Why did a Japanese developer make a beat-em-up game based on the English-language edited dub of Kyry Sentai Zyuranger?

Why did a Japanese developer make a beat-em-up game based on the English-language edited dub of Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Why not?

  2. 5 months ago

    Probably because they were paid to.

  3. 5 months ago

    Saban probably commissioned it. Also, Japan did indeed have a release of the US's Power Rangers.

    • 5 months ago

      I wonder if they were subbed or dubbed? Because if they were dubbed, I'm sure Japanese Bulk and Skull were great.

      • 5 months ago

        SPD had a Japanese dub that was voice acted by the original Sentai team Dekaranger.

        • 5 months ago

          I would never watch it all the way through but as a pure novelty that's so fricking cool.

          • 5 months ago

            Honestly watching a Japanese dub of PR would probably help me watch it more.

            • 5 months ago

              The major plot shifts are awesome. I can only stomach those.
              >Green with Evil
              All five parts are legit. Especially the first morph into action. Aged well.

              • 5 months ago

                I've just never gelled with the Saved by the Bell meets random Japanese fight footage thing it had going, even as a kid.
                I got into actual hero toku like 8 years ago and I've enjoyed it ever since.

              • 5 months ago

                >I've just never gelled with the Saved by the Bell meets random Japanese fight footage thing it had going, even as a kid
                How old were you by then? Because it was never jarring to me, that's just how TV was and I had no clue it was Japanese. And later on I didn't even know Pokemon was Japanese either

              • 5 months ago

                >and later on I didn't even know Pokemon was Japanese either
                okay, so you were weirdly sheltered, but where's the appeal for people who actually go outside?

              • 4 months ago

                >I've just never gelled with the Saved by the Bell meets random Japanese fight footage thing it had going, even as a kid
                How old were you by then? Because it was never jarring to me, that's just how TV was and I had no clue it was Japanese. And later on I didn't even know Pokemon was Japanese either

                >and later on I didn't even know Pokemon was Japanese either
                okay, so you were weirdly sheltered, but where's the appeal for people who actually go outside?

                as a kid I clearly noticed something was off when the setting was in school and then went into fighting, like the quality was different/off. Thankfully I had a friend in elementary school that was japanese and brought in a Zyuranger VHS to show us to prove that MMPR was based on a JP show.
                For me everything worked well, but when I got to see Zyuranger with english subs and different plot points, it all changed for me. I couldn't accept the 'babying' of the situations as opposed to "whoa, all these kids are getting hurt."
                Also how would one explain the episode (the very first one?) where there were literal japanese kids in a space shuttle with almost no context?

              • 4 months ago

                I don't take Super Sentai any more seriously than Power Rangers because it still all boils down to spandex teens beating on styrofoam monsters. To me, the appeal is seeing how so much of Power Rangers is shaped by recontextualized editing and behind-the-scenes dramatics.

              • 4 months ago

                Literally only two season of Sentai are about teenagers being rangers (Turboranger and Megaranger.)

              • 4 months ago

                Weren't Ninningers teens too? Or were they in their 19's?

              • 4 months ago

                IIRC the Ninningers were all young adults, with ShiroNinger being the youngest.

              • 4 months ago

                IIRC the Ninningers were all young adults, with ShiroNinger being the youngest.

                I always misread this team's name, god damn it.

              • 4 months ago

                The joke was buried WAY into the ground during its airing time in the Sentai general on /m/.

              • 4 months ago

                oh, I don't go to /ssg/, I just follow Rider. Last Sentai I've watched was Gokaiger.

              • 4 months ago

                >Also how would one explain the episode (the very first one?) where there were literal japanese kids in a space shuttle with almost no context?
                the way I justified it in my head was

                >Angel Grove sounds kinda like Los Angeles
                >Los Angeles is in California
                >California is kinda multicultural (even back in the 90s)
                >therefore Angel Grove is probably in California and has a good amount of Asians in it

      • 5 months ago

        I'm not that familiar with Bulk's dub actor (Toshiharu Sakurai), he dubs Shaggy, but he also did Ando, the fatfrick from Kaiji. Skulk's one is Ken Narita, Sesshomaru and current Bright Noa actor.

        • 5 months ago

          Dubbed. Most notably, the same actress who played Bandora in Zyuranger dubbed over herself as "Rita Repulsa".

          Both cool facts. I wouldn't mind watching a Japanese dubbed episode. Sounds fun.

          • 5 months ago

            Saban actually was going to fly Machiko Soga (Bandora) out to the US to shoot new footage with her as Rita for what was supposed to be the series finale of MMPR, which would have adapted Bandora's son as the final adversary of the show like in Zyuranger, but that plan was dropped when it was decided to keep the show going instead. And then when they brought in Lord Zedd as the new OC villain, scenes with Rita initially had her face obscured or out-of-focus to hide how she wasn't Soga anymore, and then she got a facial done to properly transition to the new actress.

      • 5 months ago

        Dubbed. Most notably, the same actress who played Bandora in Zyuranger dubbed over herself as "Rita Repulsa".

      • 5 months ago
        • 5 months ago

          Rita sounds like Goku

          >red ranger is a SAINT

          • 5 months ago

            Funny you mention that, Jason was voiced by Saint Seiya's voice actor in Spanish Latin America.

            • 5 months ago

              True; also I remember Billy being voiced by Rocco from Rocco's Modern Life.

              I'll give Power Rangers one thing, though; making the giant sentient robots into mechs was an obvious improvement.

              Absolutely, I watched Zyuranger a couple of years ago and Daizyujin being an unapologetic butthole didn't help in making it less of a chore. Dairanger was pretty good, though.

          • 4 months ago

            >Rita sounds like Goku
            Rita is voiced by Machiko Soga, who did Bandora in the original Zyuranger

            • 4 months ago

              wtf mean

              • 4 months ago

                Sucks that the subs for the initial shout factory sentai sets suck ass because of Toei's idiotic ODD, and i read that Ohranger just uses fansubs.

                Yet still better then TV-Nihon

              • 4 months ago

                you can still find the GUIS subs if you look hard enough.

        • 5 months ago

          >video sends me to Green Ranger vs Red Ranger for both Power Ranger and Super Sentai
          >the Japanese version is the most melodramatic shit possible
          That being said, the choreography was great.

