Why aren't you playing Genshin Impact, anon?

New patch about to drop. We going to Impel Down.

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      T-t-this isn't possible....at least Fontaine is making more money than Star Rail right bros...?

    • 8 months ago

      kek so much for muh gameplay in gacha homosexual genshitter loves to shill about so much

      • 8 months ago

        what does a revenue chart have to do with gameplay anon?

  2. 8 months ago

    why would i play a cuck game

    • 8 months ago

      >Every woman character in a videogame is mine. >Every male interaction of them is an act of cuckholdry
      Sounds like you want to be cucked anon.

      Dogshit weeb f2p gacha grindfest. Other than making it a moba I couldn't make the game worse if I tried

      I wish I could grind this game instead of waiting for timers.

      Do they still force you to do the story bits before you can explore anything like in Inazuma and Sumeru? I mostly just play Genshin as a walking simulator

      You can explore 90% of Fontaine without doing a single story or world quest. You can access it by walking/swimming there. No barriers.

      • 8 months ago

        >woman talks to man
        >immediately think of cuck and ntr
        This is why genshin has so much homosexual bullshit, because you guys will have a meltdown if your waifu so much as looks at a male.

        They were just talking over some issues. What's the big deal?

        I've never seen a fanbase try and gaslight away criticism as hard as Genshin's does.

        • 8 months ago

          >this fictional character has a conversation with a fictional character in the game

          • 8 months ago

            Case in point

            • 8 months ago

              I accept your concession

              >so, you mean the exact same as every other archon quest?
              Not even close. Even empty husks like Ayaka have more writing and background than Cyno, Alhaitham, Deyha or Nilou because they just flat out don't participate in the region at all beyond a handful of scenes during the archon quest. The rest is all about npcs without voice acting with barely any relevance in the main lore whatsoever.
              >disney event was good
              Ask me how I know you information comes from fricking hoyolabs it was easy lazy shit for toddlers and only shills defend it.
              Main cast that never did nothing after 3.2 and the rest being Jeht. You rike? Past regions had the main cast cameo often beyond events.

              Cyno, alzheimer, dehya and nilou were all extremely relevant during 3.0 to 3.2 and the main characters of the story, much like the characters of fontaine are important to 4.0 to 4.2.
              Afterwards they switch to developping the world and NPCs, which is objectively a good thing.
              The NPCS all have relevance to the world and its functionment which is important to world building
              it comes from me playing the game, it was objectively good, it being for kids is the whole fricking point its a klee event, the only people mad about it were teenagers and everyone else loved iidya and the event

        • 8 months ago

          dont bother
          they are literal shills

        • 8 months ago

          >men and women talking is cuckoldry
          Gachashills are truly cucked, aren't they?

          • 8 months ago

            >using gachashill as an argument when defending Genshingays
            Genshincucks "Holier than thou" attitude when comparing themselves to other gacha will never not be fricking hilarious. The complete lack of self awareness.

            • 8 months ago

              >tell an obvious lie about the relation between two characters
              >get exposed
              >"muh self awareness"
              have a nice day

              • 8 months ago

                >tell an obvious lie
                Oh yeah fricko, what lie is that? Cause I don't think I ever said anything

                gachashill as an argument when defending Genshingays
                Don't even have to read the rest to know you're wrong. I'm just having a laugh st all the shit flinging in this thread.

                Cope and seethe Genshincuck. YWNBARG.

              • 8 months ago

                Did you even see the chain of posts you were answering to? That "cuckoldry" relationship is pure shitpost and exposing shitposters isn't shlling.

              • 8 months ago

                Unfortunately for you I never claimed anything of the sort. What I am going to claim though is that it's blatant shipper troony pandering. Doesn't need to be overt for the intentions to be easy to see. Which is exactly the point, you aren't denying cuckoldry. You're denying the blatant tone of the scene as "just a normal conversation" which anyone with fricking eyes can see is not what the intention was behind that scene.

              • 8 months ago

                Nobody said it was a normal conversation you fricking moron, but pretending it's anything romantic is a lie. There's is absolutely no pandering and anyone knowing the context of this conversation would agree. You are the one gaslighting by ignoring the whole story and dialogues before that.

            • 8 months ago

              gachashill as an argument when defending Genshingays
              Don't even have to read the rest to know you're wrong. I'm just having a laugh st all the shit flinging in this thread.

            • 8 months ago

              I mostly only see Gankertards seething at Genshin and other gacha gays pulling out revenue charts. Genshin enjoyers talk about the game itself, something those Black folk are incapable of doing for some reason.

        • 8 months ago

          >this fictional character has a conversation with a fictional character in the game

          this is what most of Ganker's 'cricitism' boils down to.
          the other half is >muh gacha
          Want genuine critique from a long time player? Here:
          >Resin cap is still to low. Should be at least 200.
          >Having 2 artifact sets per Domain sucks. Should be able to pick one.
          >Remove useless flat substats from the pool (flat atk, flat hp, flat def). They were good prelaunch but got nerfed for launch yet weren't removed or rebalanced. Shouldn't exist in their current state but Hoyo is okay with having them as fail states for your artifacts.
          >Floor 12 is still cancer and negative fun. Designed to make you fail, not a challenge to overcome.
          >Unvoiced dialogue has been indeed too wordy for while now, and it's loocalization is reddit tier as of recently.
          >Takes way to long to from AR55 to 60 and rewards for doing so are pathetically stingy.
          >Even at Max World Level difficulty and challenge are abysmally low and non existent.
          >some units given a shit kit or kneecapped kit on purposed, likely a last minute nerf.

          These are valid criticisms of Genshin, yet almost none of the Black folk shitting on the game mention any of these things. It's all just > hurr durr, muh gachashit, muh chinkslop, muh shit world, muh story, no combat.
          They either don't play the game or played it like morons, quit, and been seething at other people having fun with it even since.

          • 8 months ago

            >Unvoiced dialogue has been indeed too wordy for while now
            You fell for the propaganda. Genshin has been wordy from day 1.
            >and it's localization is reddit tier as of recently.
            Source? Cause it's been reddit tier for a long while
            Flat substats existing is also by design and your other criticisms are meh but I'm not gonna bother too much with it.

          • 8 months ago

            The best trolls for any game are the ones that actually play it to know exactly what to troll about.

            • 8 months ago

              Good thing none of those are here then

          • 8 months ago

            >Resin cap is still to low. Should be at least 200.
            then game would required too much time for mr honda to play on the train.
            >Remove useless flat substats
            bro, your nilou?
            >Floor 12 is still cancer and negative fun.
            but current abyss is the easiest one in years?
            >Unvoiced dialogue
            adding voice would make the game not fit on mr honda's son's phone
            >Takes way to long to from AR55 to 60 and rewards for doing so are pathetically stingy.
            you answered your own complain.
            >Even at Max World Level difficulty and challenge are abysmally low and non existent.
            increase difficulty and people will complain it's too hard. this is a casual gacha game (ie: char collection game).

            • 8 months ago

              >then game would required too much time for mr honda to play on the train.
              you did not understand what I wrote then.
              >bro, your nilou?
              Every flat HP could've been a %HP, which goes way harder.
              >but current abyss is the easiest one in years?
              I didn't talk about difficulty, but cancerous design that is anti-fun.
              >Takes way to long to from AR55 to 60 and rewards for doing so are pathetically stingy.
              Those are two separate complaints. I want AR 60 for another world level (if they ever add one), to convert excess Exp into Mora, but mostly just to be done with it. And the rewards for getting said grind milestones are shit and should be better. These are two distinct things with distinct solutions.
              >increase difficulty and people will complain it's too hard. this is a casual gacha game
              it wouldn't because you can choose you world level. I can choose the highest level while MrHonda stay in WL3. (Hint: Mr.Honda never did AR Ascension quest)

              You misinterpreted everything I said. Your reading comprehension suggests profound moronation anon. Don't bother replying. Collapsing this chain so I don't lose any more braincells because of you.

              • 8 months ago

                >you can choose you world level. I can choose the highest level while MrHonda stay in WL3
                then Mr Honda will complain about not getting the same rewards as the WL8 player as they scale accordingly. If they're gonna scale rewards with WL, they WILL need to keep the highest WL accessible even to the most plebiest of plebs.

              • 8 months ago

                ah yes, the mythical hp% substat on an hp% goblet/circlet/sands. please play the game before shitposting.

              • 8 months ago

                >gets proven to be a moron
                >"s-shut up, i'm blocking you!"

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah but the problem is nobody cares about that horse shit. Those are nitpicks for people that are ok with the game as it is but think it could be better. Genshin's real and only major problem is how fricking abysmal the characters have been since Inazume. Gacha games live and die on their characters and Genshin's are fricking awful and it has made the game feel compeltely unplayable because there's absolutely nothing to look forward to. I haven't rolled for a single character since Nilou. No you can cope and say "muh time to save" but for fricking what. There hasn't been a single non dog shit design in that time.

            • 8 months ago

              >Genshin's real and only major problem is how fricking abysmal the characters have been since Liyue.

            • 8 months ago

              >Genshin's real and only major problem is how fricking abysmal the characters have been since Liyue.

              's real and only major problem is how fricking abysmal the characters have been since Mondstadt.

            • 8 months ago

              >Genshin's real and only major problem is how fricking abysmal the characters have been since Inazume.
              >Genshin's are fricking awful and it has made the game feel compeltely unplayable because there's absolutely nothing to look forward to.
              Entirely personal opinion.

    • 8 months ago

      >woman talks to man
      >immediately think of cuck and ntr
      This is why genshin has so much homosexual bullshit, because you guys will have a meltdown if your waifu so much as looks at a male.

      • 8 months ago

        >Every woman character in a videogame is mine. >Every male interaction of them is an act of cuckholdry
        Sounds like you want to be cucked anon.
        I wish I could grind this game instead of waiting for timers.
        You can explore 90% of Fontaine without doing a single story or world quest. You can access it by walking/swimming there. No barriers.

        even the VAs are saying that those girls aren't for (You).

        • 8 months ago

          Nobody cares about your cuckold fantasies. The last time Yoimiya appeared we got this.

          • 8 months ago

            and she said you two are just friends afterward.

            • 8 months ago

              >Two characters talking
              Meanwhile ingame

              • 8 months ago

                This kills the Childegay

              • 8 months ago

                Everytime this dude shows up he gets closer to Itto in the moron scale, a few more appearances and he'll be klee tier

    • 8 months ago

      They were just talking over some issues. What's the big deal?

      • 8 months ago

        >because some anons are so mindbroken they see any female character interacting with a male character as cucking them.

  3. 8 months ago

    Dogshit weeb f2p gacha grindfest. Other than making it a moba I couldn't make the game worse if I tried

  4. 8 months ago

    Do they still force you to do the story bits before you can explore anything like in Inazuma and Sumeru? I mostly just play Genshin as a walking simulator

  5. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Th best kind of shit.

  6. 8 months ago

    Because I'd rather play this

    • 8 months ago

      Instead of this

      • 8 months ago

        >Why aren't you playing Genshin Impact, anon?
        Because the only thing genshit was succesful at was showing me how shitty open world games are, between waiting months for scraps of content scaterred between dozens of hours of unskipabble cutscenes written by some incompetent anime club reject, timegates, chores and shitty combat that makes F2P mmo's look good, the game has nothing to offer. You couldn't even get the coomer audience to stick because the target audience is shippers, trannies and homosexual bugmen as proves
        The only chinkshit Im willing to give a chance now is Project Mugen, at least that one seems to put the least bit of effort into making traveling the world fun

        • 8 months ago

          I wholeheartedly disagree with almost everything you said. Genshin is one of the best games I ever played, and I've been gaming for 2 decades.

          • 8 months ago

            This. But its formula is not perfect, hence drought of content in begining, and tired people now.

            It needs more than adding new regions to keep people playing - most readily switched to Starrail just because it was new experience and dont feel like returning.

