Who actually is the best mastermind in this series?

Who actually is the best mastermind in this series?

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  1. 10 months ago

    The people who weren't dumb enough to play this "game".

    • 10 months ago

      This. The game literally "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I'M GOING INSANE! SAVE ME Black personMAN!"

  2. 10 months ago

    The guy who managed to get in the situation in the pic

  3. 10 months ago

    I actually think Tsumugi was the best one. Junko was just "le quirky I'm gonna end the world for kicks and giggles, lol!".

    Tsumugi was far more compelling in that she was really just carrying out the wishes of everyone else, including the people who presumably didn't want to be apart of the killing game.

    • 10 months ago

      I liked Izuru the most out of the three main villians, I'm been liking Junko more and more as time has gone on though

      Tsumugi is the one I actively dislike the most, but the good kind of dislike since she's a villain. I dunno why but she pisses me off. Overall I would say Monaca is the best villian in the series

      • 10 months ago

        >Monaca is the best villian in the series

        • 10 months ago

          Because she manipulates in a believable way and it makes you hate her

      • 10 months ago

        You can't hate on Tsumugi. Everyone in Dv3 did it to themselves.

        • 10 months ago

          Reasons why Tsumugi was set up:
          >1. Prologue Kaede and Shuichi remember being kidnapped, which you wouldn't do if they'd really volunteered
          >2. No one in the prologue recognizes Rantaro, the winner of the previous season
          >3. Prologue Kaito, Maki, and Miu have no idea what’s going on and demand to know what Rantaro knows, while Prologue Ryoma, Tenko, and Kokichi are all extremely confused. If everyone really volunteered, they should already be able to figure it out and be excited. Instead they’re all confused and terrified
          >4. Prologue Kaito and Maki demand to know why there are stuffed animals moving around when they should recognize Monokuma-like stuff if they really volunteered
          >5. Kaede recognizes the term “mono” and doesn’t panic when she sees robot bears, and tries to ask about what is probably Monokuma, but still doesn’t seem to recognize the killing game, and she still never becomes excited to have been chosen
          >6. Prologue Tsumugi acts confused like everyone else and has a different school uniform even though the reason they aren't already brainwashed is that Monophanie fricked up giving them their fake memories, so she should already be in "Tsumugi mode" if she's really in on it
          >7. The video of Shuichi volunteering for the game bleeps out his "real" name, but prologue Shuichi still calls himself Shuichi, which means that either everyone kept their real names while in the game (which makes no sense) or the video is doctored
          >8. Tsumugi claims she can only dress up as fictional characters, but can't dress up as Kaede, and don't say that Kaede still has the appearance of a "real" person, because she was wearing her fictional pianist clothes at the time and not her real school uniform
          The only actual evidence that Tsumugi is telling the truth is the cutaway to that one kid watching Danganronpa on his phone. I guess a lot of this could just mean that Tsumugi is lying instead of brainwashed, but the point is that half of what she claims doesn't add up

          • 10 months ago

            Honestly, I've had similar thoughts. I think that Tsumugi only thought she was the mastermind, like how everyone else believed their own pasts. But as established everyone is capable of being given false memories, so I think Tsumugi's memories were false.

          • 10 months ago

            Honestly, I've had similar thoughts. I think that Tsumugi only thought she was the mastermind, like how everyone else believed their own pasts. But as established everyone is capable of being given false memories, so I think Tsumugi's memories were false.

            They would remember being kidnapped, since even according to Tsumugi's story, they were taken to the school without knowing their auditions had been selected. We see the scene of them realizing they had been picked AFTER they met the Monokubs in the gym.

            All of this can be refuted by the simple fact that they were taken to the school before they were told that their auditions had been selected. They were scared and panicking and thus didn't immediately realize what was going on. Given enough time, they would have figured it out. We see the flashback of their reactions when they finally learn the truth and they are happy.

            If she showed up to the gym with her new clothes and memories when nobody else has them it would spoil who the mastermind is to the audience. Keebo was also there and he is the audience's camera. The show already started.

            There is no argument for why they can't keep their names. Out of everything that Tsumugi said was changed, their names was not one of them. Furthermore if the video was doctored, why would the fake video need to be bleeped out? It makes no sense.

            The fact that Kaede was wearing those clothes does not refute the fact that she is a real person. Tsumugi can only cosplay as fictional characters, not real people. A real person wearing a different set of clothes is still real.

