Why are drow women so smal. You can can carry them like suitcases

Why are drow women so smal

You can can carry them like suitcases

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    >You came to the wrong neighbourhood, dhaerow

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago


      Why are drow women so smal

      You can can carry them like suitcases

      A small woman surrounded at the couch

      • 3 months ago

        The men hulking over, when the woman smiled.

      • 3 months ago

        The Wojack Red, By his Despair Consumed!

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Tom Cruise leans back, his laughter contagious.

      • 3 months ago


  2. 3 months ago

    Lack of natural sunlight causes stunted growth. Vietnamese tunnel asiatics were also 5ft nothing.

    • 3 months ago

      Mushroom diet

  3. 3 months ago

    they're cute!

  4. 3 months ago

    There is already a stupid no-gaming coomed drow thread.

    • 3 months ago

      You gonna cry

    • 3 months ago

      Actually not a bad thread premise by /tg/ standards. have a nice day.

  5. 3 months ago

    Imagine a Drow lady having to use a step ladder to peg a Goliath.

  6. 3 months ago

    >tfw not a halfling manslave in a drow menagerie

  7. 3 months ago

    Drow being super small was probably decided because they're subterranean and peers of svirnefblin and duergar but it's always hilarious every time it comes up that they're downright miniature. I think most people just unconsciously assume D&D elves are tall like Warcraft and Tolkien elves because it matches their haughty demeanor better and they think it's stupid that an Elf is the same height as a Dwarf and the only difference is one is 2x as wide and has a beard

    • 3 months ago

      Elfin: (with reference to a person) small and delicate, typically with an attractively mischievous or strange charm.

      Tolkien's elves being tall seems like the unusual thing to me.

      • 3 months ago

        Because they were more or less a mix between the Tuatha De Danann, angels and the old norse Ljosalfar.
        The idea that they are small mischievous kobolds came later.

        • 3 months ago

          Both ideas have been hanging around in European myth since before civilization. Small creatures that might be mischievous or helpful, and larger pretty creatures that might be haughty or helpful, they both exist going way back, and it's always been very clear that it's dangerous to anger them whichever kind they were. The names have varied over time and between exactly where you are and what language you're speaking.
          Do they have the same root? I've no idea tbqf, as we're definitely talking about going back into pre-literate times in cultures that didn't record things permanently very often at all. We can interpolate and guess (e.g., from the way there are some similarities between what remains of ancient Celtic, Germanic and Slavic customs and legends) but we really don't know.
          In short, reality is more complicated than your autism prefers. Deal with it.

    • 3 months ago

      IIRC they were described as taller than humans in a lot of other realms and settings, hence why all the art has them being tall and elegant.

  8. 3 months ago

    So human raiders can fit more in the back of a cart.

    • 3 months ago

      drow women will bust your balls, just kill them and get a qt dragonborn gf

    • 3 months ago

      That's not a Drow, that's a WoW Night Elf. Try again.

      • 3 months ago

        Night Elves aren't tiny; they're like 12 feet tall.
        Okay, technically *everything* in WoW has ridiculous proportions, because people who work at Blizzard have never met other human beings.

  9. 3 months ago

    made for princess carry

    • 3 months ago

      Drow being super small was probably decided because they're subterranean and peers of svirnefblin and duergar but it's always hilarious every time it comes up that they're downright miniature. I think most people just unconsciously assume D&D elves are tall like Warcraft and Tolkien elves because it matches their haughty demeanor better and they think it's stupid that an Elf is the same height as a Dwarf and the only difference is one is 2x as wide and has a beard

      The Harpers don't want you to know this but the drow in the Underdark are free you can take them home. I have 458 drow.

      • 3 months ago

        Because in DnD elf height used to literally depend on the setting. In Greyhawk they were shorter than humans but in Forgotten Realms taller. In 5th edition they decided to standardize the sizes and for whatever reason used the shortest canon height for drow. This leads to some inconsistencies like how Dritzzt was supposed to be shorter than average for drow but now he's a head taller than most drow.

        >He only brought one female drow out of the Underdark but didn't take into account how fast they reproduce

      • 3 months ago

        >The Harpers
        Fricking Gondian Glowies.

      • 3 months ago

        There's a lot of things Harpers don't want people to know.

        Such as how the worse elves are the Eldreth Veluuthra supremacists, and that the Harpers are covering up their existence and the atrocities they commit.

        • 3 months ago

          The evolution of Harper lore is so fascinating. I still remember when they were first introduced, they came across as a secret society, sure, but there were none of the weird elements that exist now. They were just adventurers that shared information and handed out missions to each other.

          Now they're fantasy WEF illuminati CIA.

          • 3 months ago

            Always were, Greenwood acts like a free hippie liberal on the surface but right underneath there is a hardcore deep state esque Illuminati CIA happening in anything he writes, whether Harpers or Chosen or Waterdeep or FRICKING CORMYR. I don't think he's even conscious of the fact that he's doing it.

            • 3 months ago

              That's an interesting take. Can you elaborate? The only real undertones I caught in his stuff was his eternal boner and rose-tinted free love shit.

              • 3 months ago

                Cormyr is held up by Greenwood, and his mouthpiece characters, as a beacon of justice and fairness.

                And it is a bit fantasy knights and castles on the surface. Except for things like:
                >military service used for policing
                >war wizards are literally Gestapo thought police (and will regularly brain scan anybody they suspect, and if you are warding your thoughts then you can be arrested, after all if you were innocent you wouldn't have anything to hide RIGHT ANON?)
                >the commoners love the king, and you had better do it too or they will report you to the police, who are the military for unpatriotic actions
                >by the way, the military are allowed to search you upon request at any time, for any reason
                >you happen to be a wizard entering the country? Time to register, incidentally registering means you are officially a reservist war wizard and can be conscripted at any time
                >and if you're a warrior entering the country all weapons are peace bonded so they can't be drawn, tampering with said weapons is arrest and imprisonment
                >oh, adventurers are exceptions... except you need proof of status which is a Charter, and all those are exclusively made by the war wizards, and uses fricking magical ink and parchment so that the names of anybody written on said Charter can be auto-tracked at ANY time by ANY war wizard, FOREVER (as long as the charter exists)
                >any/all retired army will work as unofficial official espionage for the king, you never quit the Company
                >the head of the Gestapo, I mean war wizards, is also the official court mage and is responsible for guarding the royal family, by the way he regularly checks and edits the memories of the royal family to make sure that everything is in order
                >courts and judgements are exclusively the province of the Crown and Gestapo
                >no innocent until proven guilty clause
                >the Chosen of Mystra are aware of all this and actively go out of their way to support it

                Frick Cormyr.

