Why are your typical d&d players so oblivious to and taken aback by middle eastern cultures?

Why are your typical d&d players so oblivious to and taken aback by middle eastern cultures?
Even stuff that should be common knowledge such as alcohol being illegal in most Islamic cultures is a massive shock to them

They know all sorts of weird facts about japan
But the basic customs of their middle eastern next door neighbours is completely foreign to them

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  1. 8 months ago

    >middle eastern
    >next door neighbours

    • 8 months ago

      FPBP, frick the middle east as a whole, if it was turned to glass that would only be a net benefit for the world as a whole.

    • 8 months ago

      >What is immigration anon

      • 8 months ago

        A weapon.

      • 8 months ago

        A blight upon Europe

      • 8 months ago

        Something that could benefit Israel

  2. 8 months ago

    Why would fantasy middle east necessarily be Islamic instead of pre-Islamic.

    My fantasy middle east does practice bacha bazi though.

    • 8 months ago

      >Why would fantasy middle east necessarily be Islamic instead of pre-Islamic.
      Pre-islamic is problematic period

      • 8 months ago

        >antisemitism bad when whites do it
        >antisemitism good when browns do it

    • 8 months ago

      I'm currently doing a solo game that's pre-islamic with heavy inspiration from Mesopotamia.
      It's a right laugh keeping track of all the gods.

      • 8 months ago

        Mesopotamia and Pre-arab Iran are great places to get ideas.
        Hittites are best tough.

  3. 8 months ago

    Are those Konosuba girls?

    • 8 months ago


  4. 8 months ago

    The typical DnD player is usually too moronic to function and bought into the game by watching Critical Role and Stranger Things.

  5. 8 months ago

    >But the basic customs of their middle eastern next door neighbours is completely foreign to them
    Considering how poorly most Middle Eastern immigrants (especially the young) stick to the rules of their culture in the west, it’s not surprising at all

    • 8 months ago

      What do you expect D&D players to know beyond Paladins driving Moors out of the Holy Lands because Deus Vult? Why does Paladin and Saladin rhyme? Does that mean Alladin should rhyme with it too?

      >young middle easterners culturally assimilate and don't spread their culture

      Pretty much this. I've had middle eastern friends. They're into anime and video games. As for Japan, under Abe he considered cultural export to be a strength of the country, I'm not sure if that meant legislation to help industry in that sector or just that he was a fricking nerd. Occasionally prefectures will fund tv shows/anime that promote them, probably ideally for tourism. Middle eastern projects like that end up being things like slave labor used to build soccer stadiums. It's to promote Dubai and tourism and.. it is what it is. I've heard bad things about tourism in Egypt, but that was a couple years ago. Is there anywhere where a cultural export/ tourism plan, similar to the one Japan has, would work? Somewhere ideally where you don't have to tip/bribe the police?

      OP, you have any ideas?

      • 8 months ago

        >Why are your typical d&d players so oblivious to and taken aback by middle eastern cultures?
        1) Most of D&D players are american who barely interacted with medieval culture and history outside of Camelot casinos in Las-Vegas? Disneyland and this is enough for them
        2) All in all most of D&D players just want to roll dices and get loot from the boss
        3) American fictional writters now extremelly restricted now and almost everything outside of idyllic California with sword and fireballs, without IPhones, but with combat wheelchairs considered as problematic

        >Why does Paladin and Saladin rhyme? Does that mean Alladin should rhyme with it too?
        Because Saladin and Alladin are adapted to english-language versions of original names
        >like slave labor used to build soccer stadiums.
        As opposed to using slave labor to build literally anything in Europe or USA/Canada?

        • 8 months ago

          What are some things in the US that were built with slave labor? Be specific.

          • 8 months ago

            >What are some things in the US that were built with slave labor?
            Railroads, highways, rural and suburbian houses etc and etc

            >As opposed to using slave labor to build literally anything in Europe or USA/Canada?
            The difference is the West outlawed slavery in the 1800s, whereas the Middle East still practices it today, so of course everyone is going to see them as ass backwards

            >The difference is the West outlawed slavery in the 1800s,
            U sure?

            • 8 months ago

              People in penal system are not forced to work. They can opt to do it.

              • 8 months ago

                >People in penal system are not forced to work. They can opt to do it.

              • 8 months ago

                Trying to force a comparison between corrupt for profit prisons and the Holocaust makes you look like a moron, as if people’s issues with the Nazis are that they made people work in the camps and not the reasons people were sent there or the fact that the nazis actually cared less about the work than the death.
                Cope harder, arab, everybody knows your countries are savage still and the only people willing to cover it up are degenerate rich people.

              • 8 months ago

                >and the Holocaust
                Actually I was refering to ostarbeiters.
                >or the fact that the nazis actually cared less about the work than the death.
                So just like other Europeans back in 20 and 21 centuries.

