Which fighting game series is the most fun?

Which fighting game series is the most fun?

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  1. 5 months ago

    easily soul calibur or dead or alive

    • 5 months ago

      Basically this. Soulcalibur in particular focuses on fun/presentation first and foremost, which is great. It sucks Dead or Alive really lost its way, but at least Soulcalibur had a redemption with SC6 after 4 and especially 5 were letdowns.

  2. 5 months ago

    UNI is so fun

  3. 5 months ago

    For me, it's Tekken.

  4. 5 months ago

    Street Fighter, the 2D ones only.

    • 5 months ago

      Bloody Roar or Vs Capcom

      But anon, they're all 2D, and V isn't fun.

      • 5 months ago

        Only the non 3D art style ones with the exception of the EX games

  5. 5 months ago


  6. 5 months ago

    Street Fighter and Tekken

  7. 5 months ago

    Shadowheart guest character when?

    • 5 months ago

      never ever

  8. 5 months ago

    Soul Calibur

  9. 5 months ago

    15 years ago definitely Street Fighter. These days I'd say Tekken.

  10. 5 months ago

    Here are my takes on some series. Mainly taking into account the most recent output of each.

    Marvel vs Capcom series (fun roster, modding, fun mechanics, fun movement || 1 hit - death not so fun, dead atm, MvC:i, must learn 3 characters, constant gutting of the roster, heavily unbalanced)
    King of Fighters (fun roster, online functional modding costumes, amazing balance, fun/experimental mechanics, awesome input shortcutting and button hold, skill is transferable across games, good story, crossplay || hard to get into for some people, lots of regular humans, the story is best understood through youtube, not as popular, hard inputs, older games have lively communities 98,2002)
    Super Smash Bros (casual, easy to learn, newest game is always popular, can have fun with friends and family || Community, carpiltunnnel melee, single player content downgraded since brawl, awful netcode besides melee, melee players will quit if they lose a stock to 1 mid or lower tier character, DLC privilege/top tiers, modding is poor)
    Mugen (infinite characters, customizable, anything you want || online is awful, viruses in some characters, setup is a fricking pain, not for casuals)
    DBFZ (casual friendly, good roster, easy to learn || DLC privilege, stages, no crossplay, bad online at the moment, no transformations mid-match, no online modding)
    fightcade (fun, free, plenty of players, great online || games you want to play could be dead, players on some are no-lifers, training mode in some is hard to work or missing)

    • 5 months ago

      Part 2:

      Street Fighter (online capable mods, decent intro, popular, lively, only learn 1 character, new story mode is """ok""" || balance is bad, ESG injection in character designs and online hosts, micro transactions, battlepasses, very little good content, 1 balance patch per year, slow updates, ugly artstyle, older games have no to very enclosed communities)
      Mortal Kombat (Pretty, dial combos, gory, story mode || awful balance, very not finished, lots and lots of microtransactions, tons of expensive dlcs, online is awful, can't matchmake while training, tons of missing features, gutted roster, ESG injected in design and story, terrible developer/publisher, very very woke competitive and community in the top places)
      Currently ranked as the worst one in my opinion currently.

      SoulCalibur (Pretty, easy to mash and play, lots of depth, plenty of single player options, custom characters || online is dead, the community is small, netplay is awful, the story can be ""ok"" to terrible)
      Tekken (Skills are transferable, large rosters, customization, lively online, good netcode || KBD is not fun or exciting or easy, Balance sucks usually, community is not great, large and mostly useless moveset list (you'll be only using 3 combos at all times mainly, DLC privilege, same face character design, Tekken 8 is just Tekken 7 graphic and balance update, recent games are very samey)
      Samurai Showdown (easy to learn, short combos, defense is fun and hype, good roster, great netcode, crossplay || dead online, dead on PC, censored violence compared to older games)

      What do you guys think?

      • 5 months ago

        Missed this one:
        Guilty Gear (Pretty, mechanically fun, characters play very different, no clones || ESG, Same face character design, awful community since the ESG shit was pushed, online is not fun, shitty lobby system, little single player content, DLC privilege, Happy Chaos, Story is just a 2 hour really really bad anime movie, vocal direction is bad, music can be "good" to "worst shit I've heard)

    • 5 months ago

      Part 2:

      Street Fighter (online capable mods, decent intro, popular, lively, only learn 1 character, new story mode is """ok""" || balance is bad, ESG injection in character designs and online hosts, micro transactions, battlepasses, very little good content, 1 balance patch per year, slow updates, ugly artstyle, older games have no to very enclosed communities)
      Mortal Kombat (Pretty, dial combos, gory, story mode || awful balance, very not finished, lots and lots of microtransactions, tons of expensive dlcs, online is awful, can't matchmake while training, tons of missing features, gutted roster, ESG injected in design and story, terrible developer/publisher, very very woke competitive and community in the top places)
      Currently ranked as the worst one in my opinion currently.

