a good game?

    • 12 months ago

      I will always be mad that you don't go to the moon based on the third district's map, kid me tried for many hours to find a way

  11. 12 months ago

    >Still not on Steam

  12. 12 months ago

    It's still fricking crazy to me that the payoff of KH3 was so bad that fans who were following the series their whole lives began to retroactively become way more critical of the series to the point of hating any game except the first one and maybe 2. Myself included.

    • 12 months ago

      At least Re:Mind was solid enough that it reignited my hope for 4. God, I fricking hope the rumors about h.a.n.d. developing 4 are true.

      • 12 months ago

        It's going to be shit anon

        • 12 months ago

          I'll believe it when I see it. At least if it's going to be shit, it'll be shit in a fun/interesting way, like every other bad KH game.

      • 12 months ago

        I've seen a lot of anons, myself included of course, hope and dream that it would happen but did anything get said that would imply them helping out?

      • 12 months ago

        Remind was a shitty overpriced wank for boss rush autists.

    • 12 months ago

      Anyone with a brain had been growing increasingly concerned and critical after the janky cringefest that was BBS.

      • 12 months ago

        No because people were still sucking off days and KH2 before then. Anyone with a brain should have been critical because of those or even chain of memories but I'm not ashamed to admit I was duped all the way up to KH3s release thinking they might salvage something out of it. Don't act like BBS was the start of the bullshit

        • 12 months ago

          KH2 was at least fun to play. BBS has a shit story, timewasting busywork, and the combat sucks.

    • 12 months ago

      >began to retroactively become way more critical of the series to the point of hating any game except the first one and maybe 2
      Whole lot of projection going on there buddy

      • 12 months ago

        It's not an opinion I'm alone on anon. Obviously it's my experience with it, I said as much, but there's a good chunk of people in these threads who'd agree

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah in Ganker threads, not KH fans as a whole

          • 12 months ago

            >Not KH fans as a whole
            I mean people I've talked to in real life as well but let's be clear that for normalgays "fans" don't have to play the games to be fans. Most KH "fans" outside of Ganker and other forums seriously discussing it have no concept of what people who dedicated a lot of time and effort to the series went through and how that'd impact your reception of it. Most normalgays I've heard usually fall into the "it was OK" which they absolutely wouldn't think if they had been on Nomuras wild ride as long as the rest of us

            • 12 months ago

              I meant actual fans who followed the series. They aren't retroactively hating the series.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes they are. I'm one of them

              • 12 months ago

                Where are the rest? I've seen some but it's by no means a majority.

              • 12 months ago

                And I've only seen a few long term fans not look back at the series more critically after KH3 so I guess that cancels out your experience too. KH3 was irredeemable dog shit at the end of the day and that's the takeaway here

              • 12 months ago

                Actual fans hated the series as it was coming out

    • 12 months ago

      I thought KH3 was fun but messy, which was my exact feelings about KH2.
      I just wish that KH4 would build and refine on KH3 so they could put out a better game, but it seems like they're going through the same chaotic development and will likely have to reinvent the wheel yet again.

      • 12 months ago

        >I just wish that KH4 would build and refine on KH3 so they could put out a better game, but it seems like they're going through the same chaotic development and will likely have to reinvent the wheel yet again.
        Why? if anything KH4 would have a pretty smooth development.

    • 12 months ago

      Ah, The Dragon Ball Super effect.
      The only guess I have as to why KH poster haven't also addopted raving lunatic posting is because they were already out of their minds keeping track of Nomuras intentionally obtuse and slapped together story.

      • 12 months ago

        >CHADgon CHAD
        Rent FRICKING FREEADEEDLYDEE, moeshitter piece of shit.

        • 12 months ago

          None of those words are in the bible

          • 12 months ago

            >but muh JOBsus
            You LOVE Tardku.

        • 12 months ago

          HEROku wouldn't say that, howevermore.

    • 12 months ago

      KH3 is such a piece of dogshit I think the devs should be legally disbarred from game development. I waited for so long for a steaming pile of goat feces.

    • 12 months ago

      358/2 days will forever hold a special place in my heart

    • 12 months ago

      You either got mind broken by 3 and love it enough to defend it via YouTube essays, or you got broken by how bad it was and got bitter towards the games that weren't 1 and 2.

    • 12 months ago

      Putting all the games after KH2 on different systems AND making them all story important is what killed the series for me. No, I don't care that they're all playable on ps4 now, it's too little too late. That and taking 14 years for the next numbered installment made me lose interest. All that dumb anime/disney power of friendship shit was great when I was 13, but lost its appeal once I was almost 30.

    • 12 months ago

      You either got mind broken by 3 and love it enough to defend it via YouTube essays, or you got broken by how bad it was and got bitter towards the games that weren't 1 and 2.

      I felt like this for a while after KH3, but over time I've been regaining my love for the series.

      KH1, CoM, and KH2 are an amazing trilogy, and even if the games after KH2 are flawed in gameplay and/or story, I still overall enjoy them.

      Except KH3. I still fricking hate KH3.

    • 12 months ago

      It should've ended at kh2, I don't know how anyone thought all the moronic shit released afterwards would somehow be concluded in one game properly
      worst part is these 3 being fricked over and separated again while everyone else gets a happy ending, frick me

      • 12 months ago

        I could literally not give less of a shit about the fate of Sora and his moronic friends.
        My man Roxas, his chick Xion and his bro Axel getting a happy ending was all I wanted from KH3.

        • 12 months ago

          >An autist, a troony and a pedo getting a happy ending is allI wanted

          • 12 months ago

            Come on, am I really gonna have to filter "troony" to avoid you discordBlack folk?

        • 12 months ago

          (You) are part of the problem

          • 12 months ago

            Link me Roxas x Xion fanfics.

            • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                Please? I want to see her happy.

              • 12 months ago

                And I want her to have never existed. Xion was the worst writing mistake ever made in the franchise

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                Xion tripled the amount of troons in the fanbase, that alone is enough to make her the biggest mistake.
                Also frick that girlboss c**t Aqua

              • 12 months ago

                >Remember that really good story about 2 bros having a falling out over their goals?
                >Well I was thinking it would make more sense if we went back and made it all due to some chick fricking with their heads and causing all their issues
                >It's perfect because then we'll have another marketable trio to make more money with and an extra pity bait plot too
                That is unironically how it went down. All it did was dilute the Axel and Roxas story too

              • 12 months ago

                Nomura always planned to have the falling out happen over a girl he just didn't fill out the details until he started writing Days.
                Whet needs to be kept in mind is that Nomura post has vague ideas in his head over the next two game in the series at all times.
                After KH2 it was primarily BBS with some thought given to Days and it just continued on from there.

              • 12 months ago

                Even if there was always some intention of a woman to destroy their friendship (it makes sense) the worst part is that Namine was there the whole fricking time who would have been pushing Roxas to return to Sora. Instead we get Xion. Nothing is ever done with Namine, Roxas, or Axel. Nope it's ALL Xion. Any character development opportunities, any bullshit we need to retcon in, any expansion on the lore? Xion Xion Xion. It was lazy as frick for a terrible character. Granted thanks to KH3 I guess none of it mattered anyways

              • 12 months ago

                Ok, well let us leave the digressions behind and get back to the matter at hand.

                Link me Roxas x Xion fanfics.

              • 12 months ago

                No and vector yourself to the heavens Xiongay

              • 12 months ago

                It doesn’t matter what the story is, if you make a cute girl and give her a tragic backstory, she’ll immediately become a fan favourite.
                This is true no matter what the fandom.

                The fact that Yoko Shimomura composed absolutely elder god-tier themes for her helps too.

        • 12 months ago

          bringing Axel back was a mistake, bringing Xion back even bigger mistake but fricking retconning kh2 with Roxas accepting his fate is probably the worst one of all
          frick kh3 and the side characters are such dogshit now

      • 12 months ago

        I dont know why we cant have these 3 going on adventures together, they could also let you play as Mickey with Donald and Goofy maybe make it like DDD where you switch perspectives

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah that would have been the more sensible KH3 but instead they introduce a bunch of characters and make xehanort into an old man idiot time traveler

  13. 12 months ago

    When I played 1 in 2017

  14. 12 months ago

    For better and for worse
    KH and KH2 helped shaped my taste in media moving forward, and no matter what I owe it for that.

  15. 12 months ago

    Sora Smash Bros didn't say that!

    • 12 months ago

      what if he said "Kingdom Hearts... is lit!"

  16. 12 months ago

    >When did you realize Kingdom Hearts was a good series?
    When I first played KH2. That's when I knew the first Kingdom Hearts wasn't just a fluke.

    ...and then I played BBS. And then I played DDD. And then I played KH3. And each of those times I questioned whether this was actually a good series, and whether the first two mainline PS2 games were the fluke. Now I know for certain that they were.

    • 12 months ago

      >didn't play re:coded or Days
      You missed out on the two actually good spinoffs, anon.

      I've seen a lot of anons, myself included of course, hope and dream that it would happen but did anything get said that would imply them helping out?

      One of the story writers from h.a.n.d. that worked on NEO TWEWY is confirmed working on the game, for one. Nothing beyond that.

      • 12 months ago

        >You missed out on the two actually good spinoffs
        oh no, anyway. Pretty much done with this series. Three strikes and out.

      • 12 months ago

        I wouldn't say days is good

    • 12 months ago

      BBS at least had an idea of what it wanted to be. DDD and KH3 were just so fricking bad at following through

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah BBS had good ideas I agree. But man the implementation of those ideas was horrid. DDD suffers from the same poor core combat as BBS, and really pushed the story up its own arse. KH3 is kind of a return to KH2 combat, but not really. I've seen people praise the data bosses in the DLC but I refused to pay for that because the base game fell abysmally short of my expectations.

        Mind you, all of those games have their positives. I'm not going to pretend I hated every single moment of playing them, I even had fun at times. But they truly missed the point of what made KH1 and KH2 so fun.

        • 12 months ago

          As someone who just recently did some of the DLC bosses (not all of them, just Young Nort and Xemnas at the moment) they are definitely fun. It's an execution test more than anything. You WILL get your shit kicked in by the bosses as they throw unblockables at you mixed in with regular attacks mixed with range and teleporting and bullshit and bullshit, but once you learn all the patterns it's just learning how to execute it.
          It's pretty fun, but the guys who say it's "Simon Says" aren't entirely off the mark. Even if it's a bit oversimplifying it, they have a point.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah BBS had good ideas I agree. But man the implementation of those ideas was horrid. DDD suffers from the same poor core combat as BBS, and really pushed the story up its own arse. KH3 is kind of a return to KH2 combat, but not really. I've seen people praise the data bosses in the DLC but I refused to pay for that because the base game fell abysmally short of my expectations.

        Mind you, all of those games have their positives. I'm not going to pretend I hated every single moment of playing them, I even had fun at times. But they truly missed the point of what made KH1 and KH2 so fun.

        I'm glad BBS gave us Ventus, who is just Roxas with serious moronation, because that is the cutest character in this series.

  17. 12 months ago

    Everything past CoM (the gba one) was shit. Yes even KH2

  18. 12 months ago

    How come I've never seen this series until last year when they've released the old games on switch eshop? Is it really this easy to completely avoid this supposedly well known series? Not once have I seen these games selling anywhere.

    • 12 months ago

      You've somehow avoided knowing about one of the most well known cult classics. The first game came out like two decades ago. I recommend trying out KH1, and possibly KH2 with the caveat that it's not much like the first game. I cannot with a good conscience recommend any other game in the series. I've played almost all of the games in the series, only passed on two or three spinoffs and a mobage

      • 12 months ago

        God this boxart is so good, really gets the 2002 hot topic style so right

        • 12 months ago

          Nomura is a really talented illustrator. His style is very distinctive and I unironically like his character and monster designs. He should stay the frick away from storywriting though.

          • 12 months ago

            >He should stay the frick away from storywriting though.
            Nah, TWEWY is fricking fantastic. The issue with Kingdom Hearts's writing is twofold:
            >Disney worlds being in means he constantly has to consult with outside forces and frick up his own story's pacing if they don't want X story event happening in Y world
            >The series's longrunning nature meant that the games were more or less written one-at-a-time without the time to properly flesh out or connect them, resulting in the story of the series feeling disjointed as a whole
            The latter might fix itself with 4 given that the current "arc" seems to have far more planning going into it, at least.

            • 12 months ago

              TWEWY isn't Nomura's writing though.

              • 12 months ago

                Isn't he credited as a story/scenario writer? I could also just be wrong.

