Why are COD players like this?

Why are COD players like this?

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  1. 5 months ago

    >Same skill level
    Especially in team games

    • 5 months ago

      >nooo matchmaking has it out for me in particular

      • 5 months ago

        that is literally how it's programmed you moronic homosexual, they actively pair you up with the stupidest morons alive against a bunch of crackshots so your win ratio can be 50:50 and you keep playing their stupid ass skinner box

    • 5 months ago

      1 v 1 means its all on you
      shooters are team v team so it doesn't matter how well you do, you're at the mercy of your randomly assigned paint huffers

      >blaming ur team

      • 5 months ago

        I always blame my team and I'm always right. I play solo btw.

      • 5 months ago

        There comes a moment when you git gud so much that unless you have a team to play with you will get matched against a stacked team and you're loaded with randoms who are simply not as good as a stacked team and you get washed. It is inevitable. In a fighting game, it's always 1v1 so you can always git gudder.

        • 5 months ago

          I got to SMFC before moving to Faceit only solo queuing in CS.

  2. 5 months ago

    1 v 1 means its all on you
    shooters are team v team so it doesn't matter how well you do, you're at the mercy of your randomly assigned paint huffers

    • 5 months ago

      >not playing fps games where your individual skill is important.
      >therefor he cant carry
      Skill issue

      • 5 months ago

        >not playing fps games where your individual skill is important.
        Those haven't existed in a decade, and any time one does show up it gets ignored for some mysterious reason.

        rip tribes I have no hope for this next one coming out

    • 5 months ago

      I know my faults so it becomes even more apparent when I get people who probably can't breathe without help on my side. Basically all my problems come down to accuracy and panik, which i don't think will ever improve. That being said I know i'm above average and that's cool enough for me, the higher up in skill you go the less populated the game becomes so being above average is actually great.

  3. 5 months ago

    >win some matches
    >lose some matches
    >this is a conspiracy and entirely the fault of the game
    I've never understood this mentality

  4. 5 months ago

    I've never met a fighting goy player who enjoyed playing people of their same skill level

  5. 5 months ago

    It's more fun to absolutely crush the other team with killstreaks due to your superior skills. Though I haven't played cod in 10 years

  6. 5 months ago

    COD isn't SBMM, it's Microtransaction Based Match Making where the players who haven't dumped $50 into shitty skin packs get paired with the kiddies that have. The only way to "git gud" at COD is to give more money to Activision, LMFAO.

  7. 5 months ago

    I only like to fight against someone using the same fair strategy as I am.

  8. 5 months ago

    I think that a lot of the outrage stems from the fact that games not having SBMM was the norm for decades, primarily because it wasn't a necessity. Server browsers meant you curated your own experience in a game. Even in games that offer only matchmaking, the frequent imbalance wasn't really seen as a problem in non-competitive or non-ranked game modes. Rank is itself a method of SBMM, and the culture surrounding it encourages competitive nature by design. This wasn't hated because it was optional. You could either play unranked, unbalanced lobbies, or you could play ranked, balanced ones. As to whether or not ranked matchmaking really WAS balanced is a different point entirely, but my focus here is that it was entirely optional for the player to play in a ranked environment or not.
    SBMM becoming a permanent fixture of casual gaming deprives players of that choice. Whether SBMM functions well or not -which is again an entirely separate point- i think is superseded by the fact that it's just another bit of choice and agency being stripped away from players.
    And I don't think that it's unjustified to be upset by that, either.

  9. 5 months ago

    Why are fighting game players always having a wank about how awesome they are?

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Gotta remind you of our superiority.

  10. 5 months ago

    The more effective SBMM is, the more every person's K/D will trend towards 1.

    Do you want to just kill one person for every death? Would that be fun to you? Because it isn't for me. I'd rather be getting fricking stomped by a better player and feeling like I was learning something than just an endless kill/die/kill/die/kill/die loop of meaninglessness.

  11. 5 months ago

    As somebody who basically never plays competitive multiplayer games I can understand the dislike for SBMM. You don't want every game to be sweat, you want variety. Some games where you stomp, some games where you get stomped, some games where it's a close shave.

    You can just look at how singleplayer games apply this design philosophy all the time. It's not a constantly rising difficulty level. You want those peaks and valleys. You have easy pushover foes, then you get a hard boss, then you have some easier small fries again, maybe you get a really difficult segment, but a somewhat easy boss at the end instead. . Hell you can even apply this thinking to gambling. Gambling isn't addicting because you win all the time, it's also because you lose, which makes the win feel sweeter; it's the contrast that does it.

    • 5 months ago

      >You don't want every game to be sweat
      What the frick does this even mean?

    • 5 months ago

      >as someone with no idea what he's talking to here is some imagined shit that doesn't actually happen
      People cry about SBMM because they do still get stomped or stomp people for the same reasons professional sportsball games between teams with the same number of points or deep in the playoffs can randomly be blowouts, or at least that's what they try to tell me between their girly sobbing.

  12. 5 months ago

    SBMM is cancerous because you'll do good in a lobby where the enemy team is full moron and the next game you get put against a whole team of high skill players that wipe the floor with you. Honestly all you need is a ranked game type for the poopsockers and leave unranked for the casual people.

  13. 5 months ago

    Why are gamers like this in general? When did we move from play to win, get good or get out, embracing the grind, to "if I face real opposition and fighting back from other people then I don't wanna play anymore"?
    >inb4 I play for fun
    Someone post the destruction of a hobby meme with the multi colored stick figures

    • 5 months ago

      because in practice it would be a fantastic additon but they force it on every single person who plays the game to the point where it will not register bullets if you elo is too high. if they actually allowed there to be a choice between choosing for lowest ping or nearest skill level you'd be seeing "100/20000000 playing in playlist" from day three

  14. 5 months ago

    neogamers will never experience the joy of getting kicked from a server for being too good.

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