When will VR stop being a gimmick?

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  1. 4 months ago

    When full dive SAO like games exist

    • 4 months ago

      Full dive means you can't even move your body. That's less realistic than what we have now.

      • 4 months ago

        doesn't matter when your brain is experiencing the game as if you were inside of it

    • 4 months ago

      For me, it's Log Horizon.

    • 4 months ago

      When it's holodeck level, or some sort of lucid dreaming thing at least.

      pretty much this. normies expect the shit you see in movies and tv shows, this shit of strapping a small screen to your head isn't it.

  2. 4 months ago


  3. 4 months ago

    >Ganker screeches since 2014 for VR to go away
    >it's still here
    lmao, ima go enjoy more Into the Radius, gays

    • 4 months ago

      Name a single Triple A game on VR that came out this year, Hard mode: No glorified tech demo

      • 4 months ago

        Metro Awakening VR, your move

      • 4 months ago

        Why would anyone want aaa-slop.

      • 4 months ago

        I didn't touch any AAAslop on my PC as well.
        Enjoy your Skulls and Bones tho, kek

      • 4 months ago

        When the ecosystem because usable open source, so we're not stuck with stagnation, planned obsolescence and market segmentation.

        There hasn't been a AAA game since 2007-2012 unless you want to go by marketing terms intended to fool normalgays.
        The term was coined because investors were able to invest in studios and publishers with talented resources and get guaranteed returns for their money, with no talented resources the term is no longer applicable, it's just throwing money out of the window.

        Trans folk are here to stay
        Better get used to it incel

        Literally just a malformed meme resulting from the advertising industry.
        Day of the adblock soon.

      • 4 months ago

        >Name a single Triple A game on VR that came out this year, Hard mode: No glorified tech demo
        This is not the own that you think it is. I've had more fun with arcadey small-scale games in VR than I have with AAA horse shit over the past few years.

        • 4 months ago

          >I had fun
          And I bet you had fun waggling the Wii too but you'll never touch a Wii again will you?

    • 4 months ago

      You bought a face monitor and youe money is gone forever kek baggie

      • 4 months ago

        You can buy a Quest 2 for 250 now, I paid 300 for mine.

        • 4 months ago

          And that's new. Off of like Facebook marketplace you can probably get one from 100$

          • 4 months ago

            Why tho? Why would anyone buy this?

  4. 4 months ago

    Right now.

  5. 4 months ago

    No way gay.

  6. 4 months ago

    >join slimevr discord server

    • 4 months ago

      those trannies made some nice tech ill give em that. i want slimevr real bad but cant justify 200 bucks legs in VRChat, so my kinect'll do.

    • 4 months ago

      >tech is almost exclusively used to let furries and weebs do FBT in VR Chat
      >surprised there's trans people dominating the field

      • 4 months ago

        >join slimevr discord server
        >TRANS RIG-

        Trans folk are here to stay
        Better get used to it incel

        • 4 months ago

          No they're not lol
          We can literally just wait

          • 4 months ago

            2 more weeks

        • 4 months ago

          >Trans folk are here to stay
          You're not real, but a manufactured subculture by israelites to destroy the White National identity, and you've failed. The idea that a burlesque sideshow act is a life style or identity is laughably fricking moronic. Next thing you know people will claim that "Clowns" are a sexual identity. Or, "mimes." Or, some increasingly pathetic attention grabbing spectacle of failure. Perhaps the illuminated society of men that shove light bulbs up their asses and their historic struggle?

        • 4 months ago

          >Trans folk are here to stay
          That's right you will never be a woman. You will always be trans.

      • 4 months ago

        nta but im not surprised and its why i stay away from those spaces

  7. 4 months ago

    Anything with headgear is DOA

  8. 4 months ago

    when I can kick something without the risk of stubbung my toe or dropkick without the risk of hitting a wall

  9. 4 months ago

    gaming is full of gimmicks, it's the best medium for them
    sometimes gimmick good

  10. 4 months ago

    When it's holodeck level, or some sort of lucid dreaming thing at least.

    • 4 months ago

      You got the right idea

    • 4 months ago

      >tfw holodeck sex with ai girlfriend

  11. 4 months ago

    I'm in vr right now. Physical screens are obsolete poor gay

  12. 4 months ago

    The issue with VR right now is it doesn't offer an experience or level of immersion that is different enough from regular digital tech to make it worthwhile. It's also a hassle to use.