            • 8 months ago

              It's not like Star Rail is doing anything differently other than Simulated Universe and a few QoL

              • 8 months ago

                Yes, and soon all will switch to ZZZ

              • 8 months ago

                when is ZZZ coming out anyway? will it be on Steam, or is it gonna be a launcher game?

              • 8 months ago

                and zzz will be shit too
                like i said before, this company has perfected their advertising
                show interesting stuff along with cute waifus before release, then start pumping shit into the game after release

              • 8 months ago

                zzz gameplay tremendously improved from when it was first shown tho and actually looks decent rn. will be their best game by far

              • 8 months ago

                >combat focused gacha
                its shit, i'll only download it if they dont nerf the pink bawds breasts

              • 8 months ago

                doesnt matter
                it WILL be shit
                all hoyoshit games are doomed to be shit that attracts flies like thes ones in this thread defending/praising it like it were a masterpiece

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah. I'm extremely casual and I just get bored by these games. I log in and it's only ever the same dailies I can do for maybe 5 minutes.
                And then what? Nothing. I guess the way to play these games is to just log in every few months but then I'm not really collecting most chars either, which detaches me even further.
                In something like Granblue I could do whatever the frick I wanted everyday but at the same time that game is a mountain of content I'll never see the end of.

          • 8 months ago

            This. But its formula is not perfect, hence drought of content in begining, and tired people now.

            It needs more than adding new regions to keep people playing - most readily switched to Starrail just because it was new experience and dont feel like returning.

            fat zhange is here with damage control

            • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                nice inspect element but we know your kind around here already you fresh marketing department hire

              • 8 months ago

                homie how far will your cope go

      • 8 months ago

        all hoyoshit games are doomed to end up like this here
        hoyo are the experts at advertising and marketing
        they set a good amount of budget for that, including shoving ads on youtube, social media sites, and paying "content creators" to act hyped and excited for their games
        the moment the game releases or the latest update drops, it is revealed to be dogshit, wide-as-an-ocean-but-shallow-as-a-puddle kind of slop with really bad writing, repetitive gameplay, endless grind, bad character designs that look like ai slop, fujohomosexual pandering, homosexual males shoved in your faces left and right, shiphomosexualry, and the worst of all, being the kind of games that attract the most mentally ill "people" around the world

        • 8 months ago

          At least it's pretty. Starfield manages to be just as shallow, yet look like complete ass.

          • 8 months ago

            ok, but that doesnt take away the negatives from genshit

          • 8 months ago

            Have you considered that there are games that are not Genshin nor Starfield?

            • 8 months ago

              Yes, and I play them too.

            • 8 months ago

              no, he is only going to b***h about games that are easy to make fun of

        • 8 months ago

          (you)r canon wife is releasing in the next patch of the passion project tho?

    • 8 months ago

      God Topaz is pure sex, she's the reason I'm considering coming back to star rail. Especially when she shares JP voice with pic rel

    • 8 months ago

      shit ass generic chink design

    • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      I thought that was Arlecchino in her free time

  7. 8 months ago

    Star rail won

    • 8 months ago

      >keep pandering to fujos and gays
      >profits drop
      At least we're in for good times once Furina drops and it's hag city for the foreseeable future.

    • 8 months ago

      Why do care which game makes more money? Are you getting some of it? Is there any benefit for you in this imaginary contest only (You) are playing?

    • 8 months ago

      we already know these numbers are worthless and that both games make insane amounts of money

  8. 8 months ago
  9. 8 months ago

    >Why aren't you playing Genshin Impact, anon?

    Because artifact farming is just a monstrously godawful annoying mess that pretty much anything else I could do would be a better use of my time and playing everything with my one "good enough" team gets boring.

    Also I dread doing side quests because I never know when I'll get roped into a 20 or 30 minute long conversation with some secondary or tertiary character that I give absolutely no fricks about regarding some stupid horseshit that absolutely does not matter to the main story with no fricking way to skip that shit other than beating my spacebar like it owes me money.

    Any other questions, OP?

    • 8 months ago

      The main story is anything but "main" in this game

  10. 8 months ago

    yeah not in a million years buddy

  11. 8 months ago

    I don't play shovelware mobile games designed to appeal to weeaboos.

  12. 8 months ago

    pedo game, she is underage

    • 8 months ago

      Yelan is like early 30s, she's the worst example you could have picked.

    • 8 months ago
  13. 8 months ago

    none of the new characters interest me. Probably gonna pick it up again for the next Shenhe rerun.

  14. 8 months ago

    stop supporting predatory gacha trash.

  15. 8 months ago

    I don't play genshin for the same reason I don't read Isekai trash. If there's no definitive end then It's a waste of time.

  16. 8 months ago

    I do play it can't wait to roll this sexy little moron

    • 8 months ago

      My head canon is she wears no panties.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm adopting that. Together we will make something that doesn't exist even better.

  17. 8 months ago

    I decided to give a shot to this game when it releases on switch.
    So never.

  18. 8 months ago

    >Chinese datamining software except with gacha rolls
    Do gachaBlack folk REALLY?

  19. 8 months ago

    >gachashit with mentally ill trannies and females as the target audience

  20. 8 months ago

    Because I don't feel like farming for stuff to level Hu Tao and Shenhe's talents. Also Furina is not out yet.

    • 8 months ago

      I want to bury my face in Hu Tao's teen softness.

    • 8 months ago

      god i want her to wiggle her butt in my face

    • 8 months ago

      god i want her to wiggle her butt in my face

      I want to bury my face in Hu Tao's teen softness.

      Chinese bots.

      • 8 months ago

        im horny, not a chink.

        • 8 months ago

          Your also playing genshit moron, what is the difference?

          • 8 months ago

            oh so you're just a dumb Black person, got it.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm a bot for posting ass?

        • 8 months ago

          It’s ironic that people on this board call you a bot when they act like programmed NPCs who all spew the same buzzwords. It’s the same shit. Same ring and tone every single day.

  21. 8 months ago

    I am and I am upset that it won't get any better

  22. 8 months ago

    too much content

    got bored of feeling like working doing all events and exploration, also enjoyed a lot at first

    Quit it and Honkai Starrail for Blue Archive, where i can auto or skip all battles and just look at cute girls. I would have probably stayed if Genshin story was interesting, but it and most quests were meh. In comparison, Starrail is a LOT better quest wise - but theres no content.

    Honkai Impact 2.0 tempts me to try it again, and probably will try ZZZ - but realized i hate grind.

    • 8 months ago

      That's a good assessment anon, respectable. Was exited for Star Rail but ended up not trying it. And I see no point in playing a new gacha and not being a day one player. Would try Azur Lane, for the cute girls, but only if I can run it on PC.

      • 8 months ago

        >And I see no point in playing a new gacha and not being a day one player.
        litterally not an issue (just like with Genshin actually)

        You dont need gacha chars you might have missed, and content is easy to do. You should check it just for story alone. I too missed releas and only tried later and regreted it.

        You can just do the content and then quit - since main issue of Starrail, its basically singleplayer JRPG and theres nothing to do outside of main story updates.

  23. 8 months ago

    Has anyone else just hit complete burnout with this game?
    I've been playing from day 1, and I only log in for the daily's. I don't even buy Welkin anymore, the entirety of the Sumeru desert is unexplored, and I have like 20 unfinished quests.

    • 8 months ago

      They need to stop pushing boring shit that nobody wants to do. Involve characters people care about instead of useless peasant number 4617.

    • 8 months ago

      Same. Once I got my two teams maxed out I don't even use my resin anymore. Feels like a waste but I've nothing else to spend it on and don't feel like gearing other characters and new characters don't look interesting to me. They really peaked with Yelan and Raiden Shogun.

    • 8 months ago

      >I've been playing from day 1, and I only log in for the daily's
      that was your first mistake and the job-tier commitment is what burned you out. I take a 2-4 month break from the game between each new region being added and don't feel burnout and am excited by the new content every time I return. Them pandering to fujos and spamming male banners gives me the breathing room too.

      • 8 months ago

        But how do you get your gems to roll for characters then?

        • 8 months ago

          By not rolling for every single banner like some gambling addicted zoomer. They haven't released anyone interesting or cute enough to roll for since Dehya, and every male or rerun banner was a skip since I already had the characters I wanted. I'm sitting on 260 rolls and I haven't played since Dehya came out and returned about a month ago.

          • 8 months ago

            Sure, but you still need some gems to roll things and you don't get any if you never play. I'm glad it works out for you though.

            • 8 months ago

              I get enough from the events I catch when I return and the exploration of new areas also gives a shit ton as much as people like to meme on it. I also occasionally buy a welkins. All that combined with skipping most banners now that they're hard set on pushing so many males and reruns works out really well.

              >childe owner
              actual homosexual

              Spooked me 2 years ago when I was rolling for Diona. There's a reason he's unbuilt and is sitting at the bottom with the free standard pull redeemed.

          • 8 months ago

            >childe owner
            actual homosexual

      • 8 months ago

        If you need extended ammount of time away from the game, maybe its not a good game lmao

        • 8 months ago

          How does your bait even make sense? Do you keep replaying the same singleplayer game every day for years? Of course you don't, you move on to the next one. Same thing with games that receive continuous updates - you return once fresh content is introduced. Or are you one of those NPCs that has to grind shit for the sake of grinding in MMOs?

          • 8 months ago

            >Do you keep replaying the same singleplayer game every day for years?
            Whats your point? No really, what the frick is this even supposed to mean? If I replay a game, I do it YEARS later. You got you brain fricked sideways be the "games as a service" cancer and now spout this bullshit
            >you return once fresh content is introduced
            The "fresh content" doesnt exist in genshit, its the same shit over and over again with a new coat of paint, if you fail to see that, we best leave the conversation here because I don't plan wasting time explaining why flipping 4 purple switches is no different than placing objects on 2 pressure plates 10 steps away from each other

            • 8 months ago

              >Whats your point?
              the point is that you're not gonna be playing a game with limited content once you exhaust said content moron. I guess those two braincells of yours couldn't fire off to catch even that.
              >The "fresh content" doesnt exist in genshit
              The new areas and quests they introduce periodically are interesting and fresh. I don't give a shit about the event minigames that only serve to provide an income of gems.

            • 8 months ago

              >new quests
              >new story
              >new lore
              >new regions and vistas
              >new characters and interactions
              Sure, you may not like any of them, but that just means the game is not for you

              • 8 months ago

                >>new quests
                >>new story
                >>new lore
                >Please care for this random generic npc we put in front of you, we'll even give them a sad backstory. Oh no we aren't going to give them an unique model or even turn them into reccuring character, are you insane?
                >new regions and vistas
                >muh screenshots
                >new characters and interactions
                >Hey Traveller, I know we only just met and I only exchanged a few words with your flying onahole and not you, but I already consider you my best friend forever, please roll my banner
                >Banner ends, and character disappears from the events, sidequests or story until they get a rerun
                >the characters skillset was just a recolor of the same 4 skills that are in the game since 1.0
                >they are also weaker than their 1.0 equivalents
                >also lmao hyperbloom so why bother rolling for anything that ins't green/blue/purple
                Man you are...really desperate to defend this piece of shit aren't you?

