Which Dragon Quest is the best?

Which Dragon Quest is the best?

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  1. 4 months ago

    I dunno. 3. It was the only one I beat all the way.

  2. 4 months ago

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 11

  3. 4 months ago

    The holy trifecta for me is V, VIII, XI.
    Honorable mentions for III, IV and IX.

    • 4 months ago

      We have the same trifecta followed by the same honourable mentions.
      You are now my friend whether you want to be or not.

  4. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      I haven't played them all. I, too, dislike VII but IX as well. Unironucally enjoyed Heroes 2
      >original trilogy in S tier, hahaha
      Actually based. II is severely underrated, and III is fricking great.

  5. 4 months ago

    It's just DQ3 isn't it? For me I love 3,4,5 and 8 but there's just something really special about it.

  6. 4 months ago

    Is the dislike for 10 because EOPs just can't play it? Or is it a knee-jerk reaction to it being an MMO? I played a bit a few months ago and the story had an interesting premise, the writing was pretty good, the visuals were... good for characters and cities but the fields were a bit dull, and the combat was unique for an MMO too since you have to menu through commands. The main issue I had with it is that since it's an MMO, there's basically 0 balance as you're just playing through the story and I outleveled it fast. Not sure what lategame is like.

    I'd probably play it over any other currently active MMO that isn't FF11.

    • 4 months ago

      >Or is it a knee-jerk reaction to it being an MMO?
      This for me. MMOs suck ass.

      • 4 months ago

        Fair. I can't be fricked paying a sub these days and I'm bored with how muh raiding focused MMOs have become.

  7. 4 months ago

    Dragon warrior

  8. 4 months ago


  9. 4 months ago

    11. Anyone who says 1-6 is a zoomer trying too hard to look le based and old, those games are archaic and never reach higher than 7/10 (4 and 6 being the standouts). I could see someone saying 7 if you have severe autism and like the vignettes, same with 9/10 for multiplayer fans, and 8 is the only contender for objective best title (but it still loses to the sheer polish and quality of 11)

    • 4 months ago

      6 is not a standout game you moron, it's what started what's wrong with the series.

    • 4 months ago

      Nostalgia's a b***h, man. I could say a lot more on this topic, but I frankly can't be assed to and it all boils down to that in the end anyway.

    • 4 months ago

      >Anyone who says 1-6 is a zoomer trying too hard to look le based and old
      oh the irony

    • 4 months ago

      11 suffers from extreme casualization, lack of exploration and intense railroading. It's fine as a 30th anniversary game which is what it's supposed to be, but saying that it's better than 3, 4, or 6 when it comes to providing a worthwhile DQ experience is silly.

      • 4 months ago

        If by exploration you mean "wander around randomly until you trigger the right npc dialogue/use the right random item in the right random spot" then sure, go ahead and play the classics. There's still plenty of goodies off the beaten path in 11 while not being unfair about progression. If you want an open world game play an open world game and not a JRPG.

    • 4 months ago

      >11. Anyone who says 1-6 is a zoomer trying too hard
      Shit bait stopped reading. 11 was garbage, you made it painfully obvious who the zoomer is.

      For anyone else basically any answer from 3-9 is acceptable. I can understand people not loving 6 and 7 but those games are slept on.

      • 4 months ago

        >11 was garbage, you made it painfully obvious who the zoomer is.
        >For anyone else basically any answer from 3-9 is acceptable. I can understand people not loving 6 and 7 but those games are slept on.
        I thought I was reading a final fantasy thread until that last sentence, whoops

      • 4 months ago

        >heh I'm going to admit I have a nonexistant attention span and can't read a couple short sentences to totally own this guy calling me a zoomer
        do larpers really..?

    • 3 months ago

      XI streamlines too much, especially the world and structure. Act 3 ruins all the kino of Act 2. And the music is ass. I love the characters, though.

