Why are these games graphics forgiven?

Why are these games graphics forgiven? story and gameplay are shit too so there's nothing other Jrpgs don't do better is it sunk cost fallacy or maybe baby's first entry to Jrpgs with bond mechanics? The only way you'll like this is if you're a newbie to the medium.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Reantards absolutely destroyed
    Cashing in on shit-eating, low IQ, weaboo, mongrels. Black companies like Falcum, Kemco, Compile Heart, Alicesoft are bottom of the barrel trash for morons that will lap up anything anime - the fact that it's sustainable is always funny to me.

    • 2 years ago

      Haha.. if you say so

  2. 2 years ago

    Every single anime game made after the year 2010 is ugly as frick with awful cinematography and unappealing on even the most foundational aesthetic level and I'm sick of pretending otherwise. You could tell me any of these games were chines or something and I'd never notice. I'm not some nostalgic old frick. I just don't like looking at ugly and visually discordant things.

    • 2 years ago

      >Every single anime game made after the year 2010 is ugly as frick


      • 2 years ago

        zoomer post

        • 2 years ago

          >moron post

          If you think the Ni No Kuni games look bad as anime games and worse than games pre-2010 you're brain damaged.

    • 2 years ago

      to be fair the noselessness of those characters looks like shit too

  3. 2 years ago

    >story and gameplay are shit too

    • 2 years ago

      JARPIGtards. Read a book and play an actual game, not a visual novel with grind to win mechanics.

      • 2 years ago

        No Kiseki game need grinding. You would have known that had you played any.

  4. 2 years ago

    >muh graphics
    child, frick off
    >no argument
    you aren't worth the time i already spent on you

  5. 2 years ago

    The reason is cause Kondo doesn't invest in that.

  6. 2 years ago

    cold steel has bond mechanics? what like persona?

    • 2 years ago

      >cold steel has bond mechanics? what like persona?

      You can sum up the Trails series with
      >it has X like in Y, but worse
      Because it's just the devs looking at tons of things they like and then doing it infinitely worse and in a bloated convoluted manner, focusing entirely on quantity.

      • 2 years ago

        Tell me what other games have the CS's combat mechanics but better, I would like to play them.

        • 2 years ago

          CS combat is a mishmash of a bunch of different games, executed worse and with no coherency.
          It's the kitchen sink approach they went with for most of the game, where they see something they like and just slap it onto their game without any thought.

          There isn't a single great aspect in any of these games. Not one. It's all either bad or sub-par.

          • 2 years ago

            >CS combat is a mishmash of a bunch of different games
            Name them.

            • 2 years ago

              Should be obvious if you play games and I know better than to engage with fanboys on Ganker seriously. You're not open-minded enough to dicuss the games you like, especially Trails, as you've proved in over hundreds of threads already.
              You're the clowns of this board, only good to laugh at.

              • 2 years ago

                Name the games, you b***h.

              • 2 years ago

                >No actual examples
                >Just argues in circles and spews out insults while desperately trying to get someone to agree
                Classic reddit move
                Stop watching so many video essays, they fried what little brain you had

              • 2 years ago

                >>No actual examples
                So you're saying absolutely everything the combat system does is original and has never been seen before in any other game.
                This is why this isn't a discussion, you don't want to arrive at the truth, only argue and defend something you like.
                Meaning even if I took the time to break down all the direct things they rip off and mash together, you would try and find ways to ignore it.

              • 2 years ago

                Name the games, you deceitful little b***h.

  7. 2 years ago

    Trails is kino and most of the complaints about it are from people who never even played it.

    • 2 years ago

      Most of the complaints are from people that did play them and found them to not be good at all.
      The issues as then handwaved away by the fans.

      The charactes for example pretty much all of them just generic arcehtypes that barely have any depth at all to the.
      The exceptions are characters like Rean, which instead embody tons of overused tropes to absurd levels and execute on all of them poorly.

      The visuals are undeniably garbage.

      The level/dungeon design is incredibly bad and dated. We're talking +25 years in terms of dated.

