Why arent you making your own game? You only have to know C#.

Why aren’t you making your own game? You only have to know C#.

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  1. 9 months ago

    what the frick would i want to do that

  2. 9 months ago

    I only know python

    • 9 months ago

      Joke language. Write in C.


      Why aren’t you making your own game? You only have to know C#.

      C++ is better for games, virtually ever game engine is written in C++ or C. Similarly most graphics are done in C family languages.

      JavaScript is a real man’s language

      kek. you aren't a real programmer

      • 9 months ago

        Unity uses C#

        • 9 months ago

          that's a big part of the reason why unity games are so poorly optimized

          • 9 months ago

            lol no. both .net and jvm are perfectly capable and run their programs well, just a bit slower than programs written in c/c++. yuzu is written in c++ while ryuujinx is c#. both are head to head in performance despite yuzu having more funding than ryuujinx.
            it's more than quality of developers and software in general has gone down. very few people actually care about performance and benchmark their code which is why you have people like muratori and blow autistically screech about it every time they see something wrong with the software they use.

            • 9 months ago

              yeah, the number of devs who have never even opened the profiler is a fricking embarrassment to the industry

              • 9 months ago

                I do it every session AND have only 1 memory leak that I'm postponing because I want to see the feature working first.

            • 9 months ago

              >.net and jvm are perfectly capable and run their programs well
              unless there is an update that breaks compatibility between your bytecode and the virtual machine, then the end user is fricked with no way of fixing things
              >very few people actually care about performance
              maybe they don't at whatever bumfrick microshit deadend software house you work at but for websites that get real traffic computer time is money
              even if you don't care about performance there are zero advantages to crap like java nowadays

              • 9 months ago

                >maybe they don't at whatever bumfrick microshit deadend software house you work at but for websites that get real traffic computer time is money
                Who, like Microsoft Azure, #2 cloud provider in the world? You know Netflix uses Node and Python? And that Facebook uses PHP?
                Small- and medium-fry businesses tend to not give a frick about performance but none of the C# shops I've ever worked at have had any trouble serving tens of thousands of requests per second on modest hardware.
                If you're concerned about performance in Unity then watch your draw calls, which most indie devs could hardly give a frick about, and watch your heap allocations. Blaming the language is nodev-tier.

            • 9 months ago

              the JVM is so fast that people write new languages for it

              i'd be interested in seeing more LISP stuff in games but clojure especially is only used by webshitters today

              • 9 months ago

                Unlike Common Lisp, which is truly multi-paradigm and possibly the most flexible and powerful language there is, Clojure is hellbent on being a functional language, which makes sense for things it was intended for (backends, where taking the ability to use OOP away from morons on a language level is beneficial), but for things that are inherently all about state and changing it, like games, functional approach is like kicking dead whales down the beach - and in the end you get abysmal performance.
                It's a shame, because, unlike other Lisps, Clojure has a pretty good ecosystem (mostly "borrowed" from Java and JS, but yeah) and great reach, as it runs on the JVM and CLR, can be transpiled to JS and has like a dozen of other implementations in various languages for various target platforms - and also is simply good itself, but the self-imposed restriction to FP is very limiting.

              • 9 months ago

                I agree, and that's why I dropped using it. Functional-tards have this idea that its good to be functional, out of this idea that, you ought to know what changes are going to happen and constrain them. Btu the problem is that, on something like a complex game, I will have no idea in general what changes are going to end up happening in the end, I'm not a fortune teller who can account for everything, I need to be able to just tell the system to randomly manipulate whatever the frick I want and have it not care because it just affects the current game state.

          • 9 months ago

            i dont think that matters
            the physics engine and the renderer are all written in C++ (i think)
            thats the only thing that needs optimization
            the systems and mechanics and the gameplay and UI of the game are not that resourse intensive to require optimization.

            • 9 months ago

              It does, which is why Unity has complex, unfinished, and unwieldy systems like DOTS and jobs.

          • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          Yeah and Unity is a shitty engine used by poor moronic people to make shitty games.

          JavaScript is the ESL of programming languages.


          • 9 months ago

            Joke language. Write in C.
            C++ is better for games, virtually ever game engine is written in C++ or C. Similarly most graphics are done in C family languages.
            kek. you aren't a real programmer

            doesn't unreal use some bastard version of c++ with cancer exclusive syntax?
            does that make it any better than unity for AA tier games?

            start with python or c, they are easy to learn
            once you understand them try c++
            don't waste your time with c#. it's basically only used by unity and unity won't be around forever

            i thought a lot of microshit or contraxtors use c# k

            • 9 months ago

              >i thought a lot of microshit or contraxtors use c# k
              they do. banking and government use them quite a bit. it's not going away anytime soon.

      • 9 months ago

        Stop larping, you gay. You’re not Manfred Trenz.

    • 9 months ago

      Don't worry its written in C so you're still technically coding in C since most of the time you're just calling C functions. Go ahead and put C on your resume and when asked about it, tell them you call C functions via Pythonic APIs to allow for easier end user projects

    • 9 months ago

      Python is great if you want to work outside the game's industry.

      Like, no one uses Python for anything other than porn VNs in the game-sphere, but in Networking, Cybersec and other back-end fields Python is basically THE language you need to know (there are other languages you'll want to learn too, but Python is considered the most important because it's readability means even actual morons can tell what your back-end code is doing).

    • 9 months ago

      Try Godot

    • 9 months ago

      Having started with C and C++ it's incredible how gorilla moron easy Python is

      • 9 months ago

        having started with C and C++ as well python doesn't even feel like programming
        I just write shit and it just works

    • 9 months ago

      >but muh indentation

      this is your brain on python

    • 9 months ago

      Coding isn't the problem, art is.
      3d modelling is hard as frick.

      You could make a renpy porn "games" and earn easy 6k a month by doing jack shit.
      Theres crazy money to be made and basically no competition.

  3. 9 months ago

    JavaScript is a real man’s language

    • 9 months ago

      JavaScript is the ESL of programming languages.

      • 9 months ago

        that is Java sirs

      • 9 months ago

        And Python?

        • 9 months ago

          python is highly structured and consistent
          javascript unstructured and inconsistent

    • 9 months ago

      good enough for the James Webb telescope

      • 9 months ago

        didn't they shit just get hacked?

    • 9 months ago

      I'm making my game in HTML5/Javascript. I was heavily considering Unity, but considering how UI focused the game is I might as well go with something piss easy.

      I just wish I knew how to change the font rendering to something aliased

      • 9 months ago

        make it in three.js or babylon.js

      • 9 months ago

        >Javascript game

        good luck to ya m8

        I had a 'Computer Graphics' class that was done mostly with JS examples. A lot of position based dynamics, ropes, gravity, crowd avoidance, and more shit that I still don't remember how to do.

      • 9 months ago

        >CSS rule exists but is supported by two different syntaxes on Webkit/Firefox, and only works on macOS
        Gotta love webdev. Make a font atlas or use a pixel font?

  4. 9 months ago

    c# is a terrible language. it's basically impossible to optimize game written in c#.

  5. 9 months ago

    unironicly what are some good starter books to buy to learn? want to make a 3d platformer in unity in at least 3 years

    • 9 months ago

      Buy The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie (RIP).

      • 9 months ago

        2nd eddition good? 28 bucks for hard copy is insanely cheap.

        • 9 months ago

          That will do just fine.

          • 9 months ago

            If you're starting from scratch, do codecademy for basics, then soscsrpg.

