Why are boss fights still a thing?

We've seen "bosses" swapped for player-like characters just with good AI, like Q3 Xaero, or UT Xan Kriegor ages ago. Just a regular opponent that is on the same level as the player, but can fight in a challenging way. And here we are in the age when AI can write entire code for a game, yet devs can't do game AI, and instead we still get 80s-style bosses with gimmicks, large health pools and Simon says gameplay where you dodge attacks for most of the fight to get a small window to do damage, rinse and repeat. How are people still finding this fun? It's been done to death. Is exploiting patterns really the peak experience gamers want?

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  1. 9 months ago

    haha it looks like a penis monster

  2. 9 months ago

    >it's good because it's le hard

  3. 9 months ago

    >Why are boss fights still a thing?
    Because the game would be boring and have no incentive otherwise.

    • 9 months ago

      >Because the game would be boring and have no incentive otherwise.
      Totally false. If you'd just have a "normal" enemy as a "boss" but one that can do the same stuff as you, use the same tactics efficiently, react to your "patterns" and just be as good as you, but with the same abilities and limitations, only way better at the game, that would still be a cool challenge and depending on your playstyle, a different experience with each fight. Think something like Street Fighter 3rd Strike if you insist on SP only, playing as Ken, who's more fun of a fight? Ryu or Gill?

      • 9 months ago

        It's called pvp and most gamers get absolutely btfo and cry about it in games. So nobody really wants what op is asking for.

      • 9 months ago

        You mean like a pvp game? Fricking moron

      • 9 months ago

        Shut the frick up, moron.

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        Boss fights are the most boring parts of nearly every game. This is just as much due to developer ineptitude as it is just the majority of boss concepts and typical practices for boss design that have been around for decades are outright bad (yet they keep being used).
        Unless you go all out on the spectacle, give the boss a ton of moves and only a minor health boost over generic enemies (or establish a series of scenery changes during a setpiece in multiple phases), the boss fight devolves into a tedious whittling down a big healthbar while managing a routine pattern you have to see several times over.
        This Contra boss [...] is just about the sweet spot for an extremely simple boss before it would feel like a fricking chore, taken out in under two cycles. Even if you lost a guy or two, leading to possibly seeing one more cycle, it's still short enough that it keeps a sense of intensity.

        >Boss walks forward jump on him and squash him like a goomba
        >Final boss walks forward but doesn't fall off cliffs and takes two jumps to squash

    • 9 months ago

      Boss fights are the most boring parts of nearly every game. This is just as much due to developer ineptitude as it is just the majority of boss concepts and typical practices for boss design that have been around for decades are outright bad (yet they keep being used).
      Unless you go all out on the spectacle, give the boss a ton of moves and only a minor health boost over generic enemies (or establish a series of scenery changes during a setpiece in multiple phases), the boss fight devolves into a tedious whittling down a big healthbar while managing a routine pattern you have to see several times over.
      This Contra boss

      is just about the sweet spot for an extremely simple boss before it would feel like a fricking chore, taken out in under two cycles. Even if you lost a guy or two, leading to possibly seeing one more cycle, it's still short enough that it keeps a sense of intensity.

  4. 9 months ago

    just play a different genre if you don't like it.

  5. 9 months ago

    Agreed, bosses are too video gamey and we should've done away with them a decade ago for the betterment of the medium as an art form.

    • 9 months ago

      This, we already got rid of score, lives, game overs, and player choice, bosses are among the last things left before we go to the final route of just not having no player input period.

      • 9 months ago

        Next your gonna say you want every FG to be like Among Us Arena but without the sus button

  6. 9 months ago

    Because that would be dumb otherwise. Imagine a Zelda game, you go through a dungeon, and they give you a piece of a Triforce/McGuffin at the end w/o any real challenge stopping you. Imagine going through Ganon's castle, and Ganon just surrenders the Triforce of Power to you when you reach him.

  7. 9 months ago

    Would you rather deal with aimbots that die in 1hit but kill you 99/100 times before you even see them? I dunno how you imagine designers are supposed to create a challenging fight that's not ridiculously unfair yet showcases how powerful an opponent is.

    • 9 months ago

      I just posted to good examples of how this can be done. Quake 3 bots on nightmare are basically aimbot opponents, yet you can still beat them by just being good at proper use of game fundamentals.

      Here it is. The dumbest take in Ganker

      Frick off, Todd.

      Because that would be dumb otherwise. Imagine a Zelda game, you go through a dungeon, and they give you a piece of a Triforce/McGuffin at the end w/o any real challenge stopping you. Imagine going through Ganon's castle, and Ganon just surrenders the Triforce of Power to you when you reach him.

      >Imagine a Zelda game
      You mean something just as old as a concept as Contra and doing the same pattern 30 years down the line, not really evolving or using the benefits of technology, because that would not be Zelda? Which is exactly what I argue against? So yeah, let's just ignore all tech progress, and have an enemy that is overpowered, but does the same pattern over and over again, so the player can eventually learn it, circumvent it and win. Frick all the tech that's been done to improve interactive entertainment. Here's another take. Remember how in 2001 Red Faction had destructible environments? And how it took the industry 7 years to make a game that made use of the concept? Well, let's not use the idea in any other franchise, cause it would break the tightly designed FPS gameplay loop that people have been fond of since 1993.