              • 3 months ago

                >by the way he regularly checks and edits the memories of the royal family to make sure that everything is in order
                He can't touch the royal family without the king's permission.
                He and all registered wizards are geased to always serve crown and country and never go against it.
                In fact the last test for potential war wizards is him taking them into the geasa room and doing an elaborate play about how the geas is false and they're actually building a network of wizards to rule as a shadow government.
                If the would be war wizard doesn't rebuke him for this (better if they try to attack him), they're considered a failure.
                If they agree and go along with him they're executed.

                Also war wizard registration only applies once you're strong enough to throw a fireball.
                Which is why in AD&D the Rogue Wizard kit existed for wizards who stayed under the radar and are now on the run within Cormyr because they hit the power point but don't want to or have too much of a crime record to become a war wizard.

              • 3 months ago

                >He and all registered wizards are geased
                They aren't, that was only ever the first one. All subsequent ones serve for love of the realm, it was why the previous royal mage could murder the regent.

              • 3 months ago

                Look if we're not talking about Azoun and Vangey it's #notmycormyr
                It's a shame too because the Steel Regent taking over and having opposing views to her father about how the kingdom should be run could have led to interesting things given Cormyr is legitimately surrounded by enemies and has nefarious elements constantly looking for holes in their security.
                And instead 3e made her the prototype Girl Boss who always succeeds and all of her decisions make things better for everyone.

              • 3 months ago

                >In fact the last test for potential war wizards is him taking them into the geasa room and doing an elaborate play about how the geas is false and they're actually building a network of wizards to rule as a shadow government.
                >If the would be war wizard doesn't rebuke him for this (better if they try to attack him), they're considered a failure.
                >If they agree and go along with him they're executed.
                Psyops, the country.
                >Mfw I pretended to go along with the conspiracy so they wouldn't assassinate me while I'm planning to out them, and I get executed for treason

              • 3 months ago

                There's nothing wrong with Cormyr. Don't you love the king, anon?

              • 3 months ago

                Why would anyone even go so anally into such minute detail of the setting unless you're a hardcore glowaboo? I can't believe this creepy dude created the most popular fantasy setting.

              • 3 months ago

                >Why would anyone even go so anally into such minute detail of the setting unless you're a hardcore glowaboo?
                Its the end result of a arms race between Cormyr, Greenwoods players and the various groups of villains: Zhents, Thayans, Drow, Cult of Dragon, Baneites etc.
                All of it invented on the spot every time a player asked him "But if I have spell X couldn't I do <something ending up with them being the new king of Cormyr" and Greenwood answering "Naturally they have anticipated that!".
                But then Greenwood wants to run an espionage adventure in Cormyr, so he has to invent how the Baneites f.ex. have subverted the safeguards, and round and round it goes.

              • 3 months ago

                Krynn has the only decent magic deities.

            • 3 months ago

              /tg/ has mentioned that Greenwood's dad used to be some kind of spook for NATO, so he knows how this kind of constant cloak-and-dagger bullshit is just part of the background radiation of normal life - eternal and omnipresent, but it's buried so far behind the scenes that most people don't realise it's even there

              • 3 months ago

                He also approves of it, because free love degenerates and tyrannical autocrats have always gone hand in hand

              • 3 months ago

                >/tg/ has mentioned that Greenwood's dad used to be some kind of spook for NATO
                Nice source, buddy

              • 3 months ago

                Greenwood's father was a NATO communications officer, yes. One of his original players works for Canadian Security Intelligence, and his father helped get them that job as a referee. He's said as much in panel interviews.

        • 3 months ago

          The funniest thing - isn't most of Toril biggest cataclysms the fault of elves? And not even drow who are sitting underground and doing their petty shit. No, the noble ones, supported by the good deities. High, grey and other elf offshoots literally killed more people than drow. Sometimes just as collateral damage.

          • 3 months ago

            I'm starting to believe his dad was a spook

            • 3 months ago


              Greenwood's father was a NATO communications officer, yes. One of his original players works for Canadian Security Intelligence, and his father helped get them that job as a referee. He's said as much in panel interviews.

            • 3 months ago

              His dad was a NATO intelligence officer, that’s the military equivalent.

          • 3 months ago

            >Biggest Cataclysms

            The Founding of Evermeet fricked up a great deal of the world.
            The moon exploding was ancient dragons trying to get vengeance on elves.
            Cormanthor fell because elves decided to try being multiracial.

            But in "recent history" almost everything was humans fricking around.

          • 3 months ago

            >Biggest Cataclysms

            The Founding of Evermeet fricked up a great deal of the world.
            The moon exploding was ancient dragons trying to get vengeance on elves.
            Cormanthor fell because elves decided to try being multiracial.

            But in "recent history" almost everything was humans fricking around.

            Elves wiped out Jhaamdath because "MUH TREES". An entire nation, the heart of psionics and gifted humans, working and existing beyond the confines of magical tyrants and the weave.

            Then elves did a tidal wave on it.

            • 3 months ago

              That's new lore then.
              Old lore was they gave 0 fricks about Jhaamdath and it got sank when they did the Evermeet ritual because of unintended consequences.

              That said Jhaamdath becoming the psychic empire was also a later change (3.5e iirc) since prior to that the only real psi in the setting was people born with wild talents because Greenwood's idea for the setting involves it being so magical that occasionally Joe Farmer is just born with the hidden ability to conjure fire but is never put under enough stress to unlock the power.
              And that was only psi because in 1e that was mechanically how giving people random powers worked.

  10. 3 months ago

    >no natural sunlight
    >diet is complete trash
    >matriarchal and thus do not favour masculine traits, including physicality [even the men are kept within a physical limit]
    Not hard to see why. I'd expect Drow to be horrifically ugly. Like NEETs.

    • 3 months ago

      drow are actually considered to be really pretty
      >I mean, Corellon made them in Lolth's image
      >that fricking SIMP

      • 3 months ago

        I always head canoned it as "twisted" beauty, especially Lolth who I never truly believed would actually be attractive given the fact her existence is cruelty and subversion. Sure, there is a sexual charm, but I always imagined it to be an illusion, a "web" (heh...) weaved in front of your eyes to entice you and then reveal the monster behind it. I always pictured Drow women to be especially ugly. Short, angry, full of incompetent womanly rage that expresses itself into useless brutality and senseless manipulation and violence. The men are gaunt, lean, probably fed a diet that keeps them from developing the muscle mass necessary to snap a neck.