            • 10 months ago

              I can understand not initially realizing that you've been selected, but surely after the Monokubs show up, you figure things out. Not to mention that there's no reason to kidnap them in the first place, if they volunteered.

              • 10 months ago

                >but surely after the Monokubs show up, you figure things out.
                That's literally what is happening in that scene. They just never fully arrive at that conclusion because Kodaka does not want to spoil the twist of the game in the first few minutes.

                Remember that all of this dialogue is being written by a real person for a reason. It's not random and it's not something that happened in real life. If something is convenient for the story, it can happen, even if you think it's not the most likely outcome.

                >Not to mention that there's no reason to kidnap them in the first place, if they volunteered.
                It keeps it as a surprise for the characters in-universe, but again, more importantly, for the real life player. The prologue is specifically written in such a way that the first time you play it, you think they're being kidnapped for the game, but then when you finish Chapter 6 and go back and read it again you see how it actually fits into the audition narrative.

              • 10 months ago

                It's been a while since I played it, but I always looked at it as being that the prologue was specifically written to provide counterevidence to the villain's claims in chapter 6 that you'd likely have forgotten by the time chapter 6's case actually rolls around, and that only a player who goes back to reread it would see that there is actually evidence to the contrary. I'm not convinced from the 2 screenshots you've shown that this interpretation is incorrect, but again it's been quite some time since I played. My memory is that the prologue had two separate 'everyone wakes up and is trapped in the school' sequences, separated by a blackout in which - once you read the later content - it's probable that the students' memories were altered. And that they do not behave in the first prologue sequence in a manner consistent with Tsumugi's description of their pre-brainwashing motives and characters.

                Additionally, how does the fact that the students were allegedly kidnapped despite wanting to participate refute the claim that they did not recognize the winner of the previous season? Based on the behavior of the contestants shown in several of the chapter 6 scenes, it does not seem believable that they wouldn't have recognized someone who was the equivalent of a super idol to them, allegedly - not even in a dangerous situation. The same applies for your supposed refutation of 3 and 5 - if you were scared and panicking, you would not suddenly become unable to recognize Mickey Mouse, for instance.

                And why do you consider the 'flashback' scene (which iirc was only ever presented as a flashback in chapter 6 and did not occur in the pre-blackout prologue) a reliable source of information? Kaede is wearing her post-brainwashing clothing in the flashback, meaning her personality has already been altered by the show hosts. It is not valid evidence that pre-brainwashing Kaede wanted to participate.

              • 10 months ago

                Most of this is just because you don't remember the specific details.

                The prologue and the flashback both share several lines of dialogue. Both of these scenes show Kaede and the others being confused about their situation, which is consistent with their memories of being kidnapped. They are confused because they have been taken somewhere against their will without explanation. Also, this is after they are given their new outfits, but before they are given their new memories. The brainwashing hasn't happened yet. The only difference is that in the prologue, after a certain point in the dialogue the scene only shows us dialogue from the Monokubs. However, in the flashback, we see additional lines of dialogue from the students - the "oh, does this mean we got picked?" "we're gonna be on the show?" etc. It's hard to say that the flashback isn't reliable since it is being shown directly to the player. This is not meant to be video footage or someone telling a story, since the flashback even includes the words that Kaede was thinking to herself.

                As for not recognizing Rantaro, I do believe that it can be handwaved as them being in a high stress situation. They wouldn't necessarily immediately think "oh this is Rantaro from Danganronpa" if they are too busy wondering about why they were kidnapped and being chased by giant robots. Also, if there were any students who did recognize him, they just didn't say anything. It's not as if though it was explicitly stated that nobody knew him. And the same goes for your Mickey Mouse example - there's nothing to say that they didn't recognize that the Monokubs were similar to Monokuma (and this

                >but surely after the Monokubs show up, you figure things out.
                That's literally what is happening in that scene. They just never fully arrive at that conclusion because Kodaka does not want to spoil the twist of the game in the first few minutes.

                Remember that all of this dialogue is being written by a real person for a reason. It's not random and it's not something that happened in real life. If something is convenient for the story, it can happen, even if you think it's not the most likely outcome.