      SoulCalibur (Pretty, easy to mash and play, lots of depth, plenty of single player options, custom characters || online is dead, the community is small, netplay is awful, the story can be ""ok"" to terrible)
      Tekken (Skills are transferable, large rosters, customization, lively online, good netcode || KBD is not fun or exciting or easy, Balance sucks usually, community is not great, large and mostly useless moveset list (you'll be only using 3 combos at all times mainly, DLC privilege, same face character design, Tekken 8 is just Tekken 7 graphic and balance update, recent games are very samey)
      Samurai Showdown (easy to learn, short combos, defense is fun and hype, good roster, great netcode, crossplay || dead online, dead on PC, censored violence compared to older games)

      What do you guys think?

      bad chatGPT

      • 5 months ago

        I don't think Chat GPT would let you shit on ESG tard.

    • 5 months ago

      Part 2:

      Street Fighter (online capable mods, decent intro, popular, lively, only learn 1 character, new story mode is """ok""" || balance is bad, ESG injection in character designs and online hosts, micro transactions, battlepasses, very little good content, 1 balance patch per year, slow updates, ugly artstyle, older games have no to very enclosed communities)
      Mortal Kombat (Pretty, dial combos, gory, story mode || awful balance, very not finished, lots and lots of microtransactions, tons of expensive dlcs, online is awful, can't matchmake while training, tons of missing features, gutted roster, ESG injected in design and story, terrible developer/publisher, very very woke competitive and community in the top places)
      Currently ranked as the worst one in my opinion currently.

      SoulCalibur (Pretty, easy to mash and play, lots of depth, plenty of single player options, custom characters || online is dead, the community is small, netplay is awful, the story can be ""ok"" to terrible)
      Tekken (Skills are transferable, large rosters, customization, lively online, good netcode || KBD is not fun or exciting or easy, Balance sucks usually, community is not great, large and mostly useless moveset list (you'll be only using 3 combos at all times mainly, DLC privilege, same face character design, Tekken 8 is just Tekken 7 graphic and balance update, recent games are very samey)
      Samurai Showdown (easy to learn, short combos, defense is fun and hype, good roster, great netcode, crossplay || dead online, dead on PC, censored violence compared to older games)

      What do you guys think?

      good chatgpt

    • 5 months ago

      Part 2:

      Street Fighter (online capable mods, decent intro, popular, lively, only learn 1 character, new story mode is """ok""" || balance is bad, ESG injection in character designs and online hosts, micro transactions, battlepasses, very little good content, 1 balance patch per year, slow updates, ugly artstyle, older games have no to very enclosed communities)
      Mortal Kombat (Pretty, dial combos, gory, story mode || awful balance, very not finished, lots and lots of microtransactions, tons of expensive dlcs, online is awful, can't matchmake while training, tons of missing features, gutted roster, ESG injected in design and story, terrible developer/publisher, very very woke competitive and community in the top places)
      Currently ranked as the worst one in my opinion currently.

      SoulCalibur (Pretty, easy to mash and play, lots of depth, plenty of single player options, custom characters || online is dead, the community is small, netplay is awful, the story can be ""ok"" to terrible)
      Tekken (Skills are transferable, large rosters, customization, lively online, good netcode || KBD is not fun or exciting or easy, Balance sucks usually, community is not great, large and mostly useless moveset list (you'll be only using 3 combos at all times mainly, DLC privilege, same face character design, Tekken 8 is just Tekken 7 graphic and balance update, recent games are very samey)
      Samurai Showdown (easy to learn, short combos, defense is fun and hype, good roster, great netcode, crossplay || dead online, dead on PC, censored violence compared to older games)

      What do you guys think?