            Someone who actually knows what they're talking about will probably have better info, but these got me started.

            other anons clearly didnt see you write Unity. find a book on c#, not c or c++.

            taking this all into account will report back in a year with a screen shot of this post and a prototype build of the game

        • 9 months ago

          just use library genesis

    • 9 months ago

      C++ primer

    • 9 months ago

      other anons clearly didnt see you write Unity. find a book on c#, not c or c++.

      • 9 months ago

        Unity and C# are worthless amateur stuff. C is a much better language and is far more versatile.

    • 9 months ago

      If you're starting from scratch, do codecademy for basics, then soscsrpg.

      Someone who actually knows what they're talking about will probably have better info, but these got me started.

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        I can't bump this enough
        This is a GREAT book for beginners in programming and dont get discourage by LE GAMING references, he really explains vital concepts well.

        The only gripe I have is that his solutions are sometimes overcomplicated as shit but its a minor one.

    • 9 months ago

      just buy courses on Udemy when they're on sale

  6. 9 months ago

    I've spent like ten years with C# and I've made some kusoge, but nowadays I make my money doing webdev so I spend more time on JS and SQL than C#.
    Man, I want to go back to making games but I'm lazy and I definitely won't get anything done while I'm still employed.

  7. 9 months ago

    I am to practice. I'm gonna graduate to a better language when I understand this well enough.

    • 9 months ago

      start with python or c, they are easy to learn
      once you understand them try c++
      don't waste your time with c#. it's basically only used by unity and unity won't be around forever

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah, probably gonna jump to c++ next, I just want to finish the thing I'm making to solidify the basics, I don't think it's worthwhile to pick up another language inbetween

        • 9 months ago

          once you get some experience learning new language is easy, especially languages like c#. you could probably learn them in a day if you were skilled enough

          • 9 months ago

            c is an efficient compiled language that has been around forever
            c++ is a similar language that extends c by adding classes and some other stuff
            c# is a language microsoft created in the 90s to compete with java. it runs in bytecode rather than being compiled meaning it is inefficient and a b***h to work with. it is somewhat elegant and therefore it is popular with newbie programmers
            the only thing c/c++ have in common with c# is bracket{} notation

            You know what, you actually have convinced me to scrap the thing, it was an inefficient practice piece anyway, and I was gonna move onto C++ later, so why not do it right away.

  8. 9 months ago

    >you have to know an abomination lang that rests between a web scripting one and a compiled one
    >memory management and coding for performance is scawwy
    making my own engine in C++ and im going to frick your mom, sister and GF.

    • 9 months ago

      In a few years when you realize you're dumb for thinking this, remember that I made this post. I accept your future self's (You) in advance. Thank you.

      • 9 months ago

        my game will be easily reverse engineered and recompiled in the future for architectures then. can you say the same for the slop you create in "babby's first game engine"? ill give you a pass if you make it in godot, because you actually need skill and grit to make anything decent with it, plus it's FOSS. i also dont need to make it big. making a game is a hobby for me.

        >learn web dev with ruby
        >almost had a rails job but had to settle for a few that are .net
        unlucky. Glad I'm not a video game dev though

        php is still the widely used backend in current year. and rails devs are so rare that you basically need a pulse and some prior, non-ruby webdev experience to find a job. asp.net/blazor jobs arent that bad. a friend of mine makes good money maintaining and refactoring VB.net codebases.

        • 9 months ago

          >asp.net/blazor jobs arent that bad. a friend of mine makes good money maintaining and refactoring VB.net codebases.
          VB.NET is fricking ancient shit, though. He's probably working with like .NET Framework 4.5 WebForms apps.

          I don't know many people who use Blazor I'm one of a very few I know who has actually done professional development with both Blazor WebAssembly and Blazor Server. That tech has way too much of an uphill climb to compete with JavaScript. I don't get why so many startup bros like it so much. WASM has a horrendous startup time and Server is a pain to get working with slower connections.

    • 9 months ago

      >making my own engine in C++
      Is it so common to make your own engine? I always assumed that the normal thing for aspiring developers was to use one of the existing engines, and that to create an engine you have to be a company.

      • 9 months ago

        there's nothing wrong with making your own engine
        but there's no way in hell that guy is actually going to release a game

      • 9 months ago

        The cool part about making your own engine is that you won't need to make a game after because you won't have time to make it.

      • 9 months ago

        Not much reason to unless you have specific needs, or just wanna learn how to make a game from the ground-up.

        I'm a mathlet so I leverage graphics and physics from SDL2 and Box2D respectively. Everything else, from parsing spritesheets to proc gen for my side-scrolling perspective levels is my own.

        • 9 months ago

          >I'm a mathlet so I leverage graphics and physics from SDL2 and Box2D respectively
          this means you're sane, anon. only start making your own libs out of absolute necessity. i know it gets tiring to hear, but you dont need to reinvent the wheel.

          • 9 months ago

            >you dont need to reinvent the wheel

            A phrase I haven't heard in a while, but always need to remind myself of. It's this kind of philosophy that makes this all possible

            • 9 months ago

              it can be fun to reinvent in the wheel once in a while to see how you'd do it, but don't reinvent the wheel if it's going to production

              • 9 months ago

                >That time I tried to use Vulkan, and in a semester
                >somehow got single 3d model spinning in a static viewport
                >Literally no knowledge of linear algebra,
                >frag/vert shaders
                >MVP matrices
                >plenty of other pipeline shit I'm forgetting

          • 9 months ago

            using SDL and other basic libraries isn't reinventing the wheel
            if ur writing a library to draw graphics to screen ur trying to reinvent the tools to make a wheel as well the craft of working with whatever material you are trying to make a wheel out of, a wheel is generations away from what you are working on

            • 9 months ago

              >I'm a mathlet so I leverage graphics and physics from SDL2 and Box2D respectively
              this means you're sane, anon. only start making your own libs out of absolute necessity. i know it gets tiring to hear, but you dont need to reinvent the wheel.

              Read that post again

              • 9 months ago

                no, I read it
                I am saying that the anon saying its good to not reinvent the wheel is understating it
                if he was writing that stuff he would be doing FAR more than reinventing the wheel, he would be reinventing how to carve and shape wood into a wheel or something and the tools to do so

  9. 9 months ago

    C and its variants are absolute fricking shit

    • 9 months ago

      Most moronic take ever posted on the internet. C is foundational to all of modern computing.

    • 9 months ago

      So what's good then?

      • 9 months ago


  10. 9 months ago

    I am, bit by bit.
    My favorite aspect to work on is music, though. I love composing.

    • 9 months ago

      what program do you use to make this? FL?

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah, I love making music. Its probably my best skill currently

        • 9 months ago

          what do you recommend to someone that want to start making music but don`t know shit about it?

          • 9 months ago

            join church choir

          • 9 months ago


            Literally search every single question on YouTube and Google (how do I make Nintendo NES Music? Atari Music? Pokemon Music? LoFi Beats? HOW DO I MAKE MUSIC ON COMPUTER? etc).

            Any video game musician has an email, you can simply ask them what VSTs they use and how they learned to make music.

            • 9 months ago

              Also think of songs you like, research what genres they are and literally search "HOW TO MAKE genre or song MUSIC?"

