Whos hunting down your party and why? Bonus points if you deserve it.

Who’s hunting down your party and why? Bonus points if you deserve it.

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Some guy with a horse. "Hunting" is probably a bit of an overstatement though, since we tend to appear out of nowhere, annihilate any opposition then fade back into the woodwork. Hes only just learned that we exist and only has an incomplete understanding of our capabilities and the scope of our operations, and is probably as likely to be fired as he is to be re-armed and sent after us. Not that another army would do him any good against enemies who dont need logistics and dont hold any territory

    • 8 months ago

      any reason you don't kill him? are you just toying with him?

      • 8 months ago

        Tried my best but he had a bullshit escape move. I wont fall for the same trick twice though, and there's more than one way to skin a cat

  2. 8 months ago

    Whichever of three factions in the civil war they fricked over
    Either the Vampires or Werewolves, depending on who they sided with

    A group of pissed off militiamen and townsfolk who've had enough of a band of vagrants bringing the civil war and monsters to their villages looking for them.

    Last time it was Cults who were larping as bandits.

    • 8 months ago

      An overzealous tax collector who is probably the only non-corrupted member of the order of knighthood that rules the province; so while he technically might be a powerful ally in bringing the corrupt grandmaster to the king, he can't get over the fact that we committed tax fraud, and doesn't trust our word.
      In our first nine session, he has already appeared five times, and we are currently working on gathering enough evidence to present to him while avoiding direct confrontation, since he is likely 4-5 levels above the party and would slaughter us effortlessly.

      >Last time it was Cults who were larping as bandits
      Funny, because for us it's been bandits larping as cultists for one session.

      • 8 months ago

        >doesn’t pay taxes
        I hope you get the rope

      • 8 months ago

        >he technically might be a powerful ally
        >he can't get over the fact that we committed tax fraud
        why are Paladins of Abadar based as frick?

        • 8 months ago

          >Paladins of Abada
          Not Golarion, unfortunately, that's the other campaign, and we are well behaved good boys in that.

          >doesn’t pay taxes
          I hope you get the rope

          We are playing as a mix of not!German settlers and not!Kashubian natives trying to start a business in not!Marienburg in the not!Kingdom of Poland. Evading taxes is not that morally wrong.

  3. 8 months ago


  4. 8 months ago

    Depends on your definition of hunting. At the moment:

    >The government is generally aware of some of our handiwork, and have tasked a tactical armor squad to take us down if they can figure out who we are
    >We clashed with the Nocturnals, so there are some superhuman bikers on the hunt for us
    >The sewer mission led to some collateral damage, so at least one of the smugglers who swims through the tunnel system has placed a bounty on information that leads him to us

  5. 8 months ago

    >Who’s hunting down your party
    Ur mum lmao
    >and why?

    • 8 months ago


  6. 8 months ago

    Ahnenerbe troopers, a really pissed tribe of locals (we've stolen their sacred ruby), even more pissed lizardfolk we slayed by a dozen when escaping from said tribals, a crew of (crashed by us) airship and recently also a really fricking pissed raptor-riding Amazon.
    I think that the GM is just pilling this on us, so he can always have someone else to chase us this particular session and meddle with the ongoing effort to reach the fricking surface

  7. 8 months ago

    Oh no, we're doing the hunting now, frickers. Thought you could stab the prince while the king was away so you could take control of the kingdom, did you? Well, we're coming for you, homosexual, and we're gonna hang your head like you hung your flag on the walls of OUR castle, you treacherous snake.

  8. 8 months ago

    a revenant has been making their life hell the last few weeks.
    They have no idea he's even a revenant, even though I already gave them the clue that he's been able to track them through 'Pass without Trace', they have no idea who he is, they made a bunch of crazy guesses, but he's just a nameless grunt that they killed in the first session after promising to let him go free if he dropped his weapons.
    They have no idea he's even a revenant, even though I already gave them the clue that he's been able to track them through 'Pass without Trace', they have no idea who he is, they made a bunch of crazy guesses, but he's just a nameless grunt that they killed in the first session after promising to let him go free if he dropped his weapons.