      Missed this one:
      Guilty Gear (Pretty, mechanically fun, characters play very different, no clones || ESG, Same face character design, awful community since the ESG shit was pushed, online is not fun, shitty lobby system, little single player content, DLC privilege, Happy Chaos, Story is just a 2 hour really really bad anime movie, vocal direction is bad, music can be "good" to "worst shit I've heard)

      I think that you nailed it, Anon.
      You forgot BlazBlue and UNI, however

      • 5 months ago

        Didn't forget but I have work on the side:

        BlazBlue (lots of characters, plenty of fighting styles, great community, variety of character designs (good and bad) || online is awful, dead, Story mode is garbage, tons of characters are just stereotypes with nothing interesting, worst girl gets all the attention, offense is way too oppressive, defense is not fun, tons of visual clutter, can feel like a budget game at times)
        UNI (Like BlazBlue but not as visually nauseous, good amount of fighting styles || alive only during release week, community has a massive chip on their shoulder, red-headed middle sibling of arcsys, story goes no where and feels like a waste of dev time, little single player content, discord-fighter in the most literal sense of the word, will never be someone's main game.)
        Melty Blood (fun and casual, fun community, custom palettes, free/cheap, meme character || story is uninteresting, cast is gutted in new release, no single player content, dead online, discord fighter, the autocombo system actively hinders you, boring story and the VN is just as boring)

        Overal Here are some suggestions for games:
        Want Mugen with no set up? (Rivals of Aether)
        Want to introduce to traditional fighting games (SF6, DBFZ, or explain shortcuts and button holds then 1v1 them in KOFXV)
        They want a main game with fun and varied characters (KOFXV // DBFZ [combo structure in dbfz might not be as varied as kof though])
        They want a main game with active (fast matches) online (SF6)
        They hate 2d? (wait for Tekken 8.)
        They want older games (Fightcade: KOF2002/98, MvC2, SF3, or || Buy KOF2002:UM)
        They want to lab constantly. Loves long combos: (UMvC3 with mods, KOF2002:UM, KOFXV)
        Likes pretty graphics? (KOFXIII, UMvC3, Tekken 8, DBFZ)
        Wants new people to play with?: (join a discord, friend all people you fight, find a friendly rival/coach, look for casual online tourneys ||| or https://rentry.org/yabxv )

        • 5 months ago

          I agree in general but
          >Melty Blood
          >autocombo system actively hinders you
          It sure does, but it can be turned off unlike KOFXV, which forces autocombos down your throat every time you try to mash jab.

          • 5 months ago

            >It sure does, but it can be turned off unlike KOFXV, which forces autocombos down your throat every time you try to mash jab.
            When you mash standing jab. Which in most if not all cases if you are doing that you are trying to get an autocombo.
            Since most jab starting combos are from (kick and crouch jab).

            Issue with Melty (on release since this was the most impressionable/important time) is that pressing anything twice went into an autocombo.

            >Kof: easy to avoid, when mashing it is a begginners reward since most nothing else would link into your mash jab)
            >Melty: hurt combo flow, always in the back of your mind, disrupts what you were intending to do, will always happen if the online is a little laggy and reads inputs wrong)

            • 5 months ago

              >When you mash standing jab. Which in most if not all cases if you are doing that you are trying to get an autocombo.
              I sure do like wasting 2-3 bars of my meter when trying to mash out of pressure with a fast button.

              • 5 months ago

                >avoid, when mashing it is a begginners rew
                Your crouching jab is the universal fastest option for all characters?
                If you get an autocombo uhh? Press lk, and do it meterless?
                Or Roll?
                Or C+D?
                Or DP
                Or Perfect Block
                Starting to think you've never played...or you might need the autocombos which it is doing its job I guess.

              • 5 months ago

                >Your crouching jab is the universal fastest option for all characters?
                It's not.
                >Starting to think you've never played...or you might need the autocombos which it is doing its job I guess.
                Gr8 b8 m8.

              • 5 months ago

                >If you get an autocombo uhh? Press lk, and do it meterless?
                >Or Roll?
                >Or C+D?
                >Or DP
                >Or Perfect Block
                Starting to think you've never played...or you might need the autocombos which it is doing its job I guess.

  11. 5 months ago

    Will there be a soul calibur 7?

  12. 5 months ago

    Smash, especially brawl modded.
    >it's not a fighting ga-
    it's fun

  13. 5 months ago

    What has the most fun single player experience?
    I'd say probably Soul Calibur 2 or 3 myself

    • 5 months ago

      I think Soul Cal is undefeated, though I've heard good things about BB's Abyss mode

  14. 5 months ago

    soul caliber

  15. 5 months ago

    Killer Instinct for me

    • 5 months ago

      Probably this
      Not the best game, although it's pretty good, but extremely "fun," the presentation is great, the announcer shouting constantly, particle effects exploding everywhere, easy massive damage combos if you make the right read and getting hit still lets you try to escape. Also you can play a dinosaur

  16. 5 months ago

    Games with higher popularity are better for the newcomers because there is more of a chance they will be able to fight people relative to their skill.
    It is not fun for newcomers to be shitstomped by no-lifers. (It is why when I play with newcomers I handicap myself trying new characters)

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