Where did it all go so right?

Where did it all go so right?

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    it was made in the 2000s when everything was cool even if it didn't seem cool at the time

  2. 11 months ago

    I dont understand how people were gaslit into thinking 2 was the series peak

    • 11 months ago

      silence zoomer dog

      • 11 months ago

        The third was immensely better in every way, you're blinded by nostalgia if you think SR2 is better, I
        played it recently and quit half way, the driving sucks it's so stiff, lots of homophobia and transphobia, albelism and sexism
        I stopped playing it half way though.

        • 11 months ago

          Sounds like a pretty good game.

        • 11 months ago

          >The third was immensely better in every way, you're blinded by nostalgia
          Lol, lmao even
          >Removed the ability to pick up random objects laying around and use them as weapons
          >Removed the dynamic day and night cycle
          >Introduced PAID cheat codes in the form of fricking DLC
          >Cut out a ton of content so they could nickel and dime us with a hundred DLC packs
          >Removed Fight Club minigame and made it a mission only thing for KillBane
          >Removed the Demolition Derby minigame when SR3 even had fricking stadiums where it could've taken place
          >Removed the ability to replay missions
          >Removed the ability to rewatch cutscenes
          >No option to downgrade weapons if you didn't like them
          >Has significantly less customization options for cribs ( literally every crib option in SR3 is just copy pasted for all locations. In SR2 you would have some unique options depending on what location you're at)
          >Has less pedestrian variety as well as less activities they did
          >Removed a fun multiplayer for Co-op ( There is no reason that SR3 couldn't have had both )
          >SR3 had nowhere near the amount of character customization that SR2 had
          >Replaced food and drugs with lame ass grenades nobody gives a shit about ( outside of regular grenades anyway ) Then again, I guess using food to recover health is pointless when you're practically invincible not even halfway into the game, another problem SR3 has.
          >Removed the ability to change your fighting style
          >Removed the ability to change walk animations
          >Removed Taxi and Firetruck missions
          >Removed Cop missions
          >Removed Ambulance missions
          >Removed hitman missions
          >Reduced the amount of cool easter eggs you could find
          >Significantly less buildings that you could enter than SR2
          >literally every minor fricking thing you can do has an unlock, like holding up random pedestrians
          >Couldn't balance the serious and wackiness like SR2 and went full moron with the lolrandumXD humor

          • 11 months ago

            this comment is unfathomably based.

            • 11 months ago

              I fricking kneel
              Saints Row The Third was a No Man's Sky tier disappointment for fans back on release

              The crazy thing that isnt even all of it. This was copied from another thread a while back, there was also another half to this list. I might have it saved as an image but not 100% sure where its at

          • 11 months ago

            I fricking kneel
            Saints Row The Third was a No Man's Sky tier disappointment for fans back on release

        • 11 months ago

          sr3 is old enough for you to be blinded by nostalgia

    • 11 months ago

      But it was the series' peak. There's no gaslighting. I played it on release and have played it several times since then.

    • 11 months ago

      What you prefer the pajeet coded Saints Row 3?

    • 11 months ago

      It was the last time the games were grounded in any way to reality. They were never realistic, and always goofy, but they also knew when to take things seriously. The later games went so far off the rails that I no longer cared about the cast or what was happening on screen. And as silly over the top sandbox games they were fun to tool around in for a playthrough, but I could not for the life of me recollect a single fricking moment from any Saints Row game I played past 2 because there was nothing worth remembering.

  3. 11 months ago

    It was a time where people actually cared and put passion into making games. Adding little details to things regardless if they thought the player would find them or not

    • 11 months ago

      you sound like a gay dude

      • 11 months ago

        >caring about things makes you a gay
        being too insecure to care about anything doesn't make you cool

    • 11 months ago

      Remember when we found out YEARS after the game came out that there's actually over a hundred individual spots you can stand at in the game to play custom unique animations, so your character can sit down and play chess with NPCs, start impromptu body building competitions, etc, all just solely to make the character fit in more naturally with the world when left idle instead of standing there doing nothing like every other game?

      That's good stuff.

  4. 11 months ago

    Is there a way to play it on PC without it throwing a shit-fit?

  5. 11 months ago

    It won't be "right" until there's a decent PC port

    • 11 months ago

      Is there a way to play it on PC without it throwing a shit-fit?

