Where were you when Dan Pinchbeck saved Bloodlines 2?

>Hiring for a first-person Unreal Engine 5 RPG with Gothic and Horror themes.
>Hired a new producer and 100+ devs a month after Hardsuit Labs was fired.
>The job description lists that the RPG will be for an already established IP that isn't theirs.
>They are constantly teasing in their newsletters an exciting upcoming Unreal Engine 5 project that isn't quite ready to talk about.

A little about Dan Pinchbeck
>Story telling genius that has brought kino such as A Machine for Pigs, which often filters brainlets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfpPnmkkaDw
>The most successful walking simulator of all-time, Dear Esther.
>Dan designs, writes and produces all their games.
>Doctorate in FPS design, teaches game design at University and believes gaming is an artistic medium above all others.
>Sumo Digital paid £2.2 million purely for Pinchbeck, the rest of the team was fired and they have been mass hiring for RPG experience ever since.
>Pinchbeck has a renowned love for Eurojank games such as S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Metro 2033 etc.

We are getting a kino Gothic Bloodlines 2 and not cringe woke nu-brian “my gloves are my autism armour” mitsoda crap. Thank your lucky stars that Paradox fired the hacks at Hardsuit Labs and handed this off to a dev who will actually do it justice. This game will be peak atmospherecore.

P.S. The game is on a strict 2-year dev cycle, expect a trailer around the game awards and a release in mid/late 2023. That will be all, also I'm not Dan Pinchbeck.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >unreal engine 5

    • 2 years ago

      A great engine, it wont have dogshit gameplay this time around

      sure thing, it will be great, I believe you

      Thanks for the trust anon, thats a very nice photo you have there, i loved ghostbusters 2016

      lmao delusional

      Im completely lusional

    • 2 years ago

      Please be ebin exkloosiv.

  2. 2 years ago

    sure thing, it will be great, I believe you

  3. 2 years ago

    lmao delusional

  4. 2 years ago

    >all he did is garbage linear walking sims
    >this is somehow good for an rpg

    Are you ok?

    • 2 years ago

      >>all he did is garbage linear walking sims
      >>this is somehow good for an rpg
      He also fired the entire team who made those games and hired 100+ devs with rpg experience.

      in FPS design


      in FPS design
      More than you will ever achieve.

      • 2 years ago

        So's hugging this dude's nuts, but I wouldn't brag about either one.

    • 2 years ago

      >Are you ok?
      Yes I'm fine, how are you?

  5. 2 years ago

    in FPS design

  6. 2 years ago

    >Story telling genius that has brought kino such as A Machine for Pigs

    • 2 years ago

      >Story telling genius that has brought kino such as A Machine for Pigs
      Yes, you probably couldn't understand it.

      >chang engine
      it's ogre, again.

      >chang engine
      >it's ogre, again.
      Chinese are good people, Im married to one.


      It was leaked to some insiders by a drunk employee that TCR has it. Everything I listed in OP is public information though, none of that is a leak, its all factual.

      So's hugging this dude's nuts, but I wouldn't brag about either one.

      >So's hugging this dude's nuts, but I wouldn't brag about either one.

  7. 2 years ago

    >chang engine
    it's ogre, again.

  8. 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago


    The right choice would be not hiring shitty devs two times in a row

    • 2 years ago

      and who would you give it to anon?

      • 2 years ago

        People with actual rpg experience, not some shitty walk sim and fps devs.

        • 2 years ago

          >People with actual rpg experience, not some shitty walk sim and fps devs.
          bloodlines 1 was barely an rpg though? It played more like a walking dialogue sim

          • 2 years ago

            >bloodlines 1 was barely an rpg

          • 2 years ago

            >It played more like a walking dialogue sim
            That's what an RPG is, if the focus is in action and not immersive rp dialogue it's called an action game

        • 2 years ago

          >We are getting a kino Gothic Bloodlines 2 and not cringe woke nu-brian “my gloves are my autism armour” mitsoda crap.
          Enjoy your game filled with LGBTQ2A+ characters https://twitter.com/SumoDigitalLtd/status/1538895869780627456

          >People with actual rpg experience,
          None of them are available. CD Projekt is out of Paradox's price range, Harebrained has been working on two turn-based games for the past few years and don't have the time or the team to do it, all the other Americans are owned by Microsoft. TCR has hired people with RPG experience like the guy in the tweet I posted above and a writer from Hogwarts Legacy.

          • 2 years ago

            So get someone like piranha bytes or larian

            • 2 years ago

              Piranha never made a single decent game after Gothic 2 NotR. Larian jumped on the "early access" bandwagon with BG3 and they are now 2 years into development, with only the first chapter released and no release date in sight.

              • 2 years ago

                Honestly risen series is pretty good, especially 1 if you can get over the jank. No idea about elex

            • 2 years ago

              Piranha Bytes is owned by THQ Nordic and have only ever made a specific kind of game that isn't like Bloodlines. Larian is busy with BG3, out of their price range, and also now make a specific kind of game and I don't see how they'd manage to get barrels to work in Vampire.

  10. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


  11. 2 years ago

    this is a delusional shill post, the game is dead and raped by trannies.

  12. 2 years ago

    I hold 0 hype and 0 hope until its actually released

  13. 2 years ago

    >A Machine for Pigs
    A shitty short as frick walking simulator, with easy as frick puzzles for dumb people and shallow stealth sections, who basically shat on its predecessor which was a great game that did all those things the right way?
    >Dear Esther
    Oh god.

    Bloodlines 2 confirmed for dead.

    • 2 years ago

      Why do you think they're keeping so quiet? Id honestly wouldnt be surprised if we never hear from it again

      • 2 years ago

        I hope so. Bloodlines was one of those "once in a lifetime games", made by a small studio that gave it all because its own survival was at stake and it had to compete with giants on release (HL2 and Doom 3). A rare scenario, similar to the one that involved Ion Storm and Deus Ex. The situation and the people that made it possible are no longer there. It's pointless to hope for a worthy sequel in the troony world we live in today.

  14. 2 years ago

    every game these moronic swedish trannies have churned out since they bought white wolf has been worse than the last
    they bought this IP only to drag it through the mud and destroy whatever little prestige the original bloodlines built up
    god i fricking despise paradox, i want them to go bankrupt and see those """designers""" work at some mcd's in stockholm
    victoria 3 is gonna be shit too

  15. 2 years ago

    What if it's good?

    • 2 years ago

      we'll still complain

  16. 2 years ago

    There is no source for you claim but I wouldn't put it past paradox to (continue) to go full moron and hire a walking sim dev for Bloodlines 2

  17. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      me too agent.

  18. 2 years ago

    I've got mixed feelings, I feel like the Chinese Room has shown experience in building an atmosphere, but that's also about the only thing they're good at. 90% of their writing has been waffling monologues that take themselves extremely seriously and they're yet to actually make a game.

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