why did all 3d fighters on the saturn only have 2d vdp2 backgrounds?

why did all 3d fighters on the saturn only have 2d vdp2 backgrounds? would the few extra polygons to put SOME 3d scenery in the arena really have tanked the performance that hard when literally the only other polygons on screen were the player models?

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  1. 3 months ago

    >would the few extra polygons to put SOME 3d scenery in the arena really have tanked the performance that hard when literally the only other polygons on screen were the player models?
    Yes. The Saturn was a piece of shit.

  2. 3 months ago

    Saturn wasn't powerful enough. Ps1 simply crushed the saturn in 3d graphics

    • 3 months ago

      It's sad that this is the current state of /vr/. nothing but Ganker console warriors who never even played on Saturn in their whole short lives.

      • 3 months ago

        Thats not even console warring anon, the PS1 simply could push much more poly counts and had a much faster fill rate then the Saturn did with it's hardware and quads.


        why did all 3d fighters on the saturn only have 2d vdp2 backgrounds? would the few extra polygons to put SOME 3d scenery in the arena really have tanked the performance that hard when literally the only other polygons on screen were the player models?

        Framerate first and foremost. Keep the poly count in check so that you never drop frames when playing. Highly important for fighting games. Simple as.

      • 3 months ago

        It’s a technical fact that Saturn was the weakest at 3D of the big 3 gen v consoles

        You couldn't tell on a CRT TV.

        They did have terrible image quality though. That's why the only people who still use them are autists who think terrible image quality is authentic or people who can't adjust to change even after 20 years.

        If they had awesome image quality. Normal people would still be using them.

        Pure cope. The Saturn just sucked

        • 3 months ago

          Ok Snoy.

    • 3 months ago

      Tekken 3 on PS1 also couldn't have the real-time rendered backgrounds, dude.

      • 3 months ago

        But both Bloody Roar titles did, and those came years before

        • 3 months ago

          But BR2 characters didn't have the same level of polycount compared to T3, concessions have to be made.

  3. 3 months ago

    Same thing happens with Tekken 3. All the backgrounds are 2D. This is so the characters can look better. Personally, at the time, it looked good to me but now it looks very dated. I guess the CRTs masked it at the time because I didn’t even notice back then.

    • 3 months ago

      You probably did notice but didn't care because it doesn't really matter.

      • 3 months ago

        Nta, but I didn't notice when it was new. I didn't have enough knowledge about games at the time to recognise that. Plus I was looking at the fighters, not the backgrounds.

  4. 3 months ago

    >would the few extra polygons to put SOME 3d scenery in the arena really have tanked the performance
    Yes it would have especially for a game running on the Saturn at 60fps using the high resolution 480i mode. Virtua Fighter 1 used polygons for the floor and you can see it clipping in and out during gameplay and that only ran at 30fps at 240p. Virtua Fighter Remix and Virtual Fighter 2 changing the floor to a scaled 2D layer with polygons only being used for the step at the edge so it didn't have to draw as many. Fighting Vipers dropped the resolution of the polygons back down to 240p to add in the destructible walls around the arena. Last Bronx probably made better use of the 2D background layers to give things more depth.

  5. 3 months ago

    It was just easier to do things like that, even the ps1's best fighter did that, Tekken.
    For someone to try to squeeze every bit of power on the saturn was not worth it for most devs. They just made a very awkward console to develop for.

  6. 3 months ago

    You couldn't tell on a CRT TV.

    • 3 months ago

      That's a complete lie, games like Tekken were so blatantly 2 fighters on a flat plane with a jpg background that spins around the fighters, especially when you compared it to other games like Bushido Blade.

    • 3 months ago

      You seem to be implying that CRTs had a terrible image quality, well maybe that was the case for your tv, but not everyone lives poverty.

      • 3 months ago

        They did have terrible image quality though. That's why the only people who still use them are autists who think terrible image quality is authentic or people who can't adjust to change even after 20 years.

        If they had awesome image quality. Normal people would still be using them.

        • 3 months ago

          More like you're being blatantly obtuse, that shit with the backgrounds was very noticeable from the beginning, but no one cared before and no one does today (aside OP).

        • 3 months ago

          CRT tvs can look great, my 15 inch beko looks incredible when hooked up to the HD satellite box. (HD = higher bitrate which is very noticeable even on SD crt)

  7. 3 months ago

    >would the few extra polygons to put SOME 3d scenery in the arena really have tanked the performance that hard when literally the only other polygons on screen were the player models?
    Yes. Why do you think those models are so low-poly? Even SoulCalibur only had 2D backgrounds in its original arcade release and Namco System 12 is a PS1 on steroids, much stronger at 3D than Saturn.

  8. 3 months ago

    Tons of PS1 3D fighters only had 2D backdrops. Probably the majority of console 3D fighters from the era were that way.
    PS1 fighters that did have polygonal backdrops:
    >Soul Edge
    >Toshinden 1-3
    >Star Gladiator
    >Bushido Blade 1-2

  9. 3 months ago

    Consider the fact VF2 is the pinnacle of 3D fighter graphics of that time. 60fps in the highest res mode of the saturn(708x480p) Only other fighter that can come close to it on the system is Last Bronx.

  10. 3 months ago

    You can shit on the Saturn all you want, but Sega were arcade gods. Just compare games on the Model 2 and Model 3 hardware to other arcade games of the time

    • 3 months ago

      The real issue here is having morons shitting on consoles just because, the pest that pollutes /vr/; the filthy console warriors.

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