            • 12 months ago

              Nomura has nothing to do with TWEWY's writing, he was character designer and creative producer of TWEWY but that's it

              • 12 months ago

                Ah, okay. My bad, then.

              • 12 months ago

                I do admit that his autism helped TWEWY a lot in its unique game design (like his obsession with using abobawdely EVERY single feature of NDS because "otherwise this game could be released on PSP as well"), which is why I agree with anon who said that as illustrator (and creative designer) Nomura does a great job, and maybe even his writing could be improved if he had an editor behind him

                Disney definitely has had its effects on Kingdom Hearts and certainly is part of the reason why KH3 was such a mess. But even working within the limitations of Disney, Nomura could well have written consistently good stories -- if he was a competent storywriter. KH1 is the best written game in the entire series, and that's barely a compliment considering KH1's story is extremely simple. Every game afterwards had a progressively worse story. One theory I've seen being talked about is that Nomura has been autistically focusing on Versus XIII ever since KH2 to the point that he's neglected Kingdom Hearts ever since. And now he's written KH4 into becoming not-VSXIII so maybe that theory is true.

                In any case, while I like Nomura's scenarios and ideas he's a really poor writer. The series known as Kingdom Hearts is a perfect testament to that.

                Nomura wasn't even writing KH plot until Days - KH1 had like 4 different writers while Nomura was only doing storyboards and CoM / KH2 was mostly Nojima. Then Days was mostly Nomura and Kanemaki, BBS was Nomura and Watanabe and then it permanently turned into Nomura + Oka combo.

              • 12 months ago

                >Nomura wasn't even writing KH plot until Days - KH1 had like 4 different writers while Nomura was only doing storyboards and CoM / KH2 was mostly Nojima. Then Days was mostly Nomura and Kanemaki, BBS was Nomura and Watanabe and then it permanently turned into Nomura + Oka combo.
                I didn't know any of this. Interesting. No wonder the story is so all over the place when the writers were playing a game of musical chairs.

              • 12 months ago

                He even explained how exactly he writes the plot for every modern KH game
                >Famitsu: Did you also write the scenario (for Kingdom Hearts III), Nomura-san?
                Tetsuya Nomura: “It wasn’t just for Toy Box (Toy Story world) but I ended up writing everything as far as the scenario goes, including dialogue. This was never made public, but that’s generally how it’s been after Kingdom Hearts II, especially so starting with Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days.”
                >Famitsu: Is that so? I was under the impression that you put the plot together and others were in charge of dialogue and other details.
                >Tetsuya Nomura: “It was like that at the beginning, but after Kingdom Hearts II up to now, generally speaking I would create the scenario outline, and using that as a basis Oka (Masaru Oka) would put together a draft for the scenario and dialogue while considering requests from the level design team. Then after that I would write the final draft, and that’s how it went. Before that we had other staff work on the scenario, but the Kingdom Hearts series has a complicated setting so it becomes increasingly difficult to work together the more people there are involved. In the end since I had the best grasp of things, so that’s how we got to the current style.”
                >Famitsu: However, in the titles up until now you were never credited under “Scenario” right?
                >Tetsuya Nomura: “I’ve been credited under ‘Story’ so I didn’t think it was needed. I’ve been in the industry for some time now, so there was also the concern of preconceived notions that could come from seeing ‘written by Tetsuya Nomura’ so I didn’t want that getting in the way of gameplay. However, the series is already 17-years-old, and it’s actually more like ‘written by some old man’ now [laughs], so this time I’m credited. As for the text, I decide on everything from scenario to item names.”

              • 12 months ago

                oh so it really was just all him with some minor assistance ever since KH2? I wish nobody would ever let him near a story ever again.

            • 12 months ago

              Disney definitely has had its effects on Kingdom Hearts and certainly is part of the reason why KH3 was such a mess. But even working within the limitations of Disney, Nomura could well have written consistently good stories -- if he was a competent storywriter. KH1 is the best written game in the entire series, and that's barely a compliment considering KH1's story is extremely simple. Every game afterwards had a progressively worse story. One theory I've seen being talked about is that Nomura has been autistically focusing on Versus XIII ever since KH2 to the point that he's neglected Kingdom Hearts ever since. And now he's written KH4 into becoming not-VSXIII so maybe that theory is true.

              In any case, while I like Nomura's scenarios and ideas he's a really poor writer. The series known as Kingdom Hearts is a perfect testament to that.

      • 12 months ago

        God this boxart is so good, really gets the 2002 hot topic style so right

        Looking back on it, it's somewhat of a small miracle all regions got the same kino boxart, considering this was still the era the west got worse boxart from Japan for no good fricking reason

  19. 12 months ago

    Just finished replaying KH1 a few weeks ago. Somehow it still fees like a current gen game

    • 12 months ago

      Probably because you played the HD remaster and not the original PS2 version. The HD version does alot to make it play better and adds some QoL compared to the PS2 version.

  20. 12 months ago


  21. 12 months ago

    I've played the games since before I had pubic hair. Despite being flawed games I think they're all good.
    Except for the first game which is an immaculate diamond, one of many peaks of gen 6, itself the peak of video games.

  22. 12 months ago

    When I played the first game and again upon playing every game in the series.

  23. 12 months ago

    Played it recently for the first time at 29 when my only other experiences with the series were Chain of Memories on GBA and the 3DS one. I genuinely really enjoyed it. You have a surprising amount of control over the flow of fights, and it successfully translates a fair amount the planning and decision-making of an RPG into real time combat. Or at least a similar feeling. Very commendable.

    Its storytelling is so much more bizarre in its value than just "cringe" as well. I know KH1 is the most "normal" one but even then you just get these unhinged Nomura-isms that not even other Japanese games can compare with.

  24. 12 months ago

    Just gonna say it.
    KH should've ended with KH1, CoM and KH2 should've been their own games not connected anything else, least of all Disney crossover

    Though if that did I happen, the whole reason I got KH1 in the first place was because KH2 was coming out, which in turn lead me to playing JRPGs beyond Pokemon, which include some of my favorite games of all time. So what the frick do I know

  25. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      For me it's her voice actress

      • 12 months ago

        Same but Aqua.

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago


  26. 12 months ago

    When it ended at 1

  27. 12 months ago

    Hey if the door was in a void of darkness and led to the realm of darkness why did it shoot out light?

    • 12 months ago

      Because my nostalgia shades are bright.

    • 12 months ago

      Because primordial light was sealed inside it. The game told you this.

      • 12 months ago

        But what was inside was the realm of darkness.

        • 12 months ago

          well you see the heart has both light and darkness inside of it! Don't think about it too much or it stops making sense

        • 12 months ago

          What did you think was happening to all those worlds that "fell to darkness"
          That was literally Ansem's plan

          • 12 months ago

            What really was Ansem's plan? What was Mansex' plan? What was Xehanort's plan? Is it just "ooo muh darkness everywhere"? And why? Truly makes no sense the more you think about it all, which is kind of part of the Kingdom Hearts brand actually

            • 12 months ago

              Ansem made the worlds fall to darkness so that their hearts would separate from them and forcibly form kingdom hearts in the dark world, assuming it'd be fine because the true essence of the heart is darkness and yada yada, didn't work out
              Xemnas was abusing the mechanics behind how heartless worked to form a bullshit kingdom hearts out of the hearts of people, might've worked, who knows, it didn't
              Xehanort's plan is an ever-changing series of machinations to summon the actual for real real kingdom hearts through the actual intended method which he still tries to bullshit anyway and it never works
              What's actually unclear is their goals for using it, as Xehanort's motivation kinda changed in every game past 2 and it's not super straightforward whether or not his intentions for it were always Ansem and Xemnas' and they were just lying about what they wanted at the time

              • 12 months ago

                >What's actually unclear is their goals for using it
                that was my point. They're all going "ooh aaah Kingdom Hearts give me darkness powers" but none of them ever explain to what end.

              • 12 months ago

                Well initially it seemed that Ansem just wanted a big black dick and Xemnas wanted to be the meme goat from Undertale
                But then Xehanort was their origin and he wanted to use it to remake the universe with darkness and light in perfect balance because light was bullshit and darkness was getting a bad rap
                But then in KH3 it turns out that wait no actually Xehanort wanted to remake the universe just because this one sucks and is full of corrupting darkness which is bad and makes people mean so turning existence off and back on again might fix it

              • 12 months ago

                and then all the fujos clapped

              • 12 months ago

                What fricks me up about this is that it wouldn't be hard to present his original belief as well-intentioned, it would even be way more interesting that way, and wouldn't have to get in the way of the sappiness that they were going for either, Nomura literally just forgot

              • 12 months ago

                he really is just a hack writer. Any story going forward should be regarded as a farce with all of its plot contrivances and nonsense

        • 12 months ago

          Yes and primordial light was sealed inside the realm of darkness. This is what the game told you. It also told you that was the door to darkness.

          What really was Ansem's plan? What was Mansex' plan? What was Xehanort's plan? Is it just "ooo muh darkness everywhere"? And why? Truly makes no sense the more you think about it all, which is kind of part of the Kingdom Hearts brand actually

          >Ansem SoD's plan
          Open the door to darkness to get to Kingdom Hearts because he thought hearts = darkness so the ultimate heart = ultimate darkness, he made a grave error
          >Mansex' plan
          Gather a shitton of hearts stolen by heartless across the world to try and recreate Kingdom Hearts and gain its power, while tricking the others into believing it would bring back their hearts. This was also in part a scouting job to find strong vessels for hearts.
          Summon Kingdom Hearts and forge the Xblade, a manifestation of its power and the original true keyblade, to recreate an old war and see what lies beyond its conclusion, after the resulting catastrophe remakes the world to remove darkness at its core regardless of how the world is now and what the consequences are.
          >Kairi, Namine, Xion, Aqua, Larxene
          Sex with me.

          • 12 months ago

            >Yes and primordial light was sealed inside the realm of darkness
            Why? I don't see it in there?

            • 12 months ago


              >I don't see it in there?
              What do you think blasted Ansem in the scene that is literally in the OP?

    • 12 months ago

      why do people's hearts turn into heartless once they're seperated from their bodies? shouldn't they be called nobodies because the heart loses its body? similarly, shouldn't nobodies be called heartless because they're bodies without hearts?

      • 12 months ago

        I never played re;mind to know if they explained it there but we're probably never actually going to understand how the doors to KH actually function in that case. It seems to just be a sort of light energy that you call on but it only works if you have the door available. Otherwise I don't think it's a physical place or thing

        It's meant to be ironic anon. You got the joke

        Something that's bothered me since KH2, is how the hearless designs are just kinda lazy generic monsters. They're literally the darkness of a person's heart made manifest, shouldn't that lead to something creative than big shadow monster, or monster that sometimes looks like a fish or dinosaur? Shouldn't they look like something that represents who they were born from? Gothel's heartless is a tree monster with lizard arms, which has nothing to do with how she manipulated Rapunzel for years and kept her locked in a tower, and Hanz is a big wolf, because...I dunno, but I think they could've done something better with the guy who tricked a young into falling for him, only to murder her and her sister to claim the throne.

        • 12 months ago

          not that anon but I don't quite follow what you're trying to say? KH1 and KH2 also had those "generic monster or animal" Heartless designs. Like ghosts, mummies, jellyfish, fish, gargoyles, wyverns, wizards, monkeys, dogs, bats, centaurs, dragons, and lizards. I do agree that the heartless designs were a lot more memorable in KH1 especially though.

          • 12 months ago

            I'm saying heartless are supposed to be the physical forms of a person's "darkness", in other words they're literally made of evil and being bad, but their designs hardly reflect that. KH1 I can forgive, being the first game and all, and KH2 played around with a little bit, like Dark Thron and Earthshaker. But the rest barely have anything do with the worlds they're in, let alone have deeper a context within the characters themselves.

            • 12 months ago

              Ah so your main complaint is that the heartless designs don't fit into their worlds? I think that's what you're trying to say? I don't think I agree, I mean look at KH3's heartlesses for example. You've got toy heartlesses in Toy Story world, those dandelion heartlesses and a horse + carriage in Tangled, some ice themed heartlesses in Frozen, sea themed heartlesses in Pirates... I think the bigger issue is just that the designs themselves tend to be worse and there are less heartless designs because the games implemented other enemy types

              • 12 months ago

                No. I'm saying heartless don't fit what they're literally supposed to be, ie the actual literal darkness of a person's heart, and what is darkness? The worst parts of what a person can be.

