Why are so many YouTube guides for EU4 just follow-along and restart if RNG bad?

Why are so many YouTube guides for EU4 just follow-along and restart if RNG bad? I just wanna learn how to play the game, not click the buttons you click

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Why are so many YouTube guides for EU4 just follow-along and restart if RNG bad?

    It’s nearly impossible to do things like win a war against the ottomans as Albania, and beat Spain and Portugal as Grenada without save scumming for 100 rolls in mountain defense battles 32k vs 8k(you)

    Just the way the game is designed.

    • 2 years ago

      Just take loans and go over force limit.

      • 2 years ago

        >You now have 32k vs 16k(you)
        >And are in debt you can't pay back and fricked due to exceeding military limit
        Way to go, champ!

        • 2 years ago

          Well, consider that the turks are incredibly rich, meaning that you can take 800 ducats and war reperations in case of victory. You can 1v1 the Turks as Byzantium using exactly this strategy (and lots of navy cheese).

          • 2 years ago

            It's like you are deliberately missing the point here

            • 2 years ago

              My god, EU4 warfare isn't that hard: Let's consider a Byzantium v. Ottomans 1v1. First you go ahead and wait for tech 4, while focussing on mil points and taking the mil point privilege. Also build a lot of gallies in that time. Then, get that one burgher privilege for cheap loans and hire that one really cheap merc company and another merc with a good general. Rush down the Gallipoli fort so that you can divide the Ottomans into two parts, and then deal with the Balkans. Kill the local 16k Turk stack with your stack, while the other turk stacks rot in Anatolia. Boom, you just won that war without a superior force. You damn dimwit.

              • 2 years ago

                >Kill the local 16k Turk stack with your stack

                >he doesn’t know

                The ottomans have never sent a 16 stack at me during war. Ever. Not even in the first 6 months of the game.

                They have exponentially more than that. Try playing a recent version

              • 2 years ago

                Post hours. If you're not at 1.5k stop acting like such a wise ass, go home, touch grass, get fricked by your mom.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                krauts are worse than burgers though

              • 2 years ago

                He called you out and you got btfo lmfao all those hours and you’re still a moron and absolutely know you were wrong

                Lol he gave you the right strategy and you both still are butthurt. Imagine being a burger

              • 2 years ago

                He called you out and you got btfo lmfao all those hours and you’re still a moron and absolutely know you were wrong

              • 2 years ago

                Okay, here I am again, the actual guy who responded to you in the first place. The fact that you are too dense and tactically rigid that you can't kill the Turks, if I don't give you the exact strategy with all numbers and dates, already tell me that you don't even play this game anyways. Whether the Ottos have 112 or 24k in the Balkans shouldn't be such a fat roadblock that it makes your brain explode.
                >hire mercs (one with a good general)
                >build enough ships to be able to naval barrage and snipe Gallipoli
                >somehow deal with the Turks on your side of the Bosphorus
                Good enough? You can also sell crownland for money btw. For the immediate aftermath, you should conquer Kosovo and dev the absolute frick out of it for that juicy gold income.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >The fact that you are too dense and tactically rigid that you can't kill the Turks

                Beat projection. I never have trouble with the Turks.

                The 12k stacks you say they run around with simply never exist in any start date in the current patch.

                You’re wrong and have been the entire time so you moved goalposts. It’s fine everyone knows you’re a moron you can admit it now

                Maybe you have a pirated game?

              • 2 years ago

                different anon here
                does AI get buffed in pirated games? I've long suspected that's the case, having had different experiences in pirated and legit versions of the game.

              • 2 years ago

                Every build or the game is different.

                Obviously if you have a pirated offline copy, you can’t update to the most recent version of the game. EU4 is old, the game has changed radically from how it used to play. I totally understand that maybe the ottomans only have 10,000 soldiers in that guys game,but that’s simply not the case for anyone playing on a patch from the last 3 years.

      • 2 years ago

        Frick off israelite

  2. 2 years ago

    It's supposed to hold your hand until you are brave enough to try maybe 1-2 things out of the specified sequence.
    Over and over until you try enough deviations to actually play your own game.
    so you can see AI response and not get snowballed by midgame, gives little victories as incentive and lets you experience the various phases of the game.
    so you can learn to recognize hopeless starts and not waste time floundering

    If you don't like it just do the in game tutorial for controls then read up on documentation.

  3. 2 years ago

    paradrones can't think for themselves

  4. 2 years ago

    >I just wanna learn how to play the game, not click the buttons you click
    Too bad, there's nothing to learn.

  5. 2 years ago

    Most youtubers cheat
    Just play Ottomans or England. Maybe France I am not sure how they are now that they have a vassal swarm.

  6. 2 years ago

    >Why are so many YouTube guides for EU4 just follow-along
    You're looking up a "Guide" instead of a Let's Play or a Tutorial and you're surprised they beeline objectives instead of going in-depth into mechanics and how to recover lost positions?
    >and restart if RNG bad?
    It's a game about snowballing. Your first 20 years can win or lose you the campaign. Plus it's basic math - would you rather sink 50 hours into a run before you realize you're slightly behind schedule and doomed to fail your run or would you rather sink 10 runs of 30min to guarantee you an optimal start? You want to knock out the restarts at the very beginning when it's not as punishing.. It is the time to go for high-risk/high-reward gambits, because the pay-off for an early expansion against a superior foe is *massive* while the draw-back is negligible. Mid-game is where you try to make the best of it and run with the punches, not early on. At least for goal-oriented and optimized runs - if you're just playing for fun play on with a shitty early-game (fighting from behind is fun!), but then you wouldn't need a guide.

    • 2 years ago

      even on very hard, this is only true for the most extreme challenges like one cultures. for the most part everything before age of absolutism is almost meaningless and the most likely thing to end your run is boredom

      • 2 years ago

        >this is only true for the most extreme challenges
        For what else would you need to look up guides? I can't imagine OP looking up Ottoman guides on YT and there being restarts in them...
        >for the most part everything before age of absolutism is almost meaningless
        Haven't played in a while, but you used to need a power-base of 2k dev and be spread out across multiple continents so you can jumpstart absolutism and expand in multiple directions without coalitions. Sounds hardly "meaningless" to me. Especially since the AI consolidates into massive blobs like a motherfricker if you let it expand uncontested until the age of absolutism.
        >the most likely thing to end your run is boredom
        I've never felt that way about the earlygame. There's always something to do, someone to challenge you, some nut to crack. Now lategame on the other hand... a WC is such a shitty and boring grindfest, that you *want* to quit out of boredom.

  7. 2 years ago

    eu4 youtube is a cancer which is partially responsible for the current state of the game, just play on your own and use cheats when you are in trouble because reloads and exploits are no better than cheating but require more time and make you hate yourself
    i can watch only timelapses on youtube, because they don't have annoying humans

    • 2 years ago

      >eu4 youtube
      don't remind me of that shit, how did that game even get a clickbaity youtube presence

  8. 2 years ago

    I'm so bad at this game, bros. I can only succeed as a colonial power because I'm so terrible at politicking and maneuvering alliances in Europe.

  9. 2 years ago

    No idea, i just watch Florryworry every now and than and realise i completly suck at this game

  10. 2 years ago

    >muh Balkan units
    Who even deals with those? Just wait for Ottos to dec Candar and they move all their armies to Anatolia, then you have a free Balkans to rape

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