Why are 60% of weapon unlocks complete dogshit?

Why are 60% of weapon unlocks complete dogshit?

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    Because the game is designed around being fun instead of competitive

    • 12 months ago

      >Because the game is designed around being competitive instead of fun
      Fixed. Frick compgays for ruining the game.

    • 12 months ago

      Bruh. Everything that was fun got nerfed into oblivion so it would be competitive friendly. Frick off comp apologist.

      • 12 months ago

        uh, overwatch sisters?

        • 12 months ago

          >he never picked up an enemy scouts ball and stunned him with it

  2. 12 months ago

    Because most of them were designed as "sidegrades". Which effectively means they're all worthless niche shit compared to the stock weapons.

  3. 12 months ago

    you're bad at using them

  4. 12 months ago

    Are they though? Let's review.

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        >Candy cane

        homie it's free healthpacks.

        • 12 months ago

          >15% damage vulnerability to explosives
          More like you become a walking ammo box for any explosive class you encounter.

          • 12 months ago

            That's just skill issue, any good sc**t can avoid it.

            • 12 months ago

              Yeah bro just be good at the game lmao

              JUST don't walk in the sniper sightline
              JUST don't get in melee range of the demoknight
              JUST be good bro

              I swear people with an IQ below 145 should be fined for speaking in my presence.

              • 12 months ago

                >i'm bad at this class
                >clearly it's for dumb people

                Stick to Soldier.

              • 12 months ago

                It's very clear you are either Black person-tier moronic or being le epic redditor trolloler, not worth my time either way, I win you lose I would destroy anyone ITT on any class.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago



        Don't care, stock still feels way more reliable.



        In your heart, you know it to be true.

        yep, you're King homosexual moron.

      • 12 months ago

        >(in the right hands)
        >*toggles flipped viewmodels (now left handed)

      • 12 months ago

        For me the black box was when tf2 died. Say what you will or won't about class balance in this godforsaken game, but giving soldier the ability to heal on hit was ridiculous. You have some classes like engineer or spy getting basically no new content ever and then you have soldier and demon getting class changing good new weapons every update. Just look at the number of different primary's they have compared to someone like heavy. Robins bias towards the explodey classes really shows.

        • 12 months ago

          The black box released in 2010 and the game adapted since.
          It's true it'd be nice to get more options for specialist classes moving forward, but I think most people are at least "okay" with how the game ended up.

          All in all, despite the lack of updates, there are no significant exploits that make anything completely fricking maddening to play against right now like the old airblast+reserve shooter, one-shot lock-n-load or whatnot, and we've had 5 years to lick our wounds from blue moon update, honestly the game is fine.

        • 12 months ago

          Heavy's a tough class to conceptualize anything besides tons of bullets and spearheaded every attack/defense, you could go the route of Pyro and give him a single shot burst damage primary of some sort, but I’d have no idea how well that would work with the slow guy who’d need time to draw his gun
          An uprooted howitzer maybe? Anything that could shoot hollowed out artillery shells to gore people with is as far as my imagination goes without going the route of more experimental alien weapons

          • 12 months ago

            The most common suggestion I've seen is a railgun, single shot with high damage, accuracy and ramge that could help deter snipers at the cost of his massive minigun DPS. Maybe it's too similar to giving him the Huntsman but eh

            • 12 months ago

              I see the logic, swap his strengths against crowds of enemies in favor of single target damage, making him a mid range duelist of some sort
              Trouble is that the only times this could come in handy is against other Heavies (at a distance), against Snipers (it would be massively OP in general if Heavy could one shot someone from a Snipers range, let alone up close), and against Overhealed Pockets (his regular minigun can do this already in his effective range, being the DPS monster that he is)
              The Railgun would be a weird niche since you’re putting who may as well be the first line of defense/attack into a sniping position. Maybe if the weapon had a reverse damage model where damage from afar hurts more than up close and if it wasn’t hitscan then it could be truly unique and useful

              Not the other anon, but give heavy some protective gear. Something to stop him from being instantly deleted by explosions or headshots as soon as he pops out. I don't care about his dps with his minigun if he will never get more than a half second to use it. He is half a class without a pocket medic

              The complaints I was addressing was more along the lines of how stale Heavy could be to play, everyone has a sort of partly viable 'sub class' as the fanbase puts it while the Heavy only has a big frick-off gun for frontline duties and Fat Scout if you wanna be a kinda funny
              What you suggest is more like a secondary self buff, and for that I imagined something like a consumable that makes Heavy spin his primary weapons up faster and shoot even faster, something designed to be the perfect supplement for a surprise or emergency attack if you know there’s a crowd of players that haven’t seen you yet
              Giving the guy body armor would be nice, but then we’d tread the line of how most of Snipers unlock invalidate his built in weaknesses and make him completely obnoxious to try and counter, especially pre-nerf Darwin’s Danger Shield
              I can imagine the outrage of people having to deal with a Heavy suddenly resistant to headshots while being pocketed then Ubered, as much as it sucks it’s still a reasonable weakness when you have an IRL fatass playing Heavy and his girlfriend on Medic waiting to join a game

