Why aren't there any MMORPGs like the ones in Anime?

Why aren't there any MMORPGs like the ones in Anime?

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  1. 9 months ago

    They're the same games. You're just not the protagonist in real life.

    • 8 months ago

      Lots of KMMOs have anime esque mechanics but anime MMOs use plot devices to skip over the parts where you have to be a normal grunt player

  2. 9 months ago

    MMO culture isn't the same anymore. Maybe it existed back in the 2000s but not so much now.

    >Sense of adventure is gone because there's a wiki
    >Socializing is gone because of discord
    >Random group ups is gone because they want the best players
    >Builds with personality is gone because of the meta
    >Adventure is gone because an interesting world is less profitable than gacha tactics

    • 9 months ago

      Pretty much this, it really started to go downhill with youtube guides. Once anyone could see the strats plain as day the mystique was gone and all of the things this guy mentioned further exacerbated the problem. Oh and while we used to "rp" as our character it never really went too far, when the crazies started trying to become their character irl it was an issue.

    • 9 months ago

      There was never a "sense of adventure" in MMOs. It was caused by you being young and new to MMOs and to open ended videogames. There can never be an MMO where a "sense of adventure" is the primary appeal because the whole idea is antithetical to MMOs. "Adventure" will encourage developers to make massive empty worlds that take way too much developer resources, makes it harder to meet people, and the content will run out very quickly anyway because that's the nature of videogames.

      >Socializing is gone because of discord
      Socializing is gone because it's useless and counterproductive to grinding; game design problem.
      >Random group ups is gone because they want the best players
      Random group ups are gone because it's a waste of time when you can just press a button to get a group and grinding is the point of the game anyway; game design problem.

      MMOs are shit because MMOs are shit, not because there's something wrong with the players or the "culture". There's a problem with the culture in the sense that a shit MMO attracts shit players, but that still makes it a game design problem, not a culture problem.

      The solution to MMOs is to make a good fricking MMO. You can keep coping about whatever you want but this is the only problem with MMOs and the only solution to it.

      • 9 months ago

        why do redditspacers always have the worst fricking takes possible?

        • 9 months ago

          >waaah reddit!!!
          shut the frick up Black person :3

          • 8 months ago

            No u cracker 🙂

      • 9 months ago

        FFXI groups in the old days were about socializing and adventure. All of that best of da best shit didn't matter until youtube losers took over.

      • 9 months ago

        >MMOs are shit because Themepark MMOs are shit

        • 9 months ago

          Name a sandbox MMO thats fun.
          Hard mode: The current patch its on, no "before they removed pvp" patch

          • 9 months ago

            Albion and Eve.

            • 8 months ago

              Lol eve is shitty stinky garbage full of even stickier shittier people

              • 8 months ago

                EVE is the MMORPG of the white man, 80% of player are in theirs mids 40, have a wife an children. Too bad that you are a Black person and can't enjoy one of the top MMORPG of all times

              • 8 months ago

                It was, not anymore.

                Half of the EVE players these days are trannies unless you're in an old school corp, and the game caters to them like removing wardecs and making the game about private instanced ISK printing PVE and PVP battlegrounds ala faction warfare, and now pirate faction warfare, and the economy is a fricking joke because they replaced all the economist developers with ESG hires.

              • 8 months ago

                Only reason I play is hop into corps, get into their comms and discord, find anything racist, phobic or exclusionary, take pictures and recordings and report it to CCP. It's fun seeing officers on each others throats wondering who reported them, then I report them again for witchhunting. Account gone. :clown:

              • 8 months ago

                Yea that sounds like how I have fun calling ICE on illegals, Trump 2024.

              • 8 months ago

                Only reason I play is hop into corps, get into their comms and discord, find anything racist, phobic or exclusionary, take pictures and recordings and report it to CCP. It's fun seeing officers on each others throats wondering who reported them, then I report them again for witchhunting. Account gone. :clown:

                damn, having lived in times when practically nothing you could say online was a bannable offense I wonder if I'll ever experience such times ever again. Censorship is cancer that kills humanity.

          • 8 months ago

            Star Wars Galaxies
            Asheron's Call
            Star Citizen
            Pretty much every game that isn't a PvP gankbox

            • 8 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                You can ignore that you know, it's just a little activism by poogressives

              • 7 months ago

                >just ignore it
                that's how we got to this point

          • 8 months ago

            Anarchy Online
            Asheron's Call 2
            Urban Dead
            Diablo IV

      • 9 months ago

        Nice reddit spacing, tourist

      • 8 months ago

        group ups is gone because they want the best players
        I'd add that several MMOs it's far worst to grind as a group than to grind solo so no one groups.

