why are there no threads about factorio?

why are there no threads about factorio?

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  1. 2 years ago

    the factorio addicts are optimizing their green circuit production

  2. 2 years ago

    Because its home is in /egg/, not here. It's not a strategy game.

    • 2 years ago

      It kind of is

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Legit not strategy. Can you supply an army with your factory? No. Only kill mindless roaches.

      I don't like Factorio much, but even I think it fits the /vst/ theme. It's basically tower defense with resource management. Two /vst/ aspects at the core of the game right there. So what if you can't command units? Can't do that in citybuilders or tycoon games/economy sims either and they're /vst/ staples. If the mods think >>739 MOBAs belong on /vst/ as well as tactics game (aka puzzle games), Factorio clearly does as well. /vst/ games are mostly defined by not belong to another genre, not by being particularly strategic.

      • 2 years ago

        >So what if you can't command units?
        You actually can. I think. It might've been a mod I was using. It's been a while.

        • 2 years ago

          You can make Skyrim an RTS with mods

      • 2 years ago

        >so what if you can't command units?
        spidertron remote

    • 2 years ago

      It's okay I guess.


      >monstrously time-consuming life sink-hole
      Daily reminder, that it was okay before when there were only 3 colors of science packs.
      If you think about it, the game is heavily padded and if you reduce all the duplicate shit colored differently the game's kind of bland, no?

      >Daily reminder, that it was okay before when there were only 3 colors of science packs.
      Oh yeah, that's why I stopped playing.
      Why did they make solar plug and forget but make both steam and nuclear autistic?

      • 2 years ago

        >nuclear autistic
        Well, to be fair, it's a thing that you set up once and it solves any future power problems.

      • 2 years ago

        Engineering games general on the /vg/ board.

      • 2 years ago

        >Why did they make solar plug and forget but make both steam and nuclear autistic?
        maybe one of the devs has stock in a solar panel company

    • 2 years ago

      I think its home should be here frick you.

      It's a solved game. Play it once and now you're just relegated to plopping down your blueprints. Download a library and you don't even have to think for yourself at all. The first play-through is great and has some interesting challenges, then it's just repetition ad nauseum. You have a perfectly balanced green circuit blueprint? Great, now build it 3 dozen times so you can advance to red and blue circuits. What great strategy, what mindblowing optimization!

      Lies, building a 1000spm self contained module, train network and construction hub as well is an enormous task and takes time. And that's vanilla.

      Throw mods in and the game becomes quite different.

  3. 2 years ago

    It's a solved game. Play it once and now you're just relegated to plopping down your blueprints. Download a library and you don't even have to think for yourself at all. The first play-through is great and has some interesting challenges, then it's just repetition ad nauseum. You have a perfectly balanced green circuit blueprint? Great, now build it 3 dozen times so you can advance to red and blue circuits. What great strategy, what mindblowing optimization!

    • 2 years ago

      What about with mods and nu-Factorios like Riftbreaker, DSP, Mindustry, etc?

      • 2 years ago

        >What about with mods
        Valid point. It would probably keep the game interesting for a whole while longer. Still doesn't solve the fundamental problem of repetition though. I like figuring out stuff, but I hate scaling already solved things up with massive parallelization. It's realistic, but I prefer lean designs, which doesn't gel well with Factorio. It's the old tall vs wide debate - I want to build up without constantly having to quintuple basic resources.
        >nu-Factorios like Riftbreaker
        seemed to action and combat heavy for my taste
        I hear good things about it. Never really looked into it, but the basic premise once again seems like a blueprint-fest where you literally cover whole planets with basic shit so you can finally get to interesting new stuff. Am I wrong about this?
        Love it. Did everything there was to do on v5. Played a lot of v6. Very good marriage between wave-defense and Factorio-style production. I'm at a point in v6 where I have a distribution center set up and now it's kind of dumb because I can send thousands of each resource every minute to a map with no infrastructure. It's an elegant solution to the repetition problem, but at the same time the game just ran out of new stuff so there's no point in facerolling my way through every last sector.