                >Not to mention that there's no reason to kidnap them in the first place, if they volunteered.
                It keeps it as a surprise for the characters in-universe, but again, more importantly, for the real life player. The prologue is specifically written in such a way that the first time you play it, you think they're being kidnapped for the game, but then when you finish Chapter 6 and go back and read it again you see how it actually fits into the audition narrative.

                line seems to imply that they do) but just because you woke up and saw a Mickey Mouse doll doesn't mean you would automatically assume you were taken to DisneyLand for a free tour. You would just think "there's something here that looks like Mickey" and then go back to worrying about your life threatening situation.

              • 10 months ago

                I still don't understand why Tsumugi would pretend to be one of them, if the reason they all didn't know they were in Danganronpa was an accident caused by Monophanie.

              • 10 months ago

                The best in-universe answer I can think of is that, if the accident truly was an accident and not part of the script, if the cameras were already rolling, all the characters had to be there to avoid spoiling the identity of the mastermind to the audience.
                But when you consider that Keebo is meant to be the audience's camera to give them a POV of what it's like to be on the show, it's also possible that getting the new uniforms and memories is meant to be part of that experience, and that the accident was scripted for entertainment value. It's basically showing a "behind the scenes" look to the audience. This would explain why Keebo himself has to be given a uniform.

                But it's also possible that this is a genuine oversight by Kodaka. Since again, this is a fictional story being written by real people, and people can make mistakes. The answer could just be "so that the player doesn't know".

                I think that if Tsumugi's presence in the prologue was meant to be a deliberate hint that the game's conclusion was wrong, the story would have drawn attention to it and actually provided some alternative solutions.

              • 10 months ago

                Most of this is just because you don't remember the specific details.

                The prologue and the flashback both share several lines of dialogue. Both of these scenes show Kaede and the others being confused about their situation, which is consistent with their memories of being kidnapped. They are confused because they have been taken somewhere against their will without explanation. Also, this is after they are given their new outfits, but before they are given their new memories. The brainwashing hasn't happened yet. The only difference is that in the prologue, after a certain point in the dialogue the scene only shows us dialogue from the Monokubs. However, in the flashback, we see additional lines of dialogue from the students - the "oh, does this mean we got picked?" "we're gonna be on the show?" etc. It's hard to say that the flashback isn't reliable since it is being shown directly to the player. This is not meant to be video footage or someone telling a story, since the flashback even includes the words that Kaede was thinking to herself.

                As for not recognizing Rantaro, I do believe that it can be handwaved as them being in a high stress situation. They wouldn't necessarily immediately think "oh this is Rantaro from Danganronpa" if they are too busy wondering about why they were kidnapped and being chased by giant robots. Also, if there were any students who did recognize him, they just didn't say anything. It's not as if though it was explicitly stated that nobody knew him. And the same goes for your Mickey Mouse example - there's nothing to say that they didn't recognize that the Monokubs were similar to Monokuma (and this [...] line seems to imply that they do) but just because you woke up and saw a Mickey Mouse doll doesn't mean you would automatically assume you were taken to DisneyLand for a free tour. You would just think "there's something here that looks like Mickey" and then go back to worrying about your life threatening situation.

                To add to my post (I hit the character limit) if the prologue was meant to provide counter evidence to Tsumugi's claims, then these things wouldn't make sense.

                Why would Tsumugi's story and the flashback both make accommodations for the kidnapping memory? It would be much simpler for Tsumugi to claim that they entered the school of their own free will. That would show an immediate contradiction between the prologue and Tsumugi's story.
                If the flashback was not meant to be trusted, it could have just shown a completely new scene that can't be linked to anything we saw in the prologue. The writer going out of his way to include lines from the prologue in the flashback only makes sense if we are meant to believe those scenes are one and the same.

              • 10 months ago

                Most of this is just because you don't remember the specific details.

                The prologue and the flashback both share several lines of dialogue. Both of these scenes show Kaede and the others being confused about their situation, which is consistent with their memories of being kidnapped. They are confused because they have been taken somewhere against their will without explanation. Also, this is after they are given their new outfits, but before they are given their new memories. The brainwashing hasn't happened yet. The only difference is that in the prologue, after a certain point in the dialogue the scene only shows us dialogue from the Monokubs. However, in the flashback, we see additional lines of dialogue from the students - the "oh, does this mean we got picked?" "we're gonna be on the show?" etc. It's hard to say that the flashback isn't reliable since it is being shown directly to the player. This is not meant to be video footage or someone telling a story, since the flashback even includes the words that Kaede was thinking to herself.

