Which was better?

Which was better?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Sonic Adventure.

  2. 8 months ago

    >Which was better?
    It depends on who you ask.
    Adventure is the closest we've ever gotten to 2D Sonic control and level design in 3D by far.
    Adventure 2 is a more polished video game with focus and a more engaging story too.
    I prefer Sonic's level design in Adventure, and I enjoy the hubs which feel full of live, personality, but Adventure 2 is a better video game, to me at least, it's a tough question.

    We all know Flickies' Island's still the ideal 3D Sonic experience by far though.

  3. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      I can't believe Shitga didn't even bother putting this in Origins Plus

      • 8 months ago

        Cuz they don't wanna give hopium to the stupid comic furries with the Spinball reference, so they tipped toe and stuck with the Game Gear games only.

        • 8 months ago

          spinball is a totally different game though

  4. 8 months ago

    Adventure 2 has the more interesting story but Adventure has cool hub worlds to explore. This is a tough one.

  5. 8 months ago

    I wish there was just online chao garden with random missions of either game. I can't be bothered raising it just to battle bots

    • 8 months ago

      >I wish there was just online chao garden

      Sega have this concept on their hands and just doing nothing with it in classic Sega fashion.
      Even if it was a shitty mobile app, I'm sure people would still be interested.

  6. 8 months ago

    SA1 played better. SA2 was a lot more linear, pretty much boost without the boost button.

    • 8 months ago

      Why don't sonic autists make full adventure 1 romhacks like how mario 64 autists do? There's so much potential for level design here and adventure 1 still has the best controlls imo.

      • 8 months ago

        Because sonic autists are in it for the characters and not the gameplay. You don't see Chris Chan speedrunning Sonic games back and forth do you

        • 8 months ago

          Chris-chan is basically the average Sonic fanboy, at any rate. Have you ever met one that was sane, intelligent, well-adjusted, emotionally stable, and over the age of 10?

          • 8 months ago

            Every sonic nutjob I've met got into the games when they first came to gamecube

      • 8 months ago

        A lot of the ones with talent in 3D mostly make mods for more recent 3D installments, or full on fan video games, either from scratch or from fan made engines, which there are many of. I'll agree it's a shame that not enough of them look at Adventure though, or at least try to make their original work like it in how it plays, and level design especially, my main issue with most fan projects for Sonic is that levels are too open and aimless, or too corridor like, nothing's ever like Adventure's middle ground that resembles the Genesis stuff properly.

      • 8 months ago

        I really like both but I slightly prefer SA1, even though SA2 is more polished I like the openess & charm of SA1 more.

        I wish I had the time and talent. tbh

      • 8 months ago

        I would assume it’s because of how the levels compare to Mario 64 ones. Mario 64 stages are essentially a plot of land with some obstacles sprinkled in and not much more complicated than a few geometrical shapes with textures.
        Sonic Adventure levels are much much bigger and more detailed. Look at how many parts go into Windy Valley vs Snowman’s Land.
        I’m not comparing quality or fun, just that Sonic levels have a lot more geometry and complexities, and asking unpaid fans to try to make new levels in that is a lot harder and more time consuming I’m sure.

      • 8 months ago

        >adventure 1 still has the best controlls imo.
        Hard disagree.
        I love SA1 a lot but I prefer SA2's controls in every conceivable way. I feel like SA1's physics have this distinct lack of weight to them, making it akin to controlling a ghost. It's like you're not even controlling an entity that can interact with the in-game world.
        Its sort of comparable to how Mario controls in Sunshine. Quick and precise for sure, but also weightless and that's just not my thing.

        • 8 months ago

          SA2's controls are better if only for two reasons: one, you no longer need to charge up the light speed dash, and two, the bounce bracelet. the fricking bounce bracelet, man. being able to bounce and instantly stick to rails completely changes the game.

          i gotta wonder though, what were they thinking with the fricking magic hands?

          • 8 months ago

            >frontiers of all games brought the bounce back
            Pretty nice of them, way better then the boring stomp every game since unleashed has used. Just wish it was nearly as fast as the adventure games.

  7. 8 months ago

    SA2B has the better content and multiplayer. I keep coming back to it even in 2023 because of Chao Garden and to play Battle mode with my gf. Also GHZ.

  8. 8 months ago

    I'm sorry Jenny deleted your thread yesterday. They need to make way for mister, 8bit do and shader threads.

  9. 8 months ago

    SA2 is the superior score attack game

  10. 8 months ago

    Super Sonic Fighter 2 Turbo

  11. 8 months ago

    The games suck dick as platformers, the only halfway decent part of the whole thing is the chao garden, and that was best in 2: Battle, so that's the better one.

  12. 8 months ago

    Everything in the US version of Adventure 2 is an improvement, except the Gameplay which is really all that matters. Sonic Adventure is the better game.

  13. 8 months ago

    Adventure 2 by a mile in basically every way except for the emerald radar which is thankfully fixable with mods, not that that's a valid argument for the game. But the emerald stages themselves are much better in Adventure 2 considering they were actually designed for the purpose of being treasure hunts. They're much more difficult as a result but that's not a bad thing.

    Similarly Gamma's gameplay is generally praised as being better in Adventure 1 compared to the mech gameplay in 2 which baffles me because Gamma's stages might as well play themselves. I get that it's kinda fun to blast through already easy stages with impunity but I don't know what the lasting appeal is. The mech gameplay in 2 simply feels better on a basic level and the stages are actually made for their purpose rather than being thrown together from scraps of other stages.

    Which is the biggest issue that plagues Adventure 1, many that praise it don't even like the game as a whole and simply only want to play Sonic's stages over and over again while ignoring every other issue with the game.

    Adventure fields are horrendous despite being a great idea. They're not fun to explore and what's in them amounts to a big open field with a random singular children's puzzle plopped down somewhere so that you can play the next actual piece of content. Upgrades all being hidden in the actual stages was a way better idea.

    Adventure 1's A-B-C missions are extremely basic compared to the sheer level of replayability Adventure 2's mission board offers. Not every mission on there is the most interesting thing ever but it's still an upgrade, and there is a meaningful reward at the end for bothering to do everything. To say nothing of how garbage the Chao Garden is in 1 compared to it being so good in 2 that Sega gave up trying to ever match it.

    The presentation and story in 2 trounces any Sonic game made before or since, too. There is a reason it's left a mark on so many more people by comparison.

  14. 8 months ago

    Both offer different experiences.

    Adventure is janky, however

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