          • 12 months ago

            Not the other anon, but give heavy some protective gear. Something to stop him from being instantly deleted by explosions or headshots as soon as he pops out. I don't care about his dps with his minigun if he will never get more than a half second to use it. He is half a class without a pocket medic

          • 12 months ago

            how to fix heavy: give him another weapon slot
            >primary - miniguns
            >secondary - shotguns
            >lunchbox - stock is sandvitch

            • 12 months ago

              optional buff to pyro:
              >primary - flamethrowers
              >secondary - shotguns and flare guns
              >utility - gas passer is stock, thermal thruster is unlock

        • 12 months ago

          >giving soldier the ability to heal on hit was ridiculous
          Black Box was balanced around only having three ammo stocks instead of four, it was when you pair it with the Conch that it became super annoying.

        • 12 months ago

          This, Soldier was and still is the strongest class in the game by a hilarious margin, giving him the ability to heal on hit (which isn't hard to do with giant splash rockets) is some of the most unfun and unfair shit ever put in an FPS game.

          • 12 months ago

            >Soldier was and still is the strongest class in the game by a hilarious margin

          • 12 months ago

            At a "competent" level, scout far outpaces soldier in terms of effectiveness.

            That and medic is literally the most useful class in the game.

            • 12 months ago

              Casual pubs are not filled with competent players. The skill levels you encounter are extremely mixed and Soldier with his braindead easy-2-use rocket launchers can take advantage of that with little to no effort.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah but if you're gonna talk about the strongest class, I don't think it makes much sense to consider how the average player plays, because then I'm sure heavy and engineer can be considered stronger.

              • 12 months ago

                >Casual pubs are not filled with competent players.
                that means sniper becomes the strongest class there (which's why so many anons and tf2 players complain about him) because they have awful movement, positioning, and aim to the point they think the scorch shot is the only way you can deal with a sniper kek

    • 12 months ago

      soda popper literally outdamages the stock in every way and entirely removes the scattergun's biggest weakness of long reloads

    • 12 months ago


      soda popper literally outdamages the stock in every way and entirely removes the scattergun's biggest weakness of long reloads

      Don't care, stock still feels way more reliable.

    • 12 months ago


      Don't care, stock still feels way more reliable.

      • 12 months ago

        >Equalizer - Underrated.
        It really is. Though I still miss the movespeed for the ultimate UNO reverso frick you of the equalizer.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        what happened to the Dragon's Fury?

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        find it funny how scorch shot isn't that great in comparison to the his other secondaries like detonator, or flare gun but the amount of seethe it causes is crazy

        • 12 months ago

          >Easy and low risk to use
          >Splash damage fire
          >A stun
          The default flare gun may be more powerful, but the scorch shot allows the most braindead Black folk alive to be a threat. That's why it's hated.

          • 12 months ago

            I personally like the detonator because i don't have to aim correctly when I can explode it mid-air and piss off snipers and scouts

        • 12 months ago

          i remember using it when it came out just to grind the fire damage achievement
          it was garbage but it could hit several people at once, otherwise it was just a worse detonator, but noob-friendly

        • 12 months ago

          its incredibly obnoxious even if its bad. whats hard to understand about people not liking the thing.
          you just pop around a corner and spam the thing into a choke. the enemy team can do nothing but just have there health tick over the entire game


          Throw your tantrum as much as you like, this isn't how this works.

          True, as I said.

          And few to no scouts can actually line up the two shots consistently enough to make it worth your while. You lose all your mid-range damage compared to stock too.

          As I said, from what I experienced, you get shot down, wasted stock indoors. Only really works against really weak/stupid enemies.

          >And few to no scouts can actually line up the two shots consistently enough to make it worth your while. You lose all your mid-range damage compared to stock too.
          i played enough comp to see more than enough scouts that can aim. the sodapopper is just better, idk why you are arguing when its been know for years to just straight up deal more damage than the scattergun an already top 5 weapon in the game. it could not have its gimmick at all and it would still be one of the best weapons in the game.
          and you really don't loose that much damage midrange with the reload speed being so fast it almost feels like you have an infinte mag

      • 12 months ago

        But it's a upgrade of the flare gun.

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago



      It's just so low fricking effort. It's annoying knowing the enemy pyro just forced you to seek out a healthpack after putting in zero fricking effort, just randomly spamming.