                As for not recognizing Rantaro, I do believe that it can be handwaved as them being in a high stress situation. They wouldn't necessarily immediately think "oh this is Rantaro from Danganronpa" if they are too busy wondering about why they were kidnapped and being chased by giant robots. Also, if there were any students who did recognize him, they just didn't say anything. It's not as if though it was explicitly stated that nobody knew him. And the same goes for your Mickey Mouse example - there's nothing to say that they didn't recognize that the Monokubs were similar to Monokuma (and this [...] line seems to imply that they do) but just because you woke up and saw a Mickey Mouse doll doesn't mean you would automatically assume you were taken to DisneyLand for a free tour. You would just think "there's something here that looks like Mickey" and then go back to worrying about your life threatening situation.

                This image should explain things a little better

            • 10 months ago

              Why would the be scared though. They volunteered to be a part of a killing game of all things. What can they be possibly be afraid of.

              • 10 months ago

                At that point in the game they don't know that they have been selected to be in the killing game yet, and they were chased by giant robots.

        • 10 months ago

          >Everyone in Dv3 did it to themselves.
          Fair enough, but she's still pisses me off for some reason. I know that Junko is objectionably worse but I don't dislike her as much for some reason

          >Monaca is the best villian in the series

          She's just the most interesting to me, seeing a kid like her doing some of the most vile stuff in the series. Not to mention the way she manipulates the other WoH in such evil ways, I like that she actually see her manipulation on screen.

          Nagito isn't even that good until his death. He has the best case in the series, but until that point, he's really not that amazing.

          All the third cases at the bottom, really says a lot huh?

          • 10 months ago

            Junko’s level of evil is hard to really digest.compared to being used as tv show props

        • 10 months ago

          Don't be moronic anon, the point of v3 is that we can't be sure Tsumugi wasn't bullshitting, we don't know what was beyond the dome, we only know what the antagonist told us.
          There's no way of proving the entire Future Fundation wasn't there to save the survivors as there's no way to know if it was actually all just fiction.

  4. 10 months ago

    frick off danganautists
    go back to


    • 10 months ago

      frick off danganautists
      go back to [...]

      Thanks for linking some hot KomaHina.

    • 10 months ago

      frick off danganautists
      go back to [...]

      Is there a reason these posts always come in twos?

  5. 10 months ago

    frick off danganautists
    go back to


  6. 10 months ago

    Nagito mogs Junko as an antagonist and he isn’t even a mastermind.

    • 10 months ago

      Nagito isn't even that good until his death. He has the best case in the series, but until that point, he's really not that amazing.

      • 10 months ago

        >AAI-5 above AAI-4
        >6-4 in D Tier

        Come on, son.

      • 10 months ago

        Filtered by seesaw kino

      • 10 months ago

        I don't understand the hatred for third chapters beyond unceremoniously killing off popular characters. 1-5, 1-6, 2-6, V3-4, V3-5, and V3-6 are all worse.

        • 10 months ago

          The sheer amount of wasted potential in the see-saw trial still pisses me off.
          >resurrecting a cast member
          >having Ange’s cult develop more
          >having Korekiyo survive being found out by another murder happening shortly afterwards
          >Korekiyo finding out that the writers turned a normal person into a crazy sister fricker

      • 10 months ago

        What is VS?

  7. 10 months ago

    Monaka and it's not even close. The only reason her plan didn't work is because Junko went full moron and sabotaged it at the end.

  8. 10 months ago


    I think her sister was hotter. Freckles are cute.

    • 10 months ago

      >Be a complete nothing character with like twenty lines
      >Become one of the most popular dangans in the series
      How does she do it?

      • 10 months ago

        >most popular
        Not really

  9. 10 months ago


    She can ruin me

  10. 10 months ago

    >Is it Junko, or Junko, or e-girl Junko, or the new character that has more than just being a plot device
    Wow anon, I have no idea!

    • 10 months ago

      there are more villains in this series than the masterminds, and even then Tsumugi and Monica are vastly different from Junko

  11. 10 months ago

    Tsumugi. She handled the whole "despair" aspect the best by breaking the 4th wall and making the community feel bad rather than limiting it to the in-game characters.
    She's not even really a bad guy, she's basically just a gameshow host giving the people what they wanted.