    • 2 years ago

      It's not even a puzzle game, since you can use blueprints between saves or even download them online. As such it's.... genuinely hard to classify what it even is. But it's a solved game anyway

      I'm not a real Factorio fan, I just find it somewhat neat for some time. The issue is - the question of it being or not being a solved game is absolutely irrelevant. Almost 0% of Factorio's appeal is built around challenge and solution.

      It's not a puzzle game. It's appeal draws almost entirely on aesthetic satisfaction. I don't mean visual aesthetics of things looking pleasing, but rather the aesthetic pleasure of production arrangement.

      It's essentially a House Makeover game for a different demographic - instead of a girl finding out that these drapes really complement the flooring and furniture by making it all feel cute, it's a boy finding out that this arrangement of green circuit boards has higher productivity and makes it all feel cute.

      And that's entirely okay. Hell, 60%ish percent of people playing Paradox games seek pretty much the same enjoyment in them and another 35% are misguided VN readers.

      • 2 years ago

        >a solved game
        People are using this term/expression wrong and it bothers me.

      • 2 years ago

        >and another 35% are misguided VN readers.

        • 2 years ago

          Anon might be talking about the gaymers who play HoI4 for its glorified webnovel mods or EU4 for its anime portrait mods.

      • 2 years ago

        >It's essentially a House Makeover game for a different demographic - instead of a girl finding out that these drapes really complement the flooring and furniture by making it all feel cute, it's a boy finding out that this arrangement of green circuit boards has higher productivity and makes it all feel cute.
        I feel attacked.

        You don't make money from the mods themselves or if it spawns something successful, which gets penny-pinching panties in a twist. And shareholders are the biggest penny-pinching morons of them all.
        Actually, this got me to wondering. Is there any other "big" company besides Valve out there with a history of hiring modders, or are they just the best at it?

        Bethesda is also well known for it.

        everyone I know who likes it is diagnosed ADHD

        this game filters people with ADHD so hard

        Playing this with ADHD is a weird kind of self inflicted torture. It really latches on to the hyperfocus part of the ADHD brain, but you can't keep you plans and priorities in order while playing so you're constantly annoyed at yourself and your factory.

  4. 2 years ago

    we are busy minmaxing our factory and don't have time to post

  5. 2 years ago

    Kovarex is a brood war gay & initially he wanted to have some part of strategy game in factorio. No idea what happened to that sentiment though.

    • 2 years ago

      It kind of has an RTS element in it. The devs have mentioned it before.

      You can place blueprints in map view and robots come along and build it. No need to move your character at all. It's really the only way to manage a very large factory.

    • 2 years ago

      Right now, adding in advanced combat without retooling the game around it wouldn't be all that great. Your focus is mostly on expanding production of your factory, adding in more waves just taxes the player's attention and slows down the rest of the game.

      That being said, a mode with a simplified tech tree, a new type of science you can't manufacture that requires you to expand (Like the old alien science), and highly expansive biters could work well, where the challenge is less about factory scaling and more about efficiency while fighting biters. Maybe make ore patches tiny but infinite like oil so expanding is more about getting resources faster than handling your dwindling supplies.

      • 2 years ago

        I'd fricking love more advanced combat.

        I've made biter extermination as efficient as possible with spidertrons and 4-16 artillery wagons. Im ready for more. Orbital weaponry, chemical and biological warfare, a big fricking chainsaw! Maybe throw in some befriend the aliens path as well to appease the less combat oriented players aka pussies.

        • 2 years ago

          Space Exploration has all of these besides the chainsaw

          • 2 years ago

            When im done with my massive construction hub blueprint and 1000spm module in vanilla im gonna try this out, looks awesome!

            It's kind of a boring game to talk about. What exactly could be said about it that wouldn't just be trading information from the wiki? It's lore is weak on top of that. Strategically it's a straight line and repetitive.

            For me there's plenty. Im at the very late stage UPS optimization of a huge factory. This presents a shitload of challenges the wiki can't outright solve for me.

