Why can't the community get the idea that valve doesn't want to work on the game?

Why can't the community get the idea that valve doesn't want to work on the game?

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  1. 2 months ago

    Valve has been implementing patches created by community members for a while now, that's where 100-player servers and 64-bit support came from.

    • 2 months ago

      Ah, I see. So that means all the bots are gone now, right?

      • 2 months ago

        No but it means the Iron Bomber is worse now because it has properly sized hitboxes on it's pipes.

    • 2 months ago

      how does Valve find all the money to do shit like this but they cant buff weapons? Literally just ask the community to do it, they've been refining custom weapon servers for a decade now

      • 2 months ago

        >expecting any playerbase to balance any game
        Players would tear each other alive just because they don't agree with other people's "fixes".

      • 2 months ago

        The community would further nerf everything that isn't Soldier and Medic into the dirt, more than they've already been.

      • 2 months ago

        Because weapon balancing is something you’d commit to.
        Besides reverting weapons they nerfed like Bison or Caber, it’d take more consideration to buff weaker weapons like the Vita Saw or to nerf stronger weapons like the Short Circuit.
        Plus the community has proven they are absolutely garbage at balancing weapons.

        • 2 months ago

          >Plus the community has proven they are absolutely garbage at balancing weapons.
          I am almost certain that if they were given the chance, the community would fight tooth and nail to get airblast removed from the game, because it's a way to fight back against Soldier, and we can't have that.

          • 2 months ago

            >I am almost certain that if they were given the chance, the community would fight tooth and nail to get airblast removed from the game, because it's a way to fight back against Soldier, and we can't have that.
            That’s literally the exact opposite of the community’s opinion, Soldierwhiner.

            • 2 months ago

              It's really not, and all you'd have to do is browse the Steam TF2 forum for a few minutes and join literally any Dustbowl server to see why.

              • 2 months ago

                you are seeing soldier mains b***h about it

              • 2 months ago

                Almost everyone who talks about Airblasts praises it and it’s the main reason why people regard the Phlog as a bad weapon.
                You’re just making up scenarios so you can cry about the scary Soldiers that deal 500 damage from splash damage that covers the entire map.

            • 2 months ago

              >He said years after airblast was completely gimped by turning it into blast knockback because of "The Community's" opinion (Market Gardner morons mad the counter blast jumper mobility ability counters blast jumping mobility)

              • 2 months ago

                >The entire community is solely just Trolldiers on Hightower
                >This is also despite the fact that Airblast still keeps Melee subclasses away anyways and this change mostly affects Medic and their pockets

              • 2 months ago

                Wow you mean the close range specialist class is good at close range and counters niche side strategies?

      • 2 months ago

        they did that the last time and it nearly killed the game because compnigs don't actually like tf2 they just want to play quake

      • 2 months ago

        There was a "balance server" that actually though a needlegun that builds uber is a good idea.

        The community's idea of "balance" is moronic.

        • 2 months ago

          That's another thing, the crossbow is straight up worse than both needleguns other than the niche scenario that you're playing a godawful comp map with mile wide mids with no obstructions for soldiers to rocket jump around or if you want to play budget sniper

          • 2 months ago

            i have a friend who swaps to crossbow to heal multiple people quickly he's not using the medigun on but he's kind of a freak with a mouse and I've never been able to manage it the way he does, and im generally better off with the medigun/qf being out the entire time for that reason

          • 2 months ago

            Nah crossbow is just straight up an upgrade. There isn't a format of play where it isn't considered better. It's a big boost to your heal capability, both short and long range, on a class where healing is the entire point.

            The only catch is you do need to be able to aim or else you are going to be that annoying medic who keeps switching to the crossbow and missing. (It's funny that valve basically established that healing in shooters shouldn't involve aim only to forget their own wisdom).

            • 2 months ago

              >to forget their own wisdom).
              medic without the crossbow is a boring dogshit class
              that shit belongs in the trash just like random crit ramp up

              • 2 months ago

                The answer should have been to make medic more interesting in general. Or just realise how much of a fricking invented problem healer roles are in shooters.