              • 8 months ago

                Have you consider that some people enjoy it? That's why Genshin Impact is always the topic of discussion. The same can't be said about so called passion projects

              • 8 months ago

                >Have you consider that some people enjoy it?
                Yes I did, but my opinion on that is similar to this image. I could have sworn there was a more accurate version of it, but I can't find it.
                To put it bluntly, I do not mind that you enjoy this garbage, but I sure am going to question it and give you my take on it when confronted about it.
                Besides that, those two shit eaters that replied in addition to you just prove none of you are capable of taking any ammount of criticism

              • 8 months ago

                I can take criticism, it's just that
                >muh something I dislike
                >AAAAIIIEEEEE WORDS
                is hardly proper criticism

              • 8 months ago

                >is hardly proper criticism
                Can you honestly tell me that you wouldn't just downplay a better written out criticism of the story and dialogue? With something like
                >tl;dr lmao
                Because I know how you kids act, I tried having civil conversations with you, but surprise, we are on fricking Ganker out of all places so 99% of you would rather ignore it and cope with your shitty game.
                Case in point

                For someone who hates words you wrote a whole paragraph

                >WORDS WORDS WORDS
                Works just as well because all you do is stomp your feet on the ground and throw a hissy fit

              • 8 months ago

                Anon, I simply posted a list of features that some people enjoy when new content is released, as a counterpoint to your claim that "fresh content" doesn't exist. You're the one who had an absolute meltdown over it, typing a bunch of things that can be mostly reduced to "imo". And now you're simply assuming how I will answer and assuming a full defensive stance for no reason
                Take a deep breath

              • 8 months ago

                >And now you're simply assuming how I will answer and assuming a full defensive stance for no reason
                >You're the one who had an absolute meltdown over it, typing a bunch of things that can be mostly reduced to "imo"
                Its amazing how quickly you invalidated your own post

              • 8 months ago

                For someone who hates words you wrote a whole paragraph

              • 8 months ago

                your whole "criticism" boils down to
                >words? I'm too lazy to read!
                >ignores the different traversal, interaction and depth mechanics introduced alongside the new regions
                >ignores the characters that accompany you through basically entire archon quest volumes or ones that return every seasonal event with a new story
                >objectively false about recolored skills since 1.0
                >3 of the 1.0 characters are some of the strongest to provide new players a stepping stone
                >he thinks stronger characters since 1.0 haven't released
                I'm not sure how you want us to respond when all you puked out is personal preference and false claims

              • 8 months ago

                ? I'm too lazy to read!
                Proving my point yet again, keep it coming
                >ignores the different traversal
                >running and interacting with purple thing before you can press T to grapple for 10 seconds
                >running and pressing T once in a while(have to first walk up and hit the flower thing that actually spawns the grappling point which already invalidates it)
                >swimming, only in this one region in particular instead of actually updading water mechanics all over the map, which means that as soon as you are out of Fontaine that shit is not coming back
                >interaction and depth mechanics introduced alongside the new regions
                Those are quite literally empty, vague words that mean nothing
                Everything else is you just making shit up to disagree with what I said

              • 8 months ago

                Have you ever stopped to consider that not everyone is bothered by words? that some people actually care for some of the NPCs? the Jeht video in the recent hoyofair has been very well received for a reason, even though it would fall under your "wordy NPC content" diatribe

                >And now you're simply assuming how I will answer and assuming a full defensive stance for no reason
                >You're the one who had an absolute meltdown over it, typing a bunch of things that can be mostly reduced to "imo"
                Its amazing how quickly you invalidated your own post

                You can go ask anyone sane enough to compare the tone in my answer and the one in yours to know that's not true

              • 8 months ago

                >Have you ever stopped to consider that not everyone is bothered by words?
                I did but some of the most common complaints I see about the game, even from the fans of it, is the needlessly long dialogues that convey absolutely nothing of value. And yes I know about Jeht, the one out of 50+ NPCs they tried to put front and centre of a quest, how about literally everyone else? Please find me fans of Teppei or that one chick from the chasm that was looking for her uncle or whatever. Jeht is an exception, probably the only one you have
                Who would have tought fans of the game would jizz themselves over fanmade content

              • 8 months ago

                Jeht, Dunyazard, Zhiqiong, Rui, Arama, Mamere, Sorush, Enjou, Kazari, Liben, Madame Ping, Ying'er etc
                Of course those who complain are more noticeable, because the ones who are fine with the text aren't complaining at all
                >Who would have tought fans of the game would jizz themselves over fanmade content
                It shows that the game has fans of the content you label as shit

              • 8 months ago

                > that one chick from the chasm that was looking for her uncle or whatever.
                I loved Zhiqiong's quest and look forward to seeing her alive and well. Please be alive...
                Rana, I want to meet her together with Arana and have them tell me all their adventures. Then go on our own adventure together
                I want to meet Dunyazard on her travels now that she's healthy
                Just because you didn't give a frick doesn't mean nobody else did.

              • 8 months ago

                >Please be alive...
                I really hope she's dead because of her stubbornness that people told her an area was too dangerous. Genuinely the worst character in the game, the fact she didn't die of Abyss AIDS and people actually praise her in future content is already annoying enough because she's an absolute moron. They're effectively rewarding her for ignoring everyone's concerns, ignoring her own brain, ignoring her own body telling her she's dying, ignoring the fact that she's already proven humanity is strong, ignoring the fact that she puts Traveler, Paimon, and the other humans she's on the trip with in more danger because now they have to chase after her, and more.

              • 8 months ago

                >that some people actually care for some of the NPCs? the Jeht video in the recent hoyofair has been very well received for a reason, even though it would fall under your "wordy NPC content" diatribe
                Where you got that information because I call bs. Around 3.7 mhy sent survays asking if noc railroad and hog all the spotlight and Fontaine proves the result of that. After the slogfest that was Sumeru finally we are back to having the main cast of a region, you know, like the characters they are selling to the players, in the front again. Also for this reason the reception for the last summer event was abyssmal.

              • 8 months ago

                so, you mean the exact same as every other archon quest? archon quest is about the main characters, sidequests are about the world and npcs (which everyone except moronic zoomers enjoy).
                Disney land with Klee was extremely well received so i dont know why you're making shit up

              • 8 months ago

                >so, you mean the exact same as every other archon quest?
                Not even close. Even empty husks like Ayaka have more writing and background than Cyno, Alhaitham, Deyha or Nilou because they just flat out don't participate in the region at all beyond a handful of scenes during the archon quest. The rest is all about npcs without voice acting with barely any relevance in the main lore whatsoever.
                >disney event was good
                Ask me how I know you information comes from fricking hoyolabs it was easy lazy shit for toddlers and only shills defend it.

                What are you even talking about?
                Sumeru had a main cast on top of having NPCs, what's even your point?

                Main cast that never did nothing after 3.2 and the rest being Jeht. You rike? Past regions had the main cast cameo often beyond events.

              • 8 months ago

                >Main cast that never did nothing after 3.2
                damn I guess all the character quests just don't count?

              • 8 months ago

                >damn I guess all the character quests just don't count?
                Yes. After 3.2 its just al haitham's and that was just a fetch quest with an incomplete plot and no development of his character.

              • 8 months ago

                Dehya's came out after 3.2, so did Nahida's act 2, so did Wanderer's interlude chapter, so did Act 6 of the archon quest. You're moronic.

              • 8 months ago

                >Dehya's came out after 3.2, so did Nahida's act 2, so did Wanderer's interlude chapter
                All were shit
                >so did Act 6 of the archon quest
                Deins quest is not sumeru disingenuous c**t.

              • 8 months ago

                >All were shit
                personal preference, means nothing
                >Deins quest is not sumeru
                >literally all of the quest happens in Sumeru
                >directly related to locations and lore of Sumeru

              • 8 months ago

                Not even him but the most important part of the quest happens inside that weird pocket version of Enkanomiya

              • 8 months ago

                They were present in events and hangouts. It's no different from how the Ayaka you used as an example had no presence after Inazuma's archon quest, or how Liyue and Mondstadt cast only shows in events and hangouts. The only exceptions so far were the Chasm event and Albedo act II in Dragonspine
                >no relevance in the main lore whatsover
                You're either using the word "lore" wrong or you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about

              • 8 months ago

                >well received so i dont know why you're making shit up
                Because there's 3 things Ganker hates most:
                >good videogames
                >popular things
                >good videogames that are popular
                Case in point: Elden Ring, Armored Core, Baldur's Gate. Can go as far back as you want, Ganker hated DS3 when it came out but when ER released Ganker suddenly had loved DS3 all along.

              • 8 months ago

                What are you even talking about?
                Sumeru had a main cast on top of having NPCs, what's even your point?

              • 8 months ago

                >Proving my point
                that is literally what you said though, and I quote
                >WORDS WORDS WORDS
                there was no other argument, you have nobody but yourself to blame.
                >conveniently skips part about characters in quests
                >swimming only in this one region in particular instead of actually updading water mechanics all over the map
                cool strawman bro, concession accepted
                , vague words that mean nothing
                >what are interactions with sea enemies by absorbing their own abilities
                >what is ousia/pneuma
                else is you just making shit up
                >he actually thinks 1.0 DPS/subDPS units like Diluc or Mona are on the same tier as Hu Tao/Yoimiya or Yelan to name just a few
                good job on letting me know you don't actually play the game and are just spouting shit for the sake of it with no coherent argument.

              • 8 months ago

                >good job on letting me know you don't actually play the game
                I'm sorry, when did I imply I still play this shit?

              • 8 months ago

                Don't give a shit if you do or don't, but it makes my life easier to filter out your drivel and know that you're a simply an assblasted moron.

              • 8 months ago

                holy cope

              • 8 months ago

                concession accepted

              • 8 months ago

                have a nice day

              • 8 months ago

                >complains about words
                >just types a shitton of them in shitposting greetext format just to end up proving my point (that it's his subjective take)
                bravo anon

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                >also lmao hyperbloom so why bother rolling for anything that ins't green/blue/purple
                genshinlet-kun. Hyperbloom is a cope reaction with high floor but a low ceiling. Now that we are out of Sumeru, classic comps immediately stomp again. You thought HPB was strongest because 3.x abyss was tailor made for it.

              • 8 months ago

                kek this is the most Ganker post of all time, crying about words while typing a wall of text of inane drivel and made up bullshit statements that are factually wrong and easily disproven

              • 8 months ago

                Im yet to see the "easily disproven" part, instead all of you seem intent on shitposting your way through. See

                I didn't read but
                Yeah that's how stories are told, you must be a dark soul moron

                concession accepted

                took the words right out of my...fingertips?

              • 8 months ago

                you were already easily disproven by

                >Proving my point
                that is literally what you said though, and I quote
                >WORDS WORDS WORDS
                there was no other argument, you have nobody but yourself to blame.
                >conveniently skips part about characters in quests
                >swimming only in this one region in particular instead of actually updading water mechanics all over the map
                cool strawman bro, concession accepted
                , vague words that mean nothing
                >what are interactions with sea enemies by absorbing their own abilities
                >what is ousia/pneuma
                else is you just making shit up
                >he actually thinks 1.0 DPS/subDPS units like Diluc or Mona are on the same tier as Hu Tao/Yoimiya or Yelan to name just a few
                good job on letting me know you don't actually play the game and are just spouting shit for the sake of it with no coherent argument.

              • 8 months ago

                >character skillset are a recolor
                ok name one character from 1.0 with the same skillset as neuvillette or wanderer, characters disappear? we literally still get mondo events with the entire cast and fricking eula was in the last summer event
                you're moronic mate

              • 8 months ago

                I didn't read but
                Yeah that's how stories are told, you must be a dark soul moron

              • 8 months ago

                the world design is pretty, but it is simply a background for players to take pictures
                almost no depth, no world building, not fleshed out
                no idea why genshiteaters praise this mediocre game for its exploration
                just say it has good visuals and move on lol

              • 8 months ago

                >no world building
                People keep saying that but never bother to explain

              • 8 months ago

                Objectively wrong, the game has literally all of those , good world design, extensive world building and lore (which has better writing than the story), extreme amounts of details and secrets in said world, very fleshed out world prime for adventure, which is why it mogs every other game that tries to copy it.

              • 8 months ago

                >very fleshed out world prime for adventure
                There is no adventure in Genshin.
                See this pyramid? You can't explore it, you instead have to do a sidequest where some NPCs handhold you through the entire experience because letting people explore on their own isn't according to the writer's vision.
                And don't think you'll get some exciting loot, the only thing you're gonna get is materials you don't need and a handful of primogems.
                No weapons, no armor, no spells, no tools, nothing.

