Why did Hogwarts Legacy get so much hate?

Why did Hogwarts Legacy get so much hate?

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  1. 4 months ago

    because the 0.05% of "people" hating on it have a loud fricking mouth

    • 4 months ago

      Just like the favellamonkeys spamming "xbox is dead" threads on Ganker right now

  2. 4 months ago

    it can become a bit of a slog and the characters won't stop sucking off the oh-so brave and virtuous troony barman after you meet she/it.
    exploring the castle was neat though if you were fond of the books/movies

    • 4 months ago

      >exploring the castle was neat though
      It's such a schizoid game, they got the feel of the world and locations so right, but then filled it to bursting with nonsensical diversity, trannies, and wakanda magic. And the candy hairs still weren't satisfied.

    • 4 months ago

      just get proper mods to remove lgbtrash

    • 4 months ago

      You didn't enjoy the side quest where you pick up his fan mail that he "lost" and tells you that you can totally read, all of which are about how brave and stunning he is and how all the witches look up to him?

  3. 4 months ago

    Because Professor Garlick has a sweet butthole. Like honey.

  4. 4 months ago

    the game didn't get any hate. The IP was just at the center of a fake controversy once again and the game got caught in the cross fire.

    • 4 months ago

      The game did get hate for being mediocre but it was obviously dwarfed by the IP controversy

  5. 4 months ago

    >your house choice doesn't matter at all
    >once you leave the castle its open world monotony
    >you never feel like a real student
    >can't interact with other students in a free form way (joining them when they're flying kites or playing games, etc.)
    >far too much collection shit and spamming revelio
    >can't even buy anything at zonko's
    >fast trevel is just loading screens, doesn't even show your character using fireplaces
    >playing pokemon while a neat touch is laregly useless since you don't unlock the final upgrade until the game is nearly over (which itself is worthless) when you you unlock the a ground mount (why) and can breed them to collect the resources needed
    >adding extra traits to your clothes is largely unimiginative +damage affixes
    >can only learn dark magic from obvious questline instead of on your own and in the end nobody cares if you spam unforgivable spells
    >meh story about goblins and ancient magic

    • 4 months ago

      this, also the merlin trial achievement didn’t work

    • 4 months ago

      All valid except
      >fast trevel is just losing screens, doesn't even show your character using fireplaces
      Frick you, that's s good thing. Ain't nobody got time having to watch or skip the literally same animation hundreds of times.

    • 4 months ago

      A GOOD Harry Potter game writes itself, it's like they went out of their way to make it as shit as possible.
      But the people who HATE it are seething trannies who despise J.K. Rowling

    • 4 months ago

      Exactly this. I played this game because my GF bought it - she fricking ate that shit up. This was her very first AAA game ever and she sunk like 100 hours on it. It took her between 20-30 fricking minutes to finish an arena on the easiest difficulty. She went out of her way to breed the creatures and flew to every location, almost never using the fast travel. I couldn't play this for more than 2 hours because it was so tedious to just walk around collecting shit and backstabbing everything. It's a game for HP fans.

  6. 4 months ago

    Because all the trannies and troony-supporters are very vocal on all social medias, and they attempted to launch a boycott campaign because J K. Rowling is a "TERF" according to them.

    But their boycott failed massively and the game sold close to 25 million copies.

  7. 4 months ago

    It's just another ubisoft clone. Such a shame because the castle and immediate area around it was fantastic. The rest of the open world was dogshit. The story was shit as well you're just another chosen one with overpowered magic. Gameplay was fine, wish there were more puzzles and gear that felt worth collecting.

    • 4 months ago

      Oh yeah the room of requirement had a ton of customization and dev time but overall was fricking pointless. You can collect all the animals but outside of using them to upgrade gear there is no reason. Even on hard the game is piss easy. Hopefully if we get a sequel they will improve on everything. Not terrible for their first game.

      • 4 months ago

        i would have rather had customizable common rooms that got upgrades and changes as you played the game and went on adventures with your actual house mates but obviously the student aspect of this game was thrown out quite some time ago. you don't even have parents in the game so there's no point in having an owl (which they also ruined by just auto sending you messages from people anyway)
        so much of this game is waste.

  8. 4 months ago

    It was Portkey's very first game. It needed more difficulty options and a better story. The base is sound, they just need to work it a bit.

    • 4 months ago

      This. If they’re smart, the second HL will be a lot better

    • 4 months ago

      >It needed more difficulty options and a better story.
      npc opinion, it needed interactivity. Oh, a cool ass looking telescope, too bad it's just a fricking prop and offers 0 interactivity whatsoever.

      Oh, a group of students, perhaps I can join them. No, they are just static animated background fill.
      It would be honestly a 11/10 if they included all these little interactions and sprinkle them with shit ton of custom mini-games, because the atmosphere of audio/visual presentation is absolutely stellar. There's just not too much of game to be played in there.

  9. 4 months ago

    People are gonna tell you a bunch of bullshit that has to do with the actual game but the reality is troonys butthurt over JK Rowling.

  10. 4 months ago

    Rowling has reasonable thoughts about trannies and we're living in an unreasonable time

  11. 4 months ago

    Everyone wanted bully: magic edition but we got asscreed: we wuz wizards edition instead.

  12. 4 months ago

    a bunch of alphabet soup cultists got pissy over it because the writer of the novels it's based off of is a hardcore femimist who is against trannies.
    a bunch of contrarians got tricked into buying it to own the libs even though the game is as full of ESG propaganda as any other modern release.
    the whole situation was morons flinging shit at each other.

  13. 4 months ago

    >Rowling said "growing up as a woman is different than growing up as a transsexual" which.. well.. yeah. But the trannies got super mad
    >Trannies in the game
    And then people moved on to the next outrage and largely forgot the game.

    • 4 months ago

      >largely forgot the game.
      It was the best selling game of 2023. It wasn't forgotten Gankereddit just stopped making bait threads.

      • 4 months ago

        It was largely forgotten. The best selling game of 2023 was largely forgotten. That is the state of the gaming industry.

  14. 4 months ago

    virulent haters in the fanbase (they're hateful because they have so much testosterone)

  15. 4 months ago

    It didn't. A very small group of loud people on twitter whined about it. Nobody in real life gave a single frick.

  16. 4 months ago

    Troons and their supports "hate" the game only because of JK Rowling. The secret is that they actually like the game because the game is pozzed as hell and love Harry Potter IP. They're just afraid to mention it to their xisters so they don't get kicked out of their cult.
    Harry Potter has always been for little kids and homosexuals.

  17. 4 months ago

    I don't think it got hate but it was a very mediocre game. Copypasted activities outside the castle. The only good story line wtih any character development or conflict was the Sebastian story. Once you got Avada Kedavra the game became completely uninvolving (you could also cast unforgivable curses in front of npcs and they don't react). Should have been more of an RPG with stats and skills and conversations where you could use magic on NPCs.

  18. 4 months ago

    The Ubisoft gameplay loop looked so fricking boring to me that I didn't bother.

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