          • 2 months ago

            i have a friend who swaps to crossbow to heal multiple people quickly he's not using the medigun on but he's kind of a freak with a mouse and I've never been able to manage it the way he does, and im generally better off with the medigun/qf being out the entire time for that reason

            Are you morons baiting? homie did you just say using the crossbow to heal while also using the medi gun is some advanced tactic?

            • 2 months ago

              No anon for real it's a SUPER advanced tactic that they organically came to and didn't just monkey ladder their way into the same opinion as a dead youtube account who started this because he had a strange amputator and crusader's crossbow and an unusual berliner's bucket helm
              This is TOTALLY an organic opinion

      • 2 months ago

        Most of TF2's core concepts and mechanics were originally designed in a world where almost all players were using ball mice and the rest were actually at a disadvantage using shitty low DPI optical mice. If you put these people who talk about sniper as, "it's just pointing and clicking" and had them try it with an old ball mouse over PS/2, they'd start wondering how anyone played the game back then. It's always the people who started playing later in the game's lifespan who complain about random crits and Sniper's mechanics.

        • 2 months ago

          Well I'm pretty sure the sniper issue is just the general issue that there's way more people who cheat in videogames because there's zero social penalty for it.
          Yeah, sure MAYBE you might be banned by X multiplayer shooter game but there's no actual downside to it, those kinds of people straight up don't actually care about the game and will either leave or just make a new account.
          There's no smaller communities, and the few user communities to exist, well, you wouldn't care if uncletopia didn't like you.

          • 2 months ago

            The problem isn't cheating, it's that sniper mechanics were fundamentally designed in and for a time where it was expected that the player would have a much lower overall level of accuracy, and speaking practically, most people still do, but the maximum level of effectiveness is simply much higher than any other class in the game, which makes sense when you consider he's the most dependent on physical dexterity. Erratic movement and knowing where the Sniper was aiming ahead of time were sufficient as counter play because the limiting factor was the Sniper's mouse itself, the maximum reasonable turning rate without sacrificing fine control was slower than most classes could move at short range across the scoped in field of view. The best at it could still learn to make up for that, but it was much harder. The input polling rate and DPI of current mice is not only much higher, but it's also common to see mice with on the fly adjustable sensitivity bound to a button added to the mouse for that purpose. It is the hardware which was designed to exploit the mechanics and not the mechanics themselves that create the imbalance. It's simply an impossible problem to solve, you can't have an open ended system which rewards precision and control without it being optimized in the scopes which are outside of your direct control as a developer.

            • 2 months ago

              That's a ton of words for
              >Actually sniper becoming a problem after we moved to unmoderated matchmaking is just a coincidence and ignore the state of all multiplayer gaming right now.

              • 2 months ago

                >unmoderated matchmaking
                What? TF2 has the problem and most people don't use the matchmaking system at all, it's an unrelated problem to matchmaking forcing players into a cycle where they either stomp or get stomped.

                Snipers in first person shooters are designed around highly rewarding the most technically skilled players, but constraining their impact by making it so a single Sniper cannot do so fast enough to resist a coordinated effort
                by the other team or cover more than one direction at a time. The first constraint is complicated by the fact that both teams usually clash in the open, directly within a common sightline, meaning most players do not have the opportunity to counter a good Sniper, being distracted by the closer enemies they're in direct contact with. And the second constraint has been obsoleted by high DPI and higher screen resolution. Taken as a whole, that means Snipers are able to lock down and suppress whole regions of the map by simply being present, in a way they weren't capable of doing when the game launched.

              • 2 months ago

                >most people don't use the matchmaking system at all
                This is straight up not true, and anyone not lying to you that ran a server could tell you otherwise.

              • 2 months ago

                Like this only "becomes true" during Japan Hours, and that's because Japan is the exception not the rule.

              • 2 months ago

                >What? TF2 has the problem and most people don't use the matchmaking system at all,
                Then it's on you to explain why the server moderators aren't just kicking the snipers who are aimbotting.