              • 8 months ago

                You literally do explore it though, and you get to come back once you have upgraded your tool, its also full of extensive lore and cool rooms.
                >muh loot
                the exploration is the reward, not the shitty gear that will rot in your inventory for the rest of the game until you sell it

              • 8 months ago

                >the exploration is the reward
                It isn't, especially because it's simply reused tilesets, with reused enemies which you'll see repeated in every single pyramid.
                And I like how your tiny homosexual brain can't even imagine areas having interesting unique loot, probably because it would frick any argument you may have had.

                >you can't explore
                >w-well you actually can because it's a quest location
                shut up Black person

                Cope harder Black person

              • 8 months ago

                you should know by now the thread is filled with shills who have never played a decent game in their lives and have to resort to defending and praising a mediocre game instead

              • 8 months ago

                NTA but for me, the appeal is the lore you find there, with all the tidbits about Scarlet King, his nation, his deeds, the Djinns, Gurabad etc
                I agree there could be more interesting loot and enemy variety though

              • 8 months ago

                >can't even imagine areas having interesting unique loot
                You took one pyramid from one region from one nation. Areas do have unique loot, like Dragonspine did. I know you're a disingenuous moron that's never touched the game, but please apply yourself.

              • 8 months ago

                Dragonspine had a single sword that, from what I remember, was trash no one wanted to use.
                And that's the only place with a unique item which is why you had to go back to 3 year old content to find an example.

              • 8 months ago

                A swing and a miss, color me surprised.

              • 8 months ago

                true, its a useless weapon

              • 8 months ago

                Dragonspine had unique materials needed to craft unique weapons. Each nation also has unique craftable weapons that require unique materials found while exploring. You also get unique items from doing certain character quests, like Kazuha's. Exploration, both story and environment wise, is rewarded.

              • 8 months ago

                >the exploration is the reward

              • 8 months ago

                What's wrong? Need a little carrot on a stick to make it worth your while?

              • 8 months ago

                Maybe go outside for a few minutes. Look at all you can explore, in full HD resolution, for free. Enjoy a nice hike.
                Exploration on its own is nothing.

                The mechanics suck. They holed themselves into a corner with their party comps, element physics, and the long grind to unlock extra stamina. The monster AI is trivial.
                Compare mechanics to a game like BotW and genshin gets dumpstered.
                Compare graphics to any modern PC game and genshin gets dumpstered.

                Besides, genshin does have a reward for exploration - 10 primogems. It's the real reason 90% of the playerbase scavenges the entire map to 100% completion. Grinding for literal pennies.

              • 8 months ago

                Spoken like a true moron. Actual shit mechanics and shit exploration is TotK underground. Genshin’s art design is good and the overworld is above par.

                The reason why the game sucks is it’s tied to fomo shit and blatant time wasting un fun garbage (dailies, most events). Like in order to have new fun characters you are encouraged to rush through the game for currency which is the opposite of what an open world game should do. It should be a slow game where you proceed at your own pace. Where you could beeline the main quest or just frick around exploring….like any other game. The actual world is good, the actual music is good, the actual art is good. Criticizing that just makes you look like a contrarian moron, or just some butthurt tendie. And let me make this clear this is why I’m attacking you, it’s not to defend genshin, this game is legitimately a waste of time, even among a hobby designed to waste time. You are much better served wasting your time with another time waster.

              • 8 months ago

                I want to add the actual good parts of genshin (the actual open world) are like an insidious trap with the fomoshit being a cynical and malicious snare to keep you on the right levels of player engagement. It’s legitimately soulless. If you want to shit on genshin it’s pretty easy, take this as advice, copy my argument. Don’t go hur dur le world is le bad, because it actually isn’t

              • 8 months ago

                Genshin's open world is dead and empty as shit, it's inferior even to Ubislop games which should tell you something.

              • 8 months ago

                No it’s not, take my advice if you want to make the chinkshills seethe, this garbage is easily brushed aside

              • 8 months ago

                It is worse than Ubislop, the world is static and doesn't even have any enemies roaming around they all just stay in the same places every day waiting for you to kill them.
                Even Far Cry 4's world is more alive since you can go on random strolls in the world and see shit like humans getting attacked by wild animals just because they roamed into each other. You'll never get something like that in Genshin.

              • 8 months ago

                Nobody at Ubisoft even believe their game is better than Genshin
                t. work at Ubisoft

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah and my uncle works at Nintendo
                God, you homosexuals really are zoomers

              • 8 months ago

                I want to add the actual good parts of genshin (the actual open world) are like an insidious trap with the fomoshit being a cynical and malicious snare to keep you on the right levels of player engagement. It’s legitimately soulless. If you want to shit on genshin it’s pretty easy, take this as advice, copy my argument. Don’t go hur dur le world is le bad, because it actually isn’t

                >If you want to shit on genshin it’s pretty easy, take this as advice, copy my argument
                >it’s tied to fomo shit and blatant time wasting un fun garbage
                I've shit on genshin for this enough already. Can't expect me to rehash the same point every post.

                One thing I haven't touched on though, if you're going to defend the mediocre graphics on the basis that it's a portable game - then it's pretty unfortunate that it's forced online. Cell service is better than it used to be, but it's not perfect. For a game that is almost entirely single player, why the frick should it need forced online?
                BotW is not TotK, by the way.

                Music is good though, you're right about that.

              • 8 months ago

                >mediocre graphics
                Sorry it's not a 480p piss filter covered mess like botw is, tendie.
                But seriously you have shit in your eyes if you think Genshin's graphics are "mediocre"

              • 8 months ago

                I never said BotW is the pinnacle of good graphics. BotW is a gameplay example.
                But honestly it's about on par with genshin for graphics too, which is embarrassing considering it came out 6 years ago and was the entire inspiration for genshin, a game which released several years later.

                Specifically, consider the climbing mechanics. Genshin cloned the stamina system which at surface level makes it seem interesting. They copied gliding too.
                In BotW, there are sections that are limited by your ability to climb due to insufficient stamina. Working around this is part of the challenge. There are also specific complications like rain causing you to slip.
                In Genshin, you do a single collection grind in the first big zone that doubles your stamina bar, trivializing all climbs. Rather than an interesting puzzle, it's simply a timegate on how much you can dash/sprint, and a short wait to reset stamina when you reach a climbing segment. I haven't played every patch so perhaps recent zones add new interactions, but I doubt it.

                I don't think Genshin exploration is terrible. It's just pretty bland. Especially all the patches that simply added more of the same shit, with a slightly different color palette.

              • 8 months ago

                >I don't think Genshin exploration is terrible. It's just pretty bland.
                Not that anon, but Fontaine exploration is fantastic, and I actually like BOTW/TOTK.

              • 8 months ago

                Ah so you were filtered in mondstadt the literal bland rpg starting zone. Cause the very next area has those stamina/climbing limitations you said are missing and they added new interactions for just about every new region since they're geographically different and didn't wanna frick players over too hard with overhanging cliffs and shit.
                Ofc the person talking shit about the game hasn't played beyond what is basically the tutorial area.

              • 8 months ago

                I've played through Inazuma.
                >Cause the very next area has those stamina/climbing limitations you said are missing
                Can you give an example?

              • 8 months ago

                Jeuyen Karst, the mountains in west Liyue. Even at max stamina those frickers are a pain to climb. Insert the other mountainous areas of Liyue. And you're telling me you didn't find navigating Inazuma islands a pain cause of all the overhanging cliffs?!??
                Also hard doubt you played in inazuma when you're still calling genshin graphics AND exploration shit cause absolute Kino like Serai Island, Tsurumi Island and Enkanomiya all exist in Inazuma.

              • 8 months ago

                >Jeuyen Karst
                You just float on the wind plumes.
                >Serai Island
                This one was ok. Kind of empty if I remember. Kind of annoying to navigate with some lightning orb fast travel things, similar to random teleport puzzles in other games. Some empty islands on the outskirts with nothing but more random hilichurls. The boss fight sucked.
                It did look pretty though.

                I don't think I played the other islands you mentioned. Must've been later patches. Sounds like I have to play this shit again to give a more updated opinion.

              • 8 months ago

                The wind stuff in Jeuyen Karst is few and far between. If you used only those exclusively to explore them, then you haven't been exploring. Finding obscure paths up random cliff faces into random chests you never found before was kino early patch experience.

              • 8 months ago

                >For a game that is almost entirely single player, why the frick should it need forced online?
                how moronic are you? they need a connection to make sure your gacha currencies stay consistent with your actions in your account as that's where their whole business model lies, They also need sync all of the changes that happen to your game, like items gained and lost, your location and progress. All of this is needed for a seamless cross-platform experience where you can turn off the game on one device and jump back in on another one. Also the limitation with the fact that it's a mobile game is the size, some people already can't fit the game on their older devices.

              • 8 months ago

                None of that is actually necessary. It's possible to structure a game that can update asynchronously, with a warning when data is not being live synced whenever you lose connection. Plenty of console games do this.
                > they need a connection to make sure your gacha currencies stay consistent with your actions in your account as that's where their whole business model lies
                This is the real answer, and I'm well aware of it. However, I'm also aware that it's sacrificing ideal player experience.

              • 8 months ago

                >muh go outside
                don't even pretend you're not a basement dweller Black person.

              • 8 months ago

                >Compare mechanics to a game like BotW and genshin gets dumpstered
                why does genshin always attract seething tendies?
                If you want to talk comparisons, BoTW's mechanics actually suck dog dick. Whether it be trying to climb while it's raining or having to go into your inventory to shuffle through items to heal yourself, or play revolving doors to equip the right weapon because a thunderstorm started or your current one broke after two swings. The enemies are a joke too and can be defeated with your eyes closed spamming a single button with a two hander equipped from the perpetual stunlock. Genshin has none of these problems.

              • 8 months ago

                >Genshin has none of these problems.
                >Whether it be trying to climb while it's raining
                Instead Genshin's climbing is just worse as a whole, any little outcrop in the way of your climb and you'll just fall because the devs are shit and couldn't program the climbing correctly so good luck climbing any ruins.
                >to go into your inventory to shuffle through items to heal yourself
                Genshin has the exact same shit if you want to heal yourself using items
                >The enemies are a joke too and can be defeated with your eyes closed spamming a single button with a two hander equipped from the perpetual stunlock
                Genshin is even worse, in fact, Genshin is so bad that they started making every new enemy heavier so that Venti wouldn't trivialize everything, and even then you can still just spam your skills and everything will die, even with a shit character like Klee.

              • 8 months ago

                >any little outcrop in the way of your climb and you'll just fall
                same problem exists in botw tendie. Genshin's climbing is better for the sole fact that you won't get fricked by things outside of your control like the weather suddenly changing. If you see an outcrop that you think will hinder you then just pick a better path.
                >Genshin has the exact same shit if you want to heal yourself using items
                completely false moronic tendie, there's a hotkey item that lets you heal yourself immediately in the overworld. And this is completely ignoring the fact that you can have off-field healers in your team.
                >Genshin is so bad that they started making every new enemy heavier so that Venti wouldn't trivialize everything
                if they weren't heavy and Venti could suck them up you would complain about it being trivialized, so now that there's more variety in enemy weights, you complain about that instead.
                >even then you can still just spam your skills and everything will die, even with a shit character like Klee
                post your Klee abyss clear bro

              • 8 months ago

                >same problem exists in botw tendie.
                No it doesn't Black person. Genshin's climbing is worse and the fact that you admit it by trying to evade it with "j-just go another route" is pathetic
                > there's a hotkey item that lets you heal yourself immediately in the overworld. And this is completely ignoring the fact that you can have off-field healers in your team.
                Yeah because people sure are gonna use the shitty NRE pack, and in BOTW you can get Mipha's blessing that can heal and revive you.
                >if they weren't heavy and Venti could suck them up you would complain about it being trivialized, so now that there's more variety in enemy weights, you complain about that instead.
                Genshin still has other stunlocks like freeze, or just enemies' staggering/ragdoll animations. Venti was just one example of it.
                >P-post abyss
                I, just like the vast majority of Genshin players, never gave a shit about the Abyss since it's boring as shit. And you can't cope with anything else since you know I'm right and that the rest of the enemies are easy so even casual f2ps who don't grind can defeat everything.

