Which is your favourite Miyazaki game? >Demon's Souls. >Dark Souls. >Bloodborne. >Dark Souls 3

Which is your favourite Miyazaki game?

>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls 3
>Elden Ring

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  1. 4 months ago

    anyone who says dark souls iii must be hanged

    • 3 months ago

      Why would someone be hanged for liking the FS game with the best boss fights?

  2. 4 months ago

    also it's dark souls

  3. 4 months ago

    Armored Core 4

  4. 4 months ago

    Dark Souls 3

  5. 3 months ago

    It used to be bloodborne but after replaying it to get a ng character for the DLC, probably Elden Ring.

  6. 3 months ago

    sekiro. the levels centered around a specific build, without having to generalize for variety, coupled with great direction and design, really made for a great playthrough. the grappling hook arm gimmick was kind of lame. i would rather have had a pure sword fighting game, but it didn't get in the way too often.

  7. 3 months ago

    Dark Souls>Demon's Souls>Sekiro>Bloodborne>Shit>Elden Ring
    >Dark Souls 3

  8. 3 months ago

    DS1 is the OG masterpiece

  9. 3 months ago

    of ones I played I'd say

    Dark Souls > Sekiro > Elden Ring > Dark Souls 3

  10. 3 months ago

    Souls fans love to create this same topic, they have been making it for like at least 10 years now, lol.
    Talk about repetition, the same thing happening in that gameplay loop, its repetition.
    At this point i think its safe to assume that Souls fanbase LOVES repetitive gameplay and repetition.

    Because its on vrpg i will give you my ranking as well.

    1) Dark Souls:
    The best one, while its more flawed due to its second half its still one of the greatest games, its world design is still my favorite one in the series and the sense of adventure is at its best here.
    2) Elden Ring
    Mechanically and content wise its the best, has the best levels in the series, but also some levels are barebones and disappointing, like Raya Lucaria and Elaphael. Combat has some issues like input reading and imbalance in speed btw player and bosses but overall its a great time, the open world is bad though, good exploration but only in the dungeons, in the actual world its nothing but filler.
    3) Demon's Souls
    Pioneered the formula and the level design is great even if the game is a bit too easy and outdated by this point.
    4) Bloodborne
    Good game, has some flaws though, the first half of BB easily puts it at 2nd place, it reminds me of DS, but 2nd half is linear and boring and filled with mediocre boss fights, rpg elements here are an afterthought and the framepacing is terrible. great lore though.
    5) Dark Souls 3
    Great bosses, some good levels, otherwise just fanservice and more of the same. loses a lot of the charm of the world of DS by wasting the first half in linear levels. lore sucked.
    6) Dark Souls 2
    A mess, a mixed bag of good ideas and bad ones, polished later into ER. has the best hub, still mediocre game though. Good DLC.

    This is its own thing, hard to compare, an action adventure game, but its excellent, i would put it 3rd behind ER, great bosses&levels, good gameplay, a bit repetitive and forgiving with the parry, gets stale on replays. decent story.

    • 3 months ago

      1) Nioh 2:
      Snappy, complex combat system and superior hitbox & object collision mechanics puts Fromsoft to shame

      2) Dark Souls II: the most based Dark Souls game there is

      3) Dark Souls III: because its badass

      4) Elden Ring: way too floaty and unfocused, lots of running around killing random things for no reason, so much pointless gameplay, I would be put this lower but

      5) frick it I got bored

    • 3 months ago

      >in the actual world its nothing but filler.
      The world itself is actually decently packed, especially early on, it's just all rendered meaningless because they wanted the epic zelda horse so you can just skip any and all encounters.

  11. 3 months ago

    Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Bloodborne > Elden Ring > Dark Souls 3 > Sekiro

  12. 3 months ago

    i like the berserk clone with a bunch of zombies and gay knights everywhere (bonus points if 75% of the game is castles and swamps)

  13. 3 months ago

    Dark Souls 2 beats all of them because it recognised that the fundamental combat mechanics of these kinds of games make fights against squads of humanoid enemies fun and fights against giant damage-sponge monstrosities not fun. The easy boss fights and comparatively hard levels where you can't just run past everyone are what the series needs.
    Dark Souls 1 has some excellent parts (undead burg, undead parish, painted world) that maybe beat every individual area in DS2 but it also has way more terrible areas so is worse overall.

    • 3 months ago

      >the fundamental combat mechanics of these kinds of games make fights against squads of humanoid enemies fun and fights against giant damage-sponge monstrosities not fun.
      I agree to an extent. Making bosses "hard" in a game where the player is capable of i-framing through attacks at will can easily lead to obnoxious boss design like some of the stuff Elden Ring did. But I wouldn't say bosses are not fun, per se.
      On the other hand, I am not sure how the combat mechanics necesarily make fighting gank squads particularly fun. With how easily your character staggers, it can quickly end in a shitshow where you can't realistically engage with more than one opponent at a time.
      This might force you to go through levels more carefully, though.
      >The easy boss fights and comparatively hard levels where you can't just run past everyone are what the series needs.
      I'd put it this way: the player should be incentivized to interact with the level instead of just rushing from boss to boss. As it is, bosses drop so many souls you barely need to pick up anything (the occasional upgrade materials, for example) and still keep up in levels, even if you rush from boss to boss.
      Though I guess on a first playthrough you kill most enemies anyway to be able to explore in peace, but if you die it's very easy to just rush back to where you were without much danger.

      • 3 months ago

        >capable of i-framing through attacks at will
        Oh yeah, that's the other thing. I feel like all of these games would be better had i-frames never existed and the games had been designed around i-frames not existing. "Avoid the attack by rolling through it" looks stupid and encourages staying in melee combat all the time and mashing the roll button frantically. It should be possible and encouraged to avoid all attacks by actually avoiding them, then there'd be more gameplay around when to engage and when to back off.
        IDK maybe they tried this and there's a reason it didn't work, but I feel like most of DS2 can be played this way if you want (levelling Adaptability is for losers) and that's part of why I enjoy it so much.
        Also I forgot to mention that once they'd had the idea of Bonfire Ascetics it was a fricking crime to not include them in every single game from that point on.

        • 3 months ago

          >It should be possible and encouraged to avoid all attacks by actually avoiding them, then there'd be more gameplay around when to engage and when to back off.
          This is just Elden Ring

  14. 3 months ago

    Order played: DS3, DS2, BB, DS1, Sekiro, ER, Demon Souls, AC6

    Order of enjoyment: DS3, BB, Sekiro, DS2, DS1, ER, Demon Souls, AC6

  15. 3 months ago

    Any answer but Sekiro is cope btw

  16. 3 months ago

    >Dark souls 2 is skipped
    Thats how I know this is a based thread

  17. 3 months ago

    Nice of OP to take the obvious best game out DSII and let us decide which is the second place

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