When Russ and Vulcan come back will they btfo this Usurper?

When Russ and Vulcan come back will they btfo this Usurper?

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  1. 2 years ago

    The Lion's coming back first

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      If he does I will laugh in the face of every spaceyiff

      • 2 years ago

        Its a race between Lion and Russ imo
        Make your bets

  2. 2 years ago

    Russ and Vulcan are to badass to come back soon. They will be the last two loyal primarchs to return of those that do.

    • 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    Vulkan is never coming back, only primarchs of the big four will minus Sang.

    • 2 years ago

      Sanguinus is coming back. They'll have a souless empty clone body from a Fabius Bile lab, do a ram raid on the Vengeful Spirit while Abaddon out buying cigarettes, and have Yvraine rebind his soul from a regrowing crystal statue to the body.

      Vulcan is also coming back. Just needs a bit more time to re-coalesce his body.

      Also, Curze isn't dead. His "death" happened off camera, he's going to be hunting Night Lords like Batman.

      Russ is yiffing about in the warp but will be back.

      Khan is getting anal probed by Drukhari but will be back.

      Lion is just having a nap.

      II and XI are alive and coming back of course.

      Dorn and Ferrus are dead and not coming back though.

      • 2 years ago

        Ferrus is heavily telegraphed to be in the Legion of the Damned, and Dorn got soft retconned into only his hand having been found, I got five bucks that says they're gonna do a "lost in the warp" with him.
        Curze is totally dead though, he let himself be murdered to validate his fatalism.

        • 2 years ago

          I heard he's hiding out in the palace, pretending to be a centurion.

      • 2 years ago

        Corax may come back too. Isn't he like a warp crow monster thing now?

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, I think Corax is kinda past caring for anything beyond KILL LORGAR at this point.

        • 2 years ago

          See, I still maintain he's not necessarily a monster.

          One of the primarch books - I wanna say maybe the Lion's? - implies that the primarchs take human form partly to fit in better with the worlds they end up on. If that's even part true, and they have more to them than basic human form, then Corax might simply be letting out his actual form, as informed by the warp stuff we know the emperor made them with. If that's the case, then it might not be mutation in that he's changed, and more just him slipping into a form he didn't know he had before.

          • 2 years ago

            The Primarchs don't "take" human form, they have one. It's just that it's basically a meat suit, and underneath they are creatures shaped like miniature Warp Storms. When Corax takes on his daemon-like form, it's him tapping into the true powers of his Primarch heritage from the Emperor. But he is still him, still a creature of the Materium, not purely Warp stuff. Something akin to a hybrid.

            The Lion's book notes that the Lion is aware of this nature of the Primarchs moreso than most of his brothers. Russ may know in some allusions, but he's in hard denial about it. Corax knows because the Emperor gave him ALL the information on the Primarch project, so he knows everything about how they were made and the procedures used.

      • 2 years ago

        Curze was straight up beheaded. Now the corona nox speculated being a soul stone...

      • 2 years ago

        >Sanguinus is coming back
        Bullshit, this will invalidate the whole Death Company and a big plot point/chapter identity piece. Also, even in latest BL books which dealed with BA it was said very certainly that Sang is done for, forever.

        • 2 years ago

          His psykhic residue and soul is on the vengeful spirit. There is the means to make a clone body, and call that soul into the body. Nevermind that as Big E gets closer to apotheosis and 41K, he'll be able to manifest to empower more living saints and "greater demons of the emporer" who keep asspulling through divine intervention like Celestine, Draigo, Macharius etc. Sanguinus is absolutely coming back when they get round to it (and run even more out of ideas), and the black rage will turn death company into an army of lesser demons of the Emporererer.

          Yeah, I think Corax is kinda past caring for anything beyond KILL LORGAR at this point.

          For that matter, Big E's warp projected warp presence will intervene and imbue Corax with divine energy, turning him into a giant flaming crow of divine vengeance.

