Why did all the soul of this series drop after The Sims 1?

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  1. 6 months ago

    I never tried any Sims game post 1 with expansions and the weird console "port" of the sims, I don't really know how anything could change between them and later ones that could be considered an improvement. The formula seems locked in nicely in the first game, anything else seems like preference/more shit to throw on top.

    I dislike how disney/frozen the later games look, the way the characters express themselves have that unappealing look of disney movies, the sims 3 everyone looks like background 7th gen characters, and the sims 2 everyone looks like tony hawk npcs. The original is a nice silly middle ground between realistic/goofy that works great

    Maybe I'm missing out but I never felt I needed any more sims after the first game.

    • 6 months ago

      I looked it up and The Sims was basically the first non-unfinished project under EA and the title was backed under "the promise of selling expansions"
      >The Sims was released in February 2000 to widespread success, and would become one of Maxis' core focuses until a 2006 reorganisation shifted it away from their core team
      That would pretty much explain what happened to Maxis post Sims 1

  2. 6 months ago

    Will Wright, the lead designer and creator of the series, only worked on the first one. The rest are soulless EA garbage with the exception of some of the console versions, which are basically adventure games (Castaway on PS2 comes to mind).

    • 6 months ago

      That's false, he worked heavily on 2 as well, there's plenty of videos on him doing press for it talking about the new additions and changes.

      He legitimately had nothing to do with 3 onwards though, or the console ports, would've been busy with Spore and eventually out of Maxis entirely.

      • 6 months ago

        I'll admit that I was wrong and also a moron for going by the info on his wiki page.

        • 6 months ago

          No worries anon, it's a myth a lot of even die hard fans of the series still believe. But Sims 2 and Sims Online were absolutely passion projects of his, that eventually were supposed to merge into the same game, but 2 got stuck in development hell for a long while and they even lost some data to an office fire. I think Wright's ideal 2 would've had better online integration but he was still proud of it and was always intervewed as its creator. Things went off the rails after a few expansions as

          Sims 2 is fine actually. It was after the first few expansions when things got weird ('Stuff' packs, Katy Perry's Sweet Treats, etc.)

          said, when EA started blatantly targetting women and pushing the dollhouse aspect and making the game way too easy, but vanilla Sims 2 still has a lot of appeal imo

      • 6 months ago

        Maxis sold out to EA to fund Sims 1, only to be cannibalized years down the line like so many devs acquired by EA

        He worked on the base game for Sims 2 and the first couple of expansions. I think having an extremely solid foundation saves Sims 2 as a whole but you can see a lot of the annoying shit that would plague Sims 3 get it start in the later packs that were released for 2.

  3. 6 months ago

    Because isometric is soul and full 3D is soullless

  4. 6 months ago

    More or less the same thing that happened to Animal Crossing later on: it began to cater to normalgay women overwhelmingly, and they by and large prefer virtual inoffensive dollhouses at the expense of depth and humor.

    • 6 months ago

      My sisters literally broke into my room to play Sims 1 on my PC back in the day. It was always popular with girls. If anything I think it's become more niche since most girls now just play random mobile or meme shit. And with the amount of DLC needed to play current Sims, you have to be pretty hardcore about it, though honestly a lot of the ones who still play are 40 year old cat women who started with 1 or 2.

      • 6 months ago

        Never said the first one wasn't popular with women, just that like

        It was largely a response to who was playing the game and how. They realized the vast majority of the playerbase was using it as a virtual dollhouse and molded later games around that concept.

        said, EA realized that not only were most players women, but that they mostly cared for the dollhouse aspects of it rather than the sim/strategy elements, so that's what they doubled down on and they casualized the shit out of it to maximize that appeal. Again, same shit happened to AC.

        • 6 months ago

          Looks like they were right about casualizing it because most of the player base finds it hard to go back to 1...

          • 6 months ago

            I mean, you can certainly make the case that certain things about the first Sims were janky or a bit unnecessarily difficult (the main complaints here being the pathing and needs system, possibly the AI as well), but IMO they overcorrected and made it so the game basically plays itself, though it makes sense if you consider again what the focus now is. If you ask me, the biggest casualty was the atmosphere and overall art direction. They just straight up didn't try all too hard in those fronts after the first game.

  5. 6 months ago

    It was largely a response to who was playing the game and how. They realized the vast majority of the playerbase was using it as a virtual dollhouse and molded later games around that concept.

    • 6 months ago

      >virtual dollhouse
      ive only ever played the first one and this is exactly what that one felt like too

      • 6 months ago

        That's because it was originally used for just architecture, they added the sims to it after they had that completed

        • 6 months ago

          That reminds me, I used to use this app sometimes when I realized there is no "proper" Sims game for mobile. It's called Planner5D, it's almost like The Sims but without... the Sims lol

          Never said the first one wasn't popular with women, just that like [...] said, EA realized that not only were most players women, but that they mostly cared for the dollhouse aspects of it rather than the sim/strategy elements, so that's what they doubled down on and they casualized the shit out of it to maximize that appeal. Again, same shit happened to AC.

          You don't like Animal Crossing? I find that it retains a lot of the charm the first two Sims games had while doing its own thing

          • 6 months ago

            I love the first AC. Truthfully, I didn't play the DS one, but I played CF and it was utterly soulless, so I didn't try any more after that.

  6. 6 months ago

    No more Will Wright. Like all maxis games they went to shit without him.

  7. 6 months ago

    Sims 2 is fine actually. It was after the first few expansions when things got weird ('Stuff' packs, Katy Perry's Sweet Treats, etc.)

    • 6 months ago

      It doesn't really have a sense of style like the first game.

    • 6 months ago

      Katy Perry expansion was Sims 3, not the 2nd. I don't know why everyone keeps saying this

      • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Yeah that simmed a bit off

      • 6 months ago

        I think people's brains scramble them together because there was a Katy Perry cover in one of the Sims 2 expansions' radio, think it was I Kissed a Girl in simlish lol

        • 6 months ago

          It was Hot N Cold on the radio

  8. 6 months ago

    The sex mods fix all the later games

  9. 6 months ago

    Sims 2 had plenty of soul. Even Sims 3 had some soul left.
    Sims 4 is when the soul died.

  10. 6 months ago

    so they advertised sims 1 with a sister-on-sister incest threesome. interesting. no company would dare to do that nowadays (except porn producers)

  11. 6 months ago

    Sims 2 was when Stuff Packs started, which weren't even expansions just new items that you paid real world money for. Now it's the entire model for the series.

  12. 6 months ago

    well it's the charm of the time and 2d art.

    the gameplay is too brutal though, it made me stressed almost

    the friend requirements for career advancements sucked a big one

  13. 6 months ago

    bro if u think sims 4 is soulless u need to see what black people have modded that game into

  14. 6 months ago

    God I'm stupid

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