              • 8 months ago

                >Genshin still has other stunlocks like freeze, or just enemies' staggering/ragdoll animations. Venti was just one example of it.
                This feel like a patch 1.0 complaint, the game has done every effort to kneecap venti and ayaka/ganyu teams so that perma ccing enemies is impossible

              • 8 months ago

                >you can't explore
                >w-well you actually can because it's a quest location
                shut up Black person

              • 8 months ago

                >see this pyramid? You don't explore it
                >having quests and npcs so it's an actual adventure is somehow worse than exploring on your own
                Is so funny seeing vtards so mindbroken by a chinese mobige

              • 8 months ago

                >Following quest markers while walking through emtpy corridors and mini arenas is exploring

              • 8 months ago

                >Playing words words words

                genshin despite having the best gameplay for a gacha is still a gacha and there are walls and walls of text to read.

                Which game has more WORDS WORDS WORDS, Genshin or Golden Sun?

              • 8 months ago

                Genshin by far at least GS had moments of shutting the frick up

    • 8 months ago

      you should have dipped immediately when the feeling hit
      i have seen countless people who still stick to this game because of suck cost or habit even though they dont even like the game anymore
      i just dropped it long ago and went back to play regular games that didnt feel like a second job
      immediately cured my gacha addiction

      • 8 months ago

        But I need to save Primos for the new characters bro...

    • 8 months ago

      Been playing since 1.1 non-stop and still not tired
      You will burnout if you treat it like your average gacha with a focus on rolling, building and optimizing characters. The game's focus is clearly on the casual exploration and world-building, not combat

    • 8 months ago

      I been playing from day one and still haven’t hit burn out because I’m not a moron that only plays one type of game.

    • 8 months ago

      Been playing since day 1 as well and dropped the game when Enkanomiya came out. I came back recently to roll for Wrio and have been having fun going through everything I missed. Try taking a break anon

    • 8 months ago

      >I only log in for the daily
      first gacha?

  24. 8 months ago

    Because Fontaine fricking sucks. I liked the stupid desert more.

  25. 8 months ago

    can you rewatch cutscenes now? I stopped a long time ago and I forgot everything about it, and don't like watching in on Youtube when there are dialgoe choises

  26. 8 months ago

    Because I'm already playing both Arknights and Fallen London and I don't have patience for three very grindy games.

    • 8 months ago

      There are people STILL playing fricking Fallen London???

    • 8 months ago

      ... what's Arknights like?

      • 8 months ago

        It has actual gameplay. I don't think it's exceptionally difficult, but it's hard enough that a noticeable portion of the community uses community-made guides to beat stages rather than actually coming up with the solutions themselves.

        I would not describe it as 'very grindy' though - it takes about 10 minutes to use up 12 hours worth of sanity, so most of the time you're just running autodeploys for 10 minutes in the morning and then 10 minutes again in the evening.

    • 8 months ago

      >Fallen London
      wtf that game still exists? does it get updates?

      • 8 months ago

        Yep, regular updates and Exceptional Stories every month.
        London recently was invaded in the last Estival and everyone had to go and fight for its defense. The Masters finally got out of their asses, even.

  27. 8 months ago

    All the characters look the same, have the same standing poses, same run etc.
    Started bothering me more and more. I collect characters in gacha games for their uniqueness. If they all look and move the same then what's the point?

    • 8 months ago

      godlike take, i felt the same way

  28. 8 months ago

    Because the moment I decide to go back to the game I am bombarded with unskippable filler dialogue that I will forget within a day.
    Genshin is 90% filler 9% grinding artifacts 1% gameplay

    Blue Archive and even Star Rail respect my time more

  29. 8 months ago

    If I am a pure gameplaygay with zero interest on exploring or waifus will I like this game?

    • 8 months ago

      sure, for how long is other question

    • 8 months ago

      No you wont
      Genshin is an archaeology simulator

      • 8 months ago

        You're the first person to really get it. People always ask me why I like it so much, and they never understand why when I explain how much I love exploring new landscapes, Delving into ruins, meticulously checking every inch for hidden treasures and immersing myself in fictional cultures. Also, I like coming home from grinding for artifacts all day just so I can boot up genshin and grind for artifacts.
        T. Archaeologist. Here's a cool Artifact (real) I found.

    • 8 months ago

      God no.

      • 8 months ago

        Why not? Genshin combat is pretty fun to figure out and it has LOTS of minigames and content like puzzles and stuff, up to proper trading card game.

        Exploration is the main appeal of course, but until you max out chars - progression and combat are very good. Story content as well (though not all).

        • 8 months ago

          Because it has the depth of a puddle. If anon has a focus on gameplay he should go for an actual action game, not the watered down Genshin combat.
          I recommend he install a PS2 emulator and play DMC3.
          The minigames are similarly watered down. If the card game sounded interesting, play Library of Ruina instead, which is no joke the best cardbattler in the market right now.

          • 8 months ago

            DMC3 is much easier than Abyss tbh. I don't know why DMC-gays are so autistic.

            • 8 months ago

              I don't even know what to say. You understand that women can easily beat the abyss by simply using the correct team, right? (Hence why the game is so popular with women.)

              • 8 months ago

                >women lol.
                This is why you're a virgin anon. And I don't use that insult often.

              • 8 months ago

                I have nothing against women, I'm just saying that women on average are worse than men at video games, and there's a reason why Genshin is so popular with women. (Because it is rather easy.)
                Go on, try to get a girl who plays Genshin to complete DMC3. She would most likely find it extremely difficult (because it is, by comparison) and give up before Cerebus. It just is what it is.

              • 8 months ago

                Anon these are videogames. Videogames aren't hard. They're just a subject matter. Not harder than any job or life itself. Women gravitate towards games like Genshin and not because Animal Crossing not because they're easy, but because they're cute.

            • 8 months ago

              Abyss is literally big number kind of difficulty, of course it's harder. But it isn't as fun or interesting to play.

          • 8 months ago

            >Because it has the depth of a puddle.
            i entirely and radically disagree.

            I am old GBF player, the "mathgame", theorycrafting and team building and Genshin requires quite a few of it as well unless you just copy recommended teams from web or something. I spent a lot of time trying different characters, abilities, combinations, doing math etc. - and its very fun, achieving top optimization.

            Plus many characters have very different combat mechanics and routine at all, so you have a lot of variety how you want to play. And at least in begining, theres enougth content to somewhat challenge you.

            • 8 months ago

              >but it's very shallow.
              how is it shalle when you need month to actually understand all mechanics since theres a lot of them and theres dozens of chars and unique abilities and them all interacting together

              Every party and chars create entirely different combat routine and mechanics.

              The only "shallow" part about is, that its easy to outgrow the content, and now the only challenge is "hardcore" modes in events.

              But that's not action gameplay, which is what I'm talking about. If anon is into optimizing damage numbers fair, but I'm talking about the pure mechanical part, the execution. That one is very simplistic, he should go for Yakuza or DMC, like I said.
              All of the gameplay you're referring to is essentially the same in the input part, just with different colors. It's more strategical optimizing then action gameplay, and that's fine, but anon might be looking for something else.
              If he IS into that I recommend the game for sure. Also there's Yomi Hustle for a different kind of strategy, it might not be the same but I can rec it, it is really fricking good.

          • 8 months ago

            >tfw DMC game with 10+ different cute girls to play as and dress up never fricking ever
            this is part of why i finally started accepting Chinese anime games. the Japanese just wanna produce turn based mid or button masher games like Tails of. Senran Kagura should literally be DMC with cute girls, but it's a shitty musou instead.

    • 8 months ago

      Must be painful being one of you in this era of "huge empty open world so you can explore and some random landmarks and dungeons with copypasted content" of gaming.

    • 8 months ago

      Not the combat gameplay. The exploran and puzzle solving is entertaining enough, but combat is pretty much brainless.

      • 8 months ago

        >but combat is pretty much brainless.
        thats entirely wrong

        If you have max level strong chars team - then yes, it becomes just mindless repetition except for abyss and some events. But leveling up and upgrading world level and fighting different stuff is pretty fun, until you hit artifact grind wall.

        • 8 months ago

          Come on man, I like Genshin but the combat is not very deep. It's satisfying at first because of animations and sound design, but it's very shallow.

          • 8 months ago

            >but it's very shallow.
            how is it shalle when you need month to actually understand all mechanics since theres a lot of them and theres dozens of chars and unique abilities and them all interacting together

            Every party and chars create entirely different combat routine and mechanics.

            The only "shallow" part about is, that its easy to outgrow the content, and now the only challenge is "hardcore" modes in events.

            • 8 months ago

              >rotate characters pressing skill/ult
              >end rotation on DPS for max damage by usually spamming 1 button
              >rotate again
              >repeat ad nauseam
              >win shitty over inflated health enemies with your DPS check or lose
              some of the bosses are fun but dont act like abyss is even remotely interesting.

              • 8 months ago

                I agree with you but that is a problem with abyss design and not with the combat system. Abyss being a shitty dps check maliciously designed to stall for time while putting you on a timer.
                Genshin's combat system is deep, fun and allows for a great deal of player expression.

              • 8 months ago

                It isn't deep, anon.

                But that's not action gameplay, which is what I'm talking about. If anon is into optimizing damage numbers fair, but I'm talking about the pure mechanical part, the execution. That one is very simplistic, he should go for Yakuza or DMC, like I said.
                All of the gameplay you're referring to is essentially the same in the input part, just with different colors. It's more strategical optimizing then action gameplay, and that's fine, but anon might be looking for something else.
                If he IS into that I recommend the game for sure. Also there's Yomi Hustle for a different kind of strategy, it might not be the same but I can rec it, it is really fricking good.

                is right on point- the combat is very simple and limited. The actually complex part is in teambuilding.

              • 8 months ago

                Yes, and that's what I enjoy. I fricking love elemental reactions. I love alchemy-type combat systems. Same reason I why liked Dragon Age,
                >Sleep and enemy, cast a psychological spell, they take more damage.
                >Petrify/freeze enemy, throw a boulder at them, they shatter.
                It's cool to do these things, it adds depth, more so than [Swinging Sword in Different Ways] type combat.

            • 8 months ago

              Mechanics being unintuitive and hidden from view doesn't mean that it's deep, anon. 90% of Genshin combat is dictated by stats, stats you either get by leveling up or leveling up artifacts. World level scales up too, regardless of your input. It's only once you hit abyss where the field is leveled, and even then 99% of it is just having a good artifact set and weapon.
              Yes, you still have to build an effective team, but unless you want to intentionally gimp yourself there are only a few worth investing in.
              I don't get why you need it to be so complex though. It's fine as a casual exploran/waifu-collectan game. No need to pretend like it's the best action game ever.

            • 8 months ago

              > Every party and chars create entirely different combat routine and mechanics.

              Sure;okay, but for that to happen you actually need to have multiple viable characters to choose from. And for that to happen you need to pay, and/or play, for a long, long time, the game ,while it's still shallow, for 100+ hours.

              There's no real incentive to hit the depths of genshin for someone that a deep from the get go games like Monster Hunter, or even action MMOs, because it's so obviously designed to milk you dry and doesn't feel rewarding at all.

              Every part of the customization is gatekept by bullshit grinding or money, or both.

              Even the abyss is not hard mechanically. It's hard because the numbers you need to pass it are kept out of your hand artificially. And even then it's the only truly enjoyable thing about the game in my opinion. But whatever. keep playing vampiric trash fake games if you enjoy them, (i did play some very bad MMOs as a teen after all tho it wasn't as bad as any gacha game), but you will die one day, why spent too much time on them, or even worse, defend them on mongolian carpetweaving forums

              • 8 months ago

                note : i said Monster Hunter because it's by itself notorious for its single player grind.
                this grind, while famous, and sometimes lengthy depending on what you want to do, is about 100x more pleasant and less taxing than any of GI's artifact or character grinds and there's never the option to spend money on it. if you need to grind because you like it, there are options that don't drain your wallet.

