Who the frick plays mobile games, why not just play a game that's on the PC, like I all do with my phone is watch videos not to game.

Who the frick plays mobile games, why not just play a game that's on the PC, like I all do with my phone is watch videos not to game.

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  1. 2 years ago

    You'll understand when you're older

  2. 2 years ago

    not everyone lives in a first-world country and has plenty of money like (you) do. besides, if you wanna ask who plays mobile games, then you're in the right thread

    • 2 years ago

      PC games are free and laptops capable of playing good games can be found for $200.

      • 2 years ago

        yes, but sometimes even laptop would tire the frick out of itself. got myself a good 8gb 256ssd 2.6ghz laptop for about 320bucks, it plays genshin good for a while but in the end, i ran out of space to run that. i guess that's just my problem tho

        • 2 years ago

          >ran out of space
          You can get a 2TB HDD for $50-70$. It sounds like a lot of money when talking about budget gaming, but 2TB translates to 40-500+ PC games, depending on what you play.

  3. 2 years ago

    >Who plays mobile games
    Someone too busy to play on PC and too cheap to get a portable console, just like me. I have a nice set of games to keep me entertained whether I have 10 free minutes or two boring hours to burn. And since I always have my phone on me I can play anywhere without bringing any extra hardware along.
    When you think about it, it's kind of amazing in a mundane way that you can do that today. Fifteen years ago, all my dumbphone was good for was listening to music or radio.

  4. 2 years ago

    >live service with content updates and events for years
    >can play anywhere in short bursts, no need to proactively bring a handheld around
    >low profile in public (just turn your brightness down)
    >all on the same device you text fatties and watch hentai on
    gee I dunno

  5. 2 years ago

    Who the frick watches videos on their phone, why not just watch a video that's on the PC, like all I do with my phone is make phone calls not watch videos.

  6. 2 years ago

    When you have an actual full-time job you don't have 300hr+ to spend on MMO rpgs

  7. 2 years ago

    Mobile games suck ass

  8. 2 years ago

    I'm at work and have a lot of time to kill. Company network disallows games on PCs. Don't want to get fired for playing around on the computer.
    I don't get gacha but idle games are fun when you can only check them once in a while. Longer form titles like dragon quest are cool when you are waiting around.

  9. 2 years ago

    You don't understand the mind of a zoomer, you much change your way of thinking. The Zoomer can not pay attention to something for more then 30 mins tops, hell, we have 2 second add's before real adds now because of zoomers.

    Now, take a good PC game, they take HOURS sometimes to get into, by then the zoomer expects to have already FINISHED a WHOLE game not just the start/tutorial.... Sadly the zoomer brain has been burnt out by growing up in this 24/7 media filled world.

  10. 2 years ago

    Who the frick watches videos on their phone lmao

    • 2 years ago

      This pretty much.
      >Game all day on their PC
      >Watch tiktok on bed till they fall asleep
      >Play mobile game at work
      >Come home to watch their gigantic 4k TV

      • 1 year ago

        I don't mind playing jpg or strategic gachas on my phone, but playing something like genshin on a small screen seems like an awful experience to me, just like watching videos.

  11. 2 years ago

    I have depression, and things are so bad that I don't have will to leave my bed and turn on the computer, so, I went to this board to try find some nice mobile game to play.
    So far, I only played Neko Atsume.

  12. 2 years ago

    Neets who don't have laptops

  13. 1 year ago

    >Redownload Ultima 4
    >Remember loving this game
    >Tried to play this game then...

    Sister called asking for help. Mum called asking for money because her car broke down. Little brother is chill, bit of a normalgay but he's okay. Manager asked me to come and fix some machines because the new guy is still new and for some stupid reason the manager is convinced that the new guy can absorb knowledge using mere osmosis, who am I kidding, he just want more money for himself. Some students ask me to check their academic papers before sending them to journals. My mum hint that she's arranging a marriage for me, great, more responsibility on me shoulder. You're coming home this Christmas, right, anon?

    Not saying life sucks. I think I'm quite lucky and hashtagblessed considering where I came from, my Good Sirs. But it's so hard to relive as the avatar with responsibilities and commitments around you. Mobile games meanwhile, I can play while shitting.

    It's quite amazing how much your worldview changes as you grow older. When I was taking my bachelor, I thought mobile games are a menace and should be eradicated. Now, I spend about 5 USD per month on mobiles.

    • 1 year ago

      >My mum hint that she's arranging a marriage for me, great, more responsibility on me shoulder.
      Don't let yourself get roped into that, you'll regret it later in your life. If you have kids then it will be you, your wife/husband and your kids being miserable in the future. If you're happy alone there's no reason to get into a relationship and even if you want one it doesn't have to be a big commitment like marriage.

    • 1 year ago

      I hope you're not feeding the gacha industry with that money, otherwise you're contributing to turning mobile games into a menace.

  14. 1 year ago

    I wouldn't mind PC versions, but I enjoy games where numbers go up and I can freely play how the frick I want without the game sending me down linear pathways until the credits run.
    Sadly few videogames do this nowadays, and to my surprise the mobile sector is full of it. It's not telling me who or what to invest into. It doesn't give a shit that I don't want to do the story now, but later. No big hallway to follow down when it comes to progression, but I can do what I think I need.

    I know, not everyone cares, but I like those kind of games. And when Rpgs on pc/consoles became dogshit because everything has to be boring and linear to the point they cut even out rewarding exploration, I may as well play mobile games. Some of them do even HAVE rewarding exploration nowadays, though they are usually played better on PC.
    That said, most mobile games still suck ass. Gotta find what's nice for you.

    tl;dr: I like to be able to think myself on how I play the game, and for whatever goddamn reason the mobile game sector is much better with that than offline games are nowadays. Sadly so.

  15. 1 year ago

    Why the frick would I lock myself in a room on a stiff desk chair staring at a screen for leisure after spending 8 hours a day doing exactly that? Phone games I can play on the couch while watching TV.

  16. 1 year ago

    Mobile games can be played by literally anyone on the planet. They are mostly free, easy to understand and just fun with almost no effort whatsoever. That's why everybody love them so much.

  17. 1 year ago

    I'm a neet

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