            >Train network deadlocks, I had to redesign my blueprints entirely to help avoid this
            >Balanced resource unloading at train depot vs just using 1 huge balancer
            >Circuit conditions for setting train limit at ore stations

            The logistics challenge of scaling up is real.

          • 2 years ago

            >Iridium Piledriver
            Please stop, I can only get so erect

          • 2 years ago

            Oh, it has a chainsaw. Boy howdy does it have a chainsaw. A train consisting entirely of nuclear-powered locomotives driving in a circle around an artillery encampment is a thing to behold. Chugga chugga WOO WOO

        • 2 years ago

          I'd say make the befriend path less "befriend" and more "obscure your location so you don't attract far too much attention." There's some neat ways to reduce pollution in the game right now, but ultimately you're still going to wind up attracting at least a little attention.

          Making stuff like subterranean assemblers, planting new flora to absorb some pollution, or noiseless drills could be great if you were in a map completely filled with biter nests and all you can really do is keep a few small patches clear at a time. Like, the enemy is too aggressive and expands too quickly where trying to go toe to toe with them is a losing proposition, so you have to think about efficiency at the start of a map before you really get going.

          You kind of get that feel if you turn up biter expansion to a max of 2 minutes instead of 30, you can clear them out, but without a huge investment they'll push right back into the territory you just took.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah that would be cool too. I've seen people make solid use of efficiency modules on some inhospitable deathworlds.

            I mentioned befriending them since that concept art they showed for the expansion looks like a brain of some kind. Could be some kind of biter intelligence or maybe just a new bug to kill, who knows.

    • 2 years ago

      It kind of has an RTS element in it. The devs have mentioned it before.

      You can place blueprints in map view and robots come along and build it. No need to move your character at all. It's really the only way to manage a very large factory.

      Right now, adding in advanced combat without retooling the game around it wouldn't be all that great. Your focus is mostly on expanding production of your factory, adding in more waves just taxes the player's attention and slows down the rest of the game.

      That being said, a mode with a simplified tech tree, a new type of science you can't manufacture that requires you to expand (Like the old alien science), and highly expansive biters could work well, where the challenge is less about factory scaling and more about efficiency while fighting biters. Maybe make ore patches tiny but infinite like oil so expanding is more about getting resources faster than handling your dwindling supplies.

      There's a mod that lets you build combat robots that automatically deploy and attack biters and you can order them around.
      I'd like to see an expansion that adds proper RTS elements.

  6. 2 years ago

    Well there is one now

  7. 2 years ago

    too busy playing satisfactory. I respect factorio players, but I like the slower pace of satisfactory as well as the 3d aspect.

    • 2 years ago

      >as well as the 3d aspect.
      Any thoughts on Dyson Sphere? I'm actually having a hard time getting a feel on whether it's faster or slower. Mainly because I"m having a hard time getting into it.

      • 2 years ago

        In Satisfactory you also explore the island, which takes up a lot of time, for better or worse. But the automation part seems pretty long, and they're still adding more to the end. Oh the other hand DPS feels very short and doesn't have much of and endgame. By the time you can build spheres you don't even need them for anything other than the infinite research topics, and it only takes 20 hours or so with Factorio experience.

    • 2 years ago

      I’m playing satisfactory as well as the factorio demo. My main gripe with satisfactory is I feel so slow. Need to go to my copper ore? I have to walk 150 yards there and back. I’m still in the beginning but still.

      • 2 years ago

        Satisfactory only gets worse the longer you play. Scaling up anything takes 10x longer late game because you need 10x the resources and the devs refuse to implement blueprints. Manually placing hundreds of power lines and conveyor splitters/mergers can take hours in a big factory.

        In factorio there's a point where you get robots that will automatically place buildings you designate so you don't have to run across your entire base. Eventually you can just copy paste a section of your base and double your output as long as you have the input ready to go. Less time wasted redoing something you already solved and more time moving on to the next production puzzle.

  8. 2 years ago

    I bought it but it's a monstrously time-consuming life sink-hole.
    Dropped it after researching solar panels.