          • 4 months ago

            >>the Japanese version is the most melodramatic shit possible
            makes sense in context Green and Red are brothers but Red was adopted by the royal family as a baby, his father was not happy with this and led a rebellion against them, this failed ending with their father's death to which Green swore revenge against them, including his brother

            • 4 months ago

              I just mean in the way it was delivered, along with the score and all that. I'm not saying it didn't make sense or was bad. Just that it's really, really, really taken very seriously for a toy commercial.

              • 4 months ago

                >really taken very seriously for a toy commercial.
                Beast Wars was also a toy commercial and didn't shy away from having kino dramatic moments

              • 4 months ago

                And then you had episodes like farting Rhinox to counterbalance them.

              • 4 months ago

                Gundam is also a toy commercial, it's just the writers were allowed as far as the first series to do anything they wnted as long as "the toy" (i.e. the Mobile Suit itself) looked cool, so it became a political drama set in space revolving around warfare and the use of child solders to settle conflicts.

                It's even dumber when countries like Brazil and several places in Europe had dubbed various toku shows prior to PR

                Exactly, Brazil had Black and Black RX, Venezuela had Liveman and Flashman, France had Bioman I believe... So, where did that "it's impossible to dub" logic came from?

              • 4 months ago

                >So, where did that "it's impossible to dub" logic came from?
                Probably PTSD from the days of Sandy Frank dubs.

              • 4 months ago

                I know the Gamera dubs they did were hit and miss, and the G Force version of Gatchaman, but any more examples?

              • 4 months ago

                There's the various "movies" he awkwardly edited together out of Japanese TV shows, a lot of which became fodder for MST3K.

          • 4 months ago

            Zyuranger has the better fight on the basis of, well, being complete. The US crew went a bit too hard with the cuts. With that said, the PR version is still good because the music is on fricking point.

            • 4 months ago

              The PR music was surprisingly good, but I have a soft spot for Japan's orchestral music they used in stuff like this and in Dragon Ball. It hits that dramatic vibe so well.

    • 5 months ago

      SPD had a Japanese dub that was voice acted by the original Sentai team Dekaranger.

      What do Japanese fans think of these?

      • 5 months ago

        IIRC tokusatsu otaku think they're neat if anything. Very much a trivia piece, though they obviously loved that the SPD dub had the Dekaranger cast returning to voice their respective colors/characters.

        • 4 months ago

          >though they obviously loved that the SPD dub had the Dekaranger cast returning to voice their respective colors/characters
          from what I understand (based entirely on looking it up on wikis) that's not really anything unusual. When they dubbed Power Rangers, they just about always had the original sentai actor dubbing the character that was their PR equivalent, at least for MMPR and the post-In Space seasons.

          • 4 months ago

            I heard a clip of the MMPR s1 rangers in japanese, and i cant assure you that the Sentai Actors for Geki, Goushi, Dan, Boi, Mei and Burai didnt return, just Machiko Soga and maybe Ami Kawaii as Scorpina

            • 4 months ago

              She was very Kawaii indeed.

      • 5 months ago

        It very much depends on the season. Mighty Morphin is an interesting oddity, SPD and Lost Galaxy are considered GOAT, Masked Rider is shunned upon but Dragon Knight is very much well-liked.

        The writer of Tokumei Sentai GoBusters is a huge fanboy of Power Rangers, hence that show using american terminology like "It's Morphin Time" and "Megazord".

        • 5 months ago

          Go-Busters was written by a woman actually. One of the best writers they have, Yasuko Kobayashi.
          That season made "It's morphin' time!" and "megazord" way cooler.

        • 5 months ago

          dragon knight is great. i kinda wish we got more kamen rider stateside or at the very least subs of the japanese shows but for some reason kamen rider is apparently more expensive to bring over than super sentai which is weird to me because 80-90% of power rangers uses stock footage.

          I've just never gelled with the Saved by the Bell meets random Japanese fight footage thing it had going, even as a kid.
          I got into actual hero toku like 8 years ago and I've enjoyed it ever since.

          >and later on I didn't even know Pokemon was Japanese either
          okay, so you were weirdly sheltered, but where's the appeal for people who actually go outside?

          i don't think the MMPR was any worse than TMNT, X-men and whatever copycats those IPs inspired in the 80s & 90s. what's funny to me is that the reboot movie was ironically a better breakfast club remake than a power rangers movie.

          >I've just never gelled with the Saved by the Bell meets random Japanese fight footage thing it had going, even as a kid
          How old were you by then? Because it was never jarring to me, that's just how TV was and I had no clue it was Japanese. And later on I didn't even know Pokemon was Japanese either

          speaking as someone who grew up in what was effectively little asia i can get not realizing that "power rangers = super sentai" because if you weren't a weeb you wouldn't really have known until that anniversary special hosted by jason's actor. but pokemon? really?

          • 5 months ago

            I remember UPN (where Pokémon originally aired prior to the move to Kids WB) running an ad for the series which said something to the effect of Pokémon being the biggest thing to come out of Japan since Godzilla

          • 5 months ago

            "Saban's Masked Rider" soured things so badly that Japan has since become very protective of letting anybody in America touch Kamen Rider. Dragon Knight only came about after a lot of begging and promising that it wouldn't be like Saban's show at all.

            • 5 months ago

              >"Saban's Masked Rider"
              i feel like there's more to it than just that. because masked rider didn't even have a budget for non-suit stuff like power rangers did so they ended up using even more stock footage from black RX to fill in the gaps which led to it being terrible.

              • 5 months ago

                Masked Rider was very, very strongly disliked by Ishinomori and his son has kept his word no American adaptations unless they promise a quality product. Dragon Knight even had official LNs like the SIC Hero Saga light novels for the "mainline" Riders and DK officially is one of the "many worlds Decade can witness".

              • 5 months ago

                Japan actually imported Power Rangers as Mighty Rangers and it played on Saturdays on TV Asashi in 1994-1995. So it's not out of the question to import the game based on it, even with it's Japanese footage origins

                There was the Power Rider trademark during the Neo-Saban era but went nowhere and Hasbro killed it.