    • 8 months ago

      >be me
      >start playing for the waifus
      >keep playing for everything else

    • 8 months ago

      No. Exploration is what you're going to be doing 90% of the time. The combat is basic af

    • 8 months ago

      the combat is boring too, just like the rest of the game

  30. 8 months ago

    Why are SEAmonkeys afraid of male characters?

  31. 8 months ago

    sry I don't play weebslop gachatrash

  32. 8 months ago

    I haven't seen the info on Furina yet, is she better than Yolanda or Xingqiu in hyperbloom?

    • 8 months ago

      She is Yelan/Kokomi, and gets a third aspect of onfield dps at C2
      Absolutely the #1 hydro unit in the game after she comes out, like how Nahida is the undisputed #1

  33. 8 months ago

    so, was the Furina having a vision pic posted yesterday a fake?

  34. 8 months ago

    I have 300 rolls banked. I am not sure who I will go for. I might skip this round unless Neuv's trial shows that he is very fun to play.
    I do want some of the 4 star cons, but alas.

  35. 8 months ago

    i used to laugh at guys sitting in front of these
    now i laugh at you

  36. 8 months ago

    I got burnt out of it haven't played in 3 months I noticed that I rather play other games than grind for mats daily

  37. 8 months ago

    Because I just can't with this game's writing. It's so fricking banal and pedantic. Nothing ever happens and you have to sit through a bad VN for 15 hours or wear your mouse out for 6 by constantly clicking through the text every quest.

  38. 8 months ago

    Gender-bending reminder

  39. 8 months ago

    So i'm kinda new to this game and just to confirm: if you want a specific charcter, you're pretty much shit out of luck until the game graces us with a banner containing them? Is that right?

    I really want Rosalia to complete the duo with Diluc but it just seems impossible to get her.

    • 8 months ago

      4* can be obtained on any banner, but it will be very hard if they're not on rate up. Limited 5* can only be obtained on their dedicated banner.

    • 8 months ago

      Pretty much. You CAN technically luckshit your way into your 4-star of choice on any banner, but the odds are very low. I'd wait for a Rosaria banner if I were you.

  40. 8 months ago

    >any thread for any game
    >DMC-homosexuals sperg out

  41. 8 months ago

    i prefer Tower of Fantasy, i don't like Genshin's tag-in system or all the elemental color matching mini-games.

    • 8 months ago

      >Tower of Fantasy
      That's still alive? I thought it died like 2 weeks after debut.

  42. 8 months ago

    I played it since launch and dropped it during Sumeru. Too many kawaii uguu~ animal designs, homosexual banners, underground areas and sand dunes.

    • 8 months ago

      Stfu. We all know you're still in /gig/ being a schizo and doing dallies.
      Frick off

      • 8 months ago

        Stop projecting, I dropped the game for Star Rail and haven't looked back. Though I miss my Raiden, hope she gets her variant in Star Rail soon.

    • 8 months ago

      I was actually hoping that Sumeru would include the desert area on release so I was patiently waiting for them to come out once I found out they weren't part of the initial nation. I enjoyed them a lot.

  43. 8 months ago

    >developers are so fricking cynical they refuse to fix borked mechanics like Geo or add a skip button which forces you to sit through their shit tiered hyper garbage written by massive autists
    O kotowari shimasu.

    • 8 months ago

      I would love their otaku autism paragraphs if it wasn't loocalized by Commifornia troons.

  44. 8 months ago

    Because it's 30 frames per second on the Playstation 4 Pro even at 720p resolution. Unacceptable.

    • 8 months ago

      that honestly is laughable when even my work PC with a tiny 4gb low profile card runs 60fps

    • 8 months ago

      >30 fps
      LOL. LMAO.

      • 8 months ago

        the videos do say 30FPS...?

        • 8 months ago

          that screenshot was from my PC anon.

          • 8 months ago

            I was only following the text-based conversation... thoughbeit

            • 8 months ago

              >Namegay is a moron
              imagine my surprise.

              • 8 months ago

                >anonymous is an ableist redneck

                wow, i didn't expect Gankerners to suddenly give a shit about mental moronation

              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago


  45. 8 months ago

    Because my resin is refilling

  46. 8 months ago

    What even is the point of energy mechanics

    • 8 months ago

      adds a layer of depth that makes you balance between energy recharge and damage, also makes certain teams like mono-element have an advantage in terms of energy generation over pure reaction based teams.

    • 8 months ago

      Energy allows players to balance out their moveset with useful tools like weapons and artifacts. With Energy Recharge, a player does not have to rely solely on DPS and Crit-Rate to rotate characters, it can allow players to do heavy damage while maximizing the amount of potential options per rotation.

    • 8 months ago

      >2 morons respond not knowing you meant resin

      • 8 months ago

        Then maybe he should've said resin? Either you're a moron for assuming he meant resin, or he is for not specifying when there is literally another thing in the game called energy.

        • 8 months ago

          >Either you're a moron for assuming he meant resin,
          he literally meant energy in gacha games you moron, that's why he said mechanics

          • 8 months ago

            >Energy Mechanic.
            There's is an ENERGY RECHARGE MECHANIC at the very core of the combat system Black person. If he meant Resin he should've/could've said so.

            • 8 months ago

              he said MECHANICS you stupid moron. as in multiple games. he meant gacha energy mechanics

              • 8 months ago

                Concession accepted Black person.

              • 8 months ago

                >no argument
                cope accepted homosexual

              • 8 months ago

                Already said my argument. You repeated that with was already refuted. Back to plebbit with you!

              • 8 months ago

                your 'refutation' was you stating your misunderstanding of what the op meant

          • 8 months ago

            if he meant that then why hasn't he clarified to a single one of the replies stating that? It's obvious you're wrong and moronic.

            • 8 months ago

              he didn't clarify my post either. he saw the braindead replies and closed the tab

    • 8 months ago

      gacha. It's an anchor stat weighing you down. Because instead of rolling that double crit artifact you are forced to use one with ER to meet your character's 200% ER breakpoint because Mihomosexual intentionally gave them shitty energy particle generation.
      >Looking at you Faruzan.

  47. 8 months ago

    I prefer Tower of Fantasy

  48. 8 months ago

    I don't play neither gachaslop nor chink spyware

  49. 8 months ago

    I want to FRICK Yaoyao!

  50. 8 months ago

    Still waiting for a semblance of breasts

    • 8 months ago

      sorry I'm not a boobBlack person, have some ass instead.

      • 8 months ago

        why would you ruin Mona like that?

        • 8 months ago

          it's her beta (pre-release, pre censorship) appearance, moron.

          • 8 months ago

            yea I know and it's worse so why would you got out of your way to get it?

            • 8 months ago

              >have a nice day you tasteless gay

  51. 8 months ago

    Any fun waifus to solo everything with?

    • 8 months ago

      Yelan is pretty strong and great for open world and abyss. Yoimiya is the perfect balance between strong and fun to play and the two go perfect together

  52. 8 months ago

    >Why aren't you playing Genshin Impact, anon?
    >shitty story
    >annoying shallow gameplay
    >unappealing cast

  53. 8 months ago

    Because the main story is so fricking boring and so fricking long that I can't take this shit anymore. Even on autoplay alt tab it still takes 10 hours. 10 fricking hours of pointless dialogues, constantly repeating everything already said 2 minutes ago. I took a break halfway through the Fontaine quest and didn't even do the last event, I'm going straight to another big break.

  54. 8 months ago

    I'll personally hand over dawei the letterbomb if Furina doesn't apply more hydro than a random 4* from the release of the game.

  55. 8 months ago

    >300+ hours of content for free
    >Sexy anime girls
    >Tons of porn
    >Not woke
    Why does v hate genshin again?

    • 8 months ago

      >not woke

      • 8 months ago

        you don't see cute males in woke media, idiot

        • 8 months ago

          >cute males
          holy hell you really are not doing a good job at this

          • 8 months ago

            I'm not sure what the complaint is then

            • 8 months ago

              homosexual pandering = woke

              • 8 months ago

                idk I can't be convinced this is a gay game when Yae's legs exist

              • 8 months ago

                you talk like a muslim

              • 8 months ago

                >legs aren't sexy
                You talk like someone who only learned the basics of what people find attractive.

              • 8 months ago

                wtf i love muslims now

              • 8 months ago

                woke has gone far beyond homosexuals and dykes anon, but forsook them entirely in pursuit of the new frontier.
                >gender theory, troons, groomers and pedophiles, and man made mental illnesses most normal people couldn't even image or comprehend until shown.
                Run of the mill gays and lesbs are our allies now, that's how mental things have become.

                Also cute boys have always been a thing in anime and related media. Don't out yourself as tourist next time.

              • 8 months ago

                >Also cute boys have always been a thing in anime and related media.
                e-girls have also been a thing in anime for decades yet they cause the reddit tourists from 2016 to seethe and have regular melties.

              • 8 months ago

                Don't blame them when e-girlgays make it too easy.

              • 8 months ago

                >e-girls have also been a thing in anime for decades yet they cause the reddit tourists from 2016 to seethe and have regular melties.
                AND THAT'S A GOOD THING
                e-girls and shotas filter out tourists

              • 8 months ago

                No one cares about the shotas, especially not the schizos that seethe about e-girls

              • 8 months ago

                Not sure what you're smoking. Onee-shota is one of the most popular genre in H doujin, liked by both men and women.

              • 8 months ago

                I think that's his point. Normalgays are mostly okay with /ss/, but will lose their minds over e-girl content

              • 8 months ago

                I think that's his point. Normalgays are mostly okay with /ss/, but will lose their minds over e-girl content

                true, which is why e-girlposting is integral to the health of the board and the website overall.

              • 8 months ago

                It was a mistake not to gatekeep the frick out of the redditors flooding in during the 2016 election.

              • 8 months ago

                we still can. Never give up anon. If they complain about e-girlposting, then e-girlpost harder. Their seething is like leeches being scorched.

              • 8 months ago

                >No one cares about the shotas
                Thank God. Shota content may be rare, but we don't get as harassed as e-girlgays do.

              • 8 months ago

                While you're lucky enough to not have to deal with the reddit cancer, whatever affects e-girls also affects shotas given how the actions taken by woke payment processor companies end up shitting on both of them.

              • 8 months ago

                I will never forgive AI art for what it did to Fanbox. Frick those pedophiles and frick israeli credit card companies.

                >tell an obvious lie
                Oh yeah fricko, what lie is that? Cause I don't think I ever said anything

                Cope and seethe Genshincuck. YWNBARG.

                >Cope and seethe Genshincuck
                Nah. I'd rather laugh at you. Please, proceed to act as a clown for my amusement.

              • 8 months ago

                Sigewinne should have remained a 5*.

              • 8 months ago

                panty shots have been a staple of anime for years, so where is it in genshit?

              • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        What's woke about little boys?

      • 8 months ago

        That isn't pushing an agenda, it's just shameless homosexualry.

        • 8 months ago

          when does it come on PC?

      • 8 months ago

        I don’t think you know what the word woke means, having cute boys for fujos isn’t woke

    • 8 months ago

      >it's boring copypasted content
      >all girls look the fricking same
      >this also applies to overwatch and it's shit
      >meaningless metric

    • 8 months ago

      Ganker has a capcom fanboy infestation who troon out on any other game.

    • 8 months ago

      V is full of troons

    • 8 months ago

      >not woke
      nice cope chang

  56. 8 months ago

    I'm waiting for Clorinde Navia Arleccino and Cloud Retainer(Gigastacy version), I have a gorillion primos saved since fricking Dehya, I'm literally 75 into hard pity because of how garbage the last 8 months of banners have been, holy shit I'm rolling for weapons for fricks sake, I hate whatever moron is in charge of banners

  57. 8 months ago

    I've kept my bennet at C5 for over a year and a half and I only used him with Eula. Now that I have Shenhe can I C6 him?