      • 8 months ago

        You know it's a based take when there are that many people butthurt in response

      • 8 months ago

        It's a mix of both. Game design focused on convenience killed organic grouping and socializing the same way easier access to information and social networking did it. There's ways of mitigating it by game design but there's no denial that your MMO you'll be competing with social networks like discord and twitch or pro players pumping meta guides on youtube for attention in a way that wasn't the case in the mid 2000s

      • 8 months ago

        >Socializing is gone because it's useless and counterproductive to grinding; game design problem.
        grinding zoomers are the death of all video games, have a nice day tonight lmao

      • 8 months ago

        Correct anon is correct

        MMOs are inherently shitty

        Just an endless loop of trying to get slightly higher numbers so you can easily get more slightly higher numbers so you can easily get more slightly higher numbers zero skill gameplay where all that matters is how many hours you have to waste on the tedious unending grind

        All that is left is the "social" experience which is non-existent because contemporary gamers are silent sweaty weirdos, hackers, or tryhard discord no lifers all of whom are dogshit to interact with and aren't fun or interesting or interested in roleplay

        Meanwhile I just played a game of DRG where during the end round rush to the escape pod one straggling squaddie went down while all of us where in the pod and told us to leave them and we said "frick that" and fought our way back to our bro narrowly escaping together all of which was pointless since you aren't punished for just leaving slow pokes behind but the vibe was so good and this is a PvE FPS hoard shooter you mostly play with randoms and usually only spend 10-40 minutes with and you don't even need to communicate to be efficient with but it has an obscene amount of bros that play it atm so most lobbies are genuinely fun

        MMOs can't generate that level of interaction or goodwill maybe it's different in Japland but MMO players from everywhere else are obnoxious boring unfun losers I'd rather just wade through roll20 trannies looking for a tabletop game than ever waste another minute in any MMO

    • 9 months ago

      This. At some point players sucked out all the fun out of the genre and turned it into a second job. You can no longer meet up some randoms, explore some dungeons, die to some high level mobs and laugh about it. Everyone's super serious, especially when they need someone to blame for screwing up a raid.

      There was never a "sense of adventure" in MMOs. It was caused by you being young and new to MMOs and to open ended videogames. There can never be an MMO where a "sense of adventure" is the primary appeal because the whole idea is antithetical to MMOs. "Adventure" will encourage developers to make massive empty worlds that take way too much developer resources, makes it harder to meet people, and the content will run out very quickly anyway because that's the nature of videogames.

      >Socializing is gone because of discord
      Socializing is gone because it's useless and counterproductive to grinding; game design problem.
      >Random group ups is gone because they want the best players
      Random group ups are gone because it's a waste of time when you can just press a button to get a group and grinding is the point of the game anyway; game design problem.

      MMOs are shit because MMOs are shit, not because there's something wrong with the players or the "culture". There's a problem with the culture in the sense that a shit MMO attracts shit players, but that still makes it a game design problem, not a culture problem.

      The solution to MMOs is to make a good fricking MMO. You can keep coping about whatever you want but this is the only problem with MMOs and the only solution to it.

      MMOs being shit was a part of the appeal, really. The focus was on getting together and causing make-believe mischief, while the game itself was meant to do that without distracting you with gameplay/lore/quests. It was up to your imagination to give it meaning, which is something normies lack, because they can only do what they're told to do.

      • 9 months ago

        There's a big difference between a game being shit because it's low quality, and being shit because it does literally everything wrong and caters to people who don't want to play an MMO.

        • 8 months ago

          Nobody has time anymore and zoomers want fornite

    • 8 months ago

      discord didn't kill socialization, I distinctly remember using irc, teamspeak, mumble and raidcall in the past for MMOs
      what changed is that people grew up and aren't looking to socialize anymore while the new generation simply doesn't play MMOs, people just stop fricking caring about socializing as they get older and MMOs playerbases are composed entirely of 30+ boomers

      • 8 months ago

        to add to this, Roblox is the closest thing to what MMOs were like because it's full of kids and teenagers, the people who are actually social, I'm not saying Roblox is good or that you should play it but that's where they all went, zoomers aren't playing world of warcraft or final fantasy 14 or fricking maplestory anymore

      • 8 months ago

        >I distinctly remember using irc, teamspeak, mumble and raidcall in the past for MMOs
        these didn't replace forums though, discord functionally serves as the replacement for forums. despite all of those existing players still mainly congregated and conversed in game, now people mainly congregate in discord servers

        • 8 months ago

          so what? what does it matter WHERE the congregation is happening so long as it's happening?

