Why are you here of you don't like Pokemon?

Why are you here of you don't like Pokemon? Of course criticism of Game Freak is needed, but the only positive thread about this game series is the troony trainer thread. Is there nothing any of you like about it anymore? If anyone tries to be positive or optimistic about anything, it's immediately shut down or criticized because "my gen is better than yours". Why do you post if you hate Pokemon?

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  1. 4 months ago

    I like pokemon but not nu-pokemon. The board isn't called /vp/ - nu-pokemon so...

    • 4 months ago

      because the only good game gf has shit out in the last 12 years is legends arceus but sadly it flopped because pokegays only love the taste of James Turner shit

      So why not post about the stuff you like?

      • 4 months ago

        I do. I'm not a groomed bot so I like to criticize shit I hate too.

    • 4 months ago

      Actually, I should say I do like some of the newer pokemon themselves, but the later games are irredeemable, indefensible, godawful dogshit

  2. 4 months ago

    because the only good game gf has shit out in the last 12 years is legends arceus but sadly it flopped because pokegays only love the taste of James Turner shit

  3. 4 months ago

    i come here out of nostalgia and to fap sometimes

  4. 4 months ago

    Every time game freak does a new thing I always come here to laugh at the autistic fear of change babies having a melty

    • 4 months ago

      I'm a trans jeet hired by Nintendo btw if that matters

      • 4 months ago

        for clarification

        because the only good game gf has shit out in the last 12 years is legends arceus but sadly it flopped because pokegays only love the taste of James Turner shit

        • 4 months ago

          I'm the trans jeet hired by Nintendo and I made this post:

          Every time game freak does a new thing I always come here to laugh at the autistic fear of change babies having a melty

          Not sure what your post is trying to say, but I'm also a moron.

  5. 4 months ago

    I’ve made a few threads with positive topics, but discussion never survives for long, probably because this board is suffocated by bait threads, coom threads, politics, and AI slop.

    At this point I try to just only post in threads made in good faith, but even those are easily derailed. This unfortunately is not specific to /vp/

  6. 4 months ago

    I actually am in that group of people that still generally enjoy the games, new and old. Unfortunately if I speak up I get called a slop enjoyer or a shill. Here's my tier list that I updated this year, my previous one did not have SV, BDSP, or PLA on it.
    Unfortunately for a lot of people they come here out of habit and don't even play the old games. I have made multiple threads in the past for pkmnclassic, Triple Battles in ORAS, etc. and have never actually had anyone to play with.
    In my experience, I have truly never played an F tier Pokemon game. A lot of people would meet that with "lmao you only play Pokemon" but I actually used to be a LAN tournament CS:GO player (I actually have an HLTV page), a general /vr/ person that wouldn't go past the year 2004 and a pretty frequent player of popular Steam games in their day like GMod (GMod Tower specifically) and TF2. So, yeah up until I started getting more serious with life stuff by having a job and getting other hobbies that didn't involve me just staying in, I played a ton of stuff. Pokemon just does something else for me because I can make progress in one game and have it (mostly) count for later up stuff too with training/ribbons due to transferring, so I am adding to my collection overall with any of the games I play.

    • 4 months ago

      >bw2 and swsh that high
      get your slop-slurping homosexual ass off my board

      • 4 months ago

        I have been here since the release of B2W2, not going anywhere any time soon

    • 4 months ago

      What the frick is this troll tier list

      • 4 months ago

        I can explain any part of this if you would like, what part sticks out to you the most

        • 4 months ago

          do you have a pussy ? wht your best pokemon
          are you brown

        • 4 months ago

          Sword and Shield being so high it just seems like a troll instantly. Diamond and Pearl being so high. X and Y not being in F. Red and Blue and Gold and Silver being I'm the same tier as X and Y...what the FRICK

          • 4 months ago

            Sword and Shield are personally some of my favorite games in the series because they allowed for a lot of customization features for Pokemon that I enjoyed. They mass released Apricorn Balls again, they introduced marks and gave us ribbon titles as well for literally every single ribbon since gen 3 (that didn't later get collapsed into a singular ribbon), they had a very good collection of Battle Competitions, Dynamax was a good mechanic for VGC and I played the most VGC out of any game in it, they had a local tournament option I used to host a 40+ person monotype tournament, you could collect trainer cards from people, Restricted Sparring and Endless Dynamax Adventures were good battle facilities, and shiny hunting struck a good balance (outside of Dynamax Adventures) AND had marks to make it much more enticing for rarity purposes. Oh, and training was literally the best it had ever been. It was genuinely fun and my only complaint was that they didn't utilize amiibo for anything.
            Diamond and Pearl are that high up as they are still the only games outside of Japan to be able to connect with My Pokemon Ranch. At the time, those crossgen evolutions were very rewarding to find and I cannot ever get over the inclusion of the WiFi Tower and the GTS. And then Platinum came along and made the GTS even cooler anyways. But they do have some glaring flaws, which is why I put them in my C tier (with C tier being average for a Pokemon game).