    • 2 years ago

      >monstrously time-consuming life sink-hole
      Daily reminder, that it was okay before when there were only 3 colors of science packs.
      If you think about it, the game is heavily padded and if you reduce all the duplicate shit colored differently the game's kind of bland, no?

      • 2 years ago

        >when there were only 3 colors of science packs.
        >when there were only
        ... there are more now?
        Why? What fricking for?

        • 2 years ago

          There are 7 now. I'm glad there are still only 3 colors of circuit boards.
          Padding. It's the same thing with how endgame was "solved" by adding infinite research.

          • 2 years ago

            Lmao. 2 of the science packs are tutorials, 2 are optional so the "challenge" is the three left, and all of them get you to engage with a new part of the game. It's all very well made.
            learn to mine and assemble
            use belts and inserters
            optional, but build this shit to defend from biters
            time to put on big boy pants and start working with liquids(new) you have to get from far away(new) that also attract biter attacks.
            scale up production big time, deal with logistics bottlenecks, also here's modules to optimize your production lines
            Time to get into robots and power fantasy instawin shit and then wrap up the game
            post-game here's a huge time and resource sink if you want to deal with logistics of moving enormous quantitites of stuff

            • 2 years ago

              This guy gets it.

            • 2 years ago

              This guy gets it.

              >game solves problems it never had by adding useless things
              Yes, I've red the same factorio friday facts devblog.

              • 2 years ago

                >game that is entirely about solving these exact problems has too many of these problems to solve

              • 2 years ago

                >game has multi things going for it yet I'm blinded by autism and only see one

              • 2 years ago

                The game is literally, entirely about building production lines and using them to feed into new ones to build more. If this bothers you, you may be a moron like this guy here

                >supplies ingredients to an assembler
                >look at me I'm solving problem
                >I'm a heckin engineer

              • 2 years ago

                Don't bully morons anon.

              • 2 years ago

                >entirely about building production lines
                Lying israelite. 3rd of your production is military arsenal, yet you go
                >muh production lines

              • 2 years ago

                Post factory

              • 2 years ago

                >the goal is to build a factory that turns out x y and z
                >yeah well, 1/3rd of that is z, so now what

                Don't bully morons anon.

                smart guy
                Man you got me, I guess I'm just not stupid enough to argue with you.

                My problem is setting up a red circuit production is too boring but I need it to get drones to make it less bad to make it
                What's the solution the game's given me?

                The solution is to go play a different game you moron.

              • 2 years ago

                >le smart, big brain fart smeller
                Military arsenal is that thing you use to kill something. It's that part of the game that is called combat. While the player crafts the military arsenal it's use is still for combat. Capish?
                I know there's this circle of actual autists playing Bob's mod or whatever else not while wanking to being 'an engineer', but you frickers are a smelly, dirty minority. The thing you are doing is tedious and fricking braindead unless figuring out production ratios is something noteworthy in your book.
                Find a rope, make a slipknot and put it to good use.

              • 2 years ago

                >game has multi things going for it yet I'm blinded by autism and only see one

                >supplies ingredients to an assembler
                >look at me I'm solving problem
                >I'm a heckin engineer

              • 2 years ago

                My problem is setting up a red circuit production is too boring but I need it to get drones to make it less bad to make it
                What's the solution the game's given me?

              • 2 years ago

                I dont remember what one it is. But there is a mod that starts you with a portable roboport 50 robots and an armor that basically can only run that roboport. Its really good early game for blueprinting and reconfiguring lines. Literally removes hours of tedium. Works great until you get there yourself later on.

                Space Exploration has all of these besides the chainsaw

                What are you supposed to do when you get to the going to space stage in SPEX? Like I'm there I have a near perfect factory but it wants me to program a system to cannon stuff or something? Why? Why isn't that just part of the mod. Is there something less tedious way to get stuff into and out of space? And why do I have to build shit in space (this is just me whining)?

              • 2 years ago

                >And why do I have to build shit in space
                Wtf that's the whole point of the mod? If it doesn't interest you try another one
                > Is there something less tedious way to get stuff into and out of space
                You're in luck, the latest update added space elevators, your trains can go straight into orbit. No need for cannons, rockets or spaceships.