              • 5 months ago

                It is rumored in Japanese circles IshinomoriPro actually stepped in and blocked the whole Power Rider bit, not trusting Saban to not repeat the Masked Rider incident.

              • 5 months ago

                You need to be a total weeaboo KR fanatic in order to actually legit defend Chaim Saban's MR.
                Do I really need to remind you about motherfricking Fergus?

                So is that the reason Saban's MR had not been released on DVD or rebroadcast again on TV? (aside from that UK dvd)

              • 5 months ago

                Pretty much. Steve Wang back then did mention several times how badly IshinomoriPro wanted to bury and memoryhole that series, so much part of the pitch of DK was to "bury" the "Masked Rider" branding altogether, which is why starting with W they ditched "Masked Rider" from the english title previous seasons used.

              • 5 months ago

                Then how do you explain the "Masked Rider" name being used for Shin Kamen Rider on Amazon Prime and its subs? And you know what else, even a few years ago Toei and BanDai kept using the Masked Rider subtitle in merch releases like the DVDs, Blurays, CDs, etc, and they been using them since the 80s.

              • 5 months ago

                The monkier "Kamen Rider" wasn't added retroactively to all pre-W Riders, it applies chiefly to everything W onwards. The Decade Ganbaride cards, for instance, still say "Masked Rider" for Decade and older "Kamen Ride-type cards (which already seem to point to that direction by not being called "Masked Ride"), however after him it's "Kamen Ride: Kamen Rider Double/OOO/Fourze/Wizard/Gaim" etc etc.

                Since Anno's Shin is a retelling of the original, the subtitles use "Masked Rider" as Ishinomori would've. That's why the official subs for the older Shin Kamen Rider use "MASKED RIDER SHIN". We'll probably see "Kamen Rider" purely for the branding of older characters despite the subs saying "Masked", while the newer stuff will use "Kamen" in the subs as well.

                Toei/IshiPro give me migraines.

              • 5 months ago

                Shouts subs for Rider71 uses Kamen Rider, NEVER uses Masked Rider, but does translate the name of the kaijin, other then that the subs are good.

              • 5 months ago

                That's just an old internet hoax. There's no source or evidence for any of that being true.

              • 5 months ago

                >Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight - 2WORLD 1HEARTS (カメンライダー ドラゴンナイト 2ワールド 1ハーツ) is a Japanese novel that serves as a sequel to Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight, with all 13 riders appearing. The novel was written by Mano Katsunari as his debut work. It was written due to the popularity of Dragon Knight in Japan.
                >ISBN 978-4-7816-0436-7

              • 4 months ago

                >That's just an old internet hoax. There's no source or evidence for any of that being true.
                >No evidence for any of that being true.

                You need to be a total weeaboo KR fanatic in order to actually legit defend Chaim Saban's MR.
                Do I really need to remind you about motherfricking Fergus?

                I was referring to the rumors about Ishinomori disliking Masked Rider. He never said a word about it. He most likely never watched it. Black RX was already pretty far removed from his actual vision (just read the Black manga). Again, he was a manga artist and outside some ideas and character designs, he wasn't directly involved in those shows.

                He wasn't overly protective of Kamen Rider either, he even approved of a comedy show pretty much mocking the whole series called Kamen Norida. I doubt he was even the one giving the ok for whatever business decision Ishimori Pro would take, because he basically had no time for such matters. He isn't a Guinness Record holder for nothing.

              • 4 months ago

                Didn't Steve Wang feed into Ishinomori hating Masked Rider and how much of a b***h it was convincing Toei+IshiPro to make Dragon Knight?

              • 4 months ago

                He never said that. Ishinomori wasn't even alive for Dragon Knight, why would that be an issue? The only thing I found was a Steve Wang interview where he mentions why he called the show Kamen Rider instead of Masked Rider Dragon Knight like Toei intended.

                >>SW: It was my idea to rename the show. I had to convince Toei to let me call it KAMEN Rider instead of MASKED Rider for a few reasons. Growing up, I never watched ‘Masked Rider’… it was always KAMEN RIDER and seeing it called ‘Masked’ always felt strange. I’m just not a fan of using descriptions to name a character such as ‘Masked’. That’s like calling Darth Vader “Armored Sith Lord”. It’s silly to me.

              • 4 months ago

                >why would that be an issue?
                It might be just hearsay from that time, that Ishinomori's son + IshiPro is kind of a hardass in regards to Kamen Rider beign international.

              • 4 months ago

                They're not. I really don't know where you're getting these ideas. A lot of shows are getting licensed recently, some anniversary projects had worldwide releases. The manga was released internationally as well. Do you mean just adaptations a la Power Rangers? Those just didn't make enough money to justify the costs.

              • 4 months ago

                It was spoken off back then on some forums like henshin alliance. of course, forums talk isn't hard evidence, i just accepted it as fact back then just because of how bad Masked Rider is compared to Mighty Morphin. But yeah, I meant adaptations.

              • 4 months ago

                I think Masked Rider was meant to be cheap and short since they weren’t doing Kamen Rider shows anymore. Black wasn’t marketable since he only has one form and 2 bikes. So wouldn’t make sense to go back for more like VR Troopers did with Shaider being the Metalder upgrade. The older ones were just too old. They probably knew from the get go that it wouldn’t be another MMPR, but decided to do an experiment anyway, but keeping expectations low. If they tried it after Kuuga, things could have been different.

              • 4 months ago

                >I’m just not a fan of using descriptions to name a character such as ‘Masked’. That’s like calling Darth Vader “Armored Sith Lord”. It’s silly to me.
                holy shit this dude is such a fricking weeb. kamen just means mask, this reminds me of my cringe teenage years when I refused to use english names for Pokemon because the Japanese names sounded cool and the english names were all stupid childish puns.

              • 4 months ago

                I can't entirely blame him. The Hawaiian broadcasts of the Showa era shows that had subtitles used "Kamen Rider" rather than "Masked Rider", and nostalgia is one hell of a drug.

              • 5 months ago

                >That's just an old internet hoax. There's no source or evidence for any of that being true.

