Why are there no GOOD current gen AAA sci-fi RPGs? Every RPG is fantasy these days. But fantasy is fricking gay.

Why are there no GOOD current gen AAA sci-fi RPGs? Every RPG is fantasy these days. But fantasy is fricking gay. I don't want shit with elves shit in it. I don't want to play as a homosexual sorcerer questing for some magic rings. I thought Starfield might be what I've been waiting for but it turned out to be complete bollocks. How could any grown man look at picrel and not think it looks gay as frick?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Sci-fi doesn't sell and neither do CRPGs. But Tencent will spend millions trying to convince you otherwise. Idiots.

    • 5 months ago

      BG3 sold super well, though, it's why people are so surprised and CRPG fans are incredibly happy. A no shit CRPG appealing to mainstream is a big deal.
      Doesn't mean it'll carry over, but at least for one game, it was kinda cool.

      • 5 months ago

        It did no such thing. The only "sales" are estimates released by a chinese embassy (for an allegedly belgian game, mind you)
        We only have Steam numbers to go off of, which are clearly bots when you look at every other metric alongside them.

        • 5 months ago

          >It did no such thing
          Yes it did. It's why CRPG fans are incredibly happy about BG3.

          • 5 months ago

            CRPG fans are incredibly happy about BG3 appearing to sell well. That doesn't mean it actually did.

            • 5 months ago

              Is this one of those "there's one obsessive guy who constantly posts about a specific game"-thing i hear about on Ganker here and there?
              Never mind then. Sorry for falling for it, everyone else

          • 5 months ago

            estimates are not sales. especially out of china where no data is available to back the claim

          • 5 months ago

            Speak for yourself. This ultra-woke garbage selling well is one of the worst things that could've happened to the genre.

            • 5 months ago

              BG3 selling incredibly well is good for the genre. The woke shit, if it's even that, isn't even an important part of it.
              It shows there's a market for RPGs still, and you don't have to abandon the genre like Final Fantasy seems to be trying to do.

            • 5 months ago

              A crpg winning goty is fricking huge for the genre and makes developers and small indies more willing to take on the risk of making such games. You're delusional if you think the only games that will ever be made is woke exclusive, especially considering how broad rpgs are.
              The fact you people want this genre dead like rts's and mech games shows you don't actually play video games.

        • 5 months ago

          Sci-fi doesn't sell and neither do CRPGs. But Tencent will spend millions trying to convince you otherwise. Idiots.

          actual mental illness, seek help buddy

          • 5 months ago

            not an argument shill. stay mad.

  2. 5 months ago

    Because good sci-fi is just fantasy with a different aesthetic. You wouldn't have a problem with orcs and elves if they were called Klingons and Vulkans.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeh I would. That isn't the kind of sci-fi I like.

    • 5 months ago

      >good sci-fi
      No. Those are slops without creativity.
      Actual sci-fis have thought provoking messages with educated guesses and a degree of scientific realism in them.


      Why are there no GOOD current gen AAA sci-fi RPGs? Every RPG is fantasy these days. But fantasy is fricking gay. I don't want shit with elves shit in it. I don't want to play as a homosexual sorcerer questing for some magic rings. I thought Starfield might be what I've been waiting for but it turned out to be complete bollocks. How could any grown man look at picrel and not think it looks gay as frick?

      Truth is, you are just too much of a shallow and contrarian person that you want a future themed amusement park not an actual sci fi.

      • 5 months ago

        No, I don't. I want a sci-fi game with the intelligence of JG Ballard novel.

    • 5 months ago

      >good scifi is just fantasy with a different aesthetic.
      No that's an entirely different genre called science fantasy. I have no idea why people don't use this term nowadays.

  3. 5 months ago

    What AAA fantasy RPG came out since Witcher 3? There's been fricking nothing. All you have on the AAA front is Cyberpunk and Shartfield, both of them sci-fi.

  4. 5 months ago

    >fantasy is fricking gay
    spoken like a real brownskin

    • 5 months ago

      Yeh I'm sorry but the sci-fi I like is considerably more based then this shit. I want an RPG but I'd still rather play linear Metro games than this politically correct crap.