              • 12 months ago

                have they ever been that though, aside from a few select designs?

              • 12 months ago

                That's what Heartless are supposed to be, yes. They almost never show it though, which was my point.

        • 12 months ago

          The reason they look like generic monsters was supposed to be that they were artificially created to look like that. The real heartless are purebloods which are all very humanoid in appearance. Emblem heartless being formed like that for the KH3 boss fights were just "nomura forgot" moments. Realistically we should have just been fighting neo-shadows or giga heartless for their boss fights

          • 12 months ago


            I'm saying heartless are supposed to be the physical forms of a person's "darkness", in other words they're literally made of evil and being bad, but their designs hardly reflect that. KH1 I can forgive, being the first game and all, and KH2 played around with a little bit, like Dark Thron and Earthshaker. But the rest barely have anything do with the worlds they're in, let alone have deeper a context within the characters themselves.

            Emblems and purebloods are whole other can of worms I don't wanna get into

    • 12 months ago

      It's all a bit weird and metaphysical yeah

    • 12 months ago

      Even in the deepest darkness, a light shines within.

  28. 12 months ago
  29. 12 months ago

    1gays are annoying as shit, yes 1 is fantastic but it’s mogged by its sequel (2 not COM) in every aspect, yes EVERY, I do not care that sora has some Shitty platforming sections because 2 has such a far superior movement system that whatever little platforming it does have is far more fun just for the mechanics alone

    It sucks that the only good part of 3 was the DLC lol

    • 12 months ago

      >1gays are annoying as shit, yes 1 is fantastic but it’s mogged by its sequel (2 not COM) in every aspect
      I disagree and I say this as someone who generally likes 2 more. KH1's got way better level progression, story pacing, and visual design (outside of the nobodies) KH2 also has the whole problem of 99% of the game being too weak for your toolkit, where enemies in KH1 feel much more well-designed as a challenge prior to endgame/postgame areas.

    • 12 months ago

      You're dumb. The amount of 1gays (me included) are so low compared to KH2 fans. You're the most annoying huffing your own farts. I sure love hallways and nonsensical story beats!!!!

    • 12 months ago

      >2 has such a far superior movement system
      2's movement doesn't matter when 99% of the game's level design is completely flat.
      1's level design was obviously far from perfect but 2 turning it into corridors was a huge mistake.

    • 12 months ago

      1 is legit one of the greatest games of all time.

      2 is a fantastic game ruined by shitty pacing, level design, and a complete lack of any kind of challenge. The fact that the game only gets hard on the highest difficulty during post-game content that wasn’t even in the base game is an embarrassment. They took the criticisms of 1 way too seriously to the point that they overcorrected things. If 2, actually took more pointers from KH1 and improved its pacing, it would have been the indisputable GOAT.

      Interestingly, the pattern of “overcorrection” can be seen in all the sequels. BBS for instances addresses the issue of KH2 being too easy by making melee combos near useless and removing consistent hitstun outright.

      • 12 months ago

        >BBS for instances addresses the issue of KH2 being too easy by making melee combos near useless and removing consistent hitstun outright.
        And then DDD addressed BBS's surge spam by removing most of the i-frames from abilities, which made them annoying to use.

      • 12 months ago

        No KH2 was also a terrible sequel to both KH1 and CoM. It could be the best gameplay wise in every regard but unless the story changes the game would always be inferior to 1 and the series would always have ended up shit

        • 12 months ago

          The actual plot of 2 is great, the problem is the god awful pacing, abundance of filler, and having some of the cringiest scenes in the series.

          KH1 is a simple plot told masterfully, whereas KH2 is a complex plot told shoddily.

          Literally all KH2 had to do was have KH1-tier level design, pacing and make the game more if a challenge.

          Also, I feel KH1 had better boss design than KH2 overall. Aside from a few standouts, most of KH2’s bosses don’t make good use of your toolkit, whereas several main story bosses in KH1 practically require to do more than mash X in order to not die.

          • 12 months ago

            >Completely changes the vibe and tone of the overall series
            >Completely changes the structure and style of Disney worlds
            >Casually drops all of the buildup from the previous games as quickly as possible so it can move onto its own new thing
            >Casually makes keyblades an arbitrary thing
            >Blatantly creates new lore out of literally nowhere just so it can continue the "xehanort saga" despite being tied up nicely in a bow
            >Has the worst character designs in the series
            >Starts the trend of every major plot point just being weak fanservice done poorly between padded out gameplay with the occasional "cool" gameplay moment instead of just being a solid experience throughout
            No the actual plot of KH2 was shit and it was fricked from the ground up. Nothing of value was ever going to come out after it

    • 12 months ago

      >2's level design is so horrible that i get all excited when coming to the fricking garden section in disney castle that has at least some amount of platforming required if you want to collect the crowns and open chests
      >"i-it's far more fun just for the mechanics alone!"
      frick you, moron

  30. 12 months ago

    When I came buckets by using that glitch to clip through terrain and see Kairi and Selphie's puffy mounds and panties when I was like 12.

  31. 12 months ago

    I feel like people who play Kingdom Hearts want to frick young boys.

    • 12 months ago

      Only if it's boys (Female)

    • 12 months ago

      lol don't be ridiculous
      i want to be a young boy being fricked by the kh boys

    • 12 months ago

      Jokes on you, I wanna frick Pete

      • 12 months ago

        Your furhomosexualry aside, after getting into PreCure, I think understand what they were going for with a bit better now. I still think he steals too much time from the actual plot in KH2, but I understand it now at least.

    • 12 months ago

      The KH females are great though. I'm actually astounded that, after over a decade of very little content, Rule 34 for characters like Kairi and Aqua exploded and now there's more than 2 or 3 good pictures for each.

  32. 12 months ago

    >2's combat is a nearly perfect base, flaws are straightforward and would be simple enough to change or improve on in another game
    >Ditch it for a decade and a half to make wacky card-based systems that never worked very well
    >Return to something similar but worse in practically every way, as if they iterated backwards, having learned nothing at all from either style of combat other than carrying over some of the latter's extraneous gimmicks, and not even the best ones
    Unironically what were they thinking

    • 12 months ago

      The issue is twofold: KH2 devs were pulled to work on other Squaresoft titles and the next KH games were on portable consoles. The portable screen is so fricking small that you have to make the combat system less demanding.

  33. 12 months ago

    It's been 20+ years, and they still haven't actually explained what Kingdom Hearts actually is

    >inb4 light, darkness, memes
    yeah, yeah

    • 12 months ago

      >and they still haven't actually explained what Kingdom Hearts actually is
      It's the source of all hearts and can grant you infinite power. There you go. That's all you need.

      • 12 months ago

        That explains nothing

        don't expect an explanation of any of that going forward either. It's whatever the plot needs it to be. Same goes for hearts, nobodies, darkness, light, whatever you can think of. All of the definitions and limitations are fluid and subject to change and retcon.

        I know, I expect that kind of bullshit from this series now

        Yeah man, whens the KH prequel coming out which explains literally fricking everything, thus taking any semblance of mystery, magic and wonder from the series like marvel and modern series do!?

        I know you're being facetious and shitposting, but this the same series that felt the need to explain why Mickey didn't have a shirt at the end of KH1

    • 12 months ago

      don't expect an explanation of any of that going forward either. It's whatever the plot needs it to be. Same goes for hearts, nobodies, darkness, light, whatever you can think of. All of the definitions and limitations are fluid and subject to change and retcon.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah man, whens the KH prequel coming out which explains literally fricking everything, thus taking any semblance of mystery, magic and wonder from the series like marvel and modern series do!?

    • 12 months ago

      It is the collective heart of all worlds
      It's been that the whole time, anon

      • 12 months ago

        You know how worlds themselves have hearts? Kingdom Hearts is that, but for the entire universe.

        That doesn't make any sense when the plot of KH1 was the heartless eating the hearts of worlds, hence why the universe was ending. And then KH2's whole thing with OrgXIII wanting to make a fake KH somehow with the hearts they've collected.

        • 12 months ago

          Sure it does. Kingdom Hearts is the heart of the universe, a similar but distinct concept from the heart of a world. The phrasing "the heart of all worlds" is just meant to evoke its importance. It is the universe's heart, the one above all others in importance. To have dominion over Kingdom Hearts is to have dominion over every heart in existence.

          Xemnas's fake Kingdom Hearts was an attempt to measure up to that same power, making his own since the real thing was so infamously elusive. If you were to say the original was the heart of all worlds, then the fake would be the heart of all people.

          • 12 months ago

            All this feels like headcanon to me
            >The phrasing "the heart of all worlds" is just meant to evoke its importance.
            We all damn well know this series doesn't do metaphors, it's all taken literally and at face value. When someone says "they're in your heart" they literally goddamn mean it, and someone's spiritual self is locked away inside you. So they say, it's the "heart of all worlds" they mean it's the heart of all worlds, which is confusing given like you mentioned, worlds have their own hearts, so what the hell does that even mean?

            The universe was ending because the worlds were experiencing the same thing that the people were, getting fricking owned by darkness and disappearing, with their hearts remaining pure and not turning into whatever the hell the world equivalent of a heartless is just like with the princesses
            And the one in KHII was fake for a reason

            Right, so there were something outside of KH, and KH was the key to fixing it, thus KH is not literally every other world's heart.

            • 12 months ago

              >so there were something outside of KH, and KH was the key to fixing it
              The Kingdom Hearts in KH1 by definition was not the actual heart of every world, because you saved a bunch of them
              And also of course there's shit outside of the worlds, you spend half the game travelling between them

              • 12 months ago

                Right, so that leaves the question of what the frick it actually is. I seems like no person in the current cast knows what it actually is. In a way, I like that because I like the sense of mystery, but also because the explainations KH usually gives for it plot are unsatisfying and dumb.

                But at the same time, they insist on making it so important to everything, and without a proper explaination, it's hard to be invested.

              • 12 months ago

                Doesn't seem too complicated to me, anon
                We know what it's made of and thus where it comes from, and we know what it can(at least theoretically) be used for, and it's presented as the ultimate power in the universe
                Seems like a pretty straightforward depiction of a 'god' from a japanese perspective, being the combined soul energy of the totality of nature

            • 12 months ago

              I cannot believe you're struggling with such a simple concept, anon. All the worlds, and all of their hearts, come from the universe. Kingdom Hearts is the heart of the universe, therefor it is the heart of all worlds.

              Kingdom Hearts deals in metaphors all the time. Bringing up your example, having someone literally locked inside your heart is actually a very rare occurrence. The phrase "they're in your heart" is more often alluding to the connections people share with each other in their hearts. Connections that transcend concepts like time and space to a great degree. True, the phrase certainly has a more tangible meaning than if we used it here in the real world, but it's still working in metaphors. That's part of the mechanism of the franchise's storytelling. It deals so much in figures of speech that you never know when it'll be used literally or not. And that's how the story beats keep surprising us.

        • 12 months ago

          The universe was ending because the worlds were experiencing the same thing that the people were, getting fricking owned by darkness and disappearing, with their hearts remaining pure and not turning into whatever the hell the world equivalent of a heartless is just like with the princesses
          And the one in KHII was fake for a reason

        • 12 months ago

          It does. KH1's Kingdom Hearts was one made artificially from a heartless world aka The End of the World. 2 was a fake one made from hearts by Xemnas.

    • 12 months ago

      You know how worlds themselves have hearts? Kingdom Hearts is that, but for the entire universe.

    • 12 months ago

      Hey if the door was in a void of darkness and led to the realm of darkness why did it shoot out light?

      I never played re;mind to know if they explained it there but we're probably never actually going to understand how the doors to KH actually function in that case. It seems to just be a sort of light energy that you call on but it only works if you have the door available. Otherwise I don't think it's a physical place or thing

      why do people's hearts turn into heartless once they're seperated from their bodies? shouldn't they be called nobodies because the heart loses its body? similarly, shouldn't nobodies be called heartless because they're bodies without hearts?

      It's meant to be ironic anon. You got the joke

    • 12 months ago

      The source of power that gives life and physical being to the universe. Xehanort want to open and corrupt it / kill it to jumpstart a new Big Bang to bring humanity back to an even playing field.

      • 12 months ago

        Obviously it's important, but the question is why and how? KH is a McGuffin, it's important only because it's the fricking title, and they need to tie it in somehow. Besides, I got the impression it was supposed to be the X-Blade that did the "recreating the universe" bit

    • 12 months ago

      It’s the KH universe equivalent of god, except that this god is basically a sentient place. How is this hard to understand?