                >Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight - 2WORLD 1HEARTS (カメンライダー ドラゴンナイト 2ワールド 1ハーツ) is a Japanese novel that serves as a sequel to Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight, with all 13 riders appearing. The novel was written by Mano Katsunari as his debut work. It was written due to the popularity of Dragon Knight in Japan.
                >ISBN 978-4-7816-0436-7

                >No evidence for any of that being true.

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                You need to be a total weeaboo KR fanatic in order to actually legit defend Chaim Saban's MR.
                Do I really need to remind you about motherfricking Fergus?

              • 5 months ago

                >weeaboo defending the western adaptation

                Anon, my dude, wouldn't it be a Westaboo?

              • 4 months ago

                WAKE UP!

              • 4 months ago

                but what i'm trying to say here

                >"Saban's Masked Rider"
                i feel like there's more to it than just that. because masked rider didn't even have a budget for non-suit stuff like power rangers did so they ended up using even more stock footage from black RX to fill in the gaps which led to it being terrible.

                is that unless they purposefully set saban up to fail with masked rider there's more to that story because the show literally HAD NO BUDGET to start with while power rangers had no such issues despite having a similar production cycle.

                Given the Hasbro situation and how they want to completely divorce Power Rangers from Super Sentai (to the point of Hasbro execs outright insulting the "obvious fakeness" of the tokusatsu genre), Toei don't seem to want any more western adaptations and instead just subttitle what they do through Shout Factory and other services. It seems they're going hard on making Japanese Kamen Rider the only Kamen Rider.

                I've got no complaints, since we got Memory of Heroez in English as a result.

                >Given the Hasbro situation and how they want to completely divorce Power Rangers from Super Sentai
                that's been a thing since the disney days and even the original saban days. it's mostly born from the fact that they don't really want to pay toei for the costumes & stock footage (FUN FACT: the MMPR movie suits were suppose to replace the show's suits but they were too heavy & fragile to work with). which i can get but at that point why not just make you're own toku show?

                There's the new original suits in Cosmic Fury which look god awful but somehow "muscles = more real" and the take Hasbro has is that they need the monsters to look "realistic" and since Sentai foregoes realism for fun gimmicks akin to wrestling matches, Hasbro think they can eventually just stick to the Zyuranger designs fighting realistic CGI monsters eventually. A lot of them are fueled by Adi Shankar's "bootleg Power Rangers" which is the edgiest "missing the point" shitfest known to man. It's not even fun edge like some manga inspired by Sentai had done.

                >A lot of them are fueled by Adi Shankar's "bootleg Power Rangers" which is the edgiest "missing the point" shitfest known to man.
                if that's the short i'm thinking of then "missing the point" was suppose to be the point and the fact that people don't get that it was suppose to be a parody of edgy reboots and what people thought reboot movie was going to be like is kinda funny.

              • 4 months ago

                >if that's the short i'm thinking of then "missing the point" was suppose to be the point and the fact that people don't get that it was suppose to be a parody of edgy reboots and what people thought reboot movie was going to be like is kinda funny.
                Seeing how Shankar and Ellis fricking ruined Castlevania past the S1 script (written in the 00's when IGA was still the overseer), I am not willing to give Shankar that much credit, let alone the benefit of the doubt.

                >why not just make you're own toku show?
                For whatever reason the US is unwilling to make proper investments on tokusatsu, mainly because the suits have strong bias against rubber suit monsters or wanting it done super cheap. Remember Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills?

              • 4 months ago

                i'd argue that CW flash was pretty good for the first 2 seasons if that counts. especially since every season after them were basically a rehash of those first 2 seasons.

                my only real complaints outside of that is that making everyone a speedster is boring. like jay, thawne (the "real" one) & wally are fine but did we really need no name shitters like godspeed, impulse, cobalt blue or XS? i mean frick, nobody is going to care about pic related if he's not going to be batman.

              • 4 months ago

                Ah, good example. Fair enough. It somehow feels different from Japanese tokusatsu, though, so it didn't pop into my mind.

              • 4 months ago

                >FUN FACT: the MMPR movie suits were suppose to replace the show's suits but they were too heavy & fragile to work with

                So that's were the whole sillyness with the ''glitter armor'' came from? they were supposed to upgrade to the movie costumes?

              • 4 months ago

                yep. saban either ran out or was running out of zyuranger footage by the time of the movie. the eventual move to alien rangers & ZEO were a result of that.

                as i said before i don't blame saban, disney or even hasbro for wanting to distance power rangers from super sentai. having to rely on toei for everything sounds pretty inconvenient from a production standpoint while toei themselves sounds pretty difficult to work with. i can only imagine how hasbro & IDW managed to get the comic OK'd by toei considering that they shot down two attempts at a power rangers animated series.

              • 4 months ago

                They already had run out of Zyuranger and even Zyu2 footage after the first dozen or so of S2 episodes, and by the time they filmed the movie in New Zealand they run out the Dairanger footage too.

              • 4 months ago

                which goes back to what i was saying that the way they made power rangers just sounds inconvenient production wise.

                it would've been infinitely easier if they just took super sentai and dub over it.

              • 4 months ago

                >just sounds inconvenient production wise.
                more like inconvenient to his pocket, Toei was fine with taking costumes out of the closet and making more footage for them, even as far as respecting PR character dynamics like having the yellow ranger act more girly despite their being a guy

              • 4 months ago

                For some reason, English speaking countries are outstandingly against dubbed productions, always claiming "lip sync" as an excuse or "it's imposible" while every other country in the world dubs every american movie and TV production.
                t. grew up with Back to the Future, RoboCop, Terminator, etc. dubbed to Spanish.

              • 4 months ago

                It's even dumber when countries like Brazil and several places in Europe had dubbed various toku shows prior to PR

              • 4 months ago

                >For some reason, English speaking countries are outstandingly against dubbed productions, always claiming "lip sync" as an excuse or "it's impossible".
                i personally blame weebs for this mindset. they're so deathly afraid of something being changed or altered despite the fact that some things are almost 100% guaranteed to be lost in translation depending on the culture or language said thing is being translated to.

