When will they finally let the bad guys be bad guys again?

When will they finally let the bad guys be bad guys again?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    >When will they finally force in terribly written villains like gen 3-6 again?
    Hopefully never. It was the worst of both worlds where the villains still acted like fricking moronic clowns yet the game still pretends you're supposed to take them seriously as threats.

    • 4 months ago

      I think that's exactly why more recent games have split the "evil team" and "main bad guy" into two separate things. The "Team ____" are just goofballs who serve as random roadblocks during the story, while someone else fills the "main villain" role that Cyrus and the like used to.

      • 4 months ago

        how about (and bear with me) having a different plot structure?

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Incompetent grunts are fine as long they're funny. Team Dim Sun in Rangers was pretty funny, but you could still take the bad guys who were actual characters seriously. Aside from the broken accent guy.

  2. 4 months ago

    When people get tired of goofy bad guys and start wanting the real bad guys. Eventually they'll get tired of those too, and the cycle will repeat

  3. 4 months ago

    Team Yell doesn't suck because there goofy they suck because they have no identity outside of simping for a hot topic-flavored piece of cardboard.

    • 4 months ago

      Team yell couldve worked better if they killed or silenced people who tried to become the champion just so that marnie can be the champion instead

      • 4 months ago

        And that would've required giving Marnie an actual character, so not a fricking chance with how minimalist SWSH wanted to be with its characters and story up until the mandatory Save Le World finale.

      • 4 months ago

        Go back to your edgy fangames made by 14 year olds such as yourself

    • 4 months ago

      I thought it was pretty funny that Piers was the one who set it up for his little sister

      • 4 months ago

        To be fair that aspect of Yell was kino. Feels vit more could have been done with that. lie Piers set up yell to help his sister BUT they go way too far and start doing what

        Team yell couldve worked better if they killed or silenced people who tried to become the champion just so that marnie can be the champion instead

        suggested, heck maybe they turn on Peirs and try to call him a fake fan or something.

        Though thinking about it, a big reason Yell is so underwhelming is because unlike Skull which has Aether to care the big stakes of the story, Yell just had Macro Cosmos who are even bigger frick ups as villains than Yell mainly because the only thing they do is try to stop YOU and Hop from storming their business, which they have every right to do, because the only reason you are there is to interrupt a meeting Rose has with Leon.

        • 4 months ago

          I think the bigger problem is that they have "Team" in their names, so people immediately compare them to Team Rocket. If they exactly the same but were just "Marnie's unnamed cheering squad", they'd have probably be beloved gag characters.

  4. 4 months ago

    I'd prefer if the evil organization was just a bunch of mobsters/generic criminals again instead of world conquerers. More gen 1 and 2 Team Rocket and less gen 4 Team Galactic/gen 6 Team Flare. I honestly prefered when legendary Pokemon were kept out of the main story.

    • 4 months ago

      It's been 7 generations of cover legendary-centric plotlines now, we're never going back lol.

      • 4 months ago

        I know, I know...

        I just like the games that are more "go have an adventure and explore this strange world!" and less "go have an adventure and save the universe!".

    • 4 months ago

      Team Rocket and the whole petty criminal thing is WAY better for an evil team in Pokemon because there's no way they would seriously do anything to a 10 year old except maybe steal his pokemon.

  5. 4 months ago

    Never, because Ohmori only knows how to write family dramas and "subversive" antagonistic teams.

  6. 4 months ago

    I guess the success of Team Skull made way for these really goofy as hell teams as of late. But Skull was made up of disfranchised losers that couldn't cut it as Pokémon trainers on Aloha, and found some comradery with each other, and guidance and protection with the leaders.
    The new ones are just there to fill the evil team quota.

    • 4 months ago

      Gens 5 and 7 were actually the closest to an interesting evil team, they both just couldn't resist giving the twist away right at the start of the game for some reason.

      Team Skull worked because they also felt like a problem. Maybe not a world-ending threat but they were occupying a whole town, stealing and shaking people down. They felt like a street gang to contrast to Team Rocket's Mafia/Yakuza, as opposed to the evil because lol teams from other games.

  7. 4 months ago

    Team Star wasn't the bad guys. The professor is.

    • 4 months ago

      No they aren't.
      Are the military the bad guys if they make sure their camp is protected from outsiders at all costs?
      And the AI professors don't even do anything scary, they just challenge you into a Pokemon battle.

      • 4 months ago

        I said the professor, not the AI. The AI itself is indeed the good guy, that was the whole twist.
        The professor literally wanted Paldea to be overrun by fricked up machines/dinosaurs despite several warnings from their objectively thinking AI because "it's just part of nature lol"
        They also neglected their son his whole life.
        Did you even play the fricking game bro?