    • 12 months ago

      Just replace Kingdom Hearts with a God who says "meh I don't care" to everything, heartless with demons, and light as the Shin Megami Tensei equivalent of Glory and it makes sense.
      Xehanort was a Black person and used his Black person powers to try to merge with God so he could do whatever he wanted. God let it happen for shits and giggles.
      Heartless eat light for the same reason a demon tempts a man to damnation. They whole "heartless are drawn to the keyblade" thing is just the age-old thing where a priest is visited by demons day and night, or Jesus by the literal devil. The more "light", the more demons.
      Keyblade wielders are warrior monkish sects, who worship tenants of God, but some say "frick it darkness is pretty cool" and switch. Then some (Riku) do the whole "balance" thing like Anakin.
      Everyone has a soul, Kingdom hearts is just the giga-soul. Nobodies have no soul, and are in neither camp.
      KH2's plot is some nobodies thinking "hey what if we get some gorilla glue, some duct tape, and some souls, and make a make-shift giga-soul?"

      • 12 months ago

        The Shinto belief systems posits everything has a soul, even inanimate objects like rocks. This explains why worlds have a soul. In some ways Kingdom Hearts is a fusion of Abrahamic and Shinto belief systems.

    • 12 months ago

      you know how worlds have hearts?
      it's the equivalent of that but for the universe.

      Xehanort basically wanted control of the source that gives the universe life

  34. 12 months ago

    Immediately, because I am a true KINO appreciator. FF8, KH 1 and 2 are the peak of square.

  35. 12 months ago

    when are they gonna give sora his growth spurt bros

  36. 12 months ago

    When I played the first game.

    • 12 months ago

      I wish one of the keyblades in 3 had that whip form instead of repeats

      • 12 months ago

        I really liked the Pirates keyblade going full dragoon lance, both forms of it are fun as hell to play with. Was that move set shared with any others like the two fists keyblades?

    • 12 months ago

      Frick you for posting reminding me of these cringe inducing "fight" scenes

      • 12 months ago

        I was really expecting to have some ludokino final boss fights at the end of KH3 similar to KH1 and KH2, instead I got to watch the cast jobbing to one dude for no reason and some nonsensical time travel shit, and then a bunch of weak bossfights between unnecessarily melodramatic cutscenes even by Kingdom Hearts standards. The most frustrating part is that there clearly was thought put into the scenarios but the execution is just a patchwork of halfbaked ideas.

        Ah well. At least we got Donald casting zettaflare and fricking dying I guess.

      • 12 months ago

        Might as well throw this one here too since I just remade it with vp9.



        Despite the jobbing they had some great moments here and there.

        • 12 months ago

          terra's anger is the strongest power in the kh universe

  37. 12 months ago

    When do you realize KH3 is not real?

    • 12 months ago

      explain, i'm curious

      • 12 months ago

        It's the theory that suggests the event in kh3 is not the first timeline which is already been debunked but it did make a good point about the whole 'drop point' hidden in the story implying that the game might take place in the Sleeping Realm, so basically what happened in 3 is not actually time travel but more like worldline hopping

        • 12 months ago

          Not him and he misunderstands the "real" part, but the gist of it is that everything you play of KH3 is actually another go over from when everyone dies at the Keyblade Graveyard and Sora goes to "fix" the events, there's a noticeable point at Olympus where you drop into a dream DDD-style and the rest of the game up till you get everyone back at the Keyblade Graveyard takes place in the Sleeping Realm. It's all for getting back to the point where the Lich was running off with everyone's hearts so Sora can save them, hence "There are seven hearts to save" which can only allude to this. There's tons upon tons of little details that are really off when you notice them and they all point towards the same thing, lots of things being reversed, the one new character in Hundred Acre Wood being a dream animal, being able to breathe underwater forever. It's a fun read worth going through once you get past the fact the people writing it are terribly at concealing their fujo tendencies and are in a coping stage, though they're still generally right about Riku's role when you sift that out.
          I don't think it ever was debunked, the few things that came out after it from the DLC only really strengthened the theory just like what you're saying.

          The thing that makes me 100% certain that the theory WAS true during development was the trailers. I never noticed until it was pointed out but all of the earlier teasers all had some mention of dreams and "diving into them". Considering that the game just before KH3 was all about the sleeping realm it makes no sense not to follow up on it. Fujoshit aside and even disregarding the ingame details that don't make sense otherwise, knowing that the game was restarted a few times and went through more than one draft, all before suddenly dropping the themes about dream related stuff from all the ads too late in development to actually take out the weird stuff makes me sure that it was a last minute change to the plot relatively speaking so they could set up some different thing.

        • 12 months ago

          Drop point?

      • 12 months ago

        Not him and he misunderstands the "real" part, but the gist of it is that everything you play of KH3 is actually another go over from when everyone dies at the Keyblade Graveyard and Sora goes to "fix" the events, there's a noticeable point at Olympus where you drop into a dream DDD-style and the rest of the game up till you get everyone back at the Keyblade Graveyard takes place in the Sleeping Realm. It's all for getting back to the point where the Lich was running off with everyone's hearts so Sora can save them, hence "There are seven hearts to save" which can only allude to this. There's tons upon tons of little details that are really off when you notice them and they all point towards the same thing, lots of things being reversed, the one new character in Hundred Acre Wood being a dream animal, being able to breathe underwater forever. It's a fun read worth going through once you get past the fact the people writing it are terribly at concealing their fujo tendencies and are in a coping stage, though they're still generally right about Riku's role when you sift that out.

        It's the theory that suggests the event in kh3 is not the first timeline which is already been debunked but it did make a good point about the whole 'drop point' hidden in the story implying that the game might take place in the Sleeping Realm, so basically what happened in 3 is not actually time travel but more like worldline hopping

        I don't think it ever was debunked, the few things that came out after it from the DLC only really strengthened the theory just like what you're saying.

        • 12 months ago

          I still can't wrap my head around this concept of the Sleeping Realm

          • 12 months ago

            it's worlds that were swallowed by darkness and were just unlucky enough to not be brought back properly when the darkness was defeated like most are

        • 12 months ago

          >Oh hey I hadn't heard of that before I wonder wh
          >350 pages

        • 12 months ago

          >there's a noticeable point at Olympus where you drop into a dream DDD-style
          I don't remember this

          >and the rest of the game up till you get everyone back at the Keyblade Graveyard takes place in the Sleeping Realm
          This can't work because it fundamentally misunderstands Sleeping Worlds. It would require Olympus, Twilight Town and the Keyblade Graveyard to be Sleeping Worlds (destroyed during the Heartless invasion and failed to return at the end of KH1) and that is obviously not the case.

          At any rate, this theory was thoroughly trashed almost immediately by Nomura and Re Mind when explaining the Tear in the Fabric of Time.
          KH is a singular timeline with two sequences of events overlapping at the end of KHIII.

          • 12 months ago


            The doc also has this but apparently both are the same sound from DDD when you drop. Also what I believe it implies is that all the worlds got destroyed *after* the guardians got killed, but it's been a while since I read it. I might reread it actually.

            >Oh hey I hadn't heard of that before I wonder wh
            >350 pages

            It's honestly worth it, even if you think it's bullshit it's quite fun to think about and the amount of weird details is too staggering in context. Like having Twilight Town's tram going the exact opposite way and making a notable point of them still being there when that's the one thing that would not change and they were never pointed out before, and how Toy Box's story goes too.

            • 12 months ago

              29:19 for the sound when Sora first drops
              It's not the same but similar
              Also it should be said that Sora is not present in that Olympus scene at all which makes the idea that he drops at that time a very, very big stretch
              1:15:47 for a gameplay drop, not the same sound at all

              As for Riku, that's the game over pose, not the drop pose

              • 12 months ago

                It's not identical, but it does sound like a more sudden updated take on it. And the fact he's not present in the scene is actually what makes it far more jarring, like it's a universal occurrence. It's also the only time something like that ever happens in the game, the only thing even slightly close is the KH2 "my liege" reference scene and that's still very different. The pose is a bit different but the scenario kind of accounts for it, and it doesn't explain his hair change.
                The music in La Cite des Cloches is so fricking good.

              • 12 months ago

                Well the scene with Xigbar is in the opening of Re Mind (before Sora rewinds time) and the cutoff is not present.
                >doesn't explain his hair change
                Literally the Heartless ate it like they did with Mickey's shirt

              • 12 months ago

                I did forget that, but that doesn't mean either one are exclusive, that scene actually happens/happened it's just Sora drops there too. But again it's been a long while since I read it so my details will be hazy if you can bear with it, I just don't remember anything specifically ruling it out or it not being a part of what they were going for
                >the Heartless ate it
                But then he would be bald. If I have to deal with that mental image now so do you. At least I can't expect Heartless to be so discerning as to carefully style his hair like that, and it only changes once he's out.

              • 12 months ago

                >xigbar looks at his bald head in a mirror
                >"Now I'm full Xehanort!"

              • 12 months ago


                The Sleeping Realm theory came out well before Re Mind so it isn't taking any of it into consideration

                I know that, but they also revisited it after ReMind came out and went over what it introduced, where they felt it actually strengthened it to an extent.

              • 12 months ago

                >where they felt it actually strengthened it to an extent.
                Well they're even more moronic than I thought because Re Mind put the kibosh on the entire theory
                And then shortly thereafter Nomura explained exactly the nature of Sora's actions in relation to the timeline and put the final nail in the coffin

              • 12 months ago

                The Sleeping Realm theory came out well before Re Mind so it isn't taking any of it into consideration

              • 12 months ago

                Also if it's all a dream so what? What difference does it make, or rather, explain why they go through the realm of darkness or why all the worlds that shouldn't be asleep are there, chief among them being twilight town or radiant garden or hell the graveyard? What's the point of all that being a sleeping world. That whole theory was hilariously moronicly wrong. But it was made by fujos so that's no surprise.

              • 12 months ago

                It doesn't need to make a difference, but it explains a lot of weird discrepancies in the plot, events and general background of the game that make no sense and have no reason to be there otherwise. Anyway I just found it fun to think about, I'm not going to go to bat for it especially when I only read it so long ago, you'd have to read it yourself.

            • 12 months ago

              Do you have a link to this 350 page dossier?

              • 12 months ago

                No, but just google the name of the theory and it's bound to show up.

  38. 12 months ago

    Kingdom Hearts 1 has yet to be surpassed and is probably my favourite game of the PS2 library.

    • 12 months ago

      have you played KH2 yet? It's pretty good. Most would say better than KH1 even

      • 12 months ago

        It is a kino game overall and when I was younger, I definitely preferred it, but the level design is just unforgivable to me nowadays.

  39. 12 months ago

    Cringedom Sharts always was a mediocre button masher. It only get undeserved praise because "DUDE LE DIDNEY CHARACTERS IN LE EDGY FINAL FANTADSY GAME!"
    Sora in Smash was a mistake

    • 12 months ago

      >It gets undeserved praise for the thing that everybody agrees is the worst part
      uh huh

      • 12 months ago

        I just wish the Disney worlds weren't just filler and blatant shill marketing schemes, which has only gotten worse as the franchise has gone on.
        You cannot convince me, Frozen was added for any other reason than for Disney to stoke their marketing wiener in our faces, and Frozen 2 coming out.

        There's still so much potential on both the Disney and SE side of things, they waste it, everytime they waste it.

        • 12 months ago

          Nomura actually saw an early screening of Frozen and wanted to put it in.

          The Disney stuff was actually done well in 1, and everyone agrees that it's the worst part otherwise. Hollow Bastion was kino.

          >and everyone agrees that it's the worst part otherwise
          Speak for yourself

    • 12 months ago

      The Disney stuff was actually done well in 1, and everyone agrees that it's the worst part otherwise. Hollow Bastion was kino.

    • 12 months ago

      Nah, it was kino.

      • 12 months ago

        No, it was a mistake.
        >Sora is the most requested Smash character of all time
        What does Sakurai do?
        >Make him an anime swordsman with a down b counter.
        >Make him play like aids because "le didney magic!"
        Sora was unironically wasted potential, and I honestly wish a third fighters pass was announced that day just so Smash Ultimate wouldn't end with a wet fart.
        Fricking Smash Flash 2 has a better Sora moveset, and I'm sure they're "reworking" Sora to make him play like how he does in Ultimate.