              • 4 months ago

                No, this mindset predates weebs, people citing Bruce Lee and Godzilla movies was the original arguement against dubs back in the day, although the backlash against American dubs also go beyond the American weebs, I know for a fact in the early 00s the Latinamericans who had internet access reacted really badly at American dubs of DBZ and Saint Seiya, such at the censorship of the blood, the change in OST, chiefly the song Rock the Dragon. The backlash at the time basically became two camps of thought: "gringos can't dub for shit" or "gringos are intentionally sabotaging other media so they won't have competition". The knowledge of how strict american tv standards wasn't widely known, but also jelly-filled donuts.

              • 4 months ago

                >gringos are intentionally sabotaging other media so they won't have competition

                And it isnt true? after the Localization Fiasco that happened?

              • 4 months ago

                I forgot who was who said it, but you have to fear more the people who genuinely believe they're doing a social good for humanity, because with businessmen and saboteurs at least you know it's all about money. But the fiasco is delusional people with hero complex, the truly dangerous ones.

              • 4 months ago

                I forgot who was who said it, but you have to fear more the people who genuinely believe they're doing a social good for humanity, because with businessmen and saboteurs at least you know it's all about money. But the fiasco is delusional people with hero complex, the truly dangerous ones.

                i wish that dragon maid scene wasn't THE goto example everyone uses because both versions of that scene do get the point across of "character decided to dress more conservatively after getting complaints about how she dresses" with pretty much the same punchline but people always use it as a "smoking gun" because the dub used more charged vocabulary.

                like you have so many other sketchy & shady moments in that industry to choose from that makes your argument better and people choose the one that's effectively a dogwhistle?

              • 4 months ago

                I think because "patriarchy" it's too on the nose, it almost sounds like parody.

              • 4 months ago

                >modern /vr/ not playing apologia for current thing

              • 4 months ago

                By the time they hit Season 3, almost all the Ranger battles was American-made and Sentai footage was only used for the Zord battles. The Alien Rangers arc was the first time since Season 1 that they went back to Sentai footage for most of the Ranger battles.

          • 4 months ago

            >because if you weren't a weeb you wouldn't really have known until that anniversary special hosted by jason's actor.
            God I remember seeing this as a kid and immediately wanting to watch the actual series it was based on. Damn near shit my pants when I found out there was more of that stuff out there I could not obtain. Thank god for fansubs little kid me would have his mind blown if he knew how much Sentai he was gonna watch in the future let alone stuff like Metal Heroes.

            • 4 months ago

              the last power ranger show i watched was time force but as far as super sentai shows go the only ones that really interested me were carranger, megaranger, gokairanger and akibaranger with SPD being the only power rangers show that interests me.

              kamen rider is the stuff i really wanna see. i managed to find/get ryuki recently and i'm trying to track down dragon knight (archive.org only has half the series), drive, W (mostly because skull has a kino design) & fourze.

              • 4 months ago

                That's funny cause I'm the opposite. I eat up so much Sentai like to the point I've seen close to half the franchise in about the last ten years but Rider it takes me close to a year to finish an entry. Granted over time I stopped binge watching stuff so that could be why, I went from multiple Sentai entries a year to one maybe two cause I realized binging shit made it way harder to keep track of what I actually watched. Anyway Ryuki is fricking amazing the last three episodes ripped my soul apart.

        • 5 months ago

          I guess it makes sense that the US Power Rangers would have some level of popularity in Japan, given its addition of teenage slice-of-life plots, which seem to be quite popular in Japanese media.

        • 4 months ago

          I wonder if the mention of Super/Megaforce is a guaranteed ban from any toku discussion over there

      • 5 months ago

        Thats what i wanted to know as well.

        >I've just never gelled with the Saved by the Bell meets random Japanese fight footage thing it had going, even as a kid
        How old were you by then? Because it was never jarring to me, that's just how TV was and I had no clue it was Japanese. And later on I didn't even know Pokemon was Japanese either

        Nta but even knowing mmpr was spliced together it wasnt a hard watch. I only wanted see the monsters and stunts but i was in jr high i think so i knew about westernizing stuff via wizard magazine and stuff.

      • 5 months ago

        Akibaranger had a fun bit with them.

      • 5 months ago

        They weren't aware that it even existed.
        It only aired in the middle of the night on a pay channel no one has.

        • 5 months ago

          >The novel also includes paper crafts of the Advent Decks, interviews regarding the series winning an Emmy, being praised by Japanese fans, talks about being a Kamen Rider Ryuki remake, being four seasons long, its movie quality action and it being a part of the Kamen Rider Boom.
          So this book doesn't exist, you say? KRDK never performed well,you say? The KRDK Figmas done in response to such reception are mass hallucinations?

          • 4 months ago

            We're talking about power rangers you tard, not Dragon Knight.

    • 5 months ago

      Japan fricking loves America. Based!

      • 5 months ago

        >American colony
        Wonder why

        • 4 months ago

          America is only cool when it's filtered through a romanticized foreign point of view

          America-seethers admitting to being in love with an American-developed country

        • 4 months ago

          Not sure if you know what a colony is. Are ant colonies filled with different species of ants?

      • 5 months ago

        America is only cool when it's filtered through a romanticized foreign point of view

        • 5 months ago

          I feel the same about Japan, having actually been there.

          • 5 months ago

            Foreign depictions of Japan and the rest of East Asia almost always suck and end up being extremely corny, this font being a prime example.
            The best romanticized depictions of Japan come from Japan itself.

            • 4 months ago

              i fricking hate that type of font

              I feel the same about Japan, having actually been there.

              >having actually been there.
              same but I still feel a sort of comfort when going and knowing how things are, but i think it helped that I learned of their culture/history before actually going and not just only seen their animations or read their comics. So glad my exposure wasn't just the exports, I imagine it would be the same for them going to NYC or Paris
              >"Dear, how was your trip to New York?"
              >"I'm never going back..."

        • 5 months ago

          That's the same with every European, South American, Middle Eastern, South Asian, Southeast Asian, and East Asian country, by that standard.

          You think sewer-oil-drinking Chinese are reciting Sun Tzu and Shaolin monks' precepts? You think Notre Dame is still standing and Germany isn't a Turkish annex? You think fiestas in Oaxaca and Rio are actually everywhere in those countries rather than just in tourist areas? That is some WeWuzKangz-level (self-)delusion, if so.