      • 12 months ago

        Meant to quote

        find it funny how scorch shot isn't that great in comparison to the his other secondaries like detonator, or flare gun but the amount of seethe it causes is crazy

    • 12 months ago


      It's just so low fricking effort. It's annoying knowing the enemy pyro just forced you to seek out a healthpack after putting in zero fricking effort, just randomly spamming.

      • 12 months ago

        >Scottish Resistance - No
        Bruh. You said Equalizer was underrated but then straight up just say No for the Scottish Resistance? It's actually pretty good on defense.

      • 12 months ago

        i bet the only time you ever used it was to defend several positions at once instead of one position heavily. You shouldn’t really defend several paths just one hallway with several traps. If you do that correctly you can easily shut down 1/3 of the possible paths the enemies can take by yourself.


        >Thermal Thrusters
        Underrated at least. You just gotta know how to use the flamethrower on its own. Or just got gud with DF. Also not sure why you made that one a RIP

    • 12 months ago


      >Easy and low risk to use
      >Splash damage fire
      >A stun
      The default flare gun may be more powerful, but the scorch shot allows the most braindead Black folk alive to be a threat. That's why it's hated.


      • 12 months ago

        >you deserved to die
        giga homosexual

    • 12 months ago



      >you deserved to die
      giga homosexual

      In your heart, you know it to be true.

      • 12 months ago

        >In your heart, you know it to be true

      • 12 months ago

        >huo long never
        Optimal on payload attack

        • 12 months ago

          Huo Long is bait made by Big Kunai to sell more killstreaks and it works

          • 12 months ago

            Play Long Dong like you would a normal minigun and it's an intimidation upgrade

    • 12 months ago


      In your heart, you know it to be true.

      >In your heart, you know it to be true

      Well then, it doesn't change my opinion, it was too powerful at too little cost for defense demo. Killing everyone on cart/point after charging with zero skill requirement doesn't belong in the game.

      >Scottish Resistance - No
      Bruh. You said Equalizer was underrated but then straight up just say No for the Scottish Resistance? It's actually pretty good on defense.

      Sure, it probably falls under the "Eh." category, I just feel like even on defense, if you didn't have enough teammates to help you as enemies pour out of doors, SR wouldn't have made that much of a difference.

      • 12 months ago

        >Well then, it doesn't change my opinion, it was too powerful at too little cost for defense demo. Killing everyone on cart/point after charging with zero skill requirement doesn't belong in the game
        you sound like a compgay

      • 12 months ago

        >Killing everyone on cart/point after charging with zero skill requirement doesn't belong in the game.
        nevermind, your review fricking sucks
        saying this shit while approving the Phlog, homosexual

    • 12 months ago


      Well then, it doesn't change my opinion, it was too powerful at too little cost for defense demo. Killing everyone on cart/point after charging with zero skill requirement doesn't belong in the game.

      Sure, it probably falls under the "Eh." category, I just feel like even on defense, if you didn't have enough teammates to help you as enemies pour out of doors, SR wouldn't have made that much of a difference.

      • 12 months ago

        but le uber stuff

      • 12 months ago

        I exclusively run holiday punch on heavy solely for POOTIS POW

        • 12 months ago

          ..............................that's what gimmick means Anon

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      sodapopper does the most dps almost in the entire game. the gimmick is just a bonus
      stock is decent
      the rest are bad in comparsion
      BFB is unusable

    • 12 months ago


      I exclusively run holiday punch on heavy solely for POOTIS POW

      Hey you do you anon, have fun.

    • 12 months ago


      Hey you do you anon, have fun.

      like i said, you're huge homosexual

      Throw your tantrum as much as you like, this isn't how this works.

      As a Spy main, Huo Long is free 200+ hp

      True, as I said.

      >Theoretical DPS doesn't matter, the most used primaries are rarely the highest on-paper high DPS ones. Calculating DPS only makes sense when you take the weapon's features into account (yes, I still say this including the sodapopper's features).
      its not theoretical
      the thing practically instant one taps because the two extreamly fast shots let you go over the threshold to instant delete 8/9 classes without buffs.
      the scattergun needs to wait a second before assblasting someone.

      And few to no scouts can actually line up the two shots consistently enough to make it worth your while. You lose all your mid-range damage compared to stock too.

      TT turns Pyro into a Scout/Soldier hybrid but downgraded. Perhaps a bit of Spy too.
      You go in, kill a dude, get out. Flanks instead of main paths.
      It’s pretty annoying when your Spy can airbast you.

      As I said, from what I experienced, you get shot down, wasted stock indoors. Only really works against really weak/stupid enemies.

