Why did all devs stopped with the romance backstory in rpgs? Remember the old FF games, 7 to 8?

Why did all devs stopped with the romance backstory in rpgs?
Remember the old FF games, 7 to 8? They all had somewhat of a lovestory running in the background. FFX slowley stopped with that and with FF12 is vanished completly.
Now look at current rpgs, they all have non romance going on, and if there is someting going on it is always just a little blip, nothing special.


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  1. 9 months ago

    >Remember the old FF games, 7 to 8?
    It's literally just 2 games, you could've just used "and".

    • 9 months ago

      typo, 7 to 9.
      anyhow, you get what i mean?

  2. 9 months ago

    Romance is too embarrassing for neurotic writers to put in. Either they put in sex instead, or they avoid the subject altogether. Or, in the extreme case, they attempt to appeal to the deeply lonely psyche.
    The best romances, and best romantic moments, are...cheesy. They are ripe for critical attack (see literature), and always will be. If writers, devs, etc. are afraid of critical attacks or memes or whatever, they will not write these things because they will not be able to. You can consider it as a chilling effect.
    Also, as important: Obesity rates have skyrocketed. Many people do not know romance, because there is such a dearth of beauty. Ugly people do not experience romance, and yet we must pretend they do. So things become all the more wretched as this continues.

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah, this makes a lot sense. Current state of society is indeed deep in the shitter. An economy build on consumerism doesn't know any romance at all.
      I think this is sad.

      When i remember back, the most interesting part of the game that stood out for me was always the romance backstory. For example, lufia2, it went even so far that you marrige the girl and become family.
      I am aware that the current dev society is all about NOFUN and NOROMANCE, but why do they even put artistic energy in their product when it is just another fast food product that everyone will forget? Wasted time and energy. The greater goal they have in mind never happened, it was all just a wet dream of a feminazi.

    • 9 months ago

      Basically this

      Modern game writers have warped "current day" versions of romance in their heads. They either haven't experience love, have had only bad experiences, or (and most commonly) confuse their fetishist lust for love and conflate the two. Mix that with the woke politicking that goes on inside writing rooms and its no surprise any enjoyable romance is gone.

      It just results in 'say nice things then you get to frick'. That's the extent of romance to them. Sex as the end goal of their thought process. Then every interaction after that either is the same as with any other friend team member, or its an awkward thing as if the writers are guessing what dating someone is like.

    • 9 months ago

      >Ugly people do not experience romance
      This isn't true, it's that unlikable people don't experience romance, which sometimes crosses over into ugliness because resentment. You could be good looking as hell and never know love or what it is to be happy for something apart from yourself.

      • 9 months ago

        lol ur ugly

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah, it's kinda funny how thinking "ugly people can't know romance" is symptomatic of a person who doesn't get romance. The material is given primacy, a recipe for a breakdown during aging.

      • 9 months ago

        No. How can anyone love something ugly? It is that simple. Which is why romance is so low across the world, as once again, obesity rates have skyrocketed. I am ignoring other dysgenic factors (lack of proper jaw development due to too much soft food, hormonal issues from youth causing ugly deformities, and more) because obesity is simple enough to see.
        The ugly can reproduce, and they can have companionship. They cannot know romance, which is between two fires.
        It is nature. wienerroaches do not know romance. Lions do.

        • 9 months ago

          Fires it is, the Divine Spark. External appearance is no guarantor, you are surface level and cut-off from romance. I imagine you are actually ugly and haven't been around beautiful people.

          • 9 months ago

            If you are ugly on the outside, you are ugly in all ways. It is as simple as that.

            • 9 months ago

              >t. ugly

        • 9 months ago

          >Which is why romance is so low across the world
          As CS Lewis said:
          >“In every age a general misdirection of what may be called sexual "taste"... [is] produce[d by the devil and his angels]. This they do bu working through the small circle of artists, dressmakers, actresses, and advertisers who determine the fashionable type. The aim is to guide each sex away from those members of the other with whom spiritually helpful, happy, and fertile marriages are most likely. Thus [they] have now for many centuries triumphed over nature to the extent of making certain secondary characteristics of the male (such as the beard) disagreeable to nearly all the females-and there is more in that than you might suppose.