          • 4 months ago

            >You think sewer-oil-drinking Chinese are reciting Sun Tzu and Shaolin monks' precepts?
            No they just own property instead.

            • 4 months ago

              >Chinese populace
              >owning property
              Think about that a little longer, anon.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't need to, I'm the only one in my friend group who owns property, everyone else is seemingly renting for longer and longer and it's not getting cheaper. China isn't currently being flooded by non-natives and dividing houses up into HMOs.

              • 4 months ago

                >I own property in a politburo-controlled country
                You are a complete fricking idiot if you're not shitposting or a paid the Fifty Cent Army sperg, but I'll allow it.

        • 4 months ago

          being the most powerful country in the history of the world is pretty cool actually, regardless of what foreigners think

    • 5 months ago

      That shit just confuses the shit out of me
      >Sentai becomes Power Rangers in the US
      >Power Rangers suddenly comes to Japan and is just there as a different show that exists
      This is beyond Doki doki panic becoming Mario 2 and then coming back as Mario USA, this just sounds confusing.

      • 5 months ago

        I'll give Power Rangers one thing, though; making the giant sentient robots into mechs was an obvious improvement.

        • 5 months ago

          True; also I remember Billy being voiced by Rocco from Rocco's Modern Life.

          Absolutely, I watched Zyuranger a couple of years ago and Daizyujin being an unapologetic butthole didn't help in making it less of a chore. Dairanger was pretty good, though.

          >watch Saber Rider and enjoy the ship's computer being voiced by Peter Cullen doing his most John Wayne ever Optimus Prime voice
          >watch Bismark
          >Bismark not talk
          Kind of disappointed me not gonna lie.

          • 5 months ago

            That was actually one of my pet peeves with Zyuranger. I was so used to the monsters talking and bantering in PR that most of them never talking at all in Zyuranger got me by surprise. The absolute worst is Goldar's counterpart, Grifforzer. Fricker doesn't talk during most of the show and when he finally does is bland and forgettable; doesn't even have a proper rivalry with the Red Ranger.

            • 4 months ago

              To be fair Grifforzer did his job as a general and even managed to have a child with his scorpion waifu, Goldar started good but became more of a joke as time went on to the point even Bulk and Skull could take him on

              • 4 months ago

                Grifforzer was named after the Griffon but its actually a Manticore Humanoid, part man, part Lion and part Scorpion, but then got retooled as a flying monkey in Power Rangers

              • 4 months ago

                I felt like such an idiot when it took until seeing History of Power Rangers for me to even realize Saban was pushing for a "Wizard of Oz" theming angle.

              • 4 months ago

                Lami/Scorpina had it rough in Power Rangers. All her best Sentai scenes were against unmorphed Rangers and Saban couldn't use that, so her screentime was very limited. Then they tried to get a US actress for her but couldn't keep her around and so she just vanished wiithout a word.

              • 4 months ago

                Then why not cut her all together since she was a japanese faced character.

              • 4 months ago

                same reason they used footage of that mecha fight that had a random japanese kid in it
                Saban editors were paid pennies

              • 4 months ago

                It's just surprising and a bit sad that Saban even bothered to try and get a US actress for Scorpina in the first place. Once Lord Zedd came in, the only one of Rita's gang they kept around was Goldar.

              • 4 months ago

                You're forgetting the main reason: it's a fricking kid's show. Kids weren't paying attention to those details and caring.

              • 4 months ago

                Even as a kid I wondered why the frick were so many signs and buildings with chicken scratch on them
                Also you doubt the attention span of kids

              • 4 months ago

                Goldar becomes a pushover during the middle of the second season, but prior to that he is pretty solid. His interactions with Jason during episodes like Green With Evil or Missing Green mog anything related to Grifforzer's characterization.

                It's funny because from what I remember from Zyuranger, I enjoyed the villains more than their PR counterparts, except for Grifforzer.

              • 4 months ago

                Why go to the trouble of drawing something this nice and not realize that the dark dimension is not something that just floats in space?

              • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago

          True; also I remember Billy being voiced by Rocco from Rocco's Modern Life.

          Absolutely, I watched Zyuranger a couple of years ago and Daizyujin being an unapologetic butthole didn't help in making it less of a chore. Dairanger was pretty good, though.

          Gotta disagree with you guys, the butthole god was a highlight of Zyuranger. But it was absolutely the right call to ditch that for Power Rangers.

      • 4 months ago

        It's all recursive. A lot of sentai conventions originated with Spider-Man, of all things, including summoning a giant robot.

  4. 5 months ago

    bigger market.
    what makes money

    • 5 months ago

      Beyond what's already been said, yeah, the original Jyuuranger was already old enough news that the existing game was for the original Famicom. At the time, SNES releases were more profitable, so they needed a new game to capitalize on the PR hype instead of just localizing the old one

  5. 5 months ago

    Because they could reskin a game they already made into a licensed guaranteed seller.

    • 5 months ago

      How is it a reskin?

      • 5 months ago

        Play both and you'll see.
        Reused UI elements, mechanics, and sound effects. They play incredibly similar. Some of the enemies have the exact same movement patterns.

        • 5 months ago

          That's not a reskin though.

          • 4 months ago

            You're a fricking moron, honestly.

            morons detected

        • 5 months ago

          >Play both
          What's the other game?

          • 5 months ago

            Ninja Warriors (SNES)

        • 5 months ago

          Sounds neat, I liked MMPR SNES

          Power Rangers Fighting Edition also uses the same engine (and has a lot of the same sound effects etc.) as Gundam Wing Endless Duel

          • 5 months ago

            Ninja Warriors is a good game and I recommend it, but calling it a MMPR reskin is wrong

        • 5 months ago

          You're a fricking moron, honestly.

        • 4 months ago

          Aren't you thinking about the MMPR The Movie game?

    • 5 months ago

      I liked that one. The sound effects are burned into my mind. Might play this

  6. 5 months ago

    How do jap sentai fans view Rangers franchise/the western fan explosion it had? I know the one ps1 pinball game got a jap release unedited.

    • 5 months ago

      With "ああ、そうか".

    • 4 months ago

      They don't care or think of it as a minor trivia fact as best. It was used for a gag in an episode of the sentai parody show Akibaranger once.