    • 10 months ago

      I always found the most interesting part of her motive is that she didn't want to "win" necessarily, which is why she didn't even vote in the end. She wanted a good story and a satisfying conclusion.

    • 10 months ago

      >She's not even really a bad guy, she's basically just a gameshow host giving the people what they wanted
      She runs a torture-murder show full of children.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah but that kind of thing is completely legal and normalized in that society. She's just a cog in the machine.

  12. 10 months ago


  13. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      I think I liked Utsuro better

    • 10 months ago

      Mikado is the highlight of the game but I almost feel I shouldn't count him since his whole gimmick is that, since he's revealed in the prologue, the game is allowed to fully develop his character as a mastermind instead of having to cram it all in at the last trial. He's still really entertaining for what he is and frankly carries the game's first two cases on his back.

      I think I liked Utsuro better

      Utsuro is my favorite too. I feel he walks the fine line between being actually a genuinely well written character and a Delta-type shitpost that I enjoy with a lot of my favorite villains. I like when I can both enjoy the horrifying implications that the dude's luck is so powerful that it rewrote his DNA to be an exact match to this random dude who got into Hope's Peak (don't remember if either game ever clarifies thats why they look alike or if LINUJ just says it on the character file) and also enjoy how he makes the entire bluff with the single bomb he planted on the hallway during Chapter EX. Helps a lot that he naturally gets way more screentime than usual by virtue of being the game's protagonist.

      Reading the prequel story to RC was more compelling than most of the stuff in the game. The director should be an author

      Wasn't Raincode by the Ultra Despair Hagakure dude? That and the Kirigiri novels are one of the few DR-novel material I haven't read in some form or the other.

    • 10 months ago

      Mikado is the highlight of the game but I almost feel I shouldn't count him since his whole gimmick is that, since he's revealed in the prologue, the game is allowed to fully develop his character as a mastermind instead of having to cram it all in at the last trial. He's still really entertaining for what he is and frankly carries the game's first two cases on his back.

      Utsuro is my favorite too. I feel he walks the fine line between being actually a genuinely well written character and a Delta-type shitpost that I enjoy with a lot of my favorite villains. I like when I can both enjoy the horrifying implications that the dude's luck is so powerful that it rewrote his DNA to be an exact match to this random dude who got into Hope's Peak (don't remember if either game ever clarifies thats why they look alike or if LINUJ just says it on the character file) and also enjoy how he makes the entire bluff with the single bomb he planted on the hallway during Chapter EX. Helps a lot that he naturally gets way more screentime than usual by virtue of being the game's protagonist.

      Wasn't Raincode by the Ultra Despair Hagakure dude? That and the Kirigiri novels are one of the few DR-novel material I haven't read in some form or the other.

      I think I liked Utsuro better

      Beyond based

  14. 10 months ago

    Junko is hotter, but Tsumugi is better.

    • 10 months ago
  15. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      The anime doesn't count.

      • 10 months ago


  16. 10 months ago

    no one due to the whole "IT WAS ALL REALITY TV" shit

    • 10 months ago

      t. didn't read the ending and just parrots what he saw in threads he skimmed

      • 10 months ago

        Well, that is part of the game.

        • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          >all those comments thirsty for shuichi
          good taste

  17. 10 months ago

    Monaca was the only one who had something truly villanious going for her on top of being genuinely good at manipulation

  18. 10 months ago

    This is only sort of related, but I've seen a lot of fan stuff where Chihiro is the mastermind, and I don't know why he's so popular.

    • 10 months ago

      Don't care if they are the mastermind. That boy bussy is worth it.

  19. 10 months ago

    Junko is weird because I do really like her character once you get the full picture but I wish the games showed more of that instead of leaving 75% of the work in characterizing her to DR0. The idea that Junko is fully emotionally affected by every evil act she commits but keeps going anyways because the despair of having all her hopes crushed is too exciting for her is really compelling. I like Junko when she's portrayed as a blackpilled hyper-autist and I would wish they were more explicit with that in the game itself if not for the fact that a lot of the tragedy of DR0 comes from how this is a side of her that only the reader, a party who cannot affect the story in any way, gets to have a glimpse on.
    God I really like that book.

    • 10 months ago

      Reading the prequel story to RC was more compelling than most of the stuff in the game. The director should be an author

    • 10 months ago

      The Junko/Kamakura/Komaeda/Matsuda arc and backstory is really basically nonexistent without it, and it's some of the best material.