              • 2 years ago

                >Wtf that's the whole point of the mod? If it doesn't interest you try another one
                Maybe. But there's a difference between being able to build in space and the game forcing me to build assembly machines in space. I just dont see any reason why I can't build space belts on the surface, all of the stuff is planet based.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah that part's pretty dumb. It also locks out all mod buildings from being built in space, and locks out modded mining drills from mining the new resources.

                Guess nobody told the guy mods are supposed to be modular (hence the name) and not "play my one thing and nothing else"

            • 2 years ago

              >optional: defend your base
              >challenge: oil
              >utility: drones
              Did you even play the game or did you just watch let's plays?

              • 2 years ago

                >optional: defend
                no, optional - make military science. You could go through the whole game with just turrets. Learn to read.
                the majority of players drop out before making a red circuit, oil transit and processing is a huge filter and got reworked to be made easier so that morons don't get overwhelmed by side products, maybe even reworked twice I don't remember
                >utility: drones
                it's literally called the utility science pack and it's made out of drone frames

        • 2 years ago

          It's not even a puzzle game, since you can use blueprints between saves or even download them online. As such it's.... genuinely hard to classify what it even is. But it's a solved game anyway

          imagine trying to sound dramatic on a eskimo paole dancing forum. over something so minor at that

          • 2 years ago

            >over something so minor at that
            Why are you like this?
            >recycle your assets and change the color scheme
            >and it in the game and call it a new feature
            >player now has to waste twice as much time as before doing the same fricking thing
            Job well done.

            • 2 years ago

              >why is there factory management in my factory game
              take your ritalin

              • 2 years ago

                >I eat shit up with a gusto

              • 2 years ago

                Congratulations, you discovered why Chinese factories have to put giant nets on their roofs.

                Factorio is a game for autists who think networks are fun, not for autists who think video games are to be consumed like fine wine and caviar. If you can’t recognize this you should frick off.

              • 2 years ago

                >oh boy, oh boy I just made a green circuit board and now I need to make a red one
                >oh boy, oh boy I just made a red circuit board and now I need to make a blue one!
                What about each assembler tier invalidating the previous one?
                Science packs themselves are just peak garbage concept being there just for the sake of having something to do.
                At least military goods have purpose as an end product even if the combat and tower defense sucks.

          • 2 years ago

            >Simple question on gameplay changes, for I didn't play it since '18
            >Lol, dramatic much?
            I'd suggest touching some grass

        • 2 years ago

          Because alien science packs were removed.

          • 2 years ago

            You can with AAI Programmable Vehicles, gives you the genuine RTS experience of A-moving a bunch of tanks into your enemy base.

            Have players make your game content and make it playable for free for you.
            You make all the money selling it.

            Why don't all game devs do this?

            • 2 years ago

              Even if they don't players will still mod the game against their wishes.

            • 2 years ago

              You don't make money from the mods themselves or if it spawns something successful, which gets penny-pinching panties in a twist. And shareholders are the biggest penny-pinching morons of them all.
              Actually, this got me to wondering. Is there any other "big" company besides Valve out there with a history of hiring modders, or are they just the best at it?

              • 2 years ago

                Wube hired Earendel for his graphic design skills but obviously they're not 'big'
                I can think of a few more indie devs that hire or get help from fans/modders though.

              • 2 years ago

                Stardock hired at least one sins modder in the past few years. The other examples I can think of are even smaller.

  9. 2 years ago

    Legit not strategy. Can you supply an army with your factory? No. Only kill mindless roaches.

    • 2 years ago

      You can with AAI Programmable Vehicles, gives you the genuine RTS experience of A-moving a bunch of tanks into your enemy base.

  10. 2 years ago

    When's the pyanodon update coming out?