    It needs to become less of a hassle, and more immersive. I feel like we've reached the boundaries of the latter and the only way to move past it would be through some kind of Brain Machine Interface.

    A third point I just realized is VR still tries to use the desktop metaphor for computing. This makes zero sense as it's a completely new way of interacting with the digital. It's 3D. It needs a completely new metaphor, maybe a spatial one.
    This kinda ties into what I mean about it being a "hassle" to use, it's awkardly trying to adapt methods of interaction between the users and computing that don't feel intuitive for what it is.
    I was reading Idoru recently and its depiction of virtual reality seems to be something like this. I think Dennou Coil also has something similar.

    • 4 months ago

      Agree with the hassle but disagree with the immersion part. VR is the most immersion I ever felt in gaming.

      I think VR needs more finished, non-sandbox games like Alyx. I still believe that the formula of legend of Zelda would be perfect for a VR game. Combat, exploration and puzzles would translate really well. The devs still pour their heart and soul onto those games and "sense of adventure" was always a central theme and they aren't afraid to test new concepts.

      • 4 months ago

        >I still believe that the formula of legend of Zelda would be perfect for a VR game. Combat, exploration and puzzles would translate really well.

        Vengeful Rites exists. So does Herobound

  13. 4 months ago

    My Quest 2 has been just sitting there for over a year. No games to play, ive played them all, and it takes too much work to use it and I get eye strain.
    The tech needs to get better and we need more games.

    • 4 months ago

      Quest 2 is poor people lenses

    • 4 months ago

      the tech is fine just get a 4090 and a non Quest 2 because while i love it for getting me into vr, it's plain uncomforable and has bad lens
      as for games, we just got hundreds of modded unreal engine ones

  14. 4 months ago

    When it stops being an expensive motion sickness simulator.

    • 4 months ago

      Skill issue

  15. 4 months ago

    VR in its current iteration (i.e, strapping a fricking television to your face) will never take off. The technology needs to get better, brain interfaces or whatever.

    • 4 months ago

      You can still be immersed with something strapped to your face.
      But the form factor has to be something like pic related at a MAXIMUM.
      The Bigscreen Beyond was almost perfect, it just needs to find a way to deal with its heating problems and get some of those Valve style overear headphones.

      • 4 months ago

        I think it's going to be at least another 10-15 years before VR is at the point where I'd consider it to be more than a gimmick. Clarity still isn't good enough even on the best headsets, tracking is usually hit or miss, and the interface in basically every model is still far too clunky and nowhere near seamless enough. Also, the headsets themselves are still far too bulky and still often need to deathgrip your face to stay in place without the lenses shifting out of position - heaven forbid you actually try to move around with that shit strapped to your face.
        And that's all without even talking about their abysmal battery life when untethered and the hassle of needing to maintain a physical link to your PC for the best image quality (there's ways of streaming shit to the headset wirelessly but it's currently compressed video with an inherent level of latency behind it, and it's still not as clear as a direct uncompressed connection from what I've seen so far).
        On top of all of that, there still aren't a lot of games that make good use of VR even now, and even if you just want to use it for VR porn or something it's still too much hassle to bother with (if you use it for VR videos for example you really need to be viewing videos that are at least 8K or higher at an extremely high bitrate due to the need to be able to look around the scene up to at least 180 degrees or so, as well as the screen's proximity to your eyes making even small artifacts stand out to an insane degree).

        Wake me when they're barely any bulkier than a standard pair of glasses and tracking has improved to the point where there's no need for controllers at all (or there's a light glove that does the same job with force-feedback that's included with one of these things, rather than just a tech demo at best).

        This thing is probably the closest I've seen to the form factor that I'd deem acceptable, but still a bit too bulky and has quite a few problems of its own.

      • 4 months ago

        >get some of those Valve style overear headphones.
        They released this.


      • 4 months ago

        >get some of those Valve style overear headphones.
        They released this.


        The fact that this is limited to Valve's ancient tracking tech is the biggest thin dragging down this headset and preventing me from buying it.

        • 4 months ago

          >Valve's ancient tracking tech
          what's wrong with it?