    • 8 months ago

      Or you could use both Shenhe and Bennett. C6 Bennett is for Burgeon teams and Pyro DPS's.

      • 8 months ago

        Well I do have Dehya, Hu Tao, Diluc. Only Hu Tao is leveled though Outside of the 5*s the only pyro SRs I've leveled are Yanfei and Xiangling.
        As far as Burgeon goes I keep Nahida with Raiden and Yelan, Tighnari isn't fully leveled and neither is Collei

        • 8 months ago

          >I kinda want to play proper Burgeon but don't want to play Thoma
          Destroy all males!

  58. 8 months ago

    Is it even viable these days for a newcomer to get into Genshin Impact? I mean, by now the game should have a huge amount of content that most people would find it overwhelming.

    • 8 months ago

      I started playing a few weeks ago, it seems normal enough to me. Just that you can't upgrade some characters until you get way later in the game. Then again, you likely won't get these characters (I got one for free in some event, can't upgrade until I get to the newer area.)

    • 8 months ago

      Its pretty staggered by zones which some are story locked others you can just pick a direction and walk to the new area to explore it, just know resources are area specific so if you get any not-japan characters you are screwed from levelling them till you get to part 3 of the story missions.

    • 8 months ago

      more so than ever. You have 4 gigantic zones to explore and 3 years of content and quests.
      This shit was barren in 1.x for comparison.

      • 8 months ago

        i don't miss when autisticaly hunting for chests/oculi was somewhat required to advance the main quest.

        • 8 months ago

          in what way was it required?

    • 8 months ago

      >huge amount of content that most people would find it overwhelming
      You people are made of rabbit skin or what? Huge amount of content is a good thing

  59. 8 months ago

    Furina's hat is made for lewding

  60. 8 months ago

    >world building

    • 8 months ago

      Feel free to prove the contrary

  61. 8 months ago

    Is Furina losing her Archon status a meme leak like her being a half dragon?

  62. 8 months ago

    I'm going to laugh myself into a fricking coma if Dragon King Neuville doesn't manage to break 50k on Paimon and loses against Kokomi's 4th rerun.
    That's all.

  63. 8 months ago

    I understand when some people are scared of spiders, lion, snake or shit. But this is the first time I witness someone scared of words.
    Now that I think about it, american love to censor words in their speech (f word, n word, r word...etc) and care more about the words themselves (like Black person) instead of the intent.

    • 8 months ago

      rabinismo! looks like anon think americans censor words, because he says americans shorten a few words, which he implies it is because they are scared of words, while not caring about meanings! now let’s fetch the tax report for madame ching ching !

  64. 8 months ago

    >Why aren't you playing Genshin Impact, anon?
    Because it's a glorified visual novel, and not a good one, with an empty open world slapped on which serves zero purpose.

    • 8 months ago

      Isn't every game a glorified visual novel by your definition?

      • 8 months ago

        Is tetris a VN?

        • 8 months ago

          I obviously meant every game with a story

      • 8 months ago

        No, but if that's how you want to cope then you're free to do so.

  65. 8 months ago

    I played that trash 3 years ago.
    While the initial exploration can be fun, game has many problems that quickly become apparent. The whole thing is just a trap to keep you engaged long enough to hopefully convince you to spend hundreds of dollars on characters that are entirely pointless because the gameplay is too shallow and easy too care.
    Endlessly grinding dailies to get pennies worth of virtual currency each day so that you can endlessly grind even longer, except with new characters that are functionally identical.
    The only challenging content is a monthly speedrun challenge that rewards more currency, so the characters you bought and leveled can maybe provide a small discount in buying the next character.

    The story is forgettable shit, up through the Inazuma content I played. Maybe it gets better 200 hours in. I don't care. I doubt it though, considering the whole point is to forcibly introduce hundreds of new characters to sell.

  66. 8 months ago

    >Playing words words words

  67. 8 months ago

    >nobody care about NPC
    >fans made a whole ass animated movie about a NPC

  68. 8 months ago

    Is it worth investing in this piece? The stats are good but characters who play this set usually want HP and ER.

    • 8 months ago

      Stop replying to the moron who shitpost on cooldown and help me out

    • 8 months ago

      It might be useful to keep around since some characters who use Milelith also use Favonius weapon and those need some amount of crit to work

    • 8 months ago

      You got Yelan or C6 Nilou?

      • 8 months ago

        is a fine cope piece for Yelan until you get 4pc Emblem

  69. 8 months ago

    ching chong ping pong

  70. 8 months ago

    The characters are stupid small children. No story hook. Not enough enemy variety and strategy.

  71. 8 months ago

    I noticed that Genshin receives the highest amount of criticism of any game I've ever seen, most of it made up shit or a matter or preference. Is it a byproduct of mogging literally everything else?

    • 8 months ago

      It's all 100% Tendies. China gaming is a threat to them. That's why they're all over games like Genshin and Honkai because they make Nintendo games but better aside from gacha.

      • 8 months ago

        good to know botw still lives rentfree in the heads of mentally ill third worlders

    • 8 months ago

      >Is it a byproduct of mogging literally everything else?
      Yes. Arknight and Honkai fans are so insecure about Genshin that a simple tweet sent them into impotent rage for weeks.

      • 8 months ago

        >Arknight and Honkai fans are so insecure about Genshin that a simple tweet sent them into impotent rage for weeks.
        POST IT

    • 8 months ago


  72. 8 months ago

    I'll only come back if they add in a skip dialogue button
    Dropped it when Sumeru launched and never looked back because of it

    • 8 months ago

      >filtered by grass

  73. 8 months ago

    I wish the world was more lively, they could do a lot more with the npc and the cities

    • 8 months ago

      They can't do that without exploding mobile users phone, same reason why it never rains in main cities and why they avoid adding too many playable characters in the same place, there is a loadout limit

      • 8 months ago

        isn't the new iphone able to do that? or at least make it an option so pc/console players can see extra npcs.

        >gnosis: hydro
        So is she the archon or not?

        official channels wouldnt drop spoilers 2 patches earlier... they'll publish another one shortly before the 4.3 drip with a new one, like they did for the 3 fatuis, but listing a vision.

        Waiting for Blue Protocol

        it's already out bro.

        • 8 months ago

          >it's already out bro.

          • 8 months ago

            >west cucked version loocalized by AGS for MODERN AUDIENCES.
            That's not a real release anon.

  74. 8 months ago

    i have yet to see a single example of this game's open world being fleshed out
    you know, a reason why genshills praise the game so bad
    is it actually as detailed as gta? do the npcs feel alive? does the world feel like a believable world instead of being a lifeless backdrop for your selfies? what activities can the player do in this open world besides the handful few (exploring for enemy camps, chests, oculi, materials, completing domains) that players have been doing since day 1?

  75. 8 months ago

    When's her rerun?

    • 8 months ago

      They fricked up by not rerunning her on October 27th with a real Subzeruz Festival event.

      • 8 months ago

        what if they give her another pv for it on her birthday?

        • 8 months ago

          I guess it's better than nothing, but would feel weird the next time we see her in an event that isn't on her birthday.

  76. 8 months ago

    Racial differences are real. I don't have the Chinese part of the brain that makes a person want to dress up like a girl and enjoy shallow superficial stories

    • 8 months ago

      this is what most of Ganker's 'cricitism' boils down to.
      the other half is >muh gacha
      Want genuine critique from a long time player? Here:
      >Resin cap is still to low. Should be at least 200.
      >Having 2 artifact sets per Domain sucks. Should be able to pick one.
      >Remove useless flat substats from the pool (flat atk, flat hp, flat def). They were good prelaunch but got nerfed for launch yet weren't removed or rebalanced. Shouldn't exist in their current state but Hoyo is okay with having them as fail states for your artifacts.
      >Floor 12 is still cancer and negative fun. Designed to make you fail, not a challenge to overcome.
      >Unvoiced dialogue has been indeed too wordy for while now, and it's loocalization is reddit tier as of recently.
      >Takes way to long to from AR55 to 60 and rewards for doing so are pathetically stingy.
      >Even at Max World Level difficulty and challenge are abysmally low and non existent.
      >some units given a shit kit or kneecapped kit on purposed, likely a last minute nerf.

      These are valid criticisms of Genshin, yet almost none of the Black folk shitting on the game mention any of these things. It's all just > hurr durr, muh gachashit, muh chinkslop, muh shit world, muh story, no combat.
      They either don't play the game or played it like morons, quit, and been seething at other people having fun with it even since.

      case in point

  77. 8 months ago

    >gnosis: hydro
    So is she the archon or not?

    • 8 months ago

      If mihoyo put out fake leaks to fool everyone I will bow to da wei's genius

    • 8 months ago

      She likely is, and that switching between Ousia and Pneuma makes her Focalors and Furina respectively

  78. 8 months ago

    Waiting for Blue Protocol

    • 8 months ago

      it flopped, even in Japan. And before you called me an antis, I'm as disappointed as you are.

      • 8 months ago

        NTA but I'd rather watch the game burn than look at Amazon Game Studio destroy it even more.
        I'm glad it flopped

        • 8 months ago

          it's improved quite a bit since then, especially gacha. 3% rates for costumes and hard pity at 110 rolls. class balance made some classes more fun to play and, uh i've no idea what else people were complaining. probably trivial shit no one should care about, like the devs not talking during a gameplay showcase stream.

          >it's already out bro.

          we're getting a new story chapter next month bro... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz3FBjD9VDg

          owari da...

          korede... sexo!

          I ain't touching that prison until I get either Neuv or Wrio. Preferably Wrio which will be sometime in October. I'm just gonna go dark and do dailies and events for freebies. That's right, not even any Genshin threads for spoilers.

          sis... why are you here then? 4.1's script is already out in the wild...

          >shit music
          >you can unironically brick yourself if you raise the world level too fast
          This is how I know you didn't play the game.

          kek and there was another anon complaining the game's too easy.

          • 8 months ago

            >play genshin
            >go to prison
            >play blue protocol
            >go to prison
            when will it owaruno?

    • 8 months ago

      owari da...

  79. 8 months ago

    >exploration is le reward
    holyshit this sounds like something written by an underage

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Wait until he finds out about Google Streetview, he's gonna shit his pants from all the exploration he can do.

    • 8 months ago

      I'd say it's the opposite. Teenagers today need some sort of in-game reward to play games.
      Just playing because the game is fun sounds like something 30+ year old dude would say. Like when we played CS 1.6 on private servers because it was fun, no ranking or matchmaking

      • 8 months ago

        Shut the frick up homosexual, boomer games were full of secret rooms with weapons, armor and easter eggs you could find.

        • 8 months ago

          NTA but I hate you morons that pretend that games having in game goals and milestones to work towards is somehow antithetical to the idea of fun. It's like hte fricking morons who don't like Monster Hunter having a grind because "you should just hunt for fun" as if the 2 things are mutually exclusive.

          • 8 months ago

            Didn't mean that for you, my bad
            Is meant for[...]

            And I agree with you? Nobody here said you can't have fun while aiming for something. We just said you don't necessarily need a reward to enjoy a game.
            You're just arguing with yourself

        • 8 months ago

          Didn't mean that for you, my bad

          NTA but I hate you morons that pretend that games having in game goals and milestones to work towards is somehow antithetical to the idea of fun. It's like hte fricking morons who don't like Monster Hunter having a grind because "you should just hunt for fun" as if the 2 things are mutually exclusive.

          Is meant for

          I'd say it's the opposite. Teenagers today need some sort of in-game reward to play games.
          Just playing because the game is fun sounds like something 30+ year old dude would say. Like when we played CS 1.6 on private servers because it was fun, no ranking or matchmaking

        • 8 months ago

          > boomer games were full of secret rooms with weapons, armor and easter eggs you could find.
          TFW Genshin is a boomer game.

          • 8 months ago

            I mean it makes sense. Zoomers don’t have a attention span whatsoever. And that’s required for this game.