        • 3 months ago

          if you'd read any of the books, drow are several times described as pretty
          >except matron Baenre who's an old walking skeleton with both legs in the coffin
          >she reminds me of Yzma from emperors New Groove, and she's STILL popping out kids can't wait to get to the part where she dies

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah I know, I have read the books and all that, I just never thought it fit their character. The beauty is simply an illusion for the monster beneath the mask. Not to mention Drow's are a bitter, spiteful people enslaved under a wicked woman who ruined their lives and keeps them in perpetual jealously. I think Drow would have a "true face" perhaps seen only to those attuned to it, and it would be hideous, ugly, and warped. But as I explained, that's just my head canon and you're right, lorewise they are meant to be fairly attractive. I just always felt that to be lame.

        • 3 months ago

          >hates beauty and beautiful things to the point he has to delude himself into believing beauty itself is an illusion
          Americans, everybody

          • 3 months ago

            well fricking beautiful c**ts is how you end up with fricking europe

        • 3 months ago

          Your head canon screams "incel"

          • 3 months ago

            Nah it screams ugly woman. It's the hairdresser effect in full force here.

      • 3 months ago

        Drow mythology, and drow society, have never made any goddamn sense to me.
        Not sure if it's Greenwood's fault, or Salvatore's.

        • 3 months ago

          Greenwood was the horny one who created drow because he was into femdom
          Salvatore is the guy who had to make sense of it all and has the guys from WotC breathing down his neck while he writes

          • 3 months ago

            What kind of elf should I pick if I'm into maledom?

            • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                Thanks but no thanks.

              • 3 months ago

                They're an entire race of overcompensating soijak Karens

            • 3 months ago

              also drow, they're literally built for instant_loss

              • 3 months ago

                You say this but this drow looks like she could snusnu you to a fine paste

              • 3 months ago

                She's also tiny. It's just a perspective trick.

              • 3 months ago

                >Ganker af
                >giant breasts
                >fat ass
                Welp, I guess I'm fapping my wiener into oblivion tonight.

            • 3 months ago

              warcraft elves funnily enough. those frickers are built like brick shithouses

          • 3 months ago

            Salvatore was a "the canon bends to the needs of the story" kind of writer, so its really had to blame him for what became of the fluff he wrote. Ed Greenwood was so checked out by even the 1987 book that he's only really given a writer's credit because his contract required it. The real culprits are Jeff Grubb going full shitgun blast with the fluff for the 1987 book, then Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams and Rob Heinsoo for going "we'll fix the setting!" only to kame everything worse.

            What kind of elf should I pick if I'm into maledom?

            High Elf or Wood Elf. The former for breaking a pissy rich girl and the latter for breaking a proud tomboy.


            This too.

            • 3 months ago

              I enjoyed that Greenwood was asked about his version of Drow of the Underdark and openly said he wrote it to help make sense of the Drow and paint them as not just a monster race, and tsr told him to go frick himself.
              Then Drizzt got popular so they published his book without reading it and only realized after the fact that it openly referred to Menzo and the Drizzt lore as being a minority of Drow.
              Which led to every new thing about the Underdark being more and more about how actually Menzo is super influential despite being a small and relatively isolated city state.

              • 3 months ago

                The trend has been on the reverse for the last two decades, grandpa, to the point that drows are neutral by default now.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes and no.
                While neutral is the default, Menzo is now the oldest and most powerful of the lolth cities founded right after the fall in new lore.

              • 3 months ago

                for now, until they're going through another 'phase' and go
                >Yeah, we'll retcon this, nobody's going to notice

              • 3 months ago

                >nobody's going to notice
                Indeed. Because people stopped following their schizo retcons way back when.

            • 3 months ago

              Plus, drow society making no goddamn sense, and only working because a goddess literally forces it to work, was specifically because Salvatore was modeling it after mafia bullshit.
              I swear, if you erase the Godfather from the timeline, every rpg product made between 1985 and 2000 just becomes better.

              • 3 months ago

                >mafia but its hot elf bawds instead of fat italians


              • 3 months ago

                >mafia but its hot elf bawds instead of fat italians


                They're not mafia, they're corpos.

              • 3 months ago

                >One of the major suits in my cyberpunk is biosculpted to look like a dark elf
                I guess they really are huh?

              • 3 months ago

                >Implying corpos aren't just a form of Mafia

            • 3 months ago

              i don't blame dritzt, drow women problably smell like old blood and mushrooms

            • 3 months ago

              Greenwood was the horny one who created drow because he was into femdom
              Salvatore is the guy who had to make sense of it all and has the guys from WotC breathing down his neck while he writes

              Drow mythology, and drow society, have never made any goddamn sense to me.
              Not sure if it's Greenwood's fault, or Salvatore's.

              I could never take Drizzt seriously since he's canonically 5'4" which is my mom's height, and by the time I really started reading all the books I was taller than my mom and always found it funny that all these stupidly attractive women were throwing themselves at a really short dude.

              • 3 months ago

                you don't see drow on the surface often, it's the exotic factor
                probably combined with him being a male drow and therefore good at sex by default, or drow males just being more likely to go down on you

              • 3 months ago

                Women hate men who go down on them though. It's a sign of homosexuality and no real man would ever even consider doing it.

              • 3 months ago

                Anon, that's the biggest fricking lie ever spoken.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                Well he was only five foot four
                But girls could not resist his stare
                Drizzt Do'Urden never got called an butthole

              • 3 months ago

                He's got that wrong sides of the tracks rizz. Also his height varies by edition, 3.5 and 4e era Drizz't and drow in general are taller.

            • 3 months ago

              Drizzt please, pull yourself together you wimp.

              • 3 months ago

                >The Coffin of Drizz't and Vierna

            • 3 months ago

              Is there any fantasy classic with brothers, sisters and no allusions to incest?

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                But anon, incest is wincest

              • 3 months ago

                Chronicles of Narnia?

                stop being average to me 🙁

                Now we've strayed from Asian girlfriend to Asian parent.

          • 3 months ago

            >Greenwood was the horny one who created drow because he was into femdom
            what kind of moronic revisionism is this?

            • 3 months ago

              A lack of academic rigor leading to an incorrect model. If you already have that personal bias and don't know the true story, it's what the evidence looks like.

