Why are the Assassin's (roughly the equivalent to modern day ISIS) portrayed as the good guys instead of the Templars, who brought Christianity, ...

Why are the Assassin's (roughly the equivalent to modern day ISIS) portrayed as the good guys instead of the Templars, who brought Christianity, civilization and stability?

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  1. 12 months ago

    because the assassins are the scrappy rebels who just wanna be free and the Templars just want to like, control everything man

  2. 12 months ago

    Because in fiction:
    disruption, chaos, regression, individualism, good of the few = good
    order, unity, progress, working togather, good of the many = bad

    • 12 months ago

      God damn israelites.

    • 12 months ago

      >good of the many
      You know the Templars plan to engage in global purges, right? They are genuine globalist NWO types who think the vast majority of the population is too stupid to be allowed to live

      • 12 months ago

        >They think the vast majority of the population is too stupid to be allowed to live
        Y-yeah, that's crazy.

        • 12 months ago

          It's not your choice to decide who should be allowed to live.

          >Templars plan to engage in global purges
          This never happened.
          >They are genuine globalist NWO types
          Globalists worship capital and liberalism, not Christ.

          >never happened
          Because the assassins keep fricking with their plans
          >worship capital and liberalism
          They worship power, and those just happen to be the tools most useful for gaining it. Just like Christ was in the middle ages. The Templars in AC don't give a shit about religion, the entire back story of the franchise is that all religions are fake beliefs created by ancient aliens so that humans (who these aliens bio engineered) would be obedient to them. The Templars are fully aware of this history, and use this knowledge to their advantage. Did you even play the games?
          >casually forgetting the driving force of colonialism (proto globalism) was the desire to spread the word of Christ

          • 12 months ago

            >It's not your choice to decide who should be allowed to live.
            Not that anon but you have to be trolling right. Nobody exists in real life that actually thinks this?

            • 12 months ago

              >Nobody exists in real life that actually thinks this?
              1/3 of the world population is supposedly Christian. I guess they didn't bother to read their field guide, to no one's surprise. Sad irony and pure hypocrisy.

            • 12 months ago

              T. Thinks he will be making the choice

          • 12 months ago

            >It's not your choice to decide who should be allowed to live.
            This line is a core belief of the assassins and it was criticized in the very first game just for being hypocritical. And people still use it 16 years later as a defense against templar sympathizers.

            • 12 months ago

              I think that was the point their core tenant is "we have rules but they don't matter lol"

              • 12 months ago

                Revelations and 4 made a point to show that the line
                >Nothing is true, everything is permitted
                is incredibly subjective to every member and eventually leads to the same results as the templar's
                >May the father of understanding guide us
                where instead of telling themselves that "nothing is true" it's "the father of understanding" thus they can do everything they want because it's God's will

              • 12 months ago

                "Nothing is true" means that society's rules are made up by men, for men. "Everything is permitted" means you should be free to choose what to do for yourself, but to keep in mind you'll likewise reap what you sow be them good or bad things. The mantra essentially tells you to be responsible for your own actions.

            • 12 months ago

              Their claim that it was hypocritical was typical eurokek "self-defense is evil, a criminal has the same right to live as his victim" softhandedness. In reality of it is self-defense is not a crime, and killing someone in self-defense is not an arbitrary decision on who lives and who dies. The Templars have openly stated they intended to kill every Assassin along with a huge percentage of the human population, therefore people are well within their right to kill Templars as a matter of self-preservation. The Templars, as instigators in a violent conflict, forfeited their right to life. Simple as. No different then shooting dead someone who breaks into your house.

              • 12 months ago

                The instigators were the assassins though

      • 12 months ago

        >Templars plan to engage in global purges
        This never happened.
        >They are genuine globalist NWO types
        Globalists worship capital and liberalism, not Christ.