      The pacing of the games is both inconsistent and bloated. Almost overindulgent, where you can almost see the devs thinking "Oh this is good, let's hold on this 2x longer than necessary and add even more filler text that adds nothing".

      The list just goes on and on.

      • 2 years ago

        I got memed into playing this series and I actually did enjoy it as a whole. You’re onto something with the pacing, because this easily could have been condensed into two games and had the same effect. But that same slow drag also allowed the characters to develop enough to where you could actually enjoy their growth through the series because it was such a large cast.

        Gameplay was pretty boring and more or less a cheapened version of materia or the sphere grid, but at least it’s familiarity was easy to adapt to. Overall, the cast is what carries this series the most.

  8. 2 years ago

    Shit game, stop posting about it. Sage

  9. 2 years ago

    Looks better than multiple GOTY winner skyrim.

    • 2 years ago

      You shut your cum-filled prostitute mouth.

  10. 2 years ago

    falcom got into 3d late in the game and, unlike game freak, has actually improved at it over time. just compare nayuta to cold steel 1; cold steel 1 to cold steel 3; and cold steel 3 to kuro and you'll see what i mean.
    that being said, falcom has a limited budget and has always chosen to prioritize music and writing over graphics. their games are never going to be the most technologically advanced or look the nicest in screenshots, but they have other ways to catch people's attention.

    • 2 years ago

      they're never going to make a better game than xanadu next or anything close to it

    • 2 years ago

      This is a fair take. I knew going into it that it wasn’t going to be a visual feast, but I needed something to play and it delivered on a lot of fronts that ultimately make a good game/series. Meanwhile SE dumps their entire budget into visuals and mechanics trying to change a genre and ultimately ends up with a story that falls flat or just flat out isn’t good outside of roaming the environments they build. I kind of feel Bamco is going this direction with Tales of. Arise was good but certainly didn’t hit it out of the park as far as a Tales game goes.

  11. 2 years ago

    The only people who actually play these games are gigantic autists, anon. And autists are often quite forgiving about terrible graphics.

    • 2 years ago

      The stylized characters looks pretty good, and the environments hold up well enough. The problem is the cutscene cinematography and animation. Compare the post below to something like a big fight scene from FF& Remake or a Xenoblade game.

      • 2 years ago

        this. For budget jrpgs there isn't that much wrong with the style and models, even animations aren't that terrible - at least characters walk normally. In something like Caligula Effect 2 even that isn't possible.

  12. 2 years ago

    Is Monster Hunter JRPG? Palicoes are cute onaholes.

  13. 2 years ago

    So, I know this is a CS thread but I want to post it here for the Kiseki fans out there:
    Without spoiling anything, what is the true appeal of this series? I know there are characters returning, geopolitical stuff happening between the regions etc.
    But are there poignant, emotionally devastating stuff happening or is it just comfy anime heroes going on adventures and that's it?
    Is there soul crushing moments, deaths of important people and so on? I know it tackles war, especially... But apparently it does it in a teenage anime, right?
    I want to know if it really pays off to delve into this series because playing all the games is gonna take 600h AT LEAST.
    Tell me there are plot twists, very emotional stuff going on, with high stakes etc. and not just nice and comfy slice of life and end of story.

    • 2 years ago

      >But are there poignant, emotionally devastating stuff happening or is it just comfy anime heroes going on adventures and that's it?
      The only games in the series that get really dark are Trails in the Sky 3rd and Trails from Zero. Kuro no Kiseki is also pretty violent, but its overall tone is still less poignant than those two. The most you can expect from the rest of the series is shounen-tier melodrama. It's a lot of big words, explosions, and swords clashing, but to very little consequence. I wouldn't call most of the games comfy slice of life stories, but I can say that a lot of them are idealistic to the point of absurdity. The otaku pandering also gets more and more obnoxious the further you get into the series. If you find coom distracting, definitely avoid some of the later games.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks for your reply.
        So it's really more shounen than seinen...
        Very sad. I was expecting a bit more stakes or suffering for the characters.
        No plot twists though or "holy shit, holy shit" moments though? Damn.