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah, drow start off in the Against the Giants series as secret baddies, and eventually you go to their city in 'Vault of the Drow'.
              Notable things about that early depictation:
              -Yes, they're 'evil' from the start
              -your non-drow characters can just walk around the city without any issue; they're not so xenophobic as to kill outsiders on sight
              -There's politicking and intrigue between noble houses, but none of the 'wipe them out in a raid, but make sure there's no witnesses' idiocy of later FR books.
              -It isn't explicitly described as a matriarchy, but there are no male priests, and the priestesses are treated as the most important people.
              -At no point does it say anything about drow being dark-skinned because of a 'curse' (this will be claimed by some books in the 90s; still not sure where this comes from)
              -Lolth is a demon prince. Not the ancestral mother spirit of the drow. Also, while the power of her church is massive, it doesn't have complete control over drow society.

              So, yeah; everything I know about Menzoberranzan is just much less interesting, and much less useful for a game, but I don't know for sure whose fault that is.

              • 3 months ago

                >don't know for sure whose fault that is.
                According to interviews, Greenwood's notes said Menzo was insane and extreme compared to other Drow cities.
                This is why Salvatore used it since he doesn't like having to think about lore implications so a place that is purposely crazy and dysfunctional suits him.
                WotC carried this to the extreme through the 3.5e rewrite of Drow of the Underdark, which ironically is not a Forgotten Realms book but would go on to establish Drow as suicidally backstabby, with the opening anecdote about a servant murdering her extremely paranoid mistress out of hopes of getting a promotion in another house.

              • 3 months ago

                >-At no point does it say anything about drow being dark-skinned because of a 'curse' (this will be claimed by some books in the 90s; still not sure where this comes from)
                Stolen from the backstory of "Dunmer" dark elves in Elder Scrolls series.

              • 3 months ago

                >-At no point does it say anything about drow being dark-skinned because of a 'curse' (this will be claimed by some books in the 90s; still not sure where this comes from)
                Stolen from the backstory of "Dunmer" dark elves in Elder Scrolls series.

                I always thought Drow were black because Corellon made them in Lolth's image, and she's black
                figured that the the curse referred to them being trapped in the Underdark because they literally can't stand the sun and bright light

                >your non-drow characters can just walk around the city without any issue; they're not so xenophobic as to kill outsiders on sight
                I know that there are drow cities which are 'nicer' to other races like Sshamath which allows races which show to be able to do magic to live freely in a run down ghetto

                >TIL: there's an upperdark, middledark and lowerdark, but there all in the underdark

          • 3 months ago

            What kind of elf should I pick if I'm into maledom?

            >Greenwood was the horny one who created drow because he was into femdom
            what kind of moronic revisionism is this?

            A lack of academic rigor leading to an incorrect model. If you already have that personal bias and don't know the true story, it's what the evidence looks like.

            Yeah, drow start off in the Against the Giants series as secret baddies, and eventually you go to their city in 'Vault of the Drow'.
            Notable things about that early depictation:
            -Yes, they're 'evil' from the start
            -your non-drow characters can just walk around the city without any issue; they're not so xenophobic as to kill outsiders on sight
            -There's politicking and intrigue between noble houses, but none of the 'wipe them out in a raid, but make sure there's no witnesses' idiocy of later FR books.
            -It isn't explicitly described as a matriarchy, but there are no male priests, and the priestesses are treated as the most important people.
            -At no point does it say anything about drow being dark-skinned because of a 'curse' (this will be claimed by some books in the 90s; still not sure where this comes from)
            -Lolth is a demon prince. Not the ancestral mother spirit of the drow. Also, while the power of her church is massive, it doesn't have complete control over drow society.

            So, yeah; everything I know about Menzoberranzan is just much less interesting, and much less useful for a game, but I don't know for sure whose fault that is.

            >don't know for sure whose fault that is.
            According to interviews, Greenwood's notes said Menzo was insane and extreme compared to other Drow cities.
            This is why Salvatore used it since he doesn't like having to think about lore implications so a place that is purposely crazy and dysfunctional suits him.
            WotC carried this to the extreme through the 3.5e rewrite of Drow of the Underdark, which ironically is not a Forgotten Realms book but would go on to establish Drow as suicidally backstabby, with the opening anecdote about a servant murdering her extremely paranoid mistress out of hopes of getting a promotion in another house.

            >Greenwood was the horny one

            Greenwood is known as the horny one because reddit is historically illiterate to such a degree that when someone proficient with myth and history inserts weird shit from it into writing they instantly project it as MAGICAL PISS FOREST.

            They dont understand that YE OLDE TIMEYWIMEY MEDIEVAL TIMES werent this ubiquitous block where everyone acted the same and dressed the same and that the same time period might have looked very different depending on where you lived.

            The only reason public fricking and Eating in the bath went out of style is because eventually people RIGHTFULLY learned to tie it to the syphilis epidemics.

            • 3 months ago

              People also fricked in public because privacy really didn't exist. Peasants were absolutely fricking their wives in front of their children

            • 3 months ago

              That's nice and all but what does that have to do with Greenwood's incest obsession and how inbreeding doesn't cause defects in his settings and how moms typically pop their sons' cherries? Or his detailed notes on what different race's breastmilk tastes like? The dude's horny as frick and unabashed about the fact, he doesn't need you simping for his purity.

              • 3 months ago

                >That's nice and all but what does that have to do with Greenwood's incest obsession and how inbreeding doesn't cause defects in his settings and how moms typically pop their sons' cherries?

                >IRL: hey man incest probably happens in rural areas
                >fictional setting: hey man incest probably happens in rural areas
                >OMG HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN

                Is the issue here that you projecting how you would put shit like this in your OC DONUT STEEL seetting so that means that everyone would do that?

                > Or his detailed notes on what different race's breastmilk tastes like?
                ngl I actually want to know Elfbreastmilk tastes like, can you post it?

                >he dude's horny as frick and unabashed about the fact, he doesn't need you simping for his purity.
                Then why are you simping for reddit?

              • 3 months ago

                >hey man incest probably happens in rural areas
                Candlekeep and Baldur's Gate isn't exactly what I'd call a rural area. Nor would I say "incest has literally zero negative implications or consequences in my settings and its totally normal for moms to frick their sons" is the same as "hey incest SOMETIMES happens in rural or isolated regions", but you already knew that you disingenuous weirdo.
                >why are you simping for reddit?
                Sorry bud, but the truth isn't reddit. I'm sorry it makes you upset your childhood daddy figure is an unabashed coomer, but that's the reality of the situation and crying BAWWWW, REDDIT won't change that.

              • 3 months ago

                He didn't say totally normal, just not scandalized assuming precautions are used to prevent pregnancy.
                And yes generally in a society where STDs and unwanted pregnancies don't exist sex would be without consequence and likely far more common.

              • 3 months ago

                >Candlekeep and Baldur's Gate isn't exactly what I'd call a rural area.
                Then why are you talking about Candlekeep and Baldurs Gate you fricking moron?