  11. 2 years ago

    Factorio is a puzzle game

    • 2 years ago

      It's not even a puzzle game, since you can use blueprints between saves or even download them online. As such it's.... genuinely hard to classify what it even is. But it's a solved game anyway

  12. 2 years ago

    I just dropped bobs/angels, managing the ten billion byproducts is basically an unfun logistic-robot-fest. Not to mention the resource game is horribly unbalanced, due to shoddy mechanics the infinite ores cost hardly anything to mine. I haven't needed to lay a single railway because of that.
    Have I just reached the limit of my autism??

    • 2 years ago

      >due to shoddy mechanics the infinite ores cost hardly anything to mine
      Have you considered reducing the size/richness/frequency of ore patches during worldgen?

    • 2 years ago

      Just get rid of infinite ores, that's why it's a separate mod.

  13. 2 years ago

    Yes, let's keep expanding the definition of strategy game until everything fits.

  14. 2 years ago

    /egg/ is like 99% Factorio general, you should go there. I would agree it's far from a strategy game, even though there are (poorly implemented) mods to add controllable units. It is, first and foremost, a logistics simulator, and is much closer to its original inspiration which was IndustrialCraft and other such Minecraft mods. Still a great game though.

  15. 2 years ago

    I'm currently playing factorio space ex + Krastorio. It's hard but I keep working through.

  16. 2 years ago

    >They were developing an engine and factorio is just a byproduct of their efforts
    If narrative around production was framed like that I wouldn't have this hard to contain urge to shit on factorio like I do currently.

  17. 2 years ago

    Give me settings for a game where the fricking ayys actually pose a threat. Is Death World good or too tedious? I want to actually use the car with mg to mow down bugs while going to the oil well and gathering barrels. In normal gameplays I skip that since I either build trains or make a massive noob bus.

    • 2 years ago

      Death world is hard as frick which is what makes it so fun, you actually have to think about your defences in order to survive because the attacks are constant and always escalating

  18. 2 years ago

    >muh padding
    it's not like there's anything else to do in the game, so more of the same is just positive.
    it's barely a game.

    • 2 years ago

      I'd argue that there is a limit on how much you can stretch it. Originally, it was about building a sufficiently large and yet functional industrial complex, with all the logistics, so you get a rocket. Extending that, by adding extra steps to it, feels kind of pointless. What's the point, beyond seemingly being done solely to pretend the game is still being expanded and in works, so it is still worth the full price? Feels dishonest, given that the build from years ago was perfectly functional. I mean frick, I've played this game even on an XP rig.

      • 2 years ago

        Based no-nonsense poster.
        Also - checked.

        >feels dishonest
        Yes it does. The things left on the list are releasing an overpriced DLC and then selling the company and the IP. Though maybe I'm wrong.

        • 2 years ago

          >releasing an overpriced DLC and then selling the company and the IP.
          It's reverse order: you sell the IP and then the new company keeps shitting DLCs

  19. 2 years ago

    i just made a really long train and built some walls, still have no idea how you can make a mega factory but the tank and nukes are pretty cool

  20. 2 years ago

    this game filters people with ADHD so hard

    • 2 years ago

      everyone I know who likes it is diagnosed ADHD

  21. 2 years ago

    Because it is an object-placement game that's been completely solved around 5 years ago.

  22. 2 years ago

    It's kind of a boring game to talk about. What exactly could be said about it that wouldn't just be trading information from the wiki? It's lore is weak on top of that. Strategically it's a straight line and repetitive.

  23. 2 years ago

    Why are there no games about Factorio?

    • 2 years ago

      >Why are there no games about Factorio?

  24. 2 years ago

    i never figured out how to use blueprints or electronic circuits. still technically "won the game".

    someone said they did a run with no belts and no pipes. giving yourself obstacles like that sounds like it could be fun and would force you to rethink a lot of things.

    • 2 years ago

      Make a factory that's entirely powered by coal or some other form of solid fuel.

      >Steam generators only
      >Burner inserters only
      >Burner miners only

      That'll piss off the local wildlife.

      • 2 years ago

        Can you put nuclear fuel into inserters?

        • 2 years ago

          according to the wiki, yes

      • 2 years ago

        to me that doesn't seem like it would require creative solutions to things, you'd be doing the same shit but more slowly and with more polution.