  8. 9 months ago

    Here it is. The dumbest take in Ganker

  9. 9 months ago

    >Shit boss desing
    Dark souls games
    >kino boss design games
    Metroid prime 2
    Metroid dread
    Jet force gemini
    Shadow of the colossus

    i want more games where boss fights are actualy events and you have to figure out how to defeat them.

    Dogshit humanoid or huge moronic Black person with huge weapon that can be defeated by spamming attacks and abusing iframe rolls are fricking boring.
    Gas all soulsBlack folk.

    • 9 months ago

      Rent free

    • 9 months ago

      Constantly shitting on Dark Souls for contrarian reasons is the most pleb thing, Dark Souls is not a perfect game by any means but claiming the bosses in Jet Force Gemini are better is dumb as all hell.
      I had Jet Force Gemini as a kid so I view it with rose tinted glasses, still I can barely remember the bosses. I agree Dark Souls is pretty much a glorified rythm game with the iframe abusing but that has it's own charm, things that are simple are not inherently bad.
      Write Black person more, maybe your arguments become persuasive then.

  10. 9 months ago


  11. 9 months ago

    >AI can write entire code for a game
    Well theres your problem, AI may be able to replicate artslop, but programming a functional coherent codebase is beyond current AI.

    • 9 months ago

      >functional coherent codebase
      LMAO, I bet you flip burgers for a living and just read Ganker for hot takes like this.

      You mean like a pvp game? Fricking moron

      >You mean like a pvp game? Fricking moron
      Yes, that is exactly what I mean, but here's the kicker, it's not actually PvP so you don't have to deal with tards like you while playing.

      Play a 1v1 genre like fighting games if you want human like opponents.

      If you're suggesting to play and FG against AI for an imitation of a human oponent, then you clearly have zero idea how these games work.

      • 9 months ago

        Where are the AI games?
        >they're closed source!

  12. 9 months ago

    Ideally a boss should be a test of the cumulative skills and knowledge the game has provided the player up until that point.

  13. 9 months ago

    Play a 1v1 genre like fighting games if you want human like opponents.

  14. 9 months ago

    Set-piece challenges are fun.

  15. 9 months ago

    >We've seen "bosses" swapped for player-like characters just with good AI, like Q3 Xaero, or UT Xan Kriegor ages ago. Just a regular opponent that is on the same level as the player, but can fight in a challenging way.
    That's still a boss.

  16. 9 months ago

    Bosses serve to test the players knowledge of mechanics and memory of the controls. Things went to shit the moment bosses were just normal enemy but more HP from lazy devs. The gimmicks in a good game are often the key element the boss is IQ checking you on.

  17. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago


  18. 9 months ago

    Well giving a boss theme to a really strong player would be kino but about the patterns thing homie thats what every game is even pvp is just about trying to find out your opponents patterns and idiosyncrasies all the training mode and labbing stuff is just a prerequisite because of how complex some games can get

    • 9 months ago

      Imagine a game where enemy ai changes patterns making it more unpredictable and interesting. I agree with op. That sounds based.

  19. 9 months ago

    >And here we are in the age when AI can write entire code for a game
    yeah, pong tier games

  20. 9 months ago

    Boss fights have always been tests of endurance and learning the boss's patterns. What you are asking for is basically like PVP and does not make for a memorable fight

  21. 9 months ago

    Boss fights are a thing because they have kickass boss fight music.

    • 9 months ago

      >Weaker stat wise than everything else in the game including basic enemies
      >Megalovania is heavely implied to be the player/Chara's theme not his
      So was he just a normal enemy who said trying his damnedest to stall the player by screwing the rules? If so then souvl

  22. 9 months ago

    Bosses are fun and require more to be done right.

  23. 9 months ago

    Because they are fun and if it isn't fun then what's the point?

  24. 9 months ago

    you're right, I want a boss monster with Xan Kriegor AI

    mirror fights aren't fun, downing skyscraper-sized monsters is awesome

  25. 9 months ago

    It's because most gamers are animals.

  26. 9 months ago

    Humans came this far from slaying beasts bigger than them so no, we'll never get tired doing what made us successful

    • 9 months ago

      >Humans came this far from slaying beasts bigger than them
      Deer? Cows?

      • 9 months ago

        Giant hairy elephants Black person

  27. 9 months ago

    AI can't make a game, not good code anyways. better than you for sure.
    Enemy AI and AI are not the same thing

  28. 9 months ago

    > muh human like ai
    90% of the time a free win, 5% of the time you get dumpstered, and the rest is a good match people actually would enjoy
    This is part of why FGs and MP games are dogshit for consistent challenge.

  29. 9 months ago

    It's cinematic. Games without bosses are so fricking forgettable.

  30. 9 months ago

    >when you OD on contrarian pills

  31. 9 months ago

    overcoming adversity deepens game experience.

  32. 9 months ago

    Excellent authenticity.
    Not a hint of sarcasm.
    In-depth discussion points.
    Incredulous enough to receive attention.
    Offensive enough to demand a response.

    Perfect bait.

  33. 9 months ago

    boss fights are the best part of any game

  34. 9 months ago


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