              • 2 months ago

                They do, and some are more effective than others. The problem is that there are tens of thousands of these bots are all running on virtual machines which shuffle their IP addresses regularly, meaning that the strongest tool that these servers have for keeping the bots off, IP banning, doesn't work. That means the bots still join, sometimes in large numbers, then have to be identified by server side software keeping track of their inputs and statistics to determine whether or not they're actually bots, which can take several minutes per player slot, the bot operators are also capable of having the bots imitate real players' inputs and being cleared by these checks before activating the disruptive cheats, which slows the process even further and keeps real players from joining the server.

                >tweets this
                >does literally nothing
                Genuinely what's so difficult about detecting a player with 100% Sniper pickrate, 99.9% accuracy, with 24/7 uptime and just banning them

                If they use something like that as a heuristic for determining which players are bots, the operators will determine the thresholds and ensure that their bots stay below them. If they just banned any players making unusual inputs, it would result in a lot of false positives against players with high ping or alternative control setups. This is a more difficult problem to solve than it appears to be, and Valve's employees don't want to keep supporting a game built on a 20+ year old codebase that was already temperamental when it was new. They still make small gestures and recognize it as a product that the customers still want, but no matter how profitable it may still be, no one is going to be eager to be working on a product that most other developers would have deprecated 10 years ago.

      • 2 months ago

        Post-blue-moon has the best weapon balance overall over any other era.
        There are fewer blatantly overpowered or super annoying weapons than any time since launch, and every weapon slot (accept for crusaders crossbow) has some variety and debate

    • 2 months ago

      If the community is big (autistic) enough to the point where it's consistently making content better than the actual game, they have no incentive to update it. That's why mojang are a bunch of even lazier homosexuals. What's the point of properly adding shit in if a guy already made it for free because he likes the game.

  2. 2 months ago

    If game dies then content creators go down with that ship aswell, think of all those poor ecelebs!

  3. 2 months ago

    if you rake 100's of thousands of dollars from said community through fricking lootboxes then you should be expected to do the bare fricking minimum and fix it.

    I think tf2 fans are fricking moronic for continuing to give valve money and putting immensely well made cosmetics and maps on the workshop but they'll keep doing it because thats the nature of love and passion and i honestly feel sorry for them.

    • 2 months ago

      Haven't played tf2 in over decade. What fix need to be? I've heard something about bots? but those from what i understand are only in that new matchmaking thing. so fix is to simply play on real servers, yes?

      • 2 months ago

        Bots on matchmaking
        Really unbalanced weapons to the point that the nerfed ones like sun on a stick, byson or liberty launcher might as well no exist.
        Non updated localization files
        No strange variants of new weapons
        Game runs like shit even on high end pc's

    • 2 months ago

      >if you rake 100's of thousands of dollars from said community through fricking lootboxes then you should be expected to do the bare fricking minimum and fix it.
      Doesn't negate the fact Valve clearly doesn't want to work on TF2 anymore. Like you said, TF2 tards should grow a brain, realize this, and stop buying lootboxes.
      If [company] no longer wants to update [product], customers need to stop paying for [product].

  4. 2 months ago

    The community is deep in the sunk cost fallacy

  5. 2 months ago

    It comes down to the fact that Valve still makes an absurd amount of money off TF2, so they should be assed to put some work into it. If Valve wasn't making any money off the game, there'd be no issue with them not putting any work into the game.
    That being said, #saveTF2 was blatantly moronic and only the biggest morons in the community (read: Soldier mains and F2Ps) believed otherwise.

  6. 2 months ago

    I’d rather #SaveArtifact.

    Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.

  7. 2 months ago

    >TF2 is in an unplayable state
    I really have no idea what these people mean by this. I play on dedicated servers exclusively and I've never had any issues with cheaters or bots, no more than I've had in the past 15 years of playing TF2

    This seems to be an issue that exclusively affects post-Uber update noobs who've only ever known Valve servers and have never opened the server browser.

    I bet these people have actual TF2 OCs with unusuals too. Lol.

    • 2 months ago

      Community servers stopped being good ages ago. That and plenty of us just want to play one gamemode and only valve servers seem to actually fricking deliver gamemode exclusive servers.