          • 2 years ago

            Thats an echo of his death, his soul is broken and gone.
            Both Dante and Mephiston got to talk to some warp apparition, which took the form of Sanguinius. Both essentially got told "Sang is dead and theres nothing you can do about it"
            Also theres already Sanguinor, which is Sang in extra gold, just give him a buff. Will be way less lorebreaking and idiotic.

          • 2 years ago

            Sang's soul is in the Warp, he hangs out with the Emperor and occasionally tells Dante to come back to life because not even in death does Dante's duty and pain end.

            • 2 years ago

              Mephiston talked to this warp entity too when he got primaris'd, it told him he is not Sangunius and Sang is dead forever

        • 2 years ago

          The sacrifices of the blood angels chapters was already invalidated. All of those heavy losses they just took don't mean anything when you get an instant infusion of primaris marines.

          • 2 years ago

            Frick off Seth, not dying in full on the job is how can still be there and make a difference, rather than being a defeatist butthole and trying not to cry while your chapter degrades and dies.

          • 2 years ago

            >talks about chapter identity and how much Sang dying affected them
            >REEEE PRIMARIS
            Boy, shush.

        • 2 years ago

          What does this to do with Sanguinius?
          In Ruinstorm Sanguinius himself got Black Rage, long before siege of Terra and his death.
          In worst case they will recton something and make it work.

          Sanguinius is dead as frick, they'll either make the Sanguinor bigger or throw in some bullshit about Dante over-reacting to the Primaris juice and becoming Primarch sized so they can replace him in all but name

          Sanguinor alredy is warp thing and noble side of BA and older than Blood Angels themselves.

          Just. Buff. Sanguinor.
          There you go, fluff doesnt get raped and GW has another centerpiece model to sell us for good shekel.

          >fluff doesnt get raped
          Then why GW would bother?

          Mephiston talked to this warp entity too when he got primaris'd, it told him he is not Sangunius and Sang is dead forever

          >Trusting warp shit
          Member when Emperor talked "there is no gods and I'm not a God?" I member.


          When Russ and Vulcan come back will they btfo this Usurper?

          Vulkan wouldn't give much shit, he is last primarch to "die" in Beast Arises series, he don't give shit about Imperium, he just smack some orks untill Fists get him to fight bigger orks.

          • 2 years ago

            >In Ruinstorm Sanguinius himself got Black Rage
            Thats Red Thirst you lorelet, he and his sons all had it, Sang just could deal with it.
            >Trusting warp shit
            Thats BA`s personal warp shit, they have like 3 of them: Sanguinor, whatever lives rent free in Mephiston`s soul and this thing, which is another copy of Sang (but specifically not Sang himself and not Sanguinor).
            Fricking hell you leave Sang out of this bullshit, he doesn't deserve to deal with all the bullshit that is 40k. Let him rest in peace damnit.

            • 2 years ago

              >Thats Red Thirst you lorelet, he and his sons all had it, Sang just could deal with it.
              It was Black Rage.
              He literally got Black rage when traveling to terra, Sanguinor calmed him down.
              Read the fricking book before calling someone lorelet.

              >Fricking hell you leave Sang out of this bullshit, he doesn't deserve to deal with all the bullshit that is 40k. Let him rest in peace damnit.
              He can be given cool big centerpiece model with broken rules, so GW will give him one.

      • 2 years ago

        >Curze is totally dead though, he let himself be murdered to validate his fatalism.
        I'm sure BigE could pull some bullshit move and revive him with psychic warp frickery.

      • 2 years ago

        Sanguinius is dead as frick, they'll either make the Sanguinor bigger or throw in some bullshit about Dante over-reacting to the Primaris juice and becoming Primarch sized so they can replace him in all but name

        • 2 years ago

          Just. Buff. Sanguinor.
          There you go, fluff doesnt get raped and GW has another centerpiece model to sell us for good shekel.

