Why are MMO's getting worse? For me it's that they are simply single player games with no MP systems

Why are MMO's getting worse?
For me it's that they are simply single player games with no MP systems

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  1. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      There was a post I saw on Ganker this morning that I think summed it up pretty well.
      >Content in MMOs used to exist to facilitate socialization. Now socialization in MMOs only exists to faciliate content.


      ppl coming home and working their second jobb, should be shipped of to China

  2. 2 years ago

    There was a post I saw on Ganker this morning that I think summed it up pretty well.
    >Content in MMOs used to exist to facilitate socialization. Now socialization in MMOs only exists to faciliate content.

    • 2 years ago

      Exactly, MMOs of old used to be the genre of freedom. But then MMOs lost their niche.
      The classics had a great deal of socialization because their content required people to work together to explore and discover shit.

      Modern MMOs have instanced everything and their design is highly curated content that forces players to "work" together. Everything is dictated by the game, the goals are mandated by the developers. The players who sought freedom and exploration literally went to explore elsewhere, and the modern MMO are full of living npcs who want tasks given to them. There is zero reason to interact with the other players, not even during the instanced dungeons which automatically matchmake you with random people. As long as you all do your "job", the dungeon is cleared without a word spoken, the other players don't even become acquaintances.

      Now the genre of exploration, experimentation, and camaraderie are the open world survival games, the Minecrafts. They don't need hundreds of people; just two or a dozen people in the same world will naturally go about working together, building, trading, exploring and fighting. The goals are that of the players. Defeat the endboss dragon? Sure, but who cares, build a castle, delve into a huge cave you found, craft some Rube Goldberg machine, do whatever.

    • 2 years ago

      It's not just MMOs. Videogames overall have become worse. It's mostly because the people making videogames today grew up doing nothing BUT playing videogames. All the arts turn to shit when this happens.

      Pretty much is the case for MMOs in particular, and the reason why that happened is what I just stated above. Instead of making MMOs with greater goals in mind, now people make and play MMOs because they don't know what else to do with themselves other than that. It's compulsory now.

  3. 2 years ago

    Because you're in the dystopian future timeline where Everquestish theme parks beat Ultima Online sandboxes.
    City of Heroes and Star Wars Galaxies were shut down without ever getting a sequel.
    WoW eclipsed the market so badly its only competition is a japanese clone of itself that is only 10th iteration in a long series of WoW clones.
    Enjoy your stay.

  4. 2 years ago

    Open world sims have been in a massive decline, which is the foundation that all MMOs are built.

    All games that commercially call themselves "MMOs" are really just scuffed always online gacha grinder RPGs usually modeled after WOW to attract WOW refugees, which there are millions of

    Every 'successful' modern MMO is either whaling trash or is an attempt to 'fix' WOW by removing its MMO elements, for example FFXIV is the most anti-MMO thus far, but is now the poster child of 'modern MMOs' despite the fact its built around 8 man raiding and single player storylines, but just because its marketed as an MMO, WOW refugees flock to it hoping to scratch that pre-MOP itch.

  5. 2 years ago

    because the unwashed masses dont want mmos, they want a single player game that lets you show them online. the mmo part is only applied so they have an excuse to charge a monthly fee despite taking literally no advantage of the genre. they dont want to explore or live in another world, they want to get the thing with the biggest numbers so that they can get the next thing with biggest numbers.

    It's bizarre that you cant even bring up the idea of a non-wow clone mmo. people have become so used to that paradigm that they cant possibly imagine how a mmo could play differently

    • 2 years ago

      >they dont want to explore or live in another world
      Modern mmos are much more social in the roleplaying and people actually wanting to live there and do mundane shit. XIV is slowly approaching Second Life in the amount of official and unofficial shit made exclusively for hang outs. Older mmos weren't nearly as focused in being social platforms with few notable exceptions.

  6. 2 years ago

    because there's no reason to play midevil fantasy mmo #638368456475675674456754, when midevil fantasy mmo #3 has everything the other ones do.

  7. 2 years ago

    Pretty sure all the social mmo stuff happens in like GTA Online or whatever these days.

  8. 2 years ago

    I never played it but roblox seems like the ultimate mmo experience. Wow, everquest, runescape, the secret world, minecraft, gta rpg cant compete with a completly sandbox game where people have freedome to create everything, even the game itself (coding)

    Plebbit rave about the secret world quests. Seems fun

    Btw i think umanity needs an mmo fps...

    • 2 years ago

      >i think umanity needs an mmo fps
      Every one that tried has failed or shut down after a short time.
      The only "big" FPS that continues to stand is Planetside 2, but that's pure PvP.
      I miss Global Agenda.

  9. 2 years ago

    because everyone has turned into autistic homosexuals with no social skills and the thought of teamwork or player interaction scares people

  10. 2 years ago

    MMOs aren't getting worse. Gamers/players are getting worse. And the genre is trying to "adapt" to keep up. It's a question of chicken before the egg. Some think that MMOs drive player behavior, but they don't. Players just quit the game if it pushes them in a direction they don't like. Even if it results in a healthier game/in their best interest. My favorite thing to point to is Classic WoW. Just seeing that community before vanilla and after vanilla classic released is hilarious. We went from "Take your time!", "Be friendly!", "No changes!" to "I need to buy gold to bypass farming/grinding/progression", "I refuse to engage with other players beyond raiding and will log out then b***h online between raid resets about how boring the game is", "I need automated LFG/LFD/LFR", "I need to boost with mages to stay competitive", "Please change classic WoW to be retail".

    Two years before WoW came out, Playstation and Xbox both got online multiplayer for the first time. MOBAs were only 1 year old. Quake was 8. Counter strike was only 4 years old. Biggest multiplayer games before WoW were a spattering of some FPS/arenas shooters, RTS games, and a few MMORGPs. Populations would be considered dead by today's standards. The ability to interact with people from anywhere in the world was a fresh concept for a lot of players. It had a huge amount of novelty. And games like MMORPGs allowed you to "be in the same world at the same time on the same screen" with tons of other players at once. There really nothing was like it. It's also why people were so much more social.

    Now a days the social aspect isn't a novelty. That got outsourced. To social media. To discord. To twitch streamers. Now its all about being competitive. Accomplishments. Not community. Aotc, pushing rating, world firsts, parses, etc.

  11. 2 years ago

    Theme parks beat out sandboxes, and now we’re stuck with endless trash

  12. 2 years ago

    Every MMO is progression based, the problem with progression based MMOs is over time people reach an 'end game' where there isn't much to do but a set list of chores to min-max your character, since WOW the idea of soft and hard resets on characters to get people to do lower tier content has pretty much been removed in favor of seasonal content zergs, which is why people will burn through an MMO in a matter of weeks and burn out and only the autistic morons remain not realizing that getting the Best in Slot gear doesn't fricking matter if its replaced in a single patch, thats the modern MMO.

    Back in the day we had soft and hard resets, and end game wasn't the main game, if you wanted a new build, you needed to roll a new character, if you died, you either lost your character or lost some experience or deleveled. Gacha obssessed trooners fricking hate this and only want to be full best in slot like its a fricking JRPG or some shit, but thats also why MMO developers force them to do time gated chores for less than 1% drop rates on items, because no risk = no reward, so the only way to make them feel anything about getting a good item is to gate it behind an insane time and RNG grind. Why do you think Bind on Pickup became the norm, and not only something reserved for quest rewards? Because someone will just buy all the good shit and get bored in a week

    • 2 years ago

      This makes me think a lot about the cult following of vanilla fresh pservers. Instead of getting a reset via an expansion, you just get a new fresh server. Each time you play, you take different paths (maybe a new class, gearing path, etc) and try to do better and that’s the new “content”. It’s like each fresh server is a chance to compete against yourself and others. I actually think this is better in a lot of ways than endlessly churning out new expansions which invalidate old content. But, leveling in vanilla is such a chore and the game really needs _some_ changes.

      • 2 years ago

        My point was that in older MMOs there was an ebb and flow to progression, sometimes you're set back, sometimes you achieve higher heights.

        Hard resets are the biggest gay and makes the whole idea of a living virtual world obsolete which is why MMOs are dying, most games that come out ignore that major aspect that is core to the subgenre.

        • 2 years ago

          The real problem with current MMORPG's is they don't fulfill any part of the acronym. WoW hasn't been an RPG in a decade and instancing eliminates the massively multiplayer aspect to begin with. You don't need to cooperate with anyone to succeed and no one is distinct so you don't fill any necessary roles that would facilitate cooperation anyway.
          To make it worse, WoW was an absurd lightning bolt in a bottle. The sub numbers were fake, but they were still huge and set a standard. The "tiny" playerbases that made Everquest, Runescape and Ultima Online huge successes are now considered total flops.
          Your MMORPG with deep character customization and challenging overworld content only got 100k players? It's trash, better shut down the servers.

      • 2 years ago

        >leveling in vanilla is such a chore
        this is where you are wrong. if you are wow veteran you shouldve realized already leveling is the endgame. if you are not having fun engaging in world pvp while leveling or running low level dungeons with friends then why the frick are you even playing

      • 2 years ago

        Expansions would be fine if they integrated with the existing world rather than added new land masses and invalidated old content. This would only really be possible if MMO worlds were more dynamic, such as having ecosystems in different biomes that players can interact with and alter, roaming NPC factions that assimilate with their surrounding environment in an attempt to grow and take it over, random world events like procedurally generated villain characters who appear for a time and make significant changes to the game while active, etc., so that expansion content can be seamlessly added to existing tables of dynamic content to make the game genuinely richer rather than eventually stretched thin. That's how MMO worlds should be anyway, and certainly in 2022, now that we've had decades of MMOs with static worlds and virtually nonexistent ecosystems.

  13. 2 years ago

    XI was 20 years ago.

    You grew up and so did we. That is all.

  14. 2 years ago

    back when mmos first appeared they were really appealing and attracted a lot of people that wanted to play rpgs.
    Then years down the line all they attract is people that want a chatroom and asians.
    The difference is night and day to me, the first mmos i played were basically like online LARPs. Then i joined WoW years later and its nothing but chinese gold farmers and mentally ill gays being perverts.

  15. 2 years ago

    Every MMO tries too hard to be an action game but strips out all the mechanical depth for 50 different versions of slash and bolt while the monster AI and interactivity only gets shittier relying more on groundfire and stacking debuffs and less on actual mechanics.

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