      I will never, EVER forgive Volition for what they've done. The way they absolutely spit on the legacy of Mike Watson (IdolNinja) - and make no mistake, spit on his legacy is putting it lightly... a man who loved Saints Row 2 so much that he LITERALLY SPENT HIS LAST FEW DAYS ON EARTH WORKING ON SAINTS ROW 2 MODDING... promising that they'd put out his work and complete his dream PC port, only to shelve it completely and put out total shit-slop instead...

      You can talk shit about Epic, EA, Activision, etc. And you should! But this represents an absolute moral failing on a truly disgusting level that no other developer can really even come close to.

      • 11 months ago

        Anon spitting truth.
        >started the saints row mod community
        >made megapatch Gentlemen of the Row
        >helped out other modders
        >lets players
        >anyone troubleshooting the game
        >Volition actually notices
        >gave him a job
        >spends years @ Volition working
        >searches for SR2 pc source code after hours
        >everyone else there drags their feet when asked for help
        >then he gets cancer
        >finally finds possibly the last remaining backup
        >starts working off the clock on a patch
        >cancer gets worse
        >literally dies on the day of the reboot reveal trailer
        >two years on no sign of the patch in sight

        I heard rumors on here a few months back that the patch was circulating in a closed off channel for testing in Volition's discord, I wouldn't be surprised if the bastards let it die there. Honestly I've played SR2 almost a dozen times and don't even care about playing it again, It's just disgusting to promise to finish a dying man's lifes work and do fricking nothing with it after the fact. I hope Gearbox puts them on a new Tales from the Borderlands project and guts them when it flops.

        • 11 months ago

          There has to be SOMEBODY in volition that has some fricking knowledge or at least is a nice enough dude to ask around if we ask them specifically, it's a huge company

          • 11 months ago

            the volition that made red faction summoner and saints row 1/2 are fricking dead its all socal basedboys who wouldnt stand for some random outside guy fixing their shit for them

      • 11 months ago

        This. These Black folk at Volition are huge buttholes for exploiting a dying man's love for saints row 2, because they wanted to convince oldgays that there is still hope for SR2 pc port, buuut they probably need to buy their newest shitgame in order to "motivate" them to keep working on the SR2 patch later on.
        Now, some years after Saints row disastrous release, the studio has pretty much closed and the so promised patch is nowhere to be found.
        These Black folk fooled everyone since they had absolutely no intention of making that patch(the radio silence about the patch progress and the fact that they hated old SR fans, were my redflags) and only got a dying man wasting his last days on a doomed project instead of spending time with his loved ones. Im sure IdolNinja must be rolling in his grave. Its absolutely unforgiveable.

  6. 11 months ago


  7. 11 months ago

    Gangsta b***h

  8. 11 months ago

    The second game plays into the Playa/Boss is actually a ruthless psychopath gang leader. This was seriously the best change from Saints row 1 to 2 no wonder Julius was scared of us we always got shit done. https://youtu.be/LIVBCh-qe_0?t=676

  9. 11 months ago

    They pivoted their cool gangster game with goofy side stuff into a full goofy game with gangster side stuff, shit was fricking stupid

    • 11 months ago

      Was amazed at how trimmed down SR3 was on the gameplay. When it became super linear and bunch of other games at the time went full-moron on gameplay and story decisions (looking at you, Borderlands 2), it gave a big sign of things to come later in the decade.

  10. 11 months ago

    SR2 played it straight, presenting completely silly shit in a sincere manner, instead of jerking itself off about how meta and ironic it is so insecure normalgays can feel like they're "in on it". We will never have the old school gaming vibe back until the current industry totally collapses, and gaming re-emerges as a "nerd" and "loser" hobby again.

  11. 11 months ago

    I'm in the business of misery
    >let's take it from the top

  12. 11 months ago

    I honestly wished Saints Row never succeeded so Volition wouldn't have gone to shit, trying to profit off Saints Row for the rest of time no matter how each attempt gets worse and worse.
    I prefer Sleeping Dogs, though.

    • 11 months ago

      Sleeping dogs was based. And it looked gorgeous back when it came out. Probably still holds up visually.

  13. 11 months ago

    imagine making a game so shit it kills an employee who spent years fixing your mess

  14. 11 months ago

    >no pc patch

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