        • 12 months ago

          >Make him an anime swordsman with a down b counter.
          Who the frick do you think this character is
          >Make him play like aids because "le didney magic!"
          Make up your mind

          • 12 months ago

            >Who the frick do you think this character is
            The exact type of character Smashgays got pissed about Byleth and the Aegis.
            >>Make him play like aids because "le didney magic!"
            >Make up your mind
            You mean his insanely light weight and very high jump? Because that's what I was referring to when I said "le didney magic!"

  40. 12 months ago

    big dumb farts

  41. 12 months ago

    i fricking hate disney

  42. 12 months ago

    When I played it for the first time and it was kino

  43. 12 months ago

    Does 16 really play like KH2 meets DMC?

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah I hope you like DAMAGE NUMBERS DAMAGE NUMBERS DAMAGE NUMBERS DAMAGE NUMBERS all over your screen. It gets as bad as that one Overwatch webm.

  44. 12 months ago

    When I unlocked final form in 2. Would be nice if there was a new game plus for that one, crowns seem pointless without it.

  45. 12 months ago

    How long until this thread gets taken over by Versus gays like the 16 threads

    • 12 months ago

      >Versus gays

  46. 12 months ago

    I still cannot believe Donald is powerful enough to cast zettaflare.
    How the frick did he even learn the spell?

    • 12 months ago

      Isn't he supposed to be a really high class royal mage? Dude has been fighting most powerful beings on the galaxy for multiple games now.

    • 12 months ago

      Yen Sid probably.

    • 12 months ago

      And Fairy Godmother can just walk in and out of The Final World willy nilly.

    • 12 months ago

      Back in KH1, Sora and Donald learned new magic at the same time. So in terms of magic they were equally powerful (on paper at least). In KH2 they diverged and Donald got his own much weaker abilities.
      In KH3 my guess the logic is that Donald has actually been growing more and more powerful all along, he just doesn't get many opportunities to show his magic off.
      KH3's plot has a lot of problems but Disney characters getting a power boost is both a good idea and hilarious.

    • 12 months ago

      For the sake of my own mind, I choose to believe spells and their power are based more on the strength of the magic user themselves rather the spell, and it's relative. A powerful mage who uses flare is more effective than one weak mage who uses giga flare despite being more powerful

      I fricking abhor this idea a charater is more important because they're more powerful, I love Donald, KH version included, but he's great because he isn't the top dog, he gets in fights he has no business winning, and yet makes to the other side anyway, because of his bonds with Goofy and Sora.

      Donald has no business knowing a spell that only literal gods/those empowered by gods have used.

      Isn't he supposed to be a really high class royal mage? Dude has been fighting most powerful beings on the galaxy for multiple games now.

      See above
      He's their ONLY royal mage, that doesn't make him powerful. You can argue he learned his magic from Yen Sid, and thus that should be that strong, and while yes, he has done a lot, I don't think that should make him on that level.

      • 12 months ago

        >Donald has no business knowing a spell that only literal gods/those empowered by gods have used.
        To be fair, he did fricking die after using it.
        Maybe he used his life force (his "heart", heh) to fuel the spell?

        • 12 months ago

          Hence my point, I choose to believe it's based more the mage themselves and not the spell. A powerful mage could've used it, and it would've done far more damage, compared to Donald, who's good, but not that good, and using a spell like that is dangerous and deadly.

      • 12 months ago

        Donald has been fighting alongside Sora this whole time and Sora has grown much more powerful, why shouldn't Donald be more powerful as well?
        I hate that party members became useless after KH1, not simply story-wise but gameplay-wise. In KH2 they pretty much existed just for limits (in Final Mix, in vanilla they were useless), and for the rare clutch heal.

        • 12 months ago

          I'm not saying Donald shouldn't be powerful at this point, just not THAT powerful.

          For reference, the only other characters who have used that spell are Airy and Bahamut, one of which was the right hand of a literal universe eating demon, and the other is a god.

    • 12 months ago

      The Fairy Godmother can walk straight into their equivalent of Purgatory without a care in the world on top of rewinding time so you can run around completely ignoring the rules of time travel, Yen Sid can literally keep thousands of Heartless at bay and also knows how to ignore the rules of time travel, and Maleficent has basically been the de facto villainess since KH1. I think people who spec into magic in the KH universe are specifically some of the most OP characters out there.

      • 12 months ago

        I wish Maleficent wasn't such a jobber though.
        They keep putting her in the plot but she barely does anything. Could at least give her another boss fight.

      • 12 months ago

        what rules? There are literally no rules in the Kingdom Hearts universe outside of rule of cool. Everything else is a mirage, an aberration, just fluid that becomes its container, etc etc

        • 12 months ago

          >>what rules?
          >You need to give up your body and become a Heart in order to travel back in time.
          >You can only travel back to a time when you as a person are alive.
          >You cannot affect anything in the past that would change the future.
          >In order to return to your body in the present you must still be alive and someone must remember that you exist.
          Yen Sid lets you literally take over your body if you go back into the past and change it while either the Fairy Godmother or Merlin let you just wander into the past like nothing happened and purposely interact with it (Timeless River). You can bypass the body requirement if someone has a replica for you to overtake but someone in the present/future needs to remember you exist to even do it.

          >so he can heal me right after I heal myself
          idk sounds pretty accurate to me

          That implies Donald would heal you in KH1 and not spam his entire MP bar on Blizzagas, Thundagas, or Aerogas while stealing all of Goofy's MP Gifts. Even if you prioritize him to defensive and advanced magic while never attacking he still almost never heals. Hell, even if you only have him doing defensive he mainly flings Aerogas to everyone.

      • 12 months ago

        Yen Sid and Maleficent are whatever, but The Fairy Godmother bit is epecially bad. A character that has no virtually no impact on the plot shouldn't just be able to punch a hole in reality to the afterlife just because, something that took the OP protagonist chasing the grim reaper across the universe and rewrote time to do, that just cheapens everything that just happened

        • 12 months ago

          >Fairy Godmother has power over dreams
          >Afterlife and dreams explicitly crossover at times
          Makes sense to me.

    • 12 months ago

      This is the same series that has Merlin in it. Who just casually says frick you to the laws of universal time travel whilst sipping tea in Twilight Town.

      • 12 months ago

        And yet he couldn't make Kairi not useless.

  47. 12 months ago

    I never did

  48. 12 months ago

    Got this game for Christmas the year it came out and my dad watched me play it. After picking up the sword he told me that I probably shouldn't choose it because the text made it seem kinda evil. He may not have been right about the reason, but he was certainly right about never choosing the sword. He knew. He fricking knew.

    • 12 months ago

      based dad. Did he watch you play the whole thing through?

    • 12 months ago

      I knew he was old but not THAT old but still holy shit anon is your dad Stellagay?

      • 12 months ago

        That minmaxing fetishist is a weird one. First he demands Nomura adds jumping Gambits to 7R and Takai do so to 16, he doesn't stop sucking on the Job System and now he says the only valid way to play KH1 is with holding back Sword? BTW DON'T go to /khg/

        • 12 months ago

          What the FRICK is happening?!?!?!

          • 12 months ago

            Yet another terminally autistic poster determined to make our general as unusable as possible

            Why is it always the KH threads...

    • 12 months ago

      The way all three are worded is supposed to be double edged.

      >Invincible Courage, Terrible Destruction
      >Kindness to Friends, Repel All.
      >Inner Strength, Wonder and Ruin.

      The main deal is that Shield gets a Midas situation that people forget that All would include positive things (Like the said friends), I think some anon from a few years ago said the JP text was more on point regarding it.

  49. 12 months ago

    Summons are ass
    D-Links were a far superior framework for representing power of friendship bullshit in gameplay, it just had the misfortune of being expressed through one of the lamest combat systems in the series
    Prove me wrong

  50. 12 months ago


  51. 12 months ago

    Devs pls take note, this how you killed the series to make a better one

    • 12 months ago

      But the Tokyo Team is split between 7R and KH4. Some people who worked on 16 better go back to Nomura on CBU1

      • 12 months ago

        >Tokyo Team
        >Osaka Team
        Antisemitic canards.
        Quack quack.

        • 12 months ago

          QUACK QUACK

          • 12 months ago

            I love moronicly long HP/MP bars, seeing them in KH1 was so satisfying.

            • 12 months ago

              QUACK QUACK

              >We lost this because of "muh strategic combo gameplay" in KH2 and beyond

          • 12 months ago

            Q U A C K Q U A C K


            • 12 months ago
          • 12 months ago

            >"So he can heal me."

            • 12 months ago

              >so he can heal me right after I heal myself
              idk sounds pretty accurate to me

            • 12 months ago

              >he doesn't know about Customize

            • 12 months ago

              >don't target something with the reticle
              >press triangle
              >goofy and Donald focus on you, will immediately try to heal you if your hp is low enough

          • 12 months ago

            >open menu
            >check out the different options that come up
            >hmm what's this customise option?
            >change settings for team members
            wow much hard very impossible

            • 12 months ago

              Most casual KH players are fricking awful at the game, please understand.

              Most people don’t even know you can issue basic attack and retreat commands to your party members by pressing the triangle button in combat.

              • 12 months ago

                Is that why people loved 15's launch combat so much

              • 12 months ago

                >Most people don’t even know you can issue basic attack and retreat commands to your party members by pressing the triangle button in combat.
                Hell even the remaster devs didn't know that since they didn't bother to remap it when they mapped contextual actions to triangle.

            • 12 months ago

              >having to fiddle with Customize or rely on party heals in the first place
              Skill issue quite honestly

    • 12 months ago

      After over a decade of VS XIII autism, KH4 should by all logical means be 99.99% pure unfiltered perfection. But this is Nomura we're talking about so don't hold out any hope

  52. 12 months ago

    where is my chain of memories sequel that is a deckbuilding roguelite

    • 12 months ago

      Maybe Terra, Aqua and Ven will get a game in that style based on Re:Mind's ending. I wouldn't hold out hope though.

  53. 12 months ago

    When the FRICK is it coming to steam!?

  54. 12 months ago

    Theoretically, at this point Sora should be able to simultaneously wield at least 10 different keyblades at once

    • 12 months ago

      He's the most nerfed character in the series, he consistently gets put back to square one at the start of every game. Even with that, he's still the most powerful character by the end of each game.

  55. 12 months ago

    When she was first announced as the music composer

    • 12 months ago

      >just casually belts out a bunch of incredible OSTs
      >takes one song used on the title screen and remixes it for every entry without it ever getting old
      How does she do it?

      • 12 months ago

        Sometimes you just catch lightning in a bottle. Sakura Wars was able to use the Same OP as well forever.

  56. 12 months ago

    Does anyone actually like the BBS cast? They are so awkward, terra is so fricking stupid it defies belief.

    • 12 months ago

      Aqua was hot as frick and Ventus was perfect for /ss/ with her. Terra was alright I guess but it was never about their appeal as characters

      • 12 months ago

        I’ll give Terra one thing, his darkside arc is kino. Even though his stupidity is honestly baffling at points.

        Does anyone actually like the BBS cast? They are so awkward, terra is so fricking stupid it defies belief.

        People love Aqua at the very least. With good reason, since she’s easily the most competent female character in the series. BBS is very much Aqua’s game.

        • 12 months ago

          >You will not heed your master?
          >I won't!
          Yeah it was pretty kino

          • 12 months ago

            >biggest dumbass introduced in the worst game in the series that gets used by everyone and does nothing but gorilla apemash through the plot and life
            >has consistently the most kino moments and themesongs in the entire series only matched by Roxas
            How does he do it?

            • 12 months ago

              He ultimately was becoming lingering will no matter what. Being low IQ doesn't mean he doesn't become a Chad. Whether it's LW or Cum Guardian, Terra is based, and that's all that matters.

            • 12 months ago

              He ultimately was becoming lingering will no matter what. Being low IQ doesn't mean he doesn't become a Chad. Whether it's LW or Cum Guardian, Terra is based, and that's all that matters.

              Terra is basically like Kiryu from the Yakuza series.

              What he lacks in INT and WIS, he makes up for in STR and CON. This alone gives him Chad energy.

            • 12 months ago

              The plot required him, and the other 2, to be moronic to happen.

    • 12 months ago

      Conceptually they're fine but the dialogue and cutscene direction is pretty bad. Though that applies to most of the games in the franchise.

      • 12 months ago

        I feel the cutscene direction and dialogue is fine in most of the games except for KH2 and KH3. 2 especially.

        Like holy frick, it’s remarkable how many cutscenes in 2 have awkward silences, poorly timed jokes, or cringy dialogue. Did they fire the cutscene director from KH1 or something? Because 1’s cutscene direction was pretty good.