      • 2 years ago

        That's not too interesting, nests take polution and output biters. You just need military inputs, to churn polution into dead biters

  25. 2 years ago

    One of factorio's real issues is that its too simple, when its base game. But, the actually fun difficult mods crank up the tism and other mods needs to blow your brains out. Like, Bob's is better than base, but there are some things on it that are a fricking pain. Angels+Bobs is a goddamned nightmare that makes LTN and other mods that are easy shortcuts a nesseciaty. And Py's are well just Py's. But yeah, Factorio's issue is that trying to balance the fun complicated shit, with all the other useless bullshit is hard when you ramp up the production complexity.

    • 2 years ago

      Nice digits, but your take is shit. The "all the other useless bullshit" is what your average joe likes about the game and not the factory autism, which passes only by proxy due to people enjoying basebuilding in general. You are also mixing up tedium with difficulty.

  26. 2 years ago

    just got this game today, do you guys play with enemies on or off? Did the tutorials and they seem like mindless wave autospawns.

    • 2 years ago

      off, building the factory is the fun part of the game and biters aren't a threat, they just get in the way. Turn them on if you're playing mp with braindead tards that need easy tasks to feel like they're progressing

    • 2 years ago

      Played it with biters the first time and it was fairly tedious and pointless. Even on my first play-through with default settings I launched my rocket (aka finished the game) without ever seeing goliath bugs (their last evolution form). They did annoy me a bunch though, but all you have to do is clear out all nests within your pollution plume with a tank and they'll basically leave you alone.

      Since then I've been playing without. It's just a disparate aspect of the game that seems very much tacked-on to me. I didn't like it, but I still think you might want to keep them enabled for your first playthrough? It's a part of the Factorio experience and a bunch of tech and buildings are specific to dealing with biters, so you'd be missing the point of a whole branch of the tech tree if you turn them off. I think it's a misguided marriage but I can only say that with confidence because I've experienced it. Plenty of other people think deathworld is amazing. It's also not terrible in principle - I very much enjoy Mindustry - just for Factorio it's not my cup of tea.

      • 2 years ago

        Try cranking up the settings and installing rampant AI mod. If your machine can handle it.

        It goes from the bugs being a minor annoyance to the scene in starship troopers where they overrun the colony. They'll also hunt you specifically as well.

      • 2 years ago

        >It's just a disparate aspect of the game that seems very much tacked-on to me
        I'd argue the opposite, it feels vestigial to me, a remnant from the Brood War influences early on in the design process that isn't intended to be a significant challenge or the main attraction
        in its modern form it's just there to disrupt the low ambition spergs like me who would otherwise spend 36 hours manually loading smelters because they don't feel the need to ramp up production yet
        it's a glacial ramping up of pressure because it's just intended to be a garnish that forces you to improve at a more-than-glacial pace or risk losing progress
        for an on-video example of this, Rockleesmile during the initial NLSS playthrough was quite content to trundle along as a glorified human inserter with no grand design or purpose, just doing tasks he was told to do by the others with no real ambition or drive of his own
        and there's nothing wrong with that, but it would have taken him yonks to get into the real meat and potatoes like assembling machines and trains and such, and he likely would have given up at various points without an obvious carrot to spur him on
        fast forward through biters undoing some of their progress, him dying once or twice playing backup on base clearing, and all of a sudden he's found a purpose and drive, and that drive is to build bigger guns and squish bugs
        I'm pretty sure for the entire rest of that first campaign before it fell apart due to group dynamics he only built turrets, ammo, tanks etc because he was completely focused on killing, and had interest in the rest of the game only so far as it could fuel the war machine, and was constantly hassling the other guys like hey let's go clear a base, make me more ammo, someone needs to automate armour, etc etc
        but it's been years since I watched it so that might be Flanderisation

    • 2 years ago

      On because I like killing bugs. If you want a real challenge play deathworld with a desert start. Playing with them off is fine if you're a casual and just like building giant bases.

    • 2 years ago

      On. They're the best part of the game. They constantly get stronger and constantly come at you. It necessitates a pace. The factory must grow. More iron, for more bullets.

