who is worse, gacha players or mmo players?

who is worse, gacha players or mmo players?

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  1. 1 year ago

    tl;dr? Anyways MMO players were absolute chads back when online was filled with fun people. Today if you play MMOs, you are playing inferior multiplayer, almost nobody is fun online anymore. And they always make them grindfests. Gatcha is shit too now for the same reason, but at least they get anime breasts and asses

    • 1 year ago

      i downloaded azur lane on my new phone just to see how it was, i played for like 30 minutes and might play again when im in bed or something, dont see the harm/issue, autists who dump their entire salaries on jpgs like dsp would dump their life savings elsewheres if it werent for gacha games, its an autism issue not a gacha issue, ill never spend a cent in gacha no matter what

      mmo players on the other hand are known for drama and powertripping in guilds which are basically required for lategame content and raiding, theres a 'leader' youre expected to listen to and a discord youre expected to join and times you must follow etc etc some go as far as taking it as serious or even more seriously than work, see eve autists

      this on the other hand is a game issue, these games are engineered with community and guilds in mind, you cannot play effectively as a solo in anything I can think of

      I am honestly unsure which is worse, I hate both MMO and Gacha players.

      • 1 year ago

        Helping her hookup with her ex and getting to hear their love making in the next room makes my dick so diamonds

        • 1 year ago

          every gacha sub human is a cuck.

  2. 1 year ago

    i downloaded azur lane on my new phone just to see how it was, i played for like 30 minutes and might play again when im in bed or something, dont see the harm/issue, autists who dump their entire salaries on jpgs like dsp would dump their life savings elsewheres if it werent for gacha games, its an autism issue not a gacha issue, ill never spend a cent in gacha no matter what

    mmo players on the other hand are known for drama and powertripping in guilds which are basically required for lategame content and raiding, theres a 'leader' youre expected to listen to and a discord youre expected to join and times you must follow etc etc some go as far as taking it as serious or even more seriously than work, see eve autists

    this on the other hand is a game issue, these games are engineered with community and guilds in mind, you cannot play effectively as a solo in anything I can think of

    • 1 year ago

      End game guilds don't matter if you have a friend or two who plays the game. You can always do a small group, it's just harder and takes more consumables. Raids are the only thing that needs a big group, but you can do them with randoms since they are events

  3. 1 year ago

    That gays from /vg/ and has edited that post I don't know how many times.

    • 1 year ago

      got any more funny pics about mmo or gacha freakouts?

  4. 1 year ago

    Gacha players are gays but they're autists that got exploited by predatory gaming corporations. MMO players are gays that try to become the big fish in cyberspace that they are not in real life.

    Apples and oranges. Both are shit.

  5. 1 year ago

    MMO players, they basically kickstarted many of gaymings worst elements.

  6. 1 year ago

    i googled faust and sinclar since i wanted to know what game it was and holy shjit this was the first result

  7. 1 year ago

    How is this a question? Gacha

    Genshit and the like players are one of the reasons gaming is much worse than it should be these days

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, Genshin Impact is the reason why California politics are shoved down our throat, why every other major release is a remake, why video games cost $70, why we have day one DLC, why we have season passes, etc etc. Totally all because of that one game.

  8. 1 year ago

    MMO players. Gacha players are highly superior.

    • 1 year ago


  9. 1 year ago

    didn't read but gacha players.

  10. 1 year ago

    The best mmo players were absolute chads, but that time is gone. modern mmo piggys and gacha slaves are just two sides of the same industry ruining coin. Be sure to thank them for games as a service and censorship

    • 1 year ago

      yep modern mmo gays, and gacha gays are the same now.

  11. 1 year ago

    gacha and its not even close

  12. 1 year ago

    >Chapter 3 of Limbus Company revolves around the story of one of your characters (Sinclair).
    >Girl from his youth who killed his family is obsessed with him (her title is The One Who Grips) because she saw an alternate future in which the 2 of them buddy-buddy go around the city purging heresy together.
    >The game uses 'Identities' (versions of your character from alternate realities) as loadouts that you swap on a character-by-character basis.
    >Identity releases for a character (Faust) as The One Who Grips.
    >Just like the other girl, this Faust identity is 'obsessed' with Sinclair ( in-game it's really only briefly portrayed as an interest in him).
    >Enter spergs who are upset that Faust isn't obsessed with ME ME ME THE PLAYER CHARACTER

  13. 1 year ago

    Stop screencapping your own post and putting it here you insufferable homosexual.

  14. 1 year ago

    Gacha, easily

  15. 1 year ago

    >gacha players or mmo players
    they have a lot of overlap and, in general, are (very likely) the same groups of people. each genre has a lot of trappings to keep people addicted - FOMO, limited access to events/content, and typically a huge amount of grinds to keep you glued to the game for extended periods of time.

  16. 1 year ago

    I can only imagine someone from Ganker (most likely /vg/) would write something like that

  17. 1 year ago

    MMO players still fundamentally want to play a good game, but it's the desire for a game they can play forever that leads to unfortunate design principles which happen to include monetization. Most MMO players are also motivated by the social nature of the genre and the ability to play with friends, with whom you can easily show off all your cool cosmetics and shit.

    Gacha players are just looking to waste time and satisfy gambling-adjacent pleasure centers of their brains, and gacha games are purpose-built to exploit this through aggressive monetization schemes which include deliberate psychological manipulation tactics that are, by any objective measure, evil. The gameplay is largely irrelevant and never exceeds mediocre in the best of cases, any concept of multiplayer elements tends to be superficial, and despite the collection of rare shit being the entire point of the genre, you're never going to share those PNGs with anyone who cares.

    tl;dr MMOs are shitty games, gacha are anti-games

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