        • 4 months ago

          lighthouse is the superior tracking tech though, it's fast, sub-mm accurate and has no dead zones. They literally had to build cheats into Beat Saber to make it playable on the quest due to all the dead zones up close, like auto-aim in console shooters

  16. 4 months ago

    I honestly don't know what people want from it at this point. Anything short of a full dive, total tactile system that has a bunch of porn for every deviant fetish is just gonna be called a gimmick it seems.

  17. 4 months ago

    Never. Google is even trying to hitch on to the VR goggles meme now, 6 years late.

  18. 4 months ago

    When a set of basic, consumer friendly haptic gloves cost you as much as a regular gamepad

  19. 4 months ago

    When it's like SAO

  20. 4 months ago

    Already did. Ganker is simply in denial because admitting otherwise would be admitting they are missing out due to poverty/social ineptitude/a general fear of having fun

  21. 4 months ago

    When the best VR headset on the market doesn't cost as much as a down payment on a house.

    • 4 months ago

      >da best ever
      lmao according to who, VR virgy?

    • 4 months ago

      10k isn't enough for a down payment. It's closer to 20k and some places need more up to 50k nowadays.

      • 4 months ago

        >Enough for down payment
        >In CURRENT YEAR
        LMAO even.

        Keep in mind I didn't include the hand tracking module to bring it to parity with the AVP, nor the required business license you need to buy in order to own one.

    • 4 months ago

      >Enough for down payment
      LMAO even.

    • 4 months ago

      I'll probably buy a XR4 once the 5090 drops and they sort out the drivers.

      • 4 months ago

        >Not a Pimax Crystal

  22. 4 months ago

    The more prurient question is, how good is VR porn?

    • 4 months ago

      depends on your fetish

    • 4 months ago

      its ok tbh i still fap to doujin most of the time instead

    • 4 months ago

      The Quest 3 has a passthrough feature which allows objects and other elements to interact with your environment. Combined with porn, you can have naked b***hes appear in your space ala augmented reality.

  23. 4 months ago

    When devs start treating it as a display. The way it can gain more ground is by notable games having VR modes alongside regular play with no additional crap, just plonk the headset on and play like regular. My most played VR game is still Subnautica, followed by Elite: Dangerous (until it shit the bed one final time) and FS2020 and then Quake 1, none of these utilize motion controls.

    "VR experiences" are gimmick sideshow bullshit that's holding the field back.

    • 4 months ago

      Subnautica with the Submerged VR mod uses motion controls and it's great

    • 4 months ago

      wienerpit games like E:D have the benefit of far more elaborate gear like HOTAS, HOSAS, pedals and wheels, it's cheating to say they don't benefit from motion controls when you've got a simulacrum of a wienerpit in front of you.

      That's the thing. None of this motion control junk is remotely any good as an actual input method. It's inefficient, imprecise and inherently limiting.
      The only bit that makes any sense is camera control by look direction. Everything else is objectively a step backwards and requires too much motion to be effective.

      >Camera control by look direction
      Motion controls follow naturally from controlling the camera with the headset, unless it's seated VR you're already standing and looking around, at which point you're holding motion controllers anyway, since split controllers are the most comfortable and ergonomic form factor. And with controllers in hand it makes sense to exploit the most intuitive control scheme available.

      • 4 months ago

        It's not about benefiting or not benefiting, it's about whether it's worth it to keep a space cleared and have all sorts of crap set up so you can flail around. After the novelty wears off it basically never is worth it, whereas just seeing the game world around you is worth it to strap the thing in your head while sitting at the computer normally. Then clearing space for motion controls becomes an option instead of an annoying requirement.

        Setting up and keeping space for all sorts of additional controllers is actually a similar detriment to enjoying some simulation games. Yeah it's cool to have a full hotas setup with pedals and everything, but most of the time I just use a single joystick for convenience. The situation overall is the same: simulation games are largely an enthusiast hobby, just like VR is now, and both are profitable certainly. However if we want VR to become truly mainstream it needs to be effortless first and foremost.

        • 4 months ago

          I just always have the space cleared as a space for temporary stuff and all of the crap is adhesive mounted.
          >Then clearing space for motion controls becomes an option instead of an annoying requirement.
          Seated VR remains a thing and isn't mutually exclusive with motion controls.
          >keeping space for all sorts of additional controllers is actually a similar detriment to enjoying some simulation games
          Yes that can be annoying, especially if there is supposed to be some consideration for mounts.
          Everything requires effort. Reducing all of the hookups required for TVs, reducing their bulk and consolidating everything was a mistake, it's just lowered the bar for what is perceived as effort for initial setups.