        • 12 months ago

          This. The church would never stoop so low as to become just another money hoarding liberal company! The church has standards, and the way of Christ is to do away with opulence, with gilded cages! There is no place in god's people for amassing gold like some sort of satanic dragon!
          LIBERALS I say! LIBS!

          • 12 months ago

            >Christians who pledge their life to Christ and upholding and spreading the Gospel are the same as atheistic, GDP-obsessed billionaires and politicians because beautiful Churches exist
            Real high IQ argument, my fellow redditor. You really got me.

            • 12 months ago

              Do you honestly believe the catholic church of the middle ages had no corruption? There's a reason the protestant movement happened.

              • 12 months ago

                The conversation is about whether or not the Knights Templar are comparable to modern day globalists, not whether the Catholic Church has ever had corruption.

                NuChristians are insufferable
                Absolutely zero knowledge of history of the Church

                >absolutely no arguments

              • 12 months ago

                The Templars were worse than modern day globalists, because in addition to controlling the vast majority of wealth, they also had a habit of constantly attacking other nations, their own nations, and whoever was sitting around at the time for not being Catholic enough.
                Say what you want about Goldman and Sachs, but at least they don't go around ripping people's skin off in the town square.

              • 12 months ago

                >because in addition to controlling the vast majority of wealth
                The wealth was a result of building civilization. Very different from how the people we're dissing today procure their wealth.
                >they also had a habit of constantly attacking other nations
                As do modern day globalists.
                >their own nations
                Post some examples.
                >and whoever was sitting around at the time for not being Catholic enough.
                And the reason the "NWO globalists" attack nations is for not being liberal/democratic enough.
                >Say what you want about Goldman and Sachs, but at least they don't go around ripping people's skin off in the town square.
                That never happened and Goldman Sachs just makes "risky" economic decisions that send nations and millions of people into recession and poverty.

                The ones in real life? Uh, obviously not... they were just some dudes fighting for king country and god.

                In context of the game Templar is just the current name of the day for the illuminati or whatever, they know the truth about Those Who Came Before and know very well that the religion is all made up. You calling them Christians who are pledged to Christ and the Gospel implies you mean the real institutions and we are talking about the game lore.
                They only worship liberty under the context of the current global sovereignty. We are more free today than ever but also less in other ways. the whole idea behind the illuminati conspiracy is that this is being done to control and give the illusions of freedom. It is precisely what the Templar and Abstergo do in the game, what the assassins seek is true anarchy and individualism but what we see instead is often that backfires like AC3.

                >The ones in real life?
                That's all I've ever been talking about.

                For roughly 1300 years of human history, the Catholic Church was the largest and most powerful institution in existence. If we were to consider the Vatican an Empire (which it was) and calculate its GDP circa 1650, it would dwarf not only any rival empire of its day, it would dwarf the GDP of the modern day USA.
                Their entire MO was about seizing control of all the world's land and bringing it under the dominion of the Catholic Church. One language (Latin), one currency (usually the Spanish Reale), one government (Vatican), one system of laws (Bible), one Dear Leader (the Pope). It was the most totalitarian, despotic, corrupt, globalistic entity to ever exist. They had continent-spanning secret police to hunt down dissenters that existed for centuries.
                There have been points in history where the Catholic Church had direct political and cultural control in over 50% of the world's landmass. If that's not globalism, what the frick is?

                >If that's not globalism
                You may want to read my post again. I never disputed the Catholic Church and thus the Knight's Templar didn't seek to convert people to Christianity on a global scale (call this globalism if you want, though definitionally there are various nuances) I denied modern globalists are similar to the Knight's Templar. Which you seem to recognize yourself, as you admit they were motivated by spreading the Gospel, not spreading liberalism or increasing their GDP, which is what I originally said.

              • 12 months ago

                They were motivated by expanding their power.
                Religion, money, politics; it's all means to an end. You need to open your eyes.

              • 12 months ago

                The ones in real life? Uh, obviously not... they were just some dudes fighting for king country and god.