    • 2 months ago

      MYM nuked every community server i played on, for fricks sake the only options are uncletopia, skial, and furry pound

  8. 2 months ago

    Only morons play official casual (or god forbid
    competitive) servers. good riddance with playing against bots, maybe try being less of a moron.
    The rest that's sane joins several custom servers with an established community and stick to the ones they like. One server dies out, rinse and repeat to finding custom servers they like.

    Or do bots also join custom servers? Enlighten me, cuz I quit this game back in 2018 so idk

    • 2 months ago

      as far as I know bots do not join community servers because people would take action immediately (admins, moderators etc present in server so they'd get insta banni'd).

    • 2 months ago

      No, community servers ban bots based on IP address (if the bot hoster hosts them all on the same IP at least, lazy fricks) and bot detection is faster when they slip through so they eventually get banned either way.

      • 2 months ago

        Why can't valve just do the exact same thing?

  9. 2 months ago

    >tfw primeval warrior
    maybe it's just time to move on

  10. 2 months ago

    Revert F2P. Make everyone re-buy the game again. Yes I know you already bought it, you probably did that like 17 years ago so I'd say you got your money's worth for Orange Box or the standalone. If you make everyone re-buy it for like $10 you will render existing bot reserves useless and drastically cut down on the effectiveness of new ones. This price never goes on discount and is never not converted to USD so the Argentina bullshit doesn't work. The caveat is if you don't spend that $10 to regain access you can still play the game, but there's exactly one server and one map available and it will inevitably be ruined by bots, who are now trapped there with themselves.

    If plebbit whines about how paying a $10 tax to enjoy casual without bots is such a problem, throw in some kind of exclusive hat.

    • 2 months ago

      I feel like bot hosters are autistic enough to spend money on each and every bot account just to keep ruining the game. After all the bots had money spent on them to continue spamming voice and text chat when it was removed for F2Ps, so I think they'd be willing to do so here as well.

      • 2 months ago

        >actually ban bot accounts
        >now create a massive hole in your wallet to the tune of thousands of dollars every wave

        • 2 months ago

          If they're autistic enough and have enough money to host bots all these years and pay Valve to let them spam voice and text chat, I have no issues believing that they'd do so regardless of if the bot accounts get banned or not.

          • 2 months ago

            It would appear bot hosters are gods then and it's all a lost cause, better shut down TF2 as these infinite money-possessing gods simply cannot be defeated by mortal means.

        • 2 months ago

          even with thousands to tens of thousands of dollars from bot hosters that is legitimately not a drop in the bucket compared to everybody else buying shit

        • 2 months ago

          What do you think money means to a neet?
          They don't pay bills, they don't go out with friends or on dates, they don't buy their own food. Money for them is solely entertainment.

  11. 2 months ago

    Growing up means accepting that game is never coming back so you either rev up its console version or instal TF2C

  12. 2 months ago

    Because they have to both damage control that "balance changes" were directly their fault, the worst thing that happened to the game, AND that they're upset that everyone but Eric who won't do them left TF2 because they were sick of incrementally fricking with everything that youtubers and competitive players were mad about dying to that week.
    In addition: all they want is for Valve to do stupid things like having equipping the scorch shot dox the person who equipped it

  13. 2 months ago


  14. 2 months ago

    It's unplayable with all the bots, mic spammers, cheaters, and sweats

  15. 2 months ago

    if you are a woman, hello!

  16. 2 months ago

    i wanna see the shortstop become usable
    maybe make the push stronger alone would be good
    same for sun on a stick and the sniper smgs
    otherwise i think balance is okay

    • 2 months ago

      Sun on a Stick is just doomed by being too situational imo
      "Team fights with a Pyro on your side, here is a weapon that completely caters to that"

    • 2 months ago

      Drink Crit a Cola
      Sun on a Stick was always going to be a niche weapon
      Smg is the pistol, it's ALREADY good.