            • 9 months ago

              I do get regularly confused with digital music production, the companies seem to obfuscate their products to make things hard. With graphics I know I can go Photoshop or GIMP or aseprite or Krita, with engines I know my options are Unity, GODOT, Unreal, GMS, but with music there feels like so much proprietary and freemium shit that its difficult to navigate. There is the DAW, and already with that I get lost between the open source ones that only work on Linux vs the Industry Standard that only works on Mac. And im supposed to source my own... plugins? And then theres the question of whether I want my own midi keyboard. Navigating this space has felt a little labyrinthine, is what im saying.

              • 9 months ago

                Just pirate Ableton and be done with it

              • 9 months ago

                Fl studio
                Third party plug ins

          • 9 months ago

            I will recommend you the same path I went

            >Start with beebox.co
            >Learn scales
            >Play around with the sites mixing tools, i.e filters, reverbs, echo, layering tools, etc.
            >Once you've made a few songs, pick up FL (pirate it or buy it whatever)
            >Learn 3 things to start: Channel Rack, Mixer, and the Piano Roll
            Beepbox is nice because it lets you play with super basic tools to start. It gives you everything at once, but all of those things are super simple and dumbed down. You can make some nice midi-songs with it, and it additionally has some solid range for fuller-sounds. It'll give you a strong foothold on all the concepts you'll learn gradually, so you'll be vaguely-familiar with all of them as you encounter them piece by piece.

            If you want some serious teaching, I'd recommend Udemy's music composition section where there's a lot of 12-30 hour courses that teach various aspects of music, like scales, music theory, sound design, and specific genres of music if you want to make those. Those are all like 10-20 dollars each which is super fair in my opinion.
            I'd avoid the big "general" courses though, the ones that claim to "teach you everything you need to know". You want to learn specific things in detail, not small glances at everything.

            Lastly, just listen to a lot of your favorite soundtracks and pick them apart, what makes them sound good? Study your favorite musicians and pick up on their patterns, adapt those ideas, and form your own style.

            My big inspirations are Mudeth, Chris Christodolou, David Wise, and Ben Prunty.

            • 9 months ago

              >beebox co
              I meant beepbox.co my bad

            • 9 months ago

              My man’s also using BeepBox like a gigachad.

          • 9 months ago

            get a cheap keyboard learn some basic music theory and start fricking around

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Tell me/show me more about your game anon.
      What's that song used for?

      • 9 months ago

        Its my swamp theme.
        Making a game inspired by Terraria, but making it 3D and a lot more immersive and big

        • 9 months ago

          Do you have any videos/images? any kind of preview at all?

          • 9 months ago

            Why do you ask

            • 9 months ago

              Sounds cool, and I'm curious

  11. 9 months ago

    What's the difference between C/C++ and C#?

    • 9 months ago

      C and C++ are among the most important languages ever made and are used widely in every single OS since Unix. C# is used in one of the worst gaming engine ever made, and that's about it.

    • 9 months ago

      c is an efficient compiled language that has been around forever
      c++ is a similar language that extends c by adding classes and some other stuff
      c# is a language microsoft created in the 90s to compete with java. it runs in bytecode rather than being compiled meaning it is inefficient and a b***h to work with. it is somewhat elegant and therefore it is popular with newbie programmers
      the only thing c/c++ have in common with c# is bracket{} notation

    • 9 months ago

      none of them are particularly alike, aside from C++ and C# being essentially spawned from C

      >low-level (typically seen in firmware, embedded code, operating systems, etc.)
      >not object oriented, memory management is automatic
      >object oriented and procedural
      >programs don't go through an intermediary at runtime, so they're very fast and that's why gamedevs use it

      >purely object oriented
      >handles memory management safer thna C++, but is slower as a consequence
      >is literally java but fixed

      • 9 months ago

        >low-level (typically seen in firmware, embedded code, operating systems, etc.)
        >not object oriented, memory management is automatic

        homie do you not know what malloc, calloc, memset, and so on are for?

        • 9 months ago

          I memory allocated in your mum last night

      • 9 months ago

        how can 1 person be so fricking wrong about every damn thing?
        C is a low level language that requires direct management of memory and gives some of the highest degrees of control you could want, its used for everything that cares about performance
        C++ is C but with extra stuff bolted on, hence the ++, its literally C, you can write C, and there are basically no C compilers made or used in the last 20+ years, just C/C++ compilers and u just don't use the C++ part if u want to write C
        its C with objects and more modern stuff added to it on top, its that simple

        C# is java but less shit
        its performance is better than java, but its not a high performance language like C/C++
        have some basic options for memory management and doesn't just completely wall you out (like java) but also doesn't allow you to take full control if you desire (like C/C++)
        its a really solid language for most types of applications if u just want something that runs fairly well, is easy to write for, has excellent support & documentation, can do a lot of stuff
        but its made by microsoft
        and don't use it for games

      • 9 months ago

        >not object oriented
        >memory management is automatic

        First is definitely possible in C if you're any good and C's roll your own OOP is honestly better than C++'s abomination of it.
        Second I assume is a typo

  12. 9 months ago

    >mfw one ritualposting autist is singlehandedly saving the game industry

  13. 9 months ago

    >learn web dev with ruby
    >almost had a rails job but had to settle for a few that are .net
    unlucky. Glad I'm not a video game dev though

  14. 9 months ago

    > c sharp
    >c hash
    >c pound

    • 9 months ago

      >c number
      >c numeral

    • 9 months ago

      It's actually C++++. The # symbol was intended to mean two ++s stacked on each other. That's the joke.

  15. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      is the source code available?

  16. 9 months ago

    I don't know how to learn compsci. I don't understand how you are supposed to study for it.
    People just say to bang your head against the wall and gain intuition, but 99% of the time I am staring blank at an easy leetcode question not knowing where to even start.

  17. 9 months ago

    i don't even have any skills

  18. 9 months ago

    because coding doesnt keep me hooked compared to art.

    • 9 months ago

      Funnily enough, I'm a pro DP, and coding is just the change of pace I needed to stay motivated in my actual job as well.

      • 9 months ago

        DP? hot

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah i got some basics of state machines and buffers lined up, and now I'm realising a limiting factor is my ability to generate art assets. I want tight control over attack animations to get the frame data right and also to sell the attacks, and that requires more art skills that coding atm. Been brushing up anatomy and perspective for that purpose. Will be trying to do a character sketch a day in September.

  19. 9 months ago

    I was genuinely shocked when I found out Stardew Valley had been entirely coded from the ground up using C# by literally one guy.

    Honestly, it's a very good language to go with for making games since it's basically Java if people still used Java for anything other than phone apps.
    Being object oriented just makes it stupidly easy to code games with.

  20. 9 months ago

    I'd rather develop phone apps for a six-figure salary than to slave away as a vidya dev making a barely livable wage

    • 9 months ago

      how about you develop some fat breasts and a nice ass you bawd

      • 9 months ago


  21. 9 months ago

    >First language I learned is Java
    >Immediately after I had spent 6 months learning it I found out fricking no one uses Java for anything anymore because for basically every possible application now there are better options.
    Fricking dead language how did I let myself get scammed into learning this dumb shit.

  22. 9 months ago

    >Why aren’t you making your own game?
    Because I want to do it in the most insanely autistic way with SDL and C. I'm currently figuring out how to make pong in it.

    • 9 months ago

      Shit, is SDL that popular?

      • 9 months ago

        yes, it offers so many different things; the blitting part is just a small subset of its capabilities. some programs use it's windowing support, most emulators i've used use it for controller support. there's audio support too. of course there's support for graphics API contexts.

