Which one of them would have the highest chance of surviving Racoon city?

Which one of them would have the highest chance of surviving Racoon city?

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  1. 10 months ago

    George. The zombies wouldn't want to bite him for some unexplained reason and he'd take personal offense to that. He would spend the entire time unsuccessfully attempting to taunt the zombies into trying to bite him.

    • 10 months ago

      >Jerry, why won't they bite me, look at me, look at this delicious meat on me
      >Of course you've been bitten already

  2. 10 months ago

    Elaine would be the first one to get bitten...then jerry...then george... kramer might be able to get away.

  3. 10 months ago

    kramer easy. by the end of the series it is clear god is on his side

  4. 10 months ago


  5. 10 months ago

    yeah its really obviously kramer, he can make friends with weirdos and can move quickly when he needs to

    Dogs, Jerry, Zombie dogs!

  6. 10 months ago

    Kramer was pretty ripped actually you can see it in the episode where hes auditioning in LA. He would be the only one with a chance.

    • 10 months ago

      He wasn't ripped, he was just skinny with a pre-Weimar physique.
      People weren't quite as fat back then as they are post millennium, he had an average body.

      • 10 months ago

        ah well. Im as skinny as a holocaust victim so he looked pretty built to me.

  7. 10 months ago

    Probably Kramer, although Jerry could slip through somehow. George and Elaine are goners.

  8. 10 months ago

    Wow. Looks like his life is going pretty alright after the Black person incident.

  9. 10 months ago

    Best Seinfeld game and why is it picrel?

  10. 10 months ago

    >We'll just head to the RPD, that's our best chance.

  11. 10 months ago

    George and it's not even close

  12. 10 months ago

    AI making this movie during the strike would kill Hollywood forever

  13. 10 months ago

    kramer barges into jerry's apartment
    >neuman's a zombie
    >a zombie...jerry
    >THIS I have to see
    Jerry goes to check out zombie neuman
    >Jerry...what are you doin...I TOLD you he was a Zombie...
    >Yeah...I just had to....uhhh
    >I feel a little...
    >Yeah...i know...I'm...just going to go lay down
    >well...dont bite me when you become a zombie
    >YOU...wh...why...why would I arghhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  14. 10 months ago

    kramer. any other answer = you didn't watch the show enough

    • 10 months ago

      Kramer couldn't fight off all those people during the AIDS march...he definitely couldn't fight off a horde of zombies.

      • 10 months ago

        That episode, since it's pretty much the only one filmed outside with a large mob, would actually provide a good test environment for a zombie episode.

      • 10 months ago

        >Kramer couldn't fight off all those people during the AIDS march
        He could, he just didn't want their AIDS blood getting on him infecting him too

  15. 10 months ago

    Kramer would chill at home and be oblivious to the entire thing. Jerry and Elaine would go early. George would really eat shit right when he thinks he's safe.

    • 10 months ago

      Kramer spent every single living second of his life at Jerry's place.
      He'd walk into Jerry's apartment to get food, notice a horrible odour coming from all sides and then get jumped by zombified Jerry either while opening the fridge or sitting on the couch.

      Jerry would start eating him head first and be joined by whatever wandering zombie enters his apartment since Kramer forgot to close the door.

  16. 10 months ago

    The first sign of infection is irritable skin.

  17. 10 months ago

    I'll raise you, which one would have the best change of surviving Silent Hill?

    • 10 months ago

      newman, he has no conscience, feels no remorse etc

    • 10 months ago

      Still Kramer. They'd have so little to haunt him with and his obliviousness would save him too. George is mega fricked though.

    • 10 months ago

      Jerry, since Silent hill is more about manifestation of personal trauma, but also because he's a decent guy and that sort of person doesn't really die in SH.

      newman, he has no conscience, feels no remorse etc

      That's good for RE, not for SH.

      • 10 months ago

        it he doesn't feel guilty over anything, how the frick is silent hill gonna affect him?

        • 10 months ago

          he would end up like the fatty in sh2

    • 10 months ago

      Definitely not George

      • 10 months ago

        Still Kramer. They'd have so little to haunt him with and his obliviousness would save him too. George is mega fricked though.

        What's George Hill look like?

        Jerry, since Silent hill is more about manifestation of personal trauma, but also because he's a decent guy and that sort of person doesn't really die in SH.

        That's good for RE, not for SH.

        Jerry gets pulled into George Hill and complains about it incessantly

  18. 10 months ago

    Kramer easily

  19. 10 months ago

    Let's ask chatGTP:

    Title: "The Undead Urban Dilemma"

    [Scene: Jerry's Apartment]

    Jerry: (sitting on the couch, talking to George) You won't believe what's going on in the city, George.

    George: (munching on a bag of chips) What now, Jerry? More pigeons taking over Central Park?

    Jerry: (sarcastically) No, even better. Zombies.

    George: (chokes on a chip) Zombies? You mean like, 'braaaaains' zombies?

    Jerry: Exactly. Apparently, there's a zombie outbreak in New York City.

    George: (rolling his eyes) Oh, great. Just what this city needs – more people who don't know how to walk properly.

    [Scene: Monk's Café]

    Elaine: (sitting at the table with Jerry and George) Zombies? Seriously?

    Jerry: That's what they're saying. The whole city is in a panic.

