Who would buy this? The absolute worst way to play 2600 games bar none

>can't play the whole library
>no av/rf out
>games don't load instantly
>cheaped out on the 4 switch rather than the 6 switch
>genesis controllers don't work
>the retron 77 exists for half the price with working genesis controllers and games load instantly.

Furthermore why is this shite getting shilled like crazy from retro gaming youtubers. Are they really this far removed from the community to recommend buying this crap?

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  1. 6 months ago

    It's for collectors to buy, photograph for their chosen collector community, play for a day or two before allowing to become another piece of gaming rig- or shelf-decor, then fire up once again to show to gaming-friendly company

    • 6 months ago

      It was pretty awesome to buy brand news games and controllers officially, no other company was able to do that. Yeah an asic would have been good, they managed to do it with the C64 dtv and older flashback but the C64 dtv has pretty horrendous video output. Overall I think this was a company that wanted an hdmi atari and this was the best they could do, I think if something like pi storm is possible then it should be possible to have something that can read atari carts in real time but really they hired some people to port a pc emulator to this hardware.

      Yes I brought it to collect but I've been playing it the last few days and having a blast. Trying for a high score in bezerk and trying to beat mr run and jump. Yeah the boxes and carts just feel real nice to hold.

      The people who still care about the Atari 2600 in 2023 are really fricking old and don't computer

      Its the whole experience of putting the cart and just hitting a switch, imagine setting up a game of warlords but you have to piss around with your computer first

      Yeah it's historically significant, but 90% of the non-shovelware on that console are ports of arcade games you can play elsewhere. Exclusive software on the 2600 doesn't matter nearly as much as really any (main) console for future gens

      Either your into it or your not, playing games that evolved into what we have now, for me there is something about them having then having to design the graphics on graph paper and convert it to hex to draw graphics make me appreciate them as I play the games.

      you suck at reading comprehension.
      the games become boring after 10 minutes,can happen to any game of any lenght no wonder you defend the atari you fricking brainlet.

      I've spent an hour or so playing various games like Yar revenge, frogger or missile command to get high scores. Its a different experience to modern games where you have to use crafting for 10 minutes before you can fire a weapon.

      3 brand new boxed official games and controller, I'm really happy with it, I didn't buy the console though. The controller is incredibly stiff though, I think some of the clearances are too tight with the plastic.

      • 6 months ago

        Basically you bought it for authenticity?
        Is atari even gaining money out of this? Feels too much niche with the fact we could play whatever we want up to ds/psp on our phone

  2. 6 months ago

    they don't usually even get paid to shill this shit, they are just so fricking happy they have a reason to do an another stupid unboxing video

  3. 6 months ago

    In the last thread, someone said that making a harmless HDMI mini console like ninty and the others which (mostly) supports real cartridges, as well as officially publishing new 2600 games to go with it, is a pretty decent direction for Atari the Undead all things considered. Although I have no use for this piece of junk, I agree that this is probably the least moronic thing they've done in some time, and I can appreciate a fairly normal business move which is somewhat respectful of the thing people liked.

    • 6 months ago

      This is my thoughts on it as well. I think this is a great move for Atari to stop being an embarrassment any more. I would rather they make questionable gaming machines than nfts or hotels to ride the brand into the ground.

      I would like to see them put a small dev team together next to actually make things for these consoles they are putting out and maybe work there way up to some kind of new Jaguar or Lynx system with new and old games.

  4. 6 months ago

    Stop watching youtube.

  5. 6 months ago

    The people who still care about the Atari 2600 in 2023 are really fricking old and don't computer

    • 6 months ago

      Not true gay. I do the computer and I do the Atari, fricky fricky

    • 6 months ago

      user is underage

    • 6 months ago

      If you don't care about every platform then you're not an actual video game enthusiast.

      • 6 months ago

        thats pretty dumb.
        you can be a cinema enthusiast and not be interested in marvel slope.
        or a literature enthusiast that doesnt read YA novels.

        • 6 months ago

          It's an historically significant console, not just some shitty capeshit

          • 6 months ago

            ok,but most of its games are either dogshit or boring after 10 minutes maximum.

            • 6 months ago

              >a game needs to have 20 hours of content to be good
              Is Castlevania 1 dogshit because it takes less than 30 mins to beat?

              • 6 months ago

                you suck at reading comprehension.
                the games become boring after 10 minutes,can happen to any game of any lenght no wonder you defend the atari you fricking brainlet.

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah it's historically significant, but 90% of the non-shovelware on that console are ports of arcade games you can play elsewhere. Exclusive software on the 2600 doesn't matter nearly as much as really any (main) console for future gens

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah, it's historically significant in that it was so bad that it almost killed video games as a medium in the US and Nintendo had to come and save it.

            • 6 months ago

              >it was so bad that it almost killed video games as a medium in the US
              It almost killed video game consoles*
              Nintendo made the NES look different from the Famicom specifically to make sure people don't see it as a console like the 2600. That's why it's not a top loader.
              People were still willing to play video games (otherwise they wouldn't have bought the NES) and computer games weren't in any danger. Doom doesn't owe it's existence to Nintendo

        • 6 months ago

          This shitposter is a bit too racist towards the asian community of filmographic experts that works on the marvel movie anthology.

    • 6 months ago

      I got one for the lols just to see how bad it could be and yeah it's pretty much only good for people who are too moronic to figure out rf hookups or the mini console crowd. Everything you said in your greentext is true (and to add to it, original 2600 controllers don't even work which is pathetic) and the only thing it has going for it is the logo lighting up when you turn on the system.

      I'm a 2000s zoomer and I love the Atari 2600. I've been playing Atari since I was 6.

    • 6 months ago

      The people who still care about the Atari 2600 in 2023 have had the means to play the superior arcade versions for over 30 years now.

    • 6 months ago

      The most braindead AtariAge poster is x10 times more resourceful and educated than the average /vr/ user

      • 6 months ago

        The average /vr/ user is a mouthbreather who thinks soldering is scary and they're advanced hackers for being able to figure out how to download romulators from a website called the romificationzone.com and is utterly baffled why anyone on a retro game board would want to play with retro games.

  6. 6 months ago

    I have a Flashback2 that's supposedly mod-friendly and I could add a cart port if I knew how to electronics. I don't know if I'll ever do that though, and I have a pile of old carts with nothing to play them on. Maybe I should get one of these? Pic unrelated

  7. 6 months ago


    Best part of the mini consoles are the controllers if you can manage to hook them up to a PC.
    Is there a way to connect the 2600+ joystick to a PC?

    • 6 months ago

      Genesis to USB adapter should do the trick, right?

  8. 6 months ago

    The autistic Atari community will soon make it the best way to play Atari games on a modern display.

  9. 6 months ago

    Played Pitfall II using save states on an emulator last year, completed it. Really can't think of any other Atari game I'd want to play, definitely not with an "authentic" (non save-state) experience.

  10. 6 months ago

    >The absolute worst way to play 2600 games
    "The absolute worst way to play 2600 games" and "The absolute best way to play 2600 games" are directly adjacent to each other so far down on my list of things I give a shit about I accuse you of a climate crime simply for wasting the electricity to make this post.

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