        • 9 months ago

          I know no one cares but I'm gonna post it anyway, that is my debug for this, which also has debug lines for physics bodies.
          With roughly 8000 static bodies and rendering the entire map to a texture and clipping it from, I max out at roughly 200MB of memory usage. Hopefully it won't go too high or I will need to look at how I store the map again.

          • 9 months ago

            Nice, can you post more about it?

            • 9 months ago

              When I've got a single enemy to fight, I'll come back to post more about. My proc gen still has some work to go before I can consider gameplay mechanics, but since it is a box2d world i do have gravity, movement, and a jump that will launch you if you're holding against a wall as you jump and keep holding the jump key, which is obviously a bug but may be re-worked as a feature

      • 9 months ago

        idk, Valve funded/co-authored it and all the nintendo decomps and emulators use it.

      • 9 months ago

        SDL is one of the most popular libraries for game development ever made. Even ignoring all of the 2D graphics features, it's the easiest way to get a cross-platform window with OpenGL, though I think GLFW has gotten popular due to it being lighter and newer. It's so prevalent that Steam provides it by default on Linux

        • 9 months ago

          What are the limitations of stuff like GLFW and SDL? When do I want to stop looking at those APIs and start looking at DirectX/Vulkan level stuff? If I wanna make FFVII-IX or Mario Sunshine stuff, can some dude's SDL-based rasterer work fine? Do Switch games like Mario Odyssey and BOTW also use something like SDL? They have to, right? Cuz the GPUs on the Switch are some ARM cores or something.

          • 9 months ago

            SDL is good if you want an "all-in-one" library that provides everything you'd need for 2D game development. GLFW is more of a way to bootstrap OpenGL or Vulkan in a cross-platform way, as OpenGL/Vulkan don't know what a window is, don't know what inputs are, what sound is, etc, so something like GLFW or SDL provides that scaffolding. If you're looking to do 3D game development and have no previous experience, though, it's going to be a bit of an uphill battle, and going with Vulkan over OpenGL would make that hill 90 degrees.

  23. 9 months ago

    I am. Doing some C# diplomas financed by my workplace as upskilling my current coding with the goal of being able to make my own mini apps and games as hobby.
    We learning switches, pointers, and arrays next so my code isn't YandereDev IFTHENELSE ad infinitum.

    • 9 months ago

      Was yanderedev's problem even anywhere close to pointers and memory management? I thought, amongst other things, his problem was nested if-else hell and really inefficient lookup methods. Which admittedly arrays and switches do solve.

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah I remember reading about switchers and arrays being better ways than his nested IF ELSE hell however he has a game that runs which is more than 90% of people. So that's something.
        I want to do that. I have some ideas and I am doing some documents while also revising as I learn better ways to code.

        It's really exciting even if nothing comes from it and start all over haha.

  24. 9 months ago

    1. I am
    2. I'm using UE so I need C++ knowledge
    3. I'm sculpting in Blender
    4. AI will code for me anyway

  25. 9 months ago

    I am making my own game. idk much about game dev but plz don't laugh
    It's kinda like rimworld

    • 9 months ago

      >plz don't laugh
      i won't because i'm fairly certain most people surely can't do it. i'm rooting for you anon, keep on at it.

      >.net and jvm are perfectly capable and run their programs well
      unless there is an update that breaks compatibility between your bytecode and the virtual machine, then the end user is fricked with no way of fixing things
      >very few people actually care about performance
      maybe they don't at whatever bumfrick microshit deadend software house you work at but for websites that get real traffic computer time is money
      even if you don't care about performance there are zero advantages to crap like java nowadays

      >unless there is an update that breaks compatibility between your bytecode and the virtual machine, then the end user is fricked with no way of fixing things
      this is such a weird thing to complain about. they have far worse things wrong with them but this is true when upgrading almost anything.

      >.net and jvm are perfectly capable and run their programs well
      unless there is an update that breaks compatibility between your bytecode and the virtual machine, then the end user is fricked with no way of fixing things
      >very few people actually care about performance
      maybe they don't at whatever bumfrick microshit deadend software house you work at but for websites that get real traffic computer time is money
      even if you don't care about performance there are zero advantages to crap like java nowadays

      >maybe they don't at whatever bumfrick microshit deadend software house you work at but for websites that get real traffic computer time is money
      idk if you've used modern software but most of them suck ass. windows 11, modern games with their poor performance, etc. just because the company you work for care about those things doesn't make it true for the rest of the world. when the competition is high, sure time is money. but the products you use have no real alternatives, you can do frick all.
      >even if you don't care about performance there are zero advantages to crap like java nowadays
      nobody is starting new projects in java and i haven't claimed otherwise. but not every company has neither the luxury nor the talent needed to hop platforms and languages like discord or vercel. which brings me back to the point i made earlier about the quality of software going down.

      I know no one cares but I'm gonna post it anyway, that is my debug for this, which also has debug lines for physics bodies.
      With roughly 8000 static bodies and rendering the entire map to a texture and clipping it from, I max out at roughly 200MB of memory usage. Hopefully it won't go too high or I will need to look at how I store the map again.

      keep it at anon!

      I am working as Unity junior dev in a shitty company, but it's ok, I am starting in this gane sev world...
      But how can I improve my carrer? Add Blender, maybe?

      personal projects is what i would recommend. make something that you'd proud of at the moment.

      What are the limitations of stuff like GLFW and SDL? When do I want to stop looking at those APIs and start looking at DirectX/Vulkan level stuff? If I wanna make FFVII-IX or Mario Sunshine stuff, can some dude's SDL-based rasterer work fine? Do Switch games like Mario Odyssey and BOTW also use something like SDL? They have to, right? Cuz the GPUs on the Switch are some ARM cores or something.

      glfw, sdl are programs that let you create graphics contexts and windows. you use them to program with graphics apis you mentioned. sdl's blitting capabilities are pretty limited so i'd say start with a more powerful engine that abstracts away the low level stuff for you before jumping to one of the graphics apis. games like botw and smo use nintendo sdk and they use their own set of standard libraries. also go for something like 2d graphics before jumping into things that are way more complex for a beginner.

      • 9 months ago

        >keep it at anon!

        is the source code available?

        here ya go

      • 9 months ago

        >this is such a weird thing to complain about
        no one responded to that post because it's the ramblings of an obvious undergrad student

        • 9 months ago

          yeah, it was pretty obvious. i mean anyone who has looked at any of the job postings at any level would laugh at such claims. i mean most of the internet still runs on php for crying out loud.

          Having started with C and C++ it's incredible how gorilla moron easy Python is

          makes sense since you already have an understanding of how things vaguely work in the lower level thanks to your experience with c/c++.
          unis used to teach c in intro to courses before mit decided to switch to python for some dumb fricking reason and everyone followed suit cause they think mit shits gold. i think it's a big mistake because the memory management part is what truly makes it worth taking the course. with python, you don't even think about it at all.

          it can be fun to reinvent in the wheel once in a while to see how you'd do it, but don't reinvent the wheel if it's going to production

          yeah, good for personal projects and learning things but terrible when it comes to usable software.

          that's not enforceable

          i thought they backtracked on that policy

          using SDL and other basic libraries isn't reinventing the wheel
          if ur writing a library to draw graphics to screen ur trying to reinvent the tools to make a wheel as well the craft of working with whatever material you are trying to make a wheel out of, a wheel is generations away from what you are working on

          >using SDL and other basic libraries isn't reinventing the wheel
          fairly certain anon called the another anon a sane person precisely because he didn't reinvent the wheel.