      8 does it all better and doesn't sacrifice what makes JRPGs (and DQ) fun for the sake of casuals.

      • 3 months ago

        VIII's world is too empty. If you are going to put a bigass world to explore, bother to put something to find that isn't just a recrutable monster or a treasure chest. XI's take on the world is better, you aren't baited into exploring emptiness and saves your time.
        >VIII does it all better
        Rather laughable statement. The gameplay? XI is better, no lame tension system, actual bosses worth a damn before the post-game, draconian thingies are the best thing they could ever add.
        The party? Nobody cares about Angelo, Medea ,or Jessica (excluding her breasts, that is...), only Yangus.
        The story? I found Dragon Quest VIII's plot to be pretty stupid. Really, it should have ended at the Dark Ruins, because everything that happens after that is completely and utterly moronic.
        A magical staff that holds a great evil? Why sure, let's pick it up like there's nothing wrong in spite of the fact that it possessed the last guy who wielded it!
        We just beat Jessica senseless, should we secure the staff to avoid another idiot picking it? No, let's make sure she's okay first.
        The bad guy's about to kill someone? I guess I'll just stand here gawping.
        The bad guy's target is inside a magical circle that he cannot go through, should we go outside and deal with him? No, let's allow the target to go outside and get killed.
        The current villain puts us under arrest? Let's go along with it, it's not that we just beat a fricking winged monster and those dumb guards are unlikely to be stronger.
        Get locked in a jail cell? Let's conveniently forget that we POSSESS the ULTIMATE KEY that can UNLOCK ANYTHING and EVERYTHING and spend over a month of ingame time there.
        That said, I won't defend Act 3.
        >doesn't sacrifice what makes JRPGs (and DQ) fun for the sake of casuals
        XI is literally just another Dragon Quest, I can't imagine someone shilling VIII and then tell me with a straight face that XI somehow is a different take on the series, it isn't.

        • 3 months ago

          I love both games but you hit the nail on the head, besides Angelo. Angelo is cool he's just overshadowed because as the weakest party member he's the first everyone replaces with Red or Morrie in the 3ds version.
          About MUH CASUALIZATION, I will quote what I said earlier in the thread, there is genuinely no refuting this:

          If by exploration you mean "wander around randomly until you trigger the right NPC dialogue/use the right random item in the right random spot" then sure, go ahead and play the classics. There's still plenty of goodies off the beaten path in 11 while not being unfair about progression. If you want an open world game play an open world game and not a JRPG.

        • 3 months ago

          Act 3 of XI is moronic and ruins the entire second act so I don't know what you're swinging at VIII for

    • 3 months ago

      it depends on what you like. for me it's 6, but you can make a case for any game besides 1, 2, and 9, imo

      ok homosexual, sorry i like a little more thought in my gameplay

      I just beat 5 for the first time and don't get the hype.

      Right now my personal ranking is

      III = IV = V

      Dunno which I'll play next. Felt kinda burned out after V so I'll take a break.

      yeah i don't get it either, maybe because i don't like the monsters

      • 3 months ago

        i can appreciate 1 for what it is, the one that cast the mold that so many would forge so many other games, and for its relative simplicity and quirks that allow you to game the system, much the same reason why i love saga 1, but i much prefer the slight bit of more depth and the aesthetics of saga 1
        not to slight toriyama for his work on dragon quest 1, but when i play it i keep wondering when goku is going to show up and burst through the piccolomonster

  10. 4 months ago

    >tfw still no DQ game where you can see Soldier, Priest and the other DQ3 girls in full glory and not in Toriyamas nu-style

  11. 4 months ago

    C tier 3=5=7=8
    D tier the rest

  12. 4 months ago

    9 obviously, next question?

  13. 4 months ago

    now, coziest dragon quest?

  14. 4 months ago

    Have a massive soft spot for 1, but my favourite is a toss up between 4, 5, and 7.
    My favourite spin off is Dragon Quest Builders though. Only been out for two work days and I've already tapped back into that autism from when it came out on PS4 and Vita.