      • 10 months ago

        was Komaeda even involved in any of the DR0 stuff?

  20. 10 months ago

    Kamukura I suppose, he's an edgelord, but at least his plan, whatever it was, went beyond Despair for the lulz

    • 10 months ago

      His plan was to brainwash everyone in the world into feeling "hope" all the time.

      • 10 months ago

        Wasn't that the anime guy?

        • 10 months ago

          Oh, I mixed them up like a dumbass.

  21. 10 months ago



    She can ruin me

    She is built for long in bed cuddles. Her breasts are perfectly crafted to burrow face between then while she gives you headpats with her nice soft hands. Also she has kissable lips.

  22. 10 months ago

    I found Monaca the most detestable and it was most satisfying for her to get BTFO. Junko, I just thought was annoying; she reminded me of mid 2000s lolsorandum scenekids, and I don't care for villains who pretend like they actually won after they get shit on, even if it is because she's a sadomasochistic prostitute.

  23. 10 months ago

    Junko Enoshima thinks that social media is one of the best ways to spread despair to the world. Just think of all the petty squabbles and heated arguments online that only leave both parties disgruntled. So she spends her free time cyberbullying vulnerable people online and leaving hate comments on YouTube accounts with 5 subscribers for laughs. She has had 10 alt accounts on Discord, Reddit, etc etc, and has gotten banned 5 or 6 times.
    She's probably cackling as she types away at the keyboard in a dark room while reciting LTG's villain speech and telling people online to kill themselves.

    She's probably the one behind all the anti-religion posts on Ganker, telling Christians that their God is nothing but the dreams of some guy in the desert

  24. 10 months ago

    I'm taking this spot in the thread to say that I love Chiaki and she's the best That's all.

  25. 10 months ago

    The mastermind in Rain Code

  26. 10 months ago
  27. 10 months ago

    I need black men to breed her

  28. 10 months ago

    Monaca for motivation and story. Junko for personality and booba.

  29. 10 months ago

    She can break me

  30. 10 months ago

    It's almost a shame we didn't get the true Junko.

  31. 10 months ago

    Rhinogradentia are the best villains in the series

    • 10 months ago

      frick off Kundera.

  32. 10 months ago

    Junko dropped the ball so hard not using her different personas to manipulate the survivors. She has a nonsensical plan and belief system that the characters and plot don't take seriously at all. She's a non-character, and she barely works as a force of nature/goddess of despair that would work as some sort of allegory to a message. At least Junko has the best structured case. Izuru could have been interesting, but the whole remnant stuff is overshadowed by Junko returning when it should have focused on the characters inner struggles. Such a shame he turned out to be even more nothing than Junko. Tsumugi was kinda nice having the mastermind chilling with you the whole time, and the ambiguity around the discrepancies between what she tells you and what you see hinting at something deeper like her character is being written on the spot as well. Like things not lining up like the intro, her incest kink and the weird incest stuff being written into the show.

    Monaca has a great presence befitting of Monokuma, she can carry a good joke and still keep a tense atmosphere. She works well with the WOH being presented as more sympathetic despite being absolute monsters, makes Monaca come off as especially demonic and conniving. You actually get to see how she manipulates people and she does have an interesting backstory that opens the door for a lot of speculation, but the game doesn't shove it in your face and ruin the dynamic. Her plan actually builds on the whole hope and despair shtick, making Komaru defeat the WoH and just to turn it on it's head and make her despair. She has a good relation with the side villains, with Kotoko being the most superficially devoted only to turn on her out of spite and work with the heroes temporarily. And the then there's Nagito trying to coopt everything by restricting Komaru's powers and pitting her against Toko so she suffers and grows more. It's not the best thing ever written, it just runs circles around the others.

    • 10 months ago

      Dangan 3 ruined Junko. The scary part of her was she being manipulative and smart. She could study you in seconds, talk to you, and ruin your own life

  33. 10 months ago

    I can't believe Yuma seduces every women he meets

  34. 10 months ago

    >Sexy female character in a fairly popular game
    >Has genuinely zero good r34
    I don't understand

    • 10 months ago

      I can jack off to her just from looking at her cleavage so I don't need porn.

  35. 10 months ago

    NTR me please

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