    • 9 months ago

      whatever you do, keep going

  26. 9 months ago

    It's hard to change from C# to C++?
    And what about Unity to Unreal?

    • 9 months ago

      if you actually want to release a game don't switch engines
      if you just want the learning experience go ahead and try any language/engine out, most of your skills will transfer

    • 9 months ago

      Have fun with blueprint scripting spaghetti

  27. 9 months ago

    I am working as Unity junior dev in a shitty company, but it's ok, I am starting in this gane sev world...
    But how can I improve my carrer? Add Blender, maybe?

  28. 9 months ago

    can you even model people/creatures if you don't know how to draw?

    • 9 months ago

      You can start by just staring at how other people do it and copying them, but eventually you do want to learn some art skills so you can start making your own poses and designs. A lot of dummies start by copying FFVI sprites and then think "ah shit, I need to do 45 and 135 degree perspectives for better 8 way movement", and their art journey begins.

  29. 9 months ago

    I have a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science that I got like 8 years ago and I have never managed to find a programming job.

    I work at a call center making 40k a year. I can't even remember most everything I learned.

    • 9 months ago

      Did you actually develop solid programming skills during the degree or did you just drift through your topics barely passing everything?
      What languages did you learn to a competent, professional level?
      Did you do any networking during your final year?
      Was it a vocational degree where they place you in an internship for the second half of your final year?

      Just curious, CS degrees are generally pretty employable so it's interesting to find out what leads people to end up in your position.

      • 9 months ago

        Tbf my CS degree barely taught programming either, isn't it common not to, and to focus on theory?
        But the department did try to get people to intern and there were networking fairs. I ended up doing neither and it took me a few years of dev-adjacent work and small personal projects to become employable in dev roles.

        • 9 months ago

          Because CS taught you more than writing the code itself.

          I'm on my third year, first semester. and I barely write any line of codes on the first half of the semester.

        • 9 months ago

          I'm doing a degree in IT right now, not quite a CS degree but I like it because the last 6 months is literally either a 3 or 6 month internship (student's choice) at an appropriate company.
          Really gives you a nice foot in the door right from the start. In fact most of the final year is just a couple of actual topics with the rest being networking, employability training and resume/interview training.

          • 9 months ago

            I don't know what the job market is like for junior roles these days, but with the way the economy is I have to imagine it's important to have basic experience before someone will even offer you basic experience, so that setup sounds really valuable.

      • 9 months ago

        >Did you actually develop solid programming skills during the degree or did you just drift through your topics barely passing everything?
        I did the first two years but then the last three I barely went to class and got mostly low Bs and high Cs

        >What languages did you learn to a competent, professional level?
        Only C++
        I did small amounts of Assembly, Java, C#, C, PHP, PERL, Javascript, and MYSQL but most of my classes had me using C++.

        >Did you do any networking during your final year?
        No. I made no friends, I didn't form bonds with any teachers, I didn't do any internships, and I didn't work in the computer lab or anything like that. I slept 14 hours a day and stayed home posting on Ganker.

        >Was it a vocational degree where they place you in an internship for the second half of your final year?
        No but there were opportunities to do an internship. I didn't do them because I thought a degree would be all I needed to get a job.

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah, sorry my dude I won't be too harsh but this one is definitely on you.
          Should have done the internship and talked with your teachers at least.
          I made a similar mistake when I got my first degree in assuming the piece of paper was all I needed, so I understand what's happened here.

  30. 9 months ago

    I have a lot of game ideas, most of which I could do as a solo developer, but none of them I see as a breakout hit. I'm looking for the right idea, which isn't easy.

  31. 9 months ago

    I made some games once

  32. 9 months ago

    I make games in javascript. Javascript is a fun language.

  33. 9 months ago

    how many hours of gameplay and girls do I need before I can start getting funded on Patreon for an R18 VN game? like 5-10 hours of gameplay and 3-5 girl paths?

  34. 9 months ago

    I've been making an FTLike

    • 9 months ago

      I'm already interested friend, my game is a spin on Half Minute Hero

      • 9 months ago

        >interested friend
        I've got a live build, still missing some core graphical assets though.
        >my game is a spin on Half Minute Hero
        whatcha got so far?

        that's not enforceable

        Probably not, but they can leverage the fact that they employ him against the code if it was worth anything (but presumably not enough to quit the job).

        I meant I have no artistic skills. I don't think I have any official restrictions on personal projects.

        Well, don't sell yourself short.

        • 9 months ago

          I'm the dude posting the stuff about the robot with the 2d platformer perspective. Still working on proc gen for filling in the hills, but drunkard's walk seems to be the solution for a fully connected cave,

  35. 9 months ago

    you will never make it

  36. 9 months ago

    Programming is my day job. Creating a game would be fun, but I can't make art.

    • 9 months ago

      not allowed? same for my brother as Amazon. He has to get permission to make code off the clock, or they own it per the employment contract.

      • 9 months ago

        that's not enforceable

      • 9 months ago

        I meant I have no artistic skills. I don't think I have any official restrictions on personal projects.

    • 9 months ago

      homie just make one female friend and you will have yourself a high quality artist

  37. 9 months ago

    Oh boy. It’s another Ganker programming thread, where STEM students that took one semester of CS come to act like they know what they’re talking about by shitting on modern languages and game engines. Can’t wait to see the amazing critiques we’ll get this time.

    • 9 months ago

      Oh boy, it's another shitposter that doesn't contribute meaningfully to the conversation.

      • 9 months ago

        The irony of your own comment adding absolutely nothing to the discussion while also not refuting what I said in anyway

        • 9 months ago

          I don't need to refute anything shitter,

          I know no one cares but I'm gonna post it anyway, that is my debug for this, which also has debug lines for physics bodies.
          With roughly 8000 static bodies and rendering the entire map to a texture and clipping it from, I max out at roughly 200MB of memory usage. Hopefully it won't go too high or I will need to look at how I store the map again.

          Shit, is SDL that popular?

          Were my contributions, or is it too cloudy up there from your NEET pedestal?

    • 9 months ago

      Oh boy. It's another sour moron that comes into a thread to shitpost when people are just trying to learn and create fun things.

      • 9 months ago

        Over half the thread is people crying about about c# and unity being unoptimized. No one is going to learn shit in a Ganker game dev thread. Go to Ganker where at least the average user isn’t a teenager or complete baby like yourself.

        • 9 months ago

          >enters thread and makes post that clearly indicates he is irritated
          >calls others baby
          The irony of you using irony in your other post.

        • 9 months ago

          >Go to Ganker where at least the average user isn’t a teenager

          how can 1 person be so fricking wrong about every damn thing?
          C is a low level language that requires direct management of memory and gives some of the highest degrees of control you could want, its used for everything that cares about performance
          C++ is C but with extra stuff bolted on, hence the ++, its literally C, you can write C, and there are basically no C compilers made or used in the last 20+ years, just C/C++ compilers and u just don't use the C++ part if u want to write C
          its C with objects and more modern stuff added to it on top, its that simple

          C# is java but less shit
          its performance is better than java, but its not a high performance language like C/C++
          have some basic options for memory management and doesn't just completely wall you out (like java) but also doesn't allow you to take full control if you desire (like C/C++)
          its a really solid language for most types of applications if u just want something that runs fairly well, is easy to write for, has excellent support & documentation, can do a lot of stuff
          but its made by microsoft
          and don't use it for games

          C# has a lot of solid, well-performing games written in it, though. 2D games like Stardew Valley, Celeste, the Ori series, 3D games like Outer Wilds and Subnautica, etc

          • 9 months ago

            None of those are actually doing anything performance intensive in C++ though, its using C# as a scripting language, its like when python calls C functions
            XNA is calling C++ directx functions and is basically a wrapper for them
            and unity straight up uses C# as a scripting language and is written in C++, there is a reason plugins need to be in C++

            • 9 months ago

              Sure, I'm not saying people should write their own game engines from scratch in C# if they want max 3D performance (although I've seen that work out fine too, and if you're an indie it almost certainly doesn't matter). It's just silly to go "this game is slow because of C#/Java" when the problem is almost certainly shitty graphics optimization or a crap framework the game is built on top of.
              Just look at Unreal, written in C++, and its notorious shader stutter. I bought Redout 2 the other day and was getting shader stutters over a second long in racing game that focuses on speed and precision. Blaming C++ for that would be ridiculous.