      Commando movie is hugely popular over there, it was widely used as meme material for a while and even today many people still remember and quote many of the lines of the dub. Did you know or give a frick? No. Same thing.

    • 4 months ago

      the Ps1 pinball game was released officially in the US too, just is that version was too obscure and unknown to most people.

  7. 5 months ago

    Today on /vr/: Anon learns about taking money to do work.

  8. 5 months ago

    For me, it's Billy. I love his crouching punch.
    I've had both this and the fighting game since I was a kid, and haven't plated them since. Surprisingly, I've seen both games praised. I would have just assumed they were licensed garbage I played because it was Power Rangers. I'll have to revisit them some time.

    • 5 months ago

      Ivan Ooze was legit challenging. It's K.Rool tier in the "catches you off guard" totem pole of final bosses. Also the music is catchy as frick.

  9. 5 months ago

    They wanted to frick Kimberly like us.

  10. 5 months ago

    Cause Zyuranger was so boring even Japanese people wanted nothing to do with it.

  11. 5 months ago

    I mean, why not? They were told to make a specifically MMPR game so they made it.

  12. 5 months ago

    Because they were paid to.

  13. 5 months ago

    Konami producing The Simpsons Beat ‘Em Up did a lot for intercontinental relations between Japan and the US of A

    • 5 months ago

      remember when Konami made frickin video games?
      I sure do.

  14. 5 months ago

    God fricking damn I loved this game. I still replay the first level now and then.

  15. 5 months ago


  16. 5 months ago

    Japan actually imported Power Rangers as Mighty Rangers and it played on Saturdays on TV Asashi in 1994-1995. So it's not out of the question to import the game based on it, even with it's Japanese footage origins

  17. 5 months ago

    I like the Natsume PR game on the Famicom. Graphics aren't as detailed as other Natsume classics (i.e. Shatterhand, Shadow of the Ninja, Power Blade 1 & 2 and Dragon Fighter) but they are good enough with a typically solid soundtrack to boot.

  18. 5 months ago

    I'm surprised nobody's modded Tommy/Green Ranger into this game.

  19. 5 months ago

    has the amazon KR stuff been any popular? i'd love to see another western attempt at the genre

    • 5 months ago

      Given the Hasbro situation and how they want to completely divorce Power Rangers from Super Sentai (to the point of Hasbro execs outright insulting the "obvious fakeness" of the tokusatsu genre), Toei don't seem to want any more western adaptations and instead just subttitle what they do through Shout Factory and other services. It seems they're going hard on making Japanese Kamen Rider the only Kamen Rider.

      I've got no complaints, since we got Memory of Heroez in English as a result.

      • 5 months ago

        that's a shame, but i said genre for a reason. if someone made their own toku show unrelated to KR or Sentai, that'd still be cool.
        but also, the obvious fakeness is part of the fun hasbro wtf

        • 5 months ago

          There's the new original suits in Cosmic Fury which look god awful but somehow "muscles = more real" and the take Hasbro has is that they need the monsters to look "realistic" and since Sentai foregoes realism for fun gimmicks akin to wrestling matches, Hasbro think they can eventually just stick to the Zyuranger designs fighting realistic CGI monsters eventually. A lot of them are fueled by Adi Shankar's "bootleg Power Rangers" which is the edgiest "missing the point" shitfest known to man. It's not even fun edge like some manga inspired by Sentai had done.

  20. 5 months ago

    I replayed this game recently and is as good as I remembered it. It's not the most complex beat 'em up, but it gets the job done. Criminal how the Genesis version is a mediocre SF2 clone. Still, Genesis redeemed itself with The Movie game, which I think is far superior to the SNES version. Both are good but the Genesis game adds iconic storylines from the second season in addition to the movie segments and the soundtrack is 16-bit versions of the actual music from the show (which is amazing); can't argue with that level of soul.

    I also played back then both Sentai games on the Famicom. The Zyuranger one is a mediocre side scroller but the Jetman game is alright. Just recently I read it was also from Natsume and it makes sense because the Zord fights are basically the same style as in the first MMPR on SNES.

    There are also a couple of Sentai games for PS1 which were released late into the console's lifespan and, I guess in part for that, have some really impressive graphics. Mechanically they are mediocre beat 'em ups, but overall I'd say they are serviceable games if you are into Toku.

    I never really understood why Toei/Bandai never released Sentai games of the same quality as some of their anime properties. It's not due lack of popularity, that's for sure.

    • 4 months ago

      >Genesis redeemed itself with The Movie game, which I think is far superior to the SNES version. Both are good but the Genesis game adds iconic storylines from the second season in addition to the movie segments and the soundtrack is 16-bit versions of the actual music from the show (which is amazing); can't argue with that level of soul.

      What was lame is that the Genesis version ommited the whole quest of Endos reduced to just a cutscene, that was a lame disappointment, you dont even get to fight the Tenga Warriors, the S1 flashbacks were kinda out of place, tough it was a nice detail to add the avatars of Trini, Zack & Jason.

      the SNES sequel was really a unrelated Natsume brawler with Rangers and Monsters added in with Ivan as the Final Boss and no Megazord fight.

      • 4 months ago

        >the SNES sequel was really a unrelated Natsume brawler with Rangers and Monsters added in with Ivan as the Final Boss and no Megazord fight.
        Given how his Putties and Z emblem is everywhere, it really feels like Lord Zedd was supposed to be the last boss but got replaced with Ivan to capitalize more on the movie.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah, no Tengas suck. Still, outside of that I can't remember something else to complain about.

        >the SNES sequel was really a unrelated Natsume brawler with Rangers and Monsters added in with Ivan as the Final Boss and no Megazord fight.
        Didn't know that. It's funny because they later used The Fighting Edition as the basis for that one Gundam fighting game. It'd be nice for Natsume to have another go at PR now that they are remaking their old games, but the license seems like a b***h to get and also at this point who knows how profitable a PR vidya project might be.

  21. 4 months ago

    Because it was the English language re-dub that actually made the show popular.

  22. 4 months ago

    Was watching the jap dub of the PR Movie last night. Nip Ivan Ooze is fun.