  24. 4 months ago

    VR is genuinely amazing. bought an index in 2022 and didn't regret it at all.
    I said it in other VR threads already but its biggest problem is how hard it is to sell.
    If I hadn't tried HL Alyx at a friend's house, I never would've considered VR. Seeing it on a screen and actually playing are so enormously different that it makes marketing impossible imo since no flat screen will ever be able to convey the actual experience.

    If everyone had the chance to play the first level of HL Alyx for free somehow then I'm certain the market would've quadrupled by now.

  25. 4 months ago

    What alternate head strap is recommended for the Quest 3?

  26. 4 months ago

    should i get Quest Pro for the eye and face tracking, or Quest 3 for slightly better visuals
    honestly already decided to get the quest pro cause im a vrchat prostitute

    • 4 months ago

      No the Quest Pro is literal dogshit, literal unironic garbage, don't even consider it.

    • 4 months ago

      No the Quest Pro is literal dogshit, literal unironic garbage, don't even consider it.

      Yeah Quest Pro is outdated now compared to 3.

  27. 4 months ago

    Am I the only one who just wants an HMD and not all this motion control junk?

    • 4 months ago

      I like the option to have it when I need it, not like how Meta has it where it's always required or how Apple has it where it's not even an option.

      • 4 months ago

        That's the thing. None of this motion control junk is remotely any good as an actual input method. It's inefficient, imprecise and inherently limiting.
        The only bit that makes any sense is camera control by look direction. Everything else is objectively a step backwards and requires too much motion to be effective.

        • 4 months ago

          You are incredibly wrong and I can tell you lack experience with VR. Pointing with a mouse is not more natural, ergonomic or precise than pointing a gun in VR.

  28. 4 months ago

    I wish I had a room big enough for redirected walking, that shit seems so fricking cool

    • 4 months ago

      Disney came up with a way to make an omnidirectional floor so in the future you won't even a room that big.

      • 4 months ago

        I saw, but it's Disney so you probably won't see it anywhere other than theme parks.
        There's also Freeaim which is kind of like holotile but in reverse (it's on your feet instead of the floor): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpboZ0Tpcvk&t=7s
        The issue with both of these is I doubt you can run very hard or fast comfortably with these.

        • 4 months ago

          Not of a fan of these since you can't strafe with them. Might as well get a Kat VR if you're willing to invest in VR since it can track movement in all directions.

  29. 4 months ago

    you guys don't get it. some of these little kids out here are absolutely obsessed with it. they are ready and willing to put on the headsets and go about their life with it on. they see adults do it and they think it's cool. they are totally 100% marks.

  30. 4 months ago

    meta sold around 20-25 million quest 2 devices. that's half of the amount sony sold with their ps5. it hasn't been a gimmick since rift s

    • 4 months ago

      But this does cement mass market VR as a self contained console style device rather than a widely used standardized PC peripheral like monitors. Was this the right road to go down?

    • 4 months ago

      except sony actually makes money from playstation, whereas facebook is basically paying people to take the things

      • 4 months ago

        They make their money back on their cut of software sales, like all other consoles do.

        • 4 months ago

          No they don't. It's not even close

  31. 4 months ago

    when the target audience will be able to afford an apartment that is large enough to allow playing comfortably
    so not any time soon lmao

    • 4 months ago


  32. 4 months ago

    >beyond ordered 4 months ago
    >still hasn't shipped
    pic related very soon to be me

  33. 4 months ago

    The issue is lack of actual non-gimmicky/tech demo games paired with the amount of people VR currently has at its disposal. Sony and Valve were the only ones to actually dump the big bucks into it and in Sony's case they were willing to take losses just to build their platform base and try to expand their market (Only to shoot themselves in the foot with PSVR2 not having BC). Even then a lot of devs that they attracted just slapped on VR modes onto their currently existing games and called it a day which isn't the same as making a new VR game.

    Most of what you're going to find is just gonna feel like devs showcasing various things you can do in VR rather than expanding on that leaving you with fairly short games or concepts that never really feel like they get past that "Tech demo" phase of gaming. This completely ignores the major limitation of movement so they have to make compromises, and in general they have to deal with making gameplay slower to accommodate for teleportation or that jogging-esque movement. Then there's the room size for some VR games which people simply don't have.