  27. 2 years ago

    if i get into it, i know i'll get addicted and not stop playing it for a very long while, so frick you OP. no thanks

  28. 2 years ago

    I want to have more combat-oriented playthrough in Factorio. Production autism isn't for me, but fighting bugs is quite entertaining.
    Any ideas?

    • 2 years ago

      Have you tried Mindustry?

      • 2 years ago

        Played it, pretty nice, but it's just tower defense game where you wait for enemy. I want to be more proactive.
        >inb4 multiplayer
        My experiences with PvP told me I'm too shit at multitasking, so i won't bother.

        • 2 years ago

          There's both in Mindustry these days. They ramped up unit diversity in v6 (they even have ships now) and there are some pretty tough attack missions as well. Sure, it's fundamentally still a TD game, but there are missions where you absolutely cannot wait for the enemy or they will overwhelm you eventually (attack missions only end when you take out the enemy base, there is no wave goal).

          The bigger problem is, much of the game's RTS aspect relies on user scripts. There are command blocks where you can literally write code and some of the finer controls (eg units that follow your mouse cursor so you can fly bombers around AA to hit enemy power generation) rely entirely on these code snippets you either have to come up with yourself or copy/paste and blueprint from someone else.

    • 2 years ago

      Factorio with rampant AI mod. I guarantee you will get wrecked your first try.

      The Riftbreaker is also pretty good. Dosent quite scratch the same itch as factorio but going through the tropical forest at night in your avataresque combat walker while you use your minigun and flame thrower to "investigate" and "learn about" the local flora and fauna is pretty fun.

      • 2 years ago

        What factorio combat is really missing in regards to the RTS experience is the ability to move substantial armies around.

        I tried making a shitload of spiderbots once to wash over enemy bases like a wave. It sucked. The only way to order multiple spiderbots around is to give a number of them the order to follow a leader bot, and then order the leader around directly. But this means the leader is always in the front, taking all the damage and all the slowing status effects, and the army is both too densely clustered to form an effective wave and too far behind the leader to spread out incoming damage effectively. The dense high-DPS army will punch a narrow hole through enemy bases but will not have the range to take down incoming artillery, and once the leader bot inevitably dies your army is uncontrollable.

        If you could order groups of spiders to maneuver in formation, an army of a few dozen of them could annihilate everything in their path. Instead they just die to AOE as they form up in the lowest surface area formation possible. It's a real shame.

  29. 2 years ago

    /vg/ has Engineering Games General where Factorio is quite welcomed and always discussed.

  30. 2 years ago

    Is Space exploration less bloated than Bob's with no Angel?

    • 2 years ago

      >less bloated

  31. 2 years ago

    I want an RTS with factorio production so badly
    Imagine 40 step tank production

    • 2 years ago

      for single player that would not even matter, as it would basically just be factorio with the mod that allows you to control vehicles like RTS, and a new mot thta adds enemy "bases" that either cheat or have predefined blueprints. And for MP it would suck even more as everyone would just use most oprimal blueprints they found on the net or lose to those who did, as using non-optimal ones would just put you at disadvantage and building one during battle would take so long that the enemy would roll over you with an army long before you would make your first unit.

      The only way I can see this working is if factorio adds a new type of enemies that has bgger bases then just "spawners", but then again for all intents and purposes that does not matter either cause if you get close enough to take out the spawners ou can take out any base, and if you cant take out the base it acts just like a spawner anyway, just would unnecesarily eat more CPU.

      • 2 years ago

        >And for MP it would suck even more as everyone would just use most oprimal blueprints they found on the net or lose to those who did, as using non-optimal ones would just put you at disadvantage and building one during battle would take so long that the enemy would roll over you with an army long before you would make your first unit.
        Unfortunately, this is exactly what people would do in current year.

        • 2 years ago

          and if both sides build their own then the game will turn into who can chuck out a unit faster, thus being boring anyway. Unless you put in some kind of delay before you can use those units, like making units take an hour to arrive to the enemy base so they have time to build their units as well. Either way would not make for a fun game.

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