                >Nor would I say "incest has literally zero negative implications or consequences in my settings and its totally normal for moms to frick their sons" is the same as "hey incest SOMETIMES happens in rural or isolated regions"
                Well good thing then that he didn't say that.
                But I can see how people like you would make up shit in their demented brains to then shit and piss themselves over something that offended them.

                >ut you already knew that you disingenuous weirdo.
                Thats rich coming from someone who decided to make up shit and lie through his teeth because Greenwood offended his pet subreddit somehow.

                >Sorry bud, but the truth isn't reddit.
                No, but you are.

                >I'm sorry it makes you upset your childhood daddy figure is an unabashed coomer, but that's the reality of the situation and crying BAWWWW, REDDIT won't change that.
                Too bad you didnt prove any of it.

                And the reason you haven't provided any receipts is because you went out of your way to make up shit, misrepresent what was said and you know that if you actually started posting the quotes you refer to people would call you on your bullshit.

                Because thats the kind of people you redditors are.
                Everything about you is fake and gay.
                Every accusation is based on projection.
                And not a single of your ilk ever has enough backbone to admit that he was wrong.

            • 3 months ago

              >because reddit
              Greenwood was horny before Reddit.
              People were noticing Greenwood's magical realm before Reddit.
              Reddit is shit, but you can't just flail every time someone posts and scream Reddit, Reddit.

    • 3 months ago

      Neets become neets because they're ugly, they don't become ugly because they're neets.

    • 3 months ago

      >no natural sunlight
      That's actually very good for your skin if you can get enough vitamin D intake from food. Ultraviolet damages your skin like a motherfricker, it's the main reason you get wrinkles and spots on your face.

  11. 3 months ago

    Smaller body = less argonian flesh needed to make boots

  12. 3 months ago
  13. 3 months ago

    Slopgays are worse than footgays, I swear.

  14. 3 months ago


    >You must continue the human species.
    >Wants to breed with Drow servants.
    Truly, delusions of the Lesser Kin know no bounds.

  15. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Is she a monk? Why didn't she wear any armor before fighting that demon?

      • 3 months ago

        i think she means to wrestle in the greek fashion

      • 3 months ago

        >he doesn't know about certain drow traditions

    • 3 months ago

      Wash your feet you filthy b***h

    • 3 months ago

      Makes the image with AI
      Puts his name in it

    • 3 months ago

      Makes the image with AI
      Puts his name in it

      I don't understand.

      • 3 months ago

        He's so mindbroken by AI that whenever he sees art he assumes it's done by it.

  16. 3 months ago
  17. 3 months ago

    Would you like the real answer?
    Because the people who currently work at wotc aren't familiar with anything that came before.
    They just said they wanted Greyhawk elf heights again and then realized Greyhawk didn't define drow heights, so they went with smaller even though drow lore has them eating huge amounts of meat and veggies and even specialized Underdark fruits.
    But Underdark also makes people think of real caves instead of hollow earth so they never consider that.

  18. 3 months ago

    Because they are BUILT for the BIG SURFACE wiener and crave to be dominated and turned into obedient tradwives by SURFACE MEN

  19. 3 months ago

    That's human-sized though, my wife if 5'.

    • 3 months ago

      Anon, average American woman is 5'4".
      South American women are 5'1".
      .... so you have a hot, fat booty latina wife?
      Or a petite asian wife?
      Good on ya!

      • 3 months ago

        Your rationale is erroneus. Average height is just an intersection of a measured lower height and a higher height from the same demographic.

        • 3 months ago

          My rationale is that I hope he got a hot, petite girl, anon.
          Kinda homosexualry is this post? Do you like pussy, bro?

        • 3 months ago

          Average is usually used as colloquialism for mean.

          • 3 months ago

            stop being average to me 🙁

  20. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago


  21. 3 months ago

    The amusing part about this height chart is that the drow and hill giant dwarf are depicted as woman, because they are taller than the men of their species.

  22. 3 months ago

    >mention this to a drow woman
    >get pic related

    • 3 months ago

      where's the follow up with all of them post mating press?

      • 3 months ago

        I, too, feel this is the natural conclusion of that picture.

    • 3 months ago

      >When drow get their hands on the guy fantasizing about corrective rape

      • 3 months ago

        And then they force him to rape them one by one at a knifepoint?

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        Opinion discarded

        • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          That's some lame stream media tier wit, anon. You okay? You get lost on the way to facebook?

          • 3 months ago

            >That's some lame stream media tier wit
            Says the guy using "lame stream media" like some sort of right wing boomer

            • 3 months ago

              >Says the guy using "lame stream media" like some sort of right wing boomer
              Well then, as you younglings say: crippled flow content.

              • 3 months ago

                Nobody is asking about your scabbed shut neovegana my guy

        • 3 months ago

          Cry more, Baalbuddy is awesome.

      • 3 months ago

        >male iblith
        >breeding slave
        you can only pick one
        I mean it is pretty clear that artist only cares about his hentai elves
        no female drow would debase herself like that

        • 3 months ago

          It's a pornbrained shitposting thread.
          Drow are exactly what anons lust demands, the actual lore that the topic is based on be damned.

  23. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      looks like a drukhari got reincarnated isekaid into the forgotten realms world

  24. 3 months ago

    Damn this made me look up drizzts height and he was 5'4

    • 3 months ago

      he's just 200; he isn't dead yet!

  25. 3 months ago

    >the virgin 5ft8 forgotten realms human vs the graychad 6ft-7ft human

  26. 3 months ago

    Why don't you pick a D&D general thread, or make one that isn't there, and discuss your non-game trash there?

  27. 3 months ago

    I dunno. Its especially weird because they're coded as aristocracy like the tall Celtic elves they're based on, and stat wise are incredibly dangerous at both spell casting and melee combat. They'd be less silly if say, on average, the females were about 178 cm and 60 kg and the males were about 188 cm and 80 kg.

    • 3 months ago

      Them being dangerous has nothing to do with them being tall. DnD is not as grounded a fantasy as anything Tolkien wrote and certainly not the sources he took inspiration from.

      • 3 months ago

        And thats why it will be well below the stuff they cribbed from as far as world setting goes.

        Always were, Greenwood acts like a free hippie liberal on the surface but right underneath there is a hardcore deep state esque Illuminati CIA happening in anything he writes, whether Harpers or Chosen or Waterdeep or FRICKING CORMYR. I don't think he's even conscious of the fact that he's doing it.

        Not surprising, ever hear of Walter Duranty, etc.?