          • 8 months ago

            it's not happening mostly in-game, ergo the social aspect of MMOs themselves are dead

    • 8 months ago

      I had a lot of fun socializing in FF11 Horizon when it launched last year. It is literally impossible to solo past level 10 because the mobs simply hurt too hard, so you are FORCED to group up to continue, and APM is low enough that you can actually talk while fighting. And you you got to recognize the same names and began forging bonds with people. But the modern meta mentality is still there in that people will squint if you want to use a non-meta build like greatsword paladin, samurai tank, dragoon/red mage hybrid that can heal and lowman, etc.

      Do you really need to ask.
      >Anime MMO1
      >Girl eats monster and becomes ultra-OP
      >Implying people wouldn't be datamining that shit from the very first moment
      >If not datamineable (server-side), then people would either start shit and claim quitting because she's getting preferential treatment, or try to dox her/hack her and make her life hell

      >Anime MMO 2
      >People obtain unique skills based on what they are good at doing in the game
      >People instantly make a wiki checking which are the good skills and what is usually done to obtain them
      >Instantly remake based on if the skill is not good for hours to no end
      >People get mad that the game "forces" you on this RNG fest grind and start demanding you can at least pay to skip it (not p2w btw)

      >Anime MMO 3
      >People when killed drop full gear and have to start from 1, there are various npc factions and whatnot
      > ">hardcore pvp no pve carebear" MMO is already something that flops in record time when people realize 1-on-1 where your winning odds aren't 99% is something nobody wants to engage in.

      >>Girl eats monster and becomes ultra-OP
      people wouldn't be datamining that shit from the very first moment
      >>If not datamineable (server-side), then people would either start shit and claim quitting because she's getting preferential treatment, or try to dox her/hack her and make her life hell
      SWG had the secret and prestigious jedi class which had obscure unlock requirements that few people met.

      Do you really need to ask.
      >Anime MMO1
      >Girl eats monster and becomes ultra-OP
      >Implying people wouldn't be datamining that shit from the very first moment
      >If not datamineable (server-side), then people would either start shit and claim quitting because she's getting preferential treatment, or try to dox her/hack her and make her life hell

      >Anime MMO 2
      >People obtain unique skills based on what they are good at doing in the game
      >People instantly make a wiki checking which are the good skills and what is usually done to obtain them
      >Instantly remake based on if the skill is not good for hours to no end
      >People get mad that the game "forces" you on this RNG fest grind and start demanding you can at least pay to skip it (not p2w btw)

      >Anime MMO 3
      >People when killed drop full gear and have to start from 1, there are various NPC factions and whatnot
      > ">hardcore pvp no pve carebear" MMO is already something that flops in record time when people realize 1-on-1 where your winning odds aren't 99% is something nobody wants to engage in.

      MMO 2
      obtain unique skills based on what they are good at doing in the game
      instantly make a wiki checking which are the good skills and what is usually done to obtain them
      remake based on if the skill is not good for hours to no end
      get mad that the game "forces" you on this RNG fest grind and start demanding you can at least pay to skip it (not p2w btw)
      IIRC Asheron's Call randomized which abilities each player could learn and/or their useful and unlock requirements per individual. What was meta for one player would not be the same for another.

      Do you really need to ask.
      >Anime MMO1
      >Girl eats monster and becomes ultra-OP
      >Implying people wouldn't be datamining that shit from the very first moment
      >If not datamineable (server-side), then people would either start shit and claim quitting because she's getting preferential treatment, or try to dox her/hack her and make her life hell

      >Anime MMO 2
      >People obtain unique skills based on what they are good at doing in the game
      >People instantly make a wiki checking which are the good skills and what is usually done to obtain them
      >Instantly remake based on if the skill is not good for hours to no end
      >People get mad that the game "forces" you on this RNG fest grind and start demanding you can at least pay to skip it (not p2w btw)

      >Anime MMO 3
      >People when killed drop full gear and have to start from 1, there are various NPC factions and whatnot
      > ">hardcore pvp no pve carebear" MMO is already something that flops in record time when people realize 1-on-1 where your winning odds aren't 99% is something nobody wants to engage in.

      MMO 3
      >> ">hardcore pvp no pve carebear" MMO is already something that flops in record time when people realize 1-on-1 where your winning odds aren't 99% is something nobody wants to engage in.
      EVE Online is still alive. People learn to group up and fight using low cost gear they can easily afford to replace in large numbers.

  3. 9 months ago

    Because in anime the MC is the only player, everyone else is an NPC. If it was a real MMO then there's no way the MC could be the first person to do everything new in the game and unlock all the secret paths that nobody has ever heard of at the same time and gather the interest of game masters and single-handedly unlock the hidden next chapter of the game. Expecting this from MMOs is moronic and means that you don't want an MMO. MMO is a genre where potentially millions of real human players exist in the same world, you fundamentally cannot be the protagonist or expect the be the first person to do anything in that kind of a world.

  4. 9 months ago

    The ones in anime are basically shit compared to real life mmos and the real life mmos are proper shit.