        • 12 months ago

          >Did they fire the cutscene director from KH1 or something?
          Unfortunately anon he was pulled away to work on FF12.

          Yet another terminally autistic poster determined to make our general as unusable as possible

          Why is it always the KH threads...

          The target audience of FF16 is the problem

          • 12 months ago

            >The target audience of FF16
            >apparently ripped /khg/ a new one
            I don't wanna go there. Can some explain while I maintain my remaining mental health?

        • 12 months ago

          They must have because the difference is really stark.
          >that scene in KH1 where Donald is too short so he drags the camera down
          There's nothing that soulful in KH2.

        • 12 months ago

          >Did they fire the cutscene director from KH1 or something? Because 1’s cutscene direction was pretty good.
          That's because it was Jun Akiyama, same guy who directed Vagrant Story's cutscenes.
          >In late 1999, Akiyama watched Disney's animated Tarzan film and then pleaded with Kingdom Hearts director and story writer Tetsuya Nomura to join the game's team. He became the event planning director and one of the scenario writers, taking charge of the Tarzan-themed segment, among others. Akiyama tried to inject Disney-like humor into the game, such as a scene in which Donald Duck is flattened by an opening door. He also suggested Final Fantasy VIII character Squall Leonhart be renamed Leon to maintain suspense before his first on-screen appearance.

          • 12 months ago

            >last proper game he worked on was World of Final Fantasy (event director) back in 2016
            Where'd he go? If he is still working at SE they should bring him back for KH4.

            >For a time, Akiyama was the event planning director of Final Fantasy Versus XIII (which was later reworked into Final Fantasy XV)
            >credit in XV is just "Special Thanks" i.e. he didn't work on the game
            Everything is starting to make sense now...

            • 12 months ago

              The short answer: Akiyama went to CBU1 to work on Tactics Ogre: Reborn and was actually at Business Division 1 (which is the precursor to CBU1) to work on WoFF. Many FF12 people who worked on FF13 are also there too. He wasn't working on FF16 with the key Matsuno leads at CBU3 like Dreamboum and those goons at /khg/ were expecting and considering that more Tokyo Team staff (even the TWEWY guys like Kando) moved to Osaka, given Akiyama's connection to Nomura, he might be working on KH4. Some say he's also there to work on the FFT and Vagrant Story remasters, which is more probable.
              The long answer is sadly the controversial topic being discussed on /khg/.

              • 12 months ago

                I don't get it anon what's going on in /khg/

      • 12 months ago

        this series is just full of awkward scenes. Awkward in multiple ways. There are often these long pauses where not much is happening and no music at all is playing for example.

    • 12 months ago

      ventus is roxas but with moronation
      roxas was the cutest kh character
      so i guess ventus is ok by extension?

    • 12 months ago

      I like aqua

    • 12 months ago

      Ventus is fine because he's just an extension of Sora and Roxas, two great characters

      Aqua singlehandedly caused all KH players to hit early puberty

      Terra is a gay but lingering will is kin/10

      • 12 months ago

        >Aqua singlehandedly caused all KH players to hit early puberty

        I played BBS when I was 13 and I remember jerking off to Aqua’s subtle breast physics. I’m still shocked they put breast physics in a Disney game.

      • 12 months ago

        >Aqua singlehandedly caused all KH players to hit early puberty
        That old hag? I don't think so.

        • 12 months ago

          Man, I love Kairi. Nomura did her dirty after 2.

          Are KH2 fans critical of how long the opening is

          Only filtered plebs complain about it. If anything I’m more critical about the mid-game of KH2. 2 has a GOAT opening and a GOAT finale (with an amazing halfway point in the form of Space Paranoids 1 and the Hollow Bastion battle), but the rest of the game is kind of mediocre. KH1 is still the most consistently good game in the series to this day.

          • 12 months ago

            that's interesting, I guess I'll have to play more and see

      • 12 months ago

        >Aqua singlehandedly caused all KH players to hit early puberty

        I played BBS when I was 13 and I remember jerking off to Aqua’s subtle breast physics. I’m still shocked they put breast physics in a Disney game.

        >that one aqua sfm porn video where she talks
        my dick will never recover
        did the homie making it use willa holland's lines from the movies she acted in?

        • 12 months ago

          >Aqua singlehandedly caused all KH players to hit early puberty

          I played BBS when I was 13 and I remember jerking off to Aqua’s subtle breast physics. I’m still shocked they put breast physics in a Disney game.

          Ventus is fine because he's just an extension of Sora and Roxas, two great characters

          Aqua singlehandedly caused all KH players to hit early puberty

          Terra is a gay but lingering will is kin/10

          reminder that her VA is even cuter

          • 12 months ago

            >that porn leak
            granted i wish the angles were better but it's still kino

        • 12 months ago

          >>that one aqua sfm porn video where she talks

          Which one?

          • 12 months ago

            one of the best sfm porn videos ever made, it's such a shame that the author stopped making videos,

            • 12 months ago

              That was garbage, my man. Get better taste in pornography

              • 12 months ago

                i'm sorry for your loss, tastelet
                in any case you can't argue it's the best aqua porn video that exists

  57. 12 months ago

    >tfw no indiana jones world

    • 12 months ago

      >tfw no muppets world with Statler and Waldorf making fun throughout
      >How many people does Sora hold in his heart?
      >Anymore and he should start asking for rent.

      >I just don't get this story.
      >What don't you get?
      >Why we're still playing it.

      >Do you think Kermit has any darkness in him?
      >Yeah, I'm afraid he's going to croak.

    • 12 months ago

      KH4 will have an Indiana Jones world and it will have live action FMVs of Harrison Ford looking the most bored and depressed he's ever been in his entire life.

  58. 12 months ago

    Around Traverse Town. Doesn't mean i don't think it peaked at 1 though.

  59. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      I feel like if this had mickey saying based on my wiener at the end with his stupid fricking laugh then it'd have been perfect but maybe the joke works better without a punchline idk

      • 12 months ago

        I'm glad you had no part in it.

  60. 12 months ago

    Link me Sora x Kairi fanfics

    • 12 months ago

      Best I can do is Sora x Namine fanfics they all suck though

      • 12 months ago

        Link me the best one of those! Sounds CUTE!

        • 12 months ago

          I was hoping you wouldn't actually ask for one since I probably won't be able to find it. There was one I read almost a decade ago about Sora choosing to stay with Namine at the end of CoM. It had some really nice Riku moments in it too where he just came off of his character development so instead of going anti-hero to help Sora wake up he was trying to be supportive of Soras choice even though he didn't like it. It was nice. If I find it I'll post the link as a reply to this

          • 12 months ago

            Thank you 🙂

            • 12 months ago

              I was hoping you wouldn't actually ask for one since I probably won't be able to find it. There was one I read almost a decade ago about Sora choosing to stay with Namine at the end of CoM. It had some really nice Riku moments in it too where he just came off of his character development so instead of going anti-hero to help Sora wake up he was trying to be supportive of Soras choice even though he didn't like it. It was nice. If I find it I'll post the link as a reply to this

              Alright here you go anon I found it:


              No promise of quality or anything it's just the best I had read of what little actual "in character" Sora/Namine stuff there is

              • 12 months ago

                wow thank you! thank you!

  61. 12 months ago

    kinoooo unironically

  62. 12 months ago


    The original “Trilogy” is Top Tier. The while Xehanort Saga is mostly godawful and I don’t think we’ll ever see KH4

  63. 12 months ago

    I've never played it, but after all the sequels and crazy lore probably won't ever.

  64. 12 months ago

    >playing through FM's level 1 run for the first time
    >baffled at how easy it is save for some road bumps like Clayton, Pot Centipede, and Lock Shock and Barrel which makes you feel like they didn't test every boss
    >have heard how rough the room before final rest is but otherwise loving the run and excited to try out 2FM
    Level 1 chads, I kneel, I'm sorry for doubting you.

    • 12 months ago

      I tapped out at the Pot Centipede, I just wasn't having fun personally. I find leveling up and getting a bunch of new stuff to be my favorite part of the games.

    • 12 months ago

      level 1 in 2FM is even better. The only real gripe I have is that the cavern of remembrance is a nightmare and lasts forever. It's in some ways worse than final rest.

    • 12 months ago

      I tapped out at the Pot Centipede, I just wasn't having fun personally. I find leveling up and getting a bunch of new stuff to be my favorite part of the games.

      Pot Centipede at high difficulty is just such a BS fight. No telegraph on the attacks to speak of and hits like a truck

    • 12 months ago

      The problem with KHFM LV1 is that there's only (1) way to play that's actually feasible.
      And if you do it that way, MOST of the game is shockingly easy until it's exceptionally hard and frustrating.

      Ultimately, it just isn't that much fun.

    • 12 months ago

      >baffled at how easy it is save for some road bumps like Clayton, Pot Centipede, and Lock Shock and Barrel which makes you feel like they didn't test every boss
      To be honest, KH1 was never designed around Level 1 playthrough (because EXP Zero was added only in 1.5 remaster), which is why EXP Zero contains several hidden abilities:
      >Once More (and the way it works is that it leaves you with 3 HP at worst, then at 2 HP and only then at 1 HP if you get hit by lethal attacks, so you have three HP thresholds instead of usual one)
      >minimum amount of damage cap done by Sora is increased
      >maximum amount of damage cap done by enemies is decreased

  65. 12 months ago

    When I played the first game as a kid on my PS2 and the trailer for the sequel gave me chills.

  66. 12 months ago

    Kingdom Hearts is shit and it's always been shit. The only reason it's well remembered is nostalgic association for autists who played it when they were 12. Just like the Sonic Adventure games

  67. 12 months ago

    >back then it felt like KH2 took forever to come out
    >it was only 3 and a half years
    >it's already been 4 years since KH3 and KH4's release date is nowhere in sight
    I hate modern game development.

  68. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      I don't get it. None of them are fat

    • 12 months ago

      why is a prison bed cleaner looking then the top panel bed

  69. 12 months ago

    KINO moment

    • 12 months ago

      I remember when this first happened I absolutely lost my shit.

      KH as a series in general is the fricking master of manufacturing these insane hype moments.

      I still can't believe Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 days is a real title of a real video game

      Why? The game in question is set over 358 and a half days. If anything, it’s accurate.

  70. 12 months ago

    I still can't believe Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 days is a real title of a real video game

    • 12 months ago

      What if I told you it's not even close to the most absurd video game names to come from Japan

    • 12 months ago

      It's a cool one

      What if I told you it's not even close to the most absurd video game names to come from Japan

      I love that shit

    • 12 months ago

      >He thinks that's anything close to a silly or strange name.

  71. 12 months ago

    I'm gonna be real with you I actually like chain of memories more than KH1. It had really solid writing. It even managed to turn Riku into an actually good character in a way that felt natural which I wouldn't have thought possible with how much of a little b***h he was in the first game

    • 12 months ago

      it's tragic that KH2 reverted his character development from CoM, it was really moronic to see him doubting himself and the darkness that's inside him for the second time in a row

  72. 12 months ago

    Are KH2 fans critical of how long the opening is

    • 12 months ago

      yes we all agree it's too short

      • 12 months ago

        The opening is the best part.

        I've only played a couple hours of KH2 and that part really dragged on me. I know it gets cleared up much more later on and the mystery at the end is intriguing, but it feels like such a long, initially unexplained and unrelated-to-what-the-player-knows-about-KH intro that I feel that it hurts the game

        • 12 months ago

          It only feels like it drags because you have no context for a lot of what people are talking about and they basically built up a character that doesn't really matter to you at the time. Once you've played more of 2 and know who Roxas is it's probably the best part of all of KH2. It gets even better with context from Days.

          • 12 months ago

            That's what I mean though, at that point you have no context, also retroactively does it make sense what they were doing, but that doesn't happen for a while

            • 12 months ago

              It being cleared up exonerates it though. Yes, initially you hate it because it seems like it's out of nowhere and Sora was replaced. I remember as a kid I was fuming that I was playing some dumb blonde kid and not Sora, but when I got closer to the end I was happy to have played Roxas and he eventually became my favorite KH character in general. It works as a tutorial and to lead you to Sora himself. You also might feel for HPO and understand what's going on with Sora when you get control of him which justifies it, and then the further you go the more it becomes worth it.

              Sure, it's somewhat unorthodox but it worked out in the end.

              • 12 months ago

                >initially you hate it
                That's more or less what I'm confirming, that I'm not supposed to like it right off the bat. I know it gets recontextualized later

              • 12 months ago

                I would argue it depends on you and what your expectations are going into KH2 but yeah, I think initially people will be offput or confused by playing as Roxas and it might give them a bad introduction, but I don't think that's a bad thing since it ultimately has a purpose. You may or may not hate it, and I think that's the point.