        • 4 months ago

          >The professor literally wanted Paldea to be overrun by fricked up machines/dinosaurs despite several warnings from their objectively thinking AI because "it's just part of nature lol"
          No they didn't, they just wanted those mons brought over, unknowing to the consequences. The AI didn't say shit too, it only developed this thought by witnessing the -raidons hostility, meaning after the OG professor was killed.
          >They also neglected their son his whole life.
          Ok so do many parents, does that make them villains?
          >Did you even play the fricking game bro?
          You should this ask yourself first

          • 4 months ago

            >No they didn't, they just wanted those mons brought over, unknowing to the consequences. The AI didn't say shit too, it only developed this thought by witnessing the -raidons hostility, meaning after the OG professor was killed.
            >"The original professor had a dream...of a world in which future Pokémon might live alongside present-day Pokémon in harmony. But these Pokémon have gained a strange power due to their adaptations in the distant future...and this power has proved too terrible. Their very existence brings destruction to the ecological balance of this current age. The original professor would say that such destruction is a natural part of life. At present, the barrier around Area Zero is still working to keep the future Pokémon from escaping into the rest of Paldea. But we've begun to see Pokémon appear that can break the barrier—such as Iron Treads. Eventually they will break free of this walled garden known as Area Zero and run rampant across the Paldea region. And when they do, the rich and varied ecosystem of Paldea will be trampled beneath their coming. I may have been created as a copy of the professor, and yet...I cannot seem to find the logic in allowing such a tragedy to occur."
            What fricking fanfic did you read moron? You're literally lying out of your ass.
            >hurr abuse happens so it's not bad
            Arven literally had to learn how to cook just to feed himself. He didn't even see his parent in ages despite being a teenager. What even is this bait bro?

            • 4 months ago

              This is not true tho since we can see many Pokemon, even "weak" and unevolved ones, live in Area Zero no problem.
              The professor was the one lying out of her/his ass.

              • 4 months ago

                Lvl 60 shitmons are a lot stronger than lvl 20 shitmons, anon.

                schizo babble. never write anything over 30 words long about a video game.

                I'm literally quoting the game, but I know you don't want to read it cause you're embarrassed of how fricking wrong you are. I accept your concession.

              • 4 months ago

                >This is not true tho since [GAME MECHANICS]
                The AI is talking about decades or even centuries later down the line, when eventually the population of Paradox Pokemon will become overbearingly high because the time machine is still constantly capturing Paradoxes to bring to Paldea, and it's SO fricking sophisticated that nothing can render it inoperable aside from one exact specific method, which is the professor's childhood copy of Heath's book.

              • 4 months ago

                It's not that sophisticated, it's just that the professor wanted the machine to be so fricking failsafe that they came up with one specific method that only a very specific set of people would even be able to have access to - and even that method doesn't truly shut the machine down. Because, you know, they were evil and insane. Like the villain of the game.
                But don't bother explaining things to the morons here, they are either trolling or literally can't read, neither ingame text nor the posts here.

            • 4 months ago

              schizo babble. never write anything over 30 words long about a video game.

          • 4 months ago

            >Ok so do many parents, does that make them villains?

            • 4 months ago

              No tho

          • 4 months ago

            yes, your parents are dogass and you deserve better.

  8. 4 months ago

    I hate strawman arguments

  9. 4 months ago

    Team Apocalypse honestly already sound better than these goofy "pity me" band of misfits we call "team organizations" today. Team Skull with the Aether twist was a nice change of pace, but their formula didn't need to become another trend of it's own.

  10. 4 months ago

    Rocket and Skull are the only Teams who are threatening and also don't want to blow up all of existence for poorly explained reasons. Gangs are filled with misfits and morons so they can still have dumb grunts but as you work your way up the chain so does the level of competence (or it barely does in Skull's case but that's fine too).

  11. 4 months ago

    i wish we had a set of villains like those in die hard 2. a very obvious group of antagonists doing genuinely dangerous shit, while the "good guys" that get called in to "help" were working with them the whole time. i recon a good twist villain is what the franchise needs, unlike the bullshit they pulled in gen 8 with rose.
    also would it be too obvious if they setup another "bad guy is actually the good guy" and vice versa like in mystery dungeon time/darkness?

  12. 4 months ago


  13. 4 months ago

    Pokémon’s only good antagonists are Guzma and Lusamine.

  14. 4 months ago

    >When will they finally let the cringy edgelord guys be bad guys again?

    • 4 months ago

      Uh remember SV?

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