    There's also the issue of motion sickness, headaches, and eye pain that come with using the thing for more than an hour or two so making expansive games like normal systems is a much harder ask because people are gonna want to be taking the thing off instead of doing long sessions. Sure, you get better with this over time but not everyone does, and when you're trying to attract everyone that's a major issue.

    • 4 months ago

      >in Sony's case they were willing to take losses just to build their platform base and try to expand their market (Only to shoot themselves in the foot with PSVR2 not having BC)
      Weird that they aren't trying to pay devs to port all the PSVR1 games over.

  34. 4 months ago

    VR was only made for porn.

    • 4 months ago

      Definitely half of it.

    • 4 months ago

      I need it for more than that.

  35. 4 months ago

    >When will VR stop being a gimmick?


  36. 4 months ago

    when you stop being a gay and start playing vr games

    star wars tales from galaxy's edge
    star wars vader immortal 1+2+3
    tetris effect+rez infinite
    moss 1+2
    jurassic world aftermath
    crisis vrgade2
    iron rebellion
    red matter 1+2
    secrets of retropolis 1+2
    a fisherman's tale + another fisherman's tale
    i expect you to die 1+2+3
    wallace and gromit the grand getaway
    gun club vr
    espire 2
    green hell
    arashi final cut
    lego bricktales
    7th guest
    warplanes: battles over the pacific
    the climb 2
    the room vr
    walking dead saints and sinners
    luckys tale
    ven vr adventure
    ninja legends
    bone lab
    blade and sorcery
    battle talent
    samba de amigo

    teambeef vr ports
    doom 1/2+3
    quake 1+2+3
    jedi outcast (soon academy)
    duke nukem 3d
    prey 2006

    virtual boy emulator
    citra vr
    dolphin vr
    dolphin/citra in stereoscopic 3d

    pcvr games
    half life alyx
    valve's the lab
    elite dangerous
    star wars squadrons
    microsoft flight simulator
    project wingman

  37. 4 months ago

    should i buy quest 3?
    is there a good auto masturbator?
    man i just wanna try to frick some anime girls

    • 4 months ago

      Yes and yes, it is the cheapest and easiest horny right now.

  38. 4 months ago

    How's Ashgard 2 Turbo Champion Edition?

  39. 4 months ago

    When they frick off with the motion controls. No physical feedback means eat shit and die, I'm not interested. Should be able to just put on some glasses and free look while doing everything else the same.

    Oh wait, i CAN do that with my Nreal Air glasses and a steamdeck with some free 3rd party software. Neato

    • 4 months ago

      Whats wrong with motion controls and what do you suggest instead?

      • 4 months ago

        The answer you seek is in the post you replied to.

    • 4 months ago

      There needs to be some basic system before you get physical feedback. You can make force feedback gloves yourself, but you still need something to track their position.

  40. 4 months ago

    I was considering saving up for a Meta Quest 3, but then I realized I'd never use it enough to get my money's worth out of it. I'd probably sit in bed and watch porn on it or anime, but that's about it. I guess it'd be more comfortable than sitting in a chair in front of my PC, could technically lay down in bed and just project the screen on the ceiling I guess? I doubt it's very comfortable to sleep in or fall asleep wearing it.

    It's also kind of neat that I could scan my bedroom and lay out a boundary to turn it into some scenic place.

  41. 4 months ago

    1. Make better games or actually just make a game and not tech demos.
    2. Get better controls. Current motion controls are shit and severely limit the types of games you can play.
    2.a. seriously the controls suck. Anyone from a child to an old person can use a keyboard/mouse. Get something on par with that level of usability and you'll be golden.
    3. Make it so I don't have to wear a giant moron mask on my face.

  42. 4 months ago

    Despite all of this, I still want a Quest 3, though. I have never experienced pancake lenses and people are really hyping them up.

    On the other hand, I started playing fps with a gyro controller and i already feel like I am much more "in the game" with the motion control aiming.

  43. 4 months ago

    When you don't need a 1,500 dollar computer and a 1,000 headset for it to be good
    Also when people start making halfway decent games for it but they just make shovel ware and kids games that can run on standalone VR sets that look like garbage

    • 4 months ago


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