              • 8 months ago

                >back in 20 and 21 centuries.
                >back in the 21 centuries
                >back in the century we’re currently in
                ESL Arabs can’t even into numbers
                Do you even know what you’re trying to whatabout with? Other people having conducted slavery does not make continuing to do it ok, even if the two forms were the same, which they aren’t

              • 8 months ago

                >Other people having conducted slavery does not make continuing to do it ok
                You still missed the point.
                Also, I am not arab.
                >Do you even know what you’re trying to whatabout with?
                The fact that labour migrants have a pretty harsh life (especially by western standarts) all around the world. Yet for some reason maintaining slavery-like conditions in the West Africa by France for cheap uranium (ever wonder why Russia and China managed to snatch plenty of countries from France without logistical capabilities deliver something bigger than bunch of Wagner mercs and chinesse money into region) is okay, but payingt people to built stadium in Dubai is bad

              • 8 months ago

                >Arabs can't even into numbers
                The irony got a chuckle out of me

              • 8 months ago

                And even that was just stolen from India.

              • 8 months ago

                >Indians invented numbers

                Why are Indians so butthurt about their non culture?

              • 8 months ago

                Their foundational religion is the most over the top bombastic nonsense until anime shounen powerwank, which their actual performance in the world does not reflect in the slightest. They have an incredible chip on their shoulder over their relative irrelevance in the world and do their best to assert themselves everywhere they aren't already loved (everywhere). Meanwhile their actual behavior is atrocious by literally any standard anywhere in the world aside from maybe subsaharan Africa. I mean both in personal decorum and actual religious belief. What they've done to the Ganges should be considered an actual international crime.

                I'm fricking sick of every single continental Asian culture shrieking red in the face over the fact Japan is popular and they aren't. Full on 'mom said it's my turn to be cool' temper tantrums, drug out over decades. I'd nuke India and both Koreas just to never hear about either again.

              • 8 months ago

                China is being a bit smarter about it in trying to copy Japan's methods of cultural exportation, though they're hamstrung a bit by Xi's personal policies.

              • 8 months ago

                China at least feels like a legitimate, if underhanded, contender. The rest of the mainland states are just screaming toddlers demanding dessert before dinner.

              • 8 months ago

                They invented the particular number sigils we use. If not for them we'd still have all the same numbers and they'd work the same way, we'd just use different symbols to represent those numbers. 'Arabic (Indian) Numerals' are overblown in importance.

              • 8 months ago

                >same number system with different symbols
                But... how will i do that without a zero?

                I don't know man. I'm asking OP for good places to visit in the middle east where you don't have to tip/bribe the cops and I'm not getting an answer.

                Al Qadim is a traditional D&D setting, where we have the City of Brass. If you actually want to go and buy magical items instead of trying to find them it's a place to go. Getting a favor with a Janni is doable, but you might end up owing them afterward, and everything magic runs through spirits so it's not like upsetting an NPC if you don't follow through, it's like losing access to magic.

                Station matters, salt practices, rules for owning slaves and slave warriors, barber- theives, Caliphs and Bashars and all that stuff. It's a pretty different setting.

                It's like, I know the fantasy of it, the history of it, Saladin, Darius, Suleiman... the stuff that comes up in gaming or stories about knights, but the culture of it is the now.

                I had a muslim coworker and she would say "frick/fricking" every five seconds, so i probably wouldn't have thought of her as very traditional if she wasn't wearing a hajib. Wait, is it a hajib or a hijab? I don't know, she didn't talk about it, mostly talked about tv and movies she liked.

              • 8 months ago

                A half of stuff atributed to arabs were Sirian and other christians of the zone copists, another bunc iranian stuff, and the other Huindu stuff (in this case the Number so called arabic are from Hindu origin).

            • 8 months ago

              Which railroads in the US were built with slave labor?

              • 8 months ago

                The coolie system was pretty crap for the coolies, but it wasn't exactly slavery.

              • 8 months ago

                Just about every one in the Antebellum South.

        • 8 months ago

          >As opposed to using slave labor to build literally anything in Europe or USA/Canada?
          The difference is the West outlawed slavery in the 1800s, whereas the Middle East still practices it today, so of course everyone is going to see them as ass backwards

        • 8 months ago

          >build literally anything in Europe
          Are you dumb? We have guilds of masons (from where the MASONS come from) than build everything in europe. The only stuff made be slaves could be some Roman stuff, and not even that. Also american slaves were cotton pickers and stuff like that if I recall well. Unless you consider the chinese workers in the rail roads slaves.