      • 12 months ago

        >this isn't how this works
        It was before homosexuals like you started ruining the game

      • 12 months ago

        Overdose is great for that extra speed, basically Medic's Escape Plan

        • 12 months ago

          its alright. better than stock or the blut but than you don't have a crossbow which is broken and just so useful to what medic does that i wish it was just the stock medi primary and other medi primaroes were reworked to be like the crossbow.
          like reworked overdose shoots one arrow like crossbow that heals a little but gives movespeed to both the med and target for a few secs. blut deals damage and lifesteals if it hits enemy. shit like that.
          its kind of like the banners, the banners are great but than you don't have gunboats and solider really just needs to rocket jump to play the class so the banners are not that great in comparison

      • 12 months ago

        >blutsauger slander


        Play Long Dong like you would a normal minigun and it's an intimidation upgrade

        This, anyone playing/seeing it as a spy repellant is completely wrong.

    • 12 months ago


      Throw your tantrum as much as you like, this isn't how this works.

      True, as I said.

      And few to no scouts can actually line up the two shots consistently enough to make it worth your while. You lose all your mid-range damage compared to stock too.

      As I said, from what I experienced, you get shot down, wasted stock indoors. Only really works against really weak/stupid enemies.

    • 12 months ago


      >this isn't how this works
      It was before homosexuals like you started ruining the game

      Just say you're a goober who wants to get free kills at the requirement of zero aim or game-sense for epic le funny moments.

      its incredibly obnoxious even if its bad. whats hard to understand about people not liking the thing.
      you just pop around a corner and spam the thing into a choke. the enemy team can do nothing but just have there health tick over the entire game
      >And few to no scouts can actually line up the two shots consistently enough to make it worth your while. You lose all your mid-range damage compared to stock too.
      i played enough comp to see more than enough scouts that can aim. the sodapopper is just better, idk why you are arguing when its been know for years to just straight up deal more damage than the scattergun an already top 5 weapon in the game. it could not have its gimmick at all and it would still be one of the best weapons in the game.
      and you really don't loose that much damage midrange with the reload speed being so fast it almost feels like you have an infinte mag

      Yes, there are good scouts who can aim, but the chance of failing just one of your two shots against a scout who can punch just as hard, harder from a distance, and more regularly, is just rarely worth the trouble.

      There's a reason you rarely see it used in-game. Theoretically, the direct hit is also a straight upgrade, it's the same problem.

      yep, you're King homosexual moron.

      Explain or stay mad.

      Overdose is great for that extra speed, basically Medic's Escape Plan

      I feel conflicted about it, I feel like I see medics escape with it way more than they actually should - more often than not F2P looking dudes too. I enjoy tracking(+predict) weapons but the DPM is just not worth it even if you hit all your syringes.

      • 12 months ago

        >Yes, there are good scouts who can aim, but the chance of failing just one of your two shots against a scout who can punch just as hard, harder from a distance, and more regularly, is just rarely worth the trouble.
        There's a reason you rarely see it used in-game. Theoretically, the direct hit is also a straight upgrade, it's the same problem.

        you don't see it in game because pub metas are 9 years behind, and people just copy what they think is good without actually figuring out why. like pub homies still think pocket shotgun soilder is the best pocket when its been scout since like 2015 with that quickfix move speed to all mediguns+medic fast heal was added.
        also yeah most pub scouts can't aim but im going to let you in on a secret. scout is easily the best or 2nd best class behind sniper(not counting med) purely depending on how well he can aim. that class is fricking busted and if more people just practice scout dm you would see miles more seething about him than sniper on this board.

        a classic casual fan comes in contact with a good scout player.
        you don't see it in comp because its literally fricking banned or you would have seen it autoequiped

      • 12 months ago

        >get free kills at the requirement of zero aim or game-sense for epic le funny moments
        That's what made the game so much fun back then
        Kamikazing snipers was kino but comp Black folk ruined it

      • 12 months ago

        Overdose isn't supposed to be a DPM weapon, that's why it's got a damage penalty. It's a speed tool with some deterrence

        its alright. better than stock or the blut but than you don't have a crossbow which is broken and just so useful to what medic does that i wish it was just the stock medi primary and other medi primaroes were reworked to be like the crossbow.
        like reworked overdose shoots one arrow like crossbow that heals a little but gives movespeed to both the med and target for a few secs. blut deals damage and lifesteals if it hits enemy. shit like that.
        its kind of like the banners, the banners are great but than you don't have gunboats and solider really just needs to rocket jump to play the class so the banners are not that great in comparison

        Crossbow is just broken, it has way too many things. it really needs a nerf, not necessarily big ones but minor ones like capping heal per bolt, reload speed, removing auto-reload, that kind of stuff. Right now the reward is way too high for what is essentially low risk, or at least similar risk to other syringe guns

      • 12 months ago

        LL has a single fricking downside. an almost irrelevant downside, basically making it a straight upgrade from stock.
        Oksana has more wind up time but more damage, making you better killing shit if you're ready.
        RS looks cooler than the shotgun in every conceivable way, making it a straight upgrade.