  23. 4 months ago

    Power Rangers is at worst looked upon as a curio, much the same as the American version of Godzilla and Mothra, with some people enjoying it as a Hollywood version of the story. It's far from the worst or weirdest example of American tokusatsu, though because of it Toei felt comfortable lending suits and letting Saban and other studios use their properties.

    Pic related, it's an infamous example where mid production they realized the show they were making was shit so they slapped on a random toku series they had the rights for, though unlike power rangers it heavily uses original footage and ends up becoming cringe kino.

    • 4 months ago

      Big Bad BeetleBorgs was lit as frick.

      • 4 months ago

        Flabber made that show. I dont care about the toku shit in it. GImme dat ghostly Jay Leno Elvis.

        • 4 months ago

          Reportedly, Saban wanted to make the show solely about the monsters having to share their haunted house together as roommates, but nobody would go for it until they tacked another Toku show on it (since that was by now Saban's big claim to fame) and even then most episodes were padded with the exact same vehicle fight scenes played ad nauseum.

          • 4 months ago

            That's a pretty funny story. I thought it was a Toku show they wanted to adapt first and the haunted house and monsters came second as some quick reason on how they get their powers/keep it different from power rangers.

            I can't imagine some producer today looking at some crappy monster sitcom and going "It needs power rangers and mech fights"

          • 4 months ago

            That's a pretty funny story. I thought it was a Toku show they wanted to adapt first and the haunted house and monsters came second as some quick reason on how they get their powers/keep it different from power rangers.

            I can't imagine some producer today looking at some crappy monster sitcom and going "It needs power rangers and mech fights"

            funny thing is, Beetleborgs did do very well. They were just screwed because Kabutack was too different to adapt. Saban's toku push was cut short by a lack of toku shows in the late 90s(along with souring their relationship with Ishinomoripro).When the tokurevival started around the 2000's, they were closing up shop and selling to Disney.

            • 4 months ago

              >funny thing is, Beetleborgs did do very well
              I remember people, mostly younger than me, liking it back in the day. I loved MMPR and VRT, but for some reason I was never able to get into BBB. In retrospective it wouldn't surprise me that the kid protagonists and the "sitcom" format of the monster house might have been the reasons why. I remember dropping PR like a rock during Turbo, which just happened to introduce Justin (which was a kid) as the Blue Ranger.

              • 4 months ago

                I feel like Turbo started getting better once they got rid of the veteran Rangers and brought in an all-new cast. Never made muchbsince that Tommy and his team would have any kind of struggle against the Doronjo knockoff that was Divatox, which was probably why she relied more on bomb threats than monster attacks in the first half.

    • 4 months ago

      I think the worst thing about Beetleborgs is how they had an amazing fricking premise but just turned it into a dummed down kids show because of all the soccer moms who thought MMPR was too violent

    • 4 months ago

      >Pic related, it's an infamous example where mid production they realized the show they were making was shit so they slapped on a random toku series they had the rights for, though unlike power rangers it heavily uses original footage and ends up becoming cringe kino.

      Big Bad Beatleborgs was like a fever dream.

      For me, it will always be The SuperHuman Samurai SyberSquad:

      Brought to you by Compaq computers

      • 4 months ago

        And also VR Troopers.

        • 4 months ago

          VR Troopers was great, I loved it as much as MMPR when I was a kid. Never knew that game existed; only learnt about it way later when I started messing with emulation and never played it because it looked like yet another mediocre SF2 clone, just like the first MMPR for the Genesis. A damn shame because a VR Troopers beat 'em up would have been nice.

          • 4 months ago

            There is an 8-bit port of it on the GameGear too. I know I have seen the GameGear one in a department store. Never seen the box for the Genesis game. It looks like a downgrade on the Genesis/ MD game. I liked the show VR Trooper more than MMPR's.

            I do remember playing one of the Power Ranger games on the GameGear, I don't think it was the movie tie-in. I like MMPR for the GameGear. half way mix of a wave fighter and a 1vs1 fighter. Also, I remember playing the SNES game. It was alright.

            • 4 months ago

              I didnt care for this how. Being a 1v1 fighting game kinda killed it for me. Also being so early on meant they had all the shit boss monsters that were mostly forgotten about by the time the cooler monsters were around. Like that stupid lipstick monster.

            • 4 months ago

              MMPR:TM on Gamegear is a sequel with barely anything changed from the original. They're probably literally the best fighting games on the system.

              • 4 months ago

                >MMPR:TM on Gamegear is a sequel with barely anything changed from the original. They're probably literally the best fighting games on the system.

                MMPR and MMPG: The Movie for GG are halfway between a beat 'em up and a 1v1 fighting game. Monster boss stage 1--> wave of putty's -> monster boss stage 2 --> Zord battle. This format works with TV show template really well. Both games were made by Sims Co., too. The same developers who made Disney's Aladdin for the GG/ SMS as well as some other licensed games. Sims Co. They also did do the Power Rangers movie game for the Genesis/ MD as well.

              • 4 months ago

                >halfway between a beat 'em up and a 1v1 fighting game
                If you play story mode. There is a 1v1 mode too.

      • 4 months ago

        SSSS (Gridman) was so good though.

        Or at least the toy was. Frick that thing was sweet.

  24. 4 months ago

    They did Billy fricking dirty. Look at that fat slob. Meanwhile David Yost was a professional gymnast and likely in better shape than anyone else in the cast. But they couldn't let him outshine the others so they dressed him in the most unflattering outfits they could find.

    • 4 months ago

      I think it's supposed to be baggy clothing and not a fat sprite. IYost did wear baggy overalls in a few early eps, as you mentioned very unflattering, because nerd character.

      • 4 months ago

        This is one thing I'm glad modern TV started subverting. It grew tiring in the 80s and 90s that every character fell into a specific archetype with zero deviation. Even back then I would get tired of knowing exactly what to expect from a character episode to episode. Now at least they're letting characters be three dimensional in shows like Cobra Kai and Stranger Things.

  25. 4 months ago

    Ask that about 1942

  26. 4 months ago

    to shitpost

  27. 4 months ago

    Thats not even a dub though, thats the Power Rangers Movie, which was original content.

    • 4 months ago

      Huh? This is from the first SNES game which was 100% show-based.

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