      • 5 months ago

        >discounting an entire genre because [recent thing] is americanised garbage
        By the way, the vast majority of sci-fi is liberal as frick, and would make any of you politics-obsessed shitwads piss and scream about trannies invading your hobbies with PC woke mind virus Black personfrick peepee feminist caca if you actually interacted with what you claimed to love instead of hearing about it on youtube shorts

        • 5 months ago

          Its only liberal cause most of the shit that modern sci fi steals from was made by commi gays

        • 5 months ago

          You're the one who accused me of being non-white for not liking fantasy. I personally don't give a shit about any of this culture war stuff, I just like sci-fi. You don't need to have a fricking autistic meltdown just because I hurt your fee fees when I said I didn't like magical elves.

  5. 5 months ago

    check out Colony Ship and thank me later

  6. 5 months ago

    Good sci-fi requires effort and creativity, and even then it tends to not sell. Fantasy is just elves and wizards lol and it will sell no matter what because the setting being creatively bankrupt is not a bug but a feature.

  7. 5 months ago

    It ain't sci fi but I ignored Yakuza 7 for the longest time because rpg but I'm loving it now. RGG put some work into this thing, like work on stuff no rpg devs ever do like giving enemy types good unique animations. You got the juggler enemies moving around like weirdos, the punch perm ones do that kind of stand with a leg out and the head tilted the Jap punch perm types like to do. Shit's crazy and I like real world rpgs anyways so I'm not sure why I slept on this for so long.

  8. 5 months ago

    >I don't want shit with elves shit in it. I don't want to play as a homosexual sorcerer questing for some magic rings.
    In Star Trek's Gate III you'll play as Vulcans looking for space time anomaly macguffins on the planet homosexualron. They are NOT elves. They are NOT magic rings.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't like Star Trek. It isn't the kind of sci-fi I like. You can't compare Star Trek to PKD novels.

  9. 5 months ago

    Sci-fi heavily relies on human imagination. This is why sci-fi books are far superior to the slop video games make.

  10. 5 months ago

    >from soft are largely considered the best game developers currently
    >not a single human being gives a shit about armored core
    there is simply no market for scifi. nobody wants that shit.
    as for why, probably because scifi is just an imaginary extension of our current world(or some other world just like it). everyone thinks this world sucks and wants to play in a different world entirely, hence fantasy.

    • 5 months ago

      Armoured Core isn't real sci-fi. Mecha is just a weird fetish genre for autistic people.

  11. 5 months ago

    >AAA sci-fi RPGs
    Because Mass Effect Andromeda was a massive trainwreck basically. AAA is expensive as frick and RPGs are a lot of work so not many get made. EA started doing ME4 in earnest after the success of ME Legendary, but It still takes years. But it you want something to play now while you're waiting for something AAA absolutely check out Rogue Trader.

    • 5 months ago

      There have been two massively hyped current gen AAA sci-fi RPGs that have been massively publicised disappointments: Cyberpunk 2077 and Starfield. The former turned out to not even be an RPG, the latter turned out to be incredibly bland, unambitious last-gen slop.

      • 5 months ago

        this, sci fi television and RPGs especially have been in the shit for years, with normalgays settling for mediocre horse crap like the expanse or recent star trek or star wars projects

        some angered californicated types in here but i'm sorry
        in terms of just sheer character development and demographic the Metro trilogy really does shit all over even BG3, and I like BG3. Not having an ounce of ESG/culture war/contemporary political horseshit really does make a difference

        characters like Anna being literally verboten in most games nowadays is fricking crazy

  12. 5 months ago

    People are most familiar with inoffensive generic high fantasy so it's easier to sell.
    Plus designing a fantasy game is much easier because half of the work is done for you in terms of tropes and worldbuilding. You have warriors, mages, and thieves, etc. It's much harder figuring out how to create unique classes or whatever for your scifi setting. Also scifi has design challenges like figuring out the right scale for the setting and all of the technological design aspects. Starfield is very clearly a victim of how hard it is to do a triple a scifi game.
    I can easily imagine Mass Effect 4 could be a huge success though since that series was a huge success. You just need to do it well and normalgays will come.

  13. 5 months ago

    some angered californicated types in here but i'm sorry
    in terms of just sheer character development and demographic the Metro trilogy really does shit all over even BG3, and I like BG3. Not having an ounce of ESG/culture war/contemporary political horseshit really does make a difference

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