Why did Ape Escape never attain the same level of resurged interest as the other first-party PlayStation platforming franchises?

Why did Ape Escape never attain the same level of resurged interest as the other first-party PlayStation platforming franchises?

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  1. 9 months ago

    The title hit too hard for black gamer kids

  2. 9 months ago

    they made the perfect game on the first try and couldn't figure out how to expand on it meaningfully

  3. 9 months ago

    The Ape Escape IP is not held by somebody interested in continuing it, was not as comparatively successful as the contemporaries you're comparing it to, and had tremendous difficulties with brand identity due to regional management fragmentation.

  4. 9 months ago

    because people only really like it for the music. and a bad/average game with great music is pointless to play since you can, you know, listen to the soundtrack on youtube instead.

    • 9 months ago

      Because it's Japanese. They smothered Hot Shots Golf with a pillow, too.

      You're full of it. It's a better gadget-platformer than Mario Sunshine.

  5. 9 months ago

    >Why did Ape Escape never attain the same level of resurged interest as the other first-party PlayStation platforming franchises?
    Because Playstation cancelled the attempted Ape Escape revival around the time of its anniversary. And afterwards the devs left after having their projects denied. And not long after that all of Japan Studio dissolved.

    That's why. The others actually got new games in the modern era.
    And in the old era Ape Escape was beloved.

    • 9 months ago

      Because it's Japanese. They smothered Hot Shots Golf with a pillow, too.

      You're full of it. It's a better gadget-platformer than Mario Sunshine.

      Even on a fandom level
      Jak & Sly got a resurgence of interest that Ape Escape didn't despite all three being dead

      • 9 months ago

        >Jak & Sly got a resurgence of interest
        Sure. I guess. But you probably shouldn't oversell said interest. It mostly just went up to a simmer and never even reached a boil.

        But you're right that interest did indeed go up. But that's very easily explained by how their studios and developers are still active and making games. Interest in Sly shot up alongside Sucker Punch developing Ghost of Tsushima and alongside Sony acquiring Sucker Punch.
        Interest in Jak & Dexter went up alongside the Crash remakes / Crash4. As well as from the contrast from TLoU2 and Naughty Dog's past.

        Not to mention new Ratchet & Clank game that through its past market relation to the other two kind of reminded everyone of both.
        But Ape Escape has gotten nothing. Excitement did actually resurge somewhat around the time leading up to the 20th anniversary when the devs tried to drum up interest. And interest was there and people did get excited.
        If you missed it it's because it was short lived. The PR that wanted to drum up interest leading up to the anniversary took a sharp 180 turn and was followed up by this instead of any kind of positive news being revealed. And that was the death knell and why you've never seen any excitement of note ever materialize since.

        In short Jak & Sly got new games as well as adjacent games developed and released. With developers that are still active and making new games.
        Ape Escape, instead of getting new games, got the news that Playstation doesn't care nor want more Ape Escape. And the fandom got to see the developers scatter and leave Playstation, only to later have the studio outright dissolve completely.

        And you're surprised Ape Escape hasn't seen as much fan excitement?

  6. 9 months ago

    Ape Escape is great but kind of ran its course unless you have a fresh way of diversifying the gameplay

    • 9 months ago

      >diversifying the gameplay
      Make a crossover with Harry Potter and call it Snape Escape.

  7. 9 months ago

    >Hey, let's make a collectathon where the objects run away from the player! It'll be genius!
    >Wait, how do we iterate on this concept? Shouldn't we have more than one type of collectable?
    >No, no, no! Add a boomerang or a cowboy suit if you want, but keep that shit out of the game. I don't know, kids like capsule machines right? Slap them in there.
    >Wait, we're three games in now and have barely changed the core formula, shouldn't we ditch side content and actually focus on-
    >FRICK THAT NOISE let's add a horoscope, a cutscene editor and a Metal Gear Solid ripoff, the rest doesn't matter!!

    • 9 months ago

      >a Metal Gear Solid ripoff,
      It was an official crossover

  8. 9 months ago

    been thinking of trying this game out
    ps1 or psp?

    • 9 months ago

      answer plz

    • 9 months ago

      answer plz

      Ape 1? On The Loose looks better but lighting/art design lost some charm. Voice actor is Raz and can be distracting. Some control changes are improvements while others like the RC car are much worse

    • 9 months ago

      Absolutely PS1. Not even close.

    • 9 months ago

      The PS1 version easily. The PSP loses a lot by not having the second joystick and its a completely different game as a result.

      The redone OST though in On The Loose IS kino however

      • 9 months ago

        the original OST is also good anyway

  9. 9 months ago


    >Because it wasn't that great of a platformer
    I've always liked Ape Escape more when it was more of a stealth game than a platformer. Which is why some of my least favourite levels are the ones requiring precise jumps or involves lots of moving platforms.

  10. 9 months ago


    >and the creators of Ape Escape not caring enough to continue
    They wanted to. But got shut down by the Playstation higher ups.

  11. 9 months ago


    You seem to have a very big misconception about the series. What you consider the "main series" was kept orthodox because it wasn't how they were trying to move the franchise forwards, the multimedia project with an actual continuing continuity was.

  12. 9 months ago


    They over saturated the franchise with spin off games when all folks wanted was to run around and capture monkeys in colorful worlds.

  13. 9 months ago


    >How come we didn't see a main game attempt during those years?
    Because Playstation shut it down. How many times do I have to repeat myself?
    When I am saying Playstation shut it down, I am not talking about the death of Japan Studio. That came later.

  14. 9 months ago


    You discounting the reboot just because the focus on wagglan made it total garbage doesn't change the fact that it happened and was not treated as a "spin-off".

  15. 9 months ago

    Why a bunch of deleted posts all of a sudden?

    • 9 months ago

      Because the poster got moderated for an offense that made it easier to delete all posts from their IP than manually.

      • 9 months ago

        So you're telling me that this Ape Escape hater, amusingly, is confirmed to have been a shitposter all along?

  16. 9 months ago

    We Arabs liked it but we were in piracy time and never bought official copies.

  17. 9 months ago

    >ape escape thread right after i finish big mission
    nice, very fun game as well. feels nice going from monkey to monkey and seeing what they do (even if red pants are usually the best ones).
    kinda wish jimmy and 3's crew did more though, outside of the before and after boss scenes and being able to get a bit of dialogue from them in the hub the cutscenes are usually just banter between spike, natalie and specter, they're not even in the endings. like they just kind of forgot about them aside from being slightly more important plot macguffins.

  18. 9 months ago

    it has interest by consumers
    but as for devs no one wants/left to work on it

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