          • 8 months ago

            >We have guilds of masons (from where the MASONS come from) than build everything in europe.
            I was talking about recent history (19 and 20 centuries)
            >Unless you consider the chinese workers in the rail roads slaves.
            Surely they had simmiliar to UAW union organisation. And certainly japanesse, germans and italians were placed in luxurious hotels. Just because US government denies even it's own citiezens in basic healthcare doesn't make life of mexican workers any better (or chinesse, italians and irish in the past).

          • 8 months ago

            >Are you dumb?
            No, but
            >We have guilds of masons (from where the MASONS come from) than build everything in europe
            You most assuredly are

      • 8 months ago

        The one actual Arab I know (knew) was basically being held hostage there

      • 8 months ago

        >Middle eastern projects like that end up being things like slave labor used to build soccer stadiums
        Who gives a frick? Certainly not Southeast Asia and the Indian Subcontinent where they come from.

  6. 8 months ago

    Why would I want to know anything about Islam, unless it would help me avoid it?

    • 8 months ago

      To be whole

  7. 8 months ago

    Because they have shit aestethics and boring cultures.

    • 8 months ago

      Despite D&D players gaping their mouths over muh diversity and cultures they know jack all about other cultures other then what food they eat and clothes they wear. It's why their games always feel the same.

      This also

      Middle eastern inspired fantasy is so great. I love it, really adds a strong flare and an easy injection of flavor.
      >yes, I do have two wives.
      >Going into the bar? No thank, alcohol is haram. I will stay outside and perform my evening prayer.
      >trying to steal from me? That will be your hand!

      The taste more people are going to get of middle eastern fantasy is Disneys Aladdin

  8. 8 months ago

    >They know all sorts of weird facts about japan
    I do! But my wife is Japanese so I'm not sure how this is weird.

    >But the basic customs of their middle eastern next door neighbours is completely foreign to them
    During the wars, I was unfortunate enough to experience a lot of Arab culture and came to realize that they make the Turks look excellent by comparison. I don't think there's anything of value in Arab culture, which is definitely the opposite of Japanese culture. Heck, Japan is where we got "American work culture" from with the whole never taking vacations and working 10-12 hours for 8 hours of pay.

  9. 8 months ago

    Preach, brother!
    Raising a glass of #Teremana for Middle Eastern cultures.

  10. 8 months ago

    Why is the blue-haired one showing her legs? The satanic harlot should be killed on the spot.

  11. 8 months ago


    go back, OP

  12. 8 months ago

    Middle eastern inspired fantasy is so great. I love it, really adds a strong flare and an easy injection of flavor.
    >yes, I do have two wives.
    >Going into the bar? No thank, alcohol is haram. I will stay outside and perform my evening prayer.
    >trying to steal from me? That will be your hand!

    • 8 months ago

      >Nice goat... Does she charge by the hour or per night?
      >Nice camel... Does she charge by the hour or per night?
      >Nice underage son...

      Well.. You get the picture.

      • 8 months ago

        >said while commissioning next pack of furry porn

        • 8 months ago

          Projecting cope

    • 8 months ago

      >Going into the bar? No thank, alcohol is haram. I will stay outside and perform my evening prayer.
      Instead, they tend to smoke and drink shots of ancient Red Bull all day.

      • 8 months ago

        And just hang one doing nothing.

    • 8 months ago

      There's also the option of Khat/Betel nut use and gambling on animal fights.

  13. 8 months ago

    Being against slavers is western imperialism and colonialism, forcing their ethnocentric views on other countries and cultures. The British even went to war with kingdoms in Africa to stop those kingdoms from selling people into slavery. They had no right.

  14. 8 months ago

    >alcohol is illegal
    Coffee. It's made from the arabica bean after all

  15. 8 months ago

    why would I care about a bunch of barbarians worshipping a moongod?

    • 8 months ago

      Selune, don’t look

  16. 8 months ago

    i will get rid of all casters inshallah

  17. 8 months ago

    Post Islam the middle east is all very same-y. There remain cultural differences but their religion being the sole axiom culture revolves around is annoying and if you're running a fantasy setting you've essentially got to port not-Islam into the setting which is extremely uninspired.

    IMO, go for pre-islamic cultures if you want to do something middle east inspired.

    • 8 months ago

      >Post Islam the middle east is all very same-y.
      I will disappoint you anon, but even in the time when Crassus landed in Syria all local cultures and customs which weren't supported by Judaism, Zoroastrianism or Egypt were dying echo.