      • 2 months ago

        Sun on a Stick is actually one of the scout melees that's an upgrade on stock. You're giving up melee damage on a class who never uses melee to be able to survive against afterburn better. At that point the melee crits is a bonus.

        • 2 months ago

          >You're giving up melee damage on a class who never uses melee
          skill issue

          • 2 months ago

            using melees is a skill issue
            only medics fishing for 25% and spies have a reason to use it over reloading

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah not knowing to use the weapon that's flat out better at point blank is a bit of a skill issue.

            >only when deployed
            Yeah no I'd rather pump shells and die

            And what about when the pyro is already dead and it's just a question of reaching a source of health in time? Don't tell you actually thought I was suggesting using it while still fighting the pyro.

        • 2 months ago

          >only when deployed
          Yeah no I'd rather pump shells and die

        • 2 months ago

          >he doesn't melee
          Melee is surprisingly effective since a lot of people don't expect it. The amount of times I get away with running up on someone with my bottle after my pill launcher runs out is more than you'd think.

          • 2 months ago

            There's a reason to bottle with demo because you don't receive self-inflicted damage as a result. Scout really is just choosing to use the weapon that does less damage at that range.

  17. 2 months ago

    maybe there is not as many people playing tf2 as we think.
    just a bunch of sell bots and snipers.

    • 2 months ago

      There's a pretty easy to reference heuristic that proves otherwise.
      Everywhere TF2 content performs extremely well and it's consistently been top 20 on steam for the past 17 years.
      >There's actually literally nobody but us playing
      Has been compgay cope for a long long time to make themselves seem like a much larger community than they actually are.

      • 2 months ago

        >Everywhere TF2 content performs extremely well
        Because tf2 is one of those games that gets popular with people who don't actually want to play it. You get plenty of people who just want to watch or make SFMs about it. People already find the steam stats on tf2 pretty questionable as well.

        • 2 months ago

          >The fact that everyone likes it is actually proof that nobody likes it

          • 2 months ago

            They like it for reasons other than actually playing it. And I'm not even saying everyone is like that, but it's pretty obvious whenever you get a game that develops a life outside of actually playing a game it's going to attract an audience of people who enjoy that aspect of it.

            Is it really that hard to imagine there are people who enjoy SFM shorts that don't actually like playing multiplayer shooters?

  18. 2 months ago


  19. 2 months ago

    Frick off parasite leeches. Anyone who calls these homosexuals "content creators" is a moron and a zoomer

  20. 2 months ago

    Why don't they just outsource the development then?

    • 2 months ago

      Eric used part of the TF2 budget to get a contractor who won't make balance changes.

  21. 2 months ago

    Also, if in the event that one of you happens to have a github, could you send a bug report on the specular maps for the following skins on linux
    >Mannana peeled
    >Pina Polished
    >Sax Waxed
    >Yeti Covered
    >Park Polished
    I might have missed some but they could be derivatives.

  22. 2 months ago

    Its already making them money. They did the single bare minimum so tabloids would stop making headlines the game they are still taking money from is infested with bots making it unplayable. When the hubbub died down they went back to counting money and Gabe bought himself another yatch for a job well done.

  23. 2 months ago

    Also the OP is moronic, 2023 literally had the most content added to the game than any other year
    >inb4 it doesn't count because Valve didn't do anything even though THEY LITERALLY WORKED WITH THE VSH TO MAKE IT WORK IN CASUAL MATCHMAKING

    • 2 months ago

      No it didn't. The majority of the maps in that update were already part of the game. I mean frick you're even bringing up a gamemode that was already part of the game.

      • 2 months ago

        User servers were dead and classic VSH servers had been dead for like 12 years at that point.
        You just don't want to admit that they did something.

        • 2 months ago

          > had the most content added to the game than any other year
          >by which I mean 12 year old content

          >You just don't want to admit that they did something
          They literally didn't, everything was community done. Also lol we've gone from "biggest update ever" to "did something".

  24. 2 months ago

    >tweets this
    >does literally nothing
    Genuinely what's so difficult about detecting a player with 100% Sniper pickrate, 99.9% accuracy, with 24/7 uptime and just banning them

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