        • 2 years ago

          >No plot twists though or "holy shit, holy shit" moments though? Damn.
          That's pretty subjective. I would say there are some legitimate twists, but most aren't grimdark or edgy. They're usually just action and melodrama.

          • 2 years ago

            OK. As for twists, something along the lines of Xenogears. A shocking reveal etc. That's what I'd call a twist.
            I don't really dislike melodrama if it's done well.
            As for coomer stuff, well, I don't really mind but I don't see Trails as being fanservicey compared to a lot of JRPGs.
            You said you played until Kuro 1? So does it hold up in terms of plot from Hajimari etc.?

            • 2 years ago

              >OK. As for twists, something along the lines of Xenogears. A shocking reveal etc. That's what I'd call a twist.
              Yeah, nah. Trails isn't a grimdark suffering fest like Xenogears. You don't have any plot twists that render an entire disc's worth of heroics a worthless failure. As a side note, I feel like that's one of the Xenogears' writing flaws. Almost all of disc 1 feels like a massive waste of time.
              >I don't really mind but I don't see Trails as being fanservicey compared to a lot of JRPGs.
              I'd say the first four games aren't that bad about it, but from Ao no Kiseki and onwards, the fan service factors keeps rising until Hajimari, where you have a first-person beach date mini-game where you can oggle your girl of choice. It even supports VR. It's exactly as trashy as it sounds. The Cold Steel arc also introduced Persona-esque dating elements that build up to a massive harem by Cold Steel IV.
              >You said you played until Kuro 1? So does it hold up in terms of plot from Hajimari etc.?
              Personally, I feel like the writing and story kind of go to shit in the Cold Steel arc, but some people still enjoy it.

    • 2 years ago

      it is pretty shounenish. Sky and Crossbell arc are amazing and I'd say they're a little less "teen" than what CS is turning out to be (I'm still to play the 3rd CS game). there are plot twists, drama stuff and of course you get to fight some sort of god in the end, just in like every JRPG. there are quite a few "holy shit" moments too. it IS NOT edgy, however.
      . it's hella fun though, the story is good and the world feels very "connected".
      Give it a try and see, anon.

    • 2 years ago

      Its definitely slice of life, and then plot twist. Kind of like the build up before the storm. I also love the clown car of a cast, and then you get to play all of them. And even the side characters grow.

      I started with CS 1-4 and enjoyed it, then played Sky and Zero. It is like a 600h journey but each game just keeps adding to the experience with all the world building. In each series you are "the hero". But as a whole since all the games are connected, each hero is just "a hero". I guess that's why its called Legend of Heroes.

      The combat ain't bad either, and I like that it's also tied to in-game lore, instead of just being this is just how the game plays.

  14. 2 years ago

    I think they look great. Not in terms of fidelity. But their design choices and consistency I admire. Soulful and comfy.

  15. 2 years ago

    Sky was filled with every 90s anime cliches and tropes but since it was released ages later in the west nobody noticed them, they were subverted back and forth during the years it was getting localized. On top xsneed also rewrote Estelle and made their own fanfiction. Cold Steel wasn't so lucky but Zero/Azure will.

    • 2 years ago

      >Sky was filled with every 90s anime cliches and tropes but since it was released ages later in the west nobody noticed them
      Those 90s tropes are way better suited for JRPG adventure plots than any of the 00s light novel and VN tropes that Cold Steel tried to shove into the series.

  16. 2 years ago

    The graphics are forgiven in the cold steel series because it’s at least consistent. That consistency allowed 1 & 2 to be released close together as well as between 3 & 4, even sharing some of the same locations. The devs didn’t want their players to wait 5-6 years for the next installment and it made for an easier development time. Marvelous is also a much smaller company than something like Square Enix which can afford to throw millions into graphics development but also at the cost of longer dev time and crunch. FF7 remake seems to take the same idea ironically as Trails in this regard. Also, believe it or not but graphics don’t make a game great.

  17. 2 years ago

    Speaking about Trails specifically, the gameplay is fun, the worldbuilding is amazing and it has a lot of niche stuff that makes JRPG fans like it.

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