  18. 8 months ago

    >middle eastern next door neighbours is completely foreign to them

    I'm not Br*tish

  19. 8 months ago

    Because people who play the most basic ttrpg and people who have a genuine interest in global cultures and history aren't hugely overlapping. Additionally, middle eastern cultures post islam are very monolithic compared to European or Asian cultures, so they're less interesting to set pulpy stories in most of the time and they get less exposure (consider that one of the most common aesthetic cultures from the middle east explored by modern media is ancient egypt, a culture that hasn't existed for millennia).
    The only westerners (or people from other developed countries) who get really interested in middle eastern cultures to the point of claiming that they're great are leftists overcompensating for some mode of white guilt, and the absolute worst kind of reactionary who has such an antisocial relationship with cultural identity that they care a lot about vague intolerant attitudes because they're "based" and doesn't give a shit about preserving beauty or high culture, so they latch onto the middle east despite the fact that it has nearly no high culture in comparison to the west just because it is outwardly extremely socially conservative (though in truth it is rife with degenerate behaviour without having undergone the some kind of decline that the west is, see pakistan's norms on raping boys).

  20. 8 months ago

    You will never be European

  21. 8 months ago

    They have this enlightened western progressive thinking that habib is just like them and also loves transsexual catgirls and everyone should just stop with the cutting off hands jokes!

  22. 8 months ago

    Because the west doesn't like camel frickers for obvious reasons, now go stone your mother.

  23. 8 months ago

    Because Europe as a whole west of the Balkans and north of Spain had as little to do with Muslims as possible, and in the Balkans and Spain Europeans were a tyrannized underclass who despised the Muslim overlords, and were legally barred from mingling with them. The massive religious barrier minimized the intermingling and cultural exchange you might expect, even the intellectual exchange was largely mediated by Byzantine Greeks FLEEING the Muslims.

    • 8 months ago

      >mediated by Byzantine Greeks FLEEING the Muslims.

      • 8 months ago

        We're talking about how their work got to Europe, anon. The people who brought that knowledge weren't always the ones to invent it.

  24. 8 months ago

    >Arab darkness being chubby
    >Darkness being chubby at all

  25. 8 months ago

    Because they are brainwashed morons that blow themselves up to please some sky daddy. Why the hell should I care?

    Glass the whole desert and take the oil.

  26. 8 months ago

    >Premise with no grounding in reality whatsoever
    >To justify an off topic, irrelevant and time-wasting question
    AI thread

  27. 8 months ago

    I'd recommend the Richard Francis Burton translation of One Thousand and One Nights, and generally anything by Burton. Now that's how to play a fighter lol.
    The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám
    Seven Pillars of Wisdom, by T.E. Lawrence.
    The El Borak stories by Robert E. Howard
    Donald Tyson's Necronomicon and novel Alhazred.

    Al-Rashad, by Mightygodking

    Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
    The Message (1976)

    I once had an online argument with an idiot who kept calling pre-Islam Arabs "Muslims", no matter how many times everyone else in the thread tried to explain that Islam only dates back to about 1000ad, and the birth of the prophet Muhammad, he just kept asking about Muslims before Muhammad, like that was somehow a thing.

    • 8 months ago

      >Islam only dates back to about 1000ad
      Thought it was 700ad?

    • 8 months ago

      >he just kept asking about Muslims before Muhammad, like that was somehow a thing.

      It's a thing in Islam. Islam teaches that Christ taught Islam and his disciples were muslims, and that the crucifixion simply appeared to happen to Jesus but that someone else was actually crucified instead. Muslims typically believe that Paul ruined this Islamic teaching and replaced it with corrupt Christianity.

      >Islam only dates back to about 1000ad
      Thought it was 700ad?

      >Thought it was 700ad?
      Early 610s.

  28. 8 months ago

    Well, what are some common misconceptions about the Middle East? Any in particular that infuriate you?

  29. 8 months ago

    We've had threads about it before, but there was an artistic movement called "Orientalism", which was real Arabian Nights stuff. Beautiful photorealistic paintings of, well, mostly stuff that was probably posed with models in fricking London or whatever, lol, but usually someone doing a hootchie dance or buying an amazing rug.

  30. 8 months ago
  31. 8 months ago
  32. 8 months ago
  33. 8 months ago
  34. 8 months ago
  35. 8 months ago
  36. 8 months ago

    >thread full of dumb fricks that can't into the boards topic because they can't put /misc/ away for 20 minutes
    This thread is a perfect example to the liars who insist the board isn't shittier than ever due to /misc/ frickwits.

    • 8 months ago

      I just fing the astethics of the middle east boring as frick. And I would hate to live there. The mesopotamians and iranians until the sassanids are cool tough.

    • 8 months ago

      this whole site is worse due to /misc/ some boards just filtered them more for some time.

  37. 8 months ago

    Because they are usually Western European or American, and those two groups insist on universalizing their beliefs and culture. That the middle east is in disagreement with their values is disturbing, how can anyone not see things the way I do? You see a similar thing with White liberal anti-Zionists who insist that most israelites aren't Zionist, since Zionism is antithetical to modern Western values, and if this discrete ethnic group largely agree on this point, most in that ethnic group are bad which is racism.

  38. 8 months ago
  39. 8 months ago

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