            • 4 months ago

              We need a thread where people rate them based only on the single player, 0 badges through beating the elite 4 champion and seeing credits roll, experience

              • 4 months ago

                >We need a thread where people rate them based only on the single player
                That literally was never pokemon you fricking tard.
                Feel like the reason you all keep shitting yourselves is because you don't and never have understood how these games were designed in the first place.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                I didnt say that was the intended way. Im saying we need a thread like that because otherwise you're just rating them based on your own gay little memories of whatever you did playing it.
                >frick pokemon black 2 I found out I had fricking aids when I played it. that game SUCKS
                >omg pokemon channel is the bestest game ever because I beat my cousin in checkers while we were playing it 🙂
                >FRICK pokemon sword and shield my friend beat me in a battle and I cried and then I got bullied for the whole rest of 2nd grade >:( game SUCKS they did a SHIT job

              • 4 months ago

                If your greentexts are anything to go off of, you're not getting it

              • 4 months ago

                The online features don't last forever so it's still pretty dumb. 3ds online is going down, ds already did. Yet you're rating the game based on features that aren't available anymore or don't last. MAKES A LOT OF SENSE!

              • 4 months ago

                >what is pkmnclassic.net
                >what is pretendo network
                And even so, there is still a ton more you can do offline with friends.

              • 4 months ago

                3rd party shit doesn't count

              • 4 months ago

                3rd party things definitely do count and more games other than Pokemon use them for longevity/being able to experience the games as the developers originally intend. It's third party services and servers that keep non-modern FPS games still alive today. While I did mention the event Battle Competitions and while I would have said raids would have impacted my tiering in Sword/Shield, my overall ranking of the games do not change with those absent. Most everything else you can do offline anyways.

              • 4 months ago

                so would you rate black and white with the dream world features in mind, or would you give them less points because you can't use it anymore? If fans had backed it up we would be able to use it. If no one made servers like pkmnclassic you wouldn't be able to use the wifi features. How does it make sense to rate it based on what fans do to keep the experience archived themselves?

              • 4 months ago

                I rated all games based off of what features are available at this moment, or at least what was available a few months ago. I also make the assumption that these services will be available indefinitely, either through fans or through offline play in some capacity. This I feel is most fair because when we have this conversation in 10 years, we can easily dismiss literally everything from the Switch back with that logic. It is also a safe bet that most things will be available indefinitely except for things like Game Sync (and even that is being worked on). Things that are unreleased in the United States (eReader cards, Mobile GB adapter, Platinum MPR) are not counted.
                Gens 1-3 do not have any of this to take into account whatsoever, everything is offline until gen 4 and I standby my rankings as they got VERY experimental in gen 3 and came out better for it.
                You can set up your own Entralink service to mimic the rewards of Entralink these days, all someone really needs to do is just make a front-end web app that plays kind of kind the original and it will be serviceable again.

              • 4 months ago

                Well I want to make simpler tier list where you basically rate the game based on if you downloaded it on an emulator then played without internet access

              • 4 months ago

                Go for it, would still be worthwhile to see the results of that even though it's missing most of the actual game

              • 4 months ago

                A simpler*
                HEAR ME OUT
                it's BECAUSE in the future that's how most people will be playing. And it's bullshit to say you need to pay a subscription for the new games to access everything or it's basically a trial version. The online shit should be considered extra and buying the game should be considered the full game because not every kid is going to convince their parents to buy that worthless shit unless their parents are frickin morons. So your way of rating makes no logical sense to me honestly. And you list a ton of extra attachments and shit no one is going to fricking use or even know about. So just simply rate "the game"

              • 4 months ago

                But that's really not how you play the games at all and if you do, you get a marginally worse experience. These are social games, the popularity of Pokemon GO proves this.Playing up until the credits roll is the tutorial for the battle system and is also why it is trivial for people that have played all of the games to go through it again. If you do that, you only have story which is usually one of the worst parts of every game (in my opinion only the last 3 generations have had stories that I would consider good and at the very least thought about) and Pokemon variety which is mostly subjective to what people like. The real meat and potatoes of the games are always in player interactions with a system not unlike what Sega was trying to go for with the Dreamcast VMUs where you play single player but get to use your progress/data for multiplayer.