            • 12 months ago

              You needed to play chain of memories first

              • 12 months ago

                I did
                I don't believe the KH2's opening is properly explained and connected to CoM until the very end of the opening

        • 12 months ago

          without context it's basically roxas getting put into a truman show virtual prison to stall for time while people trying to revive sora extract the memories roxas has to complete sora and allow him to wake up properly

    • 12 months ago

      The opening is the best part.

    • 12 months ago

      I liked it

    • 12 months ago

      Some are but they're foolish. The only problem with the opening is that the odd jobs should always give you the max munny regardless of performance, to actually encourage people to do them all a little more so they can function as the deeper system mechanic tutorials they are. That and I guess the dual wield fight is too short and there should be a way to get that moveset outside of that moment. It's crazy that they did that kind of thing twice in the one game.

      • 12 months ago

        I think the prologue’s biggest problem is that while it’s absolutely kino from a narrative perspective, it sucks as a tutorial. It’s partially to blame for reinforcing a “mash X to win” mentality because you don’t have many combat options at that point aside from that.

    • 12 months ago

      It's annoying your first time, kino after playing through the game once and even better after experiencing Days. If you know what you're doing, it's not too long, especially if the bonus AP reward for earning enough money from side jobs doesn't matter to you.

  73. 12 months ago
  74. 12 months ago

    Pretty much from the moment the game starts. I started to lose interest with 2 though.

  75. 12 months ago

    replayed them all a few years ago and 2 genuinely still holds up as a really good game
    the spinoffs are frickin garbage though

  76. 12 months ago

    when regularpat told me it was

    • 12 months ago

      How can one man’s opinions of KH1 be so based and correct while also unironically defending KH3?

      Yes, 3’s level design is infinitely better than 2’s. But 3 suffers in other areas.

      • 12 months ago

        KH is funny because every step forward a step back is taken elsewhere

  77. 12 months ago

    I played through the whole series last year and enjoyed most of the games at least a little.

    • 12 months ago

      >the whole series
      how was UX?

    • 12 months ago

      >the whole series
      how was UX?

      Yeah how were the mobile games (plural) for you

      • 12 months ago

        lol I'm just watching the videos I forgot about that part

        • 12 months ago

          It's for the best, honestly.

  78. 12 months ago

    I hate how they tied the chosen one hero origin story on to Sora, he was better when he was a random mook who just got got a keyblade.

  79. 12 months ago

    It is a pretty shit series tho.

  80. 12 months ago

    Probably right here
    KH1 felt like a fun novelty that could have been a one off
    The "tutorial" for KH2 is when I knew it was becoming true kino

  81. 12 months ago

    KH3 is alright. I get the complaints but I thought it was fun. But I also went in knowing some of what happens so that factored into it.

    • 12 months ago

      Kingdom hearts 3 was alright. The issue with it was that it was 95% filler. They stuck all of the important shit in the last world exclusively and then the arc conclusion was tied up in 15 minutes. That last little section was the actual substance of KH3 and it was unbelievably bad. If Kingdom Hearts 3 ended with San Fransokyo I'd have said it was OK too

      • 12 months ago

        I like going to Disney worlds so I don't mind. It would have been better if the Aqua rescue was in the middle and Castle Oblivion was a world you could go to.

        • 12 months ago

          wasn't the disney world writing in kh3 also worse though? compared to KH1

          • 12 months ago

            In what way?

          • 12 months ago

            the only bad ones I can think of are frozen and 100 acre wood

            • 12 months ago

              People shit on Arendelle (quite rightly), but one thing I’ll give it is that at least it’s not KH2 Atlantica— That will forever be the low point of the entire franchise.

              • 12 months ago

                What was the issue with Arendelle? I thought it was one of the better worlds

              • 12 months ago

                so there are worlds where it's just the movie plot but sora is there too, but frozen felt like sora was in a movie theater watching the movie frozen, outside of the larxene ice castle and final boss of course

              • 12 months ago

                >We were clearly meant to fight Elsa which is what the entire castle is about but instead Larxene somehow controls snow now and shoves you into it right at the start of the map.
                >You can literally see the internals of the castle were cut from where the actual castle is because walking near it gives you a minimap if I remember right.
                >The entire Olaf segment is straight up padding.
                >We have to sit through full renditions of "Do you wanna build a snowman?" and "Let it Go" like we're actually just watching the movie.
                >The final bit leading to Skol where you have to brace yourself against the heavy wind that's so infuriatingly slow.
                >Sora doesn't interact with anyone that's not Kristoff or Anna, and even then they keep his interactions with them to the bare minimum.
                >Donald and Sora don't even get a chance to show Elsa that she's not some abomination because she can cast ice magic because they can cast Blizzard just fine, it doesn't even cross their minds. They speak to her for like five seconds before Larxene interrupts.
                >The absolute mind numbingly awful mountain climbing areas that are even worse when you need to grind mats there.
                >Hans isn't even introduced in any way into the story, you are expected to know who he is because of the movie and not the game in any way. Even Jiminy's journal entry barely explains why he's the villain and Skol's entry just says "A lupine Heartless that rose from the darkness consuming Hans's Heart."
                >You have to sled countless times just to get the thing needed for the Ultima Weapon and prior to the patch this meant you could only get one item at a time if I remember right.

              • 12 months ago

                KH2 Atlantica at least had the mercy of being optional

              • 12 months ago

                Optional unless you want the Ultima, Max Drive Gauge, Blizzaga and the secret ending.

                While it’s true that it’s optional, ALOT of really good shit is gated behind it. KH2 Atlantica still baffles me. KH1 Atlantica was fine, and in 2 they improved the swimming controls, but gave you no reason to use them. Plus, they could have expanded on KH1 Atlantica by having on land and under sea sections, but instead they literally made it the smallest world in the series. There’s no reason to even visit Triton’s throne room aside from Crown Pieces (which weren’t even in the vanilla game).

              • 12 months ago

                I don't understand what the thought process behind KH2 Atlantica was either. We already pretty much summed up TLM the first time in KH1, we didn't need to go over it again, and why make it a rhythm mini-game world?

              • 12 months ago

                I'm not even opposed to the idea of KH2 Atlantica but the big problems I had were
                >easy as shit even by KH minigame standards
                >story pretends KH1 didn't happen
                >new songs are lame
                A music-focused KH world is a fine idea. I enjoyed the Fantasia world in DDD.

          • 12 months ago

            Yes but at the very least they did try to bring back a KH1 style feel. The series is just too far removed to ever capture the perfection of the disney worlds again but they clearly tried

          • 12 months ago

            Toy Box and The Caribbean are among the best in the series. Monstropolis is great and Tangled was cute. I liked the Big Hero 6 world but would have liked more to do in it. I get the feeling it was a testing ground for whatever big city is in KH4.

    • 12 months ago

      Kingdom hearts 3 was alright. The issue with it was that it was 95% filler. They stuck all of the important shit in the last world exclusively and then the arc conclusion was tied up in 15 minutes. That last little section was the actual substance of KH3 and it was unbelievably bad. If Kingdom Hearts 3 ended with San Fransokyo I'd have said it was OK too

      I think the gameplay was mostly fun, and I've accepted we're never getting anything on the level of KH2's again. The worlds themselves were great, if gimmicky. It falls flat on its face in the plot, which was much too rushed, and tries to handle too many things at once within an hour.
      Even then, I can forgive some of the lame payoffs because I loved the Revolver Xigbar reveal

      • 12 months ago

        >Revolver Xigbar

        Looking back, Nomura has clearly had that twist in mind since KH2. Imagine holding onto a plot twist for nearly 15 years.

        • 12 months ago

          When the series is finally put to rest, or Nomura is removed from it, I hope the guy puts out a history of his development of the plot and an explanation for how long certain plot twists were planned or why he decided to click some things together.
          I dunno if he had it planned out since KH2, but I could see it being planned since FM. Definitely had it in his head since BBS or Days.

          What was the issue with Arendelle? I thought it was one of the better worlds

          People shit on Arendelle (quite rightly), but one thing I’ll give it is that at least it’s not KH2 Atlantica— That will forever be the low point of the entire franchise.

          We're talking about the Frozen world, right? I just didn't like getting blown off the mountain again and again and the sing along part was meh. Final boss was cool tho

      • 12 months ago

        >The worlds themselves were great
        Nah, I gotta disagree for the most part.
        >San Fransokyo is all over the place and finding the chests is absolutely awful with Snipers everywhere.
        >Arendelle is clearly cut to pieces and it absolutely sucks to traverse.
        >Twilight Town is a restrictive Twilight Town.
        >The Caribbean would be fine if it actually had some way to figure out where treasure chests are, because as it is it's basically a pixel hunt where everything blends in with its environment making it unfun to explore when you actually have to explore it properly. Port Royal's changes are cool though.
        >Monstropolis is way too linear and the outdoor portions of it suck due to how restrictive they are as areas and the enemies they place there.
        >100 Acre Wood is a single map and really really small.
        >Keyblade Graveyard is just linear hallways with nothing in them.
        >Base game Scala sucks while Re;Mind Scala is pretty cool but somewhat restrictive.
        >Kingdom of Corona is great outside of the part where you get the Flowmotion jump, that bit sucks.
        >Toy Box is fantastic.
        >Olympus is fine I guess but outside of the mountain it doesn't feel that fun, especially not the grind rail part when you get to Mount Olympus's peak.

    • 12 months ago

      KH3 does have some issues but it is massively, painfully underrated in many many aspects and it suffers from a lot of people hating parts of it due to being different rather than adapting to what it offers in return, some of the superficial similarities to the other console games don't help there but it shouldn't really stop someone from learning if they want to. Also the Disney worlds were important to the plot in subtle ways but they definitely should have had the Aqua rescue before the last two Disney worlds. Maybe even have a scene in each one where Kairi and Axel get to shine individually and show off their training.

      I think the prologue’s biggest problem is that while it’s absolutely kino from a narrative perspective, it sucks as a tutorial. It’s partially to blame for reinforcing a “mash X to win” mentality because you don’t have many combat options at that point aside from that.

      That's kind of my whole point, a bunch of the minigames very specifically showcase Revenge Value, hitboxes and how to position and aim your attacks for best results, so more reason to do them would have a shot at teaching people to think about their actions even at a smaller scope before they get more of them, though they already have Reaction Commands to work with. I'm also very keenly aware of the fact that literally no power of heaven or earth can make someone actually explore and learn a game's mechanics if they're stubborn and ignorant enough not to challenge their preconceived notions, no matter how well designed the encounters and options are.

  82. 12 months ago

    I still find it a shame they didn't bring back Billy Zane. That voice is smooth as butter.

  83. 12 months ago

    speaking of roxas, how weird of a friendship do you think he has with the real versions of HPO, a friendship born from a purely fictional relationship with digital copies that were weirdly inherited by the group through magic bullshit

    • 12 months ago

      I like to think they forged a real friendship and the background stuff doesn't even factor.

  84. 12 months ago

    Anyone else like to spend the start of a KH1 play through just grinding Tidus for tech points for hours in order to become stupidly overpowered? It’s fun to see just how broken you can become and it makes you appreciate just how well balanced the game is since you don’t get the extremely broken stuff until later on.

  85. 12 months ago

    what's the path if I want to beeline to KH3

    • 12 months ago

      There's only one path for all KH games and that is consume literally every piece of media that was released before it

    • 12 months ago

      There are plenty of emulators running around, try each game
      >I didn't like the spinoff game's gameplay
      Watch cutscenes on youtube, then move on. This applies to UX as well.

    • 12 months ago

      None of them are spin offs considering they have something important to the story. Either watch a fricking youtube video or play through them. Pirate them though

  86. 12 months ago

    I realized it was good when I played the first one. Then kingdom hearts 2 came out and I realized it was shit.

  87. 12 months ago

    I like the Frozen world because Larxene makes my PP hard

  88. 12 months ago

    KH 6 leaks

    • 12 months ago

      Alright, we have two games for shit to go down and lead to this moment.
      Which girl is he talking about and what happened?

      • 12 months ago

        he got that new girl in his fancy ass japanese apartment, but like all real women she can't be satisfied in a relationship with a manchild that fights off the forces of evil with a giant key, so she starts having lunch and dinner with "friends" just to "catch up". She messed up though, as sora saw her with someone else at a cafe while he was running off to have a wacky disney adventure, so he goes to his best friend Riku for advice...

