Which of these nine people will run the best game? Which will run the worst game?

Which of these nine people will run the best game? Which will run the worst game?

#1: Wants to run a grim, gritty, and realistic campaign based on medieval history and Game of Thrones.
#2: Likes Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail, and VTubers. Wants to run a quirky "anime fantasy" campaign.
#3: Studies how marginalized minorities and outcasts are represented in fantasy. Wants to run a subversive, progressive campaign.
#4: Has watched every episode of Critical Role to date. Wants to run a campaign that will be exactly like Critical Role, down to every Matt Mercer-ism.
#5: Wants to run a campaign that will showcase the benefits of firm-handed government, national pride, and militarism, and the triumph of humanity over the savage races.
#6: An extremely qualified and experienced GM, with a compelling setting and adventure premise. However, everyone will be frequently described as wearing plainly visible diapers. PCs must also wear plainly visible diapers.
#7: Wants to run a campaign where champions of science and rationality hunt down priests, and vanquish all religion and other false superstitions.
#8: Wants to run a pretty normal campaign about crawling dungeons and exploring hexes, but charges a moderate price tag for it.
#9: Wants to run a reasonably generic, epic fantasy campaign, but also wants to play their own PC at the same time. Has no shame about their PC being the "main character."

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  1. 8 months ago

    Chat gtp outrage bait thread

    • 8 months ago

      >op doesn’t even try to defend himself
      Lmao so it this for some lame YouTube channel?

    • 8 months ago

      >Chat gtp outrage bait thread
      Is there an AI that can tell you if a thread is a /tg/ classic so you can avoid looking like a moron?

      • 8 months ago

        > this is a /tg/ classic
        Who the frick were you expecting to ever believe this?

      • 8 months ago

        Can you?

  2. 8 months ago

    Hypothetical "would you pick this option while also eating shit" or "what tastes less like shit between these turd based dishes" thread posters should be hunted down and mercilessly shot down like rabid animals.

  3. 8 months ago

    >#1: Wants to run a grim, gritty, and realistic campaign based on medieval history and Game of Thrones.
    Medieval history is noblebright so being tainted by GoT grimderp will make it shit.
    >#2: Likes Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail, and VTubers. Wants to run a quirky "anime fantasy" campaign.
    Will be fine. Good even.
    >#3: Studies how marginalized minorities and outcasts are represented in fantasy. Wants to run a subversive, progressive campaign.
    Won’t actually end up playing or if they do they’ll start drama, discarded.
    >#4: Has watched every episode of Critical Role to date. Wants to run a campaign that will be exactly like Critical Role, down to every Matt Mercer-ism.
    Weird. Won’t end up playing.
    >#5: Wants to run a campaign that will showcase the benefits of firm-handed government, national pride, and militarism, and the triumph of humanity over the savage races.
    Based. Probably a fun game. Best and most probably successful pick.
    >#6: An extremely qualified and experienced GM, with a compelling setting and adventure premise. However, everyone will be frequently described as wearing plainly visible diapers. PCs must also wear plainly visible diapers.
    Doesn’t even exist.
    >#7: Wants to run a campaign where champions of science and rationality hunt down priests, and vanquish all religion and other false superstitions.
    Won’t make it past the first session, too edgy and boring.
    >#8: Wants to run a pretty normal campaign about crawling dungeons and exploring hexes, but charges a moderate price tag for it.
    Not bad except for lol lmfao rofl paying a GM.
    >#9: Wants to run a reasonably generic, epic fantasy campaign, but also wants to play their own PC at the same time. Has no shame about their PC being the "main character."
    Ngl kinda based, will probably be fun.

  4. 8 months ago

    4th will be the worst, because it will try to copy Mercer style, but fail very badly. Everyone will see your session as a failure, because comparisions will be too easy to make

  5. 8 months ago

    5 is the best and will be alot of fun
    9 might be tolerable
    All the rest are shit, much like you and your thread, OP.

  6. 8 months ago

    In case of 9th, as a GM I mostly do a PC myself, but it's probably not too important everyman, so I can focus more on npcs and world around us

  7. 8 months ago

    5 is best and incredibly based
    Everything else is worst

  8. 8 months ago

    This is the most painful bait thread I've seen in ages. Blind people can see what this is.

    • 8 months ago

      Un/fortunately, /misc/trolls are less perceptive than blind people.

  9. 8 months ago

    1, 2, 3, 5, and maybe 7 (Depends on execution)
    I have played in games like 2, 3, and accidentally 5 and had fun. The secret is to just lean into it and accept the stupid stuff.

    I have also played in a game like 9 and would prefer not to do that again.

  10. 8 months ago

    >best gane
    the one you're not in. if you join it it will stop being good
    the one you like. You, specifically

  11. 8 months ago

    The 3-5 of them that always show up on time and have minimal scheduling conflict. Everything else can be worked out or with, but people need to be punctual first and foremost.
    Also, consider the following: half of the shit you are b***hing about means absolutely nothing to me, and I barely recognise half of what's left.