    • 4 months ago

      Sword and Shield are personally some of my favorite games in the series because they allowed for a lot of customization features for Pokemon that I enjoyed. They mass released Apricorn Balls again, they introduced marks and gave us ribbon titles as well for literally every single ribbon since gen 3 (that didn't later get collapsed into a singular ribbon), they had a very good collection of Battle Competitions, Dynamax was a good mechanic for VGC and I played the most VGC out of any game in it, they had a local tournament option I used to host a 40+ person monotype tournament, you could collect trainer cards from people, Restricted Sparring and Endless Dynamax Adventures were good battle facilities, and shiny hunting struck a good balance (outside of Dynamax Adventures) AND had marks to make it much more enticing for rarity purposes. Oh, and training was literally the best it had ever been. It was genuinely fun and my only complaint was that they didn't utilize amiibo for anything.
      Diamond and Pearl are that high up as they are still the only games outside of Japan to be able to connect with My Pokemon Ranch. At the time, those crossgen evolutions were very rewarding to find and I cannot ever get over the inclusion of the WiFi Tower and the GTS. And then Platinum came along and made the GTS even cooler anyways. But they do have some glaring flaws, which is why I put them in my C tier (with C tier being average for a Pokemon game).

      >makes sure to qualify the SWSH placement as personal taste
      >morons still seethe
      I don’t like the game but I appreciate the explanation in good faith. Though I do wonder, how much should competitive weigh in when it comes to a Pokémon game’s objective quality?

      • 4 months ago

        >how much should competitive weigh in when it comes to a Pokémon game’s objective quality?
        more than the toddler campaign with virtually no gameplay but being a hallway walking simulator with trivially easy trainer npcs standing on the sides

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah that's the part I want you to rate because that's the shitty game they developed, then they let people pvp which is always going to be pretty good just because of the variety but it's basically the same shit in every game. Idk how it's so hard for you to get the concept... like the single player for x and y is fricking gay and way more moronic than emerald for example. Surely you can recognize that. But x and y had the old pokemon still and some new ones so after you finish the DOGSHIT campaign you can do pvp. But the game still frickin sucked dick.

          • 4 months ago

            >like the single player for x and y is fricking gay and way more moronic than emerald
            in what way

            • 4 months ago

              It. Is. fricking. moronic.

              • 4 months ago

                >doesn't answer the question

              • 4 months ago

                Look up the definitive x and y review

              • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        The guy that responded to you before was not me, I was at my martial arts class for the evening. Even if

        >how much should competitive weigh in when it comes to a Pokémon game’s objective quality?
        more than the toddler campaign with virtually no gameplay but being a hallway walking simulator with trivially easy trainer npcs standing on the sides

        brings up some good points in a harsh way.
        Competitive has some weight as well, but I think that this was baked into my ranking to some extent unintentionally, as you can never truly run away from meta choices and as a result competitive picks. Plus, competition is largely created by the the rules you follow and not the overall game. Right now I am playing through Emerald with a friend and some other guy I met through a thing and we battle every 10 levels with Pokemon available to us + 1 prize event pick when we win (usually from the PCNY pool) and I was lucky enough to get Kingdra at exactly level 35 for our third round of battling. Competitive is battling but not all battling has to be competitive, and if RBY released on Pokemon Day on NSO and my less than in the know friends start playing it, I think I would have to intentionally gimp myself with my teamchoice because I already pretty much know that meta and the competitive battling in that gen is an afterthought.
        I have never done an official VGC tournament or anything of the like, in current releases I enjoy doing random battles and in ORAS I enjoy occasionally doing Triple Free Battles since there is a notable Japanese scene around it.

  7. 4 months ago

    This game is really good if you uhhh hack it and develop your own server and buy some obscure Japanese attachment that costs $700 now. That's what makes the games GOOD.
    NOT bad.

    • 4 months ago

      Oh and you had to play in the tournament that one week when it was new and host your own tournaments before the online died and you had to pay a subscription for dogshit laggy online to access all of this. And you can get ribbons. That's why this game is GOOD. And if you developed your own program on PC to create your own e-reader cards that means the game was good already even though you created something entirely different to effect the game yet you're still judging the base game on something else entirely. That's why the game is so good

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