      • 12 months ago

        Sora kisses Strelitzia’s hand and sees the future in KH 4.
        Namines becomes pregnant in KH 5 because Sora told her to frick a farmer.
        Sora becomes MoM and plunges 80% of the world to darkness in KH 6.
        Riku and co. stop him, Kairi kills him and kisses his corpse.
        In a flashback Sora reveals he became evil for his friends to Riku.
        Riku mocks sora because he won’t be with Kairi, which cuts to him crying about Kairi finding another man.
        The end.

  89. 12 months ago

    Joke aside, do you really think this franchise will run long enough to get Fox's content?

    • 12 months ago

      No. And let me walk down why.
      >Simpsons/Family Guy
      They're not that popular in Japan. Don't get me wrong, they're big, but the same way Dragon Quest is "big" in the west, it has history and fanbase, but it's not going to make waves nor would SE care enough to put it

      >Blue Sky/Other aniamted movies
      Similiar reasons as above, plus none of their films sans Ice Age ever reached to the same level of respect as the main Disney canon or Pixar. The only exception to this is The Peanuts movie, which isn't technically Disney, the movie is, but the characters are owned by the Schulz family. That said Japan does love Snoopy, but that might be too much effort for SE and Disney to go through

      >Live action movies/Alien/Predator/Planet of the Apes/ect
      This could happen. The issue here is with Disney, who already is weird with how their characters inteact with each other. Having blantantly mature and violent franchises mix with Mickey and pal and the Disney Princesses would make them feel uncomfortable. and keep in mind in this a mainly a US thing, they really want to keep their family friendly image and would throw a fricking fit if anything threatens that.

      The "Fox" thing I see getting into KH, is maybe X-Men, and that's only by proxy of being a Marvel IP

      • 12 months ago

        I don't think a Simpsons world is off the table but I don't see it being good.
        The writing would be awkward as frick because of the language barrier (not snappy like a comedy show needs to be), and if they outsourced the writing to the modern Simpsons team it would suck.
        The one highlight is that it might look nice, capturing the Simpsons aesthetic in KH would be an interesting challenge.

        • 12 months ago

          And I can see a Simpsons world working, or at the very least a few characters showing up somewhere, but ONLY if it's based on season 1 and 2 of the Simpsons, which is just down to earth enough to fit.

      • 12 months ago

        Avatar world in KH would be kino

    • 12 months ago

      At this point they're better off trying to cut as much Disney and subsidiaries related material as possible. They already feel vestigial, like a contractual obligation and nothing more.
      At most I can see them do a Marvel world and a Star Wars world. Something like the Simpsons seems to much like a joke. A joke the Simpsons has already made.

      • 12 months ago

        Is this real?

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, from the Simpsons game.

          • 12 months ago

            Jesus Christ, this show really predicted the future.

            We're fricked.

        • 12 months ago

          >Doubting games that do KH references.

      • 12 months ago

        >At this point they're better off trying to cut as much Disney and subsidiaries related material as possible
        That's moronic

        • 12 months ago

          >I want more 99% filler content
          It's only going to get worse if they move away from classic movies since they've been done to death. The Marvel world will have to connect to whatever show Disney wants to shill that year, the Star Wars world will have to shill for the newer movies, Simpsons will be modern Simpsons with Marge sounding like a death rattle. It's clear this series has no idea what to do with Disney anymore. It worked in 1 and ever since they keep moving away from it but at the same time they still need to make Disney worlds that no longer serve any purpose aside from wasting your time with the cliffnotes version of the movies verbatim. With Frozen even down to re-animating the damn thing.

          • 12 months ago

            Thing is, that will never happen because at the end of the day Disney has the final say with what happens with KH, unless they ever decide to sell it, and the only way they would even consider that is if KH4 is such a massive flop they want nothing to do with the franchise anymore and would wipe their hands clean of it, which are both tall orders.

            • 12 months ago

              Disney likes to keep KH at a healthy distance in general based on what I’ve seen. Sure, they acknowledge it and sometimes reference it, but they like to place it in its own pocket dimensional where it can do its own thing. This is why if you go to any of the Disney theme parks, the most KH content you’ll find there is just merch.

              • 12 months ago

                Disney isn't proud of it, but they do see value in it. KH taps into both the weeb and vidya market, two markets they have no experience in and have tried and failed to capture multiple times in the past.

            • 12 months ago

              I still argue they should've never teamed up with Disney, rather make original worlds heavily based on Disney. Now they're stuck. I don't think Nomura really considered longevity when he first thought of Disney meets FF.

    • 12 months ago

      Peanuts will 100% be in KH at some point
      Peanuts is strangely popular in Japan

      • 12 months ago

        Disney doesn't own Peanuts, it's owned by Peanuts Worldwide, which is joint owned by Wild Brain, Sony Music Japan, and the Schulz family

  90. 12 months ago

    The incredible thing about the Frozen world is that Square-Enix recreated the movie's scenes from scratch. It's not the same assets as the movie, it's new assets with Sora/Donald/Goofy thrown in.
    The whole thing was basically Square-Enix showing off their CG skills and wasting a ton of money, which has been their MO since Spirits Within.

    • 12 months ago

      The impression I get from interviews is Nomura wanted to blow his brains out when dealing with the Frozen team, because they were so dictatorial and “no fun allowed”. Compare that to how much fun he seems to have had working with the Toy Story team.

      • 12 months ago

        Honestly that shows in terms of the worlds' quality, Toy Box was IMO the best KH3 world and set a high bar that the rest of the game didn't match.

        • 12 months ago

          Toy Story being the "best" world in KH3 isn't really saying much, plus the dub for it was just awful. I know people like to show off that Woody scene, but his voice is just so bland and lifeless.

          • 12 months ago

            You're right about the voice acting, but in terms of the level design and scenario I'd say it's definitely above average for the franchise.

            • 12 months ago

              Again, not saying much, but credit where it's due, it's the one that's the most fun to actually play and had the most effort put in

        • 12 months ago

          Pirates was kino dude

      • 12 months ago

        I take it then we can toss Frozen onto the pile of Disney world's that are NEVER EVER coming back, like Tarzan?

        • 12 months ago

          Frozen was mandated by Disney to be included. So it is always a possibility.
          Nothing 30 year olds that grew up with KH love more than a princess story that came out in 2015

        • 12 months ago

          Frozen was mandated by Disney to be included. So it is always a possibility.
          Nothing 30 year olds that grew up with KH love more than a princess story that came out in 2015

          Frozen was very popular in Japan, and Frozen 2 made over a billion dollars, so I could see it coming back even if it was a pain in the ass the first time. Nomura might be eccentric but he's a company man and typically does what he's told.

  91. 12 months ago

    Loved KH2's combat and even KH3's. How is the combat in KH1?

    • 12 months ago

      It's not as flashy but it's pretty satisfying IMO.
      Beware the camera can be moronic at times.

  92. 12 months ago

    The end of Roxas's summer vacation.

  93. 12 months ago

    I was 22 when this came out so i never got the appeal.

  94. 12 months ago

    >Bad pacing and level design
    What fricking version of KH2 did you guys play, everything about that game is fantastic

    • 12 months ago

      The pacing is bad. Everything other than the beginning, middle or end is filler.
      The level design is bad. They neutered it to a bunch of hallways.
      Next question?

      • 12 months ago

        >Everything other than the beginning, middle or end is filler.
        Fricking lmao

    • 12 months ago

      The first issue with KH2's pacing is that most of the worlds have little to no bearing on the main plot. So the main plot gets dumped on you at the end of every act, rather than feeling organic. The second issue is all the second visits, most of which are shameless filler (e.g. Scar's ghost). Third issue is that most of the Organization members don't die until The World That Never Was (Demyx and Xaldin being the exceptions).

      In terms of KH2's level design, there basically is no level design. It's a sequence of flat sterile corridors. There's little to no interactivity. There's even invisible walls that stop you from entering areas the game doesn't want you to. This is a sharp contrast from KH1 where almost every world was interactive, most rooms had proper level geometry, and there was much less handholding. Every world in KH1 had a distinct personality. Obviously KH1's level design was not even remotely perfect, but it had a lot more life to it than KH2. KH2 overcorrected.

      My conspiracy theory is that they ran out of memory on PS2 making the combat flashier so they decided to flatten/sterilize the levels as much as possible to save memory.

  95. 12 months ago

    >I know now, without a doubt. Kingdom Hearts...
    >is HYPE!
    Missed opportunity. Rhymes and encapsulates why the series has staying power.

  96. 12 months ago

    Link me Roxas x Xion fanfics.

  97. 12 months ago

    KH3 was kino at times and I am tired of pretending otherwise. Yes the pacing is shit and the ending is goofy for half of it but it had its moments. Especially the moments with sora, donald, and goofy. The game itself is so fun too and has the best gummi stuff.

    • 12 months ago

      I agree, it's a fun mess. Despite its many issues, it still feels like a PS2 era game in terms of design, it's just honest fun with no modern bullshit.

  98. 12 months ago


  99. 12 months ago

    I just replayed 1FM and Re:CoM and working my way through 2FM, still as kino as I remember
    Though honestly tempted to do cutscenes for all the rest of the games until 3 once I finish Days. I never played the original Coded, and didn't enjoy BBS or DDD on my first playthroughs

    • 12 months ago

      I like bbs and ddd although ddd is better imo. But honestly people acting like those stories actually matter that much are full of shit. You would think people would be past this franchise shit by now. I get it aqua terra are characters in 3 but honestly it doesn't matter THAT much. I ain't replaying all these fricking games in order again frick that.

      • 12 months ago

        I feel you, don't really have time for going through all these side games again which is why I just wanna go through the cutscenes for the rest of the shit though the days movie in 1.5+2.5 fricking stinks

  100. 12 months ago

    KH1 2 and 3 are the best also ground zeroes part of kh3 with aqua. Who the FRICK cares about the spin offs holy shit you guys I get it they introduce a bunch of SLOP to the story who the FRICK cares I am playin the kino shit FRICK YOU

  101. 12 months ago



  102. 12 months ago

    >have absolutely no interest in Disney and didn’t watch many Disney movies growing up (Fantasia is kino though)
    >Absolutely adore KH despite this

    Anyone else in a similar boat? KH is as my first exposure to the plots of a lot of these Disney movies.

  103. 12 months ago

    Kairi is such a terrible heroine.

    • 12 months ago

      She was perfectly acceptable up to KH2 and after that she went to shit like the rest of the cast.

      • 12 months ago

        >Spends 80% of the game in a coma, does nothing but become motivation for Sora
        >Is absent
        >Spends 80% of the game getting kidnapped, does nothing but become motivation for Sora
        Perfectly acceptable lmao

        • 12 months ago

          >who gives a shit how long a scene is

        • 12 months ago

          When she’s around, she’s a fun character, especially in KH1 where she has that spunky girl next door quality to her. That’s perfectly acceptable. Not to mention that in KH1, she’s arguably the most important character in the entire plot. She’s crucial to the antagonists’ plans.

        • 12 months ago

          Yes, even in her limited screen time she is an acceptable character.
          Certainly better than the jobber she would become

  104. 12 months ago

    >only 2 good games

    • 12 months ago

      Still better than some franchises

  105. 12 months ago

    I've only played dream drop distance on my 3ds. it's a fun game but I wish the combat were more complex. flowmotion and the dream eater transformations are nice but otherwise it's just button mashing.
    timed parries and different types of keyblade attacks/combos would be more fun.

  106. 12 months ago

    I haven’t played the handheld games since I was a teenager. Is it worth going through BBS and DDD again? KH1 and 2 both still hold up well, so I’m wondering about the others.

    • 12 months ago

      BBBS Coded and DDD are decent to play. Don't bother with the shitty coded cutscenes tho.

    • 12 months ago

      If your emulating get the better combat mod for BBS it makes the game much better.

  107. 12 months ago

    In about 29 years when the sloppiest slop is so bad it makes KH look good

  108. 12 months ago

    1 and 2FM are timeless classics with the other entries being very unstable in quality. If they learned from the Remind DLC we might finally return to good shit but i'll believe it when i see it. still gonna play all of them since even the meh entries are still a comfy time

  109. 12 months ago

    I played 1 and 2 in like 2009 but only played the rest in 2017/2018. So it was then, I guess.

  110. 12 months ago

    was there seriously no KH4 news? just only shit about Missing Link

    • 12 months ago

      Wait there's finally Missing Link news? At least that would be something.

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