        Why would anyone even go so anally into such minute detail of the setting unless you're a hardcore glowaboo? I can't believe this creepy dude created the most popular fantasy setting.

        Tolkien was just as autistic, just less perverted.

        I always head canoned it as "twisted" beauty, especially Lolth who I never truly believed would actually be attractive given the fact her existence is cruelty and subversion. Sure, there is a sexual charm, but I always imagined it to be an illusion, a "web" (heh...) weaved in front of your eyes to entice you and then reveal the monster behind it. I always pictured Drow women to be especially ugly. Short, angry, full of incompetent womanly rage that expresses itself into useless brutality and senseless manipulation and violence. The men are gaunt, lean, probably fed a diet that keeps them from developing the muscle mass necessary to snap a neck.

        Nah, drow work perfectly as very attractive and regal super-beings, but evil. If you believed you were a member of the mistress race destined to rule over the masses of sub-drow and that power was its own virtue, would you act any differently than them? Remember, evil has a seductive quality to us humans. Drow are a reminder of that.

        • 3 months ago

          Tolkien was an anarchist, he would get a heart attack from this amount of glowie wienersucking.

          • 3 months ago

            No the frick he wasn't.

      • 3 months ago

        Tolkien, grounded. Maybe Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Silmarillion is absolute bullshit.

  28. 3 months ago
  29. 3 months ago
  30. 3 months ago
  31. 3 months ago
  32. 3 months ago

    >lists tieflings as an independent race
    >doesn't list aasimar, axani, cansin, any genasi or any other planetouched

    • 3 months ago

      >doesn't differentiate based on gender

  33. 3 months ago
  34. 3 months ago
  35. 3 months ago

    >what eating bugs and lichen pasta for 3000 years does to a MF

  36. 3 months ago

    They're not quite that small. But if you bred drow with halflings (keeps a similar figure at lesser height) or with gnomes (not quite shortstack drow but getting there) you could certainly get a suitcase drow.

    • 3 months ago

      Drow should be a race of shortstack dommy-mommies that nobody takes seriously because it's hard to be intimidating and evil when you're 3 feet tall and a third of your weight is ass.

      • 3 months ago

        You have dwarves for that.

        • 3 months ago

          Drow should be a race of shortstack dommy-mommies that nobody takes seriously because it's hard to be intimidating and evil when you're 3 feet tall and a third of your weight is ass.

          I feel as if the duergar is the most cucked race in all the forgotten realms; I don't have any actual evidence, they just feel like they’re just there, so the surface dwarves also get their own special underdark companion
          which is weird because all dwarves live underground in holes, so in a way they’re all under dwarves

          • 3 months ago

            Hill dwarves also exist, but I'm still not convinced those aren't just particularly fat and burly halflings

          • 3 months ago

            It's clear Ed never gave a frick about them.
            The elves he gave loose notes on and then has time and time again said talk to Elaine Cunningham, she's the elf expert and responsible for the best elf lore in D&D/FR.
            Dwarves very few people care about, and Ed's contribution to the dwarven race was very different from what D&D wanted to do.
            Namely he said dwarves weren't dying out because they can frick humans and give birth to full blooded dwarves, just "pure" dwarves were dying out due to increased radiation levels from a plot that never went anywhere due to company changes.
            He also said dwarves don't give a frick about ethnic groups, as far as a dwarf is concerned if you act like a wussy city slicker you're a city dwarf, if you're an old conservative frick you're a mountain dwarf, and if you have more money than sense you're a gold dwarf.

            Duergar don't fit in with either of those things and even the greybox says something about them that sums up to "They exist, maybe another book will explain."
            Then the Dwarves Deep book about FR dwarves says "Uhh they exist, maybe another book will explain."

            • 3 months ago

              Dwarves are always the unwanted in fantasy settings. Dwarves but evil even more so. It's kind of a shame because duergar could be interesting, the psionics, association with illithid empires, and other aspects, but nobody has ever given a frick and nobody will ever give a frick.

              • 3 months ago

                Tome of Foes making them tetotallers because of ALL the horrible shit the Illithids did to their brains short circuiting their connection to the Dwarven memory hive mind was kind of cool.

              • 3 months ago

                Age of Sigmar did a wonderful job with their dwarfs.

              • 3 months ago

                >Age of Sigmar
                >wonderful job
                Take your meds.

              • 3 months ago

                Why don't you go play TOW instead?
                Oh, I just remembered.
                Not a single fricking soul plays that LOL

      • 3 months ago

        It's equally hard to look hot when you're 3 feet tall and a third of your weight is ass.

        • 3 months ago

          I have a physical copy of this on my bookshelf

          • 3 months ago

            That's not something I'd proudly say even on Ganker.

          • 3 months ago

            >tfw you find out "Ass-Goblins of Auschwitz" is a real book and not just some shit an AI has hallucinated

            • 3 months ago

              It's actually not bad, as far as gonzo-shock literature goes.
              I rate the writing a tier above "The vegana Ass of Lucifer Black personbastard" don't ban me mods, that's the actual title of the book, but I think that comes down to personal taste. I have PDFs of both but not a physical copy of vegana Ass.

              Ass Goblins is written from a child's POV and actually carries that to about the degree you'd expect of a book where literal sentient evil nazi ass goblins invade earth and put all the children in death camps. There's remarkably little swearing, which juxtaposes the disgusting scenes of body horror. The whole thing is bizarre and feels like a series of linked scenes rather than an actual plot, insert castlevania dracula quote here - the same could be said of most low grade literature.

              Meanwhile, vegana Ass seems to work on the following process
              >Have a character belch out an absurd series of swears and curses
              >Contrive that string to be something real in the setting
              for instance, the protagonist, Mr Lucifer N., has a friend which is a sentient sack of baby shit, because it makes the strings of swears more funny.
              However, you can't carry a whole book that way without it losing its impact. I think that, if TVAoLN has a point, "that" is the point.

              Here endeth the lesson.

              • 3 months ago

                Post PDFs of Ass goblins, pls.

              • 3 months ago

                Your curse is my obligation.

              • 3 months ago

                Thanks. I'm not gonna post goblin ass though, because that would be OT.

      • 3 months ago

        At some point it's just a whole race of Midna and I might be okay with that.

        • 3 months ago

          >Drow are replaced with a race of smug female imps with hips twice as wide as their shoulders
          This would be a definite improvement

      • 3 months ago


  37. 3 months ago
  38. 3 months ago
  39. 3 months ago

    That is not a drow woman, it is a drow man.

  40. 3 months ago

    The best writing RA Salvatore did was drop a moon on Chewbacca

  41. 3 months ago

    >Why are drow women so smal
    D&Dslop drow women*

    • 3 months ago

      Dnd drow are the only drow. Perhaps you meant dark elves?