    • 12 months ago

      Backscatter is perfect for koth where you can just continously run behind the enemy team and just 2 shot everyone. Pair it with the fan of war and you can end up farming a lot of seething.

    • 12 months ago


      Just say you're a goober who wants to get free kills at the requirement of zero aim or game-sense for epic le funny moments.

      Yes, there are good scouts who can aim, but the chance of failing just one of your two shots against a scout who can punch just as hard, harder from a distance, and more regularly, is just rarely worth the trouble.

      There's a reason you rarely see it used in-game. Theoretically, the direct hit is also a straight upgrade, it's the same problem.

      Explain or stay mad.

      I feel conflicted about it, I feel like I see medics escape with it way more than they actually should - more often than not F2P looking dudes too. I enjoy tracking(+predict) weapons but the DPM is just not worth it even if you hit all your syringes.

      what happened to the Dragon's Fury?

      It was very powerful at release then the projectile radius got lowered and I rarely encountered any good pyro that bothered with it instead of combos. (And since your first shot only grants very short afterburn, it's not ideal, because if you go and land a second shot, you might as well try and land the third.) It's a good idea for a Pyro primary but it's very easy to dodge and the nerfed airblast is too much.

      Backscatter is perfect for koth where you can just continously run behind the enemy team and just 2 shot everyone. Pair it with the fan of war and you can end up farming a lot of seething.

      You can really say that of every scout weapon, but sure, I'm trying to take a holistic approach here.

      >blutsauger slander

      This, anyone playing/seeing it as a spy repellant is completely wrong.

      Feels too weak.

    • 12 months ago


      It was very powerful at release then the projectile radius got lowered and I rarely encountered any good pyro that bothered with it instead of combos. (And since your first shot only grants very short afterburn, it's not ideal, because if you go and land a second shot, you might as well try and land the third.) It's a good idea for a Pyro primary but it's very easy to dodge and the nerfed airblast is too much.

      You can really say that of every scout weapon, but sure, I'm trying to take a holistic approach here.

      Feels too weak.

      • 12 months ago

        razorback is a noob trap

      • 12 months ago

        Danger shield is a bit too situational to be good

        • 12 months ago

          disagree, every other game on casual has some pyro attempting to scorch shot you from across the map, this just removes their annoyance factor entirely.

          • 12 months ago

            disagree because you should be playing in spots outside of pyro spams but I'll agree to disagree

            • 12 months ago

              nta but its tf2 not rainbox six. there are realistically only 2-3 places you can ever be anon without trolling ignoring the objective.are you planning on never entering a choke when theres only a single choke to enter in half of the maps

              • 12 months ago

                why do you keep saying nta? is that your tumblr troony catchphrase?

              • 12 months ago

                Means "not that anon", aka "I'm not the guy you were replying to".

    • 12 months ago

      first image and already wrong. FaN is trash because it knocks enemies away from you (its a shotgun figure out why thats bad) while the Shortstopper is actually pretty good but requires specific loadouts or maps

    • 12 months ago


      >(in the right hands)
      >*toggles flipped viewmodels (now left handed)


      LL has a single fricking downside. an almost irrelevant downside, basically making it a straight upgrade from stock.
      Oksana has more wind up time but more damage, making you better killing shit if you're ready.
      RS looks cooler than the shotgun in every conceivable way, making it a straight upgrade.

      LL can indeed be quite good, but the damage reduction has made me feel like it's too much of a downgrade when you know how to hit your rockets and so do your enemies.
      Brass Beast makes you too much of a damn sitting duck and being "ready" rarely lasts due to how fast situations change. Not being able to quickly strafe left and right when a sniper has you in his sights is also a death sentence more often than not. Plus I wonder how the DPM compares at a far range with the Tomislav.
      And ok point noted for RS.

      • 12 months ago

        >caber wasn't okay but ambassador was
        moron detected, time to die

      • 12 months ago

        >when a sniper has you in his sights
        you're not supposed to be sitting in the fricking open

        • 12 months ago

          You're not supposed to suck wieners

        • 12 months ago

          Whenever I hear this comeback I always imagine Badwater where every path loops back around to Sniper sightlines on the main path, so save for the bomb site where you have the option to push past the entire enemy team and shoot the Sniper from the window near his spawn somebody will always be getting headshat if your team wants to push the bomb
          Then there’s maps like Harvest, Well, parts of Upward, etc. where it’s the exact same problem as above
          The guy is balanced by the map he’s on, everyone can stay out his way all they want but if the map means you have to be in the open and nobody but a skilled Spy can get to a flank route then it’s just a shooting gallery

    • 12 months ago

      Valve did actually try to bridge the gap between both communities through balance that would suit both (i.e. Razorback that removed overheal to make sniper killable through chargeshot or quickscope headshot while making it replenishable to allow for longer play in casual games and not having to return to the refill cabinet), but never saw it through. There is a big problem on the comp side in terms of consistency. Well it's not /big/ but ban lists can vary enough that Valve threw it's hands up and said "make up your mind" essentially.