          In addition to trying to prevent men and women from finding each other attractive, the death cult has also legalized no fault divorce, allowing the woman to walk away with half of a man's hard earned assets, and given how godless women have become it is only natural for men to be afraid to of marriage.

          The purpose of marriage is to raise children, but the West has been making children incredibly expensive to have. Under Obama, a father went from paying $60 a month for health insurance to $1,100, enough to make him go from comfortably middle class to impoverished. That's a $12,000 tax you can't avoid by being poor. Add in nearly 20 years of recession and massive inflation while wages have not increased, and people are finding it difficult to have children, leaving people with just sex but without the kids, which defeats the point of marriage and ties into the promiscuity of today.

          The great tragedy of Gen Y and Millennials is being abandoned by their parents. Fathers uninvolved in their lives. Many young men grew up with porn addiction that has warped their minds.

          • 9 months ago

            >As CS Lewis said
            He was a shitty writer of children's books and subpar apologia. Not to mention a papist.

            • 9 months ago

              Being a papist is cringe, but not as cringe as being a protestant.

            • 9 months ago

              Silence, israelite.

              • 9 months ago

                Lewis would despise you for your antisemitism. He loved israelites.

        • 9 months ago

          Shit Ganker says

    • 9 months ago

      >The best romances, and best romantic moments, are...cheesy.
      Only if you don't know what you are doing, which is most game writers. Or if you're just a hardened bitterc**t cynical critic who finds everything cheesy. Good romance takes subtlety, patience, railroading (typically), and appreciation for the human experience. You have to know how to develop close bonds between characters, sometimes even with very little direct interaction (pic related, probably written by an ugly woman incidentally).
      > Obesity rates have skyrocketed. Many people do not know romance, because there is such a dearth of beauty.
      This is only partially true. There IS a dearth of beauty. But more importantly there is a dearth of sincere love-- mature love. Youthful, lust-fueled love by itself rarely yields more than a starting goal for the protagonist(s). It's a source of conflict for other characters and the story winds up mostly being about something else (eg the Capulets and Montagues in Romeo & Juliet or The Queen of the Night in The Magic Flute). Mature love that can motivate stories by itself takes time to develop.

      A bigger problem in RPG writing is the overwhelming influence of cheap feminism on the kind of failures most likely to wind up writing for RPGs. They simply won't treat a pretty feminine woman as a plot macguffin for a male character. That's Damsel in Distress and Anita said no. So at most you get maybe some kind of cringe porny empowered woman hookup nonsense dating sim sideshow. You don't get a woman pursuing her chosen man with full faith and virtue (eg Rosa from Final Fantasy IV), because that's failing the Bechdel Test. Feminism is just full of moronic landmines like this and the fatso women and soimales that get hired to do RPG writing take all that shit way too seriously.

      • 9 months ago

        Old people do not love romantically.
        You are the same as what you criticize.

        • 9 months ago

          They do. You do not understand romance can't distinguish it from hot lust.

      • 9 months ago

        >overwhelming influence of cheap feminism on the kind of failures most likely to wind up writing for RPGs
        This is the major part of why stories went to shit. Best example is Baldures Gate.

    • 9 months ago

      100% agree except what the hell is Critical Attack? Besides that, all the romances I enjoyed in fiction are extremely cheesy, where it's really a coming of age story and not a romance story, like A Walk to Remember

      • 9 months ago

        Attacks from critics. When writers, developers, story-boarders are anxious for prestige and status, these attacks (or even potential attacks) direct them down the path to comfortable mediocrity.
        Love in a story is a risk as is Love in life.

  3. 9 months ago

    Love is dead. Players want sex, harems, wish fulfillment, H-mods, shipping wars, cuckoldry, rewards for dating a particular character, freedom to date any NPC, and they've seen every love story ever ad nauseam. This is not optimal for writing anything worth a crap.

    • 9 months ago

      Love is God, and God is Dead. The Divine in man is reduced and the Beast is uplifted. Kali Yuga.

  4. 9 months ago

    One of the reason i never bought a rpg again. After ff13 it was clear, they dont care about us.

  5. 9 months ago

    >FFX slowley stopped with that
    What? FFX is a love story.