          • 9 months ago

            and virtually all unity games use c# although on mono and not .net. games like hollow knight, genshin, cuphead all use unity.
            there's terraria uses XNA (well technically monogames cause microsoft killed xna and people had to develop their own open source replacement) which also uses c#.

            there is really no reason to use pure c these days outside of extremely constrained environments. you don't have to use all of the features from c++; stuff like templates, lambdas, RAII, and smart pointers can save you a lot of headache

            and exceptions. god i fricking hate exceptions. they make no sense.

            • 9 months ago

              unity is not C#
              unity is C++
              C# is unitys scripting language
              unity plugins MUST be written in C++

              XNA is C#
              but it calls directx functions
              which is C++
              and it has C++ binding for a lot of the more performance intensive stuff you want to do on top
              doing what amounts to basic business logic in C# is fine, because C++ is doing the heavy lifting of graphics and serious computation

              • 9 months ago

                this is as moronic as saying all python programs are c cause the reference python interpreter cpython is in c. well they do technically optimize many of the things to gain near c level performance but it is pretty moronic.

          • 9 months ago

            Ori isn't written entirely in C# like your generic low effort indie pixel shit.
            The game had multiple in house tech and graphic pipeline some of those are impossible to be written in C#.

        • 9 months ago

          >Go to Ganker where at least the average user isn’t a teenager
          I refuse to believe you actually believe this

    • 9 months ago

      They hated him because he told them the truth

      I stopped posting about gamedev on Ganker because of the massive dunning Kruger here
      Now I just get a kick out of watching these morons argue

      • 9 months ago

        Instant seethe when I call them out on how moronic these threads are. Ganker easily has the lowest tech iq of any board on this site

        I don't need to refute anything shitter,


        Were my contributions, or is it too cloudy up there from your NEET pedestal?

        >cries about me “shitposting” while not even being able to use correct punctuation

        >Go to Ganker where at least the average user isn’t a teenager
        I refuse to believe you actually believe this

        >Go to Ganker where at least the average user isn’t a teenager

        C# has a lot of solid, well-performing games written in it, though. 2D games like Stardew Valley, Celeste, the Ori series, 3D games like Outer Wilds and Subnautica, etc

        In the game dev threads? Or the music production ones? Or even daily programming general? Or web dev general? No way are those threads mostly teenagers. If you go into chinkshit general and the pc building one, or any of the windows bad Linux good ones, no shit they’re filled with teenagers.

        • 9 months ago

          At least be subtle, fricking moron. If a punctuation mistake is all you've got to go on, then save yourself the embarrassment and have a nice day already. Shit, the only reason I haven't left the thread yet is that my 3D-print has another 30 minutes,

  38. 9 months ago

    Where do you find studios or people looking for composers anyway?

  39. 9 months ago

    c# is MAJOR bloat
    c++ is MINOR bloat
    i made three games in C and I don't wanna change

    • 9 months ago

      there is really no reason to use pure c these days outside of extremely constrained environments. you don't have to use all of the features from c++; stuff like templates, lambdas, RAII, and smart pointers can save you a lot of headache

      • 9 months ago

        I leik smart pointers

        But I found out about them a year ago, and sprite management hasn't been easier

        >Oh frick I need 8000 refs to this sprite
        >pass around smart pointer w/ custom de/alloc
        >problem solved when containing object is delete'd

      • 9 months ago

        NOT using templates, lambdas, RAII, and smart pointers can also save you a ton of headaches

        • 9 months ago

          templates are okay
          frick lambdas
          frick raii
          and smart pointers are nice

          • 9 months ago

            This guy's got it. Not sure about the hate for RAII though. Lambdas get messy real quick

            • 9 months ago

              RAII itself is great, it's the one unconditionally good thing about C++. It's just that it's required to get other features to work, just to do things like prevent exceptions from blowing up everything.

            • 9 months ago

              >Lambdas get messy real quick
              they're just C++ closures. you can cause some nasty lifetime footguns if you don't know what you're doing and the syntax is admittedly a little arcane at times, but virtually every modern language implements some form of them and for good reason.

  40. 9 months ago

    If you want to get into programming, pursue Information Systems majors, not Computer Science majors.

    • 9 months ago

      bold of you to recommend a degree not available in most schools.

  41. 9 months ago

    Suck a frick gay

  42. 9 months ago

    >ultimate telescope gits knocked off, and spins right to my butthole super close

  43. 9 months ago

    >I hate all of you unconditionally

  44. 9 months ago

    >why aren't you writing a book? you only need to know english
    this is how you sound

  45. 9 months ago

    how do i save this thread before jannies delete it

    • 9 months ago

      right click save as? Ganker archive sites?

    • 9 months ago

      If I had the time to make webms, I'd post progress that way right now, another thread and another day

    • 9 months ago

      open all the pics and webms and press ctrl+s.

  46. 9 months ago

    Does it work for godot or do I really have to frick myself by learning Gdsctiprt

  47. 9 months ago

    I tried writing my own engine with SDL and opengl but I'm too dumb. I can put 2d textured rectangles on the screen but when it comes to rotation+collision and making a gui with it, I'm a brainlet. I wanted to make an in game map editor and a GUI thats similar to Dear IMGUI but really stripped down and simplfied but I cant even do that.

    • 9 months ago

      writing opengl isn't easy anon
      the only bit SDL makes easier is that instead of needing to write platform specific code to initialize opengl it handles it all for you and opens a window nicely while managing that
      otherwise opengl does none of that for you

      you are writing vanilla opengl basically, which is not easy
      if you don't understand the rendering pipeline you wont even be able to get shit on screen
      you need to write a vertex shader and a rasterization shader

      I can explain it to you more if you want, I have written opengl stuff before
      but you could also look at something like https://learnopengl.com/ , be warned, if you aren't already an experienced programmer you probably will get filtered by this, and even if you are it will probably take you months before u can even do basic shit that would be remotely like putting together a game

      • 9 months ago

        Yea I used that site. I wrote some simple c++ classes that basically just wrap a GLuint. I can put rectangles (actually 2 triangles, I even use an EBO) on the screen with a texture and rotate them at different speeds. I'm not sure how to proceed after that.