    • 4 months ago

      >favourite spin off is Dragon Quest Builders
      1 or 2 and why?

      • 4 months ago

        >1 or 2
        Only played 1.
        It's just insanely comfy and fun. I can spend hours just fricking around.

  15. 4 months ago

    Jessica's Heroes model is CUTE

  16. 4 months ago


  17. 3 months ago

    I've only played 1 through 5 so far but 4 and 5 are incredbly close, both really fun stories and structures. Gun to my head I'd say five. I was dreading starting six since everyone says its mediocre, but surprise surprise its just more good dragon quest vibes.

    • 3 months ago

      6 is just not as good as 5 or even 4, but it's still good yeah.

  18. 3 months ago

    I just beat 5 for the first time and don't get the hype.

    Right now my personal ranking is

    III = IV = V

    Dunno which I'll play next. Felt kinda burned out after V so I'll take a break.

    • 3 months ago

      Sad to hear that anon, I just beat V and I really liked it. Definitely a good call to take a break though, Dragon Quests arent the kind of games meant to be marathoned. I worry I sullied my experience with III by playing the original trilogy back to back.

  19. 3 months ago

    3 on the SNES for the feeling of grand globetropping adventure/the job system, the fact different continents are based loosely on real cultures to make the world feel more vast and unique. 8 for the PS2 for the DBZ and comfiness vibes. V has the best story imo. 11 is good but I don't like the epilogue time travel shit.

  20. 3 months ago

    8 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 11 > 7 > 9

  21. 3 months ago

    >everyone talks up V

    Each act has a dramatic finale but the in between stuff is kinda meh. Except the haunted mansion, the game peaks there.

    Bianca is really forced as the main wife, Nera is a throwaway choice, and Deborah feels like either a joke choice or a fetish choice depending on your outlook (turns out she's the only one with a semblance of a personality). There's really no build-up, you go to Marriage Town and you're told if you want the MacGuffin you need to get married.

    The kids don't have personalities, and the daughter in particular feels tacked on since she's not a chosen one.

    >monster catching
    Feels weirdly undercooked despite also being a major part of party building. Mostly just in how you actually get them, but also in how a lot of them feel underwhelming, barring a select few powerful ones

    It's not bad but I think it was done better before (4) and after (8 and 11. Haven't played 7 or 9)

    • 3 months ago

      Seriously I don't know why people say the story is LE BEST IN ALL OF RPGS!!! when it reaches lower mid tier at best. I don't mind a generic defeat the bad guy dragon quest story but please don't pretend it's anything special because midway through the game you're forced to marry someone and demolish the pacing so the HAND OF THE HEAVENLY BRIDE title can mean something. Worst gameplay of the Zenithian trilogy too. Just not many redeeming qualities for me.

  22. 3 months ago

    5>8>>>>the rest

  23. 3 months ago

    I've only played XI and half of VII so far. I kinda prefer VII tbh. The pacing is very comfy in a just pick it up and play for 20-30m kind of way whereas XI felt like a slog in parts because it was so cinematic I felt like I was being dragged between story beats. If there's ever an English patch for the 3DS version of XI I might give it another go though since the maps are more condensed and the pacing is slightly faster

  24. 3 months ago

    IX > XI > III > IV > V > VIII > I > VI > VII > II

  25. 3 months ago

    IV, hands down

  26. 3 months ago

    Perhaps one day I will check out these games. Today I'm simply gonna say thanks for this beautiful photo

  27. 3 months ago

    I'm playing IV now for the first time, any tips?

    • 3 months ago

      Its prety straightforward, the one thing I would suggest is once you have a full party dont forget you have options. When I did my first playthrough I picked my 4 favorite guys and basically used them exclusively, which worked fine, but it can be more fun to experiment with different party setups, especially when theres basically no downside to switching them out.

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