    He even told them his name, before they executed him, but I severely doubt they even remember it, I guess I'll find out when I drop the name.

  9. 8 months ago

    My sister is trying to kill me because I told Lolth where she can shove her spiders.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm pretty sure numerous spiders have already been shoved in there long before your insolent remark.

  10. 8 months ago

    The police.

  11. 8 months ago

    Elephant talk thread. Be aware of bmpfg and his shitty threads.

  12. 8 months ago

    >Who’s hunting down your party
    >And why
    For sport.
    >Bonus points if you deserve it.
    What did he mean by this?

  13. 8 months ago

    >Who’s hunting down your party and why?

    Suzie. She wants revenge because the party killed her serial killer sisters in self-defense.

  14. 8 months ago

    Kruger Bing.

  15. 8 months ago

    Tindalos and it's incarnations/Hounds (local fauna it mutates/posseses like Agents from the Matrix) across the Multiverse. We're doing a Remnant: From the Ashes style game in Savage Worlds and if we change too much in the world we travel to/invade then Tindalos comes in to kill/chase us off. While most of us do good, we might deserve it for doing tgings like bringing alien artifacts to notWuxiaChina which gave them a leg up and let them conquer their world in a bloody crusade when we returned via a temporal timeskip.

  16. 8 months ago

    One of the party was being hunted by a bounty hunter from Estalia. He wasn't actually much of a threat because the dice hated him and he was trying to capture the guy alive. He ended up helping the party more than hindering it, since 'murder cult' tends to be a more pressing concern.

  17. 8 months ago


  18. 8 months ago

    We managed to bamboozle, betray and backstab an Elder dragon out of a quarter million gold, which through a series of coincidences, got it killed shortly thereafter. Now everybody from the dragons mate to the king wants us dead for reasons ranging from money, to revenge, to "high crimes against the kingdom" (the dragon took out a significant chunk of the kingdom when it went). That was level 6. We're currently level ten and desperately trying to avoid dying because the gods think it's funny to pull us into their games (the dragons mate is STILL coming after us, btw, that didn't stop being a thing). My rogue is pretty much on the most wanted list the world over for starting this whole thing, then escalating at every opportunity.

  19. 8 months ago

    We're a group of convicts banished to a prison pocket-dimension, but inside the prison realm we're free to roam and get into more trouble so we have managed to rack up an impressive list.
    >Our necromancer's old master is also in the dungeon dimension and is now in a turf war against us
    >A local black dragon is now our sworn enemy after we invaded his lair, killed his son and an army of his minions
    >We have fought with and killed members of every prison gang we've come across
    >Our shadow-summoner is on a very strict time-limit to carry out a secret mission for his shadow-masters
    >Our third and most irresponsible wizard is currently being tracked and hunted by a mysterious fellow in armour. We don't know about it IC but we the players assume it has something to do with the wizard's original crime (bombed a city block)
    >My feral kobold and party mascot occasionally sneaks off to privately threaten and antagonize everyone we meet because he believes endless conflict will make him strong (it does)

  20. 8 months ago

    Who is hunting your party?
    >A corporation. One of the big boys.
    >The party got tricked into a debt trap and forced to transport weird biological hazard marked containers to expunge it. Job finished, but now everyone is a loose end.

  21. 8 months ago

    My Scion 1e group is literally being hunted by Odin, who keeps throwing shit in our path to try and disband the party.
    No idea how much we deserve it, we don't actively work against Ragnarok, merely preventing him from being a dick to friends of the party.

  22. 8 months ago

    >evil campaign
    >one of the players is a poppet
    >during stealth encounters a cat
    >an actual fricking cat
    >later hear rumors of a Catfolk swashbuckler who tracks us for some reason
    I guess we're using the Puss in Boots logic here.

  23. 8 months ago

    Some should-have-been-dead-for-10000-years-now edgelord swordsman working for the devil or something (details not yet known to us). Why? We stumbled upon us once and somehow didn't kill us all before his handlers(?) summoned him back, so now he is salty and wants a rematch.

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