    • 9 months ago

      The most moronic one, and ff10-2 went full girls only.

  6. 9 months ago

    You know what is actually scary about all this,
    the fact that EVERYONE within the gaming industry follows the order of no romance in video games.

  7. 9 months ago

    >FFX slowley stopped
    anon were you dropped on your head

  8. 9 months ago

    >Why did all devs stopped with the romance backstory in rpgs?
    They didn't.
    Some games have more romance, others less.

    FF12 doesn't.
    FF13 does, but not for the main character.
    FF13-2 does.
    Lightning Returns doesn't.
    FF15 does.
    FF16 does.

  9. 9 months ago

    >stopped with the romance backstory in rpgs
    I see you haven't played any rpgs in the last decade.

  10. 9 months ago

    it's just a drop in the quality of writing - not that FF4 is a masterpiece, but it was clearly influenced by the things before it. Romance is a mainstay of a many adventure stories (not all, though - lord of the rings for example) and I think that some writers purposely pull away from it because they see it as tired or sexist.
    FF13 in particular I think would have benefitted from giving Lightning a love interest but the director wasn't shameless enough to make a self insert character.

    • 9 months ago

      The mc in ff13 had to be portait as strong, for a women would that mean to not fall in love since they consider it as weak.


    • 9 months ago

      The mc in ff13 had to be portait as strong, for a women would that mean to not fall in love since they consider it as weak.


      I mean, considering the time constraints on the story (not like the production, but that it takes place over the course of about 2 weeks), as well as that Snow and Serah are already there and taking up a lot of the story's attention - I don't really think its necessary? Or even that beneficial.
      Lightning's focus from the start to the end is on being a sister, and showing that kind of love is worth doing too. There's a lot of different relationships being explored in FF13 - Snow and Serah as a couple, Serah and Lightning as sisters, Sazh and Dahj as father and son, Hope reconciling with his mother's death, Fang and Vanille being ... "friends". I don't it would have been beneficial to retread another romance with the already tight cast

      • 9 months ago

        lol on top of that, there would never have been any sequel games if Lightning had a lover. Japs only like to idolise single women, as it lets them simp without feeling cucked, even knowing they will never get a chance themselves.

      • 9 months ago

        lol on top of that, there would never have been any sequel games if Lightning had a lover. Japs only like to idolise single women, as it lets them simp without feeling cucked, even knowing they will never get a chance themselves.

        The reason why lightning was like that is because of pre-script rape. Don't stop reading, i am srsly.

        Listen, you are well aware of off-screen rape, already bad enough but in this case we talk about pre-script rape. She already got raped before the game even starts and thats a problem. They should at least adress her rape case.

        Pre-script rape is worst than off-screen rape.

  11. 9 months ago

    never heard of Alundra before, how is it?
    visually looks really good

    • 9 months ago

      dungeons can get a bit too long, but overall it's a really cool game. It really oozes atmosphere.

    • 9 months ago

      It’s incredible; great atmosphere, challenging (but never frustrating) puzzles, exploration feels rewarding. The only thing that brings it down is w*rking d*signs’ localization.

  12. 9 months ago

    Games with self-insert protags (Persona 3 and on) aren't going to force that much backstory onto the character, but may well have options in game (again, P3 and onwards let you have romances with characters - and in some cases, maxing out a social link requires it). This also applies to any RPG where you create the character - so most MMOs, and honestly, most western-style rpgs as well.
    That leaves us with RPGs with set casts, which tend to be JRPGs, and you still see it there to different degrees in the games that are rated for it. FFVIIRemake has the classic Cloud/Tifa/Aerith love triangle revived; FFXVI has Clive and Jill; and even Stranger of Paradise has something going on between Jack and Sarah. And that's just looking at the FF games I've played; I haven't played XV, but I know Noctis has a fiance already and going to meet her/get married is, from my understanding, the reason they're on the road in the first place, so that kind of sidelines any other potential relationships since he actually wants to get with her. And I know there are games like Fire Emblem where characters can get married and have kids, though I don't know all the details and which games they are in. But ultimately, it's always there, you just have to look for it.

  13. 9 months ago

    Did you not play FF15. They turned it into a bromance.

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