      The people saying that competitive players essentially told Valve how to change weapons are really just morons who probably stopped playing the game in 2014 anyway.

      You got that right but with 1700 hours on the class alone I spend more time airshotting your kind than dying to them.

      One requires a semblance of skill, the other didn't. Seethe eternally.

      Eeh I don't know about that... too complex a thing to say.

      I think the flog is a dickhead weapon my dear 2 digit IQ friend, my review speaks only of their viability.

      If you're not in the open, likelihood is that a smart player will just bumrush you before you can spin up or avoid you entirely. Truth is you're /always/ somewhat in the open. Brass beast is just not that useful, players react and die essentially the same to brass beast than they do to tomislav if you can aim both well enough.


      (Not counting reskins)
      Viable - 93
      Sure/eh - 41 (adjusted for Scottish Resistance)
      No - 29

      As it turns out, OP was /kinda/ right. If we (arbitrarily) divide the Sure/Eh category in two to split it into viable/unviable, we get

      Viable - 113.5
      Unviable - 49.5

      ~ La Fin ~

      • 12 months ago

        WAIT sorry recalculating.

        If we only consider unlocks only then we get

        69 viable
        40 sure
        28 unviable

        So OP was actually wrong!

      • 12 months ago

        Thanks dude

        • 12 months ago

          You are much welcome.

          Now I go back to practicing airpogo.

    • 12 months ago

      >Soda Popper is a gimmick and not the Force-A-Nature
      Shitter spotted.

      • 12 months ago

        I've just never fricking seen someone destroy a server with the soda popper. The stats don't magically make it a good weapon.

    • 12 months ago

      i havent played tf2 in 10 years but the FAN was complete garbage that did nothing except push you backwards. even the shortstop was better at close range.

  5. 12 months ago

    ignore the secondaries above me.
    most unlocks were viable at release and served a real purpose: they either got nerfed very quickly, in a year or two, or after a decade by comp obssessed israelitetubers getting in contact with valve.
    every other reason is headcanon and i am not gonna discuss tf2 weapon balance by brainlets here again.
    unsubbed go frick yourselves.

  6. 12 months ago

    Thanks to Black folk forcing competitive TF2.

  7. 12 months ago

    Because of comptrannies.

  8. 12 months ago

    Something something Compgays
    If they learned to work around with the shit they have/got instead of crying for it to be nerfed we wouldn't be in this predicament

    • 12 months ago

      TF2 isn't meant to be played competitively in the first place
      it's not designed around 6v6 autism

      • 12 months ago

        It's amazing for both, official comp sucks tho

    • 12 months ago

      we never cried that shit needed to be nerfed. it was just banned and nobody cared. it was youtube Black folk that went directly to valve employees to whine. i had to deal with b4nnys bullshit of pulling his weight to allow in gay weapons and you had to deal with his balance bullshit.

  9. 12 months ago

    >tfw 80% of the tf2 players today haven't played tf2 before the MYM update.
    >they have never experienced playing on actual community servers, when the game had actual fun unlocks. The millions of custom game modes, like surf, fortwars.
    >tfw the only thing they have going for them is dying e-celeb drama and spouting their moronic opinions.

    • 12 months ago

      Surf on CS is better, that being said I miss these servers
      >Drunken Brawl
      >Lost Continents
      >trolling eGO servers and jiggly's funhouse (I got banned from every one of those servers)

    • 12 months ago

      >spend hours and hours playing in a trade server
      >made some friends
      >server slowly dies
      >the server is forever stuck on 0/32
      I remember when everyday it would almost always be full, the maps were fricking great too. I remember someone was going to port of the Chao Garden from SA2 as a map for the server but the guy who made it vanished off the face of the earth.

      • 12 months ago

        >trade server with Pokémon g/s maps + music buttons
        >Vatican trade server

        Constantly 0/32 now, only firepowered is the only consistently full one. Really sucks, especially the Pokémon one.

    • 12 months ago

      >>they have never experienced playing on actual community servers, when the game had actual fun unlocks. The millions of custom game modes, like surf, fortwars.
      do you have alzheimer's? half of this shit died like 6 years before mym.
      you had a few mario kart servers. 1 balloon race, and like a class war and that was it outside of moronic trade maps

      • 12 months ago

        Not those anons but I played this shit 6 years before MyM and no, they were around then too.

    • 12 months ago

      taking a break from the game and coming back only to see azelphur's surf server (the only good surf server) was shut down was the saddest I've felt over any game. most of my playtime was on that server because it had no bullshit plugins that bloated your screen or any rules even, just rtd which while shit wasn't too bad on a surf map. It also had a ton of great and varied surf maps. playing pure combat surf is the most fun thing I've ever done in any game.