      • 2 years ago

        the big secret being II and XI were girls! and they and their femarine daughters were banished because the emperor is such a incompetent sexist meanie but not to worry they'll be coming back with erda soon to run things in a more proper and inclusive fashion. in the grim darkness of the far future there is only culture war

        • 2 years ago

          Worse they are trannie

        • 2 years ago

          I know thats a satire/bait but please have a nice day regardless

    • 2 years ago

      Vulcan is useless absent father who couldn`t be bothered to actually start acting like a general or lord. His "disappearance" is him trying to evade all responsibility again. Also Sallies arent popular, so theres simply no reason for him to come back

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        There also wasn't a need to tell people not to cosplay as nazis, but GW still did it. They'll bring Vulkan because he's "black" (even if he's just techincally "white" with melanism), because they think that will help them sell film or tv rights to hollywood/western streaming services.

        • 2 years ago

          Nobody cares about Vulcan outside of "le big hug primarch just like in TTS!!!11!!". Lion will sell way better and thats what GW will capitalize on.

      • 2 years ago

        How Black of him to be an absent father

        • 2 years ago

          Come on, guys. He just went out for a pack of smokes. He'll come back.

          • 2 years ago

            Are Newports still legal in 40k

        • 2 years ago

          Perturabo, Ferrus and Lion arent black but they neglected their sons anyway. In 40k fatherless behavious is everybody`s problem

          • 2 years ago

            Ferrus has a pretty solid reason

      • 2 years ago

        Do we actually know what happened post Beast?
        I mean, he could actually be dead, as even Perpetuals could be slain.

    • 2 years ago

      Iirc there was a leak in early 8th edition that basically said it'll be 4v4, consisting of
      >Monogod Chaos crew
      >Bobby, Lion, Russ and Corax

      The only dead dead one is Horus really, everybody else has weird get out of jail cards. Primarchs are so popular that GW isn't going to stop milking them.

      • 2 years ago

        That seems plausible, but I think at least Lorgar will get a model too. Pert unlikely

        • 2 years ago

          >I think at least Lorgar will get a model too. Pert unlikely
          But why do you think this
          The only way i can see that happening is if Lorgar gets a model after Fulgrim and it's one of the worst selling models they've ever made

          • 2 years ago

            Because WB as a legion has potential, even if they arent popular. Lorgar being there buffing shit and giving Guilliman-like aura would be viable.
            As for Pert, his legion is fine without him.

            Here's how I'd want it
            >Russ, Khan, and Vulkan come back, fall in line with Rawbooty Gorillaman
            >Lion comes back, throws autist hissy fit over how Rodent Guillotine is running things.
            >They agree that he gets say over Imperium Nihilus, he and DA legion (including most successors) frick off there.
            >Dorn is found dead by his sons. He evidently survived his disappearance, as he's found perfectly preserved in an ice fishing shack on a backwater frozen world. He even fashioned a crude augmetic hand.
            >Curze turns out to be alive, has been hunting his own sons. Nobody can pin him down to actually kill him so they leave him be.
            >Peter Turbo's daemon-primarch ascension recanonizes Malal, he's now a fricking big obliterator daemon


  4. 2 years ago

    Russ and Guilliman were friends, Russ wouldn't give him shit.

    • 2 years ago

      >Russ wouldn't give him shit


    • 2 years ago

      Russ would absolutely give him shit but probably only over things he thinks Bobby is fricking up
      Largely because there's no way in hell Russ wants the job and even though he'll probably be mad that Bobby is doing it he'll be hard pressed to pick someone less better
      So whenever Russ thinks Bobby is fricking up he'll show up to arm-wrestle him or drink him under the table or generally bully him like an butthole older brother but with some weird lesson behind it he'll refuse to say until Bobby realises the drinks are a metaphor for his tax policy or some bullshit
      Is this stupid? Yes
      Is it something GW would do anyway? Yes
      Is it actually interesting and fun? Remains to be seen

      • 2 years ago

        >hard pressed to pick someone less better
        brain fart, read that as "pick someone less stupid or better suited"

    • 2 years ago

      Russ would give him shit BECAUSE they're friends.

  5. 2 years ago

    Russ was one of the few primarchs Guilliman was close with and doesn't really have any reason to interfere with his political shit, at most he would just ask to take reign of military affairs just so he could go ham again, and while Gil and Vulkan weren't close, he also doesn't really have any reason to btfo him since he just wanted to do his own shit

  6. 2 years ago

    >the lion comes back
    >it's okay bros
    >I forgive you
    How much shit would the Unforgiven collectively lose?