        • 9 months ago

          if u want to draw 3d objects u need a fragment shader and rasteriztion shader to actually put stuff on screen
          frag shaders is what makes triangles from ur points, and raster is what turns it from models and maths to actual pixels
          then you can load in a model or just define like a cube in space, pass them down the pipeline and presto u have ur thing on screen

          • 9 months ago

            I was gonna do 2d

            • 9 months ago

              opengl has 0 support for anything 2d.
              there is basically no graphics pipeline that supports 2d.
              its all 3d drawing sprites to planes on a orthographic camera

              fricked up, I know.
              but its what you have to deal with if you want hardware acceleration

  48. 9 months ago

    >bg3 spell jammer book

    • 9 months ago

      I that is why. spell jammer hammer shit. where the frick is boo?

  49. 9 months ago

    bg3 is cool because it allows you to make choices, or not. it is a true sequel to the original bg games

    • 9 months ago

      BG2 was far too rigidly quest focused.

  50. 9 months ago

    after reading the entire thread, I'm still confused
    is C++ really better than C#? does anyone think otherwise?

    also, how do you make 3D maps? (I assume they're not made in blender)

    • 9 months ago

      Programming languages have different specializations, there's not really a "best" programming language. C++ is harder than C# but can provide better performance. If you're using an existing game engine it doesn't really matter because the engine core is probably written in C++ as others have pointed out and whatever you're doing on top of it is probably not very intensive in terms of logic, plus you're more likely to frick up the performance of the graphics pipeline.
      If you're just getting into game dev just pick whichever existing engine is easiest for you and start working on prototypes, you don't need to distract yourself with reinventing the wheel.

      • 9 months ago

        you CAN make good things with C#, but i wouldnt rely on unity because of how bloated it is. maybe if you're making something in 3D. there a reason why jon blow switched to C++ when he released his game, because of the severe limitations of XNA and microsoft's tools at the time. as for 3D maps, you can make them in blender. but rendering them is dependent on the engine you've made or using.

        >also, how do you make 3D maps? (I assume they're not made in blender)
        blender can handle static level geometry just fine, but you generally want some custom tools to place dynamic objects within said static geometry in a format that is efficient for your engine. blender can get you like 80% of the way though.

        by map do you mean like a stage or landscape
        then yeah, they are made in blender
        you don't necessarily need to make them all as 1 mesh but part by part and stitch it together in engine

        its pretty hard to do and there are a lot of tools for making landscapes and shit in engines because of it

        thanks a lot anons <3
        is it easy to switch from C# to C++ after a while?

        • 9 months ago

          if you pick up good fundamental programming skills then they transfer over, but it will not make picking up the language "easier" specifically or the best way to do things in it
          the first language is the hardest to learn
          the second is almost as hard because everything feels different and weird
          the 3rd is easy
          the 4th makes you forget about the first 2 you learnt but is trivial to pick up

      • 9 months ago

        >C++ is harder than C#
        Only if you're moronic or indian

        • 9 months ago

          C++ genuinely isnt that bad.

          Until you have to hit the "compile" button.

          • 9 months ago

            That's why c++ is better than say Python tho. It tells you your code is shit before you run the program. The problem is that it tells you in a cryptic way sometimes.

            • 9 months ago

              so c++ is harder

              • 9 months ago

                On a program that's less than 100 lines, yes.

    • 9 months ago

      you CAN make good things with C#, but i wouldnt rely on unity because of how bloated it is. maybe if you're making something in 3D. there a reason why jon blow switched to C++ when he released his game, because of the severe limitations of XNA and microsoft's tools at the time. as for 3D maps, you can make them in blender. but rendering them is dependent on the engine you've made or using.

    • 9 months ago

      >also, how do you make 3D maps? (I assume they're not made in blender)
      blender can handle static level geometry just fine, but you generally want some custom tools to place dynamic objects within said static geometry in a format that is efficient for your engine. blender can get you like 80% of the way though.

    • 9 months ago

      by map do you mean like a stage or landscape
      then yeah, they are made in blender
      you don't necessarily need to make them all as 1 mesh but part by part and stitch it together in engine

      its pretty hard to do and there are a lot of tools for making landscapes and shit in engines because of it

  51. 9 months ago

    Some of the best games I've ever played have been made with unity so maybe I should just use that.

  52. 9 months ago

    Vidya has been my primary hobby my entire life and yet I have never had any desire to make a game.

    • 9 months ago

      And that's a good thing, because if you do you will lose interest in videogames for some reason.

  53. 9 months ago

    reading this thread, i get that making an engine from the ground-up is basically slaving my whole life to it, so which engine is actually a good option? As I understand, both Unreal and Unity are unoptimized pieces of shit

    • 9 months ago

      That's only the case if you're making a 3d game.

    • 9 months ago

      Just pick up Unity or Godot, both are free and let you script in languages that casuals can pick up. Godot has the advantage of scripting in a Python-like language and being like <200MB for the whole package, while Unity has the advantage of being more well-documented and more of an industry standard.

      The key through all this is to learn programming IDEAS, as opposed to programming LANGUAGES. How best to organise and call the data your code is putting onto your RAM. Once you learn that, language isnt that much of an issue.

    • 9 months ago

      Generally, yes.
      Also just go with Unity. You're making an Indie game, not "Massive AAA Goyslop-fest #66666666 by Microsoft Bought Company", optimization isn't as important.
      Besides, being all picky about engines for slight optimization or technical differences is basically just making excuses for why you're not making the game yet.
      Worry about optimization AFTER you have a couple of finished games under your belt.
      If the engine can do what you need it to do to make your game, that is enough.

  54. 9 months ago

    I will NEVER make a game.

  55. 9 months ago

    whats the next iteration of the language and why is it C##
    and why isnt there a glyph for hexadecathorpe in Unicode yet

  56. 9 months ago

    I need some help with rpgmaker
    Been looking around some plugins to get but its just confusing

  57. 9 months ago

    I'm an artist for an upcoming game, not the programmer. But I have ideas I tell you! A vision, I say! Don't we all...

    • 9 months ago

      Yes, we all have ideas. That's why everyone laughs at self-proclaimed 'idea guys'.
      We are ALL idea guys, literally every single human being is an idea guy.
      The difference between a developer and an idea guy is just whether they have any actual skills, experience or talent.

      Also if you're an artist, not a programmer, make sure your idea will actually work from a technical perspective by asking the programmer before you start making assets for it, otherwise you could end up wasting a lot of time on art for a game that isn't technically feasible.

  58. 9 months ago

    Answer me this homosexuals, if c# is so superior, why does every studio that doesn’t use unity garbage require proficiency in c++? This isn’t exclusive to just one studio either.

    • 9 months ago

      >Implying you should only know 1 language
      If you aren't proficient in at least 3 separate programming languages, you are fricking incompetent, unemployable trash.

    • 9 months ago

      I mean look where you are. I hardly think people in this thread actually want to get hired at a large game development company, that's one of the worst jobs I could imagine. It's just indie level shit, noone should give a frick about c++ when c# and FNA/Monogame gets you a graphics context in 1 second.

  59. 9 months ago

    Unrelated but frick it. As someone who is literally clueless about 3d modelling, how hard is it to make mods in Genshin? Do I need to watch those 13 part videos on how to make a donut in blender? I just wanna see Mona in a dress.

    • 9 months ago

      It's easy if someone already made the model and uploaded it online.

      If you gotta make the dress yourself... well, at least blender modelling is always a useful skill to have on your CV.

      • 9 months ago

        I think there's already a dress online. But the thing I'm clueless about are the accessories, how to texture and most importantly, the physics. I've seen a lot of mods where the dress is so rigid. I'm still looking at how some people manage to add cloth physics to their mods.

  60. 9 months ago

    Language doesn't matter when your game logic is so simple it's a few if statements and maybe a for loop.