    • 12 months ago

      I made so many friends just hanging out on community servers, playing with the same group of regulars for months and months. I can't do that anymore.

  10. 12 months ago


  11. 12 months ago

    Stock melee is completely worthless on any class besides the engineer and sniper.

    • 12 months ago

      Sidegrade melees also don't matter in 95% of the time spent playing

  12. 12 months ago

    Because competitive subhuman Black folk kept complaining

  13. 12 months ago

    Why do people here defend valve for ruining the game? It's baffling.

  14. 12 months ago

    I KNOW that on his advice at least the caber and base jumper were fricked over

  15. 12 months ago

    They used to be better but then noobs and balancing happened.

  16. 12 months ago


    like i said, you're huge homosexual

  17. 12 months ago


    As a Spy main, Huo Long is free 200+ hp

  18. 12 months ago

    Post favorite "bad"/low tier weapons

  19. 12 months ago


    >Theoretical DPS doesn't matter, the most used primaries are rarely the highest on-paper high DPS ones. Calculating DPS only makes sense when you take the weapon's features into account (yes, I still say this including the sodapopper's features).
    its not theoretical
    the thing practically instant one taps because the two extreamly fast shots let you go over the threshold to instant delete 8/9 classes without buffs.
    the scattergun needs to wait a second before assblasting someone.

  20. 12 months ago


    TT turns Pyro into a Scout/Soldier hybrid but downgraded. Perhaps a bit of Spy too.
    You go in, kill a dude, get out. Flanks instead of main paths.
    It’s pretty annoying when your Spy can airbast you.

  21. 12 months ago

    They used to be broken in a fun way until Valve caved to a vocal minority of comp trannies and did a big balance sweep that homogenized and crippled them for the sake of balance.

    • 12 months ago

      valve was nerfing things almost 10 years before mym. half of these weapons you homies think were good because they were never nerfed and it was intended that way were alreaddy nerfed versions

      • 12 months ago

        They only nerfed extremely broken weapons like that or the old Pomson. The big sweep affected everything.

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            winger was buffed to be more viable, do you have Alzheimer's or something? it was complete dogshit on release. most weapons were buffed in those so called nerf patches like huo long, big earner, razorback rework which is a buff since pub meds don't heal sniper, the defense battalion, a few more. honestly its like you guys forgot or never played before mym how many useless weapons there really were
            Nobody ever used the atomizer pub or comp. don't lie and fricking pretend people ever used it even if it was broken, i think most people just thought it was cheesy

            • 12 months ago

              No one used atomizer because it was banned in comp

              • 12 months ago

                i don't see how that stops pub players which never used it either. i remeber i have been playing since the war update. most of these weapons you homies cry about were like never used in 90% of lobbies lol. its always been stock rocket launcher+gunboats making up 30% of the game

              • 12 months ago

                Not the anon you replied to before, but why are you talking about rl+gunboats when you're talking about the atomizer? It may not be visibly equipped because that's one of the reasons it was "nerfed"

                nta but its tf2 not rainbox six. there are realistically only 2-3 places you can ever be anon without trolling ignoring the objective.are you planning on never entering a choke when theres only a single choke to enter in half of the maps

                You shouldn't be 1v1ing a Pyro on a choke. If you play with your team well the pyro would be occupied enough to not have the chance to spam you

              • 12 months ago

                to show you that people just braindead equip the normal shit without even trying half of the extremely broken shit you guys cry about constantly. i remember pre mym tf2. most of this shit was never used besides the caber. the caber was fairly used and post nerf the axe was used and post nerf axe people now use the bottle. sad i do miss the old caber and axe.
                besides that uhhhhhh you used to see the sandman once every dozen games and usually only if the bleed secondary was also equipped tbh? maybe idk even back than pub players auto equip the basher even though theres no fricking way a pub med is building uber with them.
                you never seen the atomizer pre or post nerf. it was hard to remember it was even in the game sometimes.
                you use to see the brass beast more often than almost anything you guys cry about 24/7. its like you imagined a world that everyone was running constantly wacky loadouts when it just wasn't the case. people were fricking seething in chat 15 years ago the same as now trying to win the stupid pl_goldrush game spamming stickies and stock rocket launchers the same as now.
                dude you know the scorch shot goes across map, right? also pyro is not the best close combat class even if it looks like he should be. thats scout 103 damage shotgun with 6 shells is just too good

              • 12 months ago

                See that's the thing. These are already niche wacky loadouts, so why did they see fit to nerf them? They were not these overused serverstomping menaces, they're already niche

  22. 12 months ago

    Because the game is made by known scammers who commit false advertising and fraud.

    Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.