    • 8 months ago

      And in case of you are too dense: between 3 to 5 players with this quality, not number 3, 4 and 5

  12. 8 months ago

    5 is the clear winner because in a fantasy setting the government will actually be acting in its peoples' interests and any personal gain abusers would be put to death when exposed.

  13. 8 months ago

    #1 best
    The other 8 all tie for worst |but if I had to choose, #8|

  14. 8 months ago

    In order from best to worst:
    I love this shit, my friends love this shit, we all love this shit, Ganker is an Anime website and if this doesn't appeal to you then go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of normie flith.
    Look I haven't watched the actual streams cause' watching people play TTRPGs is like watching paint dry, but the animated series was a good time so if it's anything like that and the guy can pull his weight then I'm for it.
    I mean if he's good enough to get paid for the work, I won't be participating though cause I"m broke as shit.
    GMPCs are cancer, but what comes after is far more cancerous. I'm also not opposed to trying something new by playing support or getting to be the blue oni to the DMPC's red oni. Could be fun, honestly.
    GoT sucks ass but it's better than what comes after I guess.
    As long as I'm not having to hear in detail descriptions of shit, this goes here. I'd rather play in the GM's magical realm than deal with /misc/shittery. Otherwise, this goes at the bottom.
    I'd move this up before 9 but after 8 if it was clear this is more "subverting the traditional witch hunt by flipping it on its head" than "I'm a reddit athiest", because the latter is /misc/shittery and I don't want that in my games.
    At least I'll probably get the chance to play something weird and cool instead of #1's game, but #1 also doesn't have his /misc/shittery in the game.
    See 3 but worse, because authoritarianism is aidscancer and worse this GM is shoving his /misc/boner into the game and nobody wants that.

    • 8 months ago

      Behold: this homosexual outed himself as the absolute worst kind of player. You and your ilk are a tumor on the ass of traditional games everywhere. have a nice day you tranime e-celeb worshipping insufferable homosexual.

      • 8 months ago

        Sorry to tell you, tourist, but ten years ago, that dude's take was how most of /tg/ would've ranked the examples as well. You're the insufferable homosexual who needs to get the frick out or at least shut the frick up and quit shitting up the board.

        • 8 months ago

          have a nice day samegay troony, people called you tranime creeps out for being the annoying immature pedophiles you are regularly back when fricking /new/ was around, not that you would know because you’re a troony freak 2016 migrant like everyone who talks about le roflmao lolcat oldgay days through homosexual zoomerisms. Stay in your containment board, gacha gooner. We can all smell you.

          • 8 months ago

            You know, if you clean up your act starting now, you might still be able to get a date to prom in a couple years, champ.

            • 8 months ago

              >heehee… little boys… *breathes heavily, starts tapping at his keyboard* you know buddy heeheee i can be your “date”, got a wig and everything heehee…

            • 8 months ago

              What if he is adult and has wife?

  15. 8 months ago

    Worst is 3,5 and 8, ex-aequo, because "fun" takes a clear backseat. But some are very close.

    Best is 1 and 2. With 8 being not far behind.

  16. 8 months ago

    Of this list, 2 is probably the most likely to succeed and be fun to play, because it won't take itself seriously. It will be full of dumb, over the top fantasy shit and players typically have fun doing that.

    The problem that most of the rest of these have is that they are trying to use a tabletop game as a vehicle to expose how they think fiction should be in some other medium. 3, 5 and 7 are all doomed to fail for the same reason, in that they are priming themselves for a shitstorm as soon as even a single player at the table doesn't fall into lockstep with the setting's politics, because any argument over the in-game action is going to very quickly spiral into being about the GM's real-life politics that motivate the setting.

    9 means well, but GMPCs are considered a bad thing for a reason.
    8 might be a fine game, and compared to the rest of this list is probably the second-best option. Same about the paywall, though.

    • 8 months ago

      Why is an unserious game funnest?

      • 8 months ago

        Because it won't get hung up in stupid bullshit messages or mechanics designed to screw over players in the name of "theming".
        You're gonna get just a bunch of beating up giant chickens to fry up for a fast food joint while the Mistress of all Time berates you alongside a cute mascot sidekick

  17. 8 months ago

    3 and 6

  18. 8 months ago

    #1 is the only one of this gaggle I'd throw bones with.

    • 8 months ago

      Game of Thrones is just an excuse to have you roll on the diarrhea table while pictures of men's wieners are passed around and the gm jerk offs under the table.

  19. 8 months ago

    >#5: Wants to run a campaign that will showcase the benefits of firm-handed government, national pride, and militarism, and the triumph of humanity over the savage races.
    If he's playing it up for laughs than this one, because it basically sounds like fantasy flashman.
    If he's not then I'll just leave the game store. Frick em.

    • 8 months ago

      What is flash man? Is he the runner fast guy?

      • 8 months ago

        book series about a cowardly yet successful soldier in the British empire.

