Which dungeons were notoriously long and difficult to play in your favorite or memorable JRPGs?

Which dungeons were notoriously long and difficult to play in your favorite or memorable JRPGs? Which are the most punishing, convoluted, and unforgiving of them?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Do dungeons that confused the frick out of us as kids, but in retrospect would be much easier now count?

    I vividly remember getting frustrated as frick on the 3rd floor of PoTL. The outer tiles loop back seamlessly to the other side (say if you went north at 5,19, you'd be looking down the hallway from 5,0) and there was no automap either, had to draw the map out on graph paper. So I remember stumbling about endless same rooms, my map getting bigger and bigger, was a dumbass that didn't know about the spell that gave you your coordinates, I just figured this shit was a fricking HUGE maze.

  2. 5 months ago

    The endgame to FF3 is pretty notorious for how long it is.
    >get through a dungeon with a boss at the end
    >have one last chance here to save and rest, but if you want to backtrack to your airship and go elsewhere you have to head back through the first dungeon
    >start of the next dungeon also an entrance to a separate optional dungeon with 6 bosses in it to fight for endgame equipment
    >the second mandatory dungeon itself is a tower with several floors, ending in another boss fight - the point of no return
    >you're then automatically stuck into a third dungeon you can't leave where you have to 4 more bosses and then the final boss

    • 5 months ago

      Shit, this actually really makes me want to go play FF3. I love things like this.

      Is it considered one of the more difficult of the early Final Fantasy games? And which IS considered (generally) the most difficult?

      • 5 months ago

        If you limit it down just the mainline games and just their original versions (no remakes), then FF3 probably is the hardest in the series. Some later games like 5 and 10 have tricky bosses but none of the grind or luck-based bullshit you'll have to deal with in 3, and 3 has very limited opportunities to save your game. The original version of 1 is also grindy and you can't save in dungeons, but it's not particularly difficult after you're leveled and geared for the current area. 2 is generally bullshit, but you can break it in half if you look up how and then do some grinding early on.

        If you include remakes, then the 3D remake of 3 of kind of side-grade since they buffed enemy stats to make up for there being less enemies on screen at once, but they nerfed some of the lategame bosses and increased all the EXP yields so you level up faster, plus many of the player jobs had abilities added or buffed. Saving is still just as limited.

        The 3D remake of 4 is arguably the hardest in the series though, every boss in that game will wreck you if you don't respect them and just try to mindlessly DPS, and even random encounters are rather strong and can kill you if you're not being careful. Enemies also barely drop any gil, so you have to be careful with how you spend your money. There's new powerful abilities added to the game, but they're hidden really well without a guide and even with them they don't so much the game easy, just less hard. It's the only game where they added an easy mode to later ports because Japanese fans complained so much about getting filtered.

        • 5 months ago

          The 3D remake of IV, which version do you mean? GBA?

          • 5 months ago

            Sorry I just realized what I said, the 3D one that's on Steam. Got it. Thanks anons.

            NDS actually. The Steam port is the one where they added easy mode(but called it normal, while NDS difficulty used to be Hard)

            • 5 months ago

              Wait, the Steam port is easier, or I can pick the harder option still?

              • 5 months ago

                Steam port has a difficulty choice
                Normal is easier, Hard is the same as NDS.

        • 5 months ago

          The 3D remake of IV, which version do you mean? GBA?

          Sorry I just realized what I said, the 3D one that's on Steam. Got it. Thanks anons.

        • 5 months ago

          opinion discarded

        • 5 months ago

          Grinding in 2 is completely unnecessary. The biggest meme about the game is that it tricks a ton of people into equipping the heaviest shit with the worst evasion who'll then hit themselves to 9999 HP and it feels like it works well until when you get to the late game and you die because you just gave the enemy 8-16 chances of landing their ailment on each attack due to a lack of evasion.

      • 5 months ago

        FF3 is typically a quite easy game. A few bosses might beat you the first time, but dungeons are typically short and you can get back to where you died quickly.
        The final run though IS something else and will keep you on edge the whole time as game over means going back. Note, the 3d remake does NOT nerf that section, so you can enjoy it in either that or the Famicom original.
        Fantastic game.

        • 5 months ago

          Good to know they didn't nerf it in the 3D remake, because I want to experience the gauntlet. Thanks.

    • 5 months ago

      My favorite part was the no indicators that you NEEDED to fight the other four bosses before Cloud of Darkness. I figured it would be for some pointless armor, so I just went right to her and got instantly killed.
      On top of that the four bosses and the final fight are all complete shit, purely luck based, so working through two dungeons to get there just for that was the ultimate middle finger to the player. FF3 is such garbage.

      • 5 months ago

        >luck based
        Why is everyone in /vrpg/ so fricking dogshit at turn based rpgs. The games premier strategy for basically every boss is to have a single dedicated healer and the game gives you several options to protect that healer

  3. 5 months ago

    >Which dungeons were notoriously long and difficult to play in your favorite or memorable JRPGs?
    100% honestly none of them

  4. 5 months ago

    FFT, Deep Dungeon. Never finished it when I was a kid.

    • 5 months ago

      That was an interesting one, yeah. I finished it, but I had the strategy guide. I think I recall you can recruit Byblos (or some name like that), some 13th Zodiac beast character, but maybe I'm conflating that memory with something else.

  5. 5 months ago

    i'm sure there were a lot more difficult ones in other RPGs, but the cave of trials/cave of ordeals postgame dungeon in star ocean 2 was pretty challenging and a good mix of battle difficulty and puzzle difficulty.

  6. 5 months ago

    final dungeon of smt4a was insanely long

    • 5 months ago

      I liked Sector E and YHVH's Universe though, and didn't find either to be too bad. If I had to pick some dungeons that were quite a bit more arduous to explore, I'd say the Basilica in SMT1 and Kether Castle in SMT2.

  7. 5 months ago

    Dungeon Travelers 2 and 2-2 both have excellent dungeons.

  8. 5 months ago

    I remembered phantasy star 2 dungeons as being way harder than they actually are. Like 90% of them are doable without note-taking because they use this pseudo-complicated design where you should just step on every teleport pad you see because they almost always lead to either treasure and a dead end or they're the only way forward. It looks like you're on some insanely complicated recursive branching between 5 different floors but in reality it's linear. The famous pitfall mazes are mostly in the endgame and mostly skippable

  9. 5 months ago

    that godawful YHVH dungeon in SMTIVA

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