          • 8 months ago

            Yes. Gacha in general is made for the original gaming audience, which always has a fresh component in the youth. Other games have degenerated greatly, whereas gacha retains the integrity of the medium. Also, it is the place where the most innovation and life can be found in the medium.
            /v/, generally, has some of the poorest taste you can find. It is a mirror image of reddit. Strange rationalizations for very poor, lifeless products.

            • 8 months ago

              >other games have degenerated greatly so you need to play the slot machine that's a blatant ripoff of a goty game without all the cool physics stuff instead

              I don't play games that require me to keep my wallet in arms reach at all times.

              • 8 months ago

                That’s a personal problem tendie cuck.

              • 8 months ago

                >I don't play games that require me to keep my wallet in arms reach at all times.
                Instead you worship a company that does.

              • 8 months ago

                You play a slot machine that couldn't even rip off zelda properly.

              • 8 months ago

                And you paid $70 dollars for a fricking assetflip DLC lmfao. Frick off tendie b***h.

              • 8 months ago

                Why would they rip off something less successful?

              • 8 months ago

                And you paid $70 dollars for a fricking assetflip DLC lmfao. Frick off tendie b***h.

                I love how after all the shitting on Genshin ITT, with pushback against their moronic takes the masks are now fully off and it's just tendies still assblasted after 3 years.

                I like all of BotW, Genshin, and TotK though...

              • 8 months ago

                I don't like slot machines

            • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                Not at all. Gacha is where all of the old-school RPGs went as well. That's where the audience went to. See Japan's purchasing habits.
                Genshin is a unique game because of it's budget and scale, and that is how it is stretching the medium to a new place. But other games have greatly innovated in the structure of turn-based combat via gacha. Gacha allows the devs to balance things in a very interesting way...because of the inherent limitation of tools.
                But more than this, the narrative opportunities...the incredible volume of high-quality art...the excellent music...Gacha is the last bastion of gaming as a medium. As is the gacha audience. Eventually games will go the same way as film and literature, they will die. But for now gacha keeps gaming alive.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah okay you're just a massive homosexual
                >the narrative opportunities...the incredible volume of high-quality art...the excellent music...
                You don't want games, you want movies like some homosexual snoy. You don't even know that Japs still love traditional JRPGs like Dragon Quest and stuff like Pokemon, and gacha is just what they play as time killers since they're forever stuck at work.
                >But other games have greatly innovated in the structure of turn-based combat via gacha
                No they fricking haven't, it's all just repeats of what we've already seen for the last 30 years.
                > Gacha allows the devs to balance things in a very interesting way...because of the inherent limitation of tools.
                Gacha devs barely balance anything since they can't change characters since they can get sued.

                You're such a fricking homosexual, have a nice day.

              • 8 months ago

                >Black person post

              • 8 months ago

                >Gacha is the last bastion of gaming as a medium.

              • 8 months ago

                >Stated facts
                >call it bait

              • 8 months ago

                >Some homosexual's headcanon about gaming

          • 8 months ago

            Lmao no, zoomer homosexual.

            • 8 months ago

              >fotm 2010's waifu
              >calls "others zoomer"

              • 8 months ago

                Don't you have a discord call from your daddy to respond to kitten?

          • 8 months ago

            >4.1 isn't out yet and we know Wriothesley screams "ORAORAORA" when using his skill

      • 8 months ago

        >CS 1.6
        Me and two other friends used our school's 128kbps double ISDN to download CS 1.0 and store it 30 different floppy discs, it took 4 hours.
        I want to go back.

    • 8 months ago

      >lower caps millennial/zoomer feigning apathy
      Irony-poisoned. It’s literally the opposite of what you’re >implying

      Zoomers need some sort of gay ass progression. They need tacked on rpg elements to level up, they need a battlepass to complete, they need to be able to spin a wheel for rewards (fricking forza is the most zoomer poisoned shit), they need the carrot on the stick. They can’t play a game and simply enjoy the game, it needs some gay ass profession system.

      • 8 months ago

        You homosexual-y ass zoomers don't know shit.
        You Black folk talk about "progression systems" because all you play are shitty online only skinner-boxes, doing the same garbage over and over again so the devs slap on battlepasses to keep you homosexuals engaged.
        Meanwhile in old games and singleplayer games still today have progression naturally built in. I can go and replay OG Serious Sam and the more I play the more weapons I get, new enemies appear, I fight in new stages with different designs, and the same goes for something more modern like Terraria.

        You homosexualy zoomers think you're smart for shit-talking progression when it only reveals what moronic homosexuals you are.

        • 8 months ago

          >OG Serious Sam
          Nice “name drop” fricking delusional zoomoid. Put a bullet in your head fricking larping shitstain. You are getting upset for no reason

          • 8 months ago

            have a nice day Black person, maybe you'll find a better comeback in your next life

            • 8 months ago

              Why did you start using caps after being called out for irony poisoning?

              • 8 months ago

                Why is your Black person brain trying to use terms it doesn't understand?

  80. 8 months ago

    Way too stingy and way too old
    I'd have to save up for literal years to get who I want. Frick that.

    • 8 months ago

      When or how can I get this flat-chested b***h.

      • 8 months ago

        Dunno I don't play Nikke I just fap to Drake

        • 8 months ago

          Based, but for me playing the game is a prerequisite for fapping.

  81. 8 months ago

    >shit movement options to traverse the landscape
    >shit character designs
    >shit music
    >shit writing
    >dailies are a chore
    >you can unironically brick yourself if you raise the world level too fast
    I tried but I completely lost interest at the snow mountain patch.

    • 8 months ago

      >filtered by a kino patch
      Howsit feel to literally have shit taste?

    • 8 months ago

      >shit music
      >you can unironically brick yourself if you raise the world level too fast
      This is how I know you didn't play the game.

  82. 8 months ago

    genshin despite having the best gameplay for a gacha is still a gacha and there are walls and walls of text to read.

  83. 8 months ago

    I swore to never touch another gachashit ever again.

  84. 8 months ago

    >Why aren't you playing Genshin Impact, anon?
    >New patch about to drop.
    I'm not playing because the patch hasn't dropped yet, duh.

  85. 8 months ago

    so what set/substats are we farming for Furina?

  86. 8 months ago

    Dragon Raja >>>>>>

  87. 8 months ago

    hilichurl here, i like the doujins i get

    • 8 months ago

      I don't fap to your doujins hillibro but I think you do a good enough job in the content that goes through my filters

  88. 8 months ago

    I ain't touching that prison until I get either Neuv or Wrio. Preferably Wrio which will be sometime in October. I'm just gonna go dark and do dailies and events for freebies. That's right, not even any Genshin threads for spoilers.

    • 8 months ago

      >That's right, not even any Genshin threads for spoilers.
      That didn't stop me from getting Tears of the Kingdom spoilers on a fricking Genshin thread even with filters specifically for Zelda.

  89. 8 months ago

    I find it hilarious how the "critics" in this thread can only regurgitate the same made-up shit they have been for nearly 3 years.
    Genshin really mindbroke a lot of people. Flavor of the Month for 36 months in a row I guess....

    • 8 months ago

      It's almost like people only 'regurgitate' the 'same made-up shit' for nearly 3 years because none of these issue have been addressed the last 3 years.
      Nothing has changed.

      • 8 months ago

        I mean if I was a dev, I too would have a hard time addressing made up issues in your head.

        • 8 months ago

          >dev is infaluable and no criticism is valid nor should it be entertained
          Hey Phil Fish, glad to see you haven't killed yourself yet.

          • 8 months ago

            Yep just as you make shit up about the game you make shit up about me when I never said that. Thanks for proving my point.

            >queue to the guy behind CS simply subtracting 50 from people's displayed ping and suddenly people stopped complaining about lag.

            >unrelated schizobabble

            Seems like I really riled up the anti-shills.

            • 8 months ago

              >state unspecified nebulous claims about "critics" and their "made-up shit"
              >claims I'm making shit up when I call you out for it
              That's nice Phil Fish, whens Fez 2?

              • 8 months ago

                Now making shit up about your own posts....
                I'm not one of the voices in your head, schizo. I can't read your thoughts
                Next you'll tell me that this post I'm replying to was an insightful remark about the 2004 gaming industry and claim it's a counterargument.

        • 8 months ago

          >queue to the guy behind CS simply subtracting 50 from people's displayed ping and suddenly people stopped complaining about lag.

    • 8 months ago

      >game has 100 flaws
      >none of them are mentioned
      That's how you know everyone who complain in this don't play the game

  90. 8 months ago

    I'm glad I never started playing, and all because the devs were too moronic to add in native controller support for android.

  91. 8 months ago

    What's furina's best 4 star weapon?

  92. 8 months ago

    Because Fontaine is fricking utterly boring and the game has been nothing but homobanner for 20 patches in a row.

  93. 8 months ago

    If you were a VA, would you commission lewds of the characters you voiced?

    • 8 months ago

      >dexter's dad
      has to be a chud

      • 8 months ago


  94. 8 months ago

    I will never play chinkshit no matter how hard you shill it

  95. 8 months ago

    >Why aren't you playing Genshin Impact, anon?
    because it's shit

  96. 8 months ago

    because the YEAR OF gay BANNERS

    • 8 months ago

      >3.0 to 3.8
      >7 male characters
      >10 female characters
      I think you only have eyes for men anon...

      • 8 months ago

        >no new female limited 5*s since nahida
        YEAR OF gaySHIT

        • 8 months ago

          >4* don't count
          Just admit you're gay

          • 8 months ago

            Correct, they don't count. Now go back to playing with your homos.

            • 8 months ago

              The first step is acceptance anon

              • 8 months ago

                I'm not the one still playing a homogame.

  97. 8 months ago


  98. 8 months ago

    It's intent on wasting as much of your time as possible.

  99. 8 months ago

    4.2 weapon

  100. 8 months ago
  101. 8 months ago

    Gacha trash played by losers who don't value their time or money.

  102. 8 months ago

    >CD weapon
    Weird, I thought it would be HP

    • 8 months ago

      It's to bait people into rolling for cons since otherwise she can't into DPS.

    • 8 months ago

      She's so cute, I can't

      • 8 months ago

        She really is, is a shame her weapon is stuck with the dendo doughnut

  103. 8 months ago

    Playing Honkai Star Rail

  104. 8 months ago

    I love how after all the shitting on Genshin ITT, with pushback against their moronic takes the masks are now fully off and it's just tendies still assblasted after 3 years.

    • 8 months ago

      Tendies are a literal cult. Doesn’t surprise me any.

  105. 8 months ago

    Genshin hasnt written a interesting character since Zhongli
    The only one that came close was Nahida, but then they fricking tree'd her so now instead of giving her a arc about coping about the death of herself she's completely free of guilt

    • 8 months ago

      Nahida was made to appeal to the korean audience, gotta get that NTR fetish going.

      • 8 months ago

        That's Furina now.

    • 8 months ago

      You didn't play Faruzan's hangout

      • 8 months ago

        >look at me i'm a 1000 year old dragon, i mean i'm a 100 year old scholar!
        kys pedo

        • 8 months ago

          She’s a fictional character.

        • 8 months ago

          >only care about the age
          That's about right

        • 8 months ago

          For (You)

  106. 8 months ago

    I down

  107. 8 months ago

    >so many things
    >nothing to do
    original sin in a game

  108. 8 months ago

    Genshin will always be low rent zelda at home with reach in your wallet mechanics.

    • 8 months ago

      Except it actually has way higher production values than Zelda. The world design in that game looks like a children's project compared to Genshin.

    • 8 months ago

      Better directly from my wallet instead of through overpriced action figures (amiibo)

  109. 8 months ago

    >thread is just full seething tendie man babies
    Of fricking course.

  110. 8 months ago

    >healthy thread gets autosaged
    Zeldagay troonyjanny is at it again!

  111. 8 months ago

    because it feels like a job, not a game
    hang all genshin Black folk

  112. 8 months ago

    >mad at reality
    >spams bait images
    the life of a modern Gankeredditor

  113. 8 months ago


  114. 8 months ago

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