  20. 8 months ago

    Cute heart locket

  21. 8 months ago

    If you combine 2 and 5, I'll play in that.

  22. 8 months ago

    I dont mind my dm bro getting paid at all
    7) Sifi vs magic might be fun
    3) So a warhammer fantasy game
    1) I been wanting to try the GOT system
    5) So a warhammer 40k game
    4) Sure why not
    2) If they are flexabile to do an anime system it could be fun. I never seen it work but open to trying
    9) & 6) not playing. Keep your kink out of this

  23. 8 months ago

    Anime game sounds fun.

  24. 8 months ago

    Had a DM who was a #3 and a History major.

    Had a campaign taking place in mid Imperial Rome. Race, origin, language, class and most importantly, citizenship were very important to the dynamics when interacting with NPCs and the world. Very dense, nuanced and difficult to get a grasp of at first, but one which ended up being really cool and fun. Ended up learning a lot too.

  25. 8 months ago

    What kind of person you are if you picked:
    You are a fairly normal guy. Looking for a no strings attached fantasy experience with some interesting drama at the heart of it. You are probably the guy that brings drinks.
    You are fun to play with, you snjoy wacky adventures and bombastic fun, buy you might be a powergamer because you want your character to "look cool" in combat.
    You want to spend the entire session talking about politics.
    You get REALLY invested in the party and their characters. You are the most likely of these archetypes to be a woman.
    You want to spend to spend the entire session falling about politics and you are also 16 years old.
    You are a horny degenerate and so is everyone else at the table. You don't mind the GM throwing in his fetish because you're all on the same page and he'll throw in yours, too.
    You are permanently scarred from having countless Sunday mornings stolen from you as a child by being forced to go to church.
    You have a lot of money but no social skills. You will never know the touch of a woman that isn't a prostitute.
    Same as #1 but you are really strapped for options because there were no other games to join. You will quit three sessions in and wait to become #1.

  26. 8 months ago

    Obviously #8. Charging for DMing is pretty moronic, but well, the other options are shit.

  27. 8 months ago

    For some of these, I'd need to talk to the person for about five minutes to determine.

    1 will almost certainly be bad because nobody who says this ever knows a fricking thing about medieval history, grim, or gritty. If the GM indicates that they do know a fricking thing, I'd consider it.
    2 will be stupid, but it at least has the potential to be a fun romp. I'll bring the pretzels if you bring the beer.
    3 is one that I'll need to talk to, because this alone doesn't tell me enough. They could run the most comically awful tumblresque shitshow about out-of-place metaphors for modern issues, or they could run an actually interesting fantasy about, I dunno, native americans beating up aliens, or classic Star Trek.
    4 doesn't know how to GM and should be avoided.
    5 is another one I'll need to talk to, because this could be some overly serious c**t that jerks off into his replica SS armband and thinks he's giving a real ideological sermon, or a fellow in good humor and good spirits that'll give us all a great time. Are we talking Starship Troopers the book, or the movie?
    6 is the obvious joke option.
    7 is another I'd need to speak with, to see if he's just an edgy 14 year old, or if there's going to be some actual room for
    8 will probably be good, though I generally detest paid GMs.
    9 will probably be bad, unless he gives a really compelling premise.

  28. 8 months ago

    1.- Realistic, game of thrones, high lethality I suppose, like OSR without the fun.
    2.- Comfy setting, quirky and cute NPCs, bonkers lore, could be fun.
    3.- Easy pass.
    4.- Why?
    5.- OSR at domain level, ACKS? I'm in.
    6.- Nope.
    7.- Does the religious/superstitious side has magic/miracles/monsters? otherwise sounds lame.
    8.- GTFO
    9.- A DMPC could be a useful tool to drive the game, depends on how well I know this DM

  29. 8 months ago

    Frick le ebin subversion, frick DMPCs, and frick weird magical realm. Everything else is fine.

  30. 8 months ago

    Depends on his creativity. Stories of noblemen lording over serfs, daring castle heists, and political maneuvering can be good, or you could be stuck as a town guard fighting generic bandits for ten sessions in a row.
    To be executed on sight due to chronic homosexuality.
    To be executed on sight due to chronic homosexuality. It's a board game, not a political lecture.
    Idk, never seen it.
    Effectively a mash of #1 and #3. Conquest is fun, seminars aren't.
    Killing myself on sight
    I'll play, but wear a basedjack mask for the duration.
    Some people pay to play. We call these people 'chumps'
    Sounds like a gay

    Option #1 is the only reasonable choice.

  31. 8 months ago

    only two distinctions matter here
    >#3, #5, #6, #7, #9
    abandon table, these GMs are self-indulgent homosexuals in the absolute, they probably also exhibit their respective undesirable traits in a player seat as well
    >#1, #2, #4, and yes even #8
    these people probably aren't at the table solely to jerk themselves off, metaphorically or literally, so the premise of playing under that GM at all isn't an immediate signal to abandon table

  32. 8 months ago

    #2, just embrace the cringe

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