    Elaine: (sipping her coffee) Well, I guess it's a good thing I stocked up on arugula and almond milk. Zombies probably hate that stuff.

    George: (leaning in) You know, if zombies start showing up, I'm just gonna join them. I already feel like a zombie at work half the time.

    Kramer: (entering, bursting with excitement) Hey, buddy-os! Have you heard about the zombie craze? I'm telling you, this is my big break!

    Jerry: (raising an eyebrow) Your big break? In what? Zombie management?

    Kramer: (enthusiastically) No, no, no. I'm starting a zombie-themed food delivery service. You know, 'Zombie Bites' – guaranteed to make you feel undead in no time!

    Elaine: (smirking) So, what's on the menu? "Finger foods"?

    Kramer: (laughing) Exactly! And the best part is, the zombies won't even care if the orders are late. They're not in a hurry.

    • 10 months ago

      [Scene: Jerry's Apartment]

      Jerry: (on the phone with Newman) So, what's the word on the street, Newman?

      Newman: (whispering) It's chaos out here, Jerry. People are running in every direction, and those zombies… they move even slower than I do.

      Jerry: (rolling his eyes) Well, I hope they don't mess up the mail delivery too much.

      [Scene: George's Workplace]

      Boss: (frustrated) Costanza, where have you been? We're in the middle of a crisis, and you're late again!

      George: (casually) Crisis? You mean the whole zombie thing? I figured the zombies were slow, so I took my time.

      Boss: (annoyed) Slow or not, you're supposed to be here on time!

      George: (shrugging) Well, maybe I'll just tell them I'm a zombie now. It's a good excuse for my lack of enthusiasm.

      [Scene: Jerry's Apartment]

      Elaine: (walking in, out of breath) You won't believe what I just saw on the street! Zombies… real zombies!

      Jerry: (sarcastically) Oh no, Elaine, what a revelation. I thought those were just tourists.

      Elaine: (ignoring Jerry's comment) And you won't believe what's leading the pack – a zombie in a puffy shirt!

      Jerry: (laughing) A puffy shirt-wearing zombie? Even in the afterlife, some fashion trends never die.

      [Scene: Monk's Café]

      Kramer: (entering, disheveled and panting) Hey, guys, bad news. Zombie Bites didn't take off like I thought. Turns out, zombies are very picky eaters.

      Elaine: (smirking) Who would've thought? Zombies with dietary preferences.

      George: (looking defeated) You know what's worse than zombies, Kramer? Having to deal with them during rush hour. It's a whole new level of slow traffic.

      Jerry: (sipping his coffee) Well, at least now when people complain about the subway being like a "zombie apocalypse," it'll be accurate.

      >I probably should have specified Racoon city

    • 10 months ago

      [Scene: Jerry's Apartment]

      Jerry: (on the phone with Newman) So, what's the word on the street, Newman?

      Newman: (whispering) It's chaos out here, Jerry. People are running in every direction, and those zombies… they move even slower than I do.

      Jerry: (rolling his eyes) Well, I hope they don't mess up the mail delivery too much.

      [Scene: George's Workplace]

      Boss: (frustrated) Costanza, where have you been? We're in the middle of a crisis, and you're late again!

      George: (casually) Crisis? You mean the whole zombie thing? I figured the zombies were slow, so I took my time.

      Boss: (annoyed) Slow or not, you're supposed to be here on time!

      George: (shrugging) Well, maybe I'll just tell them I'm a zombie now. It's a good excuse for my lack of enthusiasm.

      [Scene: Jerry's Apartment]

      Elaine: (walking in, out of breath) You won't believe what I just saw on the street! Zombies… real zombies!

      Jerry: (sarcastically) Oh no, Elaine, what a revelation. I thought those were just tourists.

      Elaine: (ignoring Jerry's comment) And you won't believe what's leading the pack – a zombie in a puffy shirt!

      Jerry: (laughing) A puffy shirt-wearing zombie? Even in the afterlife, some fashion trends never die.

      [Scene: Monk's Café]

      Kramer: (entering, disheveled and panting) Hey, guys, bad news. Zombie Bites didn't take off like I thought. Turns out, zombies are very picky eaters.

      Elaine: (smirking) Who would've thought? Zombies with dietary preferences.

      George: (looking defeated) You know what's worse than zombies, Kramer? Having to deal with them during rush hour. It's a whole new level of slow traffic.

      Jerry: (sipping his coffee) Well, at least now when people complain about the subway being like a "zombie apocalypse," it'll be accurate.

      >I probably should have specified Racoon city

      This is actually on point. A little finessing and I could see it. Scary.

  20. 10 months ago

    >A zombie bite? Oh you don't want that! My friend Bob Sacamano once had one of those.

  21. 10 months ago

    Kramer would either be the first to perish or the last. There is no inbetween.

  22. 10 months ago

    Kramer. He'd just call the zombies a Black person and they'd be so offended he would be able to just run past them

  23. 10 months ago


  24. 10 months ago


  25. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago


  26. 10 months ago

    George is powerful. I’ve seen him lift 100 pounds over his head like it was nothing

  27. 10 months ago

    Kramer is the only character that possess the Aryan spirit. The israelites are so adverse to work the thought of running away from zombies would give them heart attacks.

  28. 10 months ago

    Kramer naturally. He dealt with a bunch of Black folk masterfully. And Black folk are far worse than zombies.

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