  23. 12 months ago

    the thing with the non meta weapons is, real chads can just equip them with basically zero impact to their stats. if you really wanted to use it you'd use it and beat people with the meta weapons.

  24. 12 months ago

    why is there still the regurgitated posts in TF2 threads about comp players complaining about TF2's weapons?
    comp players never care for how Valve balances stuff because if they think it's OP they just put it on a blacklist and forget about it
    the only time I ever see or hear about TF2 players complaining about items it's when I play community servers or it's someone that just mindlessly repeats a youtuber opinion as a substitute for their own
    when I see comp players on community servers they just play stock scout, soldier w gunboat + rocket launcher/original or market gardener + jumper, stock demo or stock sniper
    and every now and then I see a comp player just run around as amby spy for memes

    • 12 months ago

      Valve did actually try to bridge the gap between both communities through balance that would suit both (i.e. Razorback that removed overheal to make sniper killable through chargeshot or quickscope headshot while making it replenishable to allow for longer play in casual games and not having to return to the refill cabinet), but never saw it through. There is a big problem on the comp side in terms of consistency. Well it's not /big/ but ban lists can vary enough that Valve threw it's hands up and said "make up your mind" essentially.

      The people saying that competitive players essentially told Valve how to change weapons are really just morons who probably stopped playing the game in 2014 anyway.

      >You tell yourself that buddy
      t. sniper main

      You got that right but with 1700 hours on the class alone I spend more time airshotting your kind than dying to them.

      >caber wasn't okay but ambassador was
      moron detected, time to die

      One requires a semblance of skill, the other didn't. Seethe eternally.

      >you don't have to finish off every enemy you encounter.
      the problem is the only way you can get close enough to land any shots with the FaN is flanking enemy lines, in which case the enemy can just get healed by a medic/dispenser/pack fairly easily. If you play more aggressively like you would with the 6 stock shots, you will die without killing anything 8/10 times

      Eeh I don't know about that... too complex a thing to say.

      >Killing everyone on cart/point after charging with zero skill requirement doesn't belong in the game.
      nevermind, your review fricking sucks
      saying this shit while approving the Phlog, homosexual

      I think the flog is a dickhead weapon my dear 2 digit IQ friend, my review speaks only of their viability.

      >when a sniper has you in his sights
      you're not supposed to be sitting in the fricking open

      If you're not in the open, likelihood is that a smart player will just bumrush you before you can spin up or avoid you entirely. Truth is you're /always/ somewhat in the open. Brass beast is just not that useful, players react and die essentially the same to brass beast than they do to tomislav if you can aim both well enough.

      • 12 months ago

        >sniper main
        >is a huge fricking homosexual
        like pottery

  25. 12 months ago


    >You tell yourself that buddy
    t. sniper main

  26. 12 months ago


    >you don't have to finish off every enemy you encounter.
    the problem is the only way you can get close enough to land any shots with the FaN is flanking enemy lines, in which case the enemy can just get healed by a medic/dispenser/pack fairly easily. If you play more aggressively like you would with the 6 stock shots, you will die without killing anything 8/10 times

  27. 12 months ago

    Because not every weapon is made for valves favorite class: the soldier

    • 12 months ago

      And my favorite class is ___ ___

      • 12 months ago

        the pie

  28. 12 months ago

    >wacky races
    >balloon race
    >Freak Fortress/Saxton Hale
    >TF2 Smash Bros
    >Prop Hunt
    So many fun gamemodes and yet I can only find servers for 3 of them...

  29. 12 months ago

    I fricking hate newbies and compgays, because it's either morons who don't understand the fundamental way the game was designed, or are a homosexual who hates fun and unique weapons. In general it goes like this with the classes though.
    >pyro:(even though he is objectively THE easiest class, and hands down is the most compelling yo furries, trannies, and morons and only encourages terrible game reasoning) FLAME TOO MUCH AND HE HAS NO COJNTERRR
    >demo:He's black, but mostly the complaints about aoldier apply but with sticky spam
    >heavy:nobody complains about heavy
    >sniper:this is the only class that's acceptable to complain about, he fundamentally does not go with the design philosophy of the rest of the game

  30. 12 months ago

    you people just won't let this game die. Valve moved on and so should you.

  31. 12 months ago

    reminder that if you know how to play TF2 and have good players who have actual aim and movement the best uber targets are:
    Scout > Demo > Soldier > Heavy > Frontline Sniper > Pyro > Spy > Engineer > Medic

    • 12 months ago

      kritz puts spy just below scout for uber priority

  32. 12 months ago

    >Valve catering to drooling idiot Soldier mains
    >Snipergays crying day in and day out for getting stunned because they're too lazy to strafe a little to avoid a small fricking baseball

  33. 12 months ago

    Because of Gun Mettle

  34. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago


  35. 12 months ago


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