    • 2 years ago

      >Lion comes back
      >all DA, successors and fallens and related take the knee
      >Cypher offers up the Lion Sword, Lion takes it
      and decapitates Cypher on the spot
      >"Right, now that's sorted, what's going on in the galaxy?"
      >Cypher never mentioned again
      this is what DAs deserve

  7. 2 years ago

    I don't know, will you ever learn to stay in your containment general?

    • 2 years ago

      Frick off back to your containment general, homosexuals.

      why are you like this?

  8. 2 years ago

    Currently there are 14 40k threads in the catalog. Did we really need this one? (Hint, the answer is "no")

    • 2 years ago

      gonna make a 15th one just to spite you, generalgay

      • 2 years ago

        Go and make non-40k thread then homosexual.

        Frick off back to your containment general, homosexuals.

        • 2 years ago

          No one cares about your gay ass PBTA OSR Star Trek game

          • 2 years ago

            No-one cares about your latest "Bing Bing Wowzas!" 40k theorycraft, Black person

    • 2 years ago

      I don't know, will you ever learn to stay in your containment general?

      Go and make non-40k thread then homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      >what is that, people discussing traditional games on /tg/, well we can't have that

  9. 2 years ago

    In terms of possible primarch returns they will have the following reactions to Bobby G's shit...
    Will grumble about it, maybe be mad at his crazy sons, might try to rebuild the fists legion.
    Will either be incredibly pissed or 100% on board, there will be no inbetween
    >Vulcan, Corax
    Will be on board just like they were with the codex.
    Will be mad but too focused on chaos to care.
    Will be a big frick off legion of the damned marine, will not care.

    • 2 years ago

      >Will either be incredibly pissed or 100% on board, there will be no inbetween
      Lion would be pissed Guilliman effectively got the Throne but ultimately would remain loyal to the Imperium.
      The horrible state of the Imperium itself would not necessarily be a reason for him to go berserk, he knew that as a social organization it turned its planets into hellholes, he had seen it happen to Caliban.
      I also don't think he would be mad at the Unforgiven for going tk over any mentions of the Fallen, I very much doubt he would have let another organization deal with them if he had a word to say about it.

      • 2 years ago

        The Lion being back would probably end up being a good thing. Guilliman is finding out that there is too much for him to do alone. Adding the Lion to run the military side as effective Warmaster (because the Lion is flatly better than Guilliman is at it) would let Guilliman focus on administration, governance, and not letting Cawl go overboard like making Traitor Legion Primaris as if Cawl hasn't already anyway kek.

  10. 2 years ago

    Mortarion came out five years ago, I don't know why people are convinced that Angron heralds a big wave of primarch releases

  11. 2 years ago

    Here's how I'd want it
    >Russ, Khan, and Vulkan come back, fall in line with Rawbooty Gorillaman
    >Lion comes back, throws autist hissy fit over how Rodent Guillotine is running things.
    >They agree that he gets say over Imperium Nihilus, he and DA legion (including most successors) frick off there.
    >Dorn is found dead by his sons. He evidently survived his disappearance, as he's found perfectly preserved in an ice fishing shack on a backwater frozen world. He even fashioned a crude augmetic hand.
    >Curze turns out to be alive, has been hunting his own sons. Nobody can pin him down to actually kill him so they leave him be.
    >Peter Turbo's daemon-primarch ascension recanonizes Malal, he's now a fricking big obliterator daemon

    • 2 years ago

      I just want Lion to put a sword through Gulliman's blue heart.

      • 2 years ago

        Yvraine will just ressurect him one more time with blowjob and eldar breasts.

  12. 2 years ago

    Why the frick would you want the loyalists back?

    With the traitors at least they can get cool daemon models. If all the primarchs come back its just 30k again

    • 2 years ago

      >Why the frick would you want the loyalists back?

      Civil War Between the good guys sounds hot

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