  5. 9 months ago

    moron those animes are usually heavy influenced by Ragnarok Online, Mabinogi and FFXI

    • 9 months ago

      These are the only mmos like anime, add in tree of savior which is represented by net juu no susume and yamada lv999 or aion which is represented by SAO's alfheim

  6. 9 months ago

    The fundamental aspect of MMOs is that you're not comparing yourself against NPCs, or 9 other people selected for similar skill. You're comparing yourself against every player in the region, or even globally. This filters most people because they're NPCoids who don't have the skill, wherewithal and charisma to carve out their own meaningful position within such a large community.

    Also there are still non-gay MMOs:
    >without party finder
    >where solved autism grindfests are optional for "endgame"
    >where socialization and finding a good community is very important

    • 8 months ago

      solved autism grindfests are optional for "endgame"
      Unfortunately, at that point the community becomes more interested in speeding through as quickly as possible. If you want to play with other people, you'll still be expected to know all the optimal strategies because otherwise you'll be slowing everyone else down.

  7. 9 months ago

    1: Requiring 5000 uber buffs that lets one player become a god to fight an unreleased boss doesn't happen
    2: VR is a meme
    3: Player dynamics are dead in modern MMOs, cartering to sologays and speedrunners exclusively
    4: the anime MMO is a a marketing scheme to get you to play MMOs 90% of the time, where the MMO itself, especially asian MMOs, are there to rip you the frick off with mediocre gamepaly with the vague promise that you might have fun -eventually-, but that never happens

  8. 9 months ago

    because anime is gay

    • 8 months ago

      I dont watch cuckime so you're gonna have to explain it for normal people

      Ganker is an anime website. If you don't like it, then kindly leave

      • 8 months ago

        no it isn't. it was created by a white boy from something awful and it's based on a japanese imageboard that itself was still not an "anime website". Ganker has a designated anime containment board. posting off-topic tranime shit outside of that containment board and /b/ is a bannable offense. stop larping as an "oldgay" like you know shit.

        • 8 months ago
  9. 9 months ago

    I dont watch cuckime so you're gonna have to explain it for normal people

  10. 8 months ago

    >the best season was a BR

  11. 8 months ago

    There are, they're just not post-WoW MMOs, because WoW single-handedly killed the genre

  12. 8 months ago

    Do you really need to ask.
    >Anime MMO1
    >Girl eats monster and becomes ultra-OP
    >Implying people wouldn't be datamining that shit from the very first moment
    >If not datamineable (server-side), then people would either start shit and claim quitting because she's getting preferential treatment, or try to dox her/hack her and make her life hell

    >Anime MMO 2
    >People obtain unique skills based on what they are good at doing in the game
    >People instantly make a wiki checking which are the good skills and what is usually done to obtain them
    >Instantly remake based on if the skill is not good for hours to no end
    >People get mad that the game "forces" you on this RNG fest grind and start demanding you can at least pay to skip it (not p2w btw)

    >Anime MMO 3
    >People when killed drop full gear and have to start from 1, there are various NPC factions and whatnot
    > ">hardcore pvp no pve carebear" MMO is already something that flops in record time when people realize 1-on-1 where your winning odds aren't 99% is something nobody wants to engage in.

  13. 8 months ago

    The better question is why japanese """mmos""" are nothing like the ones in their anime and light novels. Or why there are so few of them. You'd think that with as popular isekai and mmo themed light novels were in the 10s there would be massive demand for them in Japan.

  14. 8 months ago

    I am tired of waiting for new mmo's. No info, no intel, no release dates. Only source of knowledge of their existence in by youtube clips from either korean or japan. No english translation either.
    Where's my throne and liberty? My Odin Valhalla Rising, my HIT2? Nothing.

  15. 8 months ago

    Anime mmos are mostly based on a period that the writers grew up in and doesn't really exist anymore. They're games like Mabinogi or Grand Chase that don't really work in the current environment.

    Where they take liberties, it's for things that would have been awful to actually play in even back then. Limited classes and hyper specialization of builds and the like are just bad designs.

    • 8 months ago

      mabinogi is the fastest moving thread on this board

  16. 8 months ago

    What you mean sandbox games? Because homosexuals who probably watch anime, like yourself, can't stand player conflict, downtime and risk versus reward gameplay. Thus everyone just makes safe and soloable theme park trash. Thanks homosexual.

    • 7 months ago

      pvp in mmos is pure fricking trash. It's all just about who has the bigger numbers.

    • 7 months ago

      >can't stand player conflict
      Of course people hate player conflict when the game isn't designed for player conflict. When the game is designed for grinding and solo play, everyone will hate homosexuals who come in with PvP gear and PvP-optimized build to kill you when you're minding your own business grinding mobs.

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