  61. 9 months ago

    Why shouldn't I just use RPGMaker?

    • 9 months ago

      What game are you trying to make?

      • 9 months ago

        An adventure RPG like the Pokémons I used to play as a kid. I like legit sprite graphics and am decent at making chiptune music. I'd just be converting the stories I've been writing into game format.

        • 9 months ago

          If its all turn-based and stat based, seems like the sorta thing RPGM is good at. If you're using your own assets you might even be able to fool people into not knowing its RPGM

          • 9 months ago

            Yeah that's the plan. I can shit out decent art as well, but I'm probably just going to build the game on stock assets and wrangle some artgay when I feel like going public. This is really for my own satisfaction and idc about money.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm learning Godot boys. It seems like the most sensible for a beginner. Wish me luck. Will try to participate in a Jam soon, make some friends and start making big things maybe?

  62. 9 months ago

    To the guys that say that C# is dogshit and that C++ and C are infinitely better, genuine question, what the heck are you guys making that requires that extra performance boost? I am moronic, but I've not had any problems with c# in programming what I need and want.

  63. 9 months ago

    the biggest thing i struggle with programming is being able to solve a programming problem related to algorithms

  64. 9 months ago

    Unity is an abomination

  65. 9 months ago

    >good at a java
    >if i want to make a game with it i have to essentially code an entire engine
    Thanks, i hate it.

    • 9 months ago

      >learning a dead language
      There's your problem

      • 9 months ago

        Not dead for enterprise software because it's everywhere. And it ain't legacy code.

  66. 9 months ago

    Thanks but I'm sticking with C

  67. 9 months ago

    >you only have to know c#
    >and 3d modelling, and musical composition, and learn/code an engine, and animation, rigging texturing, lighting, using other programs and importing exporting between them

    • 9 months ago

      You can use premade assets. Asset flip games on steam are common for a reason.

    • 9 months ago

      >Doing everything yourself like a moron.
      Use one of the many easily accessible, free to use, cheap to commercially license game engines.
      Buy assets from the asset store or use default assets for animations, lighting, etc
      Contract an artgay to make anything you don't want to look generic/to have a unique style (textures, models, music, etc).

      Combine these assets in the engine, use your programming knowledge to code any mechanics you want, and build the game

      People like you are always just pathetic homosexuals who are lazy and don't want to try, so you invent excuses for why it's too hard and no one could ever do it because you have to make everything yourself despite that being complete fricking bullshit.

      • 9 months ago

        You're a grown man who lives with his mom. You're not anyone to call someone lazy b***h breasts. Inb4 troon rage

      • 9 months ago

        >relying on buying assets rather than creating your own things

        Have you tried this yourself, man? You can pirate a lot of the top assets that's fine but if you want to create a cohesive theme and style then you're screwed...

        I am making my own game the only thing I will not do is the music, I will buy that. I have pirated a shit ton of good assets and extensions for Unity and Blender to make the job easier though. I'm not a lazy c**t like you assume, I'm just being real about the amount of work required if you want to create something good, because you need a lot more than just knowing how to code.

    • 9 months ago

      There's a reason why most devs work as a team. Making a game is extremely multidisciplinary, as it is the fusion of traditional art, filmmaking, musical composition, puzzle design, literature AND the code needed to bind all these elements together. If you wanna make your own game by yourself, you gotta really scale your idea back aggressively.

  68. 9 months ago

    how do i start? i only know java, i don't know how to make music

  69. 9 months ago

    >need degree to get any kind of job here
    >Was considering doing an at home study one (I'm old)
    >Friends say I should do programming because they like it and think I would plus there's jobs

    How fricked am I trying to learn this shit from literal scratch?

    • 9 months ago

      >there's jobs

    • 9 months ago

      Do you like fixing problems everyday and solving logic puzzles?
      If no is your answer then don't bother. You should watch some video of a day in a programmer job. A real one with man, not those bullshit where they walk the office and eat candy.

  70. 9 months ago

    3ds max license decided to stop renewing for me and I'm out of fake schools to use.

  71. 9 months ago

    I can't figure out a way to generate art assets that I find acceptable. I don't enjoy 3D modeling/scultping, 2D art doesn't seem like a learnable skill, and I have no desire to work with an artist.

  72. 9 months ago

    >taking Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
    >no longer is it obviously about coding
    >it’s some next-level combination of linear algebra and discrete math
    >have absolutely no fricking idea what is going on

    • 9 months ago

      >use arrays and lists 90% of the time anyway
      >when i seed speed use maps and sets
      Heh, nothing personal.

  73. 9 months ago

    >launch unity
    >open project
    >open scripts
    >"ah frick I have to figure out how to make thing1, thing2, thing3 and system1, system2, system3 and so on"
    >launch video game
    >at the end of the day close everything with nothing done

  74. 9 months ago

    big question
    how do you figure/learn how to do pretty visual effects?
    lightning, splashes, particles, etc

    • 9 months ago

      youtube tutorials
      as always

    • 9 months ago

      Just use additive alpha blending LMAO seriously.

  75. 9 months ago

    >have a vague understanding of how programming concepts and algorithms work and can do basic ones
    >can't program them or have an idea how to use them to solve problems

    • 9 months ago

      ChatGPT can help with this. I went from being hopeless to being slightly less hopeless because of it.

      • 9 months ago

        >have to use a personal number to use it

        • 9 months ago

          U wot?

  76. 9 months ago

    i kinda gave up because it seems like AI will just completely end indie games after the AAA gays figure out how to shit out constant games with AI art and programming done smart by a big team. nobody will want to play 1MA games anymore.

    maybe i'm a fool but why should i spend a few more years gitting gud at art and programming when my skills will be obsolete by then.

    • 9 months ago

      You do it for your own personal growth, anon. The vast majority of people who do these things won’t create something of value.

      • 9 months ago

        >he wants to make games for profit instead of for fun
        you wouldn't make a good indie dev anyway, so good riddance

        the point is nobody will want to play my game when AI games made by teams run rampant

        • 9 months ago

          you absolute dumbass, AI is used to simplify the development process of vydia, and that shit can apply in indie game development as well
          AI is not some sentient entity you just tell what game you want and it will spit it out, AI serves as a tool to make the development easier
          if an AI was used heavily during the development, including for the creative aspects of the game like the writing, story or the visuals, it wouldn't be as appealing as something made by humans, at least not at this stage of development, which also hasn't progressed much since last year
          and besides, even if the best case scenario for AI game development happens, there will always be people that will want to play games made entirely with human touch, just like now there are people buying indie games and enjoying the genuine creativity of the human spirit

          of course, none of this shit matters to you, if you really wanted to make games, you would already be making them instead you're coping about "muh AI"

    • 9 months ago

      >he wants to make games for profit instead of for fun
      you wouldn't make a good indie dev anyway, so good riddance

  77. 9 months ago

    Because I also need passable art (2D sprites or 3D models and textures), passable music, and passable sound effects.
    I also need the time, but I'm not a comfy NEET anymore.

    • 9 months ago

      Don’t feel too bad, being a NEET rarely lends itself to high-functioning creative output in any case.

      • 9 months ago


  78. 9 months ago

    I can't do anything that involes numbers

  79. 9 months ago

    c# best parts dried up on her mama's thighs when she was born. C/C++ superior race for game dev and java for everything else excluding fortran and cobol.

    Now Git Good.

  80. 9 months ago

    But I am, in c# nonetheless. Making big progress

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