  42. 3 months ago

    D&D elves are depicted as being shorter on average than humans for whatever reason, which has always seemed a bit weird to me.

  43. 3 months ago


    By whatever the standards of the day were, though. Plus, one of the things FATAL gets right is that there's more to being hot than JUST your face.
    >Facial charisma
    >Bodily Attractiveness
    >Kinetic Charisma
    >Vocal Charisma
    >Various skills

    You know how there's a difference between "this person's got a nice ass" and "this person knows how to walk in a way that makes you want to be bursting inside of her, right now"?

    Cleopatra had multiple world leaders of the era lamenting how they weren't balls deep in her every time they left her court. I have to imagine she had both the looks and the skills, even if the looks differ from region to region and era to era.

  44. 3 months ago


    They rendered her nose wrong. And with some makeup she'd be a solid 8, which may as well be a 72 for what pussy politicians typically pull

  45. 3 months ago


    >Inbreeding doesn't affect your intelligence.
    Complete nonsense. All evidence suggests that inbreeding does indeed affect your intelligence.
    >That one incredibly inbred king of Spain who died in his 30's was reported to be very smart.
    >That one
    Individual outliers are not good indicators for general trends, moronanon.

    • 3 months ago

      >All evidence
      What evidence? Studies conducted in countries where consanguineous marriages have been consigned to the underprivileged families for centuries? Big whoop! Besides, any positive correlation could be explained away by the increased likelihood of genetic developmental disabilities surfacing, not general lowering of intelligence.

  46. 3 months ago

    those are some skinny-ass dwarves

    • 3 months ago

      That's how dwarves always were before nu-fantasy made them as wide as they are tall.

      • 3 months ago

        Nah he's right, could have stumpier limbs and bigger head.

      • 3 months ago

        Is Warhammer nu-fantasy?

  47. 3 months ago

    all types of elves should be taller than humans

  48. 3 months ago
  49. 3 months ago


    oh no, "infinite fountain of AI-generated elf images" thread #3 got pruned? I was about to crank my hog to that one, respectfully. Now I'll have to find one of the other threads into which people are emptying the infinite fountain of AI-generated elf images.

    • 3 months ago

      You can go to Ganker for that, mods there don't moderate elf threads.

    • 3 months ago

      Why does AI make freak the frick out so much?

      • 3 months ago

        Because it puts vast majority of mediocre smut peddlers out of work.

        • 3 months ago

          That's good tho.

      • 3 months ago

        1. It's boring by its nature. By constantly optimizing for the most expected pixel placements it is literally incapable of doing something original and at its most ideal function creates things that are definitionally mid. This means it's a waste of time.
        2. It's ugly. Outside of boring things being unaesthetic tautologically, the flaws of the algorithm mean that it is always creating obvious and glaring errors that only the most dimwitted sycophants can ignore. Lines that to nowhere, artifacting, broken patterns, muddy details, no overall coherence, foreground elements disjointed from background elements, and all of it without any meaning. Art communicates, but a generated image or body of text does not have something to communicate. It is abberant and empty, which makes it a waste of time.

        • 3 months ago

          3. The instinct to create art is human patternseeking and pleasureseeking. It is also a skill that someone can get better at, and one is those sublimely rare skills that can be perfected and improved over an entire lifetime. 90 year old artists still practice and improve at their mediums. Prompting a generator has an extremely low skill ceiling and there is no direct control over any result, which means it cannot be improved and enriched. A trained artist would be able to use it as a step in an overall process, manipulating things before and after, which is not something that a person who intentionally avoided practicing art (a "non-artist" which I reject as a premise; they are rather an incompetent and undisciplined artist because so much of what people do is itself artistic). It fails at its premise of "anyone can make art now" and is therefore a waste of time.
          4. Stealing the valor of people who do not get respect from society is absolutely harebrained. Art has its value habitually disregarded, and the control of a work of art is ignored as a matter of course. This website itself functions entirely on that disregard, and the dataset the algorithm works on even more so It's self-defeating to its core. Since you are lacking the internal drive of satisfaction from practice and craft, and you are lacking the external drive of respect and prestige, everyone except the dimmest bulbs can see that it's a waste of time.

          Do you need me to keep going? Or have you picked up on the thesis here. I ask because you are pretty obviously dumb as dirt, evidenced by your failure to string a basic sentence together and inability to speculate on what everyone else grasped months ago.

          • 3 months ago

            >Prompting a generator has an extremely low skill ceiling and there is no direct control over any result, which means it cannot be improved and enriched.
            The folks writing stuff like LoRA, LyCORIS, ControlNet ect are putting in some good work that should be aknowledged though.

            Doesn't change the fact that your generic prompter who's flooding the internet with images of big booba ladies is just a monkey brain plugged into a USB port.

        • 3 months ago

          3. The instinct to create art is human patternseeking and pleasureseeking. It is also a skill that someone can get better at, and one is those sublimely rare skills that can be perfected and improved over an entire lifetime. 90 year old artists still practice and improve at their mediums. Prompting a generator has an extremely low skill ceiling and there is no direct control over any result, which means it cannot be improved and enriched. A trained artist would be able to use it as a step in an overall process, manipulating things before and after, which is not something that a person who intentionally avoided practicing art (a "non-artist" which I reject as a premise; they are rather an incompetent and undisciplined artist because so much of what people do is itself artistic). It fails at its premise of "anyone can make art now" and is therefore a waste of time.
          4. Stealing the valor of people who do not get respect from society is absolutely harebrained. Art has its value habitually disregarded, and the control of a work of art is ignored as a matter of course. This website itself functions entirely on that disregard, and the dataset the algorithm works on even more so It's self-defeating to its core. Since you are lacking the internal drive of satisfaction from practice and craft, and you are lacking the external drive of respect and prestige, everyone except the dimmest bulbs can see that it's a waste of time.

          Do you need me to keep going? Or have you picked up on the thesis here. I ask because you are pretty obviously dumb as dirt, evidenced by your failure to string a basic sentence together and inability to speculate on what everyone else grasped months ago.

          What I'm getting here is that you were a really mid artist with delusions of grandeur who made some cash from commissions prior to AI art, but now that AI art has taken over the mid-to-low tier custom art market you're out of work and assblasted.

          That about right?

          • 3 months ago

            Not even close. I'm a biologist by trade. You are a born sucker if you think slop is anything more than the latest fad from the crowd of emptyskulled hypebeasts that bought into nfts and crypto.

        • 3 months ago

          3. The instinct to create art is human patternseeking and pleasureseeking. It is also a skill that someone can get better at, and one is those sublimely rare skills that can be perfected and improved over an entire lifetime. 90 year old artists still practice and improve at their mediums. Prompting a generator has an extremely low skill ceiling and there is no direct control over any result, which means it cannot be improved and enriched. A trained artist would be able to use it as a step in an overall process, manipulating things before and after, which is not something that a person who intentionally avoided practicing art (a "non-artist" which I reject as a premise; they are rather an incompetent and undisciplined artist because so much of what people do is itself artistic). It fails at its premise of "anyone can make art now" and is therefore a waste of time.
          4. Stealing the valor of people who do not get respect from society is absolutely harebrained. Art has its value habitually disregarded, and the control of a work of art is ignored as a matter of course. This website itself functions entirely on that disregard, and the dataset the algorithm works on even more so It's self-defeating to its core. Since you are lacking the internal drive of satisfaction from practice and craft, and you are lacking the external drive of respect and prestige, everyone except the dimmest bulbs can see that it's a waste of time.

          Do you need me to keep going? Or have you picked up on the thesis here. I ask because you are pretty obviously dumb as dirt, evidenced by your failure to string a basic sentence together and inability to speculate on what everyone else grasped months ago.

          Draw the furry OCs, Shinji

        • 3 months ago

          3. The instinct to create art is human patternseeking and pleasureseeking. It is also a skill that someone can get better at, and one is those sublimely rare skills that can be perfected and improved over an entire lifetime. 90 year old artists still practice and improve at their mediums. Prompting a generator has an extremely low skill ceiling and there is no direct control over any result, which means it cannot be improved and enriched. A trained artist would be able to use it as a step in an overall process, manipulating things before and after, which is not something that a person who intentionally avoided practicing art (a "non-artist" which I reject as a premise; they are rather an incompetent and undisciplined artist because so much of what people do is itself artistic). It fails at its premise of "anyone can make art now" and is therefore a waste of time.
          4. Stealing the valor of people who do not get respect from society is absolutely harebrained. Art has its value habitually disregarded, and the control of a work of art is ignored as a matter of course. This website itself functions entirely on that disregard, and the dataset the algorithm works on even more so It's self-defeating to its core. Since you are lacking the internal drive of satisfaction from practice and craft, and you are lacking the external drive of respect and prestige, everyone except the dimmest bulbs can see that it's a waste of time.

          Do you need me to keep going? Or have you picked up on the thesis here. I ask because you are pretty obviously dumb as dirt, evidenced by your failure to string a basic sentence together and inability to speculate on what everyone else grasped months ago.

          Based beyond belief.

      • 3 months ago

        They're database query applications.

        We used to call those "search engines".

        Only that they're useless as database query applications because the companies claim that they can't let you access the actual data that they have generated through Captcha and literal farms of ESL employees performing database entries of image descriptions.

        The field ultimately is a legal a mechanical turk scam that's meant to cut off any claim to monetizations humans can level towards search engines by having its associated AI blend everything it refers to into some kind of slop and serve that to end users.

        On that level and below, the tech is thus mainly employed to increase the signal/noise-ratio on channels and block and redirect users towards services provided by whoever owns the computers running the AI application.

        Because it puts vast majority of mediocre smut peddlers out of work.

        That's good tho.

        Healthy markets require a broad basis of mediocre service providers to foster excellence, simply because attaining excellence is expensive enough to be unaffordable for artists unless the market has attained enough volume to carry them all the way to the top.

        With AI, gitting gud will mean nothing, because if you make a penny, some data trawler program can notice and trigger AI to create copycats of your products and services for a halfpence. While surpressing your discoverability, mind you.

      • 3 months ago

        It's soullessness, defined.
        You can use it well, but atop what others have said, it also fostered mid-tier and shit-tier works, because the kind of people who abuse it just want pornography of sufficient render quality, and content, without realizing that art (even the pornographic type) is based around illustration of concept and emotion. It's why when toffs go to an art gallery, they can talk for hours about each piece, because art is separated from drawings by meaning.
        This is what differentiates an artwork from a rendering, to simplify it down to just 2d forms and all.
        This the algorithm can render, but it can't do art well, because ultimately it doesn't know what it's rendering (as it's not a true AI yet), and because it's rendering using human artistry as a basis, which is prone to faults.
        Thusly, you get a work with aspects that are impossible to match for anyone without a fine arts degree, which is incredibly demoralizing for any aspiring drawgay, seeing a flood of images with a higher render quality than they can dream of, but it's also possessed of next to no true artistry (because algorithm only picks up on composition and themes second hand from the data it's using), and features fundamental failings, because the 'artist' was a lazy coomer who just hit "generate" thoughtlessly for a couple hours until they saw something "good enough"/settled on an image, and never even inspected it for basic flaws or thought about if it's a good art.

        TL:DR, you can use AI to assist art making (even if I personally disapprove due to it being a tool promoting skill loss to an extent unlike others, which eventually puts a ceiling on your own abilities as an artist), but to use it well enough to actually make art, you end up needing to have the same skills as an amateur artgay in the first place. Except this way it's easier to not feel the need.

        • 3 months ago

          >It's why when toffs go to an art gallery, they can talk for hours about each piece, because art is separated from drawings by meaning.
          The statue got me high.

        • 3 months ago

          Ok but why shouldn't I post AI elves? They create feelings and emotions for me. I'm not money laundering so I don't care about muh art and I don't care if someone doesn't pick up a hobby because there are pics that look too good

  50. 3 months ago


    your drows are so boring though. It's the same one thing over and over, you fricking autist.

  51. 3 months ago


    Just because you took a shit doesn't mean you have to share it with the class, slopspammer

  52. 3 months ago

    Why would a race that lives underground have dark skin?

    • 3 months ago

      To survive the radiation that soaks the Underdark, lorelet tourist.

    • 3 months ago

      Why would you post on a board about fantasy shit without having read any fantasy?

  53. 3 months ago


    Why is she using a helium balloon to hide her lopsided mastectomy?

  54. 3 months ago


    >spams a thread that clearly doesn't want him around because his feelings got hurt
    >calls others fragile

  55. 3 months ago

    For me (male) it's a Goliath (female)

  56. 3 months ago
  57. 3 months ago

    Not reading the whole thread
    But why is every depiction of short races always have them have weird body proportions?
    Dwarves I understand, they're specifically called out as having a "stout" stature.
    But gnomes and halflings are always troglodyte looking abominations. Why can't they just have adult human proportions but be small? I am specifically saying ADULT proportions.

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