                In context of the game Templar is just the current name of the day for the illuminati or whatever, they know the truth about Those Who Came Before and know very well that the religion is all made up. You calling them Christians who are pledged to Christ and the Gospel implies you mean the real institutions and we are talking about the game lore.
                They only worship liberty under the context of the current global sovereignty. We are more free today than ever but also less in other ways. the whole idea behind the illuminati conspiracy is that this is being done to control and give the illusions of freedom. It is precisely what the Templar and Abstergo do in the game, what the assassins seek is true anarchy and individualism but what we see instead is often that backfires like AC3.

              • 12 months ago

                For roughly 1300 years of human history, the Catholic Church was the largest and most powerful institution in existence. If we were to consider the Vatican an Empire (which it was) and calculate its GDP circa 1650, it would dwarf not only any rival empire of its day, it would dwarf the GDP of the modern day USA.
                Their entire MO was about seizing control of all the world's land and bringing it under the dominion of the Catholic Church. One language (Latin), one currency (usually the Spanish Reale), one government (Vatican), one system of laws (Bible), one Dear Leader (the Pope). It was the most totalitarian, despotic, corrupt, globalistic entity to ever exist. They had continent-spanning secret police to hunt down dissenters that existed for centuries.
                There have been points in history where the Catholic Church had direct political and cultural control in over 50% of the world's landmass. If that's not globalism, what the frick is?

            • 12 months ago

              NuChristians are insufferable
              Absolutely zero knowledge of history of the Church

              • 12 months ago

                I agree with you, but I think people that don't inline reply the post but reply anyway are the biggest Black folk on Ganker.

        • 12 months ago

          The point is that they never truly worshipped Christ, it was always a front to allow them to do whatever they wanted. Many of them admit this when you assassinat them.
          In the distant past it was random isu artifacts that gave them powers, in the 1000s it was God because they thought Jesus had an isu artifact/blood that could give them powers, and now in the modern day it's technology as an atheistic billion dollar corporation, because it allows them to study and recreate those isu artifacts for power.

    • 12 months ago

      Because none of what you typed is lore-accurate

      >good of the many
      Did you forget about their plot to install an Apple of Eden on a satellite so they could do what Al Mualim does to Masyaf at the end of the game, but worldwide?

    • 12 months ago

      Templars are the epitomy of "good of the few"

    • 12 months ago

      Templars ideas are sound, but the problem is their ego thinking THEY should be ones calling the shots rather than whoever is the most suited. Sometimes they're just c**ts because they have to be the antagonists.

      • 12 months ago

        Syndicate isn't particularly know for its good writing. None of the AC made by Ubisoft Quebec are.

      • 12 months ago

        The problem is who decides who is most suited to make those calls? If it one dictator, thrn who picks the dictator? If it is a democratic vote, then it boils down to the lowest common denominator.

  3. 12 months ago

    Because the game is french

  4. 12 months ago

    Isn't the point that they weren't and the boss wanted to use the piece of eden to his own ends the whole time?

    • 12 months ago

      im the first game, after that you kill the pope then youre a native american rape baby killing his dad then youre a pirate? this story is so moronic

      • 12 months ago

        You never kill the pope so your opinion is discarded l

        • 12 months ago

          You never kill the Pope, what the frick

          are you sure? i swear in AC2 or brotherhood that the final boss becomes the pope

          • 12 months ago

            Ezio wants to kill the pope who executed his family, but he's beaten to to it by his son, who shoves a poisoned apple down his throat.

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah and Ezio let's him live after he takes the staff and apple.
            In brotherhood you stalk him and his family but never kill anyone besides his son Cesare since he leads the papal armies.

          • 12 months ago

            Rodrigo Borgia died in 1503 but AC2 ends in 1499 so Ezio refuses to kill him. He then dies in Brotherhood, his son Cesare kills him in the correct date. Fun fact is that in one of AC2's dev diaries the original writer for the franchise Corey May said the game would end in 1503 so originally you *were* going to kill the Pope, it's just that even when cutting two Sequences and releasing them later as DLC the game still had its ending cut down.

      • 12 months ago

        You never kill the Pope, what the frick

      • 12 months ago

        But at all those other instances occur outside the context of the actual Assassin Order so it's safe to say 12th century ISIS were still the bad guys while the others were different entities.
        Templar and Assassin are both two sides of the same coin, the games make it clear that every order on both sides are pretty loosely affiliated and often asassin and template are indistinguishable with each other.
        The only reason they float the names templar and assassin to all the other groups after the first game is because the devs have shitty writing and want brand recognition. The lore suggests they were called something before these particular chapters of their orders, and always had different names and always will. Not to mention they often have simultaneous conflicts accross the globe. The only reason Abstergo stuck is because it was already in the first game.

  5. 12 months ago

    because the illuminati are authoritarians
    not only are the assassins the protagonists but in-universe they are effectively global freedom fighters

    not that the lore makes any sense at this point
    fully expect a total retcon or some time travel frickery where the ancient assassins had an animus that could see their genetic future all along

  6. 12 months ago

    You might remember the desync thing that occured when you killed a civilian, you would lose a lot of health and after the second one you would die. Now for some reason that didn't really happen when you replayed levels.
    So I would load up the final level, where you go against your mentor,and he controls all of the people and has them collected in his fortress, and kill every single one of them. Now you might also remember that the sound, particularly NPC voicelines, were very low quality for some reason, which made the death scream cacophony even worse, all the layered voices were loud as frick.
    On top of that there is this mechanic where npcs that you killed with a regular attack, i. e. not a counter, hidden blade, etc. had a decent chance to keep writhing on the ground in agony, constantly wailing, until they either perish after a while or you finish them off by the hidden blade, which would also prompt another death scream.
    So after the whole ordeal I would just slowly walk through the sea of corpses(not exaggerating, it was really impressive for 2007) and listen to the, very jarring, silence after that whole blaring massacre, was I the only one that did this?

  7. 12 months ago

    I would agree if you were talking about ac2, but you're blatantly wrong here. In ac1 every target has their own reasoning behind their actions and will debate altair before their death, meanwhile the assasins' leader will betray you. Desmond himself didn't want to participate in this assassins vs templars bullshit and lived a normal life until he was kidnapped.

  8. 12 months ago

    >Templars, stability and civilization
    Someone really didn't read about the reality of Christian kingdoms in the era of the Crusades.

  9. 12 months ago

    unironically Richard (chad Lionheart) is portrayed as a based dude letting you murder Robert de Sable (disgusting french cuck), who wanted to get magic orb to conquer the world

    Assassins are the good guys cuz they don't want to conquer the world, Templars do. that's it, that's the entire story. Its that exact story in every game.

  10. 12 months ago

    >Templars, who brought Christianity, civilization and stability?
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

  11. 12 months ago

    Because neither side is actually religious The Brotherhood is agnostic while The Templars have this weird thing with the Isu. Not to mention both of them have members and chapters from/in different regions and cultures. And if you’d play the games you’d know that so most likely you’re just trying to start shit.

  12. 12 months ago

    If you played the games you'd know they make a point to show that assassins and templars are essentially the same organization but refuse to unite because of semantics, no different than TF2's main conflict of Red vs Blue.
    The assassins in the first, and especially the 3rd game are portrayed as hypocritical terrorists who keep spouting that they want Isu artifacts to be in the hands of the people but whenever a random guy gets his hands on one he goes back to the templar mentality of making everyone worship him.

  13. 12 months ago

    both factions wish for world peace; templars through absolute control, assassins through freedom
    everything post-origins aside, ezio's trilogy was the only moment where this narration was somewhat abandoned and where you have clear distinction between the bad guys and the good guys

  14. 12 months ago

